pointe au baril brigall banks garbage issue 2009 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    Archipelago TownshipCouncil

    Points of Contact

    Reeve: Peter Ketchum [email protected]

    Township Clerk: Stephen Kaegi [email protected]

    Counsellor: John Cochrane [email protected]

    Counsellor: Terry Desmasdons [email protected]

    The Township of the Archipelago9 James Street

    Parry Sound, ONP2A IT4

  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    In addition boaters slowing down or powering up at the proposed new garbage location

    would be a detriment on the shore line and to the environment in general.

    In a time when we are all working towards a greener environment is it at all reasonable to

    even think about building a garbage facility on the shores of Georgian Bay. Granted the

    present location of the bins isnt the most environmentally friendly but why should wecreate a worse situation. In order to create the new location the shore line and adjoining

    areas would undoubtedly undergo huge change with trees being cut and natural rock

    being blasted to enable the garbage bins to be close enough to the shore to be reasonably

    accessed. Just imagine starting your boating journey through the gateway to the 30,000

    Islands and seeing a dump on your way.

    By-laws such as the height restrictions are enacted by this Township with the goal of

    preserving the natural landscape of Pointe Au Baril and now it is suggested ripping out an

    area of natural beauty and building a dump for the boating publics viewing pleasure.

    Thousands of dollars and countless hours have been spent trying to clean up the water inSturgeon Bay. The area of the proposed site is in Sturgeon Bay. No matter how many

    safeguards are built into this proposed site to prevent leaching of contaminates into the

    soil and the water, I suggest this will be all for not when someone who doesnt feel like

    walking to the bins places their garbage on the dock. We have seen this time and time

    again at our Marinas and the present garbage location. As we all know it doesnt take

    long for the gulls and ravens to pick apart a garbage bag. Again this situation exists at the

    present bin location but why make a bad situation worse.

    An even more serious scenario created by someone not practicing due diligence when it

    comes to placing garbage in the proposed bin site is bears. We all know that where there

    is garbage lying around you will have bears. This may not occur at the present location

    but I can assure you I have seen plenty of bears wandering around in this area without

    garbage being left unattended. Imagine boating to your cottage on a dark night and hitting

    a black bear swimming across the channel for a bag of garbage left on the dock. Again,

    envision the navigational nightmare of hitting a bear and being tossed out of your boat

    into the water. Why would we create a scenario for potential personal injury and loss of


    There are two issues that must be addressed and investigated when it comes to ripping up

    the landscape to create this site. First is the fall migration of the white tailed deer. For the

    last seven years my wife and I have enjoyed watching the deer congregate on the northside of the channel where they cross the channel between our property and Paynes

    Marina where they continue their migration. This year we have documented one hundred

    and nine deer. Is this proposed site going to affect this age old migration process? The

    second point that warrants investigation is the Massassauga rattle snake. They are an

    endangered species and for those of us who are familiar with the immediate area, it is

    well known that the area between Paynes Marina and Brignall Banks is highly populated

    by this rattlesnake. Is the creation of this new garbage site going to affect their natural


  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    What is the cost to the taxpayer going to be to create this site? I can only imagine that

    carving out a cliff, building a road so the bins can be removed and emptied and putting in

    a dock that will be large enough to accommodate users will not be cheap.

    On a personal note what will happen to the property value of cottagers and residents

    alike. Needless to say it will be a personal financial disaster. Why would any responsiblethinking official cause this to happen when there are alternatives?

    So what is a reasonable alternative? We all know that council has spent many hours

    trying to find a solution that will satisfy the community and the environmental impact of

    the present situation. According to Cochrane one of the goals is to beautify the station

    area of Pointe Au Baril.

    I suggest keeping the garbage in the current general area central to all users. Perhaps it

    should be moved to the new docking area at the station for contractors. Money should be

    spent on environmental safeguards. A structure or barrier to mask the appearance of the

    bins should be built. The facility should be adequately staffed to ensure optimumcompliance. A by-law should be enacted that would hold non-property owners and those

    who misuse the facility financially responsible.

    To conclude there has to be a better alternative than building a dump right on the outer

    shores of Georgian Bay.


    Greg Andrews

    Lot 25 A

    Harrison Island

    cc: Canadian Coast Guard

    Ministry of Natural Resources

  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    To Council Members of Township of the Archipelago:

    Peter Ketchum, Reeve

    Terry Desmasdon , Councillor

    John Cochrance, CouncillorGary French, Councillor

    Ken Williams,Councillor

    I the undersigned do not agree with the area of Crown Land on the south side of the main

    channel west of Payne Marina to be used as a garbage transfer site. Furthermore, I ask

    that council abandon this idea and seek a site user friendly to both Islanders and

    Residents alike.

    Name (s)

    Property Location

  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    May 10th

    , 2009

    To: Pointe au Baril Residents

    Re: Garbage Situation

    My name is Greg Andrews. I have been a full time resident of PAB for six years and

    prior to that I cottaged in the area for the past 43 years. My wife and I own the first

    property on the south side of the main channel west of Payne Marina.

    In late January of 2009 I learned that council was investigating purchasing the crown land

    between Payne Marine and our property as a proposed transfer site. On the advice of

    Ward One Councilor John Cochrane I was urged to write a letter to council expressing

    my concerns. (See attached).

    Subsequently a petition was circulated opposing this site where 103 names were


    At the March meeting of council I did a deputation at which time I presented the petitions

    on record and expressed my concerns regarding the proposed site on the channel

    highlighting such issues as the destruction of a natural piece of shoreline, impact on the

    environment through water contamination as well as the impact on natural resources, cost

    to taxpayers, further congestion of one of the busiest channels in the PAB area, and lastly

    the devastation to property values in the immediate area.

    At the end of the meeting I was thanked for my input and urged by council members to

    continue collecting petitions as this proposed site will continue to be investigated.

    As many of us are aware, garbage disposal has been an issue for many years in PAB.

    From back in the days when garbage was burnt in incinerators at the back of islands to

    the days when Murray Kennedy looked after it at the station, to the present day where

    unsightly bins welcome us at the entrance of our cottage get away.

    So after all these years where is the solution? We ask ourselves what are we getting for

    our tax dollars, both islanders and residents alike.

    Well as most of us are aware through the recent letter from the Township, steps have

    been taken in an effort to resolve the problem. New compacting bins have been

    purchased to take the place of the old style bins at the present location. Staffing will be

    provided during certain hours to ensure compliance. Thought has been given to providing

    security for off hours. Finally the bins will be removed from the village from November

    through April.

  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010


    We must ask ourselves what will the summer of 2010 bring? Will the compacting bins

    be, placed back in the village or will the Township go ahead and move the bins to the

    proposed site on the main channel? On that note I was told that the main channel site was

    one of three sites council was investigating. To date council will not disclose the location

    of the other two sites. One must ask themselves why the mystery? What if one of the

    other proposed sites was on your doorstep? Shouldnt a responsible government beforthright with their constituents?

    Is there another solution? PABIA is suggesting dockside pick up which in my view has

    many good merits. Other suggestions I have heard is purchasing property in the area of

    the Shell Station and placing the new bins there.

    At the end of the day there are many avenues that can be investigated.

    The one thing I hope we can all agree on is that a transfer site has no business being

    anywhere on the shores of Georgian Bay. Whether it means destroying a piece of natural

    shoreline on the main channel or placing it on a vacant island in the outer reaches ofPAB. One way or another it will be unsightly and garbage will end up in the bay.

    I ask that you join with me and the many others who believe this proposed site on the

    main channel is the recipe for disaster and tell our elected officials to abandon their



    Greg Andrews

    Lot 25A

    Harrison Island

  • 8/14/2019 Pointe Au Baril Brigall Banks Garbage Issue 2009 2010



    The Township of the Archipelago

    I, the undersigned have been made aware that an area of crown land shore line on the

    south side of the main channel west of Payne Marina is a proposed site for the garbage

    bins that are presently located at Pointe Au Baril Station.

    I disagree with this proposed new location and recommend that the bins be kept in their

    current general location with modifications to make them environmentally friendly and

    aesthetically pleasing to the community.

    Name and signature

    Property location

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