remote sensing in hydrology and water management || physical principles and technical aspects of...

2 Physical Principles and Technical Aspects of Remote Sensing Helmut Rott Institut fUr Meteorologie und Geophysik UniversiUit Innsbruck. A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 2.1 Introduction Remote sensing refers to the extraction of information about an object with- out physical contact. The discussion in this chapter is restricted to remote sensing by means of electromagnetic radiation, which is the main carrier of information for earth observation from space. Passive sensing utilizes natural radiation sources: the radiation emitted from the earth's surface and atmo- sphere or reflected solar radiation. For active sensing the object of interest (the target) is illuminated by an artificial source of electromagnetic radiation, the reflected signal received by the sensor is recorded and analyzed. Remote sensing involves the interpretation of measurements of electro- magnetic radiation which is received by a detector after interacting with a target. In general this represents an inverse problem with no unique solution because the observed medium is characterized by a number of physical param- eters, various states of which may lead to the observed radiation signature. This means that some kind of a priori knowledge is crucial for solving the in- verse problem. For this purpose it is necessary to understand the interaction mechanisms of electromagnetic radiation with the objects of interest. 2.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Radiation Laws The main spectral regions for earth observation from space are the visible (VIS), the infrared (IR), and the microwave (MW) region. The correspond- ing wavelengths and frequencies are shown in Fig. 2.1. Various, more or less arbitrary, subdivisions of the IR region are used, including solar (or short- wave) IR (O.75-4/Lm) and terrestrial (or thermal) IR (>4/Lm) , or near, middle, and far IR. In the microwave region various schemes of letter designation for bands exist. The most common set of microwave band designations is shown in Fig. 2.1. Spaceborne imaging radars operate in the L-, S-, C-, and X-bands, whereas microwave radiometry for earth surface observations utilizes mainly the K-and W-bands. G. A. Schultz et al. (eds.), Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

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Page 1: Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management || Physical Principles and Technical Aspects of Remote Sensing

2 Physical Principles and Technical Aspects of Remote Sensing

Helmut Rott Institut fUr Meteorologie und Geophysik UniversiUit Innsbruck. A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria

2.1 Introduction

Remote sensing refers to the extraction of information about an object with­out physical contact. The discussion in this chapter is restricted to remote sensing by means of electromagnetic radiation, which is the main carrier of information for earth observation from space. Passive sensing utilizes natural radiation sources: the radiation emitted from the earth's surface and atmo­sphere or reflected solar radiation. For active sensing the object of interest (the target) is illuminated by an artificial source of electromagnetic radiation, the reflected signal received by the sensor is recorded and analyzed.

Remote sensing involves the interpretation of measurements of electro­magnetic radiation which is received by a detector after interacting with a target. In general this represents an inverse problem with no unique solution because the observed medium is characterized by a number of physical param­eters, various states of which may lead to the observed radiation signature. This means that some kind of a priori knowledge is crucial for solving the in­verse problem. For this purpose it is necessary to understand the interaction mechanisms of electromagnetic radiation with the objects of interest.

2.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum and Radiation Laws

The main spectral regions for earth observation from space are the visible (VIS), the infrared (IR), and the microwave (MW) region. The correspond­ing wavelengths and frequencies are shown in Fig. 2.1. Various, more or less arbitrary, subdivisions of the IR region are used, including solar (or short­wave) IR (O.75-4/Lm) and terrestrial (or thermal) IR (>4/Lm), or near, middle, and far IR. In the microwave region various schemes of letter designation for bands exist. The most common set of microwave band designations is shown in Fig. 2.1. Spaceborne imaging radars operate in the L-, S-, C-, and X-bands, whereas microwave radiometry for earth surface observations utilizes mainly the K-and W-bands.

G. A. Schultz et al. (eds.), Remote Sensing in Hydrology and Water Management© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2000

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+-- Frequency f [Hz] I I Iii I Iii I

1017 1016 1015 1014 1013 1012 1011 1010 109 108

Wavelength A [m]--+ 1~1~1~1~1~1~1if1~ 1if

uv Infrared

f [GHz] 300 100 30 10 3 1 0.3

Fig. 2.1. Frequency, wavelength, and nomenclature of the electromagnetic spec­trum from the ultraviolet (UV) to the microwave region

Wavelength, A, and frequency, v, are related by the equation A = cjv where c is the velocity of the wave. The electromagnetic waves are charac­terized by A (or v), the direction of propagation, the amplitude, A, and the polarization (Fig. 2.2). The electric field vector is used to define the direction of wave polarization. In remote sensing, the surface upon which the wave is incident is usually taken as the reference plane. A wave is horizontally polar­ized if the electric field vibrates in a plane which is parallel to the surface, and vertically polarized if it vibrates perpendicular to that plane. Solar radiation and thermal emission are usually specified in terms of intensity, which within an isotropic medium is proportional to the square of the amplitude of the electrical field.



Fig. 2.2. The electric field component E of a plane electromagnetic wave, linearly polarized in x-direction, propagating in z-direction

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Radiation Laws. Any material emits radiation in dependence of its tem­perature and physical properties. As a convenient concept the ideal thermal emitter, called blackbody, describes the maximum rate of emitted energy at a given temperature and wavelength. According to Planck's law the black­body spectral exitance ME,).. (Wm-2 JLm-1) is a function of thermodynamic temperature (T) in degrees Kelvin and can be written in dependence of wave­length:


where h is Planck's constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, and k is Boltzmann's constant. ME,).. represents the spectral emission from a unit area into the hemisphere. Figure 2.3 shows the spectral radiant exitance for blackbodies at 330 K, 270 K, and 210 K, temperatures observable on the earth's surface. The wavelength, Amax, for which the blackbody spectral ex­itance reaches its maximum, depends on the temperature, and is described by the Wien displacement law: AmaxT = canst. The exitance of a blackbody integrated over all wavelengths is described by the Stefan-Boltzmann law:


where (j = 5.6698 . 1O-8W m -2 K-4 • In remote sensing the radiance, L, is frequently used, specifying the flux of radiant energy per unit time across a unit area into a cone defined by the unit solid angle (steradian, sr). For an ideal diffuse radiator (a Lambertian radiator) the relation between spectral radiance, L).. (W m-2 sc1JLm-1), and spectral exitance is given by


In the microwave region the spectral exitance emitted by the earth's sur­face is several orders of magnitude smaller than at the spectral maximum.

