people excellence model (final)

ISiS Partnership People Excellence Model Variant Bid Volume 2 Section A3.1 28th November 2006

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Page 1: People Excellence Model (Final)

ISiS Partnership People Excellence Model

Variant Bid Volume 2

Section A3.1

28th November 2006

Page 2: People Excellence Model (Final)

ISiS Programme - People Excellence Model

Table of Contents

1 ................................................................................................... 1 Introduction

2 .......................................... 3 Description of Professional Excellence Model

3 .............................................................................. 5 Objectives of the project

3.1 .................................................................................................. 5 Approach3.2 .......................................................... 6 The Professional Excellence Model3.3 ...................................................... 9 The Professional Development Model

3.3.1 ......................................... 10 Competencies and Communities3.3.2 .................................................. 10 Job Roles and Deployment3.3.3 .............................................................................. 11 Skillmaps3.3.4 ................................................. 12 Career Development Model3.3.5 ........................................................................ 12 Career Paths3.3.6 ................................................... 13 Performance Management3.3.7 .............................................................. 13 Talent Identification3.3.8 .......................................................... 14 Rewards & Incentives

3.4 ......................................................... 14 Professional Excellence Summary

4 ...................................................................... 16 How do we make this work?

4.1 ........................................................................ 16 Learning & Development4.2 ..................................................... 17 Establish Staff Intranet Portal Design4.3 ..................................................................................... 18 Cultural Change

4.3.1 ............................................................ 19 Why “magic carpet”?4.3.2 ................................................................ 19 Sustaining change

5 ........................................................ 22 Plans for the Delivery of this Project

5.1 ................................................................................................ 22 Timetable

6 ........................................................................... 23 Outputs and deliverables

7 ................................................ 25 How the project supports ISiS objectives

IBM Response to ISiS ITN Volume 2 – Section A3.1

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ISiS Programme - People Excellence Model

1 Introduction Over the past three months we have spent some considerable time understanding your need for people management and excellence with Somerset County Council (SCC) and Taunton Deane Borough Council (TDBC). Based on this we have seen a recognition of the need to establish and sustain a high performing culture built around citizen centric services.

People are central to the business of Somerset County Council (SCC) and Taunton Deane Borough Council (TDBC) and they are just as central to the successful implementation of the Business Transformation. Both councils are people orientated businesses. Hence one of the most, if not the most, important dimensions to transforming Somerset and its services for SCC/TDBC and its partner will be the transformation journey of the Council staff .

The importance of staff to SCC/TDBC is emphasised by their focus and commitment within their existing leadership initiatives which are already making an impact and now need to be sustained and deepened. Both councils recognise the need for development and the tools to empower their staff to reach their full potential and the need to deliver their services to their customers via a committed workforce.

This project addresses all of these ambitions and aims to build on the current programmes of both SCC/TDBC. Focussed, motivated, well equipped staff who understand their role and how they are expected to contribute, work at a higher and more productive rate. The Professional Development programme will equip staff to meet the ongoing needs of SCC/TDBC by aligning skills to business needs.

Both the people and the organisation benefit when the needs of the people and the needs of staff are in balance. An imbalance in either side of the equation will have a lasting effect if not addressed. Linking the two gives real value. Ensuring that there is a clear understanding of the business needs and the people requirements enables us to develop and recruit people to meet that need. Resource Management is about having the right people with the right skills at the right time in the right place. Professional development is about growing skills in a person who is motivated and happy to be there. Achieving one without the other will lead to poor delivery, people with low morale or more likely both.

Raising the bar and moving towards a high performance culture means raising expectations, of your customers and your staff. As part of this we will work with you to ensure that everyone is given an opportunity to develop within an environment that is a great place to work and an employer of choice for the future.

We understand that SCC/TDBC wants its chosen Transformation partner to inject skills and capability to help with a programme of transformation over the next 10 years without becoming dependant on that support. The partner must pass on leadership, managerial and task level capability – skills and experience SCC/TDBC staff need to ensure self sufficiency upon contract exit.

IBM recognises that, whilst urgent change is required, it must not severely affect the ongoing ability of both Councils to perform the current day to day business. By working together we have to “re-wire the building with the lights on”

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When we talk about the transformation and changes one of the key components is how this will look and feel to staff – what will it mean? To bring our proposal to life we have developed a “day in the life”. To give an illustration of the proposal.

Example of A Day In The Life In The Joint Venture




Senior RDManager


Senior PDM

Head of PD


Senior TaskManager







Senior RDManager


Senior PDM

Head of PD


Senior TaskManager




• Jane Brown works for the Joint Venture supporting SAP – she was seconded to the joint venture from TDBC

• Jane is based in the Joint Venture’s newly refurbished offices in Taunton

• Her Professional Development Manager is Sally Jones (IBM) the head of financial application services

• Jane is one of a team of 8 staff from ISIS, IBM and HBS who all work together

• Jane’s day begins with a single sign on to all the applications she uses via the common Joint Venture portal

• She accesses latest SAP upgrade news

• Jane is a mobile worker who spends at least one day a week working from home

• Last week Jane attended an IBM Women in Technology conference

• She is studying for the IBM IT profession after examining options on the joint venture training

• Looking ahead Jane is aiming for promotion to Grade 7

• Jane and her mentor are conducting a mock interview today

• Jane has been recommended for a GEM award this month by her team colleagues

• This afternoon there is a Joint Venture team briefing event where Jane is hoping to hear that she has won an award

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2 Description of Professional Excellence Model Experience has taught us that the development of people is key to achieving success particularly in a demanding business environment that is also engaged on a major transformational change programme. On this basis our proposal is to create a professional programme appropriate for a high performance culture and one that is sustainable across SCC/TDBC.

