ptsa fall 2012 newsletter

PTSA NEWSLETTER IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Students and Teachers: CongratulaƟons to the enƟre Washington Community (students, teachers and par- ents) on the increase of our STAR test scores from 771 to 788. Washington showed a 17 point increase with marked increases in Algebra, Algebra II, Biology and Chemistry. We should be very proud of our work! Our next goal is to take our test scores over 800 points. The San Francisco Unied School District just achieved this goal with an API test score for the enƟre district of 807. Let’s make this our goal for this year. AddiƟonally our goal is also to have as many of our 10 th graders who will be taking the California High School Exit Exam for the rst Ɵme to pass both secƟons. We need everyone’s help in achieving these gains and meeƟng our goals. Parents please stress the importance of these tests to your children. The tests are an important indi- cator of your child’s future success and their scores allow them access to higher level classes and colleges. Parents please monitor your child’s grades and contact our counselors if you have any quesƟons. Make sure that students have a place to do their homework and come to school on Ɵme aŌer eaƟng a good breakfast! Please help your child be on Ɵme to school and remind them that they must be on Ɵme to class. Students do not want to be on the cut list. Students are put on the cut list for not being in class or being tardy to class or from lunch. Make sure you are on Ɵme! AddiƟonally, this is a reminder that students should not be on their cell phones on campus or using any other electron- ic equipment. Also a very important reminder regarding student dress, students are not allowed to wear tank tops to school. Skirts and shorts should not be any shorter than a students’ longest nger on their arm when in a relaxed posiƟon at their side. Parents please do not double park when you drop your children oon either 30 th or 32 nd Avenue. There have been so many complaints from the neighbors regarding the double parking and the inconsiderate drivers that the police have been noƟed and they will be ƟckeƟng for this. Please drop your child oat least 2 blocks away and have them walk. This will avoid the problems with the neighbors and the congesƟon in the front of the school. I want to personally invite you to aƩend our many sporƟng events, plays, and concerts. Be a part of the school and join the PTSA. We appreciate parent involvement in all of our events. If you have not been to the Beacon please come by and try one of their many classes that they oer adults. It is also a great place to have your children get tu- toring aŌer school. Please listen for the auto dialers that I send regarding im- portant announcements and or schedule changes or visit our newly refurbished website. It is always changing. The website address is hƩp:// I would like to thank all of the students, parents and teach- ers for their conƟnuing hard work at GWHS. Your hard work makes Washington a great school with many long standing tradiƟons and proud graduates! Have a great rest of the semester! Do your best - your very best! Go EAGLES!!! Mrs. Ericka M. Lovrin Fall 2012 November 24, 2012 Edited by: Joseph Wong PTSA Every child one voice GWHS PTSA George Washington High School

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GWHS PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter


Page 1: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter


IMPORTANT MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Dear Parents, Students and Teachers: Congratula ons to the en re Washington Community (students, teachers and par-

ents) on the increase of our STAR test scores from 771 to 788. Washington showed a 17 point increase with marked increases in Algebra, Algebra II, Biology and Chemistry. We should be very proud of our work! Our next goal is to take our test scores over 800 points. The San Francisco Unified School District just achieved this goal with an API test score for the en re district of 807. Let’s make this our goal for this year. Addi onally our goal is also to have as many of our 10th graders who will be taking the California High School Exit Exam for the first me to pass both sec ons. We need everyone’s help in achieving these gains and mee ng our goals. Parents please stress the importance of these tests to your children. The tests are an important indi-cator of your child’s future success and their scores allow them access to higher level classes and colleges. Parents please monitor your child’s grades and contact our counselors if you have any ques ons. Make sure that students have a place to do their homework and come to school on me a er ea ng a good breakfast! Please help your child be on me to school and remind them that they must be on me to class. Students do not want to be on the cut list. Students are put on the cut list for not being in class or being tardy to class or from lunch. Make sure you are on me! Addi onally, this is a reminder that students should not be on their cell phones on campus or using any other electron-ic equipment. Also a very important reminder regarding

