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Vol. I MARCH, 2017 No. 1 Population and Adolescence Education Cell, SCERT, Sikkim ANNU AL NEW S LET TER STATE COUNCIL OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH & TRAINING “Empowering Society through Education” I n the new millennium, nations are judged by the well-being of their people, levels of health, nutrition and education, by the civil and political liberties enjoyed by their citizens, by the protection guaranteed to children and by pro- visions made for the vulnerable and disadvantaged. The vast number of people of India can be its greatest asset if they are provided with the means to lead healthy and economically productive lives. Population stabilization as a multisectoral endeavor requiring constant and effective dialogue among a diversity of stake holders, and co-ordination at all levels of the government and the society. Spread of literacy and educa- tion, increasing availability of affordable reproductive and the child health services, convergence of service delivery at village levels, participation of women in the paid work force, together with a steady, equitable improve- ment in family incomes will facilitate early achievement of the socio-demo- graphic goals. - National Population Policy, 2000. National Population Education Project The National Population Education Project (NPEP) was launched in the school education system of India in April 1980. It was implemented in four phases: first phase (1980- 85), second phase (1986-1992), third phase (1993-1997) and the fourth phase (1998-2002). In April 2002, the Govt. of India took over the project and made it a part of Quality Improvement in Schools (QIS). In 2006, MHRD transferred this project to NCERT. The project now has been coordi- nated and implemented by NCERT. SCERT is the state co- ordinating agency. OBJECTIVES: The overreaching objective of NPEP is: To institutionalize population education in the school education system To create awareness and develop positive attitude to- wards population and development issues leading to re- sponsible behavior among students and teachers and, indirectly among parents and the community at large. To impart authentic knowledge to learners about ADO- LESCENT REPRODUCTIVE and SEXUAL HEALTH (ARSH) concerns, inculcate positive attitude and develop skills, for responsible behavior. From the Director’s Desk…………. Population and Adolescent issues pose challenge to development and the need for creating a forum for exchange of views on those challenges was felt which gave birth to this maiden issue of Population and Ado- lescence Education Annual Newsletter “TEEN TRI- BUNE”. It is in this regard, that population and Adoles- cence Education Cell of SCERT, Sikkim, under the guid- ance and resource support of NCERT, New Delhi, has been conducting various activities in different areas of population and adolescence education trying to develop knowledge, attitude and behavior of the school students in their formative years. “TEEN TRIBUNE”, the an- nual newsletter on Population and Adolescence Educa- tion will be a regular feature, which will not only reflect various activities but also aims at disseminating related information to its readers. I express my sincere grati- tude to Dr. Saroj Yadav, Dean, Academics,NCERT, New Delhi and her NPEP team for their continuous resource support and guidance in implementing the NPEP ac- tivities in our state. I take this opportunity to congratu- late the Population Cell team of SCERT for taking the initiative and coming up with this first newsletter.I hope and believe that “TEEN TRIBUNE” will be a yearly episode of SCERT and will be glad to receive sincere comments and suggestions for improvement in the suc- cessive years of the Newsletter. State Population Educa- tion Cell Team, SCERT, Sikkim Dr. Rabin Kumar Chhetri, Director [email protected] Ms. Ranju Pradhan, Project Coordinator [email protected] Mr Rajiv Phillip, Asstt. Project Coordinator [email protected] Ms. Januka Dhakal, UDC Mr. Prakash Rai, Peon TEEN TRIBUNE

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Vol. I MARCH, 2017 No. 1

Population and Adolescence Education Cell, SCERT, Sikkim



In the new millennium, nations are judged by the well-being of their people,levels of health, nutrition and education, by the civil and political liberties

enjoyed by their citizens, by the protection guaranteed to children and by pro-visions made for the vulnerable and disadvantaged.

The vast number of people of India can be its greatest asset if they areprovided with the means to lead healthy and economically productive lives.Population stabilization as a multisectoral endeavor requiring constant andeffective dialogue among a diversity of stake holders, and co-ordination atall levels of the government and the society. Spread of literacy and educa-tion, increasing availability of affordable reproductive and the child healthservices, convergence of service delivery at village levels, participation ofwomen in the paid work force, together with a steady, equitable improve-ment in family incomes will facilitate early achievement of the socio-demo-graphic goals. - National Population Policy, 2000.

National Population Education ProjectThe National Population Education Project (NPEP)

was launched in the school education system of India in April1980. It was implemented in four phases: first phase (1980-85), second phase (1986-1992), third phase (1993-1997)and the fourth phase (1998-2002). In April 2002, the Govt.of India took over the project and made it a part of QualityImprovement in Schools (QIS). In 2006, MHRD transferredthis project to NCERT. The project now has been coordi-nated and implemented by NCERT. SCERT is the state co-ordinating agency.

OBJECTIVES:The overreaching objective of NPEP is:

✦ To institutionalize population education in the schooleducation system

✦ To create awareness and develop positive attitude to-wards population and development issues leading to re-sponsible behavior among students and teachers and,indirectly among parents and the community at large.

✦ To impart authentic knowledge to learners about ADO-LESCENT REPRODUCTIVE and SEXUALHEALTH (ARSH) concerns, inculcate positive attitudeand develop skills, for responsible behavior.

From the Director’s Desk………….Population and Adolescent issues pose challenge

to development and the need for creating a forum forexchange of views on those challenges was felt whichgave birth to this maiden issue of Population and Ado-lescence Education Annual Newsletter “TEEN TRI-BUNE”. It is in this regard, that population and Adoles-cence Education Cell of SCERT, Sikkim, under the guid-ance and resource support of NCERT, New Delhi, hasbeen conducting various activities in different areas ofpopulation and adolescence education trying to developknowledge, attitude and behavior of the school studentsin their formative years. “TEEN TRIBUNE”, the an-nual newsletter on Population and Adolescence Educa-tion will be a regular feature, which will not only reflectvarious activities but also aims at disseminating relatedinformation to its readers. I express my sincere grati-tude to Dr. Saroj Yadav, Dean, Academics,NCERT, NewDelhi and her NPEP team for their continuous resourcesupport and guidance in implementing the NPEP ac-tivities in our state. I take this opportunity to congratu-late the Population Cell team of SCERT for taking theinitiative and coming up with this first newsletter.I hopeand believe that “TEEN TRIBUNE” will be a yearlyepisode of SCERT and will be glad to receive sincerecomments and suggestions for improvement in the suc-cessive years of the Newsletter.

State Population Educa-tion Cell Team,SCERT, Sikkim

✦✦✦✦✦ Dr. Rabin KumarChhetri, [email protected]

✦✦✦✦✦ Ms. Ranju Pradhan,Project [email protected]

✦✦✦✦✦ Mr Rajiv Phillip,Asstt. Project [email protected]

✦✦✦✦✦ Ms. Januka Dhakal, UDC

✦✦✦✦✦ Mr. Prakash Rai, Peon


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Dear Readers,Greetings from Population and Adolescence

Education Cell, SCERT, Sikkim!Healthy adolescents define the quality of a society.

There is no short cut to living life meaningfully, we allhave to strive together to help children realize their fullpotential and ultimately contribute to all- round and healthydevelopment of our society. In order to improve thequality of adolescents, greater emphasis will be laid tosupporting institutions and students and strengtheningthem to cope up with the challenges of life. The purposeof population and adolescence education is to helppeople understand the impact of population change onlives and to develop the decision making skills they willneed to cope with their population. Every child possessesimmense wealth of knowledge, creativity, courage andperseverance, and the effort of every stakeholder shouldbe to unlock that treasure to enable the growing citizensto face a real life situation with care and compassion.The untapped potential and the enthusiasm of our youngchildren has motivated us to come up with this maidenissue of “TEEN TRIBUNE” with the sole aim ofdisseminating various population and adolescenteducation related issues, concerns and develop betterunderstanding. We sincerely hope that the initiative willsurely give us healthy society with healthy adolescents.

It is hoped that “Teen Tribune” will continue to ig-nite the young minds of our state. We sincerely expectguidance and valuable suggestions from all our learnedreaders and well wishers for further improvement in thesuccessive years of “Teen Tribune”. Please mail us [email protected]/[email protected] andfor latest news, views, research papers, and such otherrelated topics, log on to scertsikkim.in

Ranju Pradhan Editor

Activities conducted byPopulation Education Cell of

SCERT, SikkimApril 2016 - March 2017

The NPE project has two major thrust areas. One ispopulation and the development concerns and the sec-

ond is Adolescent Reproductive and sexual health. StateCouncil of Educational Research and Training (SCERT)

Sikkim has conducted some activities under AdolescenceEducation Program, which is a part of National PopulationEducation Project, NCERT, New Delhi. It was imple-mented as a key intervention for empowering adolescentsto deal with risky situations, preventing HIV infections, re-

ducing vulnerability to the infection and substance depen-dence and influencing positive behavior development anddeveloping life skills. The curricular activities of Role Play,Folk Dance, Poster and Creative writing Competition,Question Box activity and Advocacy (2016-2017) has beensuccessfully conducted under National Population Educa-


Inauguration of State Level Folk Dance and Role Play Competitionby Shri O.T. Lepcha, Advisor, HRDD

The conflict between the need tobelong to a group and the need to beseen as unique and individual is thedominant struggle of adolesence.

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tion Project (NPEP), NCERT, New Delhi. The details ofcompetition held at State and Nation level is as follows:


Venue: Modern Sr. Sec. School, Tathangchen,GangtokDate: 30. 09. 2016Participating Schools PositionGovt. Sr. Sec. School, Mangan (North) 1st

Govt. Sec. School, Penlong (East) 2nd

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Phodong (North) 3rd

Govt. Girls Sr. Sec. School, Deorali, Gangtok (East) 4th

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Enchey, Gangtok (East) 5th

Images of State Level Role Play and Folk Dance Competition


Venue: Modern Sr. Sec. School, Tathangchen,GangtokDate: 30. 09. 2016Participating Schools PositionKGBV Gerethang (West) 1st

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Soreng (West) 2nd

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Yang-ang (South) 3rd

Govt. Sec. School, Rinchenpong (West) 4th

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Jorethang (South) 5th

Govt. Sr. Sec. School, Bermiok Tokal (South) 6th

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National Role Play, Folk Dance Competitionand Youth Festival NCERT, New Delhi

5th - 8th December, 2016

As a part of NationalPopulation and EducationProgram of NCERT,SCERT Sikkim had orga-

nized Role Play and FolkDance Competition on thetheme “Charms and Chal-lenges of Adolescents” at theDistrict Level and the stateLevel. Kasturba GandhiBalika Vidyalaya andMangan Senior SecondarySchool were selected for theNational Level for folk danceand role play respectively. A

team of eleven students andthree teacher escorts wereescorted by Ms. RanjuPradhan, faculty (SCERT) to

NCERT, Delhi. Mangan Se-nior Secondary School se-cured first position at theRegional Level and third atthe National Level for RolePlay. Mention may be madeof one special child, Bhim LalSubba of Mangan SSS,whoshowcased his talent andwon praises, appreciationand applauses not only from

Mangan SSS bagged 1st Position at Regional and 3rd at National Level for Role Play

the judges but from the par-ticipants as well. Inclusion ofspecial child in itself was avictory for the state and aproud moment for all whenwe could secure a positionat the national level. The par-

ticipant schools have not onlybrought glory to their schoolsbut to the State as well. Suchevents not only build confi-dence in children but en-hance and empower them toface the challenges in life.

Winners at National Level Competition with their Teacher escort

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Glimpses of Activities conducted under NPEP Advocacy, Question Box, School LevelPoster and Creative Writing activitieswere conducted as a part of Population

and Adolescence Education Project

Name of the Category PositionInstitution Poster 1st Nissan ChettriLumsey JHS Class VI 2nd Arjun Rai

and above 3rd Prem Tsh. TamangCreative 1st Surekha mangarWriting 2nd Namita Biswakarma

3rd Nissan ChettriAdampul JHS Poster 1st Sabina Chettri

Class VI 2nd Suraj Mundaand above 3rd Milan MangarCreative 1st Kezia RaiWriting 2nd Amrit Neopaney

3rd Nikhil Sharma

Nandok JHS Poster 1st Grittleton H. SubbaClass VI 2nd Hangar subbaand above 3rd Sneha GurungCreative 1st Karma Tsh. TamangWriting 2nd Akash Sharma

3rd Christina RaiRongli JHS Poster 1st Aditya Gurung

Class VI 2nd Pradeep Gurungand above 3rd Deepam Sharma

Creative 1st Lachenla Tamang Writing 2nd Roma Kri. Gupta

3rd Alina RaiAhokissan Poster 1st Kisan MangarSec. School Class VI 2nd Satyam Gurung

and above 3rd Rina chettriCreative 1st Sanjana KhargaWriting 2nd Khusi Mangar

3rd Shristi LimbuQuestion Box Activity was conducted in all theSchools mentioned above.

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Glimpses of Activities Conducted in Schools....

Ms. Ranju Pradhan with Director NCERT, New Delhi, Director SCERT, Goaand Dean Academics-cum-NPEP Coordinator, NCERT, New Delhi at

Annual Project Progress Review Meeting held at SCERT, Goa.



A two-day meeting on Project Progress Review wasattended by Miss. Surki Bhutia, Joint Director, SCERT andMs. Ranju Pradhan, Faculty, SCERT, on 4th and 5th March,

2017 at SCERT-Goa. The meeting was on sharing of statusreport of programmes and activities as well as research findingconducting by respective states.

The planning and budgeting of the programmes andactivities for the financial year 2017-18 was finalised andsubmitted for approval to NPEP, NCERT, New Delhi.

Discussion on Annual Plan (2017-18) Joint Director, SCERTMiss Surki Bhutia with her team

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Advocacy Program in different InstitutionsName of the Clientele Date Resource PersonInstitutionLumsey JHS, Adampul JHS, Heads, teachers 21st March,2017 Ms Ranju PradhanNandokJHS, Rongli JHS, Ahokissan SS and StudentsChujachen SSS & Rongli JHS -do- 31st March, 2017 Ms Ranju Pradhan &

Dr Shantiram AdhikariDIET (East) School Heads, Teacher

Educators, BRC andCRC coordinators 28th March, 2017 Ms. Ranju pradhan

DIET (South) -do 23rd March, 2017 Ms Ranju Pradhan

DIET (West) -do- 25th March ,2017 Ms. Ranju Pradhan

Glimpses of Advocacy Programme Conducted in various Institutions

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Faculty (SCERT)

Ten Core Life SkillS1. Self Awareness: is having a clear perception of our per-

sonality, including strengths, weaknesses, thoughts, be-liefs, motivation, and emotions.

2. Empathy: is the capacity to understand or feel whatanother person is experiencing from within the otherperson’s frame of reference, i.e., the capacity to placeoneself in another’s position.

3. Critical Thinking: is the intellectually disciplined pro-cess to actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying,analyzing , synthesizing, and/or evaluating informationgathered from observation, experience, reflection, rea-soning, or communication, as a guide to belief and ac-tion

4. Creative thinking: a way of looking at problems or situ-ations from a fresh perspective that suggests unortho-dox solutions (which may look unsettling at first).

5. Decision making: is regarded as the cognitive processresulting in the selection of a belief or a course of actionamong several alternative possibilities.

6. Problem solving: is the process of working throughdetails of a problem to reach a solution that will helpresolve the issues.

7. Effective Communication: is a key interpersonal skill andlearning how we can improve our communication. Itinvolves both how we send and receive messages.

8. Interpersonal Relationship: is a strong, deep, or closeassociation or acquaintance between two or morepeople based on inference, love, solidarity, regular busi-ness interactions, or some other type of social commit-ment

9. Coping with Stress: refers to adaptive coping strate-gies, strategies that reduces stress.

10. Coping with emotion: is an understanding of one’s ownand other’s emotions, as well as some ideas about howto manage those emotions.

Adolescence: An important phase - Namita Biswarkarma

Class VII (2nd prize) Lumsey Junior High School

The term adolescence comes from the Latin word‘adolecere’ which means to grow! So the essence of thisphase is growth and it is in this sense that adolescencerepresents a period of intensive growth and change innearly all aspects of a child’s life. The period of storm andstress of human life…..adolescence is the most crucialphase of human development. In this stage, the childrenare physically mature and reach the age of legal maturity.It is the period of rapid and revolutionary change in theindividual’s mental, physical, moral, emotional, spiritual,sexual, and social outlook. Human Personality takes acompletely new dimension at this stage.

A phase of transition from childhood to adulthood,bringing along a lot of challenges. Maximum support fromelders, parents, friends, teachers and all are required atthis stage. Help us grow in a healthy way to give a healthysociety.


Human Trafficking- Lachenla Tamang

VIII (1st prize)Rongli Junior High School

Human trafficking is another name for modern dayslavery and the victims are mostly young boys and girls.Victims are forced and deceived into illegal labor. The fig-ure 6, 00,000 to 8, 00,000 is scary; women and childrenare trafficked across the national border annually. Mostvictims are duped in the trade because of false promisesmade regarding job opportunities. Many women from thirdworld countries are lured in this trade with the bait of falsemarriages. The impact of human trafficking is chilling. Thenation is suffering from this trade. India has become asource, destination and transit for men, women and chil-dren forced labor and sexual exploitation. Young girls arealso trafficked from neighboring countries like Bangladesh,Nepal, Sri Lanka and Bhutan. We should all become theeyes and arms of the government and this crusade ourown cause. Let us all strive to achieve hundred percenthuman trafficking free Sikkim.


Published by Population and Adolescence Education Cell, SCERT, Sikkim. Email : [email protected] Website : scertsikki.inPrinted at HIMADRI Printers, Nam Nang, Gangtok. Phone : 9434144140, 7001435572, 653789792 Email : [email protected]

Everbody who made it throughadolescence is a hero