old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski ny daily courier/buffal… · mnjemf»»ni...

mnjemf»»ni ">!'«''•'•••' . BUFFALO WKBER The 99M10XAL rAJJCK XOVMT: Sett waa opoo UM wtet COM* of I COMMERCIAL MATTERS. •11 th* KM* ready to «woop i . T*, aa*. . aM-ak, -ao ns**. <* j - »°™«> *&^™™ti%%?'\ VH a.Odta-tr. i.w^aoEatfisu t i l r t i r r « « , u N W - ^ »et Arm. Oatmeal, afornlxxr. ije«d37. 188M. - 1 ., I"" Yestefday's Despatches. Bm Uu»i HTU»XW 4* Tea-* *»*•». -- rosMDt TmMr • or AowrKMS Stiapecta—Tha Bouaaj imtmii ' ln.veeti«a- ua*i)tr. miMji 'T*WU-' many cootizfaed. XtwYomsZ. April X.~-Tt*1<mei Weabfas- toa *C«Ca*l eajr>: UflmMIki Interior d* to* grtet railroad rono- M fofy take ftr the porpc*— of •II lb* govsroBMOf Unbar *T** V , tan * j rw «<MIW troro latfr Ho—, but also MilSk at»**;,r»tlrloeeof fWM war* taken U»l Tear la S a w JlratJe*, WaaMagtoa to*titer y, Dakota aad taegaifstern. It Male? e*wr*>I tb«* mtnenl land* ear* b*oo daetered oo* to b* mineral aual* for Ma ioo*ct of railroad e*><ap*»le* aaf to la* dia* J-vaotac* of miner* and settler* I Aboat ».«*,«», 01 tme nrtalnnta of the eaifre texebev w d X i w of to* Dutrtet of CX lomfrfa 1* *x*m?-«.i frot» taxation, Over 13. W.t'-WIt earned by Cetartto corporation*. Tea JWaafr* Waseintffao epeetei «aj»: John Wlatiwtw he* baa* aomlaatad dav rrie*.alewm.i]iif the •««« dletriet of Vlt- gto-a, Maaeafa of Hawry A. Wu*. aod to a pr.aaiaea* t*at»J*«*«r. Ta* lerrafcf* Waielogtori roteCal swy* j er>?at eompl**»xJ btt ' > of tee bftata and Crap," wbte* is* aflt W Mlead Ibe rfterter* of o*tiot>- a* heaeweMefe'-be fixed aaa special order. AD I oe Mooday to est a t ta • rattcav Tbaaffnamwot proT«fr» I bt ugwo *> aKMCdOMBt Te* nnaaTtta— cf rets*w< mad* fry «*» *»'#» 11| ta* ease of lit* Imprisoned Amir a* lace* matter! »e ri***al uee*w4t* by lb* United Jar** lb* rtliatboo. »*ee to* gotermaeat eteaJ for lb* trial or r af lrifcilit >oft>»rv(ta>pri»oa«d bet* fer a**> lei or* eae* tb* relate* to* th* grow* laat lb* Eocttrb- •» oat of Ub* Catted 9tet**eed I te* war, aad faraleti awtvl- tta»t*»«a»iMWdk**pibt»a«r*>awat. Wtwo «b» aJkar gar* all la* fae»> for »»feb It b n ataa^tt »tt p*cbaUro|a30T*rtb*pr«atd*oi Va* act MtkelaJ to k*A after IB* totrratu aaif-rttMa ot AjnartoaM Hi Intaad,. Ibal our JiaWiaMMtfbaaa/baW cttopttad vttb and If wtataaantAail Aaarfci* dtta»t oootiou* to fit. at S* bteaaai tb*y rafiu* to on lb* fegadlttoe* t w*roo?aiu.andIta«*tb*mt>ooilbUl.Ttor. pot It, and I daMd to a t that a baartpa: ba Slras totbataambtecWmwof tb* (coTernnwHii ttuU bardly Jan* to b* oot or»r nlfbt Aod my f srWgo poiley. to oao«* lb* cxpranioa. woaJd b»T* drl»»r> 0U» eooolry t o t ) w . ( w l b Ckfil bad It not t* a tb<*art*d. Wbr. Ithbatterrd allarar Cbftl a»»t tb* United tyata>ao*oa*jaattattm>toMT< b*n*ltfrc(» aioaadtbnMbfa>S;ibataM halr-braioad taerc- lary of Mat* w»» *** ab. -»t to torol** bee In • vwwbwttofWMnd bf'W» rwaoral.acd «*ar*lao«badalaaJiaurlOJo*J to Uwtr pi-< para. Tb* U».s* galbMlaa; of l.dOO.OOO peopu- ' oo l*» watt eoas* of 8?o:b Aoa*rtoa wootd | tur* g*raa « ItrrtM* tbrainlsfc to « • .'a: ttj*4kmamtarm*atof Faro go oo aod all >w toai*ad to t»g tb* *DOU*. fCaavlac and adJ- j log wtth OBOO 1 * «mt>ba*ta) Utatory *y»l bold . tfe* L'atiad iitata* raipooalbl* for It. Tb* ti«Dlo»tl;o procr*d'd r^tna Utn* and ; lapaai lata eootlooooa rattl* of r*patt*a and ' T«!*':"r*" MUlfMd ui<t O'raaiea; !\:tly et-ntat »»arfy. winter Wo*« la light re^oeit uui arm. t»i« I.»' b»b Xo. 5 red « ti C on oo u»c* »n«! LOW tm*b Xo. 1 arbit* al U » on .f»^.*. Cora iwa»y and BKWerswir aetire; a»ie» A o u ) h«*b So. 1 BUJe-l Weateja on p. t.. SW bwb .:! m ;•• .o »»>) iM ba*b do »i we: c.'oeta* *.»_>; .«** '1 offered it 7*o %r a»deT. OaM aad Bye n««- !ecie>t Barley qatet; >alc 4/JCO baih C»a»il» i«. u !'e»« bi<ber. So eb»ojre*o? eo«**<ra*ne* us tie oilier trtlelm ennioerated. Canal rrelfbufurtf ae«lTefor»T»io »n.i »se*Jy. Uufouer lawor. Tb* fotlo«in« were ye»t«rday» CI^MIMO HABHW.-C**5<Kro. April ax-So.» \T»««t « » » < bfct, *»U*« Apn.': tia>¥.-««Uer at»y. »t:w;, *»"« •*»»•: M«!X. •»•!•' Ja, " ; H i l t , teller Auiruel; « 07X. «il«r 3*pt*mser-. It os.H. teller tbe 7e»r. !to. i Com •»'«o w.t, »e;!erA?rli; 7)>»o, »eU*» M*y; 71o, aelter Jua*: To'io, Mil«r Ja:y: 71»e» roller \aga*i; :o%c. teller ^evwa:**: WK*. teller October; »7)»e, teller tae year. No. 1 0*u oomlnaliy l»o, teller vpr. . t.^oMkidTteUarblay; «*e,»eUer Joae: 4C*c Miter July; RXo. teller Aairaaj; Mite, teller punneat Tnnn nwailT nalir"'*1 , **""*'*'" w1l '**" n * * 7 Ki»>-rtrBL Sale* of aew man M Wb » »1* to. Beay-arm., Plate looted at (1> 00. naekacusiato. Cntts«a»-aeOTe. Pieklad bel- Uea at W l-l«a: rib bellle* at 103; plotOed abonlden •**-.: piouad bamt a t « « U * o : treabbaxotat We. Mttrllaa run tart aomiaal. Long olearat 10X a\J«T»o; t o o o clear at. 11 Stc ' LA»O— rtrm. aalet of prima »«eam rendered firTrK*-4te*dy. ettie at Z>9Wo lor common : to rood, i CSIBW-«vt es. wUMi »t 7*I3«c tor poor to i obotea. l.:>.i«o-l<s'; Wa^LtJCT— Vu.ri. 1 ItalULET. i a 1*1 UilCAbO CKJCAOO, April «.—Tun m— Market counter retort, wbtcb f»rqoeolly convoked lb* .pvetatort wltb k»oirb»*r aod left In lb* «atr*r I ^ ^ ^ Z ~ ' ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ m , U » , tocoe doobt at t» wnteh «•» tb* eatanUoat H d , ,. rfe „.,,.,. * , , ; a * DtU, Miter July; l«e whlob tb* wtlpera. TbaeUmaa. bow*Tar K » " i ^ , t MlMr .\n*»>t Pork nominally *l-<<», teller nwebed when Beimoa*defxecatloftiy retoarkfd \ A; , r i; ; »;T 3, MUer May; l l ^ s . teller June. "Well. Mr. fllaloe. I am ibroojrb, note, wbb i \u Ml:er Jaly; t i e ifl. Miter Au/ntt; lu«73 aiafa* ontakty retaroed ; wki-1, teller tbeye*r. l-*rd nominal:/ tlMl.. teller AIT;:, til i».S. teller May; $11 li .. toiler Jane; Hir.',, teller Jaly; tttSOi. Mllor An- Itoti. I;it7.», Mller -;»ptem&er; 110 »l\, teller u>e year, wort Kioenominally tl« 'A, teller At-til aailatay; 1101) atke-l. teller J.toe; UJ 10 Old, MllerJuiy; H->.-s .. teller AUKW:, IWtOitked. aoUeryotobe; t * « S wlwl. teller ;n« ye*r. CDfi^nmU, •SO.OUO tiuta era U> Buffalo; a*k- iott - ic IreiKni- jrtltwnUw, April IrJ.-Xo. i Wnoat litis. •»sn ».-. 1 wller April; 11 Jit, teller May; t; 31*. any moreooo—oa», ar> tqolToeal ez-prveetoo, 't* Pjfmont': dtttvmDtora. bjr tdS(s«: "Well. I am Ttry glad yoo *r*. Mr. FXmont^lo fact I may ray 1 am ezoatdlogly glad." Wbealbji merriment tattlded Batmoat •»- itilred: X>a y o o kao» wbo waa behind lb* Laadraaaetaim! Btalhe nynttil that be 111 nor; neither tb* Laodrtao. claim cor tb* Corbel claim bad any- to 6o with lha policy cf tab gartro- meejt toward tb* Snath American repabllei than (Ud l b * baroaatti oo tb* bottom of ibe tblp waJe* bora Hortbait to I/tna. Beeaaoat did not rooetada bit eramlnattoo. Adjoaroed UM tomorrow. WAatasoroov Aptl » -Tb» prvildwol ha* nominated for poatmtafar» to Maw Y-irk ttate tt B. flaaba, CaaMaa; Kila»b-tb Hmltb, Cana- jaharte; Abraoa Hottman. J^jrt Ptala; Wra. M. Hayea, Kingrtoo. ISTSePOLiTAI HKiriOI. Snr Wmx Aprtl 30 -Pink «y« It i»lt? preraleal among borne here. Qea, MarUn Bart*, rellrrd rcraeatoder < t red winter WLeat teller May; 11 it May: •J.tl.T j teller Ju:.e. Aew Per*. April HV—So, 2 ' II *7M. Mller Apr.l; ll»7X. »«>u«i ««7, ». .,, t M.ler j.ane: II U1W. Miler July; It A seller Au- ! tuii. No. i turn Srti, eaan, SI %e, Mller •OsMtiin Juae:9iS«. teller Juiy. ai«. Aa«u«t. ;At CblCOgo .Vo. J Wlioat was uneHaiijteU for Ap .:, and dor.line-l Xc tor May, 1 So tor June, l>,er .- Jaly, I.te lor August, 1.so tor ^epteui- b«r »u<l »c IJC ynar option*. No. 1 Corn declined .' , j for April, lo for Hay. \e for June. \e for July, \o fur Augntt and .-^ptem'jer, )»a tor Octo- ber «aJ Se for yearopuua*. No. 1 D»t* declined . •• fur Apr:!, a.ivanee.1 So for May. declined ; s ° for June and Jaly, advanced So for AIUUI; ( and ileonael Ho for year opUona. Bartoy t.l- j vj.aee>l io f»- e.110 and April option*, ityo de- Fort Uaf*y*".te In th.li harbor during Ibe la:* 1 <,i|nod le for cub ami April, and <eaa uncaanjeed war. to dead. *gaJ Si. i for May. July and Annual opilwn*. Pork declined Tb* Ma/ob bar* fcr Ito fSW,0tX> ttol*o by ! ASO fwr April and 7 . 0 for May, w*» unebau<e«l L*oa Bernard from the blrhop of Touroay b»* I M June. UeeuuVM 1 io for July and Augu*t, and oa by caff goraromeot Jnring lha war Waaaaaiow. Apta3o.j-.rh* boo* fueign 1 (Till 1 iiy»4>llait In ilk j returned the exami -n^ajajf "*-'-- Biatoeiaald th* report b* read and Ik* teUtr tb* ptber day from «x- Oaaator gtkoo waremoorteet. H* bad noser- retr^adaoo* with Baton, j B atoa rtated be had exaocoad t#» dairy of tbi Me pnatdeot wbo wat at tr* habit od ktaptog rat- not* »ieJaW of bU tlatty traataelloat, aod b* loaad aeltbtr {Solphard, Horlbnt, In* Coebai dlalm nor lb* Ptrartan company meotioaed. j; H.llber dorajkU prtrat* awretary »"»• "t**"* 1 arer to bar* [ beard hint c*mfco ', T * Wlotto aatd ado* of Ibtr* dotjib aba* Atnwriean •jHapattaai warn preparrd dBtlog th* pr**#dw4t't *5c*o*ra. 1 am glad tbto p**» Mon wat pot, Seoaot> lb* Amerlcaa prat* bare widely Mated that I. at ./*/ae«o'»t*ald*n», a*. aggaad bean ontnrc—rfnl. Tn* WtroAl pabllthee teren column letter frotn tb* irkat'k giving i>srunbaa*r't detailed Halemeut rvgtlrdlng lb* Srtt yo«r of the Jeao- ', aelayt eayagau Dtnenhtusr, wbowtyct ar« j aff*>wd, « M eond: *d to a darkeoxt lerth atx } laaarbi Tin Inr-nnt iMr'if-i * r rr-f'~- - -- -1 ' • : a year, aotit '.a* Um* of tb* .I t-Ker. wae In i eap*ctteted for doty. (laerga H. HwrlbOt, too of lb* late mlnbrter. j warn that bU rather did not prepert a ! jrm«I j iiaeti to lb* ebarvea ogtl^t s l u . but rz pasted eaelly to vmdjoau. blmaaif 00 the wit nee* trend. Hurlout tiyt that bt* father t ' menv^randnm, given to the CaUlao c^mmar. : der, waa la eeeord wtlb Ibe lattrodloaa from t Owflekl and B alo*. Tb* ovmoracdum oaaetd roobaehang* to tb* altlloia^t lb* ChUU" ' anjhorltM* •* t > jadify. Ue belief that It* ' rveotule (ndoit»m»ot at W. thlngtoo of It: to th* m*3K random woo'd j teored ptao» da termt perftotly bcoor- : to all ooneerned. Hurlbol ttat-1 j' that* hie father aoceptn] ine Peruvl*o oataOou ' r«toctantiy at the per* D*1 t-->i rilalioo of Iter- > ottd, wbo loid bfa> that th-rc wa» no reaaco ; why tb* reeolt aieMd at CioM not be aecorr.- ! ; advanced 7 i e for year option*. Lard declined : -.a for aprtl and May, 3c fur Jane and July. -,0 for a<.<uat and 100 for aepleatOer o n i o n s •laor; lilbe ,l*c:ine-l i X e for April and May, ad- vanced |S0 for June, aad .declined 7,,c for July and Auguti option*. Lake fro K h '» unenaaged. At Milwaukee No. i vrae*t declined lo for eaeb. advaoco-l .so for Apn', aad declined S e for May an-! So for Jane option*. At New Yori. No. i red winter »;iie*t declined So for April, advanced *c for May, declined He June ami July, aad adraaced So' for Auxnet opUona. No. J Com dcoUaert Z>; for eatn. In for SL*J, ISo for Jane, IS J for Juiy and lector Auguat opuont. At Literpeol Lax I ilvanccl *1; Chcete de- .•! ned It and tnort d o ir Bacon 3d. Tbaae eaan<et ware tax the 31 noun tndlu? ye*»rd*y aftaruoon at lieoloto >t the market) •irtat. .tn. o4 pcWwhtca .dgjb. j poabtd and bU Utber mnrn in - x month, . > j ^ ^ ^ rra^Ara^'th.^Br;^ L.AH.S IMJfOltTS, A* por 25 an I feat* at the'CnstoiU'lloaae, for the j I nour* aadmic 5 eetsrMayj'aftemooa; Lumber, f t .... i,7».uuu Oatt, ba *3,(Kti LAKE BlfPOttTo. At PCX manitetuat lh« Ciutout-Kouvi, for tbe ;• hour* ending yeatenlay aXterneon: Coal.toB* «,. , ij.'8alf%t>l>U 1.3C0 ::. h. irocbara 111 HAILKOAW JX'POBTU Of grata from alty elsvaWtr t>y atn N ptaoge tha etboolry Into war Kalne wjatclonad th*4 ferula dlapatoaee . war* bloekeacut before Ui* p-*tldent wn tbo- batwWna litanala 11I to atofw•[<*>until alter •* atatawaMof Artbor. Btatnraald: "Gwrtaild lnii»rtr*W« with m* *alJ UM* Lloeola di- re«**daww«rd to bring all fortiga mattera to him aad no1:to the etMoat, anleta i t to J * •Uart trot* t e a t Una* ISarward I oarer aib- mWUd anything to 86* eahioet walefa involved a phi—iwf nnata/.or ptihagt of pnHsy. tad r*Ott*pwbldawx»aJdlrvoiV*acaang*of potary aa by to* Cnaad Star**. H jvttu: »ty* that the soc- dttloa of Para when a* toft waa anarchy, par* end afmpie. Th* only poller of the Cblltena it to get aU lh*y can. To* esoeblwot cuatom* j lh*y Impose oa*oata topporl lb* army cf oeea- 1 patton. hat murn a eerpba* revrca»of **;0,0CO ' : per moelb. Tb* country I* getting Ltarer a laaaiaal crash every day. 1 Tha eoUasior bat aaot a ItyOOO ring tnuud tb* ' other day 10 tb* United (Matte dlttrlet attor- I n*y with lb* paper* la Ibe eras. Tb* ring la tbe property of Mra JwttftrveosofiAtbaay. to I whoat It wat prraented by bar b«v*h*rln-law who noreoasaJ It at th* tale of Qoaao Imbelia" tSects In Pari*. Kdward (XBrieo- waa asotaocad to on* year's rtgard 10 Mg I Inapt rSonmao t a p a charge of ssodiog searrtloa* t atioayiiKias commuoloaUone to Abraat Daily »lb* effort* wb'ch had bata ' »«• •»» waaparyar. who had discharged btm. bimtalf to* retoooeiblllty t* '< O^ 1 * «"" t^wlvteg th* vtie aptaaw la lb* toward lb* Booth Amartaaa ? "«"• aandwrtttog. It la now though! O-Brieo eateaMud to mrotr* an* i»toaoraat. md eraattaasdi " I do got j & *»• B t f s tx eomprr- Iter of Brooklyn, aged that Prwaoaat Artaor to jto- | »™*7. »* *—> oactarsd loaan*. Property mta . j valasd at I1.C90.00U bee been placed (n eharga tha pari Of has government wat rear aattea ma wUBwatOfst to^eajaaagU lo th* prad- , 4 laewtvteg bis tetlr* approval atd Botan* in tpoattb^feg-aayiocbiffirv tacootlblml Uraly. bat 1 Cats Um* topiaos oairecgly. produced lb* original draff ol Trtaeott and painted oat 'i by thalrr f n of d oat ire aad earn* ot a trot* company. To* Utiatad otaamor. JAgwacamixa. Fla. April ?A —It !• now be- Uevedtbe* thirteen Mvt* war* iatt by tee Soto- of them at Biatee't toggettioo. aad nnmattnt- tag of lb* scaame* City of rttnf-.-rd. &. V, Sdto*btopifialfarly IneMT* ttyl* apea tha tor- Bestth. a rheumatic, cripple, who wat plegsd recttao* as* their merit* and demerita. Ha did op by the parser, wee from S/racir*. N. Y act by aayj|ansat god faart'wtta tas ptaaajaat j H* aad tX>waer had th* roma ttatarooan. tgr aaaagaal hto mind, bat this to KM original 1 I>J"0*r hetpad rtoatth and troth Jumped orar- drefi ct th* uastractioB* to which Artaor gits'* ' board Th* aster was oaiy waist dasp hot aassat aad whica as tbobwiag a csmaatl I ' tas currant carried Oowow away aad ha 1 astir* to gnat moat s/tensoly bat 'as- *w drowned. Smith Soared 00 his back 11! 1 interpolated a lira* or qllla- j h* ws* eared. Q. a Dowoar. Ihe victim ol bis la the *epat*b after It was agreod to! by , th* City of ebaford dtosstsr. was a sua of tha ltofaams*aa*otreadatadcrrar|thaMaM>0. & Dowaar. a oromloant aad Inflnan- 11 was, dortag the neaatdaart etok- Hal oillavo of Cblttenecgo. Tb* son was aged ; oat a forssge podey of my atoa. } thirty, aod anoerrt*d nlmntf ; la la* haadsof jatoi coaaawtatai Balmtwil nrnpiiwaded' a aarto* ; Conrtof Appaai* Oalarylar. of nassttosn asataiy dtorttsJ towards tb* pot- ley of tasi oapaxtmsat la tha CblU-ParartoB toy sroaMaaw|«M Tas Chlif-PtroTton to Traoaoat.. i, - bat ba never txammsd tas merit', pt ah* Coeaetlnor Saadrsaa riabas. ha had rotttdared la* Baadraaa claim ratj ad- Mr. Bt ha oat propouadtd quattton* ranWd tag tha tottas "good cifftear" aad "cfBoavty " A somewhat rtvety UM taaatd re weeata*rx aaaaar aatf laa witarss, whteb waa tadaasJy brooghi K)ts el.'m*z by Blair* ramsridsg with eoast tarable amp,- an*. -1 hop*. Mr. Batatoat, yoawfflcwa geaHimta 1 shatt haoaaaad aad shall treat yao as sash. I eat oat at a ponea acagt to b* badgsnd. I most say qasttlrltis la my owa way aad yoo itoorrectsM." tmtd any l,c« »f or a destrs'. to aaagstt 11* sat reepec: tor tha wttoaw b»'b Ms age aad the high poatUoa be had aaUiaoalj; Did yoa not, la your to nwaity, ask blm ;o bring to bear r of th* govrrnmant 1 to sgota* to* Nairn of Laadrtaal llatotaot, I i d not tatabj yoa ' Sad anytbhsg cf that kicd lo my tlifjalahik Qatilloal Did yoo no* lastroct Harlbal to ' proeor* ptompt adjoatmeat of Aw Laodfaaa '. etoimt A, My d^jpatobe* tpeak for Ma*owarf«*|t If 1 yoa wra raad frua, tb* dfet?«*raae yoa wtll flc-i Jan) what tottraattoo* « a * *Iv*a> Q. Dtoabtyoordispa>hrne*athati A, to 0*1 not to to* oatatoa of Kvwrtaiaad Mr. Belmoat propoaadad a atria* of aassio ca to regard it las rtewt of former jgawatokrai of state apoa lha Lwadreao dalaa. Aatgaar soaawb*tw*tabto»*it atdthentti inUil taaabaanvwheo Btaio* »'drw*tog taac«ah> vary rjrjs^dtoatycxtrntoetajn ' Th* awawawav taantywaaaaaawsg asaT awiraaswr t^saT"Jjwaw ^PayaV •aVaaOMOar* ^WwaTtl (laTwaas tt* HwttjoaMVio. fl twaaa XawfaMsPMwl OCMaal, WnsfCtn wMT* wlwaV aaaat^aaaaVasE ssnaaa K l a aitil * oM^^a^ aua. ^^^^a^^ anspry aanaa* ga*et 4 ajeas to *aensi tor ^wadraao to to* «*ar»* of Peru. ALatASY, April ».—Ooort of appsato oaton- dar April V. N.ti ',«. irrr, XA, 1S4. UP, I3S, :-t3.i«s ' apoa the IMwr of Mali IsassaT to payatoreaUy Piaalty ao. atop right taara. Mottoat tor sots* ttawwasparassd Of reperk** ttd relorK, the potltog Ms owa eoa- ofBtaiaa^dtopatoher. Bifcspnt; erlhatl _ > has eoosidaraUoa do* Mai >k)tnefcry ; -T»* flm ettaVlsroalJMt toj qaots aaa ecrrteUy ' what ttata* th* f asfrreau hv, It th* preftrece* over the kbowrtt wat that owdaaapaM ratoUv* to lb* letatasete. I 1M saagth thrt tha l.tagrata ; 1 b> t a Aatartraa Httoed was aWaaa whea h. obtoloed t o . t h . atotok. Harlaat waa 'nn; L i.i, toat walto the*gotwiaaeat wovto M gaaay- tahs to uriasti in tha ecatraat bttw,*a >belPrrn- rtoa geaaramtat aad Uadrvaa. he. Hartiut, w*. totattlawattenttoo of the Paravlaal gov. —ftofcsw tojuwto, of not areordtog to (hktaa ooarts and to atk 1 assaat ba kafeew to affWd btm aaaasost* tirKagb" Ho Whiskey! BROWNS IRON BITTERS is one of the veryfewtonic medicines that are not corn- posed njostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a jruitjul source of intemper- ance by promoting a desire for rum. f BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non- intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso- lutely kill the desire for whiskey aad other intoxi- cating beverages. Rev. G. W.RicK, editor of the Axuricam Christian Re- ftrtr, says of Brown's Iron Bitters: Oa.,0., Nov. ttS, »88i. Grata:—The focdjah wast- ing of vital force in boaneaa, pltasajk.. sad vtoous indat- gtnee of our people; makes your toreparation a nccewity, aad if sppatd. will save hun- dreds who resort ta saloons for sompotary iw^rncntipo. j BROWN[S IRON BITTERS has been tiioroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, bihoosncs.*, weakness, debil- ity, crverwprk, rheurnatism, neuralgia, j f>otisumption, liver cc*fjrjlaintv kidney troubles, &c, aod it never*, fails to render speedy and! permancTtt reiki Canada douth'n Col., Ch. A 1.0.. C IS. *«ju:nny. C C o L , <:. A I-- Chi. A Alton...; Chi. A A. pref .. toe*. A Ohio .... Ch. •* O. ltt pr.. Ch. AO.M pr.. Ceatral f a c i S c . Col. Owl A L Co. Uel.* Hudson.. 0*1. A Lack .... Das. A Rloltr.. grte Erto pref grte iu K.T., V.* .... £. 1.. V. AG. pr H.*iUo U. A a J o . pr.. Houston ATexa* loo., Kl. * w . . llUnott Ceaual. Jersey Central.. Hacaa* A Texas L. -•*. A M. i_*. Lake S n t A W. Loulav. A Naahv gavtrtrueot at give rtog ta Hs catto." •w»|ktr,» ha hositteaai «fc> hatto say la) tas evwto of, katogf fairly »rikb»*«sdllla kl* \ <**.»ltoaUth. b - v ^ s ^ ^ C t a h t o w t i a i S twSlhti ham xxr^Toiv^aTrccoMBr.vKrr < to * tlopsjir mat •an be earned away aatteatstted instead of sonrinr tneeea. last* i»u> a nksjn 1 her sail with daa- ntr of tpiliinr. laaebaaber aall that tow not nut oat or retsis an- pUstsm o.iort. amw) aswars looks bright >ad clean. Ii oasts torn than the thran aroelee It replaasai Jortatoby M*x^ TtlXW O'ltglLiJ xs - nZZ^ AJtDltATU*. IAt.XAI.lga "~ Cet. West rirgtata. 