student dress, students are not allowed to wear tank tops to school. Skirts and shorts should not be any shorter than a students’ longest finger on their arm when in a relaxed posi on at their side. Parents please do not double park when you drop your children off on either 30th or 32nd Avenue. There have been so many complaints from the neighbors regarding the double parking and the inconsiderate drivers that the police have been no fied and they will be cke ng for this. Please drop your child off at least 2 blocks away and have them walk. This will avoid the problems with the neighbors and the conges on in the front of the school. I want to personally invite you to a end our many spor ng events, plays, and concerts. Be a part of the school and join the PTSA. We appreciate parent involvement in all of our events. If you have not been to the Beacon please come by and try one of their many classes that they offer adults. It is also a great place to have your children get tu-toring a er school. Please listen for the auto dialers that I send regarding im-portant announcements and or schedule changes or visit our newly refurbished website. It is always changing. The website address is h p:// I would like to thank all of the students, parents and teach-ers for their con nuing hard work at GWHS. Your hard work makes Washington a great school with many long standing tradi ons and proud graduates! Have a great rest of the semester! Do your best - your very best! Go EAGLES!!! Mrs. Ericka M. Lovrin

Fall 2012 November 24, 2012 Edited by: Joseph Wong

PTSAEvery child one voice

GWHS PTSA George Washington High School

Page 2: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter


My name is Mercy Blount and I am your 2012-2013 PTSA Presi-dent at George Washington High School. My son, Elijah Rutsky, Jr, is a sophomore and a JROTC Cadet at GWHS. I would like to welcome back our returning students & families and welcome all new students and families who will be a part of our George Washington family this year. This is my first year as your PTSA President and this will be a year of change, and change can be both immeasurable & invalua-ble. One of the primary roles of the PTSA is to build strong rela-

onships among teachers, staff, students, & our community. It can be very discouraging at mes when we don’t under-stand why certain decisions are made at state & local levels that affect our children’s educa on. It’s our responsibility as parents to be our children’s voice and to become an ac ve par cipant in our children’s educa on. How can you achieve this? * Join the PTSA * A end the PTSA Mee ngs, our mee ngs are held every 2nd Wednesday of the month from 6-7pm. (We now have a kids’ cor-ner and our JROTC Cadets volunteer their me to keep your child ac ve & busy while you a end the PTSA mee ngs) * Support the fundraising projects & PTSA events throughout the year * Become a PTSA Board Member. Many parents feel that they cannot par cipate in the PTSA because they cannot come to the mee ngs or be at the school during working hours. There are endless possibili es and ways you can help, whether it’s dona ng money or giving 30 minutes or a couple of hours of your me. Your ideas, talents & your me are truly needed. Re-

search shows that students whose parents are involved in their educa-

on have be er grades and fewer discipline problems. The me you give to the PTSA & your school will be worth your while. Please consid-er joining… YOU can make a differ-ence!

JROTC is a program that I strongly support. The objec ves are to ins ll values of ci zenship, leadership, wellness, physical fit-ness, community service, personal responsibility & a sense of ac-complishment in our high school students/cadets. This is NOT a military recruitment class and there is NO military obliga on for taking this course. I’d love to speak with any parent who may have any ques ons. I’d like to thank you in advance for your support & considera-

on. I’d also like to thank our many volunteers & JROTC Cadets for their enthusiasm & dedica on to our school. Our PTSA is only as strong as the families & staff who support it! Our success is strongly based on YOUR support. Please consider becoming a member of the PTSA today! Thank you for ALL that you do & let’s have a great year! As always, if you have any ques ons, comments or concerns you can reach me by email @ [email protected] Mercy Blount-PTSA President 2012-2013 George Washington High School

