past lives reportwill read in the report the moon's nodes are strong past life or karmic points...

Past Lives Report for Michael D. Vick by Bernie Ashman This sample report compliments of: Matrix Software 126 S. Michigan Ave.. Big Rapids, MI 49307 (231) 527-2603

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Past Lives Report for

Michael D. Vick by Bernie Ashman

This sample report compliments of:

Matrix Software 126 S. Michigan Ave.. Big Rapids, MI 49307

(231) 527-2603

The Astrological Charts

Michael D. Vick Jun 26, 1980 12:00:00 PM EDT +04:00 Newport News, VA 076W25'42" 36N58'43" Placidus

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Cancer 05°Ca10' 10th 01 20°Vi33' Moon Sagittarius 14°Sg19' 03rd 02 16°Li31' Mercury Cancer 25°Ca00' 11th 03 16°Sc35' Venus Gemini 18°Ge07' 09th 04 19°Sg26' Mars Virgo 22°Vi24' 01st 05 22°Cp28' Jupiter Virgo 05°Vi22' 12th 06 23°Aq15' Saturn Virgo 21°Vi14' 01st 07 20°Pi33' Uranus Scorpio 21°Sc58' R 03rd 08 16°Ar31' Neptune Sagittarius 20°Sg55' 04th 09 16°Ta35' Pluto Libra 18°Li58' R 02nd 10 19°Ge26' Node Leo 22°Le29' 11th 11 22°Ca28' Midheaven Gemini 19°Ge26' 10th 12 23°Le15' Ascendant Virgo 20°Vi33' 01st

Past Lives Chart Jun 26, 1980 12:00:00 PM EDT +04:00 Newport News, VA 076W25'42" 36N58'43" Placidus

Planet Sign Position Hous House Cusps Sun Cancer 05°Ca10' 03rd 01 23°Le15' Moon Sagittarius 14°Sg19' 10th 02 22°Ca28' Mercury Cancer 25°Ca00' 02nd 03 19°Ge26' Venus Gemini 18°Ge07' 04th 04 16°Ta35' Mars Virgo 22°Vi24' 12th 05 16°Ar31' Jupiter Virgo 05°Vi22' 01st 06 20°Pi33' Saturn Virgo 21°Vi14' 12th 07 23°Aq15' Uranus Scorpio 21°Sc58' R 10th 08 22°Cp28' Neptune Sagittarius 20°Sg55' 09th 09 19°Sg26' Pluto Libra 18°Li58' R 11th 10 16°Sc35' Node Leo 22°Le29' 02nd 11 16°Li31' Midheaven Scorpio 16°Sc35' 10th 12 20°Vi33' Ascendant Leo 23°Le15' 01st

Copyright 1985-2003 Matrix Software, Inc.


Welcome to your Past Life report. Whereas the birthchart is a symbolic road map describing your current life, the Past Lives chart is a blueprint of your previous incarnations. The pages that follow will help shed some light on themes related to your past life instincts. First, let's talk about reincarnation which is the belief that the current incarnation (as depicted by our birthchart) is linked to the lives that we have previously led. This collection of past influences points to particular experiences you might encounter again so that you can further your growth and fully develop your creative potential. These past impressions go far in shaping many of our current thoughts and choices. There are certain gifts a person seems to possess right out of the womb! It's as though destiny or fate leads one to realize these attributes. Of course, we still have to show ambition and make the effort in order to keep our dreams alive. This report may give confirmation to talents that you already know you have or open your eyes to ones that you have yet to discover.

Our past lives are alive and well in our consciousness. This may already be apparent to you. But on the other hand, these experiences can lie beyond the threshold of our conscious mind's awareness. What is doing the remembering, if our mind isn't? Call it your soul, higher consciousness or whatever explanation feels right to you.

Have you ever heard about karma, that great law of cause and effect? An old timeless saying sums up the whole process: "You reap what you sew." There are actions and thoughts that defined us in other lives, or have guided us to where we are in the present. They don't really exert any control over us. We have freedom of choice. That's a strong message to remember when reading this report.

Also, don't panic if you read something that says you were not a perfect person. Nobody is in the current one! Use the report as a learning tool. The idea is to keep developing and evolving. It's balancing the cosmic rhythm of past and present that presents each of us with a challenge. Do we respond positively or negatively? With hope or doubt? Many of our tendencies are linked to previous incarnations. Certain patterns have likely been by our side over many lifetimes. As we grow and expand our awareness, it becomes very possible to step beyond the trappings of past life baggage.

No doubt you will read various sections that seem to contradict each other. Each could be true about you. It's important to realize that many different dimensions of ourselves live within us. Each of us is composed of memories from so many past lives, combined with an assortment of ways we have learned to deal with reality in this life, that make us complex beings. See which descriptions ring true to you as you read through the following pages. You will notice some traits described have a repeating theme.

I hope you find this report an enjoyable ride into your past life instincts and thought patterns. They are somewhere in your consciousness. Perhaps some of what you read will

strike a familiar chord. After all, these pages are all about your past life loves, creative pursuits, adventures, travels, highs and lows, over many lifetimes. Happy navigating!

The Past Life Chart Structure

Some technical explanations about the Past Life chart (if you detest technical discussions, then skip this paragraph and jump right into the report!). The Ascendant in this chart starts with the sign on the cusp of the 12th house, instead of the traditional method of using the sign on the 1st house cusp, which is the sign rising on the eastern horizon at the time of birth. Also, the Past Life birthchart houses are counted clockwise, rather than the conventional way of counterclockwise. In other words, since the 12th house becomes the Ascendant, the sign on the cusp of the 11th house now begins the 2nd house, etc., around the chart wheel. What is considered the Ascendant or 1st house in the traditional chart becomes the 12th in the Past Life chart. Your planets remain in the same sign placements, but now occupy different houses, in this new chart. The planets in signs are interpreted in your report from a past lives perspective.

Something interesting to consider in thinking of the houses in a clockwise direction, they are actually now moving in the same direction as the Nodes of the Moon. As you will read in the report the Moon's nodes are strong past life or karmic points in a chart. Their retrograde motion is clockwise meaning they share the same life biorhythms as the houses of the Past Life chart. By traveling backward, or clockwise, through the houses, you are being regressed back into a past life analysis. Enjoy your ride down memory filled lanes!