330 K 270 K 210 K

Fig. 2.3. Spectral radiant exitance of blackbodies at 3 different temperatures

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In this case hv / kT « 1 is valid, and the spectral radiance can be approxi­mated by the Rayleigh-leans law which is linear in the temperature radiance relationship:

Lv = 2kT(v/C)2 = 2kT(1/)..)2 (2.4)

Lv is the spectral radiance in (Wm -2 sC 1 Hz- 1 ).

Natural materials emit less energy at a given temperature than a black­body. The spectral emissivity, f()..), describes the capability to emit radiation as ratio of the spectral radiant exitance of a material to that of a blackbody:

f()..) = M>..(material)/MB ,>.. (2.5)

As long as a material does not undergo phase changes, f()..) shows little de­pendence on temperature, but the observation geometry plays a role. Remote sensing applies radiometric methods for measuring surface temperature. The brightness temperature, TB, is the temperature calculated from the measured exitance in a narrow spectral band by inverting the Planck radiation formula under the assumption f()..) = 1, thus

TB()..) = f()")T (2.6)

Radiative Transfer. The radiative transfer theory can be applied to de­scribe the propagation of radiation through a bounded medium such as the atmosphere (Liou, 1980), water, or for microwave radiation a layer of snow or soil. The spectral radiance, L>.., passing trough a layer of thickness, dz, changes by dL>.. (Fig. 2.4). This is expressed by the radiative transfer equa­tion


where the first term on the right-hand side refers to the losses and the sec­ond term to the increase of radiance. ke ,>.. (m-1 ) is the spectral extinction coefficient which accounts for absorption losses, described by the spectral absorption coefficient, ka,>.., and for scattering losses, described by the spec­tral scattering coefficient, ks ,>..:


The ratio k8 ,>../ke ,>.. is called the single scattering albedo, wo()..). The source function, h (Wm- 3 sr- 1JLm- 1 ), accounts for the increase ofradiation due to thermal emission, given by the source function for emission, la,>", and for the increase due to scattering of radiation in direction of the observation, given by the source function for scattering, 18 ,>..; thus 1>.. = la,>.. + 18 ,>...

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Fig. 2.4. Propagation of radiation in a plane-parallel medium and the relation between vertical and slanting path

If the increase of radiance due to scattering and emission can be neglected (1).. ~ 0), we can integrate the transfer equation for propagation through a plane-parallel medium with the thickness Zl (Fig. 2.4). With the radiance L>.(O) incident at Z = 0, we obtain at Z = Zl:


where 7>. (0, Zl) is the spectral optical thickness of the medium between Z = 0 andz=zl:


For a homogeneous medium, ke,>. is independent of distance, and the opti­cal thickness becomes 7(0, zd = kez1 • For non-vertical incidence Eq. 2.10 is integrated along path S with ds = (l/cosO)dz (Fig. 2.4). The spectral transmissivity, t>., between Z = ° and Z = Zl is defined as


The Radar Equation. Radar (radio detection and ranging) sensors gen­erate microwave radiation and send it out towards a target. The reflected signal is received and recorded. For explanation of the radar principle, the geometry of a bistatic radar is shown, for which the transmitting and the receiving antenna are separated (Fig. 2.5).

The radar equation, which is a form of the radiative transfer equation under specific assumptions, describes the fundamental relation between the properties of the radar, the target, and the received signal. For a single surface-reflecting target the radar equation can be written as

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Fig. 2.5. Geometry of a bistatic radar illuminating the surface of an object with radar cross section (J'

).,2 GtGr

(47r)3 RF R( (2.12)

where Pt is the transmitted power, Pr is the received power, )., is the wave­length of the radar beam, G is the antenna gain, and R is the distance (range) between target and antenna, with the indices t and r referring to the trans­mitter and the receiver. The power received from a scattering object decreases with the fourth power of range. a (m2 ), the radar scattering cross section of an object (also called scattering coefficient) in the observed direction, is the ratio of the total power scattered by an equivalent isotropic scatterer to the power density of a plane wave incident on the object. a is a function of the dielectric properties and shape of the scattering object and depends also on the observation geometry (Ulaby et aI., 1982).

