ref siap grmmar

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  • 8/10/2019 Ref Siap Grmmar



    TASK C


    The first microteaching activity that I have completed was a 30 minutes lesson. It

    was a grammar lesson created for mixed ability students.

    In my lesson, I decided to use a song to teach grammar point which was

    adjective. The most important quality of songs is the repetition that naturally occurs in

    songs can make drill work easier and more pleasant. Thus, I believe songs that contain

    repetition can be helpful in teaching and expanding grammatical patterns.

    When started planning the lesson, I decided to use deductive approach in teaching

    adjective. I began the lesson by presenting a song contains adjectives. Here, studentswould have chance to see adjectives in the context. While presenting words in teaching

    adjective, I chose some phrases of colours and shapes to drill pupils to read. As I

    realize, in deductive approach, rules are given first and later learners are expected to

    use them. Rules are given from general to specific. Thus, while teaching grammar, I

    gave the rules directly and later gave some examples to practice these rules.

    Overall, I am pretty satisfied with the results of my first microteaching practise. When I

    shared my head panel evaluations, I received a great amount of helpful feedback. As aresult, I feel that these comments will inspire me to make my teaching lessons valuable

    and meaningful to my students. The feedback provided is an opportunity for

    professional development and improvement for future lessons.

    In my opinion, I enjoyed the lesson and felt that the students were enjoying what they

    were learning. The students were actively participating and responding to my questions

    and commands. I felt very comfortable because the students were motivated to learn

    grammar and enjoying the song and colourful picture cards used in the lesson.

    In the future, I will continue to try new approaches in the classroom. This

    experience has shown me that there are many different ways to approach learning in

    the classroom. While before this class I felt that there was one way of doing things. I

    have also found my peers accomplished their goals in a different way than I would. This

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    shows me that different varied approaches can work well in the classroom and help

    different learners achieve their goals. In conclusion, I think it's really important to teach

    grammar. Grammar is essential for proficiency and fluency.

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    As Horwitz (2008) suggests, many teachers use an "eclectic" mix of language methods

    and approaches. I am going to start incorporating some of my own projects and

    materials better into the classroom. Additionally, I will continue to try and learn from my

    peers as to how to spice up the classroom and maintain student interest. I am excited

    and encouraged by my experiences, and hope that I will continue to grow as a teacher.

    In conclusion, I think it's really important to teach grammar. Grammar is essential for

    proficiency and fluency. Overall, all of the students felt that my lesson was effective. Ialso discovered that there were a few ways in which I could improve my lesson

    In inductive approach, teacher gives some examples and learners are expected to

    understand grammatical rules from them. Rules are not given directly. I think that both

    of can be use in foreign language classrooms

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    For my lesson, I decided to teach my students to listen and speak clearly. I felt like this

    would be a good subject for me to teach because my students are weak on this

    particular part. As a result, my lesson objective was, by the end of the lesson, stude nts

    will be able to describe the differences between European football (soccer) and

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    American football. In order to demonstrate the student's mastery of the vocabulary, the

    homework that I assigned was for each student to write five sentences that would

    describe the differences between the two sports.

    Music in songs and enjoyable punch lines in jokes get the students involved in the work

    in a way that probably no other teaching material would measure up to. Undoubtedly,

    such a kind of involvement enhances the efficiency of practice. It is also wise not to

    finish the whole activity just with the grammar exercise alone but to give students anopportunity to listen to the song several times and sing it, let them read and remember

    the joke, which many of them would very much like to pass to others.

    In deductive approach, rules are given first and later learners are expected to use them.

    Rules are given from general to specific. While teaching grammar, teacher first gives

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    the rules directly and later gives some examples to practice these rules. In inductive

    approach, teacher gives some examples and learners are expected to understand

    grammatical rules from them. Rules are not given directly. I think that both of can be use

    in foreign language classrooms. I will also use both of them when I start to teach. There

    is no best way..