It will focus on identifying clearly defined and differentiated metrics that reflect performance, alongside the key business drivers of the Councils and it will align these objectives with the business need. Performance excellence will act as a corner stone of the career model and career advancement as we drive for excellence and recognition for the best. It is also a programme that is as applicable to the Joint Venture as it is to the rest of the Councils operations.

Accordingly we will support high performance by focussing on:

Enabling and promoting Professional Excellence by the introduction of Resource Management and Professional Development Models

Creating a high performance Culture.

Creating a flexible business model, the main business benefits will come form being able to move competent people around where the work is.

By combining IBM’s expertise with that of the Councils we will maximise our use of the best processes and tools for the job. Our activities will comply with group-wide HR policies and we will ensure these are fully integrated across HR, professional development and the resource management processes.

To underpin this we will put in place processes, tools and metrics to support the professional environment that are fit for purpose, integrated and measured and add value for both the business and the professionals. To achieve this IBM will bring subject matter experts to support these areas who have a clear understanding of the requirements needed to deploy and execute new processes, tools and metrics in a services environment.

Our aim will be for SCC/TDBC to be self sufficient in resource management and professional development. One way of achieving this will be by training Council employees to PCMM (People Capability Maturity Model) level 3 qualifications (part of Skills for the Information Age). This will provide Council secondees, who are interested in these areas with new and broader career paths.

The Professional Excellence model will focus on the development and motivation of staff within their professional communities. We will achieve this by building training and career plans that align professional development and deployment to business needs. The key principles of developing training and career plans will be:

Defining clear paths for career advancement for every secondee

Establishing clear link between development and business need. The requirement for additional project management capability has already been identified as an area requiring early attention

Setting up clear links between personal contribution, excellence and reward. Links can also be established between overall business success and reward for individuals

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Mentoring and coaching (including recognition of these activities in certification and career progression)

Creating communities of excellence and professions to promote teaming and sharing

Developing and building a climate and culture that supports delivery of excellence.

We propose to establish a resource and professional development structure, managed by SCC/TDBC and supported by IBM subject matter experts. This will enable us to build on the progress to date and to drive a consolidated programme of deployment and execution.

This structure will be supported by People Development Managers (PDMs) and Resource Development Managers (RDMs) operating under the direction of the Professional Development and Resource Management Leaders.

The HR Director, Resource Development Manager (RDM) and Professional Development Managers (PDM) roles will be required throughout, to support ongoing activities and sustain high performance.

Over time a number of IBM roles could be taken over by the Council’s employees, and the numbers of IBM PDM’s and RDM’s will reduce.

The Benefits of Our Approach •Clarifying and helping to embed the required behaviours•Clarifying and communicating the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of staff•Ensuring effective communication processes across both Councils•Supporting leaders, managers and other staff in handling and managing change•Delivering more efficient and effective resource management through:

•Reduced attrition•Focused training and education•Skills matching, improved deployment and appropriate recruitment•Career profiling – developing future leaders from within the organisation•Delivering effective resource processes•Delivering motivational performance management and appropriate reward systems•Extensive change management expertise supported by a wide range of tools and techniques

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3 Objectives of the project The overall goal for this transformation is;

1. To improve the standard of living of the people served by Taunton and Somerset Councils.

2. To improve the job satisfaction of those who are employed in delivering these services.

We intend to achieve these goals by constantly improving the quality of services and access to the services provided by the Councils to the Taunton and Somerset communities.

Specifically we will create a transformed organisation where:

All staff are properly skilled. That people understand how to do their job and feel supported and encouraged to improve their competence and capability within a climate of continuous improvement

Staff are empowered to be creative and innovative with opportunities to redefine more efficient and effective processes

We ensure that via the roll out of appropriate support that people are encouraged to become more empowered via the tools to take more control of their own careers and development

We have a clear understanding of the skills they possess and can deploy on appropriate projects and roles at the right time

Individuals have clarity around their roles and responsibilities and are motivated

All staff have career progression opportunities

Every staff member acts in a professional way

Staff are committed to supporting SCC/TDBC and the citizens of Somerset.

To support this drive for professional excellence we will work with SCC/TDBC to develop an appropriate staff programme to establish:

The direction and focus for SCC/TDBC

Where individuals fit into the organisation and to define what is expected of them

What is meant by being part of a proactive high performance, service-oriented culture e.g. rewards and recognition linked to delivery and success

How roles fit into the wider strategy and objectives for the business

How staff can progress their career and benefit along with the success of SCC/TDBC. An ethos of client satisfaction and service excellence.

3.1 Approach

The ultimate aim is to have the Right People, in the Right Place at the Right Time with the Right Skills and Experience and the Right Motivation at the Right Cost.