For remote sensing radars the transmitter and receiver are usually co­located. These are monostatic radars, for which Gt = Gr and R t = R r . If the system parameters Ph G, and )." and the distance are known, a is directly proportional the received power Pro

In environmental remote sensing most of the targets are distributed ob­jects. A soil or water surface can be considered as an object composed of many randomly distributed scatterers with cross sections ai, covering differential areas dAi . If a distributed target is homogeneous within a sensor resolution element, Ao (m2 ), we can replace a in Eq. 2.12 by aO Ao. The dimension-less radar cross section per unit area, aO (m2m-2 ), is defined as:


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The symbol () denotes the statistical average. The scattering cross section per unit volume, (7v (m2 m-3), is used to

describe scattering from a random medium with many individual scatterers with the cross section (7;, for example a rain cell:


where Vo is the resolution volume. In the radiative transfer approach (7v

corresponds to ks (Eq. 2.8). If the attenuation between the antenna and the scattering volume can be neglected, (7 in Eq. 2.12 can be substituted by (7v Vo. If the diameter D of a particle is small (D .:s 0.05>'), (7; can be described by the Rayleigh scattering approximation:

. = 21T5 IKI2 D6

(7, 3>.4 (2.15)

where K = (Es - l)/(Es + 2), and 1'8 is the relative dielectric constant of the scattering sphere. In order to derive (7v, the size distribution of the particles has to be taken into account (Ishimaru, 1978). With N(D) particles per unit volume having a diameter between D and D + dD, we obtain in case of Rayleigh scattering

In radar meteorology the radar reflectivity factor, Z, is commonly used to describe backscattering from clouds or precipitation (Sauvageot, 1992). It represents the reflectivity for a specific radar system and specific dielectric target properties (e.g. water or ice). Though scattering from a single sphere increases with D 6 , this is usually not the case for a scattering volume, because the number density decreases significantly for large particles. For a snow volume (7v typically increases with about D 3 , because the number of ice particles in the unit volume decreases with about the third power of the mean particle size (Matzler, 1987). Methods for measurement of precipitation by means of weather radar are described in Chap. 6.

2.3 Atmospheric Propagation

Electromagnetic radiation propagating through the atmosphere is attenuated due to absorption and scattering along its path. At the same time, thermal emission and scattering from other directions contribute to the observed radi­ance. In order to obtain the emission or reflection on the earth's surface from measurements at satellite altitude, the atmospheric effects have to be elimi­nated. On the other hand, the interaction processes within the propagation path offer the opportunity to retrieve atmospheric properties.

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Propagation in the Visible and Solar Infrared. The main factor for atmospheric attenuation of visible light is scattering by air molecules and by aerosols. Molecular scattering can be modelled accurately using the Rayleigh scattering approximation (Eq. 2.15). The atmospheric optical thickness, T)"

due to Rayleigh scattering is proportional A -4. This means that molecular scattering in the atmosphere is very important at short wavelengths (UV and visible blue) and of little relevance in the infrared.

The magnitude and angular distribution of scattering by aerosols are highly variable, depending on total aerosol content and on the size distri­bution, the dielectric properties, and the shape of the particles. Due to this variability, effects of aerosol scattering are difficult to correct. Because the aerosol particles are much larger than the air molecules, aerosol scattering is less dependent on A. In an atmosphere with average turbidity, aerosol scat­tering dominates over molecular scattering for A ;::: 0.5 /-lm.

In the infrared region the absorption due to various gases (primarily H20 and CO2 ) dominates over the scattering losses. The spectral curve of irradi­ance at the earth's surface in Fig. 2.6 was calculated with the computer code LOWTRAN-7 (Kneizys et al., 1988), assuming a standard atmosphere and clean air (tropospheric) aerosol. In the infrared the observation of the surface is limited to the atmospheric window regions between the absorption bands. The main window regions in the solar IR are at A < 1.1/-lm, 1.2 ::::; A ::::; 1.3/-lm, 1.5::::; A ::::; 1.7/-lm, and 2.0::::; A::::; 2.3/-lm.

Figure 2.7 illustrates the different contributions to the reflected spectral radiance, L oo ,)" observed by a satellite sensor:


where L p ,)' is the radiance scattered within the atmosphere in direction of the sensor (the path radiance), L r ,), is the radiance coming from the target at the earth's surface with reflectance r s ,)" and L~,), is the reflected radiance from the areas adjacent to the target. For quantitative analysis the spectral surface reflectance, r s,)', is required which represents the ratio of the reflected radiance at the surface, L s ,)" over the global irradiance (the sum ofthe direct, Edir,)" and diffuse irradiance, Edi!,),):


L s ,), is attenuated in the atmosphere with the optical thickness T),(O, (0); at the sensor arrives


From Eq. 2.17 to Eq. 2.19 it is obvious that information on atmospheric scattering and absorption properties is required for calculating the surface reflectivity from satellite measurements. The radiative transfer code 68 en­ables the calculation of the surface reflectance from satellite measurements for

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~E 2500 ::::1.

i 2000

~ c

.~ 1500 "0 ~ ....

~ 1000 t5 (]) 0. U)


0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 Wavelength [11m]

Fig. 2.6. Solar irradiance outside the atmosphere (upper curve) and after passing vertically through a standard atmosphere (lower curve)

't atm Atmosphere


Target (r,>

Fig. 2.7. Contributions to satellite-observed radiance of reflected solar radiation. The radiation fluxes are explained in the text

various types of reflectance functions (Vermote et al., 1997). If no information on atmospheric properties is available, empirical atmospheric corrections can be applied, relying on targets with known and temporally stable reflectivity (Schott, 1997).