    In my opinion, I enjoyed the lesson and felt that the students were enjoying what they

    were learning. Pupils also learn best when what has to be learnt is contextualised. In

    authentic materials language is presented in context with a fiction beyond mere

    demonstration of a grammatical point. I The students were actively participating and

    responding to my questions and commands. I felt very comfortable because the

    students were motivated to learn grammar and enjoying the song and colourful picture

    cards used.

    When I shared my head panel evaluations, I received a great amount of helpful

    feedback. As a result, I feel that these comments will inspire me to make my teaching

    lessons valuable and meaningful to my students. The feedback provided is an

    opportunity for professional development and improvement for future lessons.

    I think it's really important to teach grammar. I know that sometimes the rules

    seem too overwhelming and confusing to the students, especially when they're ready to

    start talking. Grammar is essential for proficiency and fluency. Overall, all of the

    students felt that my lesson was effective. I also discovered that there were a few ways

    in which I could improve my lesson.

    I also believe that a teacher needs to provide meaningful experiential and motivational

    activities that will encourage the students to learn. Thus, in this lesson, I tried to do

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    activities that were at level of my students by drawing planning more listening speaking


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    Proposed procedure for teaching grammar Teaching just grammar without including

    other language skills is not beneficial for the learners. Using the grammar in other skills

    while communicating sometimes too challenging and learners cannot express

    themselves although they know the rules. For instance, we know the grammatical rules

    very well, but as to speaking, it is hard to speak fluently and it is a common problem

    among my friends. A teacher should know how to incorporate grammar with other

    language skills and there are some teaching approaches to do it.

    Writer stated that are four concerns related to teaching grammar. The first one is

    teachers generally explain rules with examples without involving learners in

    communication. The second one is teachers mostly rely on their text books and always

    follow the activities in these books. They think that they have enough knowledge toteach learners. Thirdly, teacher only focus on grammar by ignoring other language skills

    like speaking and writing. Learners are always doing grammatical activities, so they get

    bored. The last one is although the students know the grammatical rules; they have

    difficulty in using them in writing and speaking skills.


    The most important quality of songs compared to jokes is the repetition of chorus and

    sometimes even of verses. To make it more powerful, tune, rhythm and musical

    instruments all work together. Repetition that naturally occurs in songs can make drill

    work easier and more pleasant. Songs that contain repetition can be helpful in teaching

    and expanding grammatical patterns.

    The students can make use of the mnemonic quality of songs, which means that words

    and grammar structures are much more memorable in combination with rhythm and

    melody. Students can call given language forms to mind simply by singing the song

    mentally, and this is something people even do involuntarily. That is why we should give

    students ample opportunity to practice, keeping in mind that they are dealing with tune,

    rhythm, and language all at once. Since repetition is helpful in teaching an

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    d expanding grammatical patterns this feature can be exploited for the practice of the

    imperatives, which frequently have the quality of repetitiveness

    Teaching grammar through songs and rhymes


    Since the meaning is an important device in teaching grammar, it is important to

    contextualize any grammar point. Songs are one of the most enchanting and culturally

    rich resources that can easily be used in language classrooms. Songs offer a change

    from routine classroom activities. They are precious resources to develop students

    abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. They can also be used to teach avariety of language items such as sentence patterns, vocabulary, pronunciation, rhythm,

    adjectives, and adverbs. Learning

    English through songs also provides a non-threatening atmosphere for students, who

    usually are tense when speaking English in a formal classroom setting. Songs also give

    new insights into the target culture. They are the means through which cultural themes

    are presented effectively. Since they provide authentic texts, they are motivating.

    Prosodic features of the language such as stress, rhythm, intonation are presentedthrough songs, thus through using them the language which is cut up into a series of

    structural points becomes a whole again.

    There are many advantages of using songs in the classroom. Through using

    contemporary popular songs, which are already familiar to teenagers, the teacher can

    meet the challenges of the teenage needs in the classroom. Since songs are highly

    memorable and motivating, in many forms they may constitute a powerful subculture

    with their own rituals. Furthermore,

    through using traditional folk songs the base of the learners knowledge of the target

    culture can be broadened. In consequence, if selected properly and adopted carefully, a

    teacher should benefit from songs in all phases of teaching grammar. Songs may both

    be used for the presentation or the

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    practice phase of the grammar lesson. They may encourage extensive and intensive

    listening, and inspire creativity and use of imagination in a relaxed classroom

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    The position of songs and jokes in contemporary language teaching

    In the face of a growing desire for using authentic teaching materials it is

    essential that a teacher, apart from sticking to the teaching syllabus, incorporates

    authentic materials into the teaching course as often as possible.