The Passport

In this section are the first, middle and last names of your Past Lives astrological identity, the Sun, Moon, and Past Lives Ascendant. Each of these three building blocks will be discussed as to how they actively shaped many of your former lives. But before you meet these three key players, you will start your tour through memory lane with the North Node of the Moon. The North Node contains a special message about what was your overall life purpose. It was a constant rhythm pulsating in your consciousness to keep you on target toward your true purposes. It was a celestial compass trying to guide you to walk your talk with greater clarity. So sit back, and enjoy reading your past lives primer.

Node in Leo

You had a history of expressing a dramatic passion. One of your key impulses was to seek out ways to shine. Your soul was normally on ready alert to reincarnate, energized through knowing the creative sparks were soon to begin. The archetypal theme for your destiny was to be a promoter. A crucial lesson was that it was okay to be determined, but

not with excessive force and arrogance. You attracted attention when you found self-confidence. Your actions inspired others to get moving. Believing in your ability ignited the ego strength needed to take you far.

When you didn't assume enough of your own power or individuality, you deprived yourself of great potential. A trickster was when you continually talked yourself into marching to someone else's drumbeat. Eventually you either rebelled or lost all of your momentum. Finding a way to balance playing a few of your own tunes while fitting into the melody of others was a key to your freedom. You needed equality and independence. Feeling the excitation of personal autonomy and having the impulse to be an inventor was stimulating. A fondness for new trends kept your thoughts pulsating in the future. You fell in love with individuals who appreciated your youthful and enterprising spirit.

Node in 2nd house

What types of activities did you participate in that furthered your soul growth? When you relaxed into roles that best expressed your potentials you were on top of the world. You found that compulsively forcing yourself to be someone you weren't, made you unhappy. A common concern was "how can I develop my real talents?" When you were patient in reaching your objectives, you more easily managed to stay out of karma's way. What sorts of experiences motivated you? Your energy levels peaked when earning money, and being with partners awakened your passion. Giving up your power too easily is what took the air out of your sails. Empowering relationships and pursuing paths leading to self-mastery were how you enjoyed feeling more in control of your destiny. Seeking equality and experiences that deepened your mind, kept you on track as much as becoming too bossy made you seem repulsive. Somewhere always hiding in the caverns of your memory banks were stabilizing instincts mixed with a tinge of an attraction to extremes. When using them wisely and advantageously, life was colored with senseless acts of beauty and a great determination that took you over the mountains of ambition.

Sun: Creativity, Ego, Self-expression

Sun in Cancer:

The sign of Cancer the crab lighted the early-summer astrological skies at your birth into this life. Let's explore what significance this had in regard to your past lives. In traditional astrology the keyword phrase for Cancer is "I feel". This feeling was greatly linked to intuition. You had a pattern connected to tuning into your innermost self. Establishing a sense of security dominated many of your past lives. Home was a sacred space in previous incarnations, becoming a sanctuary or even a safe haven. The saying "the home is a castle" applied to you.

Archetypes for Cancer include the nurturer, protector, or hermit. You usually thrived on caring for others whether this be people, pets, or plants. Emotions were downright exhausting to endure. There were times when you grew fed up with being relied upon too heavily. Intimacy was a challenge. Having balanced dependency needs was a key to happiness. Your moods were key barometers of your thoughts in one lifetime after


The cosmic principle at work through many of your past incarnations was to insulate yourself from harm's way. This isn't saying you were always passive or looking for the easy way out. Quite the contrary, there were lifetimes when you regularly moved forcefully and decidedly. You found ego strength through creating new enterprises. Delight was experienced in watching anything grow that was under your care. You felt lost when your most cherished people and goals disappeared. You came into this life solarized through a sign promoting intuitive vision. This was a theme that ran throughout your incarnations and was the key to self-mastery. It was when you managed to balance your mind and heart that you were on top of your game.

Sun in 3rd house

You had solar power that went right through your mental processes in previous lives. It radiated out curiously and quickly, taking advantage of new learning opportunities. You enjoyed a sense of pride in your communication ability. People responded to your confident ideas. Your creative vitality became awakened when slipping out of the usual routines. Repetitive thinking bored you in a hurry. Changing circumstances delighted you.

If there was a challenge, it was getting distracted by walking in too many directions simultaneously. It's not that you couldn't do this successfully. You did at times lose your focus. Your perceptions were your key to opening doors of opportunity. Bouncing concepts off of the minds of others was stimulating. The exchange of information with peers or colleagues made you feel invigorated. Experiences that offered diversity were pleasing. Insightful ideas lived brightly through you. Your self-expression found inspiration through travel and education. A change of scenery was your way of keeping problems in perspective. The world responded positively to your energizing mental outlook, but less favorably when you seemed scattered. Channeling nervous energy into productive outlets was rewarding. You found fulfillment in influencing positive change in others.

Moon: Sense of Security, Roots, Feelings

Moon in Sagittarius:

You were lunarized at birth through the sign of Sagittarius. What does this say about your past life tendencies? An instinctual urge to explore life from multiple directions followed you from one incarnation to another. The family ancestries in past lives were linked by a love of the foreign, and a high-powered belief system.

Your inner landscapes were colored by a strong faith, which sustained you through the tough times. Many called it luck, but didn't see how much effort you put into the positive. Freedom was a word you understood early. You sought after knowledge because it kept you young in spirit and near the heartbeat of developing new trends. Travel made you feel in touch with creation and helped develop your creativity. Writing and all forms of communication were in your soul.

You frequently lived in various locations The gypsy in you was restless for adventure. Concentration and discipline were challenges. Overconfidence got you to bite off more than you could chew. Promising too much did cause you to disappoint others occasionally. Dogmatism dulled your intellect. A sense of humor kept things in perspective. When you didn't judge hastily, those closest to you came closer. Your subconscious called to you to seek self-discovery, and to never feel that one absolute truth had all of the answers.

Moon in 10th house

You had intuitive power when it came to figuring out ambition. You instinctually knew which roles would best define you. This didn't mean you always liked your jobs. As a matter of fact the "fickle finger of fate" pointed at you to assume more responsibility than you wanted. Your dreams at times were put on hold to satisfy the needs of others. Family depended on you heavily. Being a caretaker was customary. In some lives you got into trouble by becoming too dependent on those you loved.

Home was where you derived a sense of power and meaning. Solitude was something you guarded as it helped you to get recharged. Your moods ranged between sullen to an occasional tone of celebration. Taking life in stride was your motto. Striving for success needed to be kept in perspective. You did have great focus. An inner need to find projects and professions worthy of your time was a reality. You were serious about not failing, which drove you to work hard. Becoming a workaholic was a way of escaping from what you didn't want to face. You did risk depression if becoming too devastated by not living up to expectations of authority figures or your own preconceived ideas. You liked the business world, especially initiating new ventures. Experiences were favorites supporting your need to find stable employment and that made you feel centered.