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Propagation in the Thermal Infrared. The transmissivity of the at­mosphere in the infrared region between 3 J1.m and 20 J1.m is shown in Fig. 2.8, calculated with LOWTRAN-7 for a vertical path assuming standard at­mospheric conditions. CO2 , H2 0, N20 and 0 3 are the main absorbing gases (Liou, 1980). Measurements in the spectral regions around 4.3 J1.m (C02 ), 4.5 J1.m (N2 0) and 13-15 J1.m (C02 ) are used for sounding atmospheric temper­ature profiles, the 6-7J1.m region for water vapor soundings (Stephens, 1994). The earth 's surface can be observed in the narrow window centered at 3.8 J1.m and in the broad window between 8.5 and 12.5 J1.m. But also in the win­dow regions the surface emitted radiance, Lo,)" is affected by atmospheric absorption and emission, primarily by the gases H2 0 and CO2 . For the up­welling radiance from the local vertical, Loo,)" here conveniently assuming a non-reflecting surface (emissivity fa = 1) , we can write:

l z=oo at (z 00) Loo ,), = Lo,),t),(O, 00) + z=O LB ,), [T(z)] ), a; dz (2.20)

where t), is the spectral transmissivity. The first term on the right-hand side accounts for the surface contribution, the second term for the atmospheric emission, where LB,)' is the spectral blackbody radiance. If fa =j:. 1, the re­flected downwelling radiance has also to be taken into account. In order to derive the radiance and temperature at the surface, the atmospheric effects have to be eliminated. A common method applies numerical radiative trans­fer calculations, for example with the public domain software LOWTRAN (Kneizys et al., 1988) or MODTRAN (AFGC, 1989) . Input data for these calculations are vertical profiles of temperature T(z) and water vapor.

Another possibility to correct atmospheric effects for deriving the surface temperature and radiance is the split-window technique which is based on measurements in adjacent spectral intervals of the atmospheric window with different transmissivities. The Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer

>. 1.0 -.::; 0.8 .(i)

(J) ·e 0.6 (J)

c: 0.4 HP <tl CO2 ~

~ 0.2 0.0 3 5 10 15 20

Wavelength [llm]

Fig. 2.8. Atmospheric transmissivity in the infrared region through a standard atmosphere at vertical incidence

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(AVHRR) of the NOAA satellites has this capability (Cracknell, 1997; Fran­cois & Ottle, 1996).

Propagation in the Microwave Region. The microwave region offers the advantage to observe the surface through clouds and precipitation. The atmospheric transmissivity between 3 GHz and 300 GHz (10 em ~ ,\ ~ 1 mm) is shown in Fig. 2.9 for a clear standard atmosphere and for two different types of clouds, based on radiative transfer calculations for a non-scattering atmosphere. Imaging radars are operating in the spectral region below 10 GHz, which is almost unaffected by clouds. Strong precipitation may cause disturbances for radar propagation in this region, but does not inhibit surface imaging. The interaction of radar signals with hydrometeors is the basis for precipitation monitoring by means of weather radar.

Microwave radiometry is applied for surface observations at frequencies up to 40 GHz and in the atmospheric window between 80 and 100 GHz (Ulaby et al., 1981). Above 15 GHz the atmospheric contribution becomes increasingly important, in particular in case of clouds and rain (Liebe, 1985). For a non-scattering atmosphere the brightness temperature TB,oo at a given frequency measured at satellite altitude includes the following contributions

~ 1.0 .::; '(i;

.~ 0.8 CJ) c co 0.6 ~



0.0 3 5 10


, \

30 Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 2.9. Atmospheric transmissivity in the microwave region at vertical incidence, for clear standard atmosphere (full line), with stratus of 0.5 km thickness (broken line), and with stratocumulus of 2 km thickness (dotted line)

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where fs is the surface emissivity, Ts is the surface temperature, and Tc is the brightness temperature of the cosmic background (2.7 K). Whereas the infrared emissivity of most natural materials is 0.9 ~ fIR < 1.0, fs in the microwave region is much more variable, as explained in Sect. 2.4. Because of the linear temperature-radiance relationship (Eq. 2.4), t.he radiative transfer calculations can be carried out in terms ofTB. The upward T1 and downward T~ radiating brightness temperatures of the atmosphe~e can be calculated from the atmospheric temperature profile and the vertical derivative of the transmissivity in analogy to Eq. 2.20. Thus

T1 = t=oo T(z) at(z, 00) dz Jz=o az


Atmospheric emission and scattering at frequencies between 18 and 40 GHz and in the 80-100 GHz window are the basis for estimating precipitation rates from satellite radiometric measurements.

2.4 Reflection and Emission Characteristics of Natural Media

When an electromagnetic wave hits the interface between two media with different dielectric properties, it is partly reflected back into medium 1 and partly refracted and proceeding into medium 2. The penetrating component may be partly or completely absorbed and scattered. Part of the scattered radiation passes back through the interface into medium 1. The reflection coefficients depend on the polarization of the incident wave, which means that the polarization state of a reflected wave is changed.

The percentages of reflection and penetration at a given incidence angle can be calculated from the dielectric properties of the two media using the Fresnel equations (Schanda, 1986). For a homogeneous lossy material the dielectric properties can be described by the complex dielectric constant


The real part, c~, corresponds to the dielectric constant for a loss less medium, the imaginary part, c;, accounts for the losses. Here the dielectric constant, Cn refers to the permittivity relative to vacuum. In the optical region the refractive index, n, is commonly used, the two parameters are related by n=..ft;.

Reflectivity in the Visible and Infrared. In the visible and infrared the penetration into solid materials is in most cases limited to a very thin layer at the surface. Among the exceptions are snow with a typical penetration of several centimeters and ice with penetration of several meters in the visible.

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0 '0 Q) .0 « (ij ~ -u Q) a.


2 Physical Principles and Technical Aspects of Remote Sensing 27






0.0 0.0 0.5

, \

2 ' " ~ --\ ( -,-I ' "-I \

1.5 2.0 2.5 Wavelength [/lm]

Fig. 2.10. Characteristic spectral reflectivity in the visible and shortwave infrared for (1) fresh snow, (2) a soybean leave, and (3) wet clay

Visible transmissivity of water ranges from centimeters to tens of meters, depending on turbidity. Information on phytoplankton and particulate matter can be derived from the spectral properties of the radiation scattered back from the liquid volume. The absorption in water increases strongly in the near infrared.