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    As far as songs are concerned one can find any amount of this type of material in

    different sources. They can be found in almost every course book, mainly at the end of

    each unit. They can be found in song books or in presumably the broadest source of

    information nowadays - the internet. But there are not many studies which consider

    grammar in the context of songs. The most comprehensive one on the English teaching

    market is the compilation of exercises done by Mark Hancock (1998) entitled Singin g

    grammar. Although the author has covered virtually every grammar point in his work

    the reader does not exactly meet what the title suggests. In my opinion, the author

    overlooked the core of his work. The title to what he wrote should rather be Teaching

    grammar with the accompaniment of songs. All the activites presented in his work are

    organized into three groups: lead-in pages, grammar exercises and follow-up exercises.

    It has to be said that it is wise to have some kind of introduction into the grammar pointand some final additional exercises making the most of what is being learnt. However,

    Mark Hancocks mistake lies in that he has made the overwhelming majority of

    grammar exercises based not directly on lyrics but on follow-up

    Songs and jokes have several common features. First, they present authentic language

    with the authentic grammar interwoven. Second, they both bear the pleasure aspect in a

    form of music and enjoyable punch line in jokes which help memorize the words and

    grammar. In this way the grammar students are exposed to is remembered better than

    in the form of simple course book exercises. Third, all possible grammar points can be

    found in them. They are especially good for practising different verb forms along with

    the grammatical tenses. That is why the number of universal exercises presented earlier

    is so extensive.

    Nevertheless, they are quite different forms of expression and have quite different

    natures. This makes them exclusively appropriate for practising particular grammar

    points. The following areas of grammar:


    word order

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    parts of speech

    for reasons, which will be discussed shortly , can be more effectively practiced and

    checked with the help of songs. The suggestions of the exercises will be given after the

    analysis of songs in comparison with jokes.

    The most important quality of songs compared to jokes is the repetition of chorus and

    sometimes even of verses. To make it more powerful, tune, rhythm and musical

    instruments all work together. Repetition that naturally occurs in songs can make drill

    work easier and more pleasant. Songs that contain repetition can be helpful in teaching

    and expanding grammatical patterns.

    The students can make use of the mnemonic quality of songs, which means that words

    and grammar structures are much more memorable in combination with rhythm and

    melody. Students can call given language forms to mind simply by singing the song

    mentally, and this is something people even do involuntarily. That is why we should give

    students ample opportunity to practice, keeping in mind that they are dealing with tune,

    rhythm, and language all at once. Since repetition is helpful in teaching and expanding

    grammatical patterns this feature can be exploited for the practice of the imperatives,

    which frequently have the quality of repetitiveness.

    Another characteristic feature that makes songs different from jokes is the

    organizational form of songs. It has to be said that a song is a much better organized

    expression than a joke. The contents are in the form of very transparent and neatly

    organized elements, that is, lines,verses and choruses. Jokes, in contrast, are pieces of

    simple text not having easily visible components. The discussed feature make songs

    very suitable for grammar practice within the regular lines, verses and choruses.Therefore, they are appropriate for any word-ordering exercises.

    Having neatly organized elements in them, songs make a good basis for

    practising English syntax and parts of speech. A line in a song tends to comprise one

    idea e.g.

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    I know youve never seen my f ace

    Youve never heard my name

    Although Ive never talked to you

    Ive got you on the brain.

    Any idea has to be expressed mostly in the usual grammatical order of SUBJECT +

    PREDICATE + OBJECT. This order is essentially supplemented by many extra parts of

    speech such as pronouns, adverbs, possessive adjectives etc.

