orion joss cv sep 2015 spotify v2

Orion Joss SUMMARY I’m a valuesdriven person, free minded and young professional from Brazil, that has lived in The Netherlands, Egypt and Portugal, and has interna>onal experience in over 30 countries, working with Business Development and Employer Branding in the Nordic, African, European and South American markets. I'm very passionate about explore, learn and contribute posi>vely for the society. EDUCATION (20082014 ) | Sao Paulo Bachelor in Interna>onal Rela>ons State University of Sao Paulo COURSES Interna>onal nego>a>on SPIN sales training Organiza>onal consul>ng Horizontal leadership development PASSIONATE LANGUAGES English (Fluent) Portuguese (Na>ve) Spanish (Intermediate) SKILLS Business development Key account mgt. Consulta>ve sales Sales Plan and forecast Interna>onal nego>a>on Public speaking Global Business Development Manager & Product Innova:on at AIESEC Interna:onal May 2014 – July 2015 (1 year 2 month ) Ro8erdam, The Netherlands Managed 400,000 EUR incomes as Key Account manager Regional Market manager Nordics and Africa Process opJmisaJon project Leader 70% delivery capacity increased PorPolio EvoluJon project leader – InnovaJon process designed Global Employer Branding Manager Delivered virtual and physical campaigns EXPERIENCE Head of Business Development and Employer Branding at AIESEC in Brazil April 2012 July 2014 (2 year 3 months) | Sao Paulo, Brazil Managed the incoming revenue budget of 1 million USD/Year Managed and led a 5person team. NaJonal Group Management member. 100% of Incoming revenue Goal achievement that represents 44% of growth (gross) and 49% of (net) growth 16 new contracts signed and 100% key account contracts resigned Process & Product OpJmisaJon (forecast, financial tracking tool, sales delivery process, CRM) GET IN TOUCH [email protected] +31 6333 15 724 Hofdijk 153, RoIerdam Netherlands PERSONAL MISSION VOLUNTEER EXPERIENCES Red Cross Blood DonaJon Bone Marrow Campaign Flood Disaster in Brazil Emergency House building in Favelas Sponsorship Coordinator AIESEC in Brazil January 2012 July 2013 (1 year 7 months) Sao Paulo, Brazil Raised 20 new sponsors Sustained financially the 'naJonal staff conferences' annual cycle Product packaging; Products porPolio refreshed . Virtual Partnership Intern at Impact Hub Sao Paulo March 2012 June 2012 (4 months) ResponsibiliJes: To prospect, contact and negoJate Strategic Partners for the HUB School Learning FesJval Results: 19 partners closed to support the event ; PromoJon to a targeted audience of over 50.000 people Local Head of Social Responsibility at AIESEC in Brazil October 2010 December 2011 (1 year 3 months) – Franca, Sao Paulo – Brazil Led a team of 25people area and a team of 7 leaders Achieved relaJve growth of 466% and 800% of pipeline for the next year Awarded 5x as the Local office with the biggest relaJve growth 2011 (1200%) Awarded by Goodyear as the most InnovaJve and Sustainable Project in 2011 My Passions Nature exploring Technology & Society Solo backpacking Art and CreaJvity "Be a catalyst of posi>ve impact empowering and connec>ng people, ideas and organiza>ons" is the mo\o I keep prac>cing in all levels of my life. My Causes Diversity & Gender equality Sustainability InternaJonal migraJon Community empowerment My ACTIVITIES Medita>on & Mindfulness Vegetarianism & Health Running & Cycling Play guitar & Air drums Wri>ng poems Crea>ve cooking Explore me

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Orion Joss!

S  U  M  M  A  R  Y    

I’m  a  values-­‐driven  person,  free  minded  and  young  professional  from  Brazil,  that  has  lived  in  The  Netherlands,  Egypt  and  Portugal,  and  has  interna>onal  experience  in  over  30  countries,  working  with  Business  Development  and  Employer  Branding  in  the  Nordic,  African,  European  and  South  American  markets.      I'm  very  passionate  about  explore,  learn  and  contribute  posi>vely  for  the  society.      