Huge Growth for Alumni Associa on Our 2011-12 ac vi es were very successful, from the 75th An-niversary Art Tour/Variety Show in the fall and Gala/Silent Auc on in the spring, to a significant influx of funds thanks to Fall 1952 alumnus Gilbert "Hank" Gates and late English teacher and depart-ment chair Peter Ritson, to a record-se ng senior membership drive -- 463 out of 646 in the Class of 2012 joined the Alumni Asso-cia on! Where do we go from there? The 2012-13 year brings us a new logo and a new slogan "We Are Eagles 4 LIFE!" We also con nue seeking new funding sources to beef up our ability to fund grants for school supplies and ac vi es. Part of our increased efforts in-cludes accep ng credit cards in person and online for memberships (h p:// and dona ons. We now have a page for General Fund dona ons (h p://; over me we'll add pages for all our funds. We currently administer 10 general or spe-cialty funds, 10 department grant funds, and 25 student award/scholarship funds. We also have a page for Alumni wares (h p:// -- selected 75th Anniversary items have been marked down, grab them while they're s ll available! That's the first half of our mission: "helping students succeed, keeping alumni connected." The second half includes our print

newsle er and/or emails to over 5,000 members twice a year, but also growth on Face book (over 1500 fans; in comparison, Lincoln Alumni's Face book page has less than 300 fans). In our newsle er and on our Face book page, we promote campus events and reun-ions, and post newsworthy or historical photos. We also have a Twi er feed, a Google+ page and a Interest page. "Reunion Season" (Sep-Oct) has just wrapped, and we saw 10 events including the Bell Game Party and Kelly's Cove Reunion, both in their 8th year. We already have four milestone reunions posted on our website for 2013 plus other events such as the Ath-le c Hall of Fame induc on and Old School Dance and Jim Ruane Golf Tournament fundraisers. By promo ng and publicizing these events, we help ensure their success. Lastly, the Alumni Board of Directors will shortly be vo ng on candidates submi ed for induc on into our Hall of Merit. The in-ductee(s) and details about the May 2013 induc on dinner will be announced in the next issue of this newsle er as well as our Alum-ni Scope newsle er and Face book page, so stay tuned -- the best is yet to come! Yours in Eagle Spirit, Tammy Aramian '74

Page 3: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

GWHS Dance Company 2012

Come support the George Washington High School Dance Company… Upcoming performances:

• Thursday, December 13th, 2012 at 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. @SFGH

The GWHS Band, Orchestra, Choir, and Dance Company will perform at San Francisco General Hospital in 2 show-cases. Come out and enjoy the show!

• Friday, January 25th , 2013 @ Kezar Pavilion The GWHS Dance Company will perform at hal ime for JV boys, Varsity girls and Varsity boy’s basketball games at "Ba le of the Birds".

• Thursday, January 31st , 2013 AOHT Washington Ex-clusive Fashion Show

Pre-Show Games 5:30 - 6:30 p.m., Show me @ 6:30 p.m. GWHS Dance Company performs on stage in the 3rd An-nual Fashion Show VISION SERIES 2013 @ The Cowell Theater at Fort Mason Center

The GWHS Dance Company performs • Sunday, January 27th OR February 3rd, 2013. (date s ll

being finalized)

Looking forward to seeing you there! KEEP SUPPORTING THE ARTS! Nina Mayer GWHS Director of Dance

The Wonderful World of the ARTS PROGRAM Dead Man Walking Project at GWHS Did you miss it? The Drama Department at GWHS spon-sored a month-long series of events in October around the produc on of "Dead Man Walking". The play follows a nun's journey and she encounters a death row inmate and his vic m’s parents and explores the issues of the death penalty. As you know, Californians voted on Proposi on 34 to repeal the death penalty. The events included a VAPA Assembly along the theme; a screening of the movie "The Empty Chair", a Teach-In, and a debate by members of the speech team. This culminated in a moving a powerful produc-