    I LOVE teaching grammar, and I am completely opposed to people who believe it is

    unnecessary to teach grammar in the classroom. There are two methods behind

    teaching grammar: prescriptive and descriptive. Descriptive grammar "describes" the

    language as it is acutally used, whereas prescriptive grammar explains how people

    "think" it should be used. I have often been prey to the inquisition of intuitive students

    who obsess about the rules of presciptive grammar. "But teacher, you said no sentence

    never end in preposition? Your direction say: Describe something you are good at?

    Teacher, you lie."Oh, what's a teacher to do?

    When I started teaching ESL, I really didn't know much more beyond the prescriptive.

    Honestly, I didn't know there was such a thing as the descriptive. I didn't think much

    about it because I just "spoke" English, I quit thinking about grammar in 6th grade. I

    thought, "I speak, spoke, have spoken, and will continue to speak it well. Teaching this

    will be easy." Wrong. The first thing an ESL teacher needs to know is: What is

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    descriptive and prescriptive grammar, and how he/she is going to explain the variations

    in it when a student asks the type of question I just described?

    I also think that there are two types of Standard English: American Standard English

    and British Standard English, but I think that wherever you are -- Standard English isbusiness English. It is what you hear on the news (spoken -- including dialect), and it is

    how we read it in newspapers, books, and magazines. Those who argue that the

    standard cannot be defined, I think are those who just choose not to learn the formal

    rules of English grammar. I only differentiate between the English and British because

    the two vary in word choice and in the prescriptive rules. For example, in the U.S., we

    no longer have to know the rule for "whom." We just say, use "who," however, not in

    England. They use "whom" -- always, even in rock-n-roll.

    Studying grammar gives the speaker control of how he/she shapes words and provides

    an understanding of how language works. Here are some examples of why I think it is

    important to know gramar: First, I will use my husband as an example. It is pretty funny

    (or sad), but he has absolutely no concept of the rules of grammar. We both grew up as

    bilinguals with a different L1 language; however, we went to two different schools. My

    school focused on teaching grammar, and his did not. He is 36-years-old and has

    absolutely no idea how to use the past participle. "I should have came." Modals? Forget

    it. For the longest time, he thought that "should have" was actually "should of." Crazy!

    Next, the active and passive voice -- people should know why we use them and how to

    use each one. We use it to emphasize the subject, especially in news reporting. Think

    how differently the focus of the the articles would be if the subjects were different: Five

    Canadians blew up the Eifel Tower, or The Eifel Tower was blown up by five

    Canadians. It is important to understand why these sentences are structured this way.

    I teach at ELS Language Centers here at MTSU. There are pluses and minuses

    working for a coporation. One of the pluses is that they are dedicated to the teaching of

    grammar. ELS uses the direct method approach, and students study academic English

    6 hours a day Monday - Friday. My favorite class to teach is Structure and

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    Speaking (SSP). No matter what level the student, he/she always takes SSP for 2 hours

    a day. The objective for all SSP classes is mastery of grammar. Language acquisition is

    demonstrated through utilization of spoken and written grammar.

    I use both inductive and deductive method in my teaching. I always begin the class by

    demonstrating the grammar point and following it by some type of listening or visual

    exercise. For example, if I am teaching the past progressive, I might have them listen to

    the Tennessee Waltz. "I was dancing with my darlin' ... " After that, I focus on the

    grammar point through direct instruction. I write and demonstrate some examples and

    explain the method behind it. I then ask students to individually use of the grammar by

    providing them with some type of prompt. I normally don't have them raise hands. I just

    pick on them, and they know this. Therefore, they are usually keeping up. When I amconfident they have good command of the grammar point, I finish the lesson with some

    type of group work. I like to use role play, and the students seem to enjoy it, too.

    I think it's really important to teach grammar when teaching ESL. I know that sometimes

    the rules seem too overwhelming and confusing to the students, especially when they're

    ready to start talking. Often times, grammar seems like a big road block for them and

    busts their confidence when they get it wrong; however, with persistence and

    dedication, they always overcome it. Grammar is essential for proficiency and fluency.