Main land cover classes can be discriminated due to characteristic spectral reflectivities. As examples, Fig. 2.10 shows the reflectivity of clean fresh snow (Grenfell et al., 1981), a green soybean leave (Jacquemoud and Baret, 1990), and wet clay (Jacquemoud et al., 1992). The strong increase of reflectivity at 0.7 J.Lm is characteristic for vegetation. The near IR reflectivity enables moni­toring of vegetation health, the reflectivity is reduced in case of plant diseases and water stress. Accurate spectral measurements offer excellent capabilities for a wide range of environmental applications such as monitoring of water quality, of vegetation type and state, of soil and rock types, and of snow and ice properties. This was the reason for developing imaging spectrometers.

Microwave Emissivity. Microwaves are able to penetrate into solid mate­rial. The penetration depth, dp , represents the distance into the medium so that the intensity is attenuated to the 0.37 - fold of the value at the surface. If c~ « c~, as observed for many natural media, the penetration depth can be approximated by

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Table 2.1. Examples for penetration depth, dp , of soil, ice, and snow with different liquid water content, Vw (in parts by volume)

dp (lGHz) dp (lOGHz) Soil, V w=0.05 Soil, V w=0.25 Ice, Vw=O.OO Snow, V w=O.Ol Snow, V w=0.05

25 em 2.5 em 8em 30 m 3m

70 em

d - Ao ,fi';. p - 27T c~

0.5 em 3m

10 em 2em


where Ao is the wavelength in free space. Because of high dielectric losses, the presence of water strongly affects the penetration. Examples for penetration into soil and snow with different liquid water content, calculated according to Eq. 2.24, are given in Table 2.1. It is obvious that long wavelengths are required to measure sub-surface soil properties.

The microwave emissivities of natural media depend on the dielectric properties, the surface roughness, and the internal structure. For many me­dia the emissivity shows pronounced variations with frequency and polariza­tion. For this reason multi-channel microwave radiometry is a useful tool for classification and for retrieving target properties.

Examples for characteristic emissivities in the frequency range from 4 to 100 GHz are shown in Fig. 2.11. The data for soil, grass, and snow represent mean values of many measurements carried out in Switzerland by Miitzler (1994). The emissivity of vegetated areas is in general high and varies lit­tle with frequency and polarization, as evident from the signature of grass. The bare soil data represent the mean of 9 situations with water contents Vw from 0.12 to DAD parts by volume. For wet soil the emissivity increases with frequency and shows a pronounced polarization difference (Ev - Eh) at frequencies :::; 20 GHz. At low microwave frequencies the emissivity is quite sensitive to the liquid water content (Wang & Choudhury, 1995). The snow cover emissivities represent the mean of 12 dry snow situations with water equivalents between 10 and 25 cm. Because of scattering in the snow volume, the emissivity decreases with increasing frequency. The polarization differ­ence is comparatively high due to reflections at boundaries between snow layers. For comparison, the emissivity for a smooth water surface has been calculated with the Fresnel equation. As opposed to snow, the emissivity of water increases strongly with frequency.

Radar Backscattering Signatures. Active microwave signals are sensi­tive to the dielectric properties of a medium and to its geometrical structure at the surface and in the volume. Single channel radars, operating at a given

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>. 1.0 -.s; '(j) (/J 0.9 'E w ~--

0.8 .... .... .... .... N'




4 10 40 100 Frequency [GHz]

Fig. 2.11. Spectral emissivities at an incidence angle of 500 at horizontal polariza­tion (broken lines) and vertical polarization (full lines) for (1) grass, (2) bare soil, (3) dry alpine snow, and (4) a smooth water surface

frequency and polarization, as well as polarimetric radars are in use. Po­larimetric radars transmit and receive signals at various polarizations and monitor also the phase relationships between these channels. For specifying the polarization state of a backscatter signal, the first index refers to the re­ceive, the second to the transmit polarization (e.g. HV: horizontally polarized received, vertically polarized transmitted).

Figure 2.12 illustrates the main backscattering mechanisms for a radar beam under oblique incidence: 1) Backscatter from a rough surface; a signifi­cant part of the energy is reflected incoherently in all directions, therefore the backscatter signal is comparatively high. 2) Backscatter from a smooth sur­face; the coherent (specular) contribution dominates, only a very small part is scattered back to the illuminating antenna. 3) Double bounce reflection; the beam is reflected at the soil surface and at vertical structures (stalks, trunks), resulting in pronounced phase shifts between H Hand VV polar­ized beams. 4) Direct backscatter from a volume scattering medium (e.g. a vegetation canopy or a snowpack) . 5) Indirect scattering contribution due to forward scattering at the soil surface and diffuse scattering in the vegetation, or the reverse process.

Surface roughness is an important parameter for backscattering. A crite­rion to classify the roughness of a surface has to consider the relation between the standard deviation of surface height, hs, and the radar wavelength, >.. The Fraunhofer criterion states that a surface is smooth if hs < >./(32coSOi),

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Fig. 2.12. Geometry of the principle radar scattering mechanisms for bare surface and vegetated areas. The individual backscatter contributions are described in the text

where Bi is the incidence angle of the radar beam. Figure 2.13 shows exam­ples of angular backscatter functions. The bare soil data (curves 1 and 2) clearly demonstrate the decrease of the angular dependence of the backscat­tering coefficient 1 , a O , with increasing roughness, in both cases for wet soil. For dense vegetation (curve 3) the signal contribution from the soil below the canopy is small at C-band and higher frequencies, the diffuse backscattering of the vegetation canopy shows comparatively small angular variations. This is different for the wet snowpack (curve 4) with smooth surface and high dielectric losses, for which a O is high only at and near vertical incidence due to specular reflection.