1 rrota all aetatsvot 'he largest awtmatag peal •awh^ariTIto Half to tferwswi Bar- er seeaabaeil; a awaaC wTsita aarphorl other laatl. . . . ' I » lag yesterday at .?• A. M. ;* Wheat, bu 3J.7VW Coro, ba w.uo-) Usrley. bo ..... —— —• Xotal.hu ^7,"i» CANAL KXPOKTS for thaSt boars ending last evening: Wheat. Cora, Oau, riaxtM, liyc. TO ho. :>.:. bo. t>u. bu. W.Troy.. Sl.CO 1«W«0 IN STOKX AT ToltONT<>— April 14,'«. Apr:'. 17. Vi April 13, •.•»! Biour, bbla .... rail wheat, bu »p-g wheat, bu flat*, bu... Bartey.hu .... h\70. bu Poat,ha 7*iC3 3.7 n JO.SM ».r» TowJ. bo.. «U,I31 SMVaTl 10O.M3 t,sa i',.M iU.Jll taov'ffi ia*,iii i*;.i*i 117,4X1 l.SPll 1 1«:^U» 7.1* :ru.» at,77i ABElaXa & McN'IVEiV BKOSKB3 IN ou, G-rain and Provision a USce, U W«4t s«D*ca Street. FINANCIAL. Maw YorK atoowy aad Btock-APUL .<. «pa*c«l JXejMstsA to Tas G/wntr. Prtms atercaaUle paper a#3S per oeat. Kaltroad bonds irregular, sioct*closed rrrearuisr and rather weak. Th* Quotations were as follows: Yotd'y open- SLtvi UC0 ...0 Clo*. oloa'g. lag. A. V Aat. DUt. Tel f»K .. Orat. > cnoxc sprung extra gradct at JW)7 OS, eomaioo to fsnev Minnesota grades M ** J0»7 30: paten: Boor at 17 aoglt ou. o>KAtai—Vtrhervt—Unsettled, halatof No. 2 Cui- caco spring at II 3iSdl i" for cash and II it." for Aprd. Corn-uateUlcl. No. I high mixed at W»o for cash snot for Apr.l Oats— ttcady. No. 1 at cute tot cash *r>a tire tor May. Ityo -<lud. No. i si *vc- for easn. Barley—flnner. So. I - pr.n* at *! «jit OS lor cash. l-oax-t|u>wer. New men st t'.ii W for cAtn aad Kr April, l^rl—lower, aale* of prime tteam at 111 (»>a>li OO lor cash and for April. Hulkateata— tteaoy aad unchanged, ahooluert u 17 w-.toor. n » at Uo 5o; thort clear a; tin rt. WUISKT—steady and uncnangeo. oalee a: $1 1/. iKXlOHra-Corn to Buffalo SS'att.S'c K«c«trT»—Motr, . i.',uo ohls; wnest, 17.000 KUUI.; corn. .«s^»« oiun.;oat«, tA.txu oiua.; rye, .-,»») tjuia.: i»r:ev, ii,o*i i>u»u- satirax.Ni*-t'loa.-, V.J*) u:>!«.; wi.cat, 1*1,0.'; 3UAX;c.>ra. 174000 huac; oatt, Kl .0*1 outh.; rye, ^0u> '".fit" ; barley, t.'Xti IIUAU. OSWgwO MAUKJCT. Oitwaoo, April W-rLOfB-Msrkel steady. .>A.e» ,>r; t> j i r r t ; . . Amber I, inter at a! 1>*, *'; wtuui Wia^rat 17 iipT •>-; doao.e exlra at 17 to ^7 •>); new p.-ooe».t a:fc>AV*n i.'urahain a t t ; la •7 1'. UaukX.v— Wbrat-tju-et.' While at tlto<«.i.tl: re-1 at fl 17. Uirn-au^iiiy . No. 1 at »7c uaV»~ q»:ct aoi uncaanxed. No. I at Me. l*arre> - dulL Jio. J Utaa.i» at tl CJ; No. I Canada at It 10. No. 1 trut-t tt Si 11. ttye-quletoand un- caanitCd. C\i.a-:alri b->cd al tOJ: Coiu>»aAi.-:>tda,iy. issued at W><*>\ ua- ;,j,u;.. .»: « . . 00. Mu-Lraau—Uemaa I tpeeulatlve. Short* and *h\ n.v.Zs ai 1/7 uo; midden/* at t.-' 00. CAM AI. raJCIiilATA- Wheal and pea* ,iuoted a'. «\c;cornand r,e.<;•«; narley, 4c; oau, J^c 10 Nsw York. Luaioer, tl 7i w Aibsjy and |J Jj to Now York. Uacairrs— wrest, none; vrr, uon«; oats, none; CAriey. 7,1.00 huah; rye, 8,000 bueu.; malt, Done; peas. -;,^»i OUAO.; lumber, l,^rt,000 feel. UA.1I.UUAO autrataxTS-riour, l.uou barrels; wheal, none; corn, uone; bartav. SU.UXl butu.; oats, none: rye, s,ir«j both.; peas, 7,000 buth.; liua- oor. >li,uOo f«eu MILWAUItKA IMAHAga. Mtt-w AVicxa. April .•».—>"l*>osv-rtrm. OtitAi.H —tv neat-UnteUled. >* t Milwaukee at li tl. Com—lower. No.lti70.se Oats— Oruicr. Mo. i at t74*47So; wh.le at j o s t l e Kye—lower. | N* 1 al lis. Barmy- atron/cr. a a 1! hprin* at j /Jo. itacaim I'lonr, 10,430 bbla.; wheat, 11J..0 bush.; oora. J, <*-• ouah.; osle, -4,000 bush.; rye, l.uuu push., '.,..-;.'..-, 7,uoo bush. a m r a t « i « T « - » . o u r , ' .">,>7l bbla.: wheat, 2JJ0U bush.; corn, 1'J.oXt t,uah.; ^ils, 4,000 tush.; ryr 1,LOO onah.; barley, IO.IJUI bush. Ijl-SDll MAi.i«, TOI.XDO, Ap/ll Al—li»AI»—Wheat — Dull. Asloeof No. i rat Wai>v>h at tl 3*rjl »••)». Coro- duiL lilgh mix*-! at V7o; No. 1 al 7J>tO. OaM weak. So. i at 5lo, itacatrnt—Waeat, J'.uu) bush.; corn, 37.CC outo.; oau, i,1M bush. duirx«5T>»—Wneal, m.oio boat.; com, M,ix< buaa.; oats, 1,OJ 1 bush. ALLAN V M AUK IT. ALHArtY, April i«. —Wheat—Market steady. i>tiotoilat II J j . 30 for «/:;;o and No, i red. Hyt ] —active. iNtle* in the ttrcci of No. 't rol alliHo<a> fl i«X Cera—dull, -talet al !tVtfo-*o for No. 3 mixed lo yellow Weniern. oam-tujady and un- changed. i:dea of mixed at 4»sg*o; while at aw© Slo. Uartev—<iuiOt. Canada at fl l'Ksj>l SO. liar- ley malt—tteady. ST. LOL'WMAUKET. CATTtaa-atarkat geoelpu. Hi care. oataar AJTO ItAJrn*— aheap dim; quoted kl rJHatlXc, Usrttfpt* lioarr. Lamb* flnu at t!s©»o. Meotlpta 2oars. uaoa—Ksxktt una; quoted at 9J*9-.e. Bc- oelpU'lri car*. I k t l I d l g g r r , April 20 CATTta—Baastpt* (24 houra) IWaaao- tin • menu Si bead. Helling: Ucat at t7 SW775; fa'r to good at »G 3037 00; and common at to a o a t '-'»• rir lioos-BecolpU UM bead: shipments SCO bead. Phlladelrrtiss at »7 00O7 00; Torkrrt, bent, T7 00437 2S. Klrm. nnaar—benelpt* 2000 kotdt tbipments 1900 herwL Active. CHICAGO L1V* STOCir-Aprir'sil, The Drwert' Journal roportai Hoo»-Ucccipu, 20JX» head. Shipments,'—, Marcel higher, hales Of common to good mixed grades at 4a 75*47 30; heavy packing and thin- ping at 17 J'«<»7 r0: llxbt trades at to 7o@7 34; skips and cullt at {3 .'.•>••.*! 60. CATTt.a—lleoelptt, 4,000 bead. Shlpmenta. . Market firmer. Sales of good to oboico shlppioK rrsdesat to »xd7 to; common to fair at l i W» 6 80; mixed butchurn', $3 008" 00; grass Trxans at tl ifiS'i 00; slookera and teedera at $3 v>i!> 5 10. S H t r r - U e o e l p t s , IJXW Iwrm. Bhlpments, Market ttrong. aalot of sctllawags and stock cm at !.' 30ftt 00; common to medium at tS 'JMtC SO; medium to jrood at te 7007 00; choice id extra at *7 25»7 Jo. 0 MARINE MATTERS. POHT OF BUFFA1XJ. K.NTEurr>—April 20. ociir ilalatod,. Chicago, r.'.ous bulb OaU; Nom«, Katt Saginaw, 3Com lumber.- C- U H Harge N Holland, liar City, 7:5m lumber 1'otter, ISsy City, at-'Jm lumber; T If Cahoou. Ka<t ."aginaw, toirn lumber; isabat Beod, Kanl .vtglnaw, 775m.lumber; 0 Moyer, Fort Erie, Dtoiie, ChBABKS—April 2-t. 1'rop Knennnba, Cbloajro, 1,330 Ion* coal; Milwmi- kce. Ctnicago, tuails; St Louis, Dululh, 331 rails,-etc; Avon, Cmcaa-o, ljtoa tibia salt, etc; l> lt.i' li'iiiine, Ciilogo, 1,- ' ions coal. !-chr A it Moore, Chicago, 1.SO ions ooal; David Stewart. Dululh, 1.CC0 tons coal; G D Noma, naa-lnaw, 3CD ions oosl; Aasle Vougbt, Toledo, 1,.OJ tons coil. Itargo N ll..ll:wiil, East Saginaw; II C l'ottor, Saginaw: T 11 Cahoon, Saginaw; Isabel Kecd, saginaw; O Moyer, fort Krto,- riBTaOlT MOVBtAKMTS. iSyjda). Dispatch Co The Courier. DBTKOIT, April 26—&30V. M Paased Up-1'ropa rrussla,. Arctic; strata- barges Isaac May with barges, Smltb Moore, Iron Chief, Hay City with- barges, Georgian; schooners ilrooklyo, Monterey, White, Drummond, Monitor, Ganges. Passed Down—Props Concord wtth contort, Newburgh; tteaubargea Townsend, UoSe with barges, Ontonogon with barges, Antelopo with barges, Dickinson, Hopkins, fetors; schooner Kelley. , • ' Wind northeast, fresh; weather clear. PORT OF CHICAGO. rrrt AHKIVSD ruost HorrALO-April tt Sebr Pcnsaukee. CI.EAKBD KOB ItDrrALO—April tl. Prop II W Itlaoohtrd, sunds. CD 0 Srr. 1A>I;IS, Ai>rd tTk—riAJDU— Weak and nnorianged. Ctoo-i t.> choice family gradei at It) a i>*> «. I tiRAin—Wheat—Weak. Ho. i red Fall A- I II 3o. Corn-dull. .VA I mixed at :.',X«*77c ] ijats—-lower. No. i st 31 Sic Uyc—dulL No. s »•. ."..-.. ilii'e/—lu.et. Choice 10 fancy grader | *l -*.<; _il 14 CINCINNATI MAllKtr CittctjrivATt, April 14,-1'oiiK-gutet, Sales at li 1 7V<*1 J ou. llous—firm, -ales ol oommo.i and light j /riwlee at 13 73£7 70; pecAing and buluhert' hogs pi -13 »7 Si. I WBtiaxr—Firm and uT:!:-ingcl. Sale* at , tl 17. UITKOir MASIttT. ya-raorr. Apn. hi.-Io.ao A. M,—Was*t--No. ! 1 wr,:t» II ."i for canh,{ ; tl 33 tor May; f I lit for , June; tl *.'l for Juiv." lUeel pta— W heat. 19.1)00 bush. .i.-iipuio.ita—Wr.eat 1.000 b-i-in. , , li.ibt. M . - Whea*— No. I walte, SI 3* si for cash; IIKSi for Aprtl; tl S4S' for May; tl 33«i for June; fl 1M.S for J u l y ; t l U*» asked for Augutu w r> r bd H .ertf 5 <=> aj- r-3 0). 0 rr- CD CD. fed CO p 1 ' r—' 0 p Pi F: 0 ct- 03 * 4 (!) ct- »TJ 4 CD y - P i E f 4 8 8. r3 I r B H r 1 ' OS tel bzi H3 er^ r**" •aaawwj t=^ H=J CD t ha CD & CO i-3 r—^ CT-5 w roitxiGN MAUK'KTS. Loxooa. April IB -Consols, tl oi'j-n; for n.ou- e>- M-.t tl 01 li-ld toraooouni. U. a, boadt-rori* ind-s-aaifsll .st: fives fl ia>.; tours tl 21. 1 :. vsiirooi, April 28.-Coitou— Moderate in- ' <{Ulry. freely supplied, al'daling U^lASds Oil- lOd; a;-t lling orioac.i >.'*i. LJVgltroOL «HAXK—April SC. II JO A. M.—ytoor— 10a Od/ttlis ed. W h u n t - . » Co ' •It* m for spring; 9s lOdtflOg 3d for r c f w'aUir; ta irdntlOs *1 for Cailfornia white: lOa'JlaVIC* 3o tor California oluh. Corn—<s 101 for old: 01 I wji 1 tor aew. Barley—e* »d. Oats—as «d»»osoa : r*ae*—7>Sts»0s 00 for Canadian—all per cental. i.» V. M.—Cachangecu 1X> P. kt—Unenansaa. liaaxsoaa—Floating cargoas of wheat, moro energy; there are but a few cargoes off coast, and : corn none ottering. . C»r*i»* no pantage Wneat and corn steady ai.d more diapotition to buy. Iteil winter, April delivery, toldatftl-. Nothing doing in American | corn. Mark Lane—Wheat quiet and corn arm. Kr.glltb and Frencn country markets tteady. imports into the l.'mte; Kingdom for the week: I wheat, «:-.u0o to 03>\l'/0 nrs.; corn, liOJJCU lo 10a,«t) I qr*.; flour, 103,oco lo 20WXX) obi 1. POUT ITKM8. —Ino ncbooner Ualttcd, with oala from Chicago, winch was asboro in the atrklta, arrived bore on Tuesday nlglit. She was leaklog a little, and will go Into the Millsdock, —Smith X Davit rcce.ved a ditpaloli yenterday afternoon from tjapl. MeLcod, ttatlng that he had released the- tohoonor Ontario from near Kincar- dine and would haro ber in <io<lorlcti last night. Her cargo of avheat wat dry, and the vessel showed no-damage. —John llioklcr'n now tug Is atout anithed. She Is 7o feet long, 13 feet beam, and K.S foot deep. Her engine is 10x20 Inches, ami hor iKiilor S x l l feet. Hoe has been named trio James Adams, and will le.tro In a few days for tho sault; where Mr, tlick'er has government work to do. —The propeller Peeiiflo, Caps. Chaples Wilson, will kave to-day /or Toledo wllh the barges Cy- clone, Annie Vougbt, Norway and Cuy of tbe Straits In tow. The Paclfl.3, whloh Is owned by CapL Wilton and Alfrod Chcsbrough of Pelroit, will eugaite regularly in Uie lowing buslncsa thu season, and C'apt. Wilson it putting hor in good thapc for that work. FREIGHTS. Coal freights were unchanged yesterday. Only low vessels ere: offering, but shippers are not pressed for tonnage. Kngagemonta—Propellers Chnnnoy Hurlbut and Kacanaba, coal to C'hlctgo a i d cents; Sanilac, cement to Detroit aid cents and to East Sag-naw al 10cents; schooner Jennie Mathews, sat 1 to Cleveland at Scents per barrel. Canal frclgbu were tteady at Scents on corn and J 1 cents on wheat to New York. —Chicago, April 26: Krelgblt—Wheat cents and corn 2. 1 . cents to Buffalo. Charters on Iho J4th: For Duffklo—Propeller Onoko.l00.uo bnth- els wheat at 2V cenu: Koanoke, 3S,o:o buakels corn; schooner 1'. S. Marsh, 80.CO0 outnclt corn at 2X oenis. For Kingston—Sohooners Bolivia, Sa- mana, corn; O. M. Bond, wheat For Sarnla— .Schooners Adventure, Henry Folgcr, corn. Detroit, April XV-Charter*—Propellor North- erncr. wheat to Bniaw) \ t l c t n u ; sohooner Wil- liam Shupe, wheat torbfie, •-' cents: propeller Ar> gyle, pig iron, ilariiutlto to Montreal, f.'l3j; schooner Uladstnac, ash lumber.^alUceburg to Buffalo, 13:0: Tecumseb, olm bolls, Dresden 10 Buffalo, II 73 per cord. —Cleveland, April, 29: Charters—Schooner Joseph Page, ore, Escauaba to Ashtabula, II; southwest, coaj, Cleveland lb Detour, 70 cents. r.M. lag. 70S' 70**' HO* 71 ri«« .. sos; .. 117*1 117K li>JV lirlV» Got* <a% »>% m\ M% 30* .. 7<X 74V .- X. W<i -. n tox !»)»' .. •in iissi ma at* 11.1 UM rnt •7X 301* lot » :•> »3S ^3 .. 13«>i -7X r.-\ SO .-•••. 103 103 SB 7S 74J< 79K aoi* 51» 3>S lV-1* 103X 103^ 1IKM 74S ?z ton Mlentgaa Ceot'l Manhattan Kl MemptueACb. Mobile A Ohio MorrrsAXssax. l-riw Miss- 1 r Paeiae <«K •« •« •<''. --- , s*«K MlLA-«.Paul.. Il2.\ 1I1J< 112% Ui*. HIS 112. Mil. A at P. »r lorthwrstern .. Biv» ltoi* 12U.V 12S 1 * 129 Northw. pref... 1 a»<* 13*s' 1»\ 1*0 140.-, Mashv. * Chat., to* Hor-eeraPaciAo :.-•-, - . MX 38X .. '.i\ North, roc or.. 77Ji 77H 7-)'» . . Maw?or* m V. Y. C. A 11. H. 127si !^.% 1«M 121 127 12.' Or. Trtae-Conl'l .. •ti'.o for standard wait*. OaloA MisH. Ontario, A West Ohio Ceatral..?. OrJt.lUA.Nv.iJo PaU. A teadlag faciie Mall .... Ceo.. Den. A Kv. PoUaun PaLCr goek Ulaad .... v_ p. A Omaha. •It P. AO.PT... •r. :. » aaa FT. *t L. a a. F. pr. at P.. Mln. A M. roxas i-seiJc... ferr* Hsr.ta .... lerro ilaatii pt- 'Jn.-.n Pactco... W„st U A P . . *.. . i . A P . ;.r W. L. xatagtaph 26 S .- / 23.S J3M 37» 37 V 37S ltiN .: ii7<* 37 ti;-j an-* no loo 100 3»X 39 U' , 111 *»•* Si 3-J<i il\ «*)• « MX MX KM 37 100% 100 SOX 31 37% .V.'t > : » K 111% 1: <» H I S •>.% «t« 2»* S.'V, 31% 31X .-0% .. -J, '2»% .•:•. AdAoj Tvpiaai ic w«iis,rar*oac iw Aseri-aahxpr. M -, . . U. ». Axpraat... 73% . . Bxebaage, Umit. ..so Baahaege, aecrt .. tdix .. Money .. IS. .. TOTAX, 9 A I W . Faolfle Man 2^00 OhloCeatral W. U. Telegraph. tOOO Xoruweatsrn .... 3.-00 Northweatera pr. 400 too* island SOB Mil. A.-lt Fatii... 3.DCO «rt* lt^eo U. A s t Jo. ptef. -0 US. A M. s f9,dJ0 X. Y. C. A B. K.. lo.fl.Xl Unjca Pasta* .... tha Mlehlgaii Central 3>.u Jereey Central... 112900 OaL A Lank 21.UA> Loulsv. A Nashv. StO GOVKKNMENT BONDU •Wto A. at. 1.45 r. U O.». 3* of l t n . rag .loixayioi* O.A.tjas^ . 10* «*H2% V. A a s * tJteJrag ..JI«%«*11«% O. A, aaw7>Ma,ooupoaa..Ji«%.#U«Vi; C. A aew ta, r*r Jtl%Wlil% V. 9. sow W. coupons 121.SW121S, turrsnev 133 .... Ontario A Wcat'a •< CB.ASL too Den. t d i o u ; ... 2>,i^A, FalLAltaadtttg.. A300 W..3tL.APno.. W.,stUAP.pr, g ant as A Texas., northern Pacllle. Nashv. A Chat... HlinolsCeniral .. Matoun Paeiae. Texas Pactae... Laka Xrie A W. l^oo 3,l»» 1.710 V0 AO 100 10,700 3AO 1.1.U LATENT MARKETS. Ay ttrr*"'** fnt*. ttXW TOSS MAJULXT. Yoa*. Aprtl X-Conet-L'achaagod. HtoilUag Cplaada at UMa. ri^n-*-a*e*tp4a, lxcog bbls. Weak, la inttan- c«* Swiae lower, th* tatlcwta* a w* to good »••• ">*Vt 73; good of IMOu barreU at No, 1 at 13 latgt 10; and Mae* at ft 00*3 »; extra Waatarn. and htaie t-> chctea axtoa Wcstara tttto to aoc» 00; ecrsMoa to ebole* wbiu wastara axtta t7 a j s 21; aotaaon to goal extra Ohto to tMpt to: aoataoa to uoiee ex- tra 91 Louis 10 t o s s OO- patent g m t f l o u ex- ixtra good to pnns* g: 30#e 00; choic* to double >»tra SI latJH AV Bye flour - tteady aad un- -hsngetl. Sale* at t4 *34B3 10 hv. superga*. Cora- atal dell, aatas of Tattow Wataxia at ft 20<g WKBAT—Itsoeipis. ^towo bush. Dull and ,!«. urea*ad Saleeot l^PatoObosa. laoiu.itag se.ixo bush, aa spot Exports. Jl.ixo busu. No. 2 aprftag at tl st: No. 2.ran a* kl. i7h w l «; Xo. 1 whit* at 11 t*aU tit: Ho, a, red tor April a* « «7%«l 17%. XT*- Firm. No. 1 Stat* at 'jrje. BAatar-Steady. Vagrau*d Canada at tl l-'S «V1 I*. ," HASUUST MAX,*-tiotab. Coan— K>o*tpta,iaff>wbaah. Lower, depress**. Sals* at 1 »7,«at bush.. Inoludlag 77. >»i both, oa spa*. Xxpurt*.41».itX)busa. No. 2at •-.%t»!»<c for caaai atasuaer yallow aitMWo; No. tfor April at ^Vawsc. OAta-Xaaatpta, S3.ono tmaa. Market easier aatasotttrgaWbash, alixad Waatarn *»>xs»'.2- vatta Waatarn attogWSHe; So. t for April st eux •tola HAT-Firm aad unchanged, aa!** at too for ahlpotag. Mora—Duo. Xaw New fork at Idtttte for aaad to ehoaea. Coma-Dull. Sotat at »%s)H %o for Klo in Liverpool—Spot "wheat quiet and tteady and corn in rather more Inquiry. On paaaage tor the continent—Wheat $20,000 corn SWX» qrs. , Parts -Flour firm and wheat a turn dearer. UVXXPOOL PROVISIONS—Apm w. li.lio A. M.—Porr-rB'01 for aew western. :,ar 1 ; Ji 3 I. tsaoon "•:» Ol for long olear; SdsUd lor «;iort ei*ar, Kent- --.Cs id for new. Tallow- - to* JrL Cheese—< Is Od for good te fin* American grade*. l.A> P. M.—Unchacrc-I. 3.<0 P. M.—Bacon—01*od for long clear; 3lt *d for thort olear. _!___ OUi .MAHHKT», aorta as. .: J / r Ato, April 24 — tteflned. 113 cleg, lest, 7c Lost now, April » , l.t A. M.-SSeSKd. U v i s r o O L April 16, 11JC A. M.—«H<a»ii<i. A x r v i i r , April 26. U.3V A. M.-17KI. N»w YOBJC, Aprils*, 2.93 P. M.—Petroleum— Xeflned quiet al 7,',c: caaea lOXc rte toilowing is raportad by L. 11. B e s t No. *t West sense* street, snowing the market fiuotua- 11 ins for the dav, Pricas bid for old unless otb- srwatesp*clfl*a: I OIL CIT». April SB— The petroleum mirk* oprnod at 77%c: ad.vsn«ed to 77 Me; decime-i to 77'to; ailvaaeesl la " » c ; declined 10 7't;tc; a,lTAr,ecl'.» 77o: decllritxl to7dso; advanced to 7*Xe; declined to 7«Sp; a-lvaoee<l y*7»iSe: declined to7t%o; advancwl to7 , 'Vc; deemed to 78So: ailvanced to 7if%e; declined to 7'-Vc; advanced to and closed tt 4 P. M. at 77 in. huns-Aprli 34. 9i.Ii' bbls. Dairy average for toe month, 77,40* bbls. sales at o n City. April tt, (513.900 bbla. gales at >;r v.for 1. April 23, 749.000 bbla. Sales al Pltuburxb. April it. 171.000 bbla. C U V i t A K S , April M.—Petroleum quiet, at QENKBAL NOTE3. —The wreck of the tchoonor Canfleld on liar Point baa been marked with a red and black stake > —J udgo Bloilgolt ot Chicago has decided that an baderwilterof ahull Is Itiblefor his proporlloa ot general average occasioned by a Jettison of a ; deck load made to save a vessel and crew. —Tho spars, of the sunken schooner Clayton I Belle have fallen out The Teasel is in about ~tairty-ave feet ol Water, three and a half miles I from the shore, nine ml.es north half west from. ! St. Clair river. —Port Huron, April 24: Thesteambargc Ilhoda I Stewart with barges Leighton, Wells and Lamb : arrived np to-day. C'apt. Boynton received or- I dert from the owners, Prentiss A Co., of Aipeua, f to lay the Stewart up until there was a change tor j tbeVbctter in freights. Work at the Limekilns will be suspended ; about the I3th of May, as the amount of the laat 1 appropriation will then be expended. Work will not be resumed uutil the appropriation now bo- ti lore Congress is passed and a new oontract let. V Dunbar's new iron tug, built at Buffalo, it ex- pected to arrive at tho crossing on -tbe 1st ot May. -Cant. Dan McDonald, formerly of s t Catti- . artpea, but more recently a resident of Mllwau- 1 koe< la lying at the point of death In the Marino f lloopllal at Chicago, from oancer In the neck. In : an early day CapL McDonald was a Canadian I vessel commander, but of latoyears bad con- > tented himself with the position of watchman on ' lake steamers. —Henry S. Haitlcd, who died at Chicago 00 | Sund*v, was a native of England, and waa aged ' flfly-Hx years, being born In 1X26, l i e came to this country when a mere lad, and engaged turn tell as a tailor on the great lakes. Through thrift and economy he saved enough money to purchase OSGOODBY'S Standard Safes. '.- ~:M More imorovements than all others. ONLY SAFE whose back is not screwed on. ; ' Over 3,000 sold duriue;the vear 1881, and ovV900 sold in Buffalo and vicinity, OSGOODBY'S SATES have never lost their-contents bv either lire or burglars. OSGOODBY'S SAFES took first medal over all competitors at the In- ternational Cotton Exposition, At- lanta, Ga., December 15,1881. OSGOODBY'S SAFES have the champion fire and burglar-proof reoora throughout the United States. OSGOODBY'S SAFES are sold in greater numbers in everv state in the Union than anv other make. 0} not buy any other, but call and eiamine the only full stock in Buffalo. SAldUHOOMa, ;' I 182 Main Street. BUAnOBES, f * 503 Arch 8treet, PWladeliihiA \ 801 Broad 8tteet, Kewark, H. J.; Oornei Liberty and Seventh Avenue, Pitts- burgh, Pa.; 17 South Broad Street. Atlanta, 0a. ' ' •treat; aew, substantially built; iTiils property will: ba sold al a bar- iscut loo can be given May lit, "ling lota on SberBuu otroct, near building lota on Delaware avenue. Fine two-story brick residence, tot Seventh street with all lite modern Improvements; large barn; lot 03 feet front by 133 feet deep. This property will bo sold at a bargain; terms easy. Four now houses on Fargo avonuc,011,0l7, 013 and 031; all nnlsbcd in ilrsvclass style with modern Improvements; lota togttsX; term* can bo made eaav it required. .