optim patch.pdf

Slide1 Optimization of Patch Antennas  Authored by: Tony Donisi Ansoft Corporation Ansoft 2003 / Global Seminars: Delivering Performance Presentation #10

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  • Slide 1

    Optimization of Patch Antennas

    Authored by:Tony Donisi

    Ansoft Corporation

    Ansoft 2003 / Global Seminars: Delivering Performance

    Presentation #10

  • Slide 2


    OverviewSingle Patch Element DesignLinear Patch ArrayCorporate Fed Patch ArraySystem and Circuit IntegrationConclusion

    Goal: To introduce a more effective and streamlined design flow for systems with patch antennas that leverage Parameterization, Solver-On-Demand and Co-Simulation

  • Slide 3

    Designer Capability OverviewDesigner can accurately simulate very large structures, quickly!

    SVD fastsolveLow memory requirements

    Geometries can be drawn or importedUser friendly GUIDxf, iges, and popular geometry importsAnsoft Links for Allegro and other CAD tools

    Full ParameterizationSolver on Demand

    The ability of designer that lets the user decide which solver to use on an element by element basis

    Co-SimulationThe capability of designer to seamlessly integrate circuit, system and EM simulations

  • Slide 4

    Single Patch Design

    Designer allows easy design of single patchesPatch estimator tool gives a good first approximation

    Fully parameterized single patch will be createdSolution for a range of geometries

    Patch characteristics will be plottedFunctions of geometry, FrequencyCurrent and field distributionsPlots can be animated

    Real time tuningBoth 2D and 3D plotting available

  • Slide 5

    Patch Estimator Tool

    Integral patch estimator tool

  • Slide 6

    Single Patch: Recessed feed


    LPatch Wf1




    This Patch can be used as either a full planar EM model or a Solver on

    Demand component

    This Patch can be used as either a full planar EM model or a Solver on

    Demand component Zin



    1R slot










    1 120













    G 3patch000




  • Slide 7

    Single Patch Design ProcedureUse Patch Estimator to get starting point

    10mil Duroid 5880Frequency 10GHzResulting Width and length 393 milAlso gives a starting point for Lslot

    Nominal patch frequency responseLslot and Wslot will have minimal effect on center frequency

    Adjust Wpatch if necessaryVary Lslot and Wslot to get Best VSWR

    Assume 100WLslot from 10mil to 100 milWslot from 30mil to 150mil

    Edge meshed to concentrate at Edges

  • Slide 8

    Single Patch Frequency Sweep

    Sweep of Frequency and LSlot. Note Frequency response is not centered at 10GHz

    Sweep of Frequency and LSlot. Note Frequency response is not centered at 10GHz

    Sweep of Frequency and Wpatch. As the frequency increases, it is obvious that LSlot will need further adjustment

    Sweep of Frequency and Wpatch. As the frequency increases, it is obvious that LSlot will need further adjustment

  • Slide 9

    Single Patch Optimization

    Designer allows the user to optimize with respect to any variable, Including field quantities.

  • Slide 10

    Single Patch Parameter Results

    Smith plot of input Match Versus Slot width and length.

    Smith plot of input Match Versus Slot width and length.

    Optimal Match (100W) at Wslot = 50milLslot=127mil

    Optimal Match (100W) at Wslot = 50milLslot=127mil

  • Slide 11

    Single Patch Scalar Return Loss

    Parametric sweep of return loss with respect to Wslot and Lslot

    Parametric sweep of return loss with respect to Wslot and Lslot

  • Slide 12

    Single Patch Real Time Tuning

  • Slide 13

    Single Patch Far Field & Near Field

  • Slide 14

    Patch Arrays

    Patches can be arranged various ArraysTwo examples will be shown

    Linear arrayBoth x- and y- patches variable

    Corporate Array

    Arrays will be built with previous patches100W impedance

    Feed networks will be consideredFeeds have impact on antenna performanceMany, many feed designs

  • Slide 15

    Patch Array Feed NetworksCo-linear feed network

    Straightforward Extension to other feed styles

    ViasDesigner has no restrictions on viasThis presentation will not take into effect viasVias and feeds on other layers are simple to add







    100W Line100W Line



    l/4 Transformer

    l/4 Transformer 100W Line100W Line


    l/4 Transformer

    l/4 Transformer

  • Slide 16

    Linear ArrayPatch antenna with feed

    Patch dimensions as previously outlinedQuarter wave transformers

    The number of patches can be largenx Set as number of x-dimension Patchesny Set as number of x-dimension Patches







    Quarter Wave transformer sections. Width and length parameterized for user optimization

