quantum mass superstructures richard gentle – october 2011

Quantum Mass Superstructures Richard Gentle – October 2011

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Quantum MassSuperstructures

Richard Gentle – October 2011




Jane Roberts - Seth


Matthew Manning - healer


Paramahansa Yogananda

Gurus(Spiritual teachers)

Richard Bach

Douglas Adams

The Hitch Hiker’s Guide To The Galaxy

Gene Roddenberry – Star Trek

David Whittaker

Sydney Newman

Terry nation

Dr Who?

Richard Feynman

“You can know the name of a bird in all the languages of the world, but when you're finished, you'll know absolutely nothing whatever about the bird... So let's look at the bird and see what it's doing – that's what counts. I learned very early the difference between knowing the name of something and knowing something.”

The Magus of Strovolos

Eugene Halliday (1911-1987) described the “Sentient Power Field” as a 'moving, feeling, field that permeates the whole universe'.

Through the power of creative mind, the resultant stresses on the field create the physical aspects of the universe.

This same field is more commonly known in science as the “Zero Point Field.

The “Sentient Power Field”

Quantum Mass Superstructures –

•Originate from creative mind•Grow through attraction•Bond by agreement•Expand through reinforcement

As acceptance grows, reality becomes more solid

Some examples of quantum mass superstructures

Organised cell structures – humans, birds, fish, animals, insects, plants, etc.

Cultural belief – religion, collective behaviour, etc.

Social compliance – agreements to aid survival, expansion of societies, etc.



Perceptions of personal reality

The ‘known’ universe

Almost everything…

Human creative thought and the perception of reality through resulting quantum mass superstructuresI experience something – form an opinion about it – look for evidence that supports my opinion – form a belief – and then ask others if their belief matches mine, or if I am particularly robust by nature – tell others that my belief should be their belief too!

Eventually, if enough people recognise my belief in their own experience, it becomes solid enough to be experienced by others, not necessarily just in my immediate collective but, who perhaps have started to form similar expectations of reality.

“I will never attend an anti-war rally; if you have a peace rally, invite me.”

Mother Teresa

Probable Realities

When we focus on making a choice, as well as the choice we appear to make, our other choices continue to exist in other probable realities. (This also relates to the “Many Worlds” theory).

Kannan Jagannathan

“Quantum physics dictates that it is theoretically possible to turn on your kitchen faucet and have a dragon pop out.” out

Faster than light at Cern and OPERA

Alma in the Chilean Andes

Adam Riess Saul Perlmutter Brian Schmidt

Dark energy – a kind of inverse gravity, that causes the expansion to accelerate.

The speed of light –as an expression of the reluctance to evolve

The speed of light is only a ‘constant’ in the human perception of physical reality

In other areas of reality, the speed of light is probably quite slow


SCIENTISTS were at war last night over claims Albert Einstein was WRONG – Sat 24 September 2011

Scientists at the Swiss CERN research centre, have measured sub-atomic particles breaking Einstein's law. They calculate that their neutrinos beat the speed of light by mere nano-seconds.

But other scientists said similar results last year by America's Fermilab were found to be within normal margins of error – meaning the speed of light may not have been broken.

SCIENTISTS were at war last night over claims Albert Einstein was WRONG – Sat 24 September 2011

When a collective of people invest their life’s time and energy into developing work on widely acknowledged axioms of “truth” the possibility that they could be wrong is upsetting. This often leads to aggressively holding on to, and actively promoting, the antithesis of the “new discovery”.

Put another way…

The world is flat !!

SCIENTISTS were at war last night over claims Albert Einstein was WRONG – Sat 24 September 2011

As acceptance grows, reality becomes more solidThe tree that moves with the wind does not fear the changes of direction, or the loss of leaves. It is what it is.

SCIENTISTS were at war last night over claims Albert Einstein was WRONG – Sat 24 September 2011

Science is constantly developing its ability to drill down deeper into the fabric of our universe.

Which way are you looking?

Focused intention or biased selection?

What if everything is right?

E.g. wave / particle duality of light

Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle states:

By learning the position, you have rendered any information you previously had on the velocity useless. In other words, the observer affects the observed.

The act of one thought changes everything in every moment of ‘now’.

“The present is the point of power” – Seth (Jane Roberts)

“Where do Quantum Mass Superstructures fit with all this?”

Touch Plane

The Plane Edges of 2 QMS

“What have quantum mass superstructures go to do with me?”

What are the implications?

What role does science now have?

Why don’t things happen as soon as we have a thought about them?

1. How do you know that nothing happens?

2. What would happen if thoughts became things instantly?

Few people have the capacity to think about anything with the exclusion of other interfering and distracting thoughts.

Most of us therefore, are given physical time to consider our wishes – time to run through different scenarios before selecting our true desires.

What about the times that things do happen as soon as we think them?

Instant manifestation often occurs when:

3. A moment of clarity appears at a time when we feel at peace and have great love and acceptance for something

2. A time of extreme stress focuses the attention to the exclusion of all other stimuli

1. A fleeting thought is in perfect harmony with a deeply held desire

4. A group of people focus intently on one aim

Instant creative manifestation is a direct by-product of sharp mental focus stressing the sentient field.

Why can’t I effect change – as and when I want to?

The best creators – those who manifest a change – are able to:

1. Focus the mind with clarity – excluding all other distractions

2. Emotionally experience the outcome before it has happened

3. Express genuine gratitude for any outcome resulting from their focus

Seek and ye shall find

A failed thought

Is Schrödinger's cat dead or alive?

Remember what Eugene Halliday said about the Field.

Possessions in boxes no longer exist.

Many of us get very close to manifesting something.

Exercising caution with empiricismThe move away from stability

Possibilities for change

Truth or imagined?

How can we be sure what we are seeing is real?

Perhaps the truth is – we cannot know with any certainty.

This is an age-old philosophical question attracting much debate.

The mind will provide what we want to believe.

According to some research, if you see any of these as concave, you could be schizophrenic!

“Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it.”

Niels Bohr (1885-1962))

• At some level of creation, everything knows what it is

• Creative mind allows sentient beings to be co-creators

• Beliefs form to give individual and collective views of personal reality

• Accumulations of commonality develop into QMS

• Collective perception of similar reality solidifies into “truths”

• It is difficult to change established solidifications – but, not impossible

• The planet Earth is our most enduring QMS and its stability was formed over a very long time period in order to achieve stability for the safety and well-being of evolving sentient beings


The End… Probably!