rabbi troster of greenfaith on consumption

Saving the Tree of Life: Jewish Environmental Wisdom and Tikkun 'Olam Rabbi Lawrence Troster, Rabbinic Advisor, Hazon April 12, 2011 Hebrew Academy of Morris County, NJ

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Page 1: Rabbi Troster of Greenfaith on Consumption

Saving the Tree of Life: Jewish Environmental Wisdom

and Tikkun 'Olam

Rabbi Lawrence Troster, Rabbinic Advisor,Hazon

April 12, 2011Hebrew Academy of Morris County, NJ

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Depicts 2.4 million pieces of plastic, equal to the estimated number of pounds of plastic pollution that enter the world's oceans every hour. All of the plastic in this image was

collected from the Pacific Ocean. (Pictures by Chris Jordan from www.chrisjordan.com)

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Depicts 170,000 disposable Energizer batteries, equal to 15 minutes of Energizer battery production

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Depicts two million plastic beverage bottles, the number used in the US every five minutes.

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This picture is composed of 106,000 cans, which is what the U.S. uses in 30 seconds

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Depicts 426,000 cell phones, equal to the number of cell phones retired in the US every day.

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The Problem:Popular Slogan from the 1980’s:

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“The world's ecological capacity is simply insufficient to satisfy the ambitions of China, India, Japan, Europe and the United States as well as the aspirations of the rest of the world in a sustainable way.”

Worldwatch Institute, State of the World, 2006

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Your Ecological Footprint


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The Theology of Consumerism (From: Jay McDaniel, Living from the Center: Spirituality in an

Age of Consumerism, p. 71):

1. that happiness is to be found through the acquisition and consumption of material goods

2. that it is better to have “new” goods than old ones

3. that everyone, not just the affluent elite, can enjoy the fruits of consumption-driven desire

4. that money is the primary measure of value in society

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The Definition of Sustainability

"meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."

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Proverbs 3:13-18

13Happy is the man who finds wisdom, The man who attains understanding. 14Her value in trade is better than silver, Her yield, greater than gold. 15She is more precious than rubies; All of your goods cannot equal her. 16In her right hand is length of days, In her left, riches and honor. 17Her ways are pleasant ways, And all her paths, peaceful. 18She is a tree of life to those who grasp her, And whoever holds on to her is happy.

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Texts for Discussion

1. Bal Tashchit (Do not Destroy)

2. Happiness is…3. Gratitude4. Noticing5. Wonder

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Tikkun ‘Olam