E  D  U  C  A  T  I  O  N      (2008-­‐2014  )  |  Sao  Paulo  Bachelor  in  Interna>onal  Rela>ons  

State  University  of  Sao  Paulo  

   C  O  U  R  S  E  S      ▸  Interna>onal  nego>a>on      ▸  SPIN  sales  training  ▸  Organiza>onal  consul>ng  ▸  Horizontal  leadership  development  


L  A  N  G  U  A  G  E  S      ▸  English  (Fluent)  ▸  Portuguese  (Na>ve)  ▸  Spanish  (Intermediate)  

 S  K  I  L  L  S    ▸  Business  development  ▸  Key  account  mgt.  ▸  Consulta>ve  sales  ▸  Sales  Plan  and  forecast  ▸  Interna>onal  nego>a>on  ▸  Public  speaking  


Global  Business  Development  Manager  &  Product  Innova:on    at  AIESEC  Interna:onal  May  2014  –  July  2015  (1  year  2  month  )  Ro8erdam,  The  Netherlands      ▸  Managed  ≃400,000  EUR  incomes  as  Key  Account  manager  ▸  Regional  Market  manager  -­‐  Nordics  and  Africa  ▸  Process  opJmisaJon  project  Leader  -­‐  70%  delivery  capacity  increased  ▸  PorPolio  EvoluJon  project  leader  –  InnovaJon  process  designed    ▸  Global  Employer  Branding  Manager  Delivered  virtual  and  physical  campaigns  

E  X  P  E  R  I  E  N  C  E  

Head  of  Business  Development  and  Employer  Branding    at  AIESEC  in  Brazil  April  2012  -­‐  July  2014  (2  year  3  months)  |  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil      ▸    Managed  the  incoming  revenue  budget  of  ≃1  million  USD/Year  ▸    Managed  and  led  a  5-­‐person  team.  NaJonal  Group  Management  member.  ▸    100%  of  Incoming  revenue  Goal  achievement  that  represents  44%  of    growth  (gross)  and  49%  of  (net)  growth  ▸    16  new  contracts  signed  and  100%  key  account  contracts  re-­‐signed  ▸    Process  &  Product  OpJmisaJon  (forecast,  financial  tracking  tool,  sales  delivery  process,  CRM)  

GET  IN  TOUCH  [email protected]  

+31  6333  15  724  Hofdijk  153,  RoIerdam  Netherlands    

* !' !- !



▸  Red  Cross  Blood  DonaJon  ▸  Bone  Marrow  Campaign  ▸  Flood  Disaster  in  Brazil  ▸  Emergency  House  building  in  Favelas  

Sponsorship  Coordinator  AIESEC  in  Brazil    January  2012  -­‐  July  2013  (1  year  7  months)  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil        ▸  Raised  20  new  sponsors  ▸  Sustained  financially  the  'naJonal  staff  conferences'  annual  cycle  ▸  Product  packaging;  Products  porPolio  refreshed  .  

Virtual  Partnership  Intern  at  Impact  Hub  Sao  Paulo  March  2012  -­‐  June  2012  (4  months)    ▸ResponsibiliJes:  To  prospect,  contact  and  negoJate  Strategic  Partners  for  the  HUB  School  Learning  FesJval  ▸  Results:  19  partners  closed  to  support  the  event  ;  PromoJon  to  a  targeted  audience  of  over  50.000  people  

Local  Head  of  Social  Responsibility  at  AIESEC  in  Brazil    October  2010  -­‐  December  2011  (1  year  3  months)  –  Franca,  Sao  Paulo  –  Brazil      ▸  Led  a  team  of  25-­‐people  area  and  a  team  of  7  leaders  ▸  Achieved  relaJve  growth  of  466%  and  800%  of  pipeline  for  the  next  year  ▸  Awarded  5x  as  the  Local  office  with  the  biggest  relaJve  growth  2011  (1200%)  ▸  Awarded  by  Goodyear  as  the  most  InnovaJve  and  Sustainable  Project  in  2011  

My  Passions  ♥    

▸  Nature  exploring  ▸  Technology  &  Society  ▸  Solo  backpacking  ▸  Art  and  CreaJvity  

"Be  a  catalyst  of  posi>ve  impact  empowering  and  connec>ng  people,  ideas  and  organiza>ons"  is  the  mo\o  I  keep  prac>cing  in  all  levels  of  my  life.  

My    Causes  

▸  Diversity  &  Gender  equality  ▸  Sustainability  ▸  InternaJonal  migraJon  ▸  Community  empowerment  

My  A  C  T  I  V  I  T  I  E  S    ▸  Medita>on  &  Mindfulness  ▸  Vegetarianism  &  Health  ▸  Running  &  Cycling  ▸  Play  guitar  &  Air  drums  ▸  Wri>ng  poems  ▸  Crea>ve  cooking    

Explore me!