In addition to roughness, radar measurements are sensitive to soil mois­ture, because the dielectric constant, and consequently the reflectivity, de­pend on the soil water content. If the soil is covered by vegetation, the ca­pability to derive soil moisture depends on the transmissivity of the canopy and decreases towards higher frequencies. L-band shows the best capability for sensing soil moisture below a vegetation canopy. However, also in this frequency band the structure and water content of the vegetation influence the scattering properties and consequently affect the analysis of soil moisture (Dubois et al., 1995).

2.5 Sensor Principles

Categories of spaceborne instruments for earth observation are listed in Ta­ble 2.2. For surface observations mainly imaging sensors are used, but also non-imaging sensors such as altimeters, measuring along the nadir-track. For

1 a O is commonly expressed in decibels (dB), which is 10 times the logarithm to the base 10 of the ratio of two quantities (in case of (J"0 the ratio of reflected to incident power).

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[ii' 1 0 I:""""T'"-r-I"""'T"'-r-r-T".-........... ~ ~ C Q) 0 '0 lE ~ -10 ()

en .§ -20 Q) ~ ctI

~ -30 0 20 40 60 Angle of Incidence e [Degrees]

Fig. 2.13. Angular dependence of backscattering coefficients 0'0 for bare soil with standard deviation of surface height hs = 3.0 em (1) and hs = 0.4 em (2) at 1.5 GHz, HH polarizations; (3) soybean canopy at 4.25 GHz, uvv; (4) wet snow at 10.3 GHz, (ullH + UVv )/2). (1) to (3) from Ulaby et al. 1986; (4) from Matzler, 1987

atmospheric observations imaging as well as sounding sensors are applied. Sounders measure the emitted radiation in narrow spectral intervals originat­ing from different atmospheric layers. Satellite sensors are comprehensively described in the special literature (e.g. Kramer, 1996), a short introduction follows.

Visible and Near-Infrared Sensors. A wide range of sensors is available for observing the earth's surface in the visible and solar infrared (Schott, 1997 and Sect. 2.6). Photographic cameras are still used on manned platforms and also on unmanned satellites, providing high resolution images for mapping. For repeat applications electro-optical scanners, either applying mechanical or electronical scanning mechanisms, are preferable, because they offer better spectral and radiometric capabilities and allow for real-time data transmis­sion. With mechanical scanners, such as the Thematic Mapper (TM) on board of Landsat, the sideways scanning is achieved by a rotating mirror with the axis of rotation in direction of satellite motion. At any instant the sensor views a given area on the earth's surface (a pixel) through a telescope, the intensity of the radiation from the pixel is measured in each spectral band by one or several detectors.

More recent imaging sensors apply push-broom systems with CCD (charge coupled detector) arrays. A single scan line is imaged at a given time by the CCD array. As for mechanical scanners, the advance from one scan line to

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Table 2.2. Categories of earth observation sensors on board of satellites. Acronyms: VIS - visible, SIR - solar infrared, TIR - terrestrial infrared, MW -microwaves

Instrument Type Spectral Horizontal Main Application Region Resolution

Photographic camera VIS 3-10 m Land surface mapping Multispectral scanner VIS, SIR 6-80 m Earth surface Multidirectional scanner VIS 1-20 m Topographic mapping Imaging spectrometer VIS, SIR 0.25-1 km Vegetat.,geology,water Medium resol. scanner VIS,SIR,TIR 0.5-5 km Earth surface, clouds Atmospheric lidar Active IR 0.1-1 km Atmosph. properties Radiation budget radiom. VIS,SIR,TIR 20-200 km Radiation balance Atmospheric sounder TIR, MW 10-100 km Atmospheric profiles Limb sounder TIR, MW >300 km Atmosph. trace gases Scanning MW radiom. MW 10-100 km Land, ocean, atmosph. Imaging radar Active MW 10-30 m Land, oceans, ice Scatterometer Active MW 25-50 km Wind over oceans Cloud/rain radar Active MW 5 km Clouds, precipitation Altimeters Active MW 1-5 km Ocean&ice topography

the next is achieved by motion of the satellite. Significant advancements have also been achieved in the spectral capabilities. In imaging spectrometers the incoming radiation is spectrally dispersed onto two-dimensional CCD arrays. Spectral resolutions are typically of the order of a few nm, the number of spectral bands ranges from about 20 to more than 200, depending on the sensor type and data storage capability.

Medium resolution scanners have been designed primarily for meteorolog­ical applications, because they provide synoptic coverage of the earth within one day or even shorter intervals. Due the short repeat cycle these sensors are also of interest for observing dynamic features on the earth's surface. Lidars, operating on aircrafts and on the Space Shuttle, have been applied for atmospheric research to measure aerosols, cloud properties, and the wind field. Satellite missions are in preparation.

Thermal Infrared Sensors. Imaging sensors in the thermal infrared re­gion apply mechanical scanning techniques. The infrared radiation emitted by a surface resolution element is received by a photoelectric detector which has to be cooled, controlled radiant temperature sources are viewed at the end of each scan line for calibration (Schott, 1997). Whereas spectral bands of spaceborne thermal imagers are comparatively broad, infrared sounders operate in narrow spectral intervals but with low spatial resolution. Vertical sounders, operating on meteorological satellites, are used for measuring atmo­spheric temperature and water vapor profiles. Special sounding instruments are applied for monitoring atmospheric trace gases (Harris, 1994).

