radio frequency skin tightening - bay area pelleve video

Radio Frequency Skin Tightening WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW...

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Post on 17-Dec-2015




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Curious if Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Technology is right for you? Here’s what you need to know: thanks to many recent advancements in non-invasive cosmetic medicine, you now have more options than ever when it comes to, enhancing your natural appearance, boosting your self-confidence, and renewing the smooth, glowing, radiant look of good health, and younger skin.There are many advancements in anti-aging skin treatments, cosmetic enhancements, skin tightening, and skin rejuvenation procedures out there, and non-invasive radio frequency skin tightening is certainly one at the top this list.You may have wondered what is RF skin tightening, and what can it do for you. Watch this non-invasive skin tightening presentation and visit our website at to learn more.


Radio Frequency Skin TighteningWhat you need to know...

1Curious if Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Technology is right for you?Mirror Mirror the Wall

2Mirror Mirror the WallHave the visible signs of aging begun to show up in your life and impact the reflection you see?

3Mirror Mirror the WallHave the visible signs of aging begun to show up in your life and impact the reflection you see?Have years filled with cherished emotions and frequent expressions begun to leave their marks?

4Mirror Mirror the WallHave the visible signs of aging begun to show up in your life and impact the reflection you see?Have years filled with cherished emotions and frequent expressions begun to leave their marks?Is your skin losing the firm tone, texture, and youthful appearance you've known and loved?


Modern Cosmetic TreatmentsWell thanks to many recent advancements in non-invasive cosmetic medicine, you now have more options than ever when it comes to enhancing your natural appearance, boosting your self-confidence, and renewing the smooth, glowing, radiant look of good health, and younger looking skin6

Modern Cosmetic TreatmentsNo one wants to live with the signs of aging, not when you dont have to. There are now many advancements in anti-aging skin treatments, cosmetic enhancements, skin tightening, and skin rejuvenation procedures to help you keep looking you best. 7

Modern Cosmetic TreatmentsRadio Frequency Skin Tightening is one of those technologies at the top of the list, but it wasnt always so8Your OptionsAs recently as ten years ago, the only really effective weapon we had to lift and tighten sagging skin, combat wrinkles, and the signs of aging with was surgery.

9Your OptionsWe certainly didnt want to live with the effects of aging we saw creeping into the mirror, but many of us were not ready to radically alter our lives with cosmetic surgery either.

10Your OptionsWe were stuckwe either reluctantly accepted our fate and our condition, or we chose to take the radical, sometimes extreme measures necessary to do something about it.

1112Non Invasive Treatments

Fortunately for us, today we now have more choices than ever to when it comes to anti-aging treatments to have us looking our very best.13Even Today

But even today only surgical procedures or high energy based treatments can provide lasting results for loose skin, lines, creases, folds, and wrinkles.

14Non Invasive Alternatives

Non-invasive skin treatments utilizing Radio Frequency Skin Tightening (eg. Pelleve, Exilis, Accent, Thermage, etc.), Laser skin tightening and resurfacing (Active FX, Fraxel ) or even Ultrasound skin tightening treatments (Ultherapy) have become some of the popular options to renew your skins appearance..15Combination Treatments

There are even treatments that combine these two technologies together (light and Sound) in a blended approach to tightening and skin rejuvenation.16Lifting and Tightening Skin

These treatments are all capable of lifting, toning, and tightening the skin, combating visible signs of aging, wrinkles, lines, crows feet, etc. all without surgery and many without downtime or pain.17Lifting and Tightening Skin

In fact certain treatments like Pelleve are usually completely painless (it feels like a warm massage), there is no downtime, no pain medications, no anesthesia, and you are free to return to your usual routine immediately, or be out on the town tonight looking your very best.18

Call Today and Schedule a Bay Area Pelleve Consultation19Lifting and Tightening Skin

Collagen RemodelingThough each technology and brand has its specific advantages, benefits, and disadvantages, (some may require anesthesia, some may have side effects, pain, etc.) what they all have in common is the goal of non-invasive collagen remodeling a process of heating and stimulating deeper subcutaneous tissues of the skin to promote new collagen tissue formation and skin firming.