To achieve this we need to look at two aspects

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1. Workforce Management (Right People in the Right Place at the Right Time at the Right Cost)

2. Workforce Enablement (Right Skills and Experience and the Right Motivation)

We will achieve professional excellence by establishing best of breed processes in Workforce Management and Workforce Enablement which are used by everybody across the Councils.

We will align the development of staff with the needs of the Councils and utilise them on the most appropriate projects and roles to deliver the maximum return. IBM uses a similar approach for deploying internal resources. We will apply our knowledge and experience as part of joint teams to implement a similar process. We will address longer term issues by developing an overall people strategy as well as short term tactical interventions.

3.2 The Professional Excellence Model

The diagram below summarises the professional services cycle and the key components of workforce management and workforce enablement: The key aim of the Professional Excellence model is achieving a balance between the business drivers and the business benefits keeping the two in balance and delivering value to both.










s Common Language






Figure 1: Professional Excellence Model

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The Workforce Management elements are:

Resource Strategy

At this stage we will determine total staff numbers and a rolling 18 month plan setting out future staff requirements of each skill group.

This will enable us to determine the most appropriate source for future staffing, and identify any new competency areas required and

potential skills gaps. The resource strategy will also enable us to agree budgets for learning, education and recruitment to meet future business needs.

Resource Planning

This planning process will provide a consistent view of resources which will enable us to undertake capacity planning & resource optimisation within the constraints of the Council’s budgets. Rationalising resource reporting will remove duplication and improve both consistency and quality.

RDMs will work with the Professional Development team to facilitate timely training and to optimise redeployment and availability of skills.


This phase will enable us to review the most effective way to meet resource needs. Resource requirements can be met by internal development, external recruitment or external contractors or obtained from a partner organisation. Once this decision is made, procurement can create a Master Vendor Solution for our contractor providers, to ensure we source staff in the most cost effective way.

The workforce enablement elements are:


During this phase we will utilise the competency framework to identify skills and capacity available, and to identify the most effective way of addressing gaps and surpluses through redeployment and retraining, skills development and optimising education spend and delivery.

Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



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We will identify, acquire and assign the resources required to fulfil the resource plan. Resource Development Managers will have visibility of all vacancies and will fill those vacancies from the resource pool. They will also be able to search for specific skills and check availability of individuals and review other relevant information about staff.


During this phase we will provide regular reporting of management information related to people and their deployment. This will include:

Implementation planning and reporting to management / Directorates

Adherence to the Resource Management system

Publication of common planning and reporting operation documentation

Maintenance and improvement of working relationships

Management resolution of specific issues e.g. such as organisation / process / volume changes, resourcing

Feedback into resource planning.

The key point here is that the Performance Excellence Model is more than just the sum of the parts above, they can work independently but the real business benefits and value comes from ensuring that all the parts are integrated so they work together. In short, the step change in people performance comes from implanting a coherent workforce strategy that is aligned to the business goals and seamlessly integrated across its component parts. In achieving this we will therefore achieve the balance between the business needs and that of the individual.

Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



Business PlanningBusiness Planning

Resource StrategyResource Strategy

Resource PlanningResource Planning


Source / Buy / BuildSource


/ Buy / Build



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This approach

•Separates Career and Task Management ensuring that the appropriate focus is given to each•Ensures that each person has a degree of stability in who they are managed by and how they are developed.•Recognises individuals for their contribution and not just their status•Breeds a “Professional” culture within which to operate•Ensures that there is a constant focus on utilisation•Ensures that resources are utilised in the best way in the most appropriate place•Ensures that development of resources is driven by customer demand

It’s about two things








Keeping the two in balance and delivering value to both

3.3 The Professional Development Model

The Professional Development programme will establish a framework and process to guide practitioners in developing and implementing plans to attain skills and achieve career advancement.

Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development

CareerCareer SkillsSkills







Performance ManagementPerformance Management

Individual Development Plan

Individual Development Plan

Top Talent ProgrammeTop Talent Programme

Road mapRoad map






Professional DevelopmentProfessional Development

CareerCareer SkillsSkills







Performance ManagementPerformance Management

Individual Development Plan

Individual Development Plan

Top Talent ProgrammeTop Talent Programme

Road mapRoad map






Figure 2: Professional Development Model

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Through the Professional Development Model staff will have:

Clear career paths that provide a strong road map for how progression will be achieved in the future

Clarity on the skills and capabilities required for advancement demystifies what an individual needs to do to be successful

Fully integrated Training and Development road maps give clear direction as to how particular skills and experience can be gained

Communities will play a strong role as we foster the concept of coaching and mentoring within teams and the sharing of best practice to enable everybody to raise their own level of ability.

An individual Professional Development Manager who will focus completely on their career and their individual development.

Role models for staff so that they can see in practice what “excellent” looks like – therefore setting the standard.

To achieve this we must provide a strong, focussed and consistent approach to the way that we manage people applying consistent Performance Management to ensure that we recognise and reward excellence an identify and coach those that need development and opportunity to improve.

The Professional Development model ensures that by tying all of these elements together we can deliver a more assured outcome for both the individual and the council. Through implementing a robust framework of interventions we can build people’s careers and their capabilities alongside the business needs of the Councils.

