ppb grammar

Basics of Grammar Nouns Verbs Pronouns Adverbs Adjective s Prepositio ns Interjecti ons Conjunctio ns

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Basics of Grammar







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What is Grammar?

• A set of rules and principles to speak and write a language in a correct manner.

• The word Grammar derives from Greek word (Grammatike) which means “Art of letters”

• Grammar Is also called the backbone of the language.

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Why to use Grammar

To make the conversation positive and impressive.

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How to use Grammar

By making correct use of tenses and speeches of English.

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8 parts of speeches


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word that names a

A Person A Place

A Thing An Idea

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Kinds of nouns

• Common Noun• Proper Noun• Singular Noun• Plural Noun• Irregular Noun

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Common noun

Names general items like• Kitchen• Wallpaper• Mouse etc.

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Proper noun

Name a specific (one-of-a-kind or unique) thing

OxfordJupiterEiffel Tower Will always begin with a capital letter

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Singular/plural noun

Singular noun names a only one thing whereas plural noun

names more than thing. E.g

House - houses

Chair - Chairs

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Conversion of singular to plural

When the singular noun ends in: -sh, -ch, -s, -ss, -x, -o

Form the plural by adding “-es".

Sandwich - sandwiches

brush - brushes

bus - buses

box - boxes

potato - potatoes

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singular noun ends in "y", we change “y” for “ies”

Butterfly - Butterflies

do not change the "y" for "ies" when the singular noun endsin "y" preceded by a vowel.

day - days toy - toys

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Irregular Nouns which do not form the plural in this way

Woman - Women Child - Children Sheep - Sheep Child - children

Man - menOx - oxenDeer - deer

Series - series Sheep - sheep Species - species

Mouse - micePerson – peopleCactus - Cacti

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word that expresses some action or occurrence

Paul rides a bicycle

John types an essay

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Types of verbs

• Action verbs• Linking verbs

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Action verbs express some physical or mental action

Paul rides a bicycle

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Linking verbs make a statement by linking the subject with

word that describes or explains it.

I am riding a bicycle

Being, Been, Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, Shall be, Will be

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The Pronoun

A Word which replaces noun or nouns and designatesperson, place or a thing.

John is student He is student

Rule: A pronoun must agree with the noun it refer to(singular/plural) The train was late, it had been delayed.

The trains were late, they had been delayed.

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Types of Pronouns

• Personal Pronoun (I, me, mine)• Demonstrative Pronoun (This, That , These, Those)• Interrogative pronoun (Who, which, what)

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Personal Pronoun

Personal pronoun refers to person who I doing the action or

to whom the action affects

e.g. I, me, He, Him, She, Her, We, Us, They, Them.

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Demonstrative pronoun

Which points to a specific thing

This, That, These, Those

They also indicate whether the thing is close or far

"That" (singular) and "Those" (plural) refer to an object or

person far AWAY.

Who owns that house? (distant - physical)

Is this John's house? (near - physical)

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Interrogative pronoun

Used in order to ask a question

What, Which, Who, Whose, Whom

Who wrote the novel Rockbound?

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The Adjective

Modifies or describes a noun or pronoun / adjective shows

the property of a noun

Which, What kind, How many

The lazy dog sat on the rug, the word lazy is an adjective

which gives more information about the noun dog.

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The Adverb

Modifies and describes a verb, an adjective or any otherAdverb

How -Tom sings well. When - I can't meet you today. Where - They will be here soon.

How much - He usually gets good grades.

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Adjective and Adverb

An Adjectives shows the relation with a Noun

A Slow Car

An Adverb shows the relation with a verb

He drives slowly

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Adjectives and Adverbs

Slow – Slowly

Angry – Angrily

Easy – Easily

Quiet – Quietly

Careful – Carefully

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The Preposition

All those words which show the relationship between a

noun/pronoun and another word in the sentence.

The proposition never stands alone.

The preposition can be one word or group of words.

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Some common prepositions

At, By, On, To, For, Of, Through, Up, Off, Onto, Upto, In, Within, Across, Into, Along, Behind , Below

1. I'm tired __ waiting for you.2. He hasn't smoked ___ ages.3. Nina is good __ running.4. I'm looking ___ my keys. Has anyone found them?5. They dream __ moving to South Africa.6. This song was written __ Madonna7. You can look the word __ in a dictionary.8. I can't come to the party. Don't wait ___ me.9. She had problems __ reading the instructions.10. The police car chased the robbers _______ the streets.

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The Conjunction

A word that joins words or group of words

And - They ate and drank.Or - He will be here on Monday or TuesdayNeither/nor Neither - John knew the answer nor Tom.Either/Or - Either Neil or peter can give speechBut - She is small but strong. So - I was tired so I went to sleep (After, Before, Unless, Although, if, Until, as, Since,

When, Because, Then)

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The Interjection words which express the emotions WOWGoodness

OOPS The interjection is a special word which is simply added toa sentence to convey an emotion. It has no grammaticalrelationship to the other parts of the sentence; in otherwords, it could be removed with no effect on thecorrectness of the sentence. It is generally followed by anexclamation mark. It is also rare in academic writing,except in direct quotations.

Some interjections are: Ouch, Oh no, Hey, Eh, Ah, My God

All curse words, used by themselves, are interjections.