20Lifting and Tightening Skin

Collagen RemodelingThis is exactly what you need to fight the problem at its source deep in the skin where the collagen and elastin tissues have lost their elasticity and are no longer able to snap back into their original shape and form.

21Lifting and Tightening Skin

Collagen RemodelingWithout this natural regeneration of new elastic tissue, the only way to tighten your skin and enjoy lasting results is surgery.

22How did Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Begin?RF TechnologyRadio frequency technology has been used in medicine for more than 70 years now, but it was Thermage who was first on the scene to market an FDA approved skin tightening device that held promise to alleviate wrinkles and tighten skin naturally without surgery.

23How did Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Begin?RF TechnologyIt was the first real breakthrough in non-surgical skin tightening and non-surgical facelift technology that gave patients real hope without resorting to extreme measures.

24How did Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Begin?RF TechnologySince the introduction of Thermage and the advent of non-invasive tightening, there have been many devices with similar and variant technologies all introduced into the cosmetic medical market, Pelleve being one among the many.

25Popular Non Invasive Skin Tightening TreatmentsExilisVenus FreezePelleveViora Reaction3Deep RFAccent XLeMatrixeTwoTriPolar RFReFirmeSublimeFractoraInfiniThermage


Does Non-Invasive Skin Tightening Really Work?The best news is that these noninvasive skin treatments really do work but the fact is just this, they dont all work the same, treat the same specific problem areas to the same degree, or produce the same results.27

Does Non-Invasive Skin Tightening Really Work?Some are more effective and less effective on certain tissue types, some can be painful or require anesthesia, some will require numbing agents, pain medicine, limited down time, etc., and some (depending on exactly what you are looking for) may be more suited to your specific cosmetic needs.28Does Non-Invasive Skin Tightening Really Work?Pelleve for instance has some of the smallest tips in the industry and can deliver focuses energy in the right amounts in small delicate areas (like around the eyes) that can be problematic to treat with other methods.


The Good NewsBut the good news is this you dont have to resort to drastic or dangerous measures to get results fighting the signs of aging anymore.Contact Bay Area Pelleve for a Specific Needs Consultation Today30Radio Frequency TighteningAn illustrated video example

31What About Results

A large factor in determining whether or not you will be satisfied with your treatment results has to do with your skins original condition, and your treatment expectations. 32What About Results

Remember, the results youll get from noninvasive skin tightening treatments are going to be modest in comparison to more radical cosmetic surgery.


Non-invasive radio frequency skin tightening, laser skin tightening, surfacing, fractional co2, etc., is not a replacement for a surgical procedure. 34Results

You wont see dramatic surgical face lift results, nor will you experience the pain downtime, expense, or dangerous side effects that go with surgery. You also wont come out with that operated on, over pulled, plastic look.35

ResultsThe results of non surgical cosmetic treatments are better geared toward those showing mild to moderate signs of aging (wrinkling, lines, crows feet, expression lines, and mild to moderate loose skin).36

ResultsIf you are showing deep wrinkling, creases, sagging skin, and the effects are already advanced, then cosmetic surgery may be your best course of action.37

ResultsBut for everyone else the threshold required to take action and combat the nagging signs of aging you see reflected in the mirror has been significantly lowered, so you can begin looking better and feeling your very best.38

How to know if Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Right for You?These type of cosmetic skin treatments are best suited for mild to moderate signs of aging, wrinkles, lines, expression marks, skin laxity, etc.39

Is Radio Frequency Skin Tightening Right for You?Noninvasive skin treatments are best for those who want to see a mild to moderate improvement in skin tone tightness, and appearance.40

They are perfect for those who are beginning to see the signs of aging and want to stay ahead of the game looking better for longer.41

They are also perfect for many of you who have already had more radical procedures or cosmetic surgery and want to preserve the effects to keep looking great for longer.42

In fact many radio frequency technologies like Pelleve are the perfect compliment for many other cosmetic procedures, helping you to get the most out of your investment. 43Non Invasive Radio FrequencyBenefitsTones mild to moderate loose flabby skin.