3.3.1 Competencies and Communities

We will actively build on the work already undertaken around competences and communities. Grouping staff into skill based communities has proved very effective at IBM and at some of our clients.

Our approach will be to:

Assess current practice and related change issues

Develop the preferred future state

Build the required competency and skills frameworks, processes and tools

Complete a skills assessment of all employees establishing a common currency and skills baseline across SCC/TDBC.

Deploy the new communities and associated processes

Implement communities.

We will identify existing good practice within the Councils and build this into the future design. We recommend that all proposed people processes are applied to all employees.

3.3.2 Job Roles and Deployment

Each employee will be allocated a primary Job Role which will define their role within the Councils / Directorate for example a ‘Project Manager’ or ‘Social Worker’.

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Job roles will have three main purposes:

A unit of measure in Resource Planning

To assess and develop the skills required to perform that Job Role

To be used to deploy that particular resource onto projects.

The job role is fundamental to the total Resource Management approach as it provides a common language that can be used by professionals across the business. It sets out the building blocks of career progression and also improves the consistency of resource deployment and assignment. Since Resource Managers can validate a person’s level of competency in a specific job they have a much greater degree of confidence in deploying or assigning individuals to roles.

Staff who wish to remain in their existing roles will have the opportunity to broaden their skills and development in a specific skill area within a broad career framework. The Professional Development Programme will provide a common language for resource assignment. Using this system, Resource Managers can search for capabilities and skills across the whole of SCC/TDBC to match the right person to the right job. The Professional Development system provides a standard definition for the capabilities associated with a given professional at each required level. Resource Managers will have confidence that every person at a particular level of competence has similar capabilities.

3.3.3 Skillmaps

Skillmaps define the skills required in each career path and list the education, mentoring, and engagement experiences necessary to achieve each level. For example IBM is one of the founder members of SFIA (Skills for Information Age) and has a seat on the steering committee. IBM will bring this experience to ISiS to support the establishment of a single consistent skills framework for SCC/TDBC. In addition to our involvement with SFIA, IBM has a teaming alliance with Infobasis which has a skills platform that will support both SFIA and other skills frameworks; the use of an on-line skills platform is a key component to enable effective use of skills information by SCC/TDBC. IBM and Infobasis are already working in the market with clients implementing skills frameworks.

SFIA may form the basis of the Skills Management System. Since the SFIA model focuses on professional skills, we will need to build on this model to include relevant detailed function skills (i.e. I am a Payroll Administrator); and also the behavioural and people competencies that will be required in the Councils’ environment, Our aim is to bring the best of breed in developing the desired Competency Framework for SCC/TDBC.

The implementation of an on-line integrated skills system will provide,

An up to date skills inventory across both Councils

Provide documented guidance to assist staff to plan their development

Enable better resourcing decisions to be made

Provide external benchmark for skills

The basis for a documented development plan

The structure for a documented learning plan.

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Skill Aggregation



Assignment Selection

Selection ofCriteria



The Importance of a Common Reference Point



Resource Planning

Resource Planning


Business PlanningBusiness Planning


Resource Strategy

Resource Strategy

Skills Framework

Figure 3: The Importance of a Common Reference Point

Our focus will be on developing the individual. The systems and processes that we install will create a route map for each employee showing how they can build their skills and capability to progress their career. This will enable them to play a full and valued part within their communities. A key part of being a professional is the way you work within your immediate community and may include activities such as mentoring, coaching, teaching etc. These “professional” activities help to build communities and a sense of identity and belonging which can reinforce the desired culture.

3.3.4 Career Development Model

The Personal Development system will contain a clearly articulated career development model. This model will include details of the career paths. The career development consists of three tiers along each career path. The tiers are linked to the timing of skills development activities. Each tier builds on skills attained in previous tiers.

Career Paths for each individual can be mapped along the tiers of the Career Development Model. Each tier represents increasing levels of skill and higher levels of responsibility. Career progress is based on attaining and demonstrating skills at each tier along the path.

The attainment of each tier is controlled by evaluation and achievement programmes which assess skills and experience achieved.

3.3.5 Career Paths

Career paths set out the steps required to achieve professional growth and career advancement in each profession. The career paths depict the progression from an entry level to a senior position. There will be a career path for each community. The steps along a career path are defined by increasing skill levels.

The proposed Career Path Model is a simple model designed to provide staff with an overview of the skills, experiences and training required to be considered for entry into a new role. The information provided is complementary to the Job Description and Role Specification used for recruitment.

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For each of the job roles the following information will be provided:

An indication of the normal progression through a number of grades within a role type group.

The criteria for skills, experiences and training required for a member of staff to be considered for entering a new role and the level required to be considered to be operating fully within a role.

Details of the training that is considered to be applicable to the role.

The model should be used as a guide to help staff identify the career path they want to take and to understand what will be expected of them in order to take up a new role. In particular, it will help them to identify where they may need to get training or experiences.

Staff should discuss the requirements of the role they would like to work towards with their professional development manager to agree what training and experiences they need and develop a plan to get them. There may be a need to gain support from others within their communities in order to gain the required experiences.