Ascendant: Persona, Identity, Calling Card

Leo on Ascendant:

With the sign Leo as your past lives Ascendant, occupying center stage often colored your incarnations. Your will power was a blessing or a curse. The good news is that you had tremendous creative drive. The not so good news is that you easily got a bruised ego when your creations didn't get rave reviews. You had a way of making life come to you. You found great power in impressing others with your know-how. Romantic love was a catalyst for bringing out your best or worst. The passion fueled your mind and spirit to express yourself forcefully. When your heart was broken by an unhappy romance, you became bitterly sad. Watching those extremes kept you on a clearer road to success. A flair for the dramatic followed you through several incarnations. You regularly looked out into the world through eyes that sought attention and fame. Leadership roles adorned you. A natural charisma influenced others to follow you. There was never one role in a lifetime that suited you. A need for several outlets was a repeating scenario.

The Quest

Mercury: Communication, Perceptions and Logic Mercury in Cancer

You were Mercurialized at birth through the sign of Cancer pointing to security-oriented mental impulses in past lives. Being emotional, and at times secretive, was your communication style.

You exercised patience in listening to others. However, if you sensed a change was needed to secure your lifestyle, you did move fast and furious. You initiated actions when your brain sent signals that it was time to put a plan to work. You were careful about how your home was organized. This was one place you needed order to ensure peace of mind.

Family was valued. You showed great loyalty to those you loved. Moods occasionally disrupted your thinking. You found power in overcoming past wounds and disappointments. Your nurturing side caused people to depend on you. It was important that you knew when to draw the line as far as letting others fend for themselves. Your mental outlook in previous incarnations was brighter when you perceived how to find the intimacy you desired, and when you became comfortable with your introspective nature.

Mercury in 2nd house

Your perceptions moved leisurely, giving you plenty of time to assess situations. This gave you opportunities to smell the roses and enjoy the scenery. What got you moving faster? It was usually a chance to enhance your earning power and to create greater stability. You calmly looked out at the world and didn't see any need to rush. Your mind didn't like to be hurried into decisions. Communication played an integral part in earning a living. You were talented in making business deals. Patience paid off royally. People generally found you a good listener.

If you grew dissatisfied with life, you did have a tendency to overeat or overly indulge to excess. When you found inner peace, you were less likely to chase compulsively after desires that got you into trouble. You were certainly a resourceful type. Some accused you of being lazy about your less favorite concerns. There were times you moved so slowly that opportunities were missed. You liked to know your ideas were perceived as valuable by those closest to you.

Venus: Relationships, Values, Comfort.

Venus in Gemini

With the love goddess adorning you through the sign of Gemini at birth, you came from past lives where you were seeking mentally invigorating relationships. Many people perceived you as symbolizing quick wittedness and being insightful. Your social instincts were shaded with a hue of a gregarious spirit.

The ideal soul mate was a multidimensional type with better than average communication skills. You were attracted to lovers able to accept your need to move in

several directions simultaneously. It didn't matter if they could keep up with you, only that they were not bothered by the fact you needed multiple fronts to move on. You really wanted your intelligence to be respected. Partnerships were appreciated because you enjoyed the exchange of ideas. Your knowledge occasionally was just the catalyst for a friend or lover to make great strides toward their ambitions.

What was the challenge? A tendency to get scattered if you couldn't get focused. Though your ingenuity often came through in the nick of time. You were happier when being matched with people of similar tastes and education. Your romantic fulfillment depended greatly on allowing yourself the freedom to think for yourself, and letting your values be the guide to inner peace.

Venus in 4th house

You were cautious when interacting socially, trying to tune into the thoughts of others. A reluctance to reveal yourself openly was shown. You tended to be an emotional force in relationships, causing others to reflect about their actions. Feeling-oriented lovers attracted your attention and your attentiveness got to them. You were a privacy-minded person, not letting just anyone really get to know you. The nurturing side of you was selective as to who was going to see this.

Some accused you of being too moody, though you explained it as having intense feelings. Silent withdrawals made you hard to understand. You loved your home and were fond of plants and pets. In some ways you felt more at ease with animals and nature than you did with people. You liked to feel needed, but not drained by too many demands. Your peers perceived you to be supportive, when you allowed them to get to know you. You sometimes denied yourself of things in too austere of a way. This was sometimes due to feeling unworthy or low in spirit. You valued very much where you resided. When individuals showed they cared about you, it made you feel valuable. Protecting those you loved so that they could feel safe meant a lot to you.

Mars: Assertion, Courage, Identity

Mars in Virgo

What would a warrior planet in the earthy sign of Virgo mean regarding your past lives? Your initiating impulse was to proceed cautiously rather than leaping forward spontaneously. You could outrun anyone when you were anxious to get a job done. It's only that you wanted to make sure the coast was clear and no rocks were hidden before making the big decisions. You were impatient with the details you detested but could be meticulous with the little things if they were sniffed out as being important. A competitive spirit came alive when trying to solve a problem. You didn't give up easily, sometimes irritating those wanting you to give up sooner.

Your identity was solidified when working in professions that made you feel productive and fulfilling your potential. Criticism drove a wedge between you and those you loved. You didn't take kindly to having your life critiqued and did bother others when you pounced too harshly on their dreams. When you left the door open to creating

win-win situations, guess what happened? People liked you! Angry outbursts were often the result of anxiety over trying to be too perfect. When you found confidence, you worked long hours on a project. Self-doubt doused your passion in a hurry. You had to learn how to pace yourself to maintain your health. Teaching others your skills sometimes stimulated you to think more positively. When you moved with a steady grasp of reality combined with a teaspoon of senseless wonder, the universe did smile upon you with more of its gifts.

Mars in 12th house

You took initiative when it came to seeking paths to fulfill your idealism. Your adrenaline got pumping when you went on adventurous escapes. There was endless imagination at your disposal. The trick was not becoming so disillusioned with reality that you got stuck. A competitive side came forward when people told you your dreams were impossible to fulfill. This made you try that much harder to prove them wrong. Fighting to defend those you loved was a repeating pattern. Rushing headfirst into romance happened more often than not. You didn't always care about the consequences of your actions. What made you become territorial? It was when you felt your ideals being threatened by those not understanding them.

