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1 Recruiting Smart: Optimal Recruiting Results and Why a Little Strategy Pays Off We would like to thank our sponsor

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Recruiting Smart: Optimal Recruiting Results and

Why a Little Strategy Pays Off

We would like to thank our sponsor

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Metrics are Easy! – Analytics? Now We’re Talkin’

Geoffrey Dubiski • April 29, 2009

SHRM Staffing Management Conference & Exposition

Recruiting Smart: Optimal Recruiting Results and Why a Little Strategy Pays Off

Carol Mahoney Founder Talent Acquisition On-Demand – a division of Live and Leap

Carmen Hudson CEO Tweetajob

Presented by:

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•  Yourrecrui,ngdepartmentisstaffedtocoverturnoverandmodestgrowth:100reqsperquarteratmost

•  Youfindoutthat(pickone):•  Turnoverinyoursalesgroupisthroughtheroof.•  Yourcompanylandedahugedealandneeds100morepeopleaddedoverthenext3months.

•  Yourcompany’sQ2profitmarginsarelookingsogoodthatallproductandsalesgroupswillbeabletoaddstaffinQ3(aWercuXngbacktodras,callyduringtherecession)

•  TheCFOisholdingthelineonG&Aspending–sowhileyoumaygetali2lemorebudget,itwon’tcoverexpendituresrequiredtomeettherecrui,ngneedsofthecompany.

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•  You:a.  Bringyourteamtogetherandtellthemtheyneedto

buckup.b.  Whinetoyourmanagerthatyouneedmoremoney

todeliverrecrui,ngsupport.c.  Holdyourclientshostage:nomoney,nosupport!d.  UpdateyourLinkedInprofileandpray.

•  Theansweris:noneoftheabove.InsteadyouwhipoutyourhandydandyTalentPlanningtoolandgettowork.

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Auto-pilot Get good at this (process, process, process)

Outsource? Get creative Spend Time and $$

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

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• Moderate dollars to produce flow of passive and active candidates

• Sourcing less important • Average Recruiter/Req ratios • Process management key

• Efficiently narrow the pool • Train recruiting teams (mgrs and recruiter) well

• Consider RPO


Outsource? Get creative Spend Time and $$

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

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• Heavy Sourcing • Use research to find passive candidates and map out talent community

• Attract and Engage thru social networking (Twitter, Tweetajob, LinkedIn, FB, Ning, email campaigns/mixer events; Blogging)

• Low ratio of reqs to recruiter • Consider specialty agencies/search • No RPO


Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

Get good at this (process, process, process)


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• Little specialized Sourcing • Promote through open jobs and job boards • High ratio of reqs to recruiter – recruiter manages process

• Greater involvement of hiring managers • Great for RPO

Get good at this (process, process, process)

Outsource? Get creative Spend Time and $$

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

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• If low critical mass of reqs, outsource • If enough like-reqs, hire a sourcer (or get the client to fund one)

• High ratio of reqs to recruiter – recruiter manages process

• Consider RPO


Get creative Spend Time and $$

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

Get good at this (process, process, process)

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• Experienced full-cycle recruiters • Strong attention to detail • Strong process and systems knowledge • Exceptional communication skills • Strong recruiting management needed for team • Moderate sourcing skills, high level candidate development skills

• Departmental alignment

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

• Less experienced recruiters • Consider “pod” model to increase efficiency

• Structure team to include learning and development opportunities

• Project management, organization important skills

• Departmental or Functional alignment

• Sourcing skills important – perhaps a “junior sourcer”

• Business plays strong role in candidate development

• Ability to prioritize and manage volume • Vendor management

• Specialist Full-Cycle Recruiters • Independent, self-managed • Functional alignment

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CatalystforConversa,onTruth#1 Alljobsarecri,cal.Ifit’snotcri,cal,it’sprobablynotfunded


Truth#2 Alljobsarenotequalinimpact.Whatkeepsthelightsonforyourcompany?i.e.productdevelopmentandrevenuegenera,ngposi,onsareprobablykeytothebo2omline.

Truth#3 Althoughgreatpeoplearealwayshardtofind,therearedefinitelymoreengineersthanarchitects.Abundanceandscarcityoftalentisareality.

Truth#4 Ifweacceptthatalljobsarenotcreatedequal,weshouldbepreparedtodifferen,ateourrecrui,ngstrategiesaswell.

Truth#5 Thefolksrunningthebusinesstodayalreadygetthis…theyliveinaworldoftrade‐offsandpriori,za,on.

Truth#6 Eventhoughtheygetit,theydon’twanttotelltheCFOhisFinancepeoplearen’tbusinesscri,cal.

Truth#7 Wearen’tpaidthebigbuckstoavoidfacilita,ngthisdiscussion.

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•  Getaircover(HR)•  Createastrawman

•  Don’tuseopenreqs.Usejob,tles/departmentsinthecompany.

•  Avoidtherat‐holeofcommiXngtoservicesforeachquadrant.Thatcomeslater.