There is no guarantee that the target role will become available or that the member of staff will be successful in obtaining the role because of having met the entry criteria, however, their chances of success will be improved.

3.3.6 Performance Management

Working, where possible, with existing performance management frameworks, we will improve the way people manage their own and other people’s performance through:

Focusing on identifying clearly defined and differentiated metrics that reflect performance and the key business drivers of the Councils;

cascading objectives from the leadership team to all individuals;

taking regular time throughout the year to review and assess performance, adjusting objectives where needed;

including a focus on behaviours as well as quantifiable objectives e.g. how people are delivering service to customers which affects the Customer Experience we want to provide (see the Customer Centric Culture Change Project Volume 2, A3.2 for details); and

Taking action both where assessed performance exceeds requirements and where it falls short.

In short, performance management will act as a corner stone of the career model and career advancement as we drive for excellence and recognition for the best.

3.3.7 Talent Identification

The purpose of a talent identification programme is to identify employees with the greatest potential and accelerate their development and career progression. This process benefits both the individuals and the Councils since individual’s progress rapidly whilst the SCC/TDBC retains its top talent. We will consider implementing a talent programme that suits the culture of the SCC/TDBC. The goal of the talent programme is the identification and development of talent to fill key roles and leadership positions and to support succession. Having a programme that focuses on developing the organisation’s top talent is a clear indication of the

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emphasis within the Councils of a high performance culture. The model suggested at this time is based on the talent management processes currently used within IBM and a similar process developed with clients.

We will expect every employee to complete an Individual Development Plan and agree it with their professional development (PDM) manager to ensure their talents and skills are continuously developed. The PDM will continually evaluate staff to identify high performers. The talent programmes will be designed to bring these people into contact with senior mangers and raise their profile with those managers. An output from this will be that the staff on the talent programme will have the opportunity for a fast track development for within the organisation. IBM typically has up to 20% of its resource classed in this high performance category -we would recommend a similar level within SCC/TDBC.

The top talent model has helped in creating a high performance culture within our clients at Norwich Union / Royal Bank of Scotland / DVLA.

3.3.8 Rewards & Incentives

Motivating people by rewarding exceptional performance and celebrating successes are among the most effective ways to reinforce a performance culture, support business objectives and retain our top achievers. Yet the personal satisfaction people get from recognition of an outstanding piece of work is a critical factor in keeping them energised. We want SCC/TDBC to foster a culture that recognises when an employee has gone that "extra mile", something as basic as a personal letter, a phone call or highlighting the employee's achievements during a meeting, can go a very long way. Even a simple, yet meaningful "thank you" can, in certain situations, have the same valuable effect.

We believe that there are several programmes with different scopes that recognise various behaviours in a pecuniary way.

Listed below are some of our suggested incentives:

Appreciation cards - sharing appreciation

Thanks! Programme: The Thanks! Programme enables employees to spontaneously recognise a peer for out-of-the-ordinary assistance, passion for the business, innovative approaches, enthusiasm and subsequent action, or consistency and dedication over time

Bravo Award: The Bravo Award can be delivered as an ‘Evening Out’ - which although being a cash award, gives the managers the possibility to personalise the award by encouraging the employee to have a special 'evening out'

The costs of these awards are minimal and whilst we would hope to provide appropriate levels of incentives through the development model and career progression opportunities within the Joint Venture, we would also like the opportunity to develop the reward schemes into ones that match the Joint Venture culture; to enable us to reward outstanding achievement, effort and success.

3.4 Professional Excellence Summary

In summary through the Professional Development Framework we aim to implement a framework that will build careers and capabilities in line with the business needs of SCC/TDBC.

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Implemented a robust framework of interventions to build people’s career and their capabilities

Establish Communities

Establish Career Structures

Build Skills frameworks

Design L&D solutions

Implement new People Management structure with PDM Professional Development Managers & RDM Resource Deployment Managers

Design and implement a full Performance Management process

Common Currency









ess An




t &A














Competency & Skills

Learning & Development













Common Currency









ess An




t &A














Competency & Skills

Learning & Development



















Assess Develop








Assess Develop



Assess Develop















Figure 4: Implementing a robust framework of interventions to build people’s career and their capabilities

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4 How do we make this work? For the People Excellence Model we propose enabling and empowering both Managers and employees with “right tools, right skills, right training and development at the right time”

In short, this means:

Providing a mix of development and training that builds the competencies of the staff along a development path towards ‘expertise’ (Section 4.1)

Ensuring that staff can quickly and effectively access and use the tools needed to do their job (Section 4.2)

Creating a workplace environment that motivates staff towards striving for excellence in their role (Section 4.3)

4.1 Learning & Development

In 2006 IBM was acknowledged for the third year in a row for its global expertise in constantly bringing new skills to our workforce. IBM's learning programmes earned the top spot in Training Magazine's 2006 Training Top 100. IBM has been ranked among the top five of the Training Top 100 since the magazine began issuing the awards in 2001.

Training and development is an integral part of IBM’s strategy to maintain highly skilled employees working in an empowered and adaptive environment. Continuous professional development ensures that staff are up-to-date on the latest processes. IBM invests heavily in education and training / re-training of individuals, which is built around a blended model of education, offering different delivery methods such as classroom, self-study, and online instructor-led training.