on of the

play "Dead Man Walking". GWHS is the FIRST San Francisco Public High School to mount a produc on of this play. Bartek Wysocki and Callahan Foley lead a cast of 24 students in this produc on which performed on Oct 25th , 27th , Nov. 2nd and Nov. 3rd. Other members of the cast included: Seniors: ANDREAS REPLOGLE, STEPHANIE ZHANG Juniors: JEFFERY LATHAM, DIANA LIU, SOPHIE VO, RAY-MOND WOO, KATHY WANNAVIROJ JOYCE YU Sophomores: GRANGER BALESTRIERI, ALINA BELOUSOVA, KENDALL CARROLL, AGNES CHEN, CHRIS DABIT, CHEL JAUF-FRED, TALIA MOORE, HANNAH MOSHEIM, Freshman: NATALIA ALEGRE, HOPE HURST, MACKENZIE MES-LER, NATALIE RAUDA, DYLAN SINGARES, TRANG TRAN

Page 4: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

Join Us for the Rest of the 2012-2013 Season! Washington is indeed fortunate to have a thriving Visual and Performing Arts Program. Please support us by a ending our many produc ons! Visit the Washington High School homep-age under the VAPA Calendar bu on for details or e-mail at [email protected] WASHINGTON HAS TALENT- Friday Nov.16th and Saturday Nov.17th @ 7:30 pm WINTER MUSIC CONCERT – Thursday Dec. 6th @ 7:00 pm SPRING PLAY “TAMING OF THE SHREW” Thursday- March 7th @ 3:00 pm Friday March 8th and Saturday March 9th @ 7:30 pm Friday March 15th and Saturday March16th @ 7:30 pm SENIOR ONE ACTS -Friday April 19th and Saturday April 20th @ 7:30 pm

DANCE CONCERT - Thursday May 2nd @ 7:30 pm Friday May 3rd @ 7:30 pm Saturday May 4th @ 2:00 pm

BAND CONCERT- Thursday, May 9th @ 7:00 pm CHOIR CONCERT – Thursday, May 16th @ 7:00 pm BENEFITS OF AN ARTS EDUCATION by John Propster -Visual and Performing Arts Chair Research has shown again and again that students who par ci-pate in the arts over the years have higher test scores and more success at being accepted to their first choice college. This only happens by making a commitment by taking classes beyond the introductory level. If your student has a passion for the arts, make sure they request a 2nd or 3rd year of VAPA classes to give them an edge in higher level thinking skills and acceptance to the college of their choice! Keep this in mind in the spring when you and your student make decisions about what to take in the coming year.

Physical Educa on Department The George Washington High School Physical Educa on Department is off to a great start. All 9th and 10th graders that are in enrolled in a Physical Educa on class have already been tested in all six of the required Physical Fitness Tests. They will again be tested in the Spring of 2013. Over one hundred 11th and 12th graders that had not previously passed 5 of the 6 Physical Fitness Tests were also tested. We had our annual "Thanksgiving Turkey Trot - Mile Run and Turkey Drawing". The event took place on November 13th. All students were welcomed to par cipate. A total of 8 Turkeys were given out. The run as always was a lot of fun and has be-come a tradi on at Washington High School. The staff of the Physical Educa on Department is commi ed to providing quality Physical Educa on for our en re student body. We take pride in what we do and we are proud of our students. We would like to thank the PTSA for all they do to help assist and support our teachers and school. They do an outstanding job. Carrie Wert - Physical Educa on Department Head

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Page 6: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

Chinese American Club – (CAC) The Chinese American Club (CAC) is one of the oldest and largest clubs at GWHS. The club meets on the first Monday of each month in the auditorium. With over a hundred members, CAC is led by Michael Ieputra (President) and Joseph Wong (VP). Being Chinese is not a requirement for membership. The club accepts any student who is willing to volunteer and help out at events such as the Lunar New Year Parade, Dragon Boat Competitions, Chinatown Adopt-An-Alley and feeding those in need in the Tenderloin along with raising awareness and funds for Breast Cancer Research, the Cancer & Lym-phoma Society, and Special Olympics. Celebrating its 37th year, CAC is devoted to helping the community at large with a focus on the Chi-nese Community. For the past few years, CAC has devoted its annual walkathon to various disaster re-lief funds from the Szechuan to the Tohoku quake and dedicated last year’s fundraiser to the Asian Women’s Shelter. This year’s walkathon on December 9 (Sunday) will be dedicated to the victims of Storm Sandy. The Chinese American Club strives to be an active component of GWHS volunteerism. For more information, contact Mr. Layug (sponsor for the past 9 years) in Room 219.