    Otherwise, their language just becomes fossilized, and they will forever be making the

    same mistakes.


    atmosphere. While

    selecting a song the teacher should take the age, interests of the learners and the


    being used in the song into consideration. To enhance learner commitment, it is also

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    beneficial to allow learners to take part in the selection of the songs.

    Teaching Procedure

    There are various ways of using songs in the classroom. The level of the students, the


    and the age of the learners, the grammar point to be studied, and the song itself have

    determinant roles on the procedure. Apart from them, it mainly depends on the creativity


    the teacher.

    Furthermore, I have to mention that I feel very motivated after I heard my professor and

    classmates evaluation comments. Most of them gave me positive comments and it

    seems that they

    liked the lesson. For example, most of them said that if they were students in my class

    they would

    feel engaged, encouraged, entertained, and motivated. They also taught that the use of

    hand movements and facial expressions was fantastic and appropriate for my teaching

    context. As a

    result, I feel that these comments will inspire me to make my teaching lessons valuable


    meaningful to my students. I was very happy to hear constructive criticism such as

    great use of

    scaffolding techniques and error co rrection. The feedback provided is an opportunity


    professional development and improvement for future lessons.

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    Overall, the activities in the lesson and class dynamics reflect my teaching principles

    because it is my belief that instruction should be student centered, responsive to


    cognitive and personal needs. Also, I believe that a teacher needs to provide


    experiential and motivational activities that will encourage the students to learn. Thus, in


    lesson, I tried to do activities that were at level of young learners by drawing a monster,


    games and singing songs. In addition, I enjoy teaching young learners because I take

    part of their

    energy and I become energetic as well. For this reason, every time there is an

    opportunity for

    teaching a class or a short lesson, I try to learn from it and modify my teaching styles

    according to

    the needs and personality of my students. Therefore, every teaching moment is a

    unique learning

    experience to remember and to put in practice.

    The students were actively engaged for the entire lesson. I knew they were engaged

    because there were multiple activities in the lesson and multiple modalities were used

    during the lesson. For example, many songs had choreography to apply to the

    kinesthetic learners in the classroom.

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    2. Did the students learn what I had intended? Were my instructional goals and

    objectives met? What is my evidence?

    The students did learn what I had intended. My goal to help them with memorization

    and accuracy of their music was met. I could tell because after stopping to fix issues,

    many students responded to my changes and adapted to fix their choreography.

    3. Did I alter my goals, strategies, activities, student grouping and/or assessment as I

    taught the lesson? If so, what changes did I make and why did I make these



    4. Were my strategies and activities effective? What is my evidence?

    I think my strategies to help the students learn and stay attentive worked. Many

    students showed increased improvement on their movements and singing (consonants,

    memory, etc.) by the end of the lesson.

    5. To what extent did the classroom environment (Respect and Rapport, Culture for

    Learning, Classroom Procedures, Appropriate Student Behavior, the Physical

    Environment) contribute to student learning? What is my evidence?

    The environment was positive, respectful and ready for productive learning. The

    cooperating teacher and myself have set a productive but positive environment during

    previous lessons which allows the students to continue to be successful now.

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    6. Was my assessment effective and useful to my students and me? Describe an

    instance in which my feedback positively affected a stud ents learning.

    My assessment of their improvement was effective, especially the informal ongoing

    assessment with immediate feedback to the students during the rehearsal. For

    example, the students were not using the correct ending consonant sound for one of

    their words in a song. I explained to the class what was wrong, let them practice it

    wrong, practice it right, and then re-apply what they had learned in the context of the

    entire piece.

    7. If I had the opportunity to teach this lesson again, what might I do

    differently? Why?

    If I could teach this lesson again, I would like to change how we rehearse some of the

    songs so enough time is allotted to the pieces we did not have time to rehearse



    REFLECTION Print out the song lyrics in strips and have students organize them

    as they listen to the song. Great for listening and a good group activity.

    The first microteaching activity that I have completed was an hour lesson. It was

    a reading lesson created for mixed ability students. I felt like this would be a good

    language skill for me to teach because my students are weak on this particular part.