Impatience with those you loved caused bad feelings. You could have high standards with unreasonable expectations. When you realized you were being too demanding relationships were more flowing. Assertiveness was testy. Guilt did at times keep you waterlogged, as did trying to be too perfect. You were an intense mixture of fire and water, which resulted in steam. You had to connect with your intuition to stay on target. Anger was another challenge. You could be stone quiet, making others try to figure out if you were mad. Then again, irrational outbursts would come when you couldn't hold back anymore. You were at the top of your game when acting from your highest beliefs.

Jupiter: Knowledge, Expansion, Philosophy, Travel

Jupiter in Virgo

Having Jupiter, the planet of good fortune, in the sign of Virgo indicates you were enthusiastic to learn new skills. You valued practical knowledge. You seemed to have been a diligent student, though self-confidence didn't come easily. You chose to expand your potential through developing good work habits, feeling that being organized was essential. If you refrained from being overly judgmental, people liked you! You felt luckier when relaxing into experiences, having the faith things would work for the best, rather than trying to force the outcome of situations. Training your mind to accent the positive was wise, as this kept you away from obsessive worry. You liked training and teaching others. Anxiety over being well prepared did cause you nerve problems occasionally. An intense dedication to whatever you decided upon as your profession or job was typical. Travel wasn't a passion. You did so only if necessary. Getting away from the stress of it all was great for your mental and physical health. When maintaining a broad perspective you stayed away from narrow assumptions and found the way to greater self-discovery.

Jupiter in 1st house

A positive and enterprising outlook influenced you to act on hunches. Occasionally you noticed that it was been better if you were cautious before you leaped. Then again, it was your natural way to gallivant without worry about consequences of your choices. Spontaneity made you feel free. When you didn't rush to judgment, you were more trouble free. Also, it was best when you didn't exaggerate your ability. Travel was exhilarating and opened your eyes to wider possibilities. It was what your life might become that often interested you more than it was in the now. Boldness in expressing your beliefs attracted attention. You could be very persuasive when communicating your version of the truth. Luck smiled favorably upon you when making the effort to turn those doorknobs requiring extra strength. Good fortune didn't come through sitting back and waiting for it to be served.

The Journey

Saturn: Ambition, Seriousness, Focus, Responsibility Saturn in Virgo

Ambition came through you cautiously, says your past lives history, with Saturn placed in the meticulous sign of Virgo. Discipline seemed to be a natural part of life. It didn't take long for you to see that your best efforts might take you far toward success. Learning skills were imprinted into your brain early. Your greatest fear was not being perfect enough at something you wanted to master. If you didn't pressure yourself so much, you eventually allowed yourself to make a mistake or two without feeling devastated. When you finally saw perfection as an illusion, you were better off.

A karmic shadow was an addiction to negative thinking. The worrier in you was too dominant. Trusting your intuition and finding greater faith were roads out of this quagmire. You often defined yourself through service-oriented professions, and as someone making a conscientious effort toward excellence.

Saturn in 12th house

What was your main focus? Determining reliable beliefs. You consistently asked at crucial points during an incarnation: how can I find a true purpose that can withstand the test of time? Divine discontent reared its head when you let perfection get out of hand. You were repeatedly seeking control over your subconscious fears. This doesn't mean you were ruled by doubts. It's only saying that you were challenged to make your ideals visible. Escapism was the main cause of karmic woes. The antidote was greater flexibility in this area, that is, when you were determined not to repeat the same old lessons needing to be learned. You didn't always relish assuming responsibility.

A shadow was guilt. Feeling too responsible for the problems of others. Knowing

your boundaries in relationships was the ultimate challenge. Clear definition concerning love and feelings was preferred, but not necessarily accomplished. When you found people that you could trust, or that believed in you, it was easier to tune into your deeper self. You had to understand that it was okay to make a mistake, and that nobody was perfect. This wasn't an easy lesson to learn. A major redefining occurred in lifetimes when you suffered a serious illness or setback. This caused you to take stock of circumstances and reflect. You found solace in overcoming dilemmas through a deepening intuition, and by reaching back for the courage to move ahead. Wisdom came through knowing which ideals to trust.

Uranus: Individuality, Goals, Uniqueness, Freedom

Uranus in Scorpio

You had a tendency to be secretive regarding your future goals, indicates Uranus in the sign Scorpio. Your mind did switch to fast forward when investigating the exciting possibility of new frontiers to study. It made you feel trapped when having to follow the dictates of others. You were careful when it came to finances. Impulsive spending and loaning money recklessly got you into trouble now and then. You didn't trust someone unless they fully respected your individuality.

Inventiveness often occurred in the midst of great turmoil. It wasn't when life was calm that you felt much brainpower to make major strides in stimulating life arenas. Maintaining a sense of direction was a key ingredient to your psychological well being and ensured that you would be ready to take full advantage of any new surprising opportunities.

Uranus in 10th house

In what way were you unconventional? That's an easy one to answer, you were a distinct individual in whatever role you viewed as important. You were aloof concerning what you didn't value. People occasionally found you emotionally absent. You had futuristic vision that burned a hole right through the skeleton of most institutions. You reinvented yourself through professions that reflected your genius or most outrageous beliefs. Fighting city hall was a mantra. A sense of direction was an in the moment experience. You liked living in the present with one foot safely in tomorrow's promising skies. You weren't so available to be counted on for support by others. If you didn't trust your own insights there was a tendency to get stuck in confining roles. It was impossible to be happy if letting someone control your thinking. Innovative events and people made your internal clocks turn electrically ahead. You stood firm if you perceived that it was not in your best interest to make adjustments. It was that you grew bored which led to sarcasm. Inventive circuitry ran throughout your brain. You often were so far out in front of the pack that nobody knew what to make of your knowledge. Finding ways to be part of mainstream life of a tribe or city was a challenge.

Neptune: Idealism, Romanticism, Intuition, Dreams, Escapism

Neptune in Sagittarius

You believed in ideals that took your imagination skyward. Your idealism was awakened through traveling to learning terrain, foreign to your upbringing. A burning exploring nature guided you to navigate the deepest waters of adventure. Inspiring others to look for greater truth was a natural part of you. You did need to be careful in not getting lost in unrealistic aspirations. Education was boring if it was too ordinary. You had the intuition of a dreamer, but could get down to business once you found the roads that gave you focus. Romance was forever pulsating through your psyche. Lovers with a stomach for flowing with spontaneous chasing of a new cause usually went over big with you. You liked finding a romantic partner sharing many of your highest values.