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Passive Microwave Sensors. Microwave radiometers measure the emit­ted radiation. The receiver consists in principle of a high gain antenna, a switching device, one or several noise sources of known temperature used as calibration reference, a bandpass filter, amplifiers, and a detector. The signal received at the antenna is compared with the signals of the reference sources by switching between the antenna input and the reference loads. Accord­ing to Eq. 2.4 the microwave radiometric measurements can conveniently be expressed in terms of temperature. The radiometric resolution, t1T, charac­terizes the performance of a microwave radiometer which may be expressed in the general form (Ulaby et al., 1981):


where B = t111 is the bandwidth in Hz, t is the integration time in sec, and M is the radiometric figure of merit, which is a constant for a given receiver configuration, depending on its technical design. It is obvious that the ra­diometric resolution has to be traded off versus spectral resolution (given by B) and integration time. Because of the low intensity comparatively broad bandwidths are used for scanning microwave radiometers to obtain radiomet­ric resolutions of the order of several tenths of a degree. Improved spectral resolution is achieved for atmospheric sounders by means of heterodyne tech­niques, by which the observed signal and the signals of local oscillators are mixed and down converted to lower frequencies before passing spectral filters.

Another limiting factor of microwave radiometry is the spatial resolution which can be defined by the half-power beamwidth, /31/2. For an antenna with circular aperture the ideal half-power beamwidth in radian is given by

/31/2 = Aid (2.26)

where d is the aperture diameter. Due to practical limits in the physical size of an antenna, the resolution of spaceborne scanning microwave radiometers is 2: 10 km and varies with the wavelength A. Imaging microwave radiometers apply either mechanical scanning mechanisms with a rotating antenna (Fig. 2.14) or electronic beam steering. Conical scanning mechanisms enable con­stant incidence angle on the surface. As an example, the Special Microwave Sensor/Imager (SSM/I) on board the DMSP satellite covers a swath of 1400 km width, the elliptical IFOV varies from 69km x 43km at 19 GHz to 15km x 13km at 85 GHz.

Active Microwave Sensors. Active microwave sensors transmit electro­magnetic waves towards the target; the reflected wave, incident on the re­ceiver, is recorded and analyzed in order to derive information on physical structure and dielectric properties of the target (Elachi, 1987; Ulaby et al., 1982). For spaceborne radars, as well as for ground-based weather radar, the transmitting and receiving antennas are co-located. The signal is transmitted

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Fig. 2.14. Imaging geometry of a scanning microwave radiometer. IFOV - instan­taneous field of view, hs - satellite height, Oz - antenna look angle, Oi - incidence angle, Ill, 112 - measurement frequencies (Ill < 112)

in form of short pulses with duration .1t, the distance between the antenna and the target is calculated from the time difference between transmittance and reception of the pulse. The resolution in direction of the radar beam (the range resolution, r r) is equal to

rr = c.1t/2 (2.27)

where c is the propagation velocity. c is slightly affected by atmospheric prop­erties, in particular water vapor content. For accurate range measurements (radar altimetry) these effects have to be corrected.

Space borne radar systems can be separated in the categories: imaging radars, altimeters, scatterometers, rain radars. Altimeters are used for accu­rate surface height measurements along the satellite nadir track. The main application is topographic mapping of ocean, lake, and ice surfaces. Scat­terometers measure accurately the surface backscatter across a swath of sev­er,al hundred km width, but the spatial resolution is low. The main applica­tion is monitoring of wind velocity over the oceans which is derived from the backscatter measurements. Recent investigations demonstrate the usefulness of scatterometry for large scale observations of soil moisture, vegetation, and cryospheric properties. Rain radars, operating in the Ku-band, are scatterom-

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eters, optimized for measuring backscatter from water drops and ice particles in precipitating clouds with vertical resolution of several hundreds of meters and horizontal resolution of a few kilometers. The first spaceborne rain radar is flown on the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM).

Space borne imaging radars (Elachi, 1987) provide surface images with high spatial resolution (between about 10 m and 100 m) over a swath of about 100 km to a few hundreds km width. The across track resolution is de­termined by the pulse length (Eq. 2.27), high resolution is achieved by means of pulse modulation. The ground resolution across track, r g, varies with the incidence angle: rg = rr/sinOi (Fig. 2.15). Synthetic aperture techniques are applied to obtain high resolution along track. The Doppler shift of the return signal, which varies along track within the illuminated footprint, is utilized to synthesize an antenna of 1 km length or more. Radar echos from many hundred pulses are added coherently to calculate the return for one pixel. Theoretically, the along track resolution, r a, depends only on the antenna length (ra = L/2) and thus is independent of the distance between antenna and surface. However, there are practical limits resulting from the power re­quired to detect a return signal. Typical antenna lengths of spaceborne SARs are about 10 m. Swath widths with conventional antenna design are ~ 100 km. Distributed array technology (e.g. on Radarsat) applies electronic beam steering to cover a wider swath with reduced resolution or to select a narrow sub-swath with full resolution.

The radar echo from an illuminated surface area or volume element is the coherent addition of the returns from the individual scatterers. Therefore the resulting return signal of a distributed target that consists of many point scatterers fluctuates randomly in successive observations as the radar moves along. The statistics of the backscattering power, P, which is proportional to (70, is described by an exponential probability density function (Ulaby et al., 1982). The standard deviation of the power is

(7p = P/VN (2.28)

where N is the number of independent looks and P is the mean power. N = 1 is valid for pixels in full spatial resolution. In order to measure (70 of a distributed target accurately, averaging or low pass filtering over many looks is necessary.

