petra photo montague debunks place of safety!

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  • 7/29/2019 Petra Photo Montague Debunks Place of Safety!


    Petra Photo Montague Debunks Place of Safety!

    A brief collage of Petra photos show the tourist attraction known as Petra.

    Frank Nic. Bazsika 2013

    There are individuals and groups claiming that during the End Time Tribulation

    that God will take His Elect to a place of safety. They claim that this secret secluded place

    on earth is Petra,-an ancient cave city which is located in the nation of Jordan today.

    Some of these peoples have attempted to use tithes and offerings by their members to

    even work in the nation of Jordan to attempt to make this place ready for their escape prior

    to the Tribulation. When the Jordanian government found out their intentions they threw

    them out!

  • 7/29/2019 Petra Photo Montague Debunks Place of Safety!


    Yes it is true that the Bible claims that God will protect many of His true servants

    during the time of the Tribulation. My question to anyone claiming to be a true servant and

    follower of Jesus Christ is,-Are you looking to your Lord and Master for protection,-or to

    a PLACE? Did Jesus warn His followers about false messages pertaining to where to go

    (at any time)? Wherefore, if they shall say to you, Behold, he is in the desert; go not forth:

    behold, he is in the secret chambers; believe it not. (Mat.24:26) Secret chambers can be

    applied to caves!

    If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the desert - Is it not worthy of remark

    that our Lord not only foretold the appearance of these impostors, but also the manner and

    circumstances of their conduct? Some he mentions as appearing in the desert. Josephus

    says, Ant. b. xx. c. 7, and War, book ii. c. 13: That many impostors and cheats persuaded

    the people to follow them to the desert, promising to show them signs and wonders done by

    the providence of God, is well attested. An Egyptian false prophet, mentioned by Josephus,

    Ant. b. xx. c. 7, and in the Acts, Acts 21:38, led out into the Desert four thousand men, who

    were murderers, but these were all taken or destroyed by Felix. Another promised

    salvation to the people, if they would follow him to the Desert, and he was destroyed by

    Festus, Ant. b. xx. c. 7. Also, one Jonathan, a weaver, persuaded a number to follow him to

    the Desert, but he was taken and burnt alive by Vespasian. See War, b. vii. c. 11.

    As some conducted their deluded followers to the Desert, so did others to the secret

    chambers. Josephus mentions a false prophet, War, b. vi. c. 5, who declared to the people in

    the city, that God commanded them to go up into the temple, and there they should receive

    the signs of deliverance. A multitude of men, women, and children, went up accordingly;

    but, instead of deliverance, the place was set on fire by the Romans, and 6,000 perished

    miserably in the flames, or in attempting to escape them. (Clarkes Commentary)

    Here I present modern photos of Petra TODAY,-a tourist attraction in Jordan.

    Look at the photos and decide for yourself if this is a private secluded place upon the earth

    where no one will know your there or find you?

  • 7/29/2019 Petra Photo Montague Debunks Place of Safety!


  • 7/29/2019 Petra Photo Montague Debunks Place of Safety!


    Hollywood even makes movies here!

    You may even book a reservation at the locale Five Star Hotel!

    Hotel accomodations!

    Now after looking at these photos could you in all honesty claim that this is a

    secluded private unknown place upon the earth devoid of people? Of course not!

    Conclusion; stop listening to men!