outcome: determine the square root of perfect squares

N5: Perfect Squares Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares.

Upload: alissa-payton

Post on 31-Mar-2015




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Page 1: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

N5: Perfect SquaresOutcome: Determine the square root of

perfect squares.

Page 2: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

1x1= 2x2= 3x3= 4x4= 5x5= 6x6= 7x7= 8x8= 9x9= 10x10=

11x11= 12x12= 13x13= 14x14= 15x15= 16x16= 17x17= 18x18= 19x19= 20x20=

Perfect Squares: 1-400

Page 3: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Ex. If its area is 100cm², what are its dimesions?

***Remember the formula: A=b x h

How can we represent a square with an area of 25 cm²?

Imagine a square...

Page 4: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

1. I will give each of you a piece of graph graph paper.

2. Using scissors, cut out a square with an area of any size (minimum area of 4cm²).

3. Write your name on the square.

4. On the back of the square, write the following information:

A) your name (again, I know. Trust me ) B) the dimensions of your square ex. 4cm x 4cm C) the area of your square ex. 16 cm²


Page 5: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

On a sheet of looseleaf, draw three columns: Nom Dimensions l’aire

1.Stacey 5cm x 5cm 25 cm² 2. Bobby 3. 4.


Page 7: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

A. 81 B. 49 C. 101 D. 36 E. 25 F. 16 G. 48

H. 324 I. 9 J. 625 K. 529 L. 1935 M. 121 N. 1.44

Are these perfect squares???

Page 8: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares


Mathematicians use √ to represent only the PRINCIPAL (POSITIVE) square root!

Give examples of square roots…

Page 9: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

10 x 10 =100 and so √100 = 10 (10)²=100 and so √100=10

*10²=10x10 and √100=10 because 100=10x10

If we find the square root of a number and then we square it, we are back to where we started .

0.7 x.07= 0.49 and so √0.49=0.7

Squares and square roots are inverse operations. If you find the square root of a number and you square it, you end up where you started.

Page 10: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Fractions and decimals can also be perfect squares …






IF they are VARIATIONS of perfect squares

Page 11: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Decimals and perfect squares:



21.100.1 81.0




Page 12: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Conversely… (by the opposite)

A. √?=0.64 B. √?=0.0081 C. √?=0.49 D. √?=1.44 E. √?=0.25 F. √?=6.25 G. √?=0.0009 H. √?=3.6 I. √?=0.12

Page 14: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

A. √100 B. √1 C. √121 D. √4 E. √1.21 F. √0.09 G. √6.25 H. √0.0004

I. √105 J. √1 K. √40 000 L. √4.9 M. √72 N. √14 O. √95 P. √0.4

Try the following questions WITHOUT a calculator…

Page 15: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Why isn’t the square root of 6.4 not 0.8???

Page 16: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

If a dance floor has an area of 625 cm², can it be square? Why or why not?

Page 17: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Show me (on paper) a square with an area of 0.64 cm².

Why (in words) is121 a perfect square???

Page 18: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Without a calculator… HOW???


Page 19: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Without a calculator…Are these perfect squares? Why or why not?



Page 20: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Explain the following mistakes:



Page 21: Outcome: Determine the square root of perfect squares

Book: page 11 #4, 5a-d,6, 7e-j, 8a-d, 9a-d,10-16

Omit the questions with fractions… we will go there tomorrow .

Get it??? Got it??? Good!!!