protecting certified seed against fraud

218 WHAT IS J. G. MILWARD DOING FOR THE WISCONSIN POTATO INDUSTRY Briefly, he is constantly working for the welfare of this industry from harvest to harvest. If the editor should relate all it would fill a book. Therefore, at present I am going to confine what I may write to only one phase of the subject, but an important one, that of getting several of the growers to read the best and latest information concerning the potato industry. In March of this year, Prof. Milward started a drive to increase the membership in the Potato Association of America in his state. He did it in a unique way. It is needless to report that he has been successful. To (late, 41 new members have already been ob- tained through his efforts. These have been individually secured through an appealing circular letter with an application blank at- tached. Prof. Milward has no secrets as to how to get new mem- hers and will be glad to give you the essential information. What he is doing in Wisconsin can be accomplished in California, Maine, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, Virginia and other states.~Editor. PROTECTING CERTIFIED SEED AGAINST FRAUD This is a subject which has been much discussed and some pro- gress has been made in the way of standardizing certified seed and in forming ot)inions as to the best way to protect seed against fraud. These opinions should be assembled in written form and after a thorough study the best of each should be formulated into a per- fected working plan. Such a plan can only be accomplished through constant endeavors of those interested in the subject. The pro- tection of certified seed against fraud is so important that much thought should be given it. The editor will be glad to receive the opinions of those interested in the subject at their earliest convenience. It is needless to say that continued action that will work towards a definite goal is necessary. Furthermore, it covers such a large field that united effort is essential for its success. Therefore, we need to think seriously about the subject of protecting the name that certified seed has made throughout the country and not to be afraid to express our thoughts. If I)ossil.~le plan to attend the conference which is to be held at Freehold, N. J. on June 21 and 22, where the subject will be dis- cussed. ILLUSTRATIONS NEEDED Confucius, who was born 551 )Tears before Christ and who be- came one of China's greatest leaders once said,--"One picture is worth ten thousand words." It is true that a good picture may convey an idea at a glance that cannot be as fully and so clearly expressed in words in a short time. Many have not the time in

Post on 22-Aug-2016




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Page 1: Protecting certified seed against fraud



Briefly, he is cons tan t ly work i ng for the welfare of this indus t ry f rom harves t to harvest . If the edi tor should relate all it would fill a book. Therefore , at present I am going to confine wha t I m a y wri te to only one phase of the subject , but an impor t an t one, that of ge t t ing several of the g rowers to read the best and latest in format ion concerning the pota to industry.

In March of this year, Prof. Mi lward s tar ted a drive to increase the member sh ip in the Po ta to Associat ion of Amer ica in his state. He did it in a unique way. I t is needless to repor t tha t he has been successful. T o (late, 41 new m e m b e r s have a l ready been ob- tained through his efforts. These have been individual ly secured th rough an appeal ing circular let ter with an appl icat ion b lank at- tached. Prof. Milward has no secrets as to how to get new mem- hers and will be glad to give you the essential informat ion. W h a t he is doing in Wiscons in can be accompl ished in California, Maine, Minnesota, Pennsylvania , Virginia and other s t a t e s . ~ E d i t o r .


This is a subject which has been much discussed and some pro- gress has been made in the way of s tandard iz ing certified seed and in fo rming ot)inions as to the best way to protec t seed aga ins t fraud. These opinions should be assembled in wr i t ten form and af ter a thorough s tudy the best of each should be fo rmula ted into a per- fected work ing plan. Such a plan can only be accompl ished th rough constant endeavors of those interested in the subject . T h e pro- tection of certified seed agains t fraud is so impor t an t tha t much though t should be given it.

The editor will be glad to receive the opinions of those in teres ted in the subject at their earl iest convenience. I t is needless to say that cont inued action tha t will work towards a definite goal is necessary. Fu r the rmore , it covers such a large field tha t united effort is essential for its success. Therefore , we need to think seriously about the subject of p ro tec t ing the name tha t certified seed has made th roughou t the count ry and not to be afraid to express our thoughts .

I f I)ossil.~le plan to a t tend the conference which is to be held at Freehold, N. J. on June 21 and 22, where the subject will be dis- cussed.


Confucius, who was born 551 )Tears before Christ and who be- came one of China 's g rea tes t leaders once s a i d , - - " O n e picture is wor th ten thousand words . " It is t rue tha t a good picture m a y convey an idea at a glance tha t cannot be as fully and so clearly expressed in words in a shor t time. Many have not the t ime in