Whereas single channel SARs are operating on the European Remote Sensing Satellite (ERS) and on Radarsat, the experimental three-frequency polarimetric Spaceborne Imaging Radar-C (SIR-C)/X-SAR has been operat­ing during two Shuttle missions in 1994. Polarimetric SARs are also in op­eration on aircrafts. Radar polarimetry offers improvements for quantitative inversion of target properties and for classification. For example, polarimet­ric measurements enable the separation of surface roughness and moisture effects and therefore are of interest for soil moisture monitoring (Dubois et al.,1995).

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Fig. 2.15. Geometry of a side-looking imaging radar. rr - slant range resolution, rg - ground range resolution

BAR interferometry (InSAR) is a new technique of interest for a wide range of applications in geoscience and environmental monitoring (Massonet and Feigl, 1998). With spaceborne SAR an interferogram is calculated from two images of repeat orbits which are slightly displaced in the across-track direction. A condition for interferogram generation is the preservation of the signal phase (coherence) between the two images. Coherence is affected by temporal changes of back scattering (e.g. due to snowmelt or rain). The phase shifts in a repeat pass interferogram result from topography and from differ­ential motion. If there is no motion, a digital elevation model can be derived from a single interferogram. In case of motion (vertical and/or horizontal) at least two interferograms (calculated from three or four images) are needed to separate the topographic and motion-related phase shifts. This technique, called differential interferometry, is very sensitive. Displacements of the or­der of fractions of a wavelength between the acquisition times of two images can be detected. Applications include measurements of glacier motion, mon­itoring of subsidence due to ground-water withdrawal or mining activities , detection of volcanic inflation, and mapping of seismic deformation.

Colour plates 2.A and 2.B show an example of interferometric analysis based on SIR-C data of the L-band channel (,X = 24.3 cm), acquired on 9 and 10 October 1994 over Moreno Glacier, Southern Patagonia, Argentina (Rott et al., 1998). The coherence image shows a high degree of coherence

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over the snow- and ice-free land surfaces. Over water the signal decorrelates completely, over glaciers and snow-covered areas the degree of coherence was reduced due to surface melt, but still sufficient for calculating the interfero­gram. One colour cycle (one fringe) in the interferogram represents a phase shift of 2 1f between the two images. This corresponds to a differential mo­tion of 21.7 cm on a horizontal surface. As derived from the distance of 29 m between the antenna positions of the two images and the wavelength, one fringe corresponds to an altitude difference of 550 m for a non-moving tar­get. Because only one interferogram was available, the topographic phase was calculated from digital elevation data in order to generate the motion map of the glacier terminus. Only the motion component in direction of the radar beam (range) can be obtained by means of interferometry. Therefore the di­rection of motion on the glacier was derived from flowlines in optical and SAR images.

2.6 Summary of Current and Future Earth Observation Missions

Many earth observation instruments are presently flown on satellites or are due to be launched in the next few years. A selection of un-manned earth observation missions is listed in Appendix 20.1 and sensor characteristics are specified in Appendix 20.2. Comprehensive information on satellites and sen­sors is provided by Kramer (1996). The majority of the satellites has near­polar orbits, with the lowest altitudes (around 250 km) for photographic camera missions, and typical orbital altitudes between 700 km and 900 km for the other missions. Geostationary satellite series, such as GOES and Me­teosat, are imaging the earth disk in close time intervals (typically 1/2 hour) from an altitude of 35800 km, but are not covering the high latitudes. Im­portant experimental earth observation missions have been flown on manned spacecrafts, including the NASA Space Shuttle and the Russian space station MIR. Of particular interest for the development of SAR applications were the Spaceborne Radar Laboratory Missions SRL-1 and SRL-2 in 1994 with the multi-frequency (L-, C-, X-band) polarimetric SIR-C/X-SAR.

Sensors with medium spatial resolution (1-5 km) on polar orbiting and geostationary satellites, such as AVHRR on POES (NOAA), VISSR on GOES, and MVIRI on Meteosat, enable global imaging with high temporal resolu­tion. Data from various of these sensors can be received ill real time with reasonable technical efforts, making them very useful tools for operational meteorology and hydrology. There is also a broad choice of high resolution optical sensors, ranging from photographic cameras to various types of mul­tispectral scanners. Data reception for these sensors is usually restricted to special ground stations. Some of the agencies (e.g. SPOT Image) offer pos­sibilities for fast delivery. Cameras are flown on a number Russian satellites in low orbits; the spatial resolution and areal coverage varies with the or-

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bit altitude. SARs became important tools for earth observation with the launch of ERS-1 in 1991, JERS-1 in 1992, ERS-2 and Radarsat in 1995. Fast delivery SAR products are disseminated through digital networks. Radar al­timeter data are available from several satellites since 1978 (Seasat, Geosat, ERS-1, ERS-2, TOPEX/POSEIDON). Though the altimeters have been de­signed for ocean surface measurements, they are also applied for measuring the level of inland waters and large-scale surface topography over Antarctica and Greenland.

New imaging sensors on scheduled missions will include imaging spec­trometers with high spectral resolution and pushbroom scanners with very high spatial resolution « 5m). The imaging spectrometers MODIS on EOS AM and MERIS on ENVISAT will have moderate spatial resolution (250-300 m), and spectral resolution between 2.5 and 10 nm. MODIS can acquire 36 spectral channels at the same time, and MERIS 15, the position of the chan­nels is programmable. In addition, the launch of hyperspectral imagers with high spectral and spatial resolution, but narrow swath coverage, is planned, e.g. on the NMP /EO-1 mission of NASA with 30 m resolution. The Advanced SAR (ASAR), to be launched on ENVISAT, will be also a single frequency systems, but with flexible pointing capabilities and with various polarization modes. Several satellites with very high resolution imagers are due to be launched in the near future, including 1m resolution sensors on Ikonos and on QuickBird.


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