Eagles Service Society – (ESS) The Eagles Service Society (ESS) has merged with the General Service Society (GSS). Previously, ESS and GSS were segregated by gender with ESS exclusively for boys and GSS just for girls. This year, ESS has become stronger and unified with leadership under Cheyenne Wu and Joseph Wong (Co-Presidents) along with Bobby Lui (VP). SS is the oldest volunteer club at school. Like GWHS, ESS is 76 years old. All members strive to maintain high standards and represent GWHS with pride and dignity throughout the city. Members must maintain a 3.0 GPA along with a minimum of 25 hours of volunteer service per semester aside from performing mandatory service for the school such as Back to School night, Graduation ceremony, and class orientations. With over 80 members, a number of ESS members easily surpass more than 70 hours of volunteerism each semester. Recently, ESS members were proudly thanked for their dedication during Thanksgiving break. They not only gave up hours to help serve those in need at Glide Memorial Church, they also spent their Thanksgiving break helping SFFD’s Toys for Tots program. Aside from raising funds and awareness for numerous non-profit groups each year, ESS is also a major component in helping other schools such as Argonne & Peabody Elementary schools with their fairs and fundraisers. ESS will continually help raise funds and awareness for Breast Cancer research, the Cancer & Lymphoma Society, along with domestic violence prevention, environmental clean-ups, AIDS Memorial Grove, and helping the Richmond neighborhood with its various needs and causes. ESS will continue to be the vanguard for GWHS pride, service, and integrity. ESS is proudly sponsored by Mr. Layug and Mrs. Beresford.