  • Slide 17

    Analysis OverviewOne structure can represent

    CircuitPlanar EM

    Circuit provides quick analysisMatch and VSWR information

    Planar EM providesFieldsFull match and VSWR informationNear field and far field informationCurrent Distributions

    A sample patch array is built to utilize:Solver on demandEquivalent Circuit modelingFull parameterizationParameter passing

  • Slide 18

    Component Description

    The Patch Array will consist of:Component

    Represents the overall patchContains parameters, circuit equivalent

    FootprintContains geometry informationCan be scripted in VB or JavaFull script of patch can be found in appendix

    SymbolSchematic representation of patch

    Circuit equivalent

  • Slide 19

    Design Procedure1. Determine Geometry and parameters2. Create parameterized footprint

    Standard drawing of polygons or shapesVBscript or JavaScript

    3. Create circuit equivalent4. Create symbol5. Generate component6. Optional: Create circuit equivalent

    Once this is done the user has a flexible Solver on Demand component that can be used as a versatile stand alone design or as part of a larger scale circuit or system design.

    Once this is done the user has a flexible Solver on Demand component that can be used as a versatile stand alone design or as part of a larger scale circuit or system design.

  • Slide 20

    Patch Array Design

    One row, nx = 4 (4 elements) nominalSame patch as previously designed

    10mil, e2.2 RT Duroid50W, 8 mil, 70.7W, 17mil, 50W, 30milContains parameters, circuit equivalentl/4 = 218 mil

    The spacing between elements is importantOrthogonal pattern

    Normal to x-y planePatch elements must be fed in phase

    Feeding the patches in phase will make the pattern orthogonal to the x-y plane. This will occur when the

    separation is an integral multiple of a


  • Slide 21

    Performance Plots

    Gain Vs dxGain Vs dx

    Return LossReturn Loss

    N=4, dx= 600mil Nominal

    N=4, dx= 600mil Nominal

  • Slide 22

    Swept Plots

    Effect of varying dx versus frequency Effect of varying dx versus frequency

    Effect of varying dx on the 3D gain pattern, from 500mil to 1200mil. The optimal gain/direction occurs between 800mil and 100mil

    Effect of varying dx on the 3D gain pattern, from 500mil to 1200mil. The optimal gain/direction occurs between 800mil and 100mil

  • Slide 23

    4-Element Phased Array

    Previously designed recessed patchArray of 4 elementsFully parameterized

    Input Phase and amplitude can be set to variablesThese can be modified to observe field patterns

    Designer allows the user to feed the ports with different phases and amplitudes. These can be set to variables to allow for any desired feed pattern

    Designer allows the user to feed the ports with different phases and amplitudes. These can be set to variables to allow for any desired feed pattern

  • Slide 24

    Small Phased Array Animation

    Variables are set up for the four ports. In this simple example, the ports toggle between 0 and 135 in a set pattern, based on the variable FeedControl.

  • Slide 25

    Corporate Fed Array

    A corporate array is a popular configurationFeed structure can affect performanceMethods of analysis

    Infinite arrayFinite array without feedFinite array with feed

  • Slide 26

    Corporate Feed Patch GeometryAssume 4-Unit CellRecessed Slot PatchPatch dimensions

    Calculated previously

    Variable number of patches









  • Slide 27

    Corporate Array Dimensions

    Fully Parameterized2n Unit Cells

    Square Array

    Single Feed PointPatch may be any dimensionVBScript Generation

  • Slide 28

    Patch Geometry

    Quarter Wave transformer sections. Width and length parameterized for user optimization

    This patch was created with a VB script, located in appendix

  • Slide 29

    Corporate Fed 8X8 Array

    Solution Details21,267 Unknowns343M Ram

    13 Minutes

  • Slide 30

    Corporate Fed 8X8 Array Details

    Solution Plots

  • Slide 31

    Corporate Fed 16X16 Array

    Solution Details86,428 Unknowns121M Ram2 Hours, 54 Minutes

  • Slide 32

    Corporate Fed 16X16 Solutions

  • Slide 33

    Patch as an Infinite array

  • Slide 34

    System Co-simulation

  • Slide 35

    Circuit, System and EM Cosimulation

  • Slide 36

    ConclusionAn improved design flow for systems with patch antennas has been presentedAdvanced features

    ParameterizationSolver On DemandCo-Simulation

    OptimizationGraphics and plottingField and geometry plots and animationsIntegration with system and circuit tool

  • Slide 37

    Appendix: Patch Arrays

    Patches can be arranged various ArraysTwo examples will be shown

    Linear arrayBoth x- and y- patches variable

    Corporate Array

    Arrays will be built with previous patches100W impedance

  • Slide 38

    Appendix: Linear ArrayPatch antenna with feed

    The wide sections are patches, narrow sections are the feedsThe lengths of the patches are equalThe lengths of the feeds are equal

    The widths of the patches can vary to form a beamThe number of patches can be large

    Up to 16 patches







    Patch n


  • Slide 39

    Appendix: Design Procedure1. Determine Geometry and parameters2. Create parameterized footprint3. Create circuit equivalent4. Create symbol5. Generate component

    Once this is done the user has a flexible Solver on Demand component that can be used as a versatile stand alone design or as part of a larger scale circuit or system design.