A major challenge was not failing to finish what you started. You ran out of gas if losing interest in a project. Even with relationships, you sometimes thought going where the grass was greener was better. When you became a good finisher, people liked you. You wanted from the deepest part of your soul to be a person with a motivating message. You tried to create a lifestyle free of as much conflict as possible. You found transcendental growth through having the faith to leave limiting situations by taking the risks that promised a better tomorrow.

Neptune in 9th house

In what way were you extra intuitive? It was in regard to having long range outlooks. You could see miles and miles ahead of many. It was those nasty little details that were a nuisance. Going to foreign places and meeting people from various locations mesmerized you. It was getting out of your home terrain that made you feel special. Your idealism caused you to seek growth through education and learning. You had a strong inclination to teach. Sharing your understanding with others was fulfilling. Being a counselor or advisor came naturally.

A test was in not becoming so expansive that you never focused on immediate needs. You were accused of lacking commitment. Though you rationalized this as being distracted by other interests. You did often manage to reach great heights when you felt the inspiration of your beliefs. When you tapped into a positive attitude it wasn't easy to talk you out of a choice, whether a good one or bad. Your spirituality was usually cherished. You had an eclectic belief system. What was the biggest challenge? It was in how you responded after an extreme disappointment. Not wanting to face your loss of hope made matters worse. Faith transformed your denial into a renewed positive thinking. You searched for a purpose that had open-ended questions that gave you the opportunity to keep seeking growth-promoting answers.

Pluto: Personal Power, Self-mastery, Rebirth, Loss, Passion

Pluto in Libra

Empowering yourself through developing key relationships was a past lives tendency. Exercising tact and wise judgments often got you to where you were trying to go. Getting too attached to a lover was sometimes a downfall. Charisma was shown when you felt

extra comfortable in social situations. Instincts for knowing just the right thing to say made you sharp in business. It was in making challenging decisions that you met your true tests.

There was a shadow. What was it? You could get too dependent on others. This took the edge out of your own sharp perceptions for knowing what was in your best interest. When you weaned yourself away from relying too much on a friend or partner, your life seemed more liberated. Self-mastery was reached through marketing your creative instincts. You found rebirth or a sense of fulfillment when refusing to say yes when you meant no.

Pluto in 11th house

How did you go about seeking personal empowerment? You latched onto those goals that set you as free as Jonathan Livingston Seagull, flying high above the crowd. A renewed sense of purpose was discovered through meeting individuals that stimulated you to breathe with a greater spirit. Getting refocused in a more creative direction was usually the answer. A get off of my cloud mentality didn't always make you popular, but gave you the room to test the depths of your own waters. You weren't one to rush into experimenting with new things, until being assured there were no strings too tightly attached. A powerful self-examination manifested if you became too self-focused. Forgetting to support the ideas of others caused tension. A compulsive tendency to control the movement of others, or they acting like this toward you, got you to ask thought-provoking questions. Power struggles over money were not uncommon. A shadow frequently followed you into incarnations linked to being too cold emotionally or distant. When you thawed out the ice, you enjoyed closer relationships.


You have already been introduced to the ten planets. Certain planetary pairs in your chart have a special relationship to one another due to particular angular distances separating them, known as aspects. You could say the two planets in an aspect travel and interact together along the same circuit. The following aspects will be listed under five types. Two are known as the soft aspects: the sextile (60 degrees) and trine (120 degrees). These two aspects generally point to more gentle themes, and therefore will describe past life trends that went very well for you. They indicate a lower voltage of electricity and produced less friction in your mind and through your actions. The planets involved in a trine or sextile are more likely to talk about areas where you flowed without much effort.

The more hard or intense aspects are the conjunction (0 degrees), square (90 degrees) and opposition (180 degrees). They required your best understanding in past lives. Planets that are part of an intense aspect you will notice often indicate lessons that must be learned, and follow us from one incarnation into another until we get them in balance.

These higher voltage aspects don't mean the planets operated negatively, only that there was much more force behind them. "Soft" does not mean good and "intense" does not imply bad. It is often the more intense aspects that deepen our soul growth, that is, if we learn how to use their power wisely. If we don't it's like taking one step forward and three back.

It might be helpful to keep some keywords in mind for the aspects. The sextile represents Excitation and Eagerness. The planets in this aspect give clues as to how their energies worked in a stimulating way through you. The trine is a special Harmony. The two planets involved show you were confident of their interacting energies. The conjunction is where two planets are joined at the hip. There is a Fusion or powerful blending of these energies. The square can reveal where you encountered Friction. Pay special attention to these aspects in particular because they denote themes that are strong past patterns. Squares ask us to resolve their conflict by finding creative outlets. The opposition requires a Balancing act. It is similar to a seesaw. Gaining objective awareness about each planet is a key. Remember, it was usually the most intense aspects that stretched you the most in past lives.

Moon oppose Venus

You were quite intuitive about people unless you became emotionally distraught. Partnerships made you feel extra special, whether in regard to love or business. It was blending your energy with someone else that stimulated you to seek out new horizons. Romance was an exhilarating high. You only had problems if you depended on the wrong individuals for support. Also, there were those willing to take everything you owned if you weren't watchful. The universe was good to you in regard to wealth when you took the time to express your deepest values.

Moon square Saturn

There was a clash between work and home. You experienced tension in finding time for both. If you became too controlling, people kept their distance. Sometimes you were just plain too serious. Disappointments stayed with you longer than many. Wanting what you couldn't have, meant you needed to become better at formulating a plan that was attainable. Letting go and trusting that life would give you what you needed didn't come easily. You instinctively knew how to be successful in business. A challenge was working smarter rather than harder. Relationships were more successful when dependency needs stayed clear. A rugged determination to ensure your sense of security was a reality.

Moon conjunct Neptune

Intuition played a big part in your past. You had an intense yearning to find the deepest meaning possible which led you on spiritual journeys. A search for ideals and symbols that were inspiring was a strong leaning. Romance either made you feel wonderful or filled you with divine discontent. Much depended on you're dependency

needs. When finding a soul mate, life couldn't have been better. If you became too lost in finding the perfect love, you did lose your clarity. Whatever your life ambitions, you had high aspirations. Staying grounded went far in supporting your achievements. Guilt kept you from enjoying greater happiness. When you did manage to keep this in check, you discovered the power of your inner world, and it was a vast kingdom.