Page 7: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

校長的重要信息﹕ 敬愛的家長和師生﹕ 恭喜全校師生和家長在加州標注考試(STAR test) 的成績



家的工作感到非常驕傲! 我們的目標是在下次考試爭取超

過800分。 三番市聯合學區達到了這目標﹕ 全學區學生的

學習成績指數達到807分。 今年讓我們以這為目標。 我們


<<CAHSEE>>就全部(數學和英語) 合格。 要取得以上收

穫,我們需要大家幫助才可以達到我們的目標。。 家長

們﹕請您們對子女強調這些考試的重要性。 這些考試是您



家長們﹕ 請監測您孩子的成績並如有疑問,請跟我們的

學習顧問聯絡。 請確保學生有固定的地方做作業, 吃早餐

後準時上學! 請幫您的子女準時到學校並提醒他們一定要

準時上課。 沒有學生希望自己在曠課名單上。 曠課的學


單。 請確保準時上課! 另外讓我提醒大家學生不可以在校園里用手提電話或任

何電器。 還有要注意學生的衣冠﹕ 學生不可以穿背心上

學。 裙子和短褲不該短過學生的上半大腿。


街重貼停車。 因為鄰居屢次投訴不顧別人的駕駛員與重貼

停車問題, 警察已經有通知並會發違規停車罰單。 請把子

女送到學校之前的兩個街口並讓他們走路到學校。 這會避

免跟鄰居有問題也會避免在校門前堵車。 我想特別邀請您們出席學校的許好體育比賽活動, 話劇

和音樂會。 請加入學校和<<家長師生協會>>。 我們欣賞

家長參與學校所有活動。 如果您沒去過Beacon, 請去那裡並

識一識這中心為成人舉辦的許多課程。 Beacon中心也是為

您子女提供補習的優秀地方。 請聽我通過自動電話發出的重要信息和有關學校時間表

的改變, 或請參觀我們剛翻新的學校網站。 網站常常更

改。 本校的網站地址如下﹕ 我感謝全體師生與家長為學校長期辛勤勞動。 您們的辛


人驕傲的畢業生之校。 祝大家 秋季學習優異! 盡力 -- 盡全力 創未來! 雄鷹們, 加油!!! 愛兒卡校長

"是的, 我們一起行!" 我叫 Mercy Blount. 我是大家的<<師生家長協會>>主

席. 我的孩子, Elijah Rutsky, Jr. 是十年級的學生,




今年我第一次當<<師生家長協會>>主席; 今年會有轉

變, 而傳變往往會帶來無比的, 無價的收穫. <<師生家長

協會>>其中主要的角色就是和老師, 職員, 學生與社區之

間 建立堅固的關係.

在全省與市的決定影響我們子女的教育之際, 我們有時

候會非常泄. 作為家長, 我們有責任代表子女的心聲並積

極地參與子女的教育. 您們怎樣達到這些目標呢?

* 加入<<師生家長協會>>.

* 出席<<師生家長協會>>會議: 我們的會議是在每

月的第二個星期三, 晚上六點到七點.(現在我們有

<<兒童角>>; 這是青年軍訓的義工學生在您們開


* 整年支持<<師生家長協會>>的籌款計劃和活動.

* 成為<<師生家長協會>>行政委員. 因為不能出席

會議或上班不能到學校的原因, 好多家長覺得他們


其實您們有數不盡的機會與方式幫助學校-- 無論是捐

錢或貢獻半小時或兩小時的時間. 我們確實需要您們的主

意, 才能與時間. 研究顯示有家長參與教育的學生取得更

好的成績並有相對小的紀律問題. 您為學校或<<師生家長

協會>>做事的時間是值得的. 請考慮加入... 您一定行!

<<青年軍訓>> 是我極力支持的計劃. <<JROTC>>的目

標是培養我們的高中學生有公民美德, 領導能力, 健康,健

美, 社會服務精神, 個人責任 並有個人成就感. <<青年軍

訓計劃>>不是入軍隊當兵 而且上這堂課沒有軍務責任.


讓我先多謝大家的支持與考慮. 我還希望感謝我們許

多義工和青年軍訓的學生熱情地 全心全意地投入學校. 象

支持我們的家庭與職員一樣, 我們的<<師生家長協會>>只


我們的成功就靠您們的支持! 請考慮今天成為<<師生家


謝謝您們所做的一切! 祝我們今年成功!

如有任何問題, 評語或關注事項, 請電郵給我: mer-

[email protected]. Mercy Blount: 2012-2013 年度<<師 家長協會>>主席


Page 8: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

MENSAJE IMPORTANTE DE LA DIRECTORA Es mados Padres de Familia, Estudiantes y Maestros: Mis felicitaciones a toda la Comunidad de Washington (estudiantes, maestros y padres de familia) en el incremento en los exámenes de pruebas estatales STAR los cuales subieron de 771 a 788. Washington subió 17 puntos con incrementos mar-cados en Álgebra, Álgebra II, Biología y Química. ¡Deberíamos estar muy orgullosos de nuestro trabajo! Nuestra próxima meta es aumentar nuestros resultados de prueba a mas de 800 pun-tos. El Distrito Escolar Unificado de San Francisco alcanzo el ob-je vo con un resultado de prueba de API para todo el distrito de 807 puntos. Sea este nuestro obje vo para este año. Además nuestro obje vo es tener el mayor numero de estudiantes en el 10th grado que estarán tomando por primera vez el CASHEE (Examen de Salida de la Escuela Secundaria de California) y esta-rán pasando ambas secciones. Necesitamos la ayuda de todos en alcanzar estas ganancias y nuestros obje vos. Padres de fa-milia por favor recuérdele a sus hijos la importancia de estos exámenes. Los resultados de estos son un indicador importante para el éxito futuro de sus hijos ya que las calificación les permi-ten el acceso a clases de nivel alto al igual que la asignación a la universidad. Padres, por favor supervise las calificaciones de su niño (a) y póngase en contacto con nuestros consejeros si usted ene al-guna pregunta. ¡Asegúrese que los estudiantes tengan un lugar para hacer sus tareas, al igual asegúrese que su hijo(a) venga a la escuela a empo después de comer un buen desayuno! Por favor ayude a su niño (a) a estar a empo a la escuela y recuér-dele que deben estar a empo a sus clases. No es recomenda-ble que el estudiante este en la lista de corte. Los estudiantes que son puestos en la lista de corte son aquellos que han asis -do a la clase o llegan tarde a sus clases después del almuerzo. Asegúrese que su hijo (a) este a empo! Adicionalmente, es importante que le recuerde a su estu-diante que cuando esta en el edificio escolar no es permi do el

uso de teléfonos celulares o cualquier otro aparato electrónico. Es de suma importancia que revise con su estudiante el código de ves menta que debe ves r cuando viene a la escuela. No se permite el uso de blusas desmangadas es lo “tank tops”. Las faldas y los shorts no deben ser mas cortos que una cuarta o sea la medida de la mano abierta al estar sentada. Padres por favor no se estacionen en medio de la calle cuan-do usted deja a sus niños en la 30 o en 32 Avenida. Han habido varias quejas por parte de los vecinos en cuanto al aparcamien-to en doble fila y en cuanto a los chóferes desconsiderados por lo que la policía ha sido no ficada y estarán dando infracciones. Por favor deje a su niño por lo menos 2 bloques antes de la es-cuela y que ellos caminen, de esa forma evitará problemas con los vecinos y la conges ón de vehículos enfrente de la escuela. Quiero personalmente invitarle a que a enda nuestros even-tos depor vos, dramas y conciertos. Sea parte de nuestra es-cuela e involúcrese en la educación de su hijo(a) siéndose miembro del PTSA. Apreciamos grandemente el que los padres asistan a los eventos cuando les es posible. Si no ha tenido la oportunidad de visitar el centro Beacon por favor hágalo ya que es un lugar excelente donde su hijo(a) puede recibir tutoría des-pués de la escuela. Por favor preste atención a los mensajes telefónicos que con nuamente hago, ya que en estos ene un detalle de los acontecimientos que se llevaran a cabo en la escuela y los cam-bios de horario. Por favor visite nuestro si o en el Internet h p:// el cual esta constante-mente siendo actualizado con nueva información. Quiero agradecer a todos los estudiantes, padres de familia y maestros por su arduo trabajo aquí en GWHS. Si ardua labor hace que Washington sea una excelente es-cuela con una trayectoria de alta tradición y orgullosos gra-duados! Disfrute el resto del semestre! Haga el esfuerzo en dar lo mejor – lo mejor posible! Arriba Aguilas ¡! Go EAGLES!!! Mrs. Ericka M. Lovrin

“Si… Podemos hacer la DIFERENCIA”

Mi nombre es Mercy Blount y soy la nueva presidenta de la Asociación de Padres, Maestros y Estudiantes, ( PTSA) de la escuela George Washington High School. Mi hijo, Eliajah Rutsky Jr. esta en el décimo grado, es cadete y forma parte de la academia juvenil de cadetes conocida como el JROTC de Washington High School.

Quiero darle la mas cordial bienvenida a los Padres de Familia y a los estudiantes que están regresando, al igual que a las nuevos padres de familia y estudiantes que serán parte por primera vez de nuestra familia aquí en GWHS

Este es mi primer año como su presidenta del PTSA y este será un año de cambios, los cuales pueden ser inmen-surables como ines mables. Uno de los papeles primarios del PTSA es el de construir una relación estrecha entre maestros, personal, estudiantes, y nuestra comunidad.

Algunas veces es muy desalentador cuando no entendemos por qué se toman ciertas decisiones que afectan la educación de nuestros niños a nivel estatal y local. Es nuestra responsabilidad como padres de familia el ser la voz de nuestros niños y conver rnos en un par cipante ac vo en la educación de nuestros niños. ¿Cómo usted puede con-seguir esto?

Page 9: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

* A liese al PTSA

* Asista a las Reuniones del PTSA, las cuales son sostenidas cada segundo (2do) miércoles del mes de 6-7pm. (Ahora tenemos el “kids’ corner” el cual es supervisado por nuestros Cadetes voluntario del JROTC quienes mantendrán a sus hijos ocupados con diferentes ac vidades mientras usted a ende la reunión)

* Apoye durante la recaudación de fondos, proyectos y acontecimientos del PTSA a lo largo del año

* Hágase miembro direc vo del PTSA. Muchos padres sienten que ellos no pueden par cipar en el PTSA porque no pueden asis r a las reuniones o estar en la escuela durante las horas de trabajo.

Hay muchas oportunidades en las cuales usted puede ayudar, ya sea donando monetariamente o simplemente dando 30 minutos o un par de horas de su empo. Sus ideas, talentos y su empo son realmente necesarios. Las estadís cas demuestran que los estudiantes cuyos padres se involucran en la educación de sus hijos ob enen mejor grados y enen menos problemas de disciplina. El em-po que usted da al PTSA y su escuela vale la pena. ¡Por favor piense en afiliarse ya … que USTED puede hacer la diferencia!

El JROTC es un programa que apoyo muy fuertemente. Los obje vos son infundir valores cívicos, li-derazgo, salud, desarrollo atlé co, servicio comunitario, responsabilidad personal y un sen do de logro y sa sfacción que alcanzan nuestros estudiantes/cadetes de escuela secundaria. Este progra-ma no es de reclutamiento militar y por lo tanto no hay NINGUNA obligación militar para tomar este curso. Me encantaría hablar con cualquier padre que tenga alguna pregunta al respecto.

Quiero agradecerle de antemano por su apoyo y consideración. Quiero también agradecer a todos nuestros voluntarios y Cadetes JROTC por su entusiasmo y dedicación a nuestra escuela. ¡Nuestro PTSA es únicamente fuerte si las familias y personal que lo apoya!

Nuestro éxito está basado en SU apoyo. ¡Por favor piense en ser miembro del PTSA hoy!

¡Gracias por TODA deseo que tengan un gran año!

Si ene alguna pregunta, comentario o preocupación me puede enviar un correo electrónico [email protected]

Mercy Blount- Presidenta del PTSA 2012-2013

George Washington High School

Page 10: PTSA Fall 2012 Newsletter

ANotefromtheEditorHelloWashingtonFamilies, ThankyousomuchtothoseofyouwhosubmittedanarticletothePTSANewsletter.Iwanttothankourschool’sfaithfultranslatorsMs.Ri -Xi Liang andMs.YaniraCurry,whodomorethanjusttranslatenewsletterarticles!IalsowanttothankJosephWong(student)whoformatsthenewsletter. Many,manythankstoalltheparentsofGeorgeWashingtonHighSchoolwhoattendsthePTSAMeetings!Ilookforwardtoseeingyoueverymonth.Iamhopingtoseemorenewparentsatourmeetings.PARENTSareaverybigandimportantpartofourschool.PleasedoyourbesttoattendthePTSAMeetingsandmoreimportantlybecomeaPTSAMember.It’ssoeasy,justbyjoining,youarealreadyparticipating.Wealldowhatwecantosupportourchildrenandtheireducation.Let’sallgetonboardandjointhePTSAbybecom-ingamembertoday! Wearelookingfor100%participation!Pleasedoyourpart!ManythankstoallwhohelpwiththePTSAMeetings,fromsettinguptocleaningup,youaresoappreciated!Itcannotbedonewithouttheloyaltyandcommitmentofthiswonderfulgroupofpeople!GWHSissoluckytohaveyou!ThankyouPrincipalErickaLovrinandPTSAPresidentMercyBlountforallofyourhardworkandthegivingofyourtimesogenerously!Sincerely,SandyLeePTSANewsletterEditorNominatingCommitteeRaf [email protected]

PTSA Every child one voice

GWHS PTSA Newsle er George Washington High School