As part of our proposition we would like Council staff to be able to access IBM’s huge array of training resources via the People Portal. The IBM Intranet (Global Campus which acts as an on-line University) provides not only the details of traditional classroom and seminar activities, it also provides the details of several thousand computer based courses that are available for study/completion at each desktop. We would envisage that secondees will be able to access IBM W3 to gain access to these tools, this will be subject to Council staff signing a confidentiality agreement.

This represents a significant investment in training for Councils staff who wish to develop their skills and increase their knowledge. IBM has invested over £5 million in developing the tool alone. Based on £500 per day, per person with average training of 5 days a year, the value of this investment in Council staff by IBM is equivalent to, in excess of £1.25 million annually.

To enable IBM to achieve targets for delivering business critical services we will ensure that all staff undertake regular training. We ensure that each individual build training plan into their professional development plan. In this way every member of SCC/TDBC staff will benefit from the IBM investment in training.

The diagram below gives an illustration of People Portal and some of the Certification courses that are available from a library of over 5000 courses.

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Figure 5: People Portal

For the People Excellence learning and training requirements we propose applying the blended and modular solution we believe this will give employees access to the best training for their particular needs. Training should not be viewed as “one size fits all”; every employee is an individual with development needs, the key is how we achieve the balance between the business needs and their specific development requirements. The model below illustrates our approach

Face-to-Face Collaboration

InteractionInformation1 2

43 Face-to-Face Collaboration

InteractionInformation1 2


Static reference materialsWeb Based GuidanceQuick Reference Guides

Traditional based learningInstructor Lead TrainingWorkshopsCoachingOne-to-Ones (PDM & Staff)Mentoring

Access to expertsCommunity tools and Team RoomsMessaging and chat services

• IBM Sametime™Online FAQ databasesWikis & Blogs

Interaction with MediaeLearningWeb Lectures

Figure 6: Approach to Learning

For more information on the IBM Learning Methodology please see Volume 2, A1 ‘Learning & Training Strategy and Methods’ within Turning your Vision for Somerset into Reality.

4.2 Establish Staff Intranet Portal Design

One of the key aims of the People Excellence Model is empower staff through the use of IBM tools and technology to have access to the information they need to perform their roles but also to develop them as individuals.

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We propose the development of the Staff Intranet Portal that will hold all of the HR and Professional Excellence Model tool kits and information.

Figure 7: Staff Intranet Portal

The portal will be the “hub” of the staff daily interactions both with each other and with their Professional Development Managers / Resource Managers, HR Advisory Services. It will provide quick and easy access to key HR Policies and procedures via a series of “Key notes”. This will also aid line managers to find the “key” information that require on a day to day basis whilst managing staff without having to go through the detailed processes and procedures. This will in turn enable HR to move away from being a HR Administration role to become an HR Advisory and allowing them to focus more on who their customer is – aligning with the vision of “whole customer”.

The portal will also serve has the home for all e-Learning and Development, the Professional Development Managers will work with staff via the portal on their training and development needs – the portal will enable them to select the right course and the right timing for the training to take place – it will also enable the employee to review the course and discuss with peer within their communities.

Please refer to Volume 2, A4 ICT for a more detailed overview of the HR Portal.

4.3 Cultural Change

It would be easy to focus solely on the design and implementation of new processes and tools and through those elements seek to change the culture. We need to establish and reinforce the required behaviours that will deliver change.

Our culture change method, the “Magic Carpet” is set out below.

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4.3.1 Why “magic carpet”?

Efforts to achieve cultural change often rely on a few levers of change. Given the complex nature of personal behaviour, these seldom achieve a lasting result. However, if a coordinated approach is taken with as many levers as can be used, then desired change will ‘get off the ground’, just like a magic carpet.

How a person’s physical and virtual environment shapes their styles of working and modes of interaction

How a person’s physical and virtual environment shapes their styles of working and modes of interaction

How a person is rewarded and


What a person’s objectives are and

how they are assessed

What training a person receives and whether the

content is placed in behavioural context

How a person is engaged in communication and whether behavioural

aspects of the message are covered

What types of person people see being

recruited and promoted

How a person’s role is defined, and work reporting lines &

relationships exist

How a person is influenced by the behaviours of

leaders, others they regard highly and peers

What processes, policies and procedures

a person is asked to work with











How a person is rewarded and


What a person’s objectives are and

how they are assessed

What training a person receives and whether the

content is placed in behavioural context

How a person is engaged in communication and whether behavioural

aspects of the message are covered

What types of person people see being

recruited and promoted

How a person’s role is defined, and work reporting lines &

relationships exist

How a person is influenced by the behaviours of

leaders, others they regard highly and peers

What processes, policies and procedures

a person is asked to work with











Figure 8: The Magic Carpet: 9 levers for culture change

See Volume 8 (Standard bid), Culture and Partnership, for full details of this approach

4.3.2 Sustaining change

Bringing in the Professional Excellence Model will make a significant contribution to the culture change you want to bring about. However, it is not enough on its own. The Magic Carpet focuses on behavioural route to creating change, it is not a cognitive approach where instilling values automatically results in the right behaviour being demonstrated. We will work with you to design a working environment that will encourage the desired behaviours to be demonstrated the value of the Magic Carpet is that it works as the congruence between all the behavioural levers. Therefore having “infused resources” in place who will work on a one to one level within the councils and will work towards using all behavioural change levers on the Magic Carpet will be invaluable in achieving the target end state.