Mercury trine Uranus

A vision for the future you naturally possessed. It was exhilarating to step out of the everyday routines. You liked variety. Disruptive people and sudden change were not that welcome. You liked new experiences that didn't make you extremely nervous. Travel and being exposed to different learning environments opened your eyes to exciting paths. You had a fondness for new trends as long as they didn't stamp out the past that you valued.

Mercury square Pluto

You had a mind that could slice through any problem, like a laser beam. Mental intensity followed you into your incarnations. Sooner or later, you were faced with your shadows. Staring them down was liberating, running from them was limiting. You could be ruthless about defending your ideas. Whatever work you performed, it was thorough. A passion for your favorite subjects and pastimes caused you to accomplish great things. When you didn't stubbornly resist those wanting to know the real you, your relationships deepened immensely. You didn't trust many people. Transcending a painful past was occasionally the catalyst to send you toward rebirth.

Venus square Mars

You attracted dramatic people into your lives. Why? Because you often were one yourself! Individuals either liked you or not. There wasn't lots of middle ground. When you liked someone, you didn't waste much time in making bold advances. Squabbles over money occurred regularly in relationships. You were not always fond of sharing, fearing you would get the short end of the stick. Instability in relationships was due to either impatience on one or both of your parts. Competitive streaks did get out of hand once in a while. Mutual support of values was a unifying factor.

Venus square Saturn

You worked hard to maintain partnerships mainly because you feared rejection. Lovers fell under two categories. They could be very loyal and generous. Then there was the scrooge and cold group. It's no secret who made you feel the best. You had a preference for long-term commitments but only with those you trusted. Warming up to someone took time. You were reserved. But when you found a comfort zone, you were as lively as they came. People were inclined to try to control you, especially if you were willing to let them do it. Power struggles were troublesome. Diplomacy and tact did help

you get through situations. You didn't give up easily on those you loved, especially if they did the same for you. Flexibility was the key to happiness in relationships and in seeking comfort.

Venus oppose Neptune

Watching your boundaries when relating to others became a must. You either tried to save others or asked them to do this for you. Romance was a high. You liked falling in love as it made you forget about all of your troubles. When with a soul mate you felt like there was no higher experience. Individuals sharing your beliefs or spiritual quest felt a special connection to you. Your love of the arts brought the muses to bless you with great talent. It was when you became too believing in others without any reality testing that you got into trouble. You enjoyed people with vivid imagination. Balance came through finding ways to get grounded in expressing your highest ideals.

Venus trine Pluto

You knew life wasn't exactly a box of chocolates, but it didn't hurt if it became that either! Wars and power struggles were seen as bothersome. You could be ambitious, but didn't want your favorite pastimes disturbed. You enjoyed individuals that had a plan. You hoped your own life didn't have to be turned upside down by someone else's crisis.

Mars conjunct Saturn

Getting along with authority figures was usually a great test. Being assertive ran in the extremes. In some lives you were geared more toward not being very direct. Yet, in others, you were quite aggressive. Somewhere in the middle was where you needed to be! Fear either pushed you to move forward or stopped you frozen in your tracks. Learning how to take that first small step toward accomplishing something was perhaps the biggest challenge. Discipline and focus came after finding those interests that you deemed worthy of your time. You weren't sure how to deal with anger. But you felt better when getting things off of your chest. Trying to control others by making them fear you never brought them closer. Though when you wanted someone to be afraid of your bark rather than your bite, you knew how to do it.

Mars square Neptune

Actions fueled by idealism was a key ingredient in your lives. You didn't really wait around for your intuition to guide you as much as leaped first and reflected later. Was this a good impulse? Much depended on the results! You were a bit lost without a cause. Something was needed to inspire your dreams. You were careless in ignoring the danger signs. Getting fooled by the illusion of fame and romance did occur. The interesting thing is that you sometimes stumbled upon great creative expression when chasing after an impossible rainbow. You felt empty without intense challenges. Even when settling into a normal routine, outlets that let you fulfill idealistic striving was needed. Your energy

levels went from hot to cold quickly. Your moods could swing in unpredictable ways, depending on your happiness levels. Anger came out by the bucket full if held back for long periods of time. When you had faith you weren't as likely to choose escapism.

Saturn square Neptune

This was a tricky energy pattern to make work in your favor. Ambition conflicted with idealism often. Authority figures usually had no idea what you truly were all about, and your impatience with them didn't help. You were good at gliding away from controlling types. People mistakenly thought you lacked focus. What they didn't know or see was the raw talent looking for the right outlets. You did get sad or depressed when stuck in roles that you knew didn't match your needs. There were magic and strange events that at times opened doors that had been closed. You intuitively discovered the right people and places that elevated your dreams into reality, but it took patience and effort. You craved to be understood. People liked the way you loved them but weren't always sure if you could stay focused on their needs. .

Uranus square Node

Following your own whims about the future swept you up with great force. You didn't believe in looking back at the past. The hopes of tomorrow were your reality. Commitments were hard to keep as you quickly felt the pull of a new plan. It was growth-promoting when you offered to be there for those needing you. Instant karma resulted when you refused to learn from yesterday's errors in judgment. You had an inventive and rebellious streak. You could be difficult to understand, which was quite true when becoming too eccentric. Your ideas didn't fit conveniently in with those you loved. When compromising even a little it took the tension out of your relationships. When you gave up too much of your independence, you sensed something was horribly wrong. Finding that center between being reasonable and going after your personal choices took great objective discretion.

Uranus conjunct Midheaven

You have a past of being an innovator, introducing new ideas faster than a culture could digest them. Standing on your own two feet with a steady diet of independent thinking was your reality. You needed plenty of elbowroom from which to operate. You were as inventive as unpredictable. You detested rigid rules and continuously rebelled against them. Settling into the norm of a society was never easy. Nervous breakdowns resulted if you didn't gain a cooler objective awareness about life. An inability to make compromises caused tension in relationships. Focusing power came when coming upon life directions offering you a deeper sense of purpose. Authority figures either admired your offbeat, insightful thinking, or feared it as a threat. There wasn't much gray area in between!

Uranus square Ascendant

Ideas traveled through you at the speed of light, sometimes causing you to ride one suddenly onto a new highway. Your fast changes of direction made some think you to be undependable. You enjoyed shocking others with actions and thought-provoking ideas. It wasn't in your nature to be a copycat. You were trend setting for sure. Causing friction with no real purpose behind the action wasn't productive. You were quite a catalyst for change. Erratic inconsistencies in behavior proved problematic in maintaining closeness or finishing what you started out to do. When you discovered your unique personal style it did find you with a clearer sense of direction.

Neptune trine Node

Destiny had a way of sending you messages about which doors to knock on. You sensed the trails that led to fulfillment. Occasionally you took a detour to see if the scenery was different. You found what you were looking for by not doubting that life would bring the experiences that were needed to fulfill your dreams.

Neptune trine Ascendant

Your intuition was a great guide in taking you toward happiness. It's true that sometimes you took the easy way out. As long as you didn't take running away to the extreme there was no harm. Incorporating a bit of discipline kept you on that straight and narrow highway. You weren't one to miss out on rewarding yourself after a job well done.

Midheaven square Node

If you are reading this one, then you don't need to be reminded again that your most serious focuses always became the bread and butter of fulfillment. When not challenged, an inner conflict tormented you. Your intuition made a pact with reality that you would work hard as long as you got to play. Balancing the needs of profession and family were quite a challenge. You wanted both in a big way. Pleasing each tore you apart if not staying true to your own soul growth. People took notice of your accomplishments, sometimes giving you more recognition than you gave yourself. Making peace with the past freed you in the present and launched the magic of the future.

Ascendant conjunct Node

Your identity and major life missions were fused together. You were usually anxious to put your own personal style into whatever you got into as a serious life direction. You were fast to initiate actions. If you became too self-centered, life had a way of showing you that it was important to consider the needs of others. Though if you became forgetful about your own goals, events transpired that signaled you needed to wake up and go after your own pursuits. The key here was awareness.

Just as the Ascendant in the Passport section that began this report was described as a sign serving a special purpose, each of the other eleven houses has a sign that helps define its meaning. What follows is a trip through each of the other past lives houses or environments to give you a view of additional characteristics. First are listed the keywords for each house.

2nd House: Comfort, values, money, ownership. Cancer on 2nd house:

You showed an inclination to play it safe. This doesn't mean you never took a risk, only that you made sure they were well-calculated ones. There were times you missed out on a few opportunities by not moving forward fast enough. You needed warm-up time to adjust to change. You tended to be a bit clingy in relationships, but not necessarily possessive. You let go more when lovers gave you no reason to be concerned about a commitment. Your emotions intensified when your sense of security was threatened. Loyalty to friends, family and lovers is what kept them close. Family and home were highly valued.

3rd House: Perceptions, learning, communication, insight. Gemini on 3rd house:

A fast paced mental nature was a key feature. Ideas had a way of spinning through your brain quickly. Boredom with life when it grew too predictable occurred. Changing directions too much before finishing what you started was a challenge. Travel was a way to keep you mentally stimulated. The world of books entertained you. A curiosity about life was a trait. Adapting to new circumstances is something you did rather successfully. You welcomed change if it promised hope or the possibility of new options. Your perceptions about people and life in general often surprised others. Being a catalyst for change gave you a feeling of self-importance.

4th House: Home, security, nurturing, roots. Taurus on 4th house:

Developing a stable inner sense of security and relaxed home atmosphere was something you desired. Some accused you of being a bit possessive. A calm inner stability came when you felt in control of your life. It's not that you didn't like surprises, but preferred the ones that were more pleasing to the heart and mind. You found it essential not to let stress get the best of you.

5th House: Self-expression, creativity, confidence, romance, risk-taking. Aries on 5th house:

A powerful creative drive colored past incarnations. Your ego was bruised when you saw your creations being ignored. An innate drive to be the center of attention was a regular pattern. You had several lives that featured a ferocious competitive spirit. An

endless energy to express yourself blessed you. You were lost when living out meaningless roles. You became bored when not challenged. Love made you feel on top of the world. Entering relationships quickly was a past lives tendency. You took it personally when lovers or friends didn't openly cheer you on in life. You didn't always pace yourself. Your hunches about investments sometimes lacked reasoning. But at the same time your courage in taking risks sometimes paid off.

6th House: Learning skills, work environment, perfection, diet, health. Pisces on 6th house:

You had high expectations. It doesn't mean you were always a perfectionist. But sometimes perfection haunted you. It was realizing when you had done enough on a project or task that was the key. You were very devoted to learning new skills, once you discovered the directions you needed to be pursuing. You didn't always rely on your intuition enough. It was integrating your powers of analysis with your feelings that made for a challenge. Too much dedication to causes that gave you little in return was a potential downfall. You did learn a few lessons about reality testing as life went on. You hated criticism. It stopped you from really showing your true talent. Your faith did allow you to climb over a few hurdles now and then. If you grew very disappointed in people, it did cause you to drown your sorrows in negativity. You didn't like facing reality all that much. Balancing idealism and pragmatism was a challenge.

7th House: Relationships, marriage, partnerships, social awareness. Aquarius on 7th house:

Your relationships were customarily unpredictable. You were attracted to individualists. The types of partners were as varied as possibly could be. Even peers came from a wide array of backgrounds. You liked individuals with progressive minds. People stating the obvious didn't hold your attention. An attraction to individuals fighting limiting traditions did occur. Freedom in your partnerships was a strong drive. You rebelled against those trying to limit it. Definitely you were not so comfortable being ruled by a need to act politically correct. Your usual thought pattern was that love wasn't a permanent guarantee. So it was a good idea to make the most of the moment! You were experimental in relationships. You transcended the boundaries of what a society deemed as acceptable. You didn't always fit what the rules defined as okay. Questioning authority happened regularly. Equality in partnerships was essential to your happiness.

8th House: Power, joint resources, rebirth, passion, self-mastery. Capricorn on 8th house:

You were quite cautious with your money. You liked to know where every dollar was going. This didn't always warm the heart of your romantic partners. You preferred mates that could either understand your logic, or let you control the assets. If you grew too tight with your money, lovers became angry. Wastefulness was something you didn't tolerate too well. Power struggles occurred when you refused to negotiate. You usually felt

pushed toward success. Your ambition was at times intense. You attracted responsibility as much as a sweet smelling flower pulls in the bees. When you stayed clear of too much rigidity, your relationships were more flowing. Showing emotions wasn't easy. Hurt feelings tended to stay with you. You did become tough skinned so that you weren't easily talked out of your goals.

9th House: travel, learning, philosophy, knowledge, optimism. Sagittarius on 9th house:

You loved to travel. You didn't believe there was necessarily one absolute truth in solving life's dilemmas. Your philosophy tended to be eclectic in nature. Drawing from a wide range of knowledge was your style. People either liked your bluntness or detested it. It didn't really bother you one way or the other. You were wise when not thinking too narrowly. When you became too judgmental your vision was fogged. You were normally a restless soul. You didn't like feeling down for long. You only grew lazy if clouds of boredom settled over you. Fatigue and loss of direction were more the result of not finding any inspiration. Though you could rekindle that spark in a flash. You liked to sway the minds of others through persuasive speech.

10th House: Professions, ambition, leadership, focus, commitments. Scorpio on 10th house:

You were a no nonsense type. Work was not to be taken lightly in your eyes. Life had to be on your own terms. This means you were not going to be forced without quite a fight into doing things against your will. You usually carried yourself with a powerful presence. You found your way in the world with a ferocious determination. If your ambitions met with resistance, you took this quite personally. You came back that much harder with a persistent effort to succeed. Controlling behaviors didn't make you popular, nor did the bossy ones. You enjoyed showing others that you could take care of yourself. People did sometimes envy your life. When you generously helped those in need, you were admired. When the chips were down, you grew that much stronger. Adversity brought out your strength. Power struggles occurred either due to people trying to manipulate you or because you were attempting to display your own sense of self-mastery. You needed to balance a tendency to being consumed by work. Forgiveness was the key to getting things back on track in your relationships.

11th house: Goals, individuality, freedom, inventive, progressive, unique. Libra on 11th house:

You had a tendency to weigh your options carefully before moving forward. This doesn't mean you had no sense of direction! It is just describing the way you liked to mull things over before proceeding ahead to reach goals. It was frustrating if you allowed others to talk you out of things you needed for yourself. You depended heavily on the input of friends. Learning to tune into your intuition sometimes gave you clearer vision. A lover was a disruptive force occasionally, especially if you looked for too much of

yourself in the relationship. Love aroused your passion to go after the future, but could be so unpredictable it caused you to lose your way. You were sensitive about getting support from those closest to you.

12th house: Idealism, intuition, escape, faith, beliefs. Virgo on 12th house:

You showed a realistic approach to expressing your ideals. This doesn't mean you were never intuitive or refused to act on faith. It only means your subconscious tendency was to think first, and believe later. Perfection was a nagging voice in your head. It served you well when it came to performing with excellence. However, it tormented you when you couldn't accept that your best efforts were good enough. You got too lost in following others causes. A clash between your mind and feelings did occur. You dealt with this in two ways. Either denying you had feelings or boldly letting others know just how you felt. A fear of making a mistake was frustrating. Whenever you had the faith not to let self-doubt rule you, life sent you great abundance. When you kept from surrendering too much power, you were happier.

Planets in actuality never really move backward, but can appear to do so. This is referred to as retrograde motion, and as you will read has special past life meaning surrounding a particular planet's symbolism. The following are planets that were moving retrograde at your birth with a description as to how this played out for you in other incarnations.

Venus Retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you had a challenge in learning how to pick out the best partners. This didn't come easily in past lives, but you did get a lot of practice. A need to step back and reflect about a person was what worked best in your past history. In other words taking the time to ascertain if you were in the right situation was a good idea. An instinct to keep rethinking about past partners was natural. There were some individuals very difficult to forget. Sometimes you grew obsessively attached. Recognizing this tendency gave you a sense of sobering reality. Identifying what you were looking for in a partner proved wise as well. On the deepest of levels you truly enjoyed the sharing with someone that knew you on the most intimate levels. There was no veil really separating you from a soul mate. You worked hard on maintaining partnerships. It was the thrill of being in life promoting loves that gave you an exhilarating feeling.

Uranus Retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you had unique goals, reserved just for you. When you didn't do this, life lacked meaning. When you solely served your own purposes this caused quite a ruffle in the feathers of those you loved and cared about. Finding the midstream worked the best regarding these two extremes of sacrifice and doing your own

thing. Your ideas sent shock waves at times when individuals or collective bodies didn't like the message. You did sometimes tap into a collective trend before it became in vogue. It did make you nervous about how you might be judged. Many ideas were kept internalized until you were sure the coast was clear and safe enough to present the notions. Were you ever more outwardly disruptive? For sure! This usually occurred when you were so aroused by injustices or thinking restrictions imposed upon you. There was a need to perceive with fore thought, which fights were worth the struggle. Being different just to be different or starting conflicts with no purpose, were ways you took many steps in the wrong direction. Listening to cues from the universe on which directions promised accelerated growth was wise. Your vision of the future was as strong as the ability to remember what gave your imagination an electrifying sensation. Patience took effort!

Neptune Retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern that you needed to watch out what you asked life for. Do you know why? Because you were apt to get it! A tendency to have a strong intuitive quality was a past pattern. In some incarnations you were quite the poet, artist, entertainer or mystic. Perfection wasn't so nice to you in that divine discontent was troublesome, making it a challenge to be satisfied. When you were reasonable or grounded, life was simpler. Getting focused occurred after becoming inspired. There were times when you had premonitions of things to come. This either gave you great faith or was scary. The more you accepted your sixth sense, the easier it was to express outwardly. Another challenge was achieving discipline and utilizing reality testing. When you made a commitment not to run away from conflict, you found clarity. When letting your ideals guide you, life seemed more magical and full of inspiring symbols. Belief in a higher power sustained you through many tough challenges. Lovers were inspirational in stimulating your creativity. You liked the idea of a special someone with whom to share your dreams. Developing a spiritual understanding and a sacred place within kept you walking on the straight and narrow with great awareness, pointing you to pleasurable escapes, and kept you guilt-free.

Pluto retrograde:

It was a repeating pattern to know your way around Intensity Street. In some lives you were overpowering. In others, you didn't usurp enough power. Having a sense of empowerment was crucial to reaching self-mastery. Survival instincts you possessed. Being emotionally intense was a past pattern. Learning to communicate your feelings made you easier to understand. Self-honesty was liberating but it was a test to admit your faults. Defensiveness had to be conquered. You didn't believe in going halfway when exploring a subject. Compulsive lusts for riches and leadership sometimes brought out your worst manipulative traits. You were happier when feeling inwardly secure and having allies that you could trust. You had to beware of an urge to win at all costs. You found rebirth through not fearing your own shadows, and being big enough not to run from those you loved. You processed experiences long after they occurred, revisiting the past often, healed when able to embrace forgiveness.

Hopefully you have enjoyed your tour through this report. Remember that astrology's language is a great teacher. There are many other reports that you can explore.