real felipe fortress - describing a building - intermediate english iv

Real Felipe Fortress Describing a building

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Real Felipe Fortress Describing a building

1. The most beautiful building in my town, for me is The Real Felipe Fortress. This Fortress is in the west of Lima, in the Central part of the bay of Callao. The Real Felipe Fortress was built to defend the main Peruvian port and the city of Lima from pirates and corsairs during colonial times. The Real Felipe Fortress is currently the Peruvian Army Museum, displaying historical uniforms, weapons and other military paraphernalia.

2. In 1746, the design proposal of French architect Louis Godin was selected as the design of the fortress. Construction of the fortress began in 21 January 1747 and the first stone was erected 1 August of the same year. This was considered one of the most important constructions made by Spain in the New World. The name was chosen to honour the Spanish king Felipe V from the House of Bourbon. Construction ended during the reign of viceroy Manuel de Amat y Junient in 1774.

3. The main facade has a triangular shape. The fortress has Vauban style and it is of pentagonal shape.

4. The fortress is currently the seat of the Peruvian Army Museum. The Real Felipe has a true aura of history, and the military authorities therefore decided that the location was an ideal place to exhibit the army's different aspects during the past, and from Inca times onward.

5. The view of the sea and from Callao strength explains very well why it was chosen by area Spanish to build their defenses. The sea in the southern part of the peninsula is a rough sea and strong currents making a landing impossible creating a natural barrier. The sea in northern part of the peninsula is where the Bay of Callao with its calm waters and where do all marine activities and port.

6. We can visit the Fortress from Monday to Sundays between 9.00 in the morning and 2.00 in the afternoon. Cost is variable, S/. 3.00 for children S/. 6.00 for adults and S/. 12.00 for foreigners.

Intermediate English IV Alfredo Nolazco Rivas