    Once this is done the user has a flexible Solver on Demand component that can be used as a versatile stand alone design or as part of a larger scale circuit or system design.

  • Slide 40

    Appendix: Important Linear Patch ParametersA component can be set up with the following parameters:

    LpatchW1 to W16WFeeddxn

    These parameters fully define the patch element

  • Slide 41

    Appendix: Component Description

    The Linear Patch will consist of:Component

    Represents the overall patchContains parameters, circuit equivalent

    FootprintContains geometry informationCan be scripted in VB or Java

    SymbolSchematic representation of patch

  • Slide 42

    Appendix: Determine Footprint Geometry Variables


    Lfeed = dx-Lpatch

    Since rectangle objects are determined by their center, width and height, the centers of each of the patches/feeds will be determined.

    Center x Point ChartA Reference, (0,0)B Lfeed/2+Lpatch/2C Lfeed+LpatchD (3/2)*Lfeed+(3/2)*LpatchE 2*Lfeed+2*LpatchF (5/2)*Lfeed+(5/2)*Lpatch

    Y (n-.5)*(Lfeed+Lpatch)Z n*(Lfeed+Lpatch)


    B C D E F Y Z


  • Slide 43

    Appendix: Creating a Footprint


  • Slide 44

    Appendix: Create Footprint Script Part 1The script is broken into two parts for clarityThe first part sets up variablesThe second part is the actual codeNote that the code section is only a few lines

    One loop

    Width(6) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W06")Width(7) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W07")Width(8) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W08")Width(9) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W09")Width(10) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W10")Width(11) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W11")Width(12) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W12")Width(13) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W13")Width(14) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W14")Width(15) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W15")Width(16) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W16")Lfeed = LayoutHost.LayoutPars.Item("Lfeed")idnum = LayoutHost.GetLayerID("anywhere")

    Script Part 1 Defining all VariablesDim W1, W2, W3, W4, W5, W6, W7, W8Dim W9, W10, W11, W12, W13, W14, W15, W16Dim Lpatch, Lfeed, idnum, x, n, pi, pointsvar, width(20)set Pointsvar = LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()pi = 3.1415926535n = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("n")Lpatch = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Lpatch")Wfeed = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Wfeed")dx= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("dx")

    Width(1) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W01")Width(2) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W02")Width(3) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W03")Width(4) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W04")Width(5) = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W05")

  • Slide 45

    Appendix: Create Footprint Script part 2Main VB Script Just a for/ Next Loop with incremental Parameters!

    Create a Points object to Draw First line pointsvar.Add (-1*lfeed/2),(width(1))pointsvar.Add (n*(Lpatch+Lfeed)+lfeed/2),(Width(1))Draw First line layouthost.NewRect idnum, 0, 0, Lfeed,Wfeed, 0

    Main Loopfor x = 1 to n

    Draw Patcheslayouthost.NewRect idnum, (x-.5)*(Lpatch+Lfeed),0, Lpatch,width(x),0

    Draw Feedslayouthost.NewRect idnum, (x)*(Lpatch+Lfeed),0, Lfeed,Wfeed,0


    Manipulat PortsLayoutHost.MovePort "n1", -1*lfeed/2,0, piLayoutHost.MovePort "n2", n*(Lpatch+Lfeed)+lfeed/2,0, 0

    Main VB Script Just a for/ Next Loop with incremental Parameters!

