production feedback

Production feedback

Upload: kelseymcpherson

Post on 27-Jan-2016




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Page 1: Production Feedback

Production feedback

Page 2: Production Feedback

We decided to post pictures of our final magazine advert and digipak onto Facebook to see what audience feedback we would get. This was an easy way to get audience feedback for our two promotional materials; we got some good comments about both promotional materials. We asked people to give their honest opinions about our magazine advert and digipak. We got quite a few comments on our ancillary tasks, all of them are positive some comments are more detailed than others. However we haven’t had any negative comments or any comments on things that we could improve on and therefore this tells us that we don’t have anything to change as well as suggests that our target audience likes our promotional materials. The good thing about putting images of our ancillary tasks on Facebook is that it’s easy to do this and it is easy for people to comment on. However as this is on Facebook and your friends will see it they are more likely to say that it’s good rather than give criticisms and improvements. Overall I think that putting on Facebook was a good idea and helped us to gain some feedback.

Page 3: Production Feedback

We also did another vox pops to find out what people thought about our rough edit. By doing this it can help us to see if we need to make any improvements to our footage or even re-film. We found that from our research that we needed to re-film as some of the shots were dark and others were blurry. We asked four people five questions to see what they thought about our rough edit for our music video. We had a lot of good feedback about the use of spilt screen, all the people we asked liked this and therefore we decided to keep this and re-film other parts of our music video. Another question that we asked was what we could improve, Becky said that we needed to make sure that we cut to the beat and didn’t have black spaces between shots. When we re-filmed we made sure that there was no black spaces between shots and that there was a shot for every part of the song. Other improvements were that Kuziva needed to get into the music more as some shots he doesn’t have a lot of expression. In this shot below Kuziva looks really serious doesn’t really get into the music. Compared to our final music video he gets more into the music and isn’t as serious as in our rough edit.