    Apart from my reading assignment, definitely the skills focus on same skills.

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    I also believe that a teacher needs to provide meaningful experiential and

    motivational activities that will encourage the students to learn. Thus, in this lesson, I

    tried to do activities that were at level of my students by drawing planning more reading

    skills. Overall, all of the students felt that my lesson was effective.

    By the end of the lesson, I feel like I successfully met each of the learning

    objectives. The students were able to read and match the parts correctly. I definitely

    feel like there is room for improvement, but I am pretty happy with how things turned

    out. From the very beginning to the final stage, I could truly see a positively large

    amount of growth. I believe that a teacher needs to provide meaningful , experiential

    and motivational activities that will encourage the students to learn.

    I agree that authentic texts or materials are beneficial to the language learningprocess. It can help students to motivate the teaching and learning. They relate more

    closely to learners ' needs. I realized that when planning a lesson, a teacher should try

    to use authentic materials because they provide the opportunity to demonstrate

    language and speech material of a foreign language as well as widen learners ideas

    and mentality.

    In addition I have noted that authentic materials can play multiple roles in

    language teaching, enable learners to interact with real language and content rather

    than the form (grammar and vocabulary). In other words, the proper and systematic use

    of these materials at classes give students understanding that they are learning a

    language as it is used outside the classroom, prepare them for real communication.

    Thus I will use authentic materials as an approach to teaching.

    With this knowledge, I would use this in my future classroom to provide further

    instruction in the necessary areas. I also discovered that there were a few ways in

    which I could improve my lesson. I will put more attention in those specific areas.


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    I agree with "gami". I will use both two methods. I use deductive approach after

    Inductive approach, beccause I want students to think of the grammar rule. If they can

    find out the rule, What teacher should do is only making sure of.

    It is important for each students to think. I think this way is enable them to learn.

    I think "Inductive approach" is better because if students can find a grammatical rule by

    themselves, it might be harder for them to forget the rule than just learning from a

    teacher. For a teacher, it is better to ask students a question before explaining a

    grammatical rule than to just explain the rule.

    I also think "Inductive approach" is something like giving a mystery. Starting class with

    mystery is very effective to attract students to the class. Student might try to find a

    grammatical rule, just like solving a mystery. Finally, this process will lead to learning

    grammar surely.

    At 5:31 PM, team_orepan said...

    I agree with "gami", but I have different opinion a little.

    I mainly use deductive approach because I want students to have many exercise to

    practice. We teach English in a quite limited time, 105 class a year by 50 min. If I use

    inductive approach, there is no enough time to make students use English. To have

    students speak/write English, we have to save the time.

    Inductive approach is useful for memorize something deeply, but only some students,

    always those who go to cram school, notice the important points in the class. So to be

    aquired something, I think it is better to teach the grammar point first, then use many in

    the Jr high situation.

    We can create more interesting class with the deductive approach with our imagination.

    The problem is how to do.

    At 9:48 AM, Anonymous said...
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    Hi all, it's a beautiful day here in Hokkaido!

    Well, I normally use the deductive approach in my class because it's easier for me...I

    must admit that I am not a very good teacher.

    Seriously, using the inductive method in a classroom with 40 students doesn't seem

    effective to me. I could use it, but in that case most of my students will give up to take

    part in the discussion.

    But it could be interesting for a small class with several students who are keen to lean

    English. Like a collage level class. I wish I could purely enjoy my teaching without

    getting annoyed by some devilish kids...

    At 9:49 AM, Anonymous said...

    Sorry I forgot to put my name in the last comment. It was from Atz.


    At 10:07 AM, forestsheep said...

    I think that teachers should teach the grammar with both methods. I also think that

    students cannot remember the grammar if teachers teach with only one method.

    When students study, there are needed the finding and the acquisition of knowledge. So

    I think that on the first stage, teachers had better use the inductive approach and on the

    next stage, teachers had better use the deductive approach.

    Teachers using both methods aptly, students' ability will change better.

    At 10:25 AM, tommy said...

    Hi.(^o^) Today will be very hot day.