44Non Invasive Radio FrequencyBenefitsTones mild to moderate loose flabby skin.Improves skin tone makes skin tighter and smoother.

45Non Invasive Radio FrequencyBenefitsTones mild to moderate loose flabby skin.Improves skin tone makes skin tighter and smoother.Reduces or eliminates wrinkles, lines, crows feet, crinkles.

46Non Invasive Radio FrequencyBenefitsTones mild to moderate loose flabby skin.Improves skin tone makes skin tighter and smoother.Reduces or eliminates wrinkles, lines, crows feet, crinkles.Its Non-surgical and Non-Invasive.

47Non Invasive Radio FrequencyBenefitsTones mild to moderate loose flabby skin.Improves skin tone makes skin tighter and smoother.Reduces or eliminates wrinkles, lines, crows feet, crinkles.Its Non-surgical and Non-Invasive.There is little or no down time after treatment.


When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?49

When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.


When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.When you would like an improvement in the quality of your skins texture and appearance.51

When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.When you would like an improvement in the quality of your skins texture and appearance.When a more invasive, surgical procedure isnt right for you, financially, emotionally, or physically.


When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.When you would like an improvement in the quality of your skins texture and appearance.When a more invasive, surgical procedure isnt right for you, financially, emotionally, or physically.When the visible signs of aging become a distraction to your beauty or your esteem.


When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.When you would like an improvement in the quality of your skins texture and appearance.When a more invasive, surgical procedure isnt right for you, financially, emotionally, or physically.When the visible signs of aging become a distraction to your beauty or your esteem.When you want to preserve or extend the effective time period of other cosmetic procedures.


When Should You Consider Non-Surgical Skin Tightening?When you have mild to moderate loose skin on your face, neck, arms, hands, or abdomen.When you would like an improvement in the quality of your skins texture and appearance.When a more invasive, surgical procedure isnt right for you, financially, emotionally, or physically.When the visible signs of aging become a distraction to your beauty or your esteem.When you want to preserve or extend the effective time period of other cosmetic procedures.

Contact Bay Area Pelleve for a Specific Needs Consultation Today55

The Non-Surgical Approach56

The Non-Surgical ApproachCosmetic surgery is a radical procedure and it just isnt right for everyone. But many of you would like to benefit from the effects of a lift, skin toning, and facial rejuvenation without all the associated costs, risks, and hassles, and possible side effects.57

The Non-Surgical ApproachWhen this is the case a non surgical facelift technology like Radio Frequency Pellve is ideal.


The Non-Surgical ApproachThere is no radical surgery involved, no downtime, no fuss, just a better looking and more confident you waiting to be revealed.59The Non-Surgical ApproachThe advent of radio frequency skin tightening technology has opened up new avenues to looking your very best for longer, and it has lowered the threshold required to achieve it.60No Radical Measures

It is no longer necessary to undergo a radical or dangerous procedure to get results. 61

Its exactly what many are looking for and it is a guilt free pleasure to indulge in.62Non Surgical PelleveIn fact with certain technologies such as Pelleve, you can schedule a lunchtime appointment today, see immediate results (in most cases), and then you can look forward to further improvement over the next several months as new collagen tissue forms in your skins deep dermal layers, improving tone, tightness, and texture.

63Have More Questions about Radio Frequency Skin Tightening?Check out these informative links:

Or Contact us Today at Bay Area Pellve for a Local Provider 64Got Lines, Got Wrinkles, Crinkles, Divots, or Dints, Pelleve Them Away Today!Contact Bay Area Pelleve Today to learn what Radio Frequency Skin Tightening can do for you

66View A Video Presentation of this Presentation at: