paleo diet - basics plus free paleo recipes

The Paleo Diet - A Starter Guide © 2014

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Post on 23-Aug-2014




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The paleo diet is the answer to a healthy lifestyle and comes with many benefits. You’ll find that once you get used to it, this diet is fairly easy to follow. Many people rely on processed foods for the majority of their calories. Unfortunately, those processed foods cause a world of problems including weight gain and disease.This report will give you all the basics to starting on a paleo diet,including free paleo recipes, paleo food lists, guidelines, benefits, foods to avoid, and also the challeneges you are likely to face when you adopt this diet or lifestyle. Find more on the Paleo Diet:


  • The Paleo Diet - A Starter Guide 2014
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 2 What is the Paleo Diet? The Paleo diet has actually been around since the 1970s. However, it has only recently gained popularity and was actually the top searched for diet in Google in 2013. This diet is actually designed after people who lived in the Paleolithic era of Earths history. Its also called the Caveman diet by some people. The general idea is that to be your healthiest, you should eat the way our earliest ancestors did. Before we had agriculture to plant crops and care for animals, people were hunter-gatherers. They ate meat that they could catch and kill and they gathered whatever vegetation they could safely eat. Their diet didnt consist of any grains, dairy, or processed foods. The modern Paleo diet tries to mimic this type of diet. Youll be eating organically grown or raised produce and meat. But you wont consume dairy, grains, or any food thats processed. Processed foods include those that contain sugar, grains, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, or preservatives. If you eat the typical Western diet this probably sounds like quite a challenge. Many people rely on processed foods for the majority of their calories. Unfortunately, those processed foods cause a world of problems including weight gain and disease. There are many benefits to switching to a new way of eating and youll also find that once you get used to it, this diet is fairly easy to follow. With the Paleo diet, youll be eating foods like: Vegetables Fruits (especially those low in sugar) Fresh and dried herbs Poultry Beef Pork
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 3 Lamb Fish and other seafood Eggs Nuts and seeds or Healthy oils
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 4 For all of these youll want to choose organic foods. When it comes to meat and poultry you want to look for free range, grass fed, organic meats. For seafood, its best to stick to wild caught. The Paleo diet also eliminates foods like these: Grains (including wheat, oats, corn, rice) Legumes (beans, peanuts) Dairy Refined sugar Salt Vegetable oils that are refined Potatoes Alcohol or Anything processed These foods are ones that may cause weight gain and health problems. Cavemen didnt have access to this type of food! Remember that soy (or soya) products actually come from soy beans. These arent part of the paleo plan. Benefits of the Paleo Diet The Paleo diet has some very attractive benefits if you follow it. Firstly, this diet is one that focuses on what you eat, but not how much of it. So, if youre tired of counting grams of protein, grams of fat then this diet will give you a break from that. As long as you stick to the approved foods, you can eat whenever youre hungry and you dont need to think about how much youre eating. That said, you still dont want to overeat to the point of being overly full or stuffed. When it comes to weight loss, the Paleo diet delivers. Most people who follow this diet plan are able to lose weight and keep it off long-term as they adopt this lifestyle. If youve tried to lose weight in the past, but have been unsuccessful, this diet is a great way to finally get the loss youve wanted. By eliminating grains and dairy products, many people are able to lose weight when they havent before. Thats because weight gain is often a symptom of intolerance to these foods.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 5 You may have been intolerant to wheat and dairy but unaware of its effects on your body. When you eliminate them, your body is able to digest food properly and youre able to lose weight. And youll notice you have more energy and just feel better. The other reason that this diet helps you to lose weight is because it eliminates many of the toxins youve been eating through your food. For example, processed foods often contain white sugar, refined flour, artificial flavors, artificial sweeteners, and preservatives. The Paleo Diet Detox With the Paleo diet youll also be eating organic produce and meats that are raised free range and without antibiotics and hormones. Youll be eliminating pesticides, herbicides, and other additives that are toxic to the body. When you eliminate these toxins, your body responds in a beautiful way. First, you should know what happens when you take in toxins. Your digestive system does a great job of trying to eliminate them. But in todays world, there are so many toxins that get ingested the digestive system just cant eliminate them all. In order to keep you safe from the effects of the toxins, your liver will direct toxins into fat cells. There theyre stored and kept away from the rest of the body. This system works to protect you from the acute effects of the toxins, but the result is you have more and more fat cells to do the job. That means eve if youre watching what you eat, you might be developing more body fat especially around the belly. As you follow the Paleo diet youll stop putting these toxins into your body. As a result, your body will be able to flush out the toxins its been storing. In fact, you might actually notice that youre achy or feel a little under the weather early on.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 6 This is a sign that your body is releasing toxins and isnt something to worry about. Within the first couple of weeks this detoxification will ease and youll start to feel more energy. As your body releases toxins and you stop taking in new ones, youll be changing the state of your entire physiology. Youll be reducing inflammation in the body which can help you to reverse problem such as: Arthritis Chronic fatigue syndrome Fibromyalgia Diabetes Heart disease and Aging Youll also be adding many antioxidants and healthy fats to your diet. This helps you to reduce cholesterol levels, have smoother skin, and shiny hair. The Paleo diet is also very low in salt. That helps you to maintain healthy blood pressure. This diet is one that provides you with lot's of energy. Youll also enjoy seeing your health improve over time. And once you get the hang of the diet, it becomes easy to follow for a lifetime, rather than just a diet fad to lose a few pounds. Overcoming the Challenges Youll Face Like any diet program, the Paleo diet is going to require some changes that can be difficult and that will challenge you. There are several things you can do to help make the transition a little smoother. When you have a few tools and tips at your disposal, youll find this diet plan isnt as difficult as you might think. Cut costs. You may notice that youre spending more on your grocery budget. Organic foods do cost more than those that arent produced organically. You may need to rearrange your monthly budget to accommodate for this change.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 7 One way you can work to keep those costs down is to shop seasonally and look for local farmers. You can also start your own organic garden to help add fresh produce at a fraction of the cost. Buying in bulk can also help you to save money. Look for organic products at your local wholesale clubs and youll find that you can get more for less. With meat, you can go to a local farmer and purchase a portion of a cow or pig and have it butchered for far less than you would pay retail. However, youll need to have a large freezer where you can keep the meat for storing it long-term. While youll fork out a lot of money at first, youll get it back over the future months. Keep your environment clean. You may also realize once you get started with this, that temptation is everywhere. If you have a lot of processed foods in your home, this is the time to get rid of them. If you just cant bring yourself to throw it away, try donating it to a food bank or boxing it up and putting it in storage. Youll also need to learn a new way of cooking and preparing food on a daily basis. If youre used to mixing up a meal from a box or frozen food, or even going through the drive-thru, youll definitely have some adjustment time. Enlist a buddy. When youre new to a diet, it helps to have the support of a friend. Find a friend who already is on this plan or is ready to begin and stick together. This is a great resource for support and help. You can also find assistance from online support groups where you can ask questions, share ideas, and feel that youre not alone in this. Planning Ahead The hardest thing about sticking the Paleo diet is having unexpected times when you need a quick meal. Make sure that you plan your meals ahead of time so that you dont find yourself caught without something to eat that fits the plan.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 8 A weekly or even monthly meal calendar can help you to stay on track. Instead of wondering what youre going to eat each day, youll already have it mapped out. This makes it much easier to stick to the program. Planning ahead also helps you to save money. You can look ahead at whats in season, whats on sale, and you can create multiple recipes around similar ingredients to make them stretch. Planning ahead also allows you to cook and freeze food ahead of time. If you work full-time it can be hard to find time to prepare meals each day. You can cook for a week or even for an entire month ahead of time and then freeze the foods. This way when you get home, all you have to do is reheat your meal rather than having to start from scratch. This takes a lot of planning and preparation, but the results are worth it in the long run. Keep food with you. When youre out and about, its a good idea to keep snacks with you. Well discuss some of the best snacks to keep on hand a little later. Youll also find that this is a good time to start packing your lunch instead of relying on eating out. One of the toughest situations for the Paleo diet is having to eat in a restaurant. If you do have to eat out because of travel or another circumstance, try to plan ahead to get a copy of the menu. If you decide what youll order before you go it makes it easier to avoid going off of the plan. Stick with it. The challenges you face early on with this diet plan will begin to fade the longer you stick to the plan. Youll learn how to stretch a dollar, youll get faster at meal preparation, and youll be better able to prepare for changes in your schedule. Youll also start to see and feel the benefits of weight loss and better health. The more you experience these benefits, the easier it will be to keep going. Paleo Meals (and between meals)
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 9 Eventually youll want to keep your pantry completely stocked and well talk later about what items you want to keep on hand. But to start, you might not want to make such a big investment. It helps to start with some simple meal planning and then once youve decided this works for you, you can stock up your pantry with items that will make it easier for you to live the Paleo diet every day. The following are some examples of what you can eat for each meal: For Breakfast Smoothies made from produce, healthy oils Eggs Fruit and nuts or Pancakes made from coconut flour For Lunch Soup made from meat and veggies Egg salad Lettuce wraps
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 10 Tuna salad Green salad with oil and vinegar dressing or Chicken breast and veggies For Dinner Grilled chicken and salad Shrimp Sea scallops Steak and vegetables Spaghetti squash with tomato sauce Pork chops Pork tenderloin or Pot roast For Desserts Fruit salad Cookies made from coconut flour and bananas for sweetness or Baked apples with cinnamon and nuts and a bit of honey You can find many great, specific recipes for your Paleo meal plan online or in cookbooks. One of the things that will help you to enjoy the flavors of your new food is to make sure you use seasonings. While salt is not on the plan, you can use many fresh herbs that give delicious flavor. While you shouldnt use refined sugars, some people choose to use honey or maple syrup as a natural sweetener for desserts and smoothies. These natural sweeteners dont cause your blood sugar to spike. Just make sure you use organic and as unrefined as possible. Be prepared for what you can eat when youre between meals. Its especially important to have snacks that you can take with you on-the-go. Here are some easy ideas for snacks: Beef jerky Trail mix (unsalted) Plantain chips
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 11 Dried fruit Pumpkin seeds Sesame seeds Kale chips Tuna Fruit Slice of ham Hardboiled eggs Pickles Protein shake Fruit smoothie These can take the edge off of your hunger until youre able to get time in for a real meal. Stocking Up Your Paleo Pantry There are many foods that you can keep on hand that will make it easier for you to make meals and plan ahead. While youll need to purchase fresh produce frequently, there are several goods you can keep in your pantry or freezer. Protein Bacon Sausage Whole chickens Ground beef Beef jerky Canned tuna Canned wild salmon Chicken stock
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 12 Condiments Dijon mustard Marinara sauce (jarred) Tomato paste Balsamic vinegar Apple cider vinegar Dill pickles or relish Healthy Fats Coconut oil Coconut milk Olive oil Ghee Avocado oil Macadamia oil Flaked coconut (unsweetened) Coconut flour Almond flour Raw nuts (walnuts, almonds, pumpkin seeds, macadamia nuts, etc.) Fruits and Vegetables Dried fruit with no added sugar Frozen fruit Frozen vegetables Lemons Onions Garlic Squash Frozen spinach