    I want to use the secound method, "inductive approach". Because students join in

    grammer class, which have picture, example sentenses and quizes, positively. But I

    should devise them. For example, I distingush words "-s","-es" by using different colors.

    And it is easy for students to notice differences. I think students will enjoy looking for

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    After that, we had better confirm the rules, and practice again and again. I think itis

    important to repeat drills.

    At 2:12 PM, tomy said...

    If I were a student, Inductive approach made me think that the teacher have students

    study English. Learning language should be voluntary, in my opinion, so deductive

    approach sounds better. But, there seems to be a ploblem in deductive approach. It

    may be difficult for students to notice the difference. The students don't know EVERY

    verb in English, so some students may think "like" and "likes" are another verbs which

    has different meaning. That's why the teacher should pay their students attentions to

    notice the difference easily such as teaching the meaning of sentences in Japanese,

    and making students notice "like" and "likes"are same verbs.

    At 3:42 PM, rice said...

    I also think teachers had better use both approaches. Both of them have good points.

    I think inductive approach is good because students can guess the rules, and hard to

    forget them. But it is possible for students not to guess and not to understand them. It

    seems to difficult for junior high school students. Deductive approach may be effective

    for teachers especially because they can teach the rules efficiently. However, the

    important thing is that all students can understand the rules cleary. I think deductive

    approach is easier to understand than inductive approach. So I will use deductive


    At 3:58 PM, riverdance said...

    I may use "Deductive approach" but it depends on the unit which we study. There are 2


    1. We don't have much time to do "Inductive approach".

    2. If the students meet very difficult sentences, they can't notice or understand.

    The students could not notice the rule if they don't have a basic knowledge about it.
  • 8/10/2019 Ref Siap Grmmar



    But, I also think using too much "Deductive approach" is not good. So I might prepare

    some inductive lesson.

    In short, we can pick up a nice part of the each ways. So we don't have to decide

    "Which is better?"

    At 8:09 PM, apple said...

    First,My opinion was "inductive approach was better!".Because Student could find the

    rule by themselves ,so this way was hard for them to forget the rule. By the grace of a

    teacher who teach in Hokkaido,I changed my opinion.I thought "deductive approach

    was useful for big class.And inductive approach was useful for small class.Because

    there were active student and negative students in big class.And there are thedifference of English abilities.

    There were few friends who have opinions both approaches were better.I agree with

    them. But I think it needs a lot of time to teach the rule.

    At 8:57 PM, kan said...

    I use both methods. Which methods I use, it will depend on my students and the day's

    grammer points. Only one method will make our class bored and stereotype. We have

    to use both methods thinking student's condition, atmosphere and many things.

    At 4:29 AM, guwashi said...

    Basically I want students to learn by Inductive approach, but this depends on the

    learning contents. In this the third person, I want students to learn by Inductive and it is

    possible for them to learn the unit, because the third person has a clearly rule, so they

    can find the rule easily. But I think we will be in case we should use Deductive

    approach. It cannot help using the approach. It is important to consider which

    approaches we should choice.

    At 5:40 PM, Sari said...
  • 8/10/2019 Ref Siap Grmmar


    I will use both of method as the case may be.They have a lot of good points.Showing

    pictures or example has a great impact for students.Junior high school students will be

    able to understand easily.But,only inductive approach will be nonsense.By doing

    deductive approach as making sure, we can teach certainly.I think both of method is

    important.Especially, deductive approach is needed.

    At 8:45 PM, tunobue said...

    I want to use inductive approach. Because in the case, for students, we can give

    oppotunities to notice some roles.

    To notice oneself is very important, I think. But, this way take very long time to teach

    grammars. So, I really use both material to teach.

    At 11:29 PM, ayu said...

    I think both methods have some good points and bad points.I would like to use inductive

    approach than deductive approach if it were possible.Because I think deductive

    approach tends to make students bored. In contrast to it, inductive approach can attract

    students' attention I think. In this approach, students can use their imagination. It is

    effctive way to learn new materials. But if we only used this method, it might not be

    effective, I think. So we should choice the one of the method depends on the

    circumstances or mix them.