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The following table summarises the change interventions we have suggested throughout this paper.

Culture change lever Project actions/deliverables that will help apply the lever

A person’s objectives, and how they are assessed

Objectives for all staff focused on a customer centric approach to rapid and effective service delivery that also link to business and organisational objectives (see Leadership Programme for details of our proposed approach to cascading objectives)

Working with the Professional Development Manager on agreed objectives and the criteria for how these can be achieved and assessed on a regular basis throughout the year.

What training a person receives, and whether the content is placed in a behavioural context.

Training around new technology available e.g. collaboration tools such as instant messaging as well as input on: How things are changing Why they are changing How to succeed in using the new system and processes Individual training plans

How a person is rewarded and sanctioned

Recognition schemes for immediate reward of the behaviours we want to become the norm (see Section 7.4.8)

How a person is engaged in communication and whether behavioural aspects of the message are covered

Messages about the vision for ISiS /SCC/TDBC and the behaviours required to deliver it are systematically and prominently included in a range of communications e.g. cascade by leaders, Communications Champions; (Please see section 3.1.5 Communications)

What types of person people see being recruited and promoted

Agreed behaviours incorporated into recruitment and promotion processes

Staff roles redefined (including around any changes in supporting technology see Section 7.4.2)

How a person’s role is defined, and their reporting lines and relationships Organisational and governance arrangements (particularly

cross silo boundaries) reviewed and amended to facilitate joined-up working (e.g. by being clearly designed to support ISiS processes & value chains)

How a person is influenced by the behaviour of leaders, others they regard highly and peers

Leader’s role models the agreed behaviours and spends time with frontline staff. This will also be demonstrated within the Communities.

Some staff with known influence at local level (may be existing nominated Communications/Change Champions) coached in role modelling behaviours

What processes, policies and procedures a person is asked to work with

Alignment of the work in this project with business process re-engineering and technology projects

Review of relevant HR policies to ensure that they do not encourage a different set of behaviours from those agreed

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Culture change lever Project actions/deliverables that will help apply the lever

How a person’s physical and virtual environment shapes their styles of working and modes of interaction

Alignment of the work in this project with Property, portal and mobile/remote working initiatives.

Culture change lever Project actions/deliverables that will help apply the lever

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5 Plans for the Delivery of this Project

5.1 Timetable

We recognise that we have had limited opportunity to understand and discuss the details of existing initiatives and therefore there may be aspects of the project that you feel have been covered and conversely, that require more attention. We hope to be able to discuss these with you in due course. Our proposal is based on the conversations that we have had with you and the themes that have arisen constantly.

If required by the Councils, this project can begin at preferred bidder stage in order to maintain the momentum both Councils have already achieved in their current initiatives.

Please note these plans are only suggestive at this stage.

Professional Excellence High Level Plan

ID Task Name1 HR Calendar

14 Business Services Activities

20 PD (Professional Development) Milestones

24 People Process Improvement (PPI) Milestones




36 Develop PDM implementation plan

37 Approval of PDM design and implementation plan


39 PDM role descriptions

43 Select PDMs

63 Roll-out

64 Cross-BS induction and roll-out activities

71 Solution Delivery Direct

72 PDMs start

73 Induction

74 Allocate people to PDMs

75 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

76 Service Management

77 PDMs start

78 Induction

79 Allocate people to PDMs

80 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

81 Systems Development

82 Testing

87 Components

88 PDMs start

89 Induction

90 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

91 Allocate people to PDMs

92 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

93 Strategy & Operations (All BS)

94 PDMs start

95 Induction

96 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

97 Allocate people to PDMs

98 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

99 Rest of BS - Wash up

100 PDM Operations

107 Learning & Development for PDMs

110 Communications

111 Plan PDM Launch communication

112 Prepare PDM Launch communication

113 PDM Launch communication - Heads of

114 PDM Launch communication - Pulse

115 PDM Launch at Norwich Site Forum

116 PDM Launch at York Site Forum

117 PDM recruitment communication (will include RDM)

118 Develop communication plan for PDM

119 Implement communications for PDM

120 Culture, Leadership & Performance





April May June July August September October November December JanuaryID Task Name1 HR Calendar