    Create a Points object to Draw First line pointsvar.Add (-1*lfeed/2),(width(1))pointsvar.Add (n*(Lpatch+Lfeed)+lfeed/2),(Width(1))Draw First line layouthost.NewRect idnum, 0, 0, Lfeed,Wfeed, 0

    Main Loopfor x = 1 to n

    Draw Patcheslayouthost.NewRect idnum, (x-.5)*(Lpatch+Lfeed),0, Lpatch,width(x),0

    Draw Feedslayouthost.NewRect idnum, (x)*(Lpatch+Lfeed),0, Lfeed,Wfeed,0


    Manipulat PortsLayoutHost.MovePort "n1", -1*lfeed/2,0, piLayoutHost.MovePort "n2", n*(Lpatch+Lfeed)+lfeed/2,0, 0

  • Slide 46

    Appendix: Create Circuit Equivalent

    A simple circuit equivalent could be madeElectromagnetic simulation is very fast

    Largest problemsSVD Fast SolveLow memory requirements

    Geometries may get very largeCircuit equivalent is a good method to speed solutionGives S-parameter equivalentsDemonstrates Designers flexibility

  • Slide 47

    Appendix: Equivalent Circuit

    Purely optionalSome designers prefer electromagnetic analysis only

    May consist of any circuit elementCan be as simple as a single resistorCan be as complex as user can describeIs formed as a Netist line

  • Slide 48

    Appendix: Netlist BasicsTo complete the component, a Netlist line will be added

    Circuit simulations run much faster than Planar EM simulationsIt is desirable to have a circuit equivalent even if its just an approximation

    Designer is a Netlist based programAll simulations run the engine through a netlistThis netlist is Spice compatible where applicable

    The circuit geometry is similar to 3 to 33 microstrip transmission lines

    Transmission lines are well characterized within the circuit solver

    Between each transmission line, there may be a step discontinuity

    The circuit equivalent would look like:

  • Slide 49

    Appendix: Geometric Variable Setup

    The largest structure (n=16) contains16 patches and 17 Feeds : Total 33 Transmission linesOne step discontinuity between each lineTotal 32 Steps

    The smallest Structure (n=1) contains:1 patch, 2 feed lines, and 3 steps

    Provisions must be made in the netlist to remove components that are not used

    Accomplished by setting lengths of the unused lines to Lpatch/1000Widths of the Unused transmission lines set to WfeedUnused transitions take care of themselves

    Worst case (n=1) Total of 30 lines hanging off end of the model Total length of Lpatch *30/1000This is an insignificant amount

  • Slide 50

    Appendix: Geometric Variable SetupVariables We1 through we33 represent widths of each lineThe odd numbers represent feeds

    They will all have the width wfeedThe even numbers of Wexx represent patch widths

    Dependent on the number of sections 16 sections, possibly 16 different width values

    Case 1: n = 1Second line (first patch) set to width We1Remaining sections set to a width of WfeedLengths are set to Lpatch/1000

    Case 2: 1 < n

  • Slide 51

    Appendix: Typical Variable Property

    We32@id= \{ if \( @n < 16 , @wfeed , @w16 \) \}

    The variable We32

    The variable We32@id (no space) is the syntax that tells designer to assign a unique identifier to the variable We32

    Open and closed brackets surround an expression in the netlist. Designer uses brackets for special functions, so In order to netlist correctly, the backslash character must be put in front of the bracket or any other special character, such as parenthesis. This tells designer to netlist this character directly.

    The @ character preceding a variable name means that the variable is a passed parameter directly from the component

    The if statement in the netlist line will have the syntax If (expression, true, false) or We32= if(n

  • Slide 52

    Appendix: Component SetupShown are the lines in the component and the netlist line

    In the component, carriage returns are for visuals in this presentation, they will not be in the component. The \n tells Designer to put carriage returns in the netlistDesigner puts the carriage returns in the netlist

    MSTRL:@ID %0 %_101 w= @Wfeed p= \{ @dx - @Lpatch \} Sub=@sub \n MSSTEP:@ID_ca %_101 %_1 W1= @Wfeed W2= @W01 sub=@sub \n

    61 more linesMSSTEP:@ID_bf %_132 %_32 W1= \{ We32@id \} W2= @wfeed sub=@sub \nMSTRL:@ID_af %_32 %1 w=@Wfeed p= \{ @dx - @Lpatch \} Sub=@sub

    The syntax for defined variables is different that that of thepassed parameters. We32 was defined previously, and as explained, Designer assigned a unique ID to it. To reference that variable in the netlist line, @id must follow the variable name

    MSTRL:1 Port1 inet_101 w= 10mil p= { 150mil - 50mil } Sub=Alumina MSSTEP: inet_101 inet_1 W1= 10mil W2= 50mil sub=Alumina

    62 more lines

    MSSTEP: inet_132 inet_32 W1= { We321 } W2= 10mil sub=AluminaMSTRL: inet_32 Port2 w=10mil p= { 150mil - 50mil } Sub=Alumina

    Component text. Note that there will be no

    carriage returns.

    Component text. Note that there will be no

    carriage returns.

    Netlist Line. Note that Designer puts in carriage returns.

    Netlist Line. Note that Designer puts in carriage returns.

    Since it is a multiple line component, each component must have a unique ID. The underscore following the @ID tells designer to assign it a unique ID, and each element must have unique characters following the underscore. These can be alpha-numeric

  • Slide 53

    Appendix Linear Patch ScriptDim Lpatch, Lfeed, idnum, x, n, pi, pointsvar,feedline1,feedline2,feedline3Dim width(20)

    Set Pointsvar = LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()Set Feedline1= LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()Set Feedline2= LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()Set Feedline3= LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()Set PatchOutline=LayoutHost.CreatePointsObject()

    pi = 3.1415926535nx = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("nx")ny = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("ny")n = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("n")Lpatch = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Lpatch")Wfeed = LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Wfeed")dx= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("dx")dy= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("dy")lf1= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("lf1")lf2= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("lf2")wf1= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("wf1")wf2= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("wf2")W100= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W100")W50= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W50")W70= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("W70")Lambda4= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Lambda4")Wcutout= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("WSlot")Lcutout= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("LSlot")WPatch= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("WPatch")Linput= LayoutHost.Pars.Item("Linput")

    Lfeed = LayoutHost.LayoutPars.Item("Lfeed")idnum = LayoutHost.GetLayerID("anywhere"), W50

    if x=nx-2 thenFeedline2.Add (cx+dx-w100/2-lambda4),(cy-lf1)Feedline2.Add (cx+dx+w100/2),(cy-lf1)LayoutHost.NewLine FeedL, feedline2,W100, "corner", "flat"call clearlinesend ifend Sub 'Draw patch

    for y = 0 to ny-1'*****Draw Vertical FeedsFeedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100),(y*dy-lf1+(w70-w100)/2)Feedline2.Add (w100/2),(y*dy-lf1+(w70-w100)/2)LayoutHost.NewLine Qwave, feedline2,W70, "corner", "flat"Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100),(y*dy-lf1)Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2),(y*dy-lf1)LayoutHost.NewLine FeedL, feedline2,W100, "corner", "flat"

    if y0 thenFeedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w70/2),(y*dy-lambda4-lf1-w100/2)Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w70/2),(y*dy-lf1-w100/2)LayoutHost.NewLine Qwave, feedline2,W70, "corner", "flat"call clearlines

    Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w100/2),(y*dy-lambda4-lf1-w100/2)Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w100/2),((y-1)*dy-lf1+w100/2)LayoutHost.NewLine FeedL, feedline2,W100, "corner", "flat"end if

    for x = 0 to nx-1Call drawpatch(dx*x,dy*y)

    next nxNext 'ny'***Draw input FeedFeedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w100/2)-w100/2,(-lf1-w100/2+w50/2)Feedline2.Add (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w100/2)-linput-w100/2,(-lf1-w100/2+w50/2)LayoutHost.NewLine idnum, feedline2,W50, "corner", "flat"call clearlines' Manipulate PortLayoutHost.MovePort "n1", (-1*lambda4-w100-lf2+w100/2)-linput-w100/2,(-lf1-w100/2+w50/2), piLayoutHost.SetPortWidth idnum, "n1", W50

    Sub ClearLines'This routine will clear all feedlines and is to be used after each line build..End Sub ' Clearlines

    Sub DrawPatch(CenterZX,CenterZY)Cx =CenterZXCy =CenterZy

    'Patch Drawing Subroutine, Cx and Cy are the coordsPatchOutline.Add (cx-Wpatch/2),(cy)PatchOutline.Add (cx-Wpatch/2),(cy+Lpatch)PatchOutline.Add (cx+Wpatch/2),(cy+Lpatch)PatchOutline.Add (cx+Wpatch/2),(cy)PatchOutline.Add (cx+WCutout/2),(cy)PatchOutline.Add (cx+WCutout/2),(cy+Lcutout)PatchOutline.Add (cx+W100/2),(cy+Lcutout)PatchOutline.Add (cx+W100/2),(cy)PatchOutline.Add (cx-W100/2),(cy)PatchOutline.Add (cx-W100/2),(cy+Lcutout)PatchOutline.Add (cx-Wcutout/2),(cy+Lcutout)PatchOutline.Add (cx-Wcutout/2),(cy)LayoutHost.Newpoly idnum, Patchoutline

    '*** Draw Horiz Feeds'LayoutHost.NewCircle idnum,cx,cy,(Wpatch/4)Feedline2.Add (cx),(cy)Feedline2.Add (cx),(cy-lf1)

    if xnx-1 thenFeedline2.Add (cx+dx-w100/2-lambda4),(cy-lf1)end ifLayoutHost.NewLine FeedL, feedline2,W100, "corner", "flat"