•  Don’tstriveforperfec,on.Thinkofitasadynamicprocessthatisongoing.

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•  200Reqs(doubledemandfrom100)•  CurrentResources

–  4recruiters–  1sourcer–  1coordinator–  Add:1recruiter(200K/hr).

•  CurrentBudget–  Pos,ngbudget–  1LinkedInmembership–  Add:3LinkedInmemberships(20K/yr)–  candidateleadgen.toolbudget(15K/yr)–  HiringManagerTraining(5K)

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• Development Engineers, Sales, Product Marketers, Marketing (outbound, customer acquisition), Network Engineers

• Reqs: 100 • 2 recruiters • .5 coordinator

Talent is Abundant

Role is Critical to organization

• Sr. Manager and below: G&A, IT, Corporate Marketing, PR, Operations, Customer Support

• Reqs: 50 • .75 recruiter • .125 coordinator

• Director and above for all positions not deemed “high critical”; Legal, Tax, Government Affairs

• 20 Reqs • .25 recruiter • .125 coordinator

• Architects; Vertical Account Managers; Misc. Engineering Product and Sales Directors/VPs; C-Suite

• Reqs: 30 • 2 recruiters • 1 sourcer • .25 Coordinator

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•  Increaseinspend:– Annualized:40K(tools)+200K(recruiter)=240K– Perquarter:60K– Addi,onalquarterlycostperposi,on*:$600+costincurredbyclient(agency,sourcers,etc.)


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Thank you •  CarolMahoney


•  CarmenHudsonCEO,Tweetajobaninnova,vesocialrecrui,ngplauorm.PriortofoundingTweetajob,CarmenwasSeniorManagerofTalentAcquisi,onforYahoo!.AtYahoo!,sheledanaward‐winningteamfocusedonthestrategicapplica,onofsourcingprograms,includingeventrecrui,ng,employeereferrals,employerbranding,andsourcingskilldevelopment.PriortoYahoo!,CarmenwasManager,GlobalStrategicSourcing,forStarbucksCoffeeCorpora,on,andhasheldseniorrecrui,ngposi,onsatotherFortune500companies,including:MicrosoW,Amazon.com,[email protected]

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RecruitLadder.com| 21

The State of High Level Recruiting

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RecruitLadder.com | 22

Value Not Volume The senior-level hire: • Is key to your company’s success •  Represent half of your corporate salary expense line • Represents the majority of your executive search budget • Is your most visible internal barometer of success within your organization

10% of the Market

100% of Leadership

50% of Wages

80% of Recruitment Fees

10% of The Market

50% of Wages

100% of Leadership

80% of Recruitment Fees

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Current State of the Market

Between 2007 and 2008 the economy lost 803,900 jobs.

Between December 2008 and August 2009 the economy lost 3.8 million jobs!

On top of this, 55% of the current workforce is unhappy.

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RecruitLadder.com | 24

Economic Challenges Increase Recruiter Challenges

• Do more with less • Pressure to reduce contingent search budgets • Increased number of unqualified players in job market • Investment in job boards not yielding results • Best candidates making slower and more deliberate decisions


In-House Expectations

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Despite the Recession, Quality & Availability Remain the Top Challenges

RecruitLadder.com | 25

More than half of respondents cited “quality of candidates” and/or “availability of candidates” as their greatest challenges – despite the recession.

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RecruitLadder.com | 26

TheLadders Difference

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RecruitLadder.com | 27

Solving your Business Problems •  Quality •  Reduce time to hire •  Serious candidates •  Professional support •  Lower cost

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RecruitLadder.com | 28

Multi-Million Dollar Media Spend

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RecruitLadder.com | 29

High-Quality, Invested Candidates Screening We hand-screen every job seeker and reject unqualified candidates (20% of submissions) to keep quality high.

Business Model Our candidates pay a $30 membership fee to apply to your jobs.

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RecruitLadder.com | 30

Our Job Seekers: 3.6MM and Growing!

Note: Results from online survey conducted of 8,753 members between February 2 and March 31, 2009.

Metric TheLadders Job Seekers

Average earnings $172K

Graduate degrees 42%

15+ years of experience 87%

10+ years of experience 95%

Held jobs that are Director-level or above 72%

Held jobs that are VP-level or above 45%

Held jobs that are C-level 17%

Currently employed 67%

Earn $150K+ 43%

Earn $200K+ 21%

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Metrics are Easy! – Analytics? Now We’re

Geoffrey Dubiski • April 29, 2009

SHRM Staffing Management Conference & Exposition

Recruiting Smart: Optimal Recruiting Results and Why a Little Strategy Pays Off

Thank you for joining us!

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Metrics are Easy! – Analytics? Now, 2009

SHRM Staffing Management Conference & Exposition

Join us on June 8:

Employment Branding: Leveraging Your Corporate Culture for

Recruiting and Retention

Details on how to register will be in your post conference email or go to: http://www.recruitingtrends.com/category/events/webinars