•.).., New list of bouaos aad lot* Juut oomplstod. Call and get one. yoa HBNTJ Flno atoro with lino basement, Ol Alain otrcct; •tore, 24190. . -f . Large rooms on Washington etrcct, 39* and GM; good place for light monnfocturlng; possession A born with ltl stall*; will hold M tonsof bay; will bt rented cheap. j • JAMES MOONEY, Real Estate Agent, Kg ao Aroad* Building. R. FERaijrsoisr, HO. 880 MAIM BTSKKr, BUFFAXrO, H. T. FOK HALS. A well-oelocted stock of groceries in a brick •tore; location excellent; rent moderate. 8)2 Pearl otrcct; 3-^tory frame bouse In perfect order: has tho modern Improvement*; largo lot; good location for a doctor. <. 10X acres of desirable land on' Delaware street; atabargatn. Pennsylvania ntreot, near the Clrolo; two new 2-story frame dwellings; wall Onlsbcd; all mod- ern Improvements; splendid location. 47V and VO. Connecticut street; two lM-etory nowfraruodwolilngn;haoMvora) very niceroonut: lot, 20 ond 30xlldX. Northwest corner of Huron and Morgan sta^ 2-story brick dwelling in first-clas* order; has tho improvements; lot, iMxioo. 301 Prospect avenue; 2-story brick in tlrtt-clat order; all the modern lmpro-romcnta; h' very dc- slrable residence; lot, 54x132. en Kliioott street; 2-otory frame bonsa; at a bargain; ha*cellar, gas and water; lot, 23x170, to an alloy. Have several vacant building lota In different parts of the city. - (5ity "QotituL CITTCLMaTaolrriCB. > to. 4, CITT AJrn COUMTT HAJLI., > BvrwALO. A m i M, W t > BOOM Ho. N OT1CK OF XJrtKOTWN.^otico iti hereby given that i t a seeslon of the Common Court, ell ofloe City of Buffalo, htld Monday, April 10, lSffl, reeorullons, of which the following aro cor- rect copies, were duly adopted,, vlx,: Ueaolvcd. That tha Common Council of tho City of Buffalo Intend lo order lt-ineb tile scworoon. otructod in Grape street, from the sewer in Carl- ton street to a point 100 feet southerly from Uie southerly Una ot High stieot, and that the En- gineer bo and be lshoreby directed lo prepare plant and Bpcolflcatlim and advertise for pro- posals to do said work, and that tbe City Clerk be and ho Is directed to cause tho necessary noUeo of intention to be duly published. T3HE Delaware, I*aclcawaiina & Western RAXLROAI> COMPAITY fru, KMLX. VAMXA '. SCRANTON COAA*L Besolvad, That the Common council of the City , . . ^ following price* per ton of tjMOJrOfJadt, of Buffalo Intend to order a.t-foot brick sewer i ^^S'^aaa!.lvowl AoywharoU eJJFllttltgf constrncttyl In I'cckbam street, from tee lower In toroonoo, anu WM Colt street, to the cast lino of Wlleon street, and thai the Engineer be and ho is hereby directed to | nn.fo prepare plans and specification! aod advertise , X?# 4,D for proposals to do said work, ami that iho City I «»?». Clerk e* use lha necessary notice of intention lobe j duly published. iloaolvcd, That tbe Common Council of the City of buffalo intend to order a sewer of enraclent capacity constructed in Fiftocath tl'itb) street be- i tween York and Jortey, eueelt, and that ' :: i m oTder* aVretaiYtaaV be laft, or bill* may bt paid, at our bran*th office. smlw'.V.7.'~." ffl hi M HiiUflDfitnrMM. TraS* taav* Cxcnaaga earatt efcpot <« »e« rorkSmo, which Is 20 .minute* faster v. an flat Wo ro*K'B«ja-«r** juro iww TUAA. HOOA\U ,-lJBpteaal turn Tort Exprat. Engineer prepare plans end sueciecaUons and I OOI .MAIN. STREJBT, advortlse for proposals to do said work "'i LIVE STOCK MARKETS. BOFFAl/Ot April in. Tliu following labia iti(>*^ the receipts and tblpoaenuuf l.ivo st*it att Katt lluffalo Irom tho oeginningot the week thus far: KICXllTS. Cattle Iiea.|. .... 3.SM .... 731 .... ft. .... 810 Sunday...... »on-:a>- .... Inetdsy ... irVetlaeedsy l.'Og-i need, fi,!*" 7,0li 11.440 bead. e,ao 2 l.«; e o :;,«vi head oe 4^ 1A JJ 4,«U 20,10* Total. _ 3sm* time last we<*. T.tvt S*m* Um* la* I v o n r . 'J.aTl l*,.ta) rtinPMC.vTa. Cattla Hogs 13.2 0 M.TIX) J.SU0 in 310 in sucday -., Monday _. Tuewiay Wednesday... a-a.'. . I,«J .. 3.2SJ :• S3 Total... Same tint last weak. eam» time last year. :.-•:'< vM kta,' 4,5111 A40S l.liO 3,404 17,710 Ba.tp Msisei >:."i. tici't t .400 no i'..l»l rU 1.0" 0 SI 'l.W.'O rU 10,8.0 11,800 7^00 171 •em No. JJ. 17 4 to 11 Av'r. 1090 *>H BOO lust 11JV Fries t7 ti « it B 13 * 13 « to 18 1157 7 12X laM *3 '7 73 B 40 >2S CATTLE—The receiptA eonti.ted of Severn! loads of sale cattle, tor whtch there wat aa ac- tive demand at an advanvit of l'j.yj c from, the. ypentog prices of th : wee Si Sale* of good1030 to choice 1300 lb. steura rangcil at 17 Its*; 73, good light butohers biioxtng IK l :• ,••; 60. Veals tteady at td > <••>! VJ; e x t r a , tS 75. j CATTta BAI.».1 TO-SAT, By Doty A Watklnt: Iowa tt*er* .., Do do ta. Do do. , ronusyivania ttc*r* Dodo .... !, t _. By Snrr. Lcwtt A Co,: Penntytvanla steer* b"y Kankin A Sparrow: I Illinois steers .... : t--.ll. By Kerynolda, aaoch A Co.: Illinois st*ar*...I ; . . 18 By L. O. Burrua: C*n ad* feeders..; SHEET AXDliAMBS-rhe market ruled fair- ly active at lVslKc advance from the former prices of the woct, with about 11 loads on sale, all of wbteh-were:taken, i'ulo of good n to'JO lb. wool theep ringed from ti 00*7 40; choice to fancy M to lt» lb*., 17 30<sl7 73; good clipped tbeep brought te oo->o 40, and oaf load of ,extra clipped lamb*, at 00. •k»r s.til" TO-DA r By i*teller A Windsor Bros.: Ohio Hhcep ; L DO do. .;. Do yearling*—.»„ J. DO theep, clipped L Dodo 1^ DO do. f l>odo I Bo do J. Doye*rlmga, clipped ',. Bv Doty AW*Uun«: Ohio tbeep j. Dodo By Swope A llngne* ablo tbeep Uo do, clipped By UM. Kimoali Ohio theep the old schooner Minnesota, and sailed her I n per- I ton several years, lie afterward gave np the life of a tailor and ictllcd in Chicago, engaging In : business pertainlag to lake commerce, and by his ' 1 .dgment and business tact amassed a large fortune, both la vessel-property and real estate. \ lie was the largest owner of vesael-nropertr in Chicago. Mr. ilalsted leave* a wife aad four | nearly grown children, 1 —Oiwri/o lijii/i'Uum: The schooner* Belle j llantcom and Wiidam Home, with wheat from • Detroit, arrived here Saturday afternoon, being i the !ir,i vcM«lt Iroui the upper lake* this teuton, : an I were followed Monday night by the lloboken with wheat from Toledo. The Home and llai.a- , com were the Mrs; grain-laden vessols to oomo down througb Iho new Welland canal, and eaon - brought full enrgoea, the Hanscom on 11 feet 7 I in,•<:•.•-• irnft and tne Uonio on^l feet lOlnches, and ; with tfl.ixw and 22,ouo buahols of groin reepoetively. ; Tnoy towed through. Tne master of tbe Hans- . com toys ho towed through in tf6 hours very : nicely and with no trouble. In tomo cases only i on* gate waa opened to let btm through. It cost | about tl more lhan ihe old way, bul the use of the tug diftpen»es with one helper, saves unfa and ; wear of line*, and in his opinion Is really the • cheapest way. Henry T. Y'cnch, assistant secretary of tho j treasury, send.4 ihe following to A. N. Moffat, of : Fort Huron: "In * communication of ths sotb I instant yoo inquire whctheracltiienof thel/'nlted I State" oan own an interest in an American vessel : and act at master of the tame, wblle his fsmily ; resides In Canada, an 1 wbo alto himaelf resides 1 there during the winter months. You are In- i formed that the iirovlnlon of law which de- bars a vesnei from the beneiltt of a registry on ae- i»Hot of trc 'oreign residence of the owner It contained In section 4133 itovtted Minutes, and Is in operation A4 toag As tne foreign residence con- tinues. Tho law '!'>••« no: dehae what constltatos such residence. Ii would seooi, however, to moan tb* personal residence of such owner, without reference to that •>( hit family. The ownership that debars l*. in tho language of the alalute, that ot any citizen of the United Stale* who utua'ly resides in a foreign country. Tbe usual reeidonoe of tbe owner of a ve-sel wbo is ber actual master could not be in a foreign eonnt-v a- long as he acis in ike oanacity ct matter. Tho winter resi- dence in Canada of Mich master IK J'lat that time during which the txineflu of rrglttry would not Inure to a veewl employed ou the northern lakes." THE EKXS CANAL cttAiiip mow BerrALo-Aprlian. Troy—Wllli*m doddard, com; s A Wheeler, corn; Norman L Wagoner, wheat; White A Capron, corn; 11 lleJden, eorn; C F McWhorllOT, corn; George D. (illaon, corn; Charles Ensign, wtieat; S D Holms, wheat: James Hoche, corn: JC lUr.lon.com: E ti Jaokson, wreat; A Daw- ton, rem; (J J West, corn; H L HaighLccrn; Don Fatterson, oorn. Tonawaada— Woocho, teed; Llrxle CampbeU, light; J J (..Ibboo*. light. dvrseuto—li A llolliater, tbtngles. Molina—George Arnold, light. Little Basin—Kden liown, lumber. Martinsville—Chippewa, light. WELLER ii BROWN, Suecesrort to Weller, Brown A Meaner, ...... j... ,. .U» '^ .... Sf. 2!<2 ll>i ta C-2 110 ISO *>J 2111 »J •f. »l It! •) AV«. ion Hi 83 . Vfi 86 »e ti SI so .•<.! m 127 TS Frits 17 30 7 00 8 25 •6 40 « 33 « 20 «2U « 20 li 90 T to 7 10 7 to 8 25 123 7 73 * to lass. HOtW— Tbe receipts etiitinue* ti be light and the demand also, while tn* market ruled steady at about former prtctv, good to ohoto*, 17 :>^7 I aad butcher-, ho^i quotable at *3 2&t**rA, KO) :A :. « TO By t'feiacr A Winds-ir IJrcfl.: So. AVg. Krl<yj 112 201 t ; CO By Doty A Watklnt 78 171 7 31 ^By L. M. Klmbali: ;e« ranjtrag: Yorkers, good moilium weights *7 4«SJ>7»J; pigs. "t" at t*aw 3-i;o at lose; towere.1 at I tiouAa— Dun. eaadeaf at io*e; W*je- ator-Ataaa-Dail and oomiaal. New Orleans at aafffltt to* raaatag; Forto Kioo at 42tt55e. SExca—«*%*•*. Sew Carounat aad Louisiana* fitttettX* Aw eaeawea taeaetee. Ftrrtn>Lac»-.-it»ady aad uaohaagad. Crude la aarrats at tMt*HMe; l a a a a t at ^so. TAAAOW ntaatly aad aashangeU. Bale* al 7', BySwopaAangkea. By Kerr. Lewis A Co.: 103 in t r'l 171 17 4i 7 SO ts 174 7 30 174- 7 40 til ends 251 MSKEETh EX TALaUKAFM. aVeaval Dttpatcfttti to IA* Utrto-ttr. K»w YOCJC, April 28. STILL MAINTALS THEIE U1GU EEPUTA- I TION FOE |AET FTOBITTJEE AX OL tXTaCaUOA ' WOOD WORK. Call and .ntpeci our immense stock ol New Goods for Spring Trade. Farlor, Bel-room, Dinixg-rooaiand Office . Furniture of artistic design al Very Low Prices! Wo , hall be p!ea«-l to .how our slorJx, whether you desire to purchase or not. ' 391 and 393 lain *jt. Gt3o. W. Tiflt, Sons & Co„ . Manufacturers et STEAM ENGINES iiItTi'^llAEB& STEAM- ENGINES, . HOUSE CASTINGS, FKOPELLEE WHEELS i and MACHINEBT GENEBALLY *- '. r *1 Wsshlnrton Htre**. gg.toi Mew York mm, BURDicT/i BARSAHS MJIHTJPS of B0LT8 and BTITT8. | BRIDGE AJfD ROOP RODS 4 SPRCIILTI 1 BXTB^iXisO. ISTew "X-origj UPSOLSTEET! DRAPERY! Our new UPHOLSTERY SOOM in now finished and occupied. We invite inspection of . . j- •• ' J . The LilKQEST STOCK, The GREATEST VARIETY, The CHOICEST DESIGNS,, The BEST OUxALITIES. Curtains and Curtain Materials Window Draperies, Portieres, Cor- nices and Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures, Furniture Coveriugs, Ori- ental Mats, Bugs and Carpets. The best Carpet Sweeper in the market Our Usual Low Prices. Adam, lelAni & Cor. Vrnxtlcllxs and Koala Btrattta. ros aajuc Northeast corner of Huron and Morgan, ilrst- olas* residence. 019 JTranklln street,2-story brlok; will bo rented. 221 seventh street, 2-ttory frame with stable; will be rented. 225Seventh street, 1 story brlok and basement; will bo rented, i ll» Georgia ttroot, 2-story brick. 2*2 Connecticut street, 2-»tory frame I 4* Thirteenth street. 2-ttory frame and stabuo. A IX-story frame dwelling on'North Division •trcet, near Hickory street; price, t2,700. you. SALK OU BENT. A 2-etory fratao dwolllng at La Salle, a quarter of a mllo from Central and Erie depots; more than twenty- tralno a day to Buffalo. TOE SALE TO CLOSE AN* ESTATE. Largo residence, 102 Georgia street; alto lift) and 200Georgia, and lis and 122 Seventh streets. r"or comploto list* of property for sale or rent call at our offlcc '• • • HIJME & ;SANF0RD, i No, 16 Mr. Oman Street, OCer to soil for tho next to day* the following 1 property at very low figure*, via.: . •2tM Kranklln *L; brick; lot, *uxl73X; tfi,aa>, 104'Johnsonplacej*3-story brick: *e,000. SI Kargo ovc.t frame bonse and barn; $«,00O. ta W. Mohawk sv ; frame; lot, 49XxI20; W,000. 4,so Niagara st; brick and barn: 40x100; fJ.'OO. 1S1 Niagara st-; 2-etory ttooo; 13,000. 202'Nlogara tt.; 2X-story brick and barn; $9,000. 87 Prospect avenno; 2-ttory brick; modern; $8,o00 300 1, in wood ave.: 2-story frame; lot 100x100: VIMO IHO Morgan st.: 2-story brick: lot, 12x100; $8,0(0. 898 Pearl st; 3-story brlok; $8,000, :s*J Prospect avo.t i-nlory brick; lot, .'MxIiiS; te.000 0*4 Niagara s t ; '2-otory brlok; lot, 30x128; tfl.too, 23 Prospect are.; 2-story frame; ga*, water, bath, etc,; »4,o00. 523 Slxii sL; 2-*tory frame; lot, «xI3"2; *4,o00. 17» West ave.; 2-story frame and horn; tt.OOO, 4-27 Seventh tt.; tt-eiory frame; 13,700. 74 Ullca of, 2-story brick; lot, 73x103; $3,750, 412,W» WANTED On arst-cla.-ij properly on Washington Blrcct, at 3 per cenL lntercDL ; A MONEY TO LOAN On real estate. for bouse* to rem please call any got a list. and the City Ciork is directed to publish a noiioo of in- tention. . . . Beeolved, Thai Ilia Common Council Of too City of Buffalo Intend to order A sidewalk constructed otplno plank, Iwo-incbes thick, four fee*, wldo, | on tho west tide of North Ogdcn avrcet, from the 1 north lino of Lovcjoy ttreot to the south line of; {-rs'pM i i° Ezsnsssss & i fie .Anthracite Coal Attocianoi City Clerk causa the necessary notice of inlen- | * uu V*AA»usiu»tiv w»»a tton to be duly published Beeolved, Thai tho Com TO Mr. A. St. BALL, rironoxtil ottloe. foot O f » « • i JOHM J. atOWttftAJia. Weeiorn Aale* Agont, April 13.1882. ; _ m o n Connoil of the City of liuflalo intend to or<ler a sidewalk constructed of pine plank, two laohes thick, four feet wide, on the east side of North Ogdcn street, from tho north line ot 'Lovejoy street to tho south .lino of llroadwsy; and that'the Street Ct-mmlsaioocr ad- vorllse for proposals to do said work, and the City IClcrk causo the necessary nolioi of Inten- tion to bo duly published. llesolvcil, That the City of Buffalo Intend to order the lamp dlsirlot extondod on both tide* of Slferrnan street, from Pickham street to llroad- wayJand tbe City Clerk cause notice of ouch Jn- tontion to be da'y published. w, p. nuiiNs, ap24i2ti - city Clerk. E.N'GINEElfS OKKICE, » CITT or uorrALO, April 25, lam. J OEALED PEOPOSALS.'ln duulicato, for work O as net forth below will bo received at ihl* of- fice until 10 o'clock A. M., May 1, 1882. lsondB, a* required by law. must accompany each bid. Plans, BpoclOoolion* and quantities can be seen at thlTomoo on and attor ibis date Prlfated forms of proposals, bonds, tpoclilc.v aonsjaud instructions to bidders, an 1 any desir- ed Information oan be bod on amplication to tbia oaicel A separate proposal moat be made for each of Oio following-named work, as follows, to wit: Fori constructing a sower ot lufoclont capacity (In adcordaneo with tin: adopted ny.-ioir,) in the easterly sidewalk of Main street, iiom the north lincot North street to tbe sewer In Iiett ttruet, in : aoeor lance wllb plans and tpcclflcations on Uie in thla unice. I • , I Kor oonntructing a now bridge on Willlsmtvlile | rorulimd Little I!ufTalo creek, between Wiltitui j streel and Broadway, in accordance wllh plant | and tpacification* on tile in this olBce. For pbvlng Tork street 32 feel wide, with tanond VT U! eoatiaoA to eeli taittr otitWMtd LaekawanjUt Bla.clx Diamond, and Henry Ol*r Ooal*, ' 'I "'•' ' Ai lb* following prioc* par toa of AlW noaad*, o/ircaaed, anil OiUttred anywnar* la laa city ilrnlu. UBAZE EiiU STOVE NO.4 CHESTNUT.. PEA| To». -J 6.10 5.10 ...... f>36 ...... b 66 ...... O'tlO ...... 4i5 GXI'EK/-i. OrriCE, 51'. KAltf MCUfT, A.-no, rootif: iliresae street, toot of Oslo street and Ho. U7 Er^nnr.g* stratt aEORO-E DAKIM, . As«nt. April It. laa. __«____ 'reetchpy, was duly adopted by said Council, via te*>lved. That the Common Council of the City of liuffalo intend to order Plymouth avenue paved, 368 MAJN ^TREET. Real Estate Bought, Sold or Rented. The following properly is unexcelled In loca- tion, improvements, and is belli st figures ad- vantageous to buj era; * I ctee- Bvffaio Esprai, Oomneretal Advertiser, telegraph and t\vening News tor other and im- proved property. OJJtcc open evening'. OaU/or Broadway—20, 22, 24, 04x126, dno mannfaetar- lng or lobbing site, on alley, $13,000. . Kliioott-447, 441), 3-a. II., old and established carnage manufactory, all conveniences, with 1K-S. I!, cottage In best of order,: 64x150, n»,0O0. Main, near Delavan avenuo-OId-cstabilshed brewery with all fixtures and conveniences, with ooe acre of land, tl'tfiuo. . . i Main street, corner Quay—1-8. B., (team heat and power, with elevator, bank vaults, ir and girders, good light on 4 side*. r*xl30, qualll y Medina sandstone and flat gutters, from thu nt rtheriy line of Porter avenue to iho west- erly ine of Blehmond avenue, in accordance with plant and npcciacatioiit on file In thlt office, For paving Fremont place 20 foei wide, with second quality Medina sandstone and flat gutters, with < oe foot of sand under tho name, from the north curb line of Allen street to lute sou(2> curb lineol North street, in accordance wllh plans aod apccli cations on hie In ibis office. For paving PtVmouih avenue tij foci wide, witli Bccond quality Medina sandttone and Hat gutter*, lietwesn the northerly curb lino of Pennsylvania Blrcct and th* southerly curb lino of Connecticut street (except Porter avenue), in accordance with plant and spcclfloations on flic In tblt office. WW J. BOGEE3, Engineer. , CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, > BOOMNO. t, CtTY AaDCOBNTV HALL,> BUFFALO, April 26, lrjsi. ) 7VTO:"leEOF INTENTION.—NoUoe b hereby i> f lven that at a session of the Common Coun- cil of be City of Buffalo, held Monday, April 24, 1*82, aj resolution, of which tbe f ol lowing Is a cor- Beeolved, That the Common Council of the Cll; falo intend to order Plymouth avenue paved thirty feel wide, with second-class Medina sond- *one • nd pat gutters,, between the northerly curb line of Pennsylvania street and the southerly ourb line oj Connecticut street (except Porter avenue), and tho Engineer be and be it hereby directed to advertise for sealed proposals to do said work In aocojnano* with plan* and specilicalionri on file In ibtl Engineer's office, and the City Clerk be and ho li hereby directed to causo tuch notice of in- tention to be duly published. H • W. V. BUBNS. ap27i»-roy4t« city Clerk. elevator, bank vaults, iron poets 'i light on 4 side*. ."4x130, $40,000. M-necA, near llydrsullc street—cllx balok and frame dwelllngt, lot AltfxaOO. t'J.COO. North bwan, near Bond—Vacant lot, lco bona* on rear, 73x23u. 12,2011. Village and farm property for exchange. * FOR SAJLE. 320 ProspiBct li venue. Two and a half ttory frame, fajeated by steam, aod elegantly fitted up throughout; lot, 70x100. I This property will be told for ranch less than It* actual value if taken within the next few days. Apply to I GEORGE I. WHITE, ' ileal Estate Agent, 10 Lewis Block. 39& to 402 Main Street, AMEBICAN BLOCK. THK Hancock Inspirator. THE BEST HAS 9»4iU.l. —THE MlA^^CdrVJEBpUJlI^*.— UiVIPHKEYS' lOMEOPATSIC SPECIFICS. In use 31) years.—Each numl.vr the. .pcelal pro- tcrlpllon of an eminent phytlclan. Ths only Hiraule. r»A fraud Hare 3I.-d ,inm for the pool* u t r iniNcrTAi. .sot. cO»x*. ••-.' rue*. —THE ; Fi-vrm, Congtvitlon, luflttmAtlooa,.. VVoriu*. WtVIO K#5«l%_ woriiil Colw, . .15 <VV!II«"<:»*J«, orTecthliucotllurjtui* .3iJ IHmrrh«A < *v*itl(irtn or Adu^M. ^ ,'Z "99 Dv.patary On plug. BllllouJColte,.g.*8 ('bulrr* Mnrbiit. VomlOug,...... .. M .2.1 onel^CoW. lironchltls,.:..!..... ^ ^enralgla. Toothache, haceaehe. UoaafM. >ruml«U. .- ^..-.-,_ Iloadaclie., Mck Headaehnl.lYfniKo Hnppn ipsia, I'll,lo:-* stortntcbL.. •23 .'23 .in tt .24 .as .23 ao ed or Painful Period.. . Whiles, too Proruso I'ertodt.] ^ , Itroap. Counh, l>ifflcu!t llrenihin*,... Sell Ilheiiui. Krynlptilat. l.rai.'tlont, 'Itheumniltni, IdifUinulIc: ,iln.^,.. . Pnver and A s w , rhill, Feveri. Agues Piles. Blind or Weeding, J.. Catarrh, seme or chronic; Influenza Whooping Conch, violentc*««h«„ .«<» Qeaatal DebUlty. Physical u\.ukue.t,3U KtaooT IHtr.t^, ............ nil Nervous DebUlty 1 t.iMI ary Weaknet*. Wettlnittbobed OO oteof the Heart. }'alplian„n. t.OO uxgltce, or sent by tbelCaw>, or tin- _.r* of chanre. on receipt i end for ' VIIumnhreyt'llooU on pit. M> also llloetratea CatalnguC lenslhl ftfw York. 8: BO. Sit. bold D , i n. 6 1t Mil fre* of cbanre. on receipt of price, end for OwHanaareiwBoea on pitea*e.eke. (IStpaeet, sltoliluttraled Calalncuet'ltXlt. Addre.t llnmnbreys* Ifomeojt " teine Co.. i Of» Vniton a,reel. I hie >led- A POSITIVE MM WITHOUT MBDlCinaU. ALLAN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOOGIES Patented October in, ltns. One box No. 1 will euro anv case In fonr days or lee*. No. 2 will euro the most obstinate case, no mat- ter of how long standing. No nauseous doses of cnbebs, copaiba or oil of sandalwood, that are certain to produce, d) spep- sla DJ destroying the coatings of the stomach. Price, $1.30. Sold by all drngglsl* or mailed on receipt of price. For further particulars send for circular*. P.O. Box 1,633. J. C. ALJLAN CO., S3 John street. New York. CITY CLEKK'S OFFICE, 1 BOOM NO. 4, CITT A.iii COUNTY HAM., ]• BUFFALO, April 27, l&Hi. ) N OTICE OF XNTENTION.-Nottco It hereby given that at a action of the Common Conn- ell of the Citv of Boffialo held Monday, April 21, 1882,- a resolution of which the following is a cor- rect copy was duly adopted by,aaid Council, viz.: Beeolved, Thai tho Common Council of the City of Buffalo Intend to order Fremont place paved, twenty-tlx feet wide, with second quality Medina sandstone and Hat gutters, wllh one foot of tend under the tajuc, from the north curb line of Allen ttrcct to tho south curb lino of North ttroct, and that the Engineer be directed to advertise lor sealed proposals to do **ld work in accordance with plan* and apeolflcatlona on file In the Engi- neer's office, aad that the City-Clerk be and be la hereby directed tooiuse notice ot tuch intention to bo duly published. A . W. P. BUBNS, apTfttynytm City Clerk. •*} CITY CLEBK'S OFFICE, BOOM No. 4, CITY AHtr C'OUWTT HALL BUFFALO, April 10. lrjrjf. VtOTICEOF INTENriON.-Notlco is hereby A a given that at a session of tbe Common Coun- cil of the City of Buffalo, held Monday, Nov. 2x, 1881, a resolution, of which Uie following it a correct copy, waa duly adopted, via.: Besolvad, .That the City of Bnff.Vo intend lo take tho land and property necessary to extend Ha water mains from Bodalo Blver 10 Ganton street, the centre line of sold land to be 131 feet touth- easterly from and parallel lo tbe northwesterly line ot lot No. 47, tbe northwesterly aad southeast- erly line* ot said land to 0c parallel to sold centra lino and Of teen feet apart: said land to be taken for the special purpose erf laying and maintaining a water main thereia, and tho City Clerk is hereby Iv pubiithccf. P. BG'BNH, directed to causo this notice to bcdulv publithc W. apircj'-Wtiot, City Clerk. CITY CLbtBE'ii OFFICE. ) BOOM No. t, CITT AKB COUNTY •BALI., S BUFFALO, April 26, l«8i ) VTOTICE OF INTENTION.-Notice Unert-by 1> given that at a session of tho Common Coun- cil of the City of Buffalo, held Monday, April lo, ltS2, a resolution, of which the following m a correct copy, waa duly adopted by said Council, Bctolvcd, That ibe Common Council of the City of Buffalo Intend to take and approprlaio the land and property necessary to extend Kim wood avenue on its procntllncs northerly to ibe south- erly lineot Forest avenue, and southerly to Uie northerly line of Bryant street, and that the City Clerk be and he is directed lo causo due notice of iueh Intention to be published. W P. HUBN9. M27-myft4 city Clerk. BUFFALO IOB 00. IOE, ODAL AND COKE At wholesale and retaU. Ageat tor CtotrSald Coal Compaayr* Coal and Cott. J. LAJSH& I00EE, iiMcestortoBriggt A Moore. 289 M a i n S t r e e t 289 My torrpry of ICE .or tamn> trade Wat taken Trom the u i e a l ' a new .breakwater. Best quali. y Anthraolte and WtnalaiHuCoal for domestto use at lowest prinoa, oatattuly sorconed and promptly delivered. IV C SPBINGEB, Bala* Agent f&EhZZ^ZSSm** Exprea. 1. m——•—CJ^i** Falls Aeoomraodaiiou 'A?&~~rs2£Lyrx*s7** MlAAara f-IU it>*it0oxro»i. 7.10 aad IMO A. MMMM aad eJ»i r. »«-• ^ratafarryra^-ta. m*« l « A * 2 » it • liio i BA 7 20 aad 7^0 T. M» Txaia iea»c* ft.?*a*«»?l^W»»^* 7 ^s A i , F' it* » in^« aad 7 20 P. M. Sonday* at *.'»' P. X- ^raStorVi fumSm terJfatAlo llji A. *• At Is Ex- laa'tiTXxpTaat, oatlrr AX> P. at, »t J P Labor4«'inJAk»TaiAnatt»oe» *>* BttaTala ^'TleAatl to'au potata, aad Wa*aaT Sieaplng and General Pasoonicer A.t«'-' 1 A. TOUCH Y, 4j«a*ral SuperintendonL B. H. NOBLE, Atrent, fluff* '. Mimhtg.lgS2. Em RAILWAY. V»:2S Hotel aid Sleeping Oeaeb,. tbroeje- S ^ i i a a r * ralto, Baotattar. BoSak, »:*. * T r raiM^i»iO-.i^ ««- 7J30A.M. Buadays exoepte . a an<< I i. aVaaaataat, Avon an«V Coitisg gSJTSag^S-^^ tor all etaaeav Dally. XlcCi lo Dlvtaloe Y. NIGHT KXTKESS. uaay. M.; arrlv* a ItiSHia-H VAUALET . Goal Company, M.'natt til fjfllppart Of tnttr atltaTMtd *ilii, Earn ud ietftfo UMlf- Coal, AMD i'.llia Fdliey Enilrond CoEpany. / fn'.r.n: ahlpped to aU points In PcnasriTania ami New Jersey. TEIBB, 0. DOTLB. A*wat. Comer Main and Seneca Ota. . q Gv R. WILSON & GO. ieiTTSTOH. LEHIGH, BLOSSBITLKJ andSOFT Q0AL W Loicea'.e aad retaU at loweafmarxet prlota, for I -:.••• Ceo*. O^IHCE, No. 285| r MJtlii street. BrtneA oacc, No, 667 Exea$age street. GOAL! F. H. G-OODYEAB, E-ioBLSIOii and *?EIA11LINQ, BIossbiirK and Soft CctsJ. ^alt'Wholes'aie ktxd *Hst».D. O r r i C I - e Pearl stratt. TABU—Kagle stroet. corner ol EriBlln. i GO JLJLt. IE, L. HEDSTROMa CIALXBIM Anthracite and Blossburg Goal "14 and 16 White Buildirie, ltt Floor. aa£ pytt- J.ltBrJUBJILf JH^ ' i , • L00MIS & LYMAN ask an in- spection of their nevr Mantel De- signs, Brass Goods and English Tile, Rare Pdroelains and Bronz- es, Hammered Brasses, Old Chi- nese Embroideries and Costumes, Rich Paper Hangings and Vel- vets, Tapestries, Velours, Plush- es, Chintzes, Laces for Window Hangings, Rare Potteries, An- tique Furniture copies in Chairs, De&b, Dressers, eto,, Flemish Leather and Gobelin Tapestry Chair'Patterns, at their* store, 304 MAIN STREET.' Stationary, Marine AMD Lo to mot ire Boilrrs, 0VEE 35,000 HOW. IN REQUIRES NO OILING. Simple, Sellable tvifd Always ..in Order. |! SPECIAL BATES TO STBAMriTTEBr. l?£lllBAffKS, & CO., 1 216 Main 8t„ B t i f l i i l o . 1ST. Y. RIVAL roii ramping Purposes. CoDsumea Less Steam Than Any Otner B oUer ; Feeder* U8E. Engravings, Paintings, Fanov, Gilt and Velvet Frames. ODDICK'SAETSTOBE, 331 JVInirt Street. Tto oldatUetoibllacol sp-.cialict, 179 East Swan Street, also a tide eitt'auooi, tin-ili, N. |i, a reffU- {fitrat'i Of &i»!tc'ii, treats aaaosbstnlly all 1 •ae*. of a I ' . - PliTTATF. »rtJ STSBV.O'J? .Saturs, il--^pyn',:«r !•• I r,'enifl;.*lr. .-«.-;;, ',» Inal wnrKiisHs. .;•*.;-.i.tto-TjCea, ••• ;••••-.;••.•:•, r aiaiiLr'tKl ao, 1 a:; 'i--/>t,ic;> tiM.., ;t ct. L-V- , *O \bvzv or exe."B»M,' rrliteb u,-\itt tij« ••v.at-_ «or ',"ii 'aeasor raairia^a. !;iaeri30s 61 itm i'.r,«», •• KHi VM:CS ac,l 'ilC .-C-ul'. '.* OSV-MDIV i-lt'lr-it. KX't, I'Xfpl tt'Clttv; aur*<l, bit, Comuliti'! an i pri.-at* In.-. eer.i *-",!;."; *rvv M„ 0 f il. ^ 0.« l.t. n, wit 1 . *rr* an r- for thri-.'t^lat - -^*.ce ro'.T.-n, i' '.: Hiin.'i? /!.;. t. Men;.-: as u. ni.ii r.:~: »-. .'.: OCJTOii t..i (viMt rti.1, ri rt'^i'jil •r.t:.. SPKCSAlt'11. KE'ii OFFICJ-. ol Cuntnort-i.ii tai < TUXKTfl. HaCaio, :.'. r.c-lin :•-- ... Ane.-.peri'Vie ;if li > 'jura in iSc tia«u enl r,f 'IP i.-j»eaf areiVAT-'. nature ens die* ln..ljiAc >.o prssorlue cuco«j tuUyforallSpcolal disease* In anj and all of their tone*. In races* case* a car* warrantoa In a fea ay*. Vonnor nan oau beaafatyaiul pormanontlj aatorad to EaaltA by oaUlnc on Dr. U onic* rionrs from 7 A. M. to 10 1". M, Strlot oonllcronot and loortuy may ba relied anoa. Cnarcaa la* on."t. sTOR BXHIBlTING Mantels of Our Own Mannfactnre, Grates, lire Places, Tiles, Biohmoud Eanges, Barstow Purnaces, Fisher Bafrigerators. BRADY'S BEHD K i U H G CO, KIH aaa or B B A D Y ' 8 BBND, GOAL, Tor ira* and'eteaai porpoaa*. 1 JL- ]f --J i At:TWKJLL. eopt^ -fast Brarly, geaat WAREEJ HIE oPLENDID First-class Steajnsliips. <CANSAS(now).%SM tons I MISSOUEI.. A l t * ton* IOWA *^S» toes VICTOBIA..S^B8 too* 1'ALESTINE ..... ! :..i3o9ton» 8Ati.i-Ma rttox LIVERPOOL to BOSTON. ^- & 1 0 «OAX. i ».T..Xt>^ A^mAU at aw. I £*j* l *£*'*~ *•*-— 2^0P.M. ^^W";** ArrttlM at K«w fort at IS* A. At.; f-U»i*i. pnla At UJB A. at. _ 3*25 X\ M. vt* Roela*»tarjrMvi«ea 5^0 PsM, A ® 9J30P.M., Train, lasva Boftalo tor H-*trar* *p£j*>*™ *k,n Brld-r*aad t*o Wtatat ULlaaad ww A . M,, an-l li.lfl,i.3e and »M P. M. ^ Bat-imia* leave aTawifaU* At iM, 1M aae 113 A, M., Xifl ABU 7.W J*. M. "^rAda>»»»»a to»la«ra nXtM and a^taato; BrtdAal*«v*lAatia*Joliia, AW A. aU asd U.1' *^t*rarx£ij?leav* Klagiwi r*B* at AJt and Jjt aadUAO A. M.. aad 11AS. *.*« At* «J> V.-fe , - Train* leave for Loekport, 9AB A, Jt., 1X.M. Ui ^iJr^^'Lookport at fc» A. U . IMO. XV •oa-Sy^'&rtj. Mftie' «Mj:fyjg^J ln*atI>oeliportat»UOr.>t. •^T^ I f 0 »? a "* , t% A. M., Arrtvlnit at Bnffalo at UUX> A. H. BUFFALO ft S0DTEWESTE28 CBAHCU S. T„ L. E. * W. B. K. Baortatt, oolokeet aad beat root* Vo Bradford, nttttmrjrn, TlturrlUe and aU pointyla the nupo fuut iuxacr oil ooaBtry. Sore OOCJ*»>CIIOIIB for C-J;* etaaaaVM.^Ilsaorl Chleairo.aad all nouuwotv TriiSa wlU leave Bnffalo a. follow. S o a H. V. 4.45 at-Bradfort «.oo r. »*. „ ouaoay IWtn. oonaeot for Bradford. »aa4av uitoXrrlTeBtttaloMtlOAOC,"4*46P. at. Mo okaaaa ot can between BnAato wad Brad. lord. Tratnaarrtvc at Ml A. M. fcSd tja B M. All trains run dally. Taroart and Looal T!ex*ta, aad Cleerin* tod DrawlaaBoom Car aooommoilaUojieani. ba«fac* riosla, may be obtained at toe 'ieneral oaea, JSOIBABBOT*. jr. a. BABTt-rrr, " «U«aav- Ait «*«. Kortall raa*. Art BUFFALO A N D L E A S E D LINES. T H * fcHOKT I t a W TO Fxailadelphia Baltimore. TrVashiiigrtoa AsCaU Points So utfc. THE PATOBITE XOtTZB TO OLEAN, BRADFORD ' BICHBUBO, EOL-IVAR, AM* tma '"' isrortherix Oil Fields. Trams leave a c p*t, core cr Excbange aad Loo> lalana ttraeu, dally txoeptrHtaaay, liufalo tun* 8.00 A t JWL Bradford, Emponua. aaietbpprt and roints wart, oa to* P. * f~ i>lv 2.00 P.laX. 01»aaT 1 toad*wt lI Btae«I port. Emporium. W lUlamsport, PhlLadelphla, Baa Umora, Waanlna-toa, and potata aoatk. Taroog)) slocptn* oar trom Emporium. P, Hn 13 "KK olata Aocommodatlon- 0.<SU if. lVLt stopplM* at all statioos. Trains arrive at U t A. M.. l a i s and AM P. M. Througb and local tickets, time table*aad Sleep. InaCar aocommodaUons at the Company's office. tl Excbanx* street, at Miller'. tteAet omoe, at! exo.aToATCBJci.it, *¥>%. a. BALOWIK, OaanSanerlnteadaat, _ cienM Paaa. Ag' M^&O lirinir steeraite pi points in tiltKAT BR owest rates. AJUKXABDEB MABTIN, Agent! *J Main atreot. . . paAtenjrers from tl'f Alk and IUE principal LANDat ANCHOR LINE. U»1T«1> STATK* MAII, eVrSAXXBa ball Weeklv to and from NKW YOKKtai],! ULASViOW, Via LOSIDOKDXBJJT. Cabin Passage, 160 lo tto. Belurns, 1110 totHO. Second Cabin. tlO. tteturn Tiokel*. »76. Steamers sail every Saturday to and from _ w , N«w Yosjcsrul IXIKDOK DIKECT. Cabin Passaic tv> and tea. ltetoraa Ron aod tUO Steerage paescn*-ers booked at low rates. 1'aaavnKer acootamodatloa* aaexoelled. ALLSTAtKBOOafaOK MAIW ItSOK. Passengers booked at lowest rate* to or from Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ac, Kor book afTTuurs In Seoiland,"a»tas, rlans, 4o_ apply toireNDKESOM BHOTllkae, rtewTork; or JOHN E. W A W U , , 1 « Kxclianfio ti.roct, Bul- falo. IMl'EKUi eiBJUfl fttAla. The North Q«rnian laord'* Steainsiiip. Carrying tha Unlted States Mat) will sail trom Bromnn Pier, foot of Third street, Hobokaa, tVEKk L &C0. I set .'and 3S1 WaahinEton street, and 13 to It East Eaxlo street. TAILORS . AND SW.0-EMAKERS ; -^MAKING fEST WORK »' 0EMAND BARBOUR'S FLAX THREAD. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT UKMBAT. Vi.S'KbT Atil> CI1KAPEST MEAT FI,AVO0»IK(J STOCK FOK s HOCPH, MADE DISI1E* AXL "BMSCZI LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. An InvAlaibls tsd pslstsile t«cio In all J<4 n ( wca K ojgutt,,,, ^yj deb.lity. " U % »ni!ceM anil Afcooafor .«birh aaiioai rhveld feci arntifui "~M V0 " Mtdleal X^wi,'- « Laactt," " British Mc-rtical Journal," A*. CAUTION.-Oenuin. only with ths fae. jirnlleof Ilsroa Utbiij-* Signalareia Elao ink serats ih» Labtl. LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRAJDT °^L? EAT - . TO *> aaa of all Strnkeefert. OrwrersanilChemltU. Sols Agem» for t!,o l.nitsd.gtatet (shuletalt oalrlTc. I>»vU •• Co., 411, Mark Lane. Londen, En»!ani1. Itcturaln^ tho rftoamshlps loave Bremen eTerv Sunday, t"lrst Cabin, «&, seoond WMn. « Steorar-c, *17. STEEKAOETACKETD TOAJJ, POI.NUS Ut T H E SOUTH OrMSQl^AAli.mr rorliroi^uiBadpaasare apmy to OEUUCHI "ii?Ut,Hi"L 1 i n ?> , '«'- a '' Jew xork.or tr. P1I UPSTELLWAOKN, over MS Main 8t. Bursvto; OKUMAS HANK, OornOTof atain anti G>TJIOINT IADSTE. tTXITXD STATES MAIL 8TEAMEM ffoatlTieenotownfAadLlvarpool. Xteartt«riai £iD«il7Btlii«sh l I i l u t v i I l « & Euffalo | WMTBB TIME TABLE, NOVEMBBB, V Train* Havre trom Exx**n*r« *tra*t d*pot, ft* t»lo.elty tlxaa,TUA^Aka»>or* « aticuijcxa aouv*»- . A A P. ft., WIGHT EIPEESA. (Pnllmaa l . U U Sleeping; Car OU City to Plttaborrh.' AjTlvo* Mayvuio Tltcsvllle M7P. TUl*,7JBr, " M.. Corry I Ml City BJO P. M., Mead- KnnateOU City 0*1/ SAUP.M- corry AulP ^i%aUT^ BoAaloLat] ,U»r,M leOOiirfer M., TltaawlUa e Tralas anlve eusp. at Sun lay train arrives IJS r . M, Taroaghaad local UoAatt, time tat-ie*. aa« aaaaalaa; Car AcoommodaUoa. st to* Coa]aaay*i oflloe, tl Exchange ttree., at th* l*Xe eaora at- eoe.ll Exrhanx* rtr.-. t. »t Miller". Tlcievoflo* 468 naia street, and a " e depot. WM. R. BA.I.D VtlN. Ota. Past, j/i, _ , . _ _ - ^ « Kscbanjraatraat, KuAalo, R ; O. VfATSON. Jiu, Geal Sept.. Oil Ciry. Pa lEupn/flEaMDl 1 ,SS S. B., toot ot KW .troct. WYOMING.., AB1ZONA.... ABYSSINIA.. WABCONSIN. A hffPf4?"—.i—Tmadajr,' May so; A00P.M Thfa*atateaar* aro bniltot Iron, in .. 1.00P.M . Tnaaday, May t, IOM A. U ..... Tueaday. May 1«. too P, M .... Tuesday, May 13, ».30 A. M Grratelrxl C o m i o r t l n c BilP^S'S CO<30J^ BBEAKFAST. "By a thorough knowledge of the naioral laws which govern the operation* of digestion asd nu- trition, and by a caret al application of ihe fin* properUeaot well-selected cocoa, Mr. Eppshaa provided our breakfast table* with a delicately, flavored beverage which may save a* many heavy doctor bill*. ltl* by a ladlcioo* aae of .och arX clcsof diet thai a constitution may be gradaallv built up until strong enough to resist every tend- ency to disease. Hundred, of subtle maladies are floating around n* ready to attack wherever there HJ»ri*5 J! 0 . la i u W o m ? 7 ««"R° to»ny » fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with Cirtl ^ c a " t e * t t r ,pCri7 - BOttri ' 1>ed t W- n - Made (Imply with boiling water or milk.- Sold la tin* only (half pound and pound), labeled J1JIK8 BPP» at CO., Homoiopalhlo Chemlsf, LONDON, ENGLANO. HOWARD IKON WORKS, CHICAGO STREET. . IRON FOUNDERS And Machinists- BOLT Machinery. Caatlaaea* PDWEB ABO HAND ELEVATOBS, f' CUTTEB8, Paper Cutters aad Book-binder.' Starting aad Pnlleya> epocialty. Job Work aid ordered. {Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore existing under the Arm name, of Morrow A Jams la thl* day .iassolved by mutual oootent, H. C. K. Morrow retirlBjr. The business will be eonttnaed by too subscriber, wfcoasaumet ail tbe Uabillueeof the flnn and to whom all dobu doe the Arm moat be paid, B. r. JAUVIS ALLAN fr STEELE'S STKAM Carpet-beating aid Renovating Works, 1<A8, ICO, 1C2 Nirtsraru St^ Near Mohawk. Up-town omoe, 5 Niagaraat l>aylng and re-fitting earpets at moderate ratea, Hair and feathers renova ed ny .team. «" Plve kinds of all-metal roll-up. fold-nn and *ee- tlonal SPUING BKD& Hair, husk and *e*-graa* mattreasea. .Por aale at retail at wholesale price* tor ea«h or on Instalment*, M our factory. BlJFFAlrO TYPE EOUUDBY A ND PRINTERS' FUBNI8HIXG/WARE- HOUSE, IS and n West Seneca street, fur- nlshc.anya.Hclc required In the printing busl nest, to any extant desired, on as reasonable term* a*anvfoiindrylnlrreUnit*.18late*. Also ELKC- A'KOTV I'ING in all its variety. Alto typo ndant- ed for Uiok's mailtag maohlnu. ~ w *•» ~t»j^ 5^1ff^^»»darefojrBM4ay«tA atary 1 qiuyi.c to make, the paaaaire aoroe* the Aliintl* bout sale an 1 ajrro*alileTn^nrba^r^exS*> »»ajoott), drawlngVooS, planoiia^torarTJTSat JX|*rlenoedf.ur«»A, stewardaa* aad Mrtarerea ^fi^H.'.A»««««-«»m. aroAHondaS WWJJl No.«Jil WEDi(i -tlantio UompaDT. OalT WUtXCT J M » * io PBANOET only oe» «i£ZadfrSrict'".IlSi' la*tU**(WtaaClV OOrrra;x.Ij.: *" <W tit* —Ji OaUxat* A OOfF n>« vnmmm Imamllalat; > m perfect ths* M'laatwUy 11- -i _ of ta* teasrae wban . to th. riljrbl.JScil'c^orL. braai. nteratwe raaOac J. impo-oi.lt •»a*owaya*t. " tt^ttlaiv**, JjaAtot aiat. The ptd whaa m M K u . la the last arvtsi rsars tasaosd or ttstunw' carinut hold w»? Improved. A asw the lavsator. osty lbsrapturt1 IrsttnuMatt, i»«ri peratvs (or atnaraieBlncCIiib orpAln. tv-ndi ot, ttAaip (.<• WMMiunaB Praas* (rtwUerae, _ t oo AL0,X.Y. Mr. Charles Outlic will bo at ^i« omec, corner Of Itoron and Main street*. Buffalo, the last Thursday and Friday of each month tor four month, from March; next vlsit^Aprir'-Tlh and 10th; Roraheater, Whitoomb lioiiac. Hay 1st and Id, with full aapply. CHARItBS CI.UTBE, Sur gleal MaehlnUL ^>&5$2S^SS&?JBi from plei KSDAY. Travc^c«bythl.llne7vtrdDot« r, Ii..loucia, Wwlneadav Mav 17 A p 5 01 ,•£- l?" ia **iSeaBdn**ola, Wells! ( Bn.Taie. M. E. BEEBE, ARC HITECT H. E. Oorcor Main tai Eagle Streots .traat, tad tt» Main aatta asaata tot JB. WALBE1D&E, Sole Agent for Lawn lower. ALIO OKEYE. DAISY, And other style, of Mowers. GARDEN TOOLS IN EVKBT VARI1TT. [and 319 Waahintyton_gt. 8PSMG MIIAIAIHEIIY. The pisses B. & E. HAAXIAXIA Of 4.6? Main staW' DAZ.Z.AI, Texas, April», lest, Buffalo UcaU Company, Buffalo, AV. T.t GKNTU-Our Boston Platform 1. on oar eouo ter aad we are very mooh plateed with It; think it «un>assce auytlilng we ever saw In the way of a counter scale. ItUootoaljr a model of boauly la design, bat for accuracy asd ooavonlenoe it eanaot be excelled. We have beeaualng It about a-weck, aad think U is only to be aecn and tried to be appreciated, eaecati to the Botioa Plai- fonn, and wo can but exclaim, Euraka!" Your, truly, UUEYAP11ILP. A TAAMITAE OF HAAAAAIW. -, _ .„ *M» PAMO0* MAGITETig gOBE, Uomellsvllle, K.T. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Post on 25-Oct-2020




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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski NY Daily Courier/Buffal… · mnjemf»»ni ">!'«''•'•••' . • BUFFALO WKBER The 99M10XAL rAJJCK 0» XOVMT: Sett waa opoo UM wtet

mnjemf»»ni ">!'«''•'•••'

. •



Sett waa opoo U M wtet COM* of

I COMMERCIAL MATTERS. •11 th* KM* ready to «woop i .

T * , aa*. . aM-ak, -ao ns**. <* j - » ° ™ « > * & ^ ™ ™ t i % % ? ' \ V H a . O d t a - t r . i.w^aoEatfisu t i l r t i r r « « , u N W - ^

» e t Arm. Oatmeal , afornlxxr. ije«d37. 188M. - 1 — . , I " "

Yestefday's Despatches. Bm Uu»i HTU»XW 4 * Tea-* *»*•».

-- rosMDt TmMr

• or AowrKMS Stiapecta—Tha Bouaaj i m t m i i ' ln.veeti«a-

ua*i)tr. miMji 'T*WU-' many coot izfaed.

XtwYomsZ. April X.~-Tt*1<mei Weabfas-toa *C«Ca*l eajr>: U f l m M I k i Interior d*

to* grte t railroad rono-M fofy take ftr the porpc*— of

•II lb* govsroBMOf Unbar *T**V

, tan * j r w « < M I W troro latfr Ho—, but also MilSk at»**;,r»tlrloeeof fWM war* taken U»l Tear l a S a w JlratJe*, WaaMagtoa to*titer y, Dakota aad t a e g a i f s t e r n . It Male? e*wr*>I tb«* mtnen l land* ear* b*oo daetered oo* to b* mineral aual* for Ma ioo*ct of railroad e*><ap*»le* aaf to la* dia* J-vaotac* of miner* and settler* I

Aboat » . « * , « » , 01 tme n r t a l n n t a of the eaifre texebev w d X i w of to* Dutrtet of CX lomfrfa 1* *x*m?-«.i frot» taxation, Over 13. W.t'-WIt earned by Cetartto corporation*.

Tea JWaafr* Waseintffao epeetei «aj»: John • Wlatiwtw he* baa* aomlaatad dav rrie*.alewm.i]iif the • « « « dletriet of Vlt-gto-a, Maaeafa of Hawry A. Wu*. aod to a pr.aaiaea* t*at»J*«*«r.

Ta* lerrafcf* Waielogtori roteCal swy* j er>?at eompl**»xJ btt

' > of tee bftata and Crap," wbte* i s * aflt W Mlead Ibe rfterter* of o*tiot>-a* heaeweMefe'-be fixed aaa special order. A D

I oe Mooday to est a t ta • rattcav Tbaaffnamwot proT«fr»

I bt ugwo *> aKMCdOMBt Te* nnaaTtta— cf rets* w< mad* fry «*» *»'#»

1 1 | ta* ease of lit* Imprisoned Amir a* lace* matter!

»e ri***al uee*w4t* by lb* United J a r * * lb* rtliatboo. » * e e to* gotermaeat eteaJ for lb* trial or

r af lrifcilit >oft>»rv(ta>pri»oa«d bet* fer a**> lei or* eae* tb* relate*

t o * th* g r o w * laat lb* Eocttrb-• » oat of Ub* Catted 9tet**eed

I t e* war, aad faraleti awtvl-tta»t*»«a»iMWdk**pibt»a«r*>awat. Wtwo «b» aJkar gar* all la* fae»> for »»feb It b n a t a a ^ t t » t t p*cbaUro|a30T*rtb*pr«atd*oi Va* act Mtke laJ to k*A after IB* totrratu aaif-rttMa ot AjnartoaM Hi Intaad, . Ibal our JiaWiaMMtfbaaa/baW cttopttad vttb and If w t a t a a a n t A a i l A a a r f c i * d t t a » t oootiou* to fit. at S* bteaaai tb*y rafiu* to

on lb* fegadlttoe* t

w * r o o ? a i u . a n d I t a « * t b * m t > o o i l b U l . T t o r . pot It, and I daMd to a t that a baartpa: ba Slras to tbataambtecWmwof tb* (coTernnwHii ttuU bardly J a n * to b* oot or»r nlfbt Aod my f srWgo poiley. to oao«* lb* cxpranioa. woaJd b»T* drl»»r> 0U» eooolry tot ) w . ( w l b Ckfil bad It not t * a tb<*art*d. Wbr. Ithbatterrd al larar Cbftl a»»t tb* United tyata>ao*oa*jaattattm>toMT< b*n*ltfrc(» aioaadtbnMbfa>S;ibataM halr-braioad taerc-lary of Mat* w»» *** ab. -»t to torol** bee In • v w w b w t t o f W M n d bf 'W» rwaoral .acd «*ar*lao«badalaaJiaurlOJo*J to Uwtr pi-< para. Tb* U».s* galbMlaa; of l.dOO.OOO peopu- ' oo l*» watt eoas* of 8?o:b Aoa*rtoa wootd | t u r * g*raa « • ItrrtM* tbrainlsfc to « • .'a: ttj*4kmamtarm*atof Faro go oo aod all >w t o a i * a d to t » g tb* *DOU*. fCaavlac and adJ- j log wtth OBOO1* «mt>ba*ta) Utatory *y»l bold . tfe* L'atiad iitata* raipooalbl* for It.

Tb* t i « D l o » t l ; o procr*d'd r^tna Utn* and ; lapaai lata • eootlooooa rattl* of r*patt*a and '


MUlfMd ui<t O'raaiea; !\:tly et-ntat »»arfy. winter Wo*« la light re^oeit

uui arm. t » i « I . » ' b » b Xo. 5 red « ti C on oo u»c* »n«! LOW tm*b Xo. 1 arbit* al U » on .f»^.*. Cora iwa»y and BKWerswir aetire; a»ie» A o u ) h«*b So. 1 BUJe-l Weateja on p. t.. SW bwb .:! m ;•• .o »»>) iM ba*b do »i we: c.'oeta* *.»_>; .«** '1 offered i t 7*o %r a»deT. OaM aad Bye n««-!ecie>t Barley qatet; >alc 4/JCO baih C»a»il» "» i«. u !'e»« bi<ber. So eb»ojre*o? eo«**<ra*ne* us tie oilier trtlelm ennioerated.

Canal rrelfbufurtf ae«lTefor»T»io »n.i »se*Jy. Uufouer lawor.

Tb* fotlo«in« were ye»t«rday» CI^MIMO HABHW.-C**5<Kro. April a x - S o . »

\T»««t « » » < bfct, *»U*« Apn.': tia>¥.-««Uer at»y. »t:w;, *»"« •*»»•: M«!X. •»•!•' J a , " ;

H i l t , teller Auiruel; « 07X. «i l«r 3*pt*mser-. It os.H. teller tbe 7e»r. !to. i Com •»'«o w.t, »e;!erA?rli; 7)>»o, »eU*» M*y; 71o, aelter Jua*: To'io, Mil«r Ja:y: 71»e» roller \aga*i; :o%c. teller ^evwa:**: WK*. teller October; »7)»e, teller tae year. No. 1 0*u oomlnaliy l»o, teller vpr. . t.^oMkidTteUarblay; «*e ,»eUer Joae:

4C*c Miter July; RXo. teller Aairaaj; Mite, teller


Tnnn nwailT n a l i r " ' * 1 , * * " " * ' * ' " w 1 l ' * * " n *

* 7 Ki»>-rtrBL Sale* of aew man M Wb » »1* to. Beay-arm., Plate looted at (1> 00. n a e k a c u s i a t o . Cntts«a»-aeOTe. Pieklad bel-Uea at W l-l«a: rib bellle* at 103; plotOed abonlden •**-.: piouad bamt a t « « U * o : treabbaxotat We. Mttrllaa run tart aomiaal. Long olearat 10X a\J«T»o; t o o o clear at. 11 Stc • '

L A » O — rtrm. aalet of prima »«eam rendered

firTrK*-4te*dy. ettie at Z>9Wo lor common : to rood, i C S I B W - « v t es. wUMi »t 7*I3«c tor poor to

i obotea. l . : > . i « o - l < s ' ; Wa LtJCT— Vu.ri. 1


i a


U i l C A b O CKJCAOO, April « .—Tunm— Market

counter retort, wbtcb f»rqoeolly convoked lb* .pvetatort wltb k»oirb»*r aod left In lb* «atr*r I ^ ^ • ^ Z ~ ' ^ l ^ ^ ^ ^ m , U » , tocoe doobt at t» wnteh « • » tb* eatanUoat H d , , . rfe „ . , , . , . * , , ; a * DtU , Miter J u l y ; l « e whlob t b * wtlpera. T b a e U m a a . bow*TarK » " i ^ , t M l M r .\n*»>t Pork nominally *l-<<», teller nwebed when Beimoa*defxecatloftiy retoarkfd \ A ; , r i ; ; »;T 3, MUer May; l l ^ s . teller June. "Well. Mr. fllaloe. I am ibroojrb, note, wbb i \u j» Ml:er Jaly; t ie ifl. Miter Au/ntt; lu«73

aiafa* ontakty retaroed ; wki-1, teller tbeye*r. l-*rd nominal:/ t l M l . . teller AIT; : , til i».S. teller May; $11 l i . . toiler Jane; H i r . ' , , teller Jaly; tttSOi. Mllor An-Itoti. I;it7.», Mller -;»ptem&er; 110»l \ , teller u>e year, wort Kioenominally tl« 'A, teller At-til aailatay; 1101) atke-l. teller J.toe; U J 10 Old, MllerJuiy; H->.-s .. teller A U K W : , IWtOitked. aoUeryotobe; t * « S wlwl . teller ;n« ye*r.

C D f i ^ n m U , •SO.OUO tiuta e r a U> Buffalo; a*k-iott - ic IreiKni-

jrtltwnUw, April IrJ.-Xo. i Wnoat l i t is . •»sn ».-. 1 wller April; 11 J i t , teller May; t; 31*.

any moreooo—oa», ar> tqolToeal ez-prveetoo, ' t * Pjfmont': dtttvmDtora. bjr tdS(s«: "Well. I am Ttry glad yoo *r*. Mr. FXmont^lo fact I may ray 1 am ezoatdlogly glad."

Wbealbji merriment tattlded Batmoat •»-itilred: X>a yoo kao» wbo waa behind lb* Laadraaaetaim!

Btalhe nynttil that be 111 nor; neither tb* Laodrtao. claim cor tb* Corbel claim bad any-

to 6o with lha policy cf tab gartro-meejt toward tb* Snath American repabllei than (Ud lb* baroaatti oo tb* bottom of ibe tblp waJe* bora Hortbait to I / tna.

Beeaaoat did not rooetada bit eramlnattoo. Adjoaroed UM tomorrow. WAatasoroov A p t l » - T b » prvildwol ha*

nominated for poatmtafar» to Maw Y-irk ttate tt B. flaaba, CaaMaa; Kila»b-tb Hmltb, Cana-jaharte; Abraoa Hottman. J^jrt Ptala; Wra. M. Hayea, Kingrtoo.

ISTSePOLiTAI HKir iOI . S n r Wmx Aprtl 30 -P ink «y« It i»lt?

preraleal among borne here. Qea, MarUn Bart*, rellrrd rcraeatoder < t

red winter WLeat teller May; 11 it

May: •J.tl.T

j teller Ju:.e. Aew Per*. April HV— So, 2

' II *7M. Mller Apr.l; l l»7X. »«>u«i « « 7 , ». . , , t M.ler j.ane: II U1W. Miler July; It A seller Au-! tuii. No. i turn Srti, eaan, SI %e, Mller

• O s M t i i n Juae:9 iS« . teller Juiy. ai«. Aa«u«t.

;At CblCOgo .Vo. J Wlioat was uneHaiijteU for Ap .:, and dor.line-l Xc tor May, 1 So tor June, l>,er .- Jaly, I.te lor August, 1.so tor ^epteui-b«r »u<l »c IJC ynar option*. No. 1 Corn declined .' , j for April, lo for Hay. \e for June. \e for July, \ o fur Augntt and .-^ptem'jer, )»a tor Octo­ber «aJ Se for yearopuua*. No. 1 D»t* declined . •• fur Apr:!, a.ivanee.1 So for May. declined

; s ° for June and Jaly, advanced So for A I U U I ; ( and ileonael Ho for year opUona. Bartoy t.l-j vj.aee>l io f»- e.110 and April option*, ityo de-

Fort Uaf*y*".te In th.li harbor during Ibe la:* 1 <,i|nod le for c u b ami April, and <eaa uncaanjeed war. to dead. *gaJ Si . i for May. July and Annual opilwn*. Pork declined

Tb* Ma/ob bar* fcr Ito fSW,0tX> ttol*o by ! ASO fwr April and 7 . 0 for May, w*» unebau<e«l L*oa Bernard from the blrhop of Touroay b»* I M June. UeeuuVM 1 io for July and Augu*t, and

oa by caff goraromeot Jnring lha war

W a a a a a i o w . Apta3o.j-.rh* b o o * fue ign 1 (Till 1 iiy»4>llait In ilk j returned the exami -n^ajajf "*- ' - - Biatoeiaald th* report b* read and Ik* teUtr tb* ptber day from «x-Oaaator gtkoo waremoorteet. H* bad noser-retr^adaoo* with Baton, j B atoa rtated be had exaocoad t#» dairy of tbi M e pnatdeot wbo wat at tr* habit od ktaptog • rat-not* »ieJaW of bU tlatty traataelloat, aod b* loaad aeltbtr {Solphard, Horlbnt, In* Coebai dlalm nor lb* Ptrartan company meotioaed. j; H.llber dorajkU prtrat* awretary » " » • " t * * " * 1

arer to bar* [ beard hint c*mfco ', *»T* W l o t t o aatd ado* of Ibtr* dotjib aba*

Atnwriean •jHapattaai warn preparrd dBtlog th* pr**#dw4t't *5c*o*ra. 1 am glad tbto p**» Mon wat pot, Seoaot> lb* Amerlcaa prat* bare widely Mated that I. at ./*/ae«o'»t*ald*n», a*. aggaad

bean ontnrc—rfnl. Tn* WtroAl pabllthee • teren column letter

frotn tb* irkat'k giving i>srunbaa*r't detailed Halemeut rvgtlrdlng lb* Srtt yo«r of the Jeao- ', aelayt eayagau Dtnenhtusr, w b o w t y c t ar« j aff*>wd, « M eond: *d to a darkeoxt lerth atx } laaarbi Tin Inr-nnt iMr'if-i * r rr-f'~- - - - - 1 ' • :

a year, aotit '.a* Um* of tb* .I t-Ker. wae In i eap*ctteted for doty.

(laerga H. HwrlbOt, too of lb* late mlnbrter. j warn that bU rather did not prepert a ! jrm«I j i i a e t i to lb* ebarvea o g t l ^ t s l u . but rz pasted eaelly to vmdjoau. blmaaif 00 the wit nee* trend. Hurlout t i y t that bt* father t ' menv^randnm, given to the CaUlao c^mmar. :

der, waa la eeeord wtlb Ibe lattrodloaa from t Owflekl and B alo*. Tb* ovmoracdum oaaetd • roobaehang* to tb* a l t l l o i a ^ t lb* ChUU" ' anjhorltM* •* t > j a d i f y . U e belief that It* ' rveotule (ndoit»m»ot at W. thlngtoo of It:

to th* m*3K random woo'd j teored ptao» da termt perftotly bcoor- : to all ooneerned. Hurlbol ttat-1 j'

that* hie father aoceptn] ine Peruvl*o oataOou ' r«toctantiy at the per* D*1 t-->i rilalioo of Iter- > ottd, wbo loid bfa> that th-rc wa» no reaaco ; why tb* reeol t aieMd at CioM not be aecorr.- !

• ;

advanced 7 i e for year option*. Lard declined : -.a for aprtl and May, 3c fur Jane and July.

-,0 for a<.<uat and 100 for aepleatOer o n i o n s •laor; lilbe ,l*c:ine-l iXe for April and May, ad­vanced | S 0 for June, aad .declined 7,,c for July and Auguti option*. Lake fro Kh'» unenaaged.

At Milwaukee No. i vrae*t declined lo for eaeb. advaoco-l .so for Apn', aad declined Se for May an-! So for Jane option*.

At New Yori. No. i red winter »;iie*t declined So for April, advanced *c for May, declined He June ami July, aad adraaced So' for Auxnet opUona. No. J Com dcoUaert Z>; for eatn. In for SL*J, ISo for Jane, IS J for Juiy and l e c t o r Auguat opuont.

At Literpeol Lax I i l v a n c c l *1; Chcete de-.•! ned It and tnort do ir Bacon 3d.

Tbaae eaan<et ware tax the 31 noun tndlu? ye*»rd*y aftaruoon at l ieo loto >t the market)

• i r t a t . . tn . o4 p c W w h t c a .dgjb. j poabtd and bU Utber m n r n in - x month, . > j ^ ^ r r a ^ A r a ^ ' t h . ^ B r ; ^

L.AH.S IMJfOltTS, A* por 25 an I feat* at the'CnstoiU'lloaae, for the

j I nour* aadmic 5 eetsrMayj'aftemooa; Lumber, f t . . . . i,7».uuu Oatt, ba *3,(Kti

LAKE BlfPOttTo. At PCX manitetuat lh« Ciutout-Kouvi, for tbe

;• hour* ending yeatenlay aXterneon: Coal.toB* «,.,ij.'8alf%t>l>U 1.3C0 ::. h. irocbara 111

HAILKOAW JX'POBTU Of grata from alty elsvaWtr t>y atn N

ptaoge tha etboolry Into war Kalne wjatclonad th*4 f eru la dlapatoaee

. war* bloekeacut before Ui* p-*tldent w n tbo-batwWna litanala 11I to atofw•[<*>until alter • * atatawaMof Artbor. Btatnraald: "Gwrtaild l n i i » r t r * W « with m* *alJ UM* Lloeola di-re«**daww«rd to bring all fortiga mattera to him aad no1:to the etMoat, anleta i t to J * •Uart trot* teat Una* ISarward I oarer aib-mWUd anything to 86* eahioet walefa involved a p h i — i w f nnata/.or ptihagt of pnHsy. tad r*Ott*pwbldawx»aJdlrvoiV*acaang*of potary aa b y

to* Cnaad Star**. H jvttu: »ty* that the soc-dttloa of Para when a* toft waa anarchy, par* end afmpie. Th* only poller of the Cblltena it to get aU lh*y can. To* esoeblwot cuatom*

j lh*y Impose oa*oata topporl lb* army cf oeea- 1 patton. hat m u r n a eerpba* revrca»of **;0,0CO '

: per moelb. Tb* country I* getting Ltarer a laaaiaal crash every day.

1 Tha eoUasior bat aaot a ItyOOO ring tnuud tb* ' other day 10 tb* United (Matte dlttrlet attor-I n*y with lb* paper* la Ibe eras. Tb* ring la

tbe property of Mra JwttftrveosofiAtbaay. to I whoat It wat prraented by bar b«v*h*rln-law

who noreoasaJ It at th* tale of Qoaao Imbelia" tSects In Pari*.

Kdward (XBrieo- waa asotaocad to on* year's rtgard 10 Mg I Inapt rSonmao t a p a charge of ssodiog searrtloa*

t atioayiiKias commuoloaUone to Abraat Daily » l b * effort* wb'ch had bata ' »«• • » » waaparyar. who had discharged btm. bimtalf to* retoooeiblllty t* '< O^ 1* «"" t^wlvteg th* vtie aptaaw la lb*

toward lb* Booth Amartaaa ? " « " • aandwrtttog. It la now though! O-Brieo eateaMud to mrotr* an* i » t o a o r a a t . md eraattaasdi " I do got j & *»• B t f s t x eomprr- Iter of Brooklyn, aged

that Prwaoaat Artaor to jto- | »™*7. » * *—> oactarsd loaan*. Property m t a . j valasd at I1.C90.00U bee been placed (n eharga

tha pari Of has government w a t rear aattea ma wUBwatOfst to^eajaaagU lo th* prad- ,

4 laewtvteg bis tet lr* approval a t d

Botan* in

tpoat tb^feg-aayiocbi f f irv t a c o o t l b l m l Uraly. bat 1 Cats Um* topiaos

oairecgly. produced lb* original draff ol Trtaeott and painted oat 'i

by tha lrr

f n of

d oat ire aad earn*

ot a trot* company.

T o * Utiatad otaamor. JAgwacamixa. F l a . April ?A —It !• now be-

Uevedtbe* thirteen Mvt* war* iatt by tee Soto-of them at Biatee't toggettioo. aad nnmattnt- tag of lb* scaame* City of rttnf-.-rd. &. V, Sd to* btopifialfarly IneMT* ttyl* apea tha tor- Bestth. a rheumatic, cripple, who wat plegsd recttao* a s * their merit* and demerita. Ha did op by the parser, wee from S/racir*. N. Y a c t by aayj|ansat god faart'wtta tas ptaaajaat j H* aad tX>waer had th* roma ttatarooan. tgr aaaagaal hto mind, bat this to KM original 1 I>J"0*r hetpad rtoatth and troth Jumped orar-drefi ct th* uastractioB* to which Artaor gits'* ' board Th* a s t e r was oaiy waist dasp hot aassat aad whica as tbobwiag a c s m a a t l I ' tas currant carried Oowow away aad ha

1 astir* to gnat moat s/tensoly bat 'as- * w drowned. Smith Soared 00 his back 11! 1 interpolated a lira* or qllla- j h* ws* eared. Q. a Dowoar. Ihe victim ol

bis la the *epat*b after It was agreod to! by , th* City of ebaford dtosstsr. was a sua of tha ltofaams*aa*otreadatadcrrar|thaMaM>0. & Dowaar. a oromloant aad Inflnan-11 was, dortag the neaatdaart etok- Hal oillavo of Cblttenecgo. Tb* son was aged

; oat a forssge podey of my atoa. } thirty, aod anoerrt*d nlmntf ; la la* haadsof ja to i

coaaawtatai Balmtwil nrnpiiwaded' a aarto* ; C o n r t o f Appaai* Oalarylar. of nassttosn asataiy dtorttsJ towards tb* pot-ley of tasi oapaxtmsat l a tha CblU-ParartoB toy sroaMaaw|«M


Chlif-PtroTton to Traoaoat.. i, -

bat ba never txammsd tas merit', pt ah* Coeaetlnor Saadrsaa riabas. ha had rotttdared la* Baadraaa claim ratj ad-

Mr. Bt ha oat propouadtd quattton* ranWd tag tha tottas "good cifftear" aad "cfBoavty " A somewhat rtvety UM taaatd re w e e a t a * r x aaaaar aatf laa witarss, whteb waa tadaasJy brooghi K)ts el.'m*z by Blair* ramsridsg with eoast tarable amp,- an*. -1 hop*. Mr. Batatoat, y o a w f f l c w a geaHimta 1 shatt h a o a a a a d aad shall treat yao as sash. I eat oat at a ponea acagt to b* badgsnd. I most say qasttlrltis la my owa way aad yoo

i t o o r r e c t s M . "

tmtd any l , c« »f or a destrs'. to aaagstt 11* sat reepec: tor tha wttoaw b»'b Ms age aad the high poatUoa be had

aaUiaoalj; Did yoa not, la your to n w a i t y , ask blm ;o bring to bear

r of th* govrrnmant 1 to sgota* to* Nairn of Laadrtaal

l l a to tao t , I i d not tatabj y o a ' Sad anytbhsg cf that kicd lo my tlifjalahik

Qatilloal Did y o o no* lastroct Harlbal to ' proeor* ptompt adjoatmeat of Aw Laodfaaa '. etoimt

A, My d^jpatobe* tpeak for Ma*owarf«*|t If 1 yoa wra raad frua, tb* dfet?«*raae y o a wtll flc-i Jan) what tottraattoo* «a* *Iv*a>

Q. Dtoabtyoord i spa>hrne*athat i A, to 0*1 not to to* oatatoa of Kvwrtaiaad

Mr. Belmoat propoaadad a atria* of aass io ca to regard i t las rtewt of former jgawatokrai of state apoa lha Lwadreao dalaa. Aatgaar soaawb*tw*tabto»*it a t d t h e n t t i i n U i l taaabaanvwheo Btaio* »'drw*tog taac«ah>

vary rjrjs^dtoatycxtrntoetajn ' Th* awawawav taantywaaaaaawsg asaT awiraaswr t saT"Jjwaw ^PayaV

• a V a a O M O a r * ^WwaTtl (laTwaas t t * H w t t j o a M V i o . f l

twaaa XawfaMsPMwl O C M a a l , WnsfCtn w M T * wlwaV

aaaat aaaaVasE ssnaaa K l a a i t i l * oM^^a^ aua. ^^^^a^^

anspry aanaa* ga*et 4 ajeas to *aensi tor ^wadraao to to* «*ar»* of Peru.

ALatASY, April ».—Ooort of appsato oaton-dar April V. N.ti ' ,« . irrr, XA, 1S4. UP, I3S, :-t3.i«s '

• apoa the IMwr of Mali IsassaT to payatoreaUy


ao. atop right taara. Mottoat

tor sots* ttawwasparassd Of reperk** t t d relorK, t h e

potltog Ms owa eoa-ofBtaiaa^dtopatoher.

Bifcspnt; e r l h a t l

_ > has eoosidaraUoa do* Mai >k)tnefcry ; - T » * flm ettaVlsroalJMt toj

qaots aaa ecrrteUy ' what ttata* th* f asfrreau

hv, It th* preftrece* over the kbowrtt wat that owdaaapaM

ratoUv* to lb* letatasete. I

1M saagth thrt tha l . tagrata ;

1 b> t a Aatartraa Httoed w a s aWaaa whea h . obtoloed

to . t h . atotok. Harlaat waa ' n n ; L i . i , toat walto the*gotwiaaeat wovto M gaaay-tahs to uriasti in tha ecatraat bttw,*a >belPrrn-rtoa geaaramtat aad Uadrvaa. he. Hartiut, w* . totattlawattenttoo of the Paravlaal gov.

—ftofcsw tojuwto, of not areordtog to (hktaa ooarts and to atk

1 assaat ba kafeew to affWd btm aaaasost* tirKagb"

Ho Whiskey!

BROWNS IRON BITTERS is one of the very few tonic medicines that are not corn-posed njostly of alcohol or whiskey, thus becoming a jruitjul source of intemper­ance by promoting a desire for rum. f

BROWN'S IRON BITTERS is guaranteed to be a non-intoxicating stimulant, and it will, in nearly every case, take the place of all liquor, and at the same time abso­lutely kill the desire for whiskey aad other intoxi­cating beverages.

Rev. G. W.RicK, editor of the Axuricam Christian Re-ftrtr, says of Brown's Iron Bitters:

O a . , 0 . , Nov. ttS, »88i. Grata:—The focdjah wast­

ing of vital force in boaneaa, pltasajk.. sad vtoous indat-gtnee of our people; makes your toreparation a nccewity, aad if sppatd. will save hun-dreds who resort ta saloons for sompotary iw^rncntipo.


BROWN[S IRON BITTERS has been tiioroughly tested for dyspepsia, indigestion, bihoosncs.*, weakness, debil­ity, crverwprk, rheurnatism, • neuralgia, j • f>otisumption, liver cc*fjrjlaintv kidney troubles, &c, aod it never*, fails to render speedy and! permancTtt reiki

Canada douth'n Col., Ch. A 1 .0 . . C IS. *«ju:nny. C C o L , <:. A I--Chi. A Alton.. .; Chi. A A. pref . . toe*. A Ohio.. . . Ch. •* O. ltt pr.. Ch. A O . M pr . . Ceatral f a c i S c . Col. Owl A L Co. Uel .* Hudson.. 0*1. A Lack. . . . Das. A Rloltr.. grte Erto pref grte i u K.T., V . * (». . . . £. 1.. V. AG. pr H . * i U o U. A a J o . pr.. Houston ATexa* loo., Kl. * w . . llUnott Ceaual. Jersey Central.. Hacaa* A Texas L. -•*. A M. i _ * . Lake S n t A W. Loulav. A Naahv

gavtrtrueot at give rtog ta Hs c a t t o . "

•w»|ktr,» ha hositteaai «fc> hat to say la) tas evwto o f , katogf fairly »rikb»*«sdllla kl* \

< * * . » l t o a U t h .

b - v ^ s ^ ^ C t a h t o w t i a i S twSlhti ham

xxr^Toiv^aTrccoMBr.vKrr < to * t lopsjir mat •an be earned away aatteatstted instead of sonrinr tneeea. last* i»u> a nksjn 1 her sail with daa-ntr of tpiliinr.

laaebaaber aall that tow not n u t oat or retsis an-pUstsm o.iort. amw) aswars looks bright >ad clean. Ii oasts torn than the thran aroelee It replaasai J o r t a t o b y M*x^ TtlXW O'ltglLiJ

xs -


AJtDltATU*. IAt.XAI.lga "~ Cet. West rirgtata.

1 rrota all aetatsvot 'he largest awtmatag peal • a w h ^ a r i T I t o

Half to tferwswi Bar­er seeaabaeil; a awaaC wTsita aarphorl

other laatl.

. . . ' I »

lag yesterday at .?• A. M. ;* Wheat, bu 3J.7VW Coro, ba w.uo-) Usrley. b o . . . . . —— —•

Xotal.hu ^7,"i» CANAL KXPOKTS

for thaSt boars ending last evening: Wheat. Cora, Oau, riaxtM, liyc.

TO ho . :>.:. bo . t>u. bu. W.Troy . . Sl.CO 1«W«0

IN STOKX AT ToltONT<>— April 14,'«. Apr:'. 17. V i April 13, •.•»!

Biour, bbla.. . .

rail wheat, bu »p-g wheat, bu flat*, b u . . . Bartey.hu . . . . h\70. bu Poat,ha

7*iC3 3.7 n

JO.SM ».r»

TowJ. b o . . «U,I31

SMVaTl 10O.M3

t,sa i',.M i U . J l l


i a * , i i i

i* ; . i* i 117,4X1

l.SPll 1 1«:^U»

7 . 1 * :ru.»


ABElaXa & McN'IVEiV B K O S K B 3 IN

ou, G-rain and Provis ion a

USce, U W«4t s«D*ca Street.

FINANCIAL. Maw YorK atoowy a a d B t o c k - A P U L .<.

«pa*c«l JXejMstsA to Tas G/wntr. Prtms atercaaUle paper a#3S per oeat. Kaltroad bonds irregular, sioct*closed rrrearuisr and rather weak. Th* Quotations were as follows:

Yotd'y open- SLtvi UC0 ...0 Clo*. oloa'g. lag. A. V

Aat. DUt. Tel f»K ..

Orat. > cnoxc sprung extra gradct at

JW)7 OS, eomaioo to fsnev Minnesota grades M ** J0»7 30: paten: Boor at 17 aoglt ou.

o>KAtai—Vtrhervt—Unsettled, halatof No. 2 Cui-caco spring at II 3 i S d l i" for cash and II it." for Aprd. Corn-uateUlcl. No. I high mixed at W»o for cash snot for Apr.l Oats— ttcady. No. 1 at cute tot cash *r>a tire tor May. Ityo -<lud. No. i s i *vc- for easn. Barley—flnner. So. I - pr.n* at *! « j i t OS lor cash.

l-oax-t|u>wer. New men st t'.ii W for cAtn aad Kr April, l^rl—lower, aale* of prime tteam at 111 (»>a>li OO lor cash and for April. Hulkateata— tteaoy aad unchanged, ahooluert u 17 w-.toor. n » at Uo 5o; thort clear a; tin rt.

WUISKT—steady and uncnangeo. oalee a: $1 1/.

iKXlOHra-Corn to Buffalo SS'att.S'c • K«c«trT»—Motr, . i.',uo ohls ; wnest, 17.000

KUUI.; corn. .«s^»« oiun.;oat«, tA.txu oiua.; rye, .-,»») tjuia.: i»r:ev, ii,o*i i>u»u-

satirax.Ni*-t'loa.-, V.J*) u:>!«.; wi.cat, 1*1,0.'; 3UAX;c.>ra. 174000 huac; oatt, Kl .0*1 outh.; rye, 0u> '".fit" ; barley, t.'Xti IIUAU.

OSWgwO MAUKJCT. Oitwaoo, April W-rLOfB-Msrkel steady.

.>A.e» ,>r; t> jirrt;. . Amber I, inter at a! 1>*, *'; wtuui Wia^rat 17 iipT •>-; doao.e exlra at 17 to ^7 •>); new p.-ooe».t a: fc> AV*n i.'urahain a t t ; la • 7 1'.

UaukX.v— Wbrat-tju-et.' While at tlto<«.i.tl: re-1 at fl 17. Uirn-au^iiiy . No. 1 at »7c uaV»~ q»:ct ao i uncaanxed. No. I at Me. l*arre> - dulL Jio. J Utaa.i» at t l CJ; No. I Canada at It 10. No. 1 trut-t tt Si 11. ttye-quletoand un-caanitCd. C\i.a-:alri b->cd al tOJ:

Coiu>»aAi.-:>tda,iy. issued at W><*>\ ua-; , j , u ; . . .»: « . . 00.

Mu-Lraau—Uemaa I tpeeulatlve. Short* and *h\ n.v.Zs ai 1/7 uo; midden/* at t.-' 00.

CAM AI. raJCIiilATA- Wheal and pea* ,iuoted a'. « \c ;cornand r,e.<;•«; narley, 4c; oau, J^c 10 Nsw York. Luaioer, t l 7i w Aibsjy and |J Jj to Now York.

Uacairrs— wrest , none; vrr, uon«; oats, none; CAriey. 7,1.00 huah; rye, 8,000 bueu.; malt, Done; peas. -;, »i OUAO.; lumber, l,^rt,000 feel.

UA.1I.UUAO autrataxTS-r iour , l.uou barrels; wheal, none; corn, uone; bartav. SU.UXl butu.; oats, none: rye, s,ir«j both.; peas, 7,000 buth.; liua-oor. >li,uOo f«eu

MILWAUItKA IMAHAga. Mtt-w AVicxa. April .•».—>"l*>osv-rtrm. OtitAi.H —tv neat-UnteUled. > * t Milwaukee at

li tl. Com—lower. N o . l t i 7 0 . s e Oats— Oruicr. Mo. i at t74*47So; wh.le at j o s t l e Kye—lower. | N* 1 al l i s . Barmy- atron/cr. a a 1! hprin* at j /Jo.

i t a c a i m I'lonr, 10,430 bbla.; wheat, 11J..0 bush.; oora. J, <*-• ouah.; osle, -4,000 bush.; rye, l.uuu push., '.,..-;.'..-, 7,uoo bush.

amrat«i«T«-».our,' .">,>7l bbla.: wheat, 2JJ0U bush.; corn, 1'J.oXt t,uah.; ^ils, 4,000 tush.; ryr 1,LOO onah.; barley, IO.IJUI bush.

I j l - S D l l M A i . i « , TOI.XDO, Ap/ll Al—li»AI»—Wheat — Dull.

Asloeof No. i rat Wai>v>h at tl 3*rjl »••)». Coro-duiL lilgh mix*-! at V7o; No. 1 al 7J>tO. OaM — weak. So. i at 5lo,

itacatrnt—Waeat, J'.uu) bush.; corn, 37.CC outo.; oau, i,1M bush.

duirx«5T>»—Wneal, m.oio boat.; com, M,ix< buaa.; oats, 1,OJ 1 bush.

ALLAN V M AUK IT . ALHArtY, April i«. —Wheat—Market steady.

i>tiotoilat II J j . 30 for «/:;;o and No, i red. Hyt ] —active. iNtle* in the ttrcci of No. 't rol alliHo<a> fl i«X Cera—dull, -talet al !tVtfo-*o for No. 3 mixed lo yellow Weniern. oam-tujady and un­changed. i:dea of mixed at 4»sg*o; while at aw© Slo. Uartev—<iuiOt. Canada at fl l'Ksj>l SO. liar-ley malt—tteady.


CATTtaa-atarkat geoelpu. Hi care.

oataar AJTO ItAJrn*— aheap d im; quoted kl rJHatlXc, Usrttfpt* l ioarr. Lamb* flnu at t!s©»o. Meotlpta 2oars.

uaoa—Ksxktt una; quoted at 9J*9-.e. Bc-oelpU'lri car*.

I k t l I d l g g r r , April 20 CATTta—Baastpt* (24 houra) IWaaao- tin •

menu Si bead. Helling: Ucat at t7 SW775; fa'r to good at »G 3037 00; and common at to aoat '-'»• rir

l i oos -Beco lpU UM bead: shipments SCO bead. Phlladelrrtiss at »7 00O7 00; Torkrrt, bent, T7 00437 2S. Klrm.

nnaar—benelpt* 2000 kotdt tbipments 1900 herwL Active.

CHICAGO L1V* STOCir-Aprir'sil, The Drwert' Journal roportai

Hoo»-Ucccipu, 20JX» head. Shipments , '—, Marcel higher, hales Of common to good mixed grades at 4a 75*47 30; heavy packing and thin-ping at 17 J'«<»7 r0: llxbt trades at to 7o@7 34; skips and cullt at {3 .'.•>••.*! 60.

CATTt.a—lleoelptt, 4,000 bead. Shlpmenta. . Market firmer. Sales of good to oboico shlppioK rrsdesat to »xd7 to; common to fair at l i W» 6 80; mixed butchurn', $3 008" 00; grass Trxans at t l ifiS'i 00; slookera and teedera at $3 v>i!> 5 10.

SHtrr -Ueoe lpt s , IJXW Iwrm. Bhlpments, Market ttrong. aalot of sctllawags and stock cm at !.' 30ftt 00; common to medium at tS 'JMtC SO; medium to jrood at te 7007 00; choice id extra at *7 25»7 Jo.



POHT OF BUFFA1XJ. K.NTEurr>—April 20.

ociir ilalatod,. Chicago, r.'.ous bulb OaU; Nom«, Katt Saginaw, 3Com lumber.-

C- U

H Harge N Holland, liar City, 7:5m lumber 1'otter, ISsy City, at-'Jm lumber; T If Cahoou. Ka<t ."aginaw, toirn lumber; isabat Beod, Kanl .vtglnaw, 775m.lumber; 0 Moyer, Fort Erie, Dtoiie,

ChBABKS—April 2-t. 1'rop Knennnba, Cbloajro, 1,330 Ion* coal; Milwmi-

kce. Ctnicago, tuails; St Louis, Dululh, 331 rails,-etc; Avon, Cmcaa-o, ljtoa tibia salt, etc; l> lt.i' li'iiiine, Ciilogo, 1,- ' ions coal.

!-chr A it Moore, Chicago, 1.SO ions ooal; David Stewart. Dululh, 1.CC0 tons coal; G D Noma, naa-lnaw, 3CD ions oosl; Aasle Vougbt, Toledo, 1,.OJ tons coil .

Itargo N ll..ll:wiil, East Saginaw; II C l'ottor, Saginaw: T 11 Cahoon, Saginaw; Isabel Kecd, saginaw; O Moyer, fort Krto,-

r iBTaOlT MOVBtAKMTS. iSyjda). Dispatch Co The Courier.

DBTKOIT, April 26—&30V. M Paased Up-1'ropa rrussla, . Arctic; strata-

barges Isaac May with barges, Smltb Moore, Iron Chief, Hay City with- barges, Georgian; schooners ilrooklyo, Monterey, White, Drummond, Monitor, Ganges.

Passed Down—Props Concord wtth contort, Newburgh; tteaubargea Townsend, UoSe with barges, Ontonogon with barges, Antelopo with barges, Dickinson, Hopkins, fetors; schooner Kelley. , • '

Wind northeast, fresh; weather clear.

PORT OF CHICAGO. rrrt A H K I V S D ruost HorrALO-April t t Sebr Pcnsaukee.

CI.EAKBD KOB ItDrrALO—April tl . Prop II W Itlaoohtrd, sunds.



Srr. 1 A > I ; I S , Ai>rd tTk— riAJDU— W e a k and nnorianged. Ctoo-i t.> c h o i c e f a m i l y g r a d e i at It) a i>*> « . I

tiRAin—Wheat—Weak. Ho. i red Fall A- I II 3o. Corn-dull. .VA I mixed at :.',X«*77c ] ijats—-lower. No. i st 31 Sic Uyc—dulL No. s »•. ."..-.. i l i i 'e/—lu.et. Choice 10 fancy grader | *l -*.<; _ i l 14

CINCINNATI M A l l K t r CittctjrivATt, April 14,-1'oiiK-gutet, Sales

at li 1 7V<*1 J ou. llous—firm, -ales ol oommo.i and light j

/riwlee at 13 73£7 70; pecAing and buluhert' hogs pi -13 »7 Si. I

WBtiaxr—Firm and uT:!:-ingcl. Sale* at , t l 17.

U I T K O i r M A S I t t T . ya-raorr. Apn. hi.-Io.ao A. M,—Was*t--No. !

1 wr,:t» II ."i for canh,{;tl 33 tor May; f I lit for , June; tl *.'l for Juiv."

lUeel pta— W heat. 19.1)00 bush. .i.-iipuio.ita—Wr.eat 1.000 b-i-in. , , li.ibt. M.- Whea*— No. I walte, SI 3* si for cash;

IIKSi for Aprtl; t l S4S' for May; t l 33«i for June; fl 1M.S for July; t l U*» asked for Augutu

w r>

r bd H .ertf 5 <=> aj- r-3





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L o x o o a . April IB -Consols, t l oi'j-n; for n.ou-e>- M-.t t l 01 li-ld toraooouni. U. a, boadt-ror i* ind-s-aaifsll . s t : fives fl ia>.; tours t l 21. 1

:. v s i i r o o i , April 28.-Coitou— Moderate in- ' <{Ulry. freely supplied, al'daling U^lASds Oil-lOd; a;-t lling orioac.i >.'*i.

LJVgltroOL «HAXK—April SC. II JO A. M.—ytoor— 10a Od/ttlis ed. W hunt-.» Co '

• I t * m for spring; 9s lOdtflOg 3d for rc f w'aUir; ta irdntlOs *1 for Cailfornia white: lOa'JlaVIC* 3o tor California oluh. Corn—<s 101 for old: 01 I wji 1 tor aew. Barley—e* »d. Oats—as «d»»osoa : r*ae*—7>Sts»0s 00 for Canadian—all per cental.

i.» V. M.—Cachangecu 1X> P. kt—Unenansaa. l iaaxsoaa—Floating cargoas of wheat, moro

energy; there are but a few cargoes off coast, and : corn none ottering. . •

C»r*i»* no pantage Wneat and corn steady ai.d more diapotition to buy. Iteil winter, April delivery, toldatftl-. Nothing doing in American | corn.

Mark Lane—Wheat quiet and corn arm. Kr.glltb and Frencn country markets tteady. imports into the l.'mte; Kingdom for the week: I

wheat, «:-.u0o to 03>\l'/0 nrs.; corn, liOJJCU lo 10a,«t) I qr*.; flour, 103,oco lo 20WXX) obi 1.

POUT ITKM8. • —Ino ncbooner Ualttcd, with oala from Chicago,

winch was asboro in the atrklta, arrived bore on Tuesday nlglit. She was leaklog a little, and will go Into the Millsdock,

—Smith X Davit rcce.ved a ditpaloli yenterday afternoon from tjapl. MeLcod, ttatlng that he had released the- tohoonor Ontario from near Kincar­dine and would haro ber in <io<lorlcti last night. Her cargo of avheat wat dry, and the vessel showed no-damage.

—John llioklcr'n now tug Is atout anithed. She Is 7o feet long, 13 feet beam, and K.S foot deep. Her engine is 10x20 Inches, ami hor iKiilor Sxll feet. Hoe has been named trio James Adams, and will le.tro In a few days for tho sault; where Mr, tlick'er has government work to do.

—The propeller Peeiiflo, Caps. Chaples Wilson, will kave to-day /or Toledo wllh the barges Cy­clone, Annie Vougbt, Norway and Cuy of tbe Straits In tow. The Paclfl.3, whloh Is owned by CapL Wilton and Alfrod Chcsbrough of Pelroit, will eugaite regularly in Uie lowing buslncsa thu season, and C'apt. Wilson it putting hor in good thapc for that work.

FREIGHTS. Coal freights were unchanged yesterday. Only

low vessels ere: offering, but shippers are not pressed for tonnage. Kngagemonta—Propellers Chnnnoy Hurlbut and Kacanaba, coal to C'hlctgo a i d cents; Sanilac, cement to Detroit aid cents and to East Sag-naw al 10cents; schooner Jennie Mathews, sat 1 to Cleveland at Scents per barrel.

Canal frclgbu were tteady at Scents on corn and J 1 cents on wheat to New York.

—Chicago, April 26: Krelgblt—Wheat — cents and corn 2.1. cents to Buffalo. Charters on Iho J4th: For Duffklo—Propeller Onoko.l00.uo bnth-els wheat at 2V cenu: Koanoke, 3S,o:o buakels corn; schooner 1'. S. Marsh, 80.CO0 outnclt corn at 2X oenis. For Kingston—Sohooners Bolivia, Sa-mana, corn; O. M. Bond, wheat For Sarnla— .Schooners Adventure, Henry Folgcr, corn.

— Detroit, April XV-Charter*—Propellor North-erncr. wheat to Bniaw) \ t l c t n u ; sohooner Wil­liam Shupe, wheat torbfie, •-' cents: propeller Ar> gyle, pig iron, ilariiutlto to Montreal, f.'l3j; schooner Uladstnac, ash lumber.^alUceburg to Buffalo, 13:0: Tecumseb, olm bolls, Dresden 10 Buffalo, II 73 per cord.

—Cleveland, April, 29: Charters—Schooner Joseph Page, ore, Escauaba to Ashtabula, II; southwest, coaj, Cleveland lb Detour, 70 cents.

r.M. lag.

70S' 70**' H O *

71 ri««

.. sos; .. 117*1 117K li>JV lirlV»

Got* <a% »>% m\ M% 30* . . 7<X 74V .-X. W<i -. n tox !»)»' ..








•7X 301*

lot » : • >

»3S ^3

. . 13«>i -7X r.-\ SO .-•••.

103 103 SB

7S 74J< 79K aoi*

51» 3>S lV-1*

103X 103^ 1IKM

74S ?z ton Mlentgaa Ceot'l Manhattan Kl M e m p t u e A C b . Mobile A Ohio MorrrsAXssax. l-riw Miss- 1 r Paeiae <«K •« •« •<''. --- , s*«K MlLA-«.Paul.. Il2.\ 1I1J< 112% Ui*. HIS 112. Mil. A a t P. »r lorthwrstern . . Biv» 1 » ltoi* 12U.V 12S1* 129 Northw. pref... 1 a»<* 13*s' 1»\ 1*0 140.-, Mashv. * Chat., to* Hor-eeraPaciAo :.-•-, - . MX 38X . . ' . i \ North, r o c or.. T» 77Ji 77H 7-)'» . . Maw?or* m V. Y. C. A 11. H. 127si !^.% 1«M 121 127 12.' Or. Trtae-Conl'l . .

•ti'.o for standard wait*.

OaloA MisH. Ontario, A West Ohio Ceatral..?. OrJt.lUA.Nv.iJo PaU. A teadlag faci ie Mall . . . . Ceo.. Den. A Kv. PoUaun PaLCr goek Ulaad. . . . v_ p. A Omaha. •It P. AO.PT. . . •r. : . » aaa FT. *t L. a a. F. pr. at P.. Mln. A M. roxas i-seiJc... ferr* Hsr.ta.. . . lerro ilaatii pt-'Jn.-.n Pactco... W „ s t U A P . . * . . . i . A P . ;.r W. L. xatagtaph

26 S

.- /

23.S J3M

3 7 » 37 V 37S

l t iN . : ii7<* 37 ti;-j an-*

no loo 100

3»X 39

U' , 111 *»•* Si 3-J<i i l \ «*)• «



KM 37 100% 100

SOX 31

3 7 %


• > : »

K 1 1 1 % 1: <» H I S

•>.% « t « 2 » * S.'V, 3 1 % 3 1 X .-0% . . - J ,


. • : • .

AdAoj Tvpiaai i c w«i i s , rar*oac iw Aseri -aahxpr. M -, . . U.». Axpraat... 73% . . Bxebaage, Umit. . . s o Baahaege, aecrt . . tdix . . Money . . IS. . .

TOTAX, 9AIW. Faolfle Man 2^00 OhloCeatral W. U. Telegraph. tOOO Xoruweatsrn. . . . 3.-00 Northweatera pr. 400 too* island SOB Mil. A.-lt Fatii.. . 3.DCO «rt* lt^eo U. A s t Jo. ptef. -0 U S . A M. s f9,dJ0 X. Y. C. A B. K.. lo.fl.Xl Unjca Pasta*. . . . t h a Mlehlgaii Central 3>.u Jereey Central... 112900 OaL A Lank 21.UA> Loulsv. A Nashv. StO

GOVKKNMENT BONDU •Wto A. at. 1.45 r. U

O.». 3* of l t n . rag . loixayioi* O.A.tjas^ . 10* «*H2% V. A a s * tJteJrag ..JI«%«*11«% O. A, aaw7>Ma,ooupoaa..Ji«%.#U«Vi; C. A aew ta, r*r Jtl%Wlil% V. 9. sow W. coupons 121.SW121S, turrsnev 133 . . . .

Ontario A Wcat'a •< C B . A S L too Den. t d i o u ; . . . 2>,i A, FalLAltaadtttg.. A300 W . . 3 t L . A P n o . . W . , s t U A P . p r , g ant as A Texas., northern Pacllle. Nashv. A Chat... HlinolsCeniral .. Matoun Paeiae. Texas Pactae.. . Laka Xrie A W.

l^oo 3,l»» 1.710 V 0

A O 100

10,700 3 A O 1.1.U

LATENT MARKETS. Ay ttrr*"'** fnt*.

ttXW TOSS MAJULXT. Yoa*. Aprtl X - C o n e t - L ' a c h a a g o d .

HtoilUag Cplaada at UMa. ri^n-*-a*e*tp4a, lxcog bbls. Weak, la inttan-

c«* Swiae lower, th* tatlcwta*

a w* to good

»••• ">*Vt 73; good

of IMOu barreU at No, 1 at 13 latgt 10;

and Mae* at ft 00*3 » ; extra Waatarn. and htaie

t-> chctea axtoa Wcstara tttto to aoc» 00; ecrsMoa to ebole* wbiu

wastara axtta t7 a j s 21; aotaaon to goal extra Ohto to tMpt to: aoataoa to u o i e e ex­tra 91 Louis 10 t o s s OO- patent g m t f l o u ex-ixtra good to pnns* g: 30#e 00; choic* to double >»tra SI latJH AV Bye flour - tteady aad un--hsngetl. Sale* at t4 *34B3 10 hv. superga*. Cora-atal dell, aatas of Tattow Wataxia at ft 20<g

WKBAT—Itsoeipis. ^towo bush. Dull and ,!«. urea*ad Saleeot l^PatoObosa. laoiu.itag se.ixo bush, aa spot Exports. Jl.ixo busu. No. 2 aprftag at t l st: No. 2.ran a* kl. i 7 h w l « ; Xo. 1 whit* at 11 t*aU tit: Ho, a, red tor April a* « «7%«l 17%.

X T * - Firm. No. 1 Stat* at 'jrje. BAatar-Steady . Vagrau*d Canada at t l l-'S

«V1 I*. ," HASUUST MAX,*- t io tab . Coan— K>o*tpta,iaff>wbaah. Lower, depress**.

Sals* at 1 »7,«at bush.. Inoludlag 77. >»i both, oa spa*. Xxpurt*.41».itX)busa. No. 2at •-.%t»!»<c for caaai atasuaer yallow aitMWo; No. tfor April at ^Vawsc.

OAta-Xaaatpta, S3.ono tmaa. Market easier aatasotttrgaWbash, alixad Waatarn *»>xs»'.2-vatta Waatarn attogWSHe; So. t for April st eux •tola

H A T - F i r m aad unchanged, aa!** at too for ahlpotag.

Mora—Duo. Xaw New fork at Idtttte for aaad to ehoaea.

C o m a - D u l l . Sotat at »%s)H %o for Klo in

Liverpool—Spot "wheat quiet and tteady and corn in rather more Inquiry.

On paaaage tor the continent—Wheat $20,000 corn SWX» qrs. ,

Parts -Flour firm and wheat a turn dearer. U V X X P O O L PROVISIONS—Apm w.

li.lio A . M.—Porr-rB'01 for aew western. :,ar 1 ; Ji 3 I. tsaoon "•:» Ol for long olear; SdsUd lor «;iort ei*ar, Kent- --.Cs id for new. Tallow- -to* JrL Cheese—< Is Od for good te fin* American grade*.

l.A> P. M.—Unchacrc-I. 3.<0 P. M.—Bacon—01*od for long clear; 3lt *d

for thort olear. _ ! _ _ _

O U i . M A H H K T » , a o r t a a s .

.: J / r Ato, April 24 — tteflned. 113 cleg, lest, 7c Lost now, April » , l . t A. M.-SSeSKd. U v i s r o O L April 16, 11JC A. M.—«H<a»ii<i. A x r v i i r , April 26. U.3V A. M.-17KI. N » w YOBJC, Aprils*, 2.93 P. M.—Petroleum—

Xeflned quiet al 7,',c: caaea lOXc rte toilowing is raportad by L. 11. Bes t No. *t

West sense* street, snowing the market fiuotua-11 ins for the dav, Pricas bid for old unless otb-srwatesp*clfl*a: I

O I L C I T » . April SB— The petroleum mirk* oprnod at 77%c: ad.vsn«ed to 77 Me; decime-i to 77'to; ailvaaeesl la " » c ; declined 10 7't;tc; a,lTAr,ecl'.» 77o: decllritxl to7dso; advanced to 7*Xe; declined to 7«Sp; a-lvaoee<l y*7»iSe: declined to7t%o; advancwl to7 ,'Vc; deemed to 78So: ailvanced to 7if%e; declined to 7'-Vc; advanced to and closed t t 4 P. M. at 77 in.

huns-Aprli 34. 9i.Ii' bbls. Dairy average for toe month, 77,40* bbls.

sales at o n City. April tt, (513.900 bbla. gales at >;r v.for 1. April 23, 749.000 bbla. Sales al Pltuburxb. April i t . 171.000 bbla. C U V i t A K S , April M.—Petroleum quiet, at

QENKBAL NOTE3. —The wreck of the tchoonor Canfleld on liar

Point baa been marked with a red and black stake >

—J udgo Bloilgolt ot Chicago has decided that an baderwilterof ahull Is Itiblefor his proporlloa ot general average occasioned by a Jettison of a

; deck load made to save a vessel and crew. —Tho spars, of the sunken schooner Clayton

I Belle have fallen out The Teasel is in about ~tairty-ave feet ol Water, three and a half miles I from the shore, nine ml.es north half west from. ! St. Clair river.

—Port Huron, April 24: Thesteambargc Ilhoda I Stewart with barges Leighton, Wells and Lamb : arrived np to-day. C'apt. Boynton received or-I dert from the owners, Prentiss A Co., of Aipeua, f to lay the Stewart up until there was a change tor j tbeVbctter in freights.

— Work at the Limekilns will be suspended ; about the I3th of May, as the amount of the laat 1 appropriation will then be expended. Work will

not be resumed uutil the appropriation now bo-ti lore Congress is passed and a new oontract let. V Dunbar's new iron tug, built at Buffalo, it ex­

pected to arrive at tho crossing on -tbe 1st ot May. -Cant. Dan McDonald, formerly of s t Catti-

. artpea, but more recently a resident of Mllwau-1 koe< la lying at the point of death In the Marino f lloopllal at Chicago, from oancer In the neck. In : an early day CapL McDonald was a Canadian I vessel commander, but of latoyears bad con-> tented himself with the position of watchman on ' lake steamers.

—Henry S. Haitlcd, who died at Chicago 00 | Sund*v, was a native of England, and waa aged ' flfly-Hx years, being born In 1X26, l ie came to

this country when a mere lad, and engaged turn tell as a tailor on the great lakes. Through thrift and economy he saved enough money to purchase

O S G O O D B Y ' S Standard Safes.

'.- —~:M More imorovements than all others. ONLY SAFE whose back is not

screwed on. ; ' Over 3,000 sold duriue;the vear

1881, and ovV900 sold in Buffalo and vicinity,

OSGOODBY'S SATES have never lost their-contents bv either lire or burglars.

OSGOODBY'S SAFES took first medal over all competitors at the In­ternational Cotton Exposition, At­lanta, Ga., December 15,1881.

OSGOODBY'S SAFES have the champion fire and burglar-proof reoora throughout the United States.

OSGOODBY'S SAFES are sold in greater numbers in everv state in the Union than anv other make.

0} not buy any other, but call and eiamine the only full stock in Buffalo.

SAldUHOOMa, ;' I

182 Main Street. BUAnOBES, f *

503 Arch 8treet, PWladeliihiA \ 801 Broad 8tteet, Kewark, H. J.; Oornei Liberty and Seventh Avenue, Pitts­

burgh, Pa.; 17 South Broad Street. Atlanta, 0a. ' '

•treat; aew, substantially built; iTiils property will: ba sold al a bar-

iscut loo can be given May l i t , "l ing lota on SberBuu otroct, near

building lota on Delaware avenue. Fine two-story brick residence, tot Seventh

street with all lite modern Improvements; large barn; lot 03 feet front by 133 feet deep. This property will bo sold at a bargain; terms easy.

Four now houses on Fargo avonuc,011,0l7, 013 and 031; all nnlsbcd in ilrsvclass style with modern Improvements; lota togttsX; term* can bo made eaav it required. . • . ) . . ,

New list of bouaos aad lot* Juut oomplstod. Call and get one.

yoa HBNTJ Flno atoro with lino basement, Ol Alain otrcct;

• tore , 24190. . -f . Large rooms on Washington etrcct, 39* and GM;

good place for l ight monnfocturlng; possess ion A born with ltl stal l*; wi l l hold M t o n s o f b a y ;

w i l l b t rented cheap . • j •

J A M E S M O O N E Y , Real Estate Agent,

Kg a o Aroad* Building.

R. FERaijrsoisr, HO. 8 8 0 MAIM BTSKKr, BUFFAXrO, H. T.

FOK HALS. A well-oelocted stock of groceries in a brick

•tore; location excellent; rent moderate. 8)2 Pearl otrcct; 3-^tory frame bouse In perfect

order: has tho modern Improvement*; largo lot; good location for a doctor. • <.

10X acres of desirable land on' Delaware street; atabargatn.

Pennsylvania ntreot, near the Clrolo; two new 2-story frame dwellings; wall Onlsbcd; all mod­ern Improvements; splendid location.

47V and VO. Connecticut street; two lM-etory nowfraruodwolilngn;haoMvora) very niceroonut: lot, 20 ond 30xlldX.

Northwest corner of Huron and Morgan sta^ 2-story brick dwelling in first-clas* order; has tho improvements; lot, iMxioo.

301 Prospect avenue; 2-story brick in tlrtt-clat order; all the modern lmpro-romcnta; h' very dc-slrable residence; lot, 54x132.

en Kliioott street; 2-otory frame bonsa; at a bargain; ha*cellar, gas and water; lot, 23x170, to an alloy.

Have several vacant building lota In different parts of the city. -

(5ity "QotituL C I T T C L M a T a o l r r i C B . > to. 4, CITT AJrn COUMTT HAJLI., >

BvrwALO. A m i M, W t > BOOM Ho.

NOT1CK OF XJrtKOTWN.^otico iti hereby given that i t a seeslon of the Common Court,

ell of loe City of Buffalo, htld Monday, April 10, lSffl, reeorullons, of which the following aro cor­rect copies, were duly adopted,, vlx,: •

Ueaolvcd. That tha Common Council of tho City of Buffalo Intend lo order lt-ineb tile scworoon. otructod in Grape street, from the sewer in Carl­ton street to a point 100 feet southerly from Uie southerly Una ot High stieot, and that the En­gineer bo and be lshoreby directed lo prepare plant and Bpcolflcatlim and advertise for pro­posals to do said work, and that tbe City Clerk be and ho Is directed to cause tho necessary noUeo of intention to be duly published.


Delaware, I*aclcawaiina & Western


S C R A N T O N COAA*L Besolvad, That the Common council of the City , . . ^ following price* per ton of tjMOJrOfJadt,

of Buffalo Intend to order a.t-foot brick sewer i ^^S'^aaa!.lvowl AoywharoU eJJFllttltgf constrncttyl In I'cckbam street, from tee lower In toroonoo, anu WM Colt street, to the cast lino of Wlleon street, and thai the Engineer be and ho is hereby directed to | nn.fo prepare plans and specification! aod advertise , X ? # 4 , D

for proposals to do said work, ami that iho City I «»?». Clerk e* use lha necessary notice of intention lobe j duly published.

iloaolvcd, That tbe Common Council of the City of buffalo intend to order a sewer of enraclent capacity constructed in Fiftocath tl'itb) street be- i tween York and Jortey, eueelt, and that '

::im oTder* aVretaiYtaaV be laft, or bill* m a y b t paid,

at our bran*th office.

smlw'.V.7.'~." ffl

hi M HiiUflD fitnr M M .

TraS* taav* Cxcnaaga earatt efcpot <« »e« rorkSmo, which Is 20 .minute* faster v. an flat

Woro*K'B«ja-«r** juro iww TUAA. HOOA\U ,-lJBpteaal turn Tort Exprat.

Engineer prepare plans end sueciecaUons and I O O I . M A I N . S T R E J B T , advortlse for proposals to do said work " ' i

L I V E S T O C K M A R K E T S .

BOFFAl/Ot April in. Tliu following labia iti(>*^ the receipts and

tblpoaenuuf l.ivo s t* i t att Katt lluffalo Irom tho oeginningot the week thus far:

K I C X l l T S . Cattle Iiea.|.

. . . . 3.SM

. . . . 731

. . . . ft. . . . . 810

Sunday...... »on-:a>- . . . . Inetdsy . . . irVetlaeedsy

l.'Og-i need, fi,!*" 7,0li


bead. e,ao 2 l .«;

e o :;,«vi

head oe 4^ 1A JJ

4 , « U 20,10* Total . _ 3sm* time last we<* . T.tvt S*m* Um* la* I vonr. 'J.aTl l*,.ta)

rtinPMC.vTa. Cattla H o g s

13.2 0 M.TIX) J.SU0

in 310 in

sucday - . , Monday _. Tuewiay Wednesday...

a-a.'. . I,«J .. 3.2SJ

:• S3 T o t a l . . .

Same t i n t last w e a k . eam» t ime last year . :.-•:'<


kta,' 4,5111 A 4 0 S l . l i O 3,404


Ba.tp Msisei >:."i. tici't t .400 no i'..l»l rU 1.0" 0 SI 'l.W.'O rU

10,8.0 11,800 7^00

171 •em

No. JJ. 17

4 to 11

A v ' r . 1090 *>H BOO

lust 11JV

F r i e s t7 t i

« i t B 13 * 13 « to

18 1157 7 12X


* 3

' 7 73

B 40

K » > 2 S

C A T T L E — T h e receiptA e o n t i . t e d of Severn! loads of sale cattle, tor w h t c h there w a t aa ac­tive demand at an advanvit o f l'j.yj c from, the. ypentog prices of th : wee Si Sale* of good1030 to choice 1300 lb. steura rangcil at 17 I t s* ; 73, good light butohers b i ioxtng IK l :• ,••; 60. Veals t teady at td > <••>! VJ; extra, tS 75. j

C A T T t a BAI.».1 TO-SAT, By Doty A Watklnt :

Iowa tt*er* .., Do do ta. Do do. , ronusyivania ttc*r* Dodo....!, t _.

By Snrr. Lcwtt A Co,: Penntytvanla steer*

b"y Kankin A Sparrow: I Illinois steers . . . . : t - - . l l .

By Kerynolda, aaoch A Co.: Illinois st*ar*...I ; . . 18

By L. O. Burrua: C*n ad* feeders..;

SHEET A X D l i A M B S - r h e market ruled fair­ly active at lVslKc advance from the former prices of the woct, with about 11 loads on sale, all of wbteh-were:taken, i'ulo of good n to'JO lb. wool theep ringed from ti 00*7 40; choice to fancy M to lt» lb*., 17 30<sl7 73; good clipped tbeep brought te oo->o 40, and oaf load of ,extra clipped lamb*, at 00.

• k » r s . t i l " TO-DA r

By i*teller A Windsor Bros.:

Ohio Hhcep ; L DO do. .;. Do yearl ing*—.»„ J. DO theep, clipped L Dodo 1 DO do. f l>odo I Bo do J. Doye*rlmga, clipped ',.

Bv Doty AW*Uun«: Ohio tbeep j . Dodo

By Swope A llngne* ablo tbeep Uo do, clipped

By UM. Kimoali Ohio theep

the old schooner Minnesota, and sailed her I n per-I ton several years, l ie afterward gave np the life

of a tailor and ictllcd in Chicago, engaging In : business pertainlag to lake commerce, and by his ' 1 .dgment and business tact amassed a large

fortune, both la vessel-property and real estate. \ lie was the largest owner of vesael-nropertr in

Chicago. Mr. ilalsted leave* a wife aad four | nearly grown children, 1 —Oiwri/o lijii/i'Uum: The schooner* Be l l e j l l an tcom and Wiidam Home, with wheat from • Detroit, arrived here Saturday afternoon, being i the !ir,i vcM«lt Iroui the upper lake* this teuton , : an I were followed Monday night by the l loboken

with wheat from Toledo. T h e Home and l lai .a-, com were the Mrs; grain-laden vessols to oomo

down througb Iho n e w Welland canal , and eaon - brought full enrgoea, the Hanscom on 11 feet 7 I in,•<:•.•-• irnft and tne Uonio o n ^ l feet lOlnches, and ; with tfl.ixw and 22,ouo buahols of groin reepoetively. ; Tnoy towed through. Tne master of tbe H a n s -. com t o y s ho towed through in tf6 hours very : nicely and with no trouble. In tomo cases only i on* gate waa opened to let btm through. It cost | about t l more lhan ihe old w a y , bul the use of the

tug diftpen»es with one helper, saves unfa and ; wear of line*, and in his opinion Is really the • cheapest way.

— Henry T. Y 'cnch , assistant secretary of tho j treasury, send.4 ihe fol lowing to A. N. Moffat, of : Fort Huron: "In * communication of ths sotb I instant yoo inquire whctheracltiienof thel/'nlted I State" oan own an interest in an American vessel : and act at master of the tame, wblle his fsmily ; resides In Canada, an 1 wbo alto himaelf resides 1 there during the winter months. You are In-i formed that the iirovlnlon of law which de­

bars a vesnei from the beneiltt of a registry on ae-i»Hot of trc 'oreign residence of the owner It contained In section 4133 itovtted Minutes, and Is in operation A4 toag As tne foreign residence con­tinues. Tho law '!'>••« no: dehae what constltatos such residence. Ii would seooi, however, to moan tb* personal residence of such owner, without reference to that •>( hit family. The ownership that debars l*. in tho language of the alalute, that ot any citizen of the United Stale* who utua'ly resides in a foreign country. Tbe usual reeidonoe of tbe owner of a ve-sel wbo is ber actual master could not be in a foreign eonnt-v a- long as he acis in ike oanacity ct matter. Tho winter resi­dence in Canada of Mich master IK J'lat that time during which the txineflu of rrglttry would not Inure to a veewl employed ou the northern lakes."

THE EKXS C A N A L c t t A i i i p m o w BerrALo-Aprl ian .

Troy—Wllli*m doddard, com; s A Wheeler, corn; Norman L Wagoner, wheat; White A Capron, corn; 11 lleJden, eorn; C F McWhorllOT, corn; George D. (illaon, corn; Charles Ensign, wtieat; S D Holms, wheat: James Hoche, corn: J C lUr.lon.com: E ti Jaokson, wreat; A Daw-ton, r e m ; (J J West, corn; H L HaighLccrn; Don Fatterson, oorn.

Tonawaada— Woocho, teed; Llrxle CampbeU, light; J J (..Ibboo*. light.

dvrseuto—li A llolliater, tbtngles. Molina—George Arnold, light. Little Basin—Kden l i own , lumber. Martinsville—Chippewa, light.

WELLER ii BROWN, Suecesrort to Weller, Brown A Meaner ,

. . . . . . j . . . , .

.U» '^ ....

S f . 2!<2 ll>i

ta C-2 110 ISO *>J 2111 »J

•f . »l

I t ! •)

A V « . ion

Hi 83

. Vfi 86 »e t i SI so .•<.!

m 127


F r i t s 17 30

7 00 8 25

•6 40 « 33 « 20 «2U « 20 li 90

T to 7 10

7 to 8 25

123 7 73

* to lass.

HOtW— Tbe receipts etiitinue* ti be light and the demand also, while tn* market ruled steady at about former prtctv, • good to ohoto*, 17 :>^7 I aad butcher-, ho^i quotable at *3 2&t**rA,

K O ) : A :. « TO

By t'feiacr A Winds-ir IJrcfl.: So. A V g . Krl<yj 112 201 t ; CO

By Doty A Watklnt 78 171 7 31

^ B y L. M. Klmbal i :

;e« ranjtrag: Yorkers, good moil ium w e i g h t s

*7 4«SJ>7»J; p igs .

" t " at t*aw 3-i;o at l o s e ; towere.1 at

I tiouAa— Dun. eaadeaf at io*e; W*je-

ator-Ataaa-Dail and oomiaal. New Orleans at aafffltt to* raaatag; Forto Kioo at 42tt55e. SExca—«*%*•*. Sew Carounat aad Louisiana* fitttettX* Aw eaeawea taeaetee.

Ftrrtn>Lac»-.-it»ady aad uaohaagad. Crude la aarrats at tMt*HMe; laaaat at ^so.

TAAAOW ntaatly aad aashangeU. Bale* al 7',

BySwopaAangkea .

By Kerr. Lewis A Co.:


i n

t r ' l 171 17 4 i

7 SO

ts 174 7 30

1 7 4 - 7 40

til ends 251

MSKEETh EX TALaUKAFM. aVeaval Dttpatcfttti to IA* Utrto-ttr.

K»w YOCJC, April 28.



WOOD WORK. Call and .n tpec i our immense stock ol

New Goods for Spring Trade. Farlor, Be l - room, Din ixg-rooa iand Office

. Furniture of artistic des ign al

Very Low Prices! Wo , hall be p!ea«- l to . h o w our slorJx,

whether you desire to purchase or not. '

391 and 393 l a i n *jt. Gt3o. W. Tiflt, Sons & Co„

. Manufacturers e t



*- '.r *1 Wssh lnr ton Htre**. g g . t o i Mew York

mm, BURDicT/i BARSAHS M J I H T J P S of B 0 L T 8 and BTITT8.

| BRIDGE AJfD ROOP RODS 4 SPRCIILTI 1 B X T B ^ i X i s O . ISTew "X-origj



Our new UPHOLSTERY SOOM in now finished and occupied. We invite inspection of . . j- ••

' J • .


Curtains and Curtain Materials Window Draperies, Portieres, Cor­nices and Poles, Window Shades and Fixtures, Furniture Coveriugs, Ori­ental Mats, Bugs and Carpets. The best Carpet Sweeper in the market

Our Usual Low Prices.

Adam, l e l A n i &

Cor. Vrnxtlcllxs and Koala Btrattta. ros aajuc

Northeast corner of Huron and Morgan, ilrst-olas* residence.

019 JTranklln street,2-story brlok; will bo rented. 221 seventh street, 2-ttory frame with stable;

will be rented. 225Seventh street, 1 story brlok and basement;

will bo rented, i l l» Georgia ttroot, 2-story brick. 2*2 Connecticut street, 2-»tory frame I 4* Thirteenth street. 2-ttory frame and stabuo. A IX-story frame dwelling on'North Division

•trcet, near Hickory street; price, t2,700. you. SALK OU BENT.

A 2-etory fratao dwolllng at La Salle, a quarter of a mllo from Central and Erie depots; more than twenty- tralno a day to Buffalo.

TOE SALE TO CLOSE AN* ESTATE. Largo residence, 102 Georgia street; alto lift) and

200Georgia, and l i s and 122 Seventh streets. r"or comploto list* of property for sale or rent

call at our offlcc '• • •

HIJME & ;SANF0RD, i No, 16 Mr. Oman Street,

OCer to soil for tho n e x t to day* the fo l lowing 1 property at very low figure*, via.: .

•2tM Kranklln *L; brick; lot, *uxl73X; tfi,aa>, 104'Johnsonplacej*3-story brick: *e,000. SI Kargo ovc.t frame bonse and barn; $«,00O. ta W. Mohawk sv ; frame; lot, 49XxI20; W,000. 4,so Niagara s t ; brick and barn: 40x100; fJ.'OO. 1S1 Niagara st-; 2-etory ttooo; 13,000. 202'Nlogara tt.; 2X-story brick and barn; $9,000. 87 Prospect avenno; 2-ttory brick; modern; $8,o00 300 1, in wood ave.: 2-story frame; lot 100x100: VIMO IHO Morgan st.: 2-story brick: lot, 12x100; $8,0(0. 898 Pearl s t ; 3-story brlok; $8,000, :s*J Prospect avo.t i-nlory brick; lot, .'MxIiiS; te.000 0*4 Niagara s t ; '2-otory brlok; lot, 30x128; tfl.too, 23 Prospect are.; 2-story frame; ga*, water, bath,

etc,; »4,o00. 523 Slxi i sL; 2-*tory frame; lot, «xI3"2; *4,o00. 17» West ave.; 2-story frame and horn; tt.OOO, 4-27 Seventh tt.; tt-eiory frame; 13,700. 74 Ullca of, 2-story brick; lot, 73x103; $3,750,

412,W» WANTED On arst-cla.-ij properly on Washington Blrcct, at 3 per cenL lntercDL ; A

MONEY TO LOAN On real estate.

for bouse* to rem please call any got a list.

and the City Ciork is directed to publish a noiioo of in­tention. . . .

Beeolved, Thai Ilia Common Council Of too City of Buffalo Intend to order A sidewalk constructed otplno plank, Iwo-incbes thick, four fee*, wldo, | on tho west tide of North Ogdcn avrcet, from the 1 north lino of Lovcjoy ttreot to the south line of; { - r s ' p M ii° Ezsnsssss & i fie .Anthracite Coal Attocianoi City Clerk causa the necessary notice of inlen- | * u u V*AA»usiu»tiv w » » a tton to be duly published

Beeolved, Thai tho Com

TO Mr. A. St. BALL, r i r o n o x t i l o t t l o e . f o o t O f » « • i

JOHM J. a t O W t t f t A J i a . Weeiorn Aale* Agont,

April 13.1882. ;

_ m o n Connoil of the City of liuflalo intend to or<ler a sidewalk constructed of pine plank, two laohes thick, four feet wide, on the east side of North Ogdcn street, from tho north line ot 'Lovejoy street to tho south .lino of llroadwsy; and that'the Street Ct-mmlsaioocr ad-vorllse for proposals to do said work, and the City IClcrk causo the necessary nolioi of Inten­tion to bo duly published.

llesolvcil, That the City of Buffalo Intend to order the lamp dlsirlot extondod on both tide* of Slferrnan street, from Pickham street to llroad-wayJand tbe City Clerk cause notice of ouch Jn-tontion to be da'y published.

w, p. nuiiNs, ap24i2ti - c i ty Clerk.

E.N'GINEElfS OKKICE, » CITT o r uorrALO, April 25, lam. J

O E A L E D PEOPOSALS.'ln duulicato, for work O as net forth below will bo received at ihl* of­fice until 10 o'clock A. M., May 1, 1882.

lsondB, a* required by law. must accompany each bid.

Plans, BpoclOoolion* and quantities can be seen at thlTomoo on and attor ibis date

Prlfated forms of proposals, bonds, tpoclilc.v aonsjaud instructions to bidders, an 1 any desir­ed Information oan be bod on amplication to tbia oaicel

A separate proposal moat be made for each of Oio following-named work, as follows, to wit:

Fori constructing a sower ot lufoclont capacity (In adcordaneo with tin: adopted ny.-ioir,) in the easterly sidewalk of Main street, iiom the north lincot North street to tbe sewer In Iiett ttruet, in : aoeor lance wllb plans and tpcclflcations on Uie in thla unice. I • , I

Kor oonntructing a now bridge on Wi l l l smtv l i l e | rorulimd Litt le I!ufTalo creek, between Wilt i tui j streel and Broadway , in accordance wllh plant | and tpacification* on tile in this olBce.

For pbvlng Tork street 32 feel wide , with tanond

VT U! eoatiaoA to eeli taittr otitWMtd LaekawanjUt

Bla.clx Diamond, and Henry Ol*r Ooal*,

' ' I "'•' ' Ai lb* following prioc* par toa of AlW noaad*, o/ircaaed, anil OiUttred anywnar* la laa city ilrnlu.

U B A Z E E i i U S T O V E N O . 4 C H E S T N U T . . P E A |

T o » . -J 6.10

5.10 . . . . . . f>36 . . . . . . b 66 . . . . . . O'tlO ...... 4i5

GXI'EK/-i. Orr iCE, 51'. KAltf M C U f T ,


root i f : i l iresae street, toot of Oslo street and Ho. U7 Er^nnr.g* stratt

a E O R O - E DAKIM, . As«nt.

April It. laa . _ _ « _ _ _ _

'reetchpy, was duly adopted by said Council, via te*>lved. That the Common Council of the City

of liuffalo intend to order Plymouth avenue paved,

368 MAJN ^TREET. Real Estate Bought, Sold or Rented.

The fo l lowing properly is unexcel led In loca­tion, improvements , and is belli s t figures ad­vantageous to buj era; * I

ctee- Bvffaio Esprai, Oomneretal Advertiser, telegraph and t\vening News tor other and im­proved property. OJJtcc open evening'. OaU/or

Broadway—20, 22, 24, 04x126, dno mannfaetar-lng or lobbing site, on alley, $13,000. .

Kliioott-447, 441), 3-a. II., old and established carnage manufactory, all conveniences, with 1K-S. I!, cottage In best of order,: 64x150, n»,0O0.

Main, near Delavan avenuo-OId-cstabilshed brewery with all fixtures and conveniences, with ooe acre of land, tl'tfiuo. . . i

Main street, corner Quay—1-8. B., (team heat and power, with elevator, bank vaults, ir and girders, good light on 4 side*. r*xl30,

qualll y Medina sandstone and flat gutters, from thu nt rtheriy line of Porter avenue to iho west­erly ine of Blehmond avenue, in accordance with plant and npcciacatioiit on file In thlt office,

For paving Fremont place 20 foei wide, with second quality Medina sandstone and flat gutters, with < oe foot of sand under tho name, from the north curb line of Allen street to lute sou(2> curb lineol North street, in accordance wllh plans aod apccli cations on hie In ibis office.

For paving PtVmouih avenue tij foci wide, witli Bccond quality Medina sandttone and Hat gutter*, lietwesn the northerly curb lino of Pennsylvania Blrcct and th* southerly curb lino of Connecticut street (except Porter avenue), in accordance with plant and spcclfloations on flic In tblt office.

W W J. BOGEE3, Engineer.


BUFFALO, April 26, lrjsi. ) 7VTO:"leEOF INTENTION.—NoUoe b hereby i > f lven that at a session of the Common Coun­cil of be City of Buffalo, held Monday, April 24, 1*82, aj resolution, of which tbe f ol lowing Is a cor-

Beeolved, That the Common Council of the Cll; falo intend to order Plymouth avenue paved

thirty feel wide, with