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 13 Paleo(ish) Foods Some people choose to add a few other staples to their pantry. These are a bit more processed, so not technically part of the Paleo program. But some people add these to their list of choices. Almond milk Coffee Chocolate (dark) Teas with caffeine Raw honey Stevia Maple syrup When you have your pantry stocked up well, it becomes much easier to prepare foods that fit the program. If you cant afford to stock everything up at once, make plans each time you go shopping to add one or two more pantry items to your list.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 14 Dont Forget About Exercise The Paleo diet plan is about going back to the lifestyle of our ancestors. Its important to remember that they didnt have recliners or sit at desks. In fact, getting food was their main job and required a lot of exercise. Today its not likely that youll have to catch, hunt, or gather your own food. In modern times, its much easier to feed yourself. But to truly get the benefits of the Paleo diet, you also need to exercise. To exercise like the cavemen, there are a few principles that you need to remember. Firstly a Paleo exercise program doesnt require you to spend all your time at the gym. Move Often. During the Paleolithic era people moved all the time. They walked to gather food, collect water, and hunt prey. They walked a lot, but they didnt necessarily walk fast all the time. If you have a desk job, try to get up as often as possible and get moving. Try taking stairs instead of using the elevator in your office building. You can also go and talk to a co-worker instead of calling or emailing. After work, take a walk. On weekends or days off, try activities such as riding a bike or going hiking on a nature trail. Canoeing and swimming are also great activities that help you to stay on the move. Lift Weight. No. not weight lifting!. Its certainly an option to spend time at the gym lifting weights but you can also lift weights at home. There are also exercises you can do lifting your own natural body weight and heavy objects. Make sure that you climb, lift, push, pull, and use your muscles as much as you can throughout your natural day. Pushups, pull-ups, squats, and lunges are great exercises if you want to have a specific program. Run fast. Cave men didnt spend all their time running, but they did sprint at times to get away from predators or to catch their own prey. Try sprinting a few times a week to help keep your anaerobic fitness levels high.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 15 You can get creative with sprinting such as playing tag with your family or racing down the beach. Whatever makes it fun for you to sprint will work. You dont need to sprint every day 3 times a week is enough. The Paleo Diet and Crossfit Many people who perform Crossfit also follow the Paleo diet. This is the diet thats officially recommended by Crossfit. These two activities go hand in hand. While you dont have to subscribe to a specific fitness program, Crossfit does have some great benefits. The idea of Crossfit is that you perform simple exercises for a short period of time each day. Youll combine aerobic fitness with strength training. Youll also focus on developing core strength. This is a popular program for military and law enforcement officers. Its also become popular with athletes. Youll find that the program works for anyone at any fitness level and that it can be scaled to suit your current level of physical fitness. Crossfit has become very popular and you can find Crossfit gyms and trainers in just about every town of any size. Its best to get started with a professional, but some people then choose to purchase home gym equipment and practice this activity at home. With Crossfit, a specific workout program is published daily and you follow that workout. The workout is the same no matter what fitness level you currently possess, but you will change it based on your needs. For example, if the workout asks you to lift 60 pounds, but youre not able to do that yet, you can lift a lighter weight. If it asks you to do two sets, but you can only do one thats okay. Youll simply build strength and stamina until you can perform the activities. You dont have to perform Crossfit to follow the Paleo diet and you dont have to follow the Paleo diet to perform Crossfit. However, many people find that they naturally fit together to help you achieve the best possible health and fitness.
  • The Paleo Diet A Starter Guide Page 16 When it comes to exercise, its important that you choose some sort of routine that will help you to be physically active. Doing what you like and what works for your lifestyle is the most important thing otherwise you wont actually do it. With the Paleo diet and a chosen fitness program, youll find that you drop weight, feel strong, and improve your health in no time. The Paleo diet can be challenging, but its worth the effort. Recommended Reading Paleohacks Paleo Cookbook 200+ Delicious Paleo Recipes Primal Cravings Your favorite foods made Paleo The Paleo Approach Cookbook A Detailed Guide to Heal Your Body and Nourish Your Soul Celebrity Diets 50 Fast Weight Loss Diets Used by Celebrities and Hardcore Dieters Paleo Recipe Book Paleo Diet Cookbook With Over 370 Recipes Happy, healthy living!