14 Business Services Activities

20 PD (Professional Development) Milestones

24 People Process Improvement (PPI) Milestones




36 Develop PDM implementation plan

37 Approval of PDM design and implementation plan


39 PDM role descriptions

43 Select PDMs

63 Roll-out

64 Cross-BS induction and roll-out activities

71 Solution Delivery Direct

72 PDMs start

73 Induction

74 Allocate people to PDMs

75 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

76 Service Management

77 PDMs start

78 Induction

79 Allocate people to PDMs

80 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

81 Systems Development

82 Testing

87 Components

88 PDMs start

89 Induction

90 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

91 Allocate people to PDMs

92 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

93 Strategy & Operations (All BS)

94 PDMs start

95 Induction

96 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

97 Allocate people to PDMs

98 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

99 Rest of BS - Wash up

100 PDM Operations

107 Learning & Development for PDMs

110 Communications

111 Plan PDM Launch communication

112 Prepare PDM Launch communication

113 PDM Launch communication - Heads of

114 PDM Launch communication - Pulse

115 PDM Launch at Norwich Site Forum

116 PDM Launch at York Site Forum

117 PDM recruitment communication (will include RDM)

118 Develop communication plan for PDM

119 Implement communications for PDM

120 Culture, Leadership & Performance


ID Task Name1 HR Calendar

14 Business Services Activities

20 PD (Professional Development) Milestones

24 People Process Improvement (PPI) Milestones




36 Develop PDM implementation plan

37 Approval of PDM design and implementation plan


39 PDM role descriptions

43 Select PDMs

63 Roll-out

64 Cross-BS induction and roll-out activities

71 Solution Delivery Direct

72 PDMs start

73 Induction

74 Allocate people to PDMs

75 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

76 Service Management

77 PDMs start

78 Induction

79 Allocate people to PDMs

80 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

81 Systems Development

82 Testing

87 Components

88 PDMs start

89 Induction

90 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

91 Allocate people to PDMs

92 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

93 Strategy & Operations (All BS)

94 PDMs start

95 Induction

96 Initial onboarding for PDMs ("First 30 Days")

97 Allocate people to PDMs

98 Transition people from exsisting managers to PDMs

99 Rest of BS - Wash up

100 PDM Operations

107 Learning & Development for PDMs

110 Communications

111 Plan PDM Launch communication

112 Prepare PDM Launch communication

113 PDM Launch communication - Heads of

114 PDM Launch communication - Pulse

115 PDM Launch at Norwich Site Forum

116 PDM Launch at York Site Forum

117 PDM recruitment communication (will include RDM)

118 Develop communication plan for PDM

119 Implement communications for PDM

120 Culture, Leadership & Performance








April May June July August September October November December January

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6 Outputs and deliverables This is primarily a behavioural change project delivered face to face with employees and individually in communities. :

Guidelines and a measurement competency framework

Skills Framework and tools

Communications for the cascade of objectives

PDM / RDM roles developed and rolled out

Talent management programme aligned with the Professional excellence

A Performance Management model aligned with Professional Excellence

Productivity Benefits

Focussed, motivated, well equipped staff who understand their role and how they are expected to contribute, work at a higher and more productive rate. The Professional Development programme will equip staff to meet the ongoing needs of the SCC / TDBC by aligning skills to business needs. This will lead to ;

Better Customer Service

Improved Performance

Improved Recruitment and Retention

Improved Innovation

Enhanced Talent and Enterprise

Skills & Experience

Morale/Motivation &Environment

Process &Structure





Performance Management

Resource Management Professional Development

Design Processes



Delivery Processes


Figure 9: Professional Excellence

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Transformational Benefits

The transformational benefits arising from our proposal derive from building capability, capacity and commitment by:

Clarifying, articulating and sharing the vision, direction and identity of SCC/TDBC for all its staff

Clarifying and helping to embed the required behaviours

Clarifying and communicating the roles, responsibilities and accountabilities of staff

Ensuring effective communication processes across the new organisation

Supporting leaders, managers and other staff in handling and managing change

Delivering more efficient and effective resource management through:

Reduced attrition

Focused training and education

Skills matching, improved deployment and appropriate recruitment

Career profiling – developing future leaders from within the organisation

Delivering effective resource processes

Delivering motivational performance management and appropriate reward systems

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7 How the project supports ISiS objectives This project directly contributes to the achievement of outcomes required as set out in the tale below.

ISiS Objectives Outcomes required Project contribution

Improve access to and delivery of customer facing services

Structure and management processes that facilitate frontline staff in doing their job, innovating and going the extra mile

The professional excellence model will create clearly define roles and responsibilities that empower staff to deliver.

Rewards and incentives to promote Innovation and going the extra mile

Delivery of all councils services via a committed and empowered workforce.

To help modernise and transform the overall workings of SCC and TBDC.

Supports skills transfer between partner organisations

Embodies values complementary to the Council’s

Skills transfer between IBM-ISiS a dedicated skills framework that encourages knowledge transfer

Graduate programme within ISiS

Professional excellence approach will be built on Councils’ and ISiS values as appropriate

To create an excellent working environment and more sustainable employment for Council staff in the future

Develop high quality communities and professionals

Overall, create an organisation that becomes the employer of choice in Taunton

Implementation of full Professional excellence for transformation as set out

Enhancement of reputation of Councils as places to work for people with ambitions due to training and development opportunities available

Creating a category of one for talent retention and recruitment.

To generate economic investment by attracting a partner willing to invest in Somerset

Provide employment opportunities and training of the highest standards, raising skills levels in the local economy

Enhancement of reputation of Councils as places to work for people with leadership ambitions due to training and development available alongside leading edge technology and

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ISiS Objectives Outcomes required Project contribution

innovation through the partnership with IBM

Develop all employees to empower them with the right skills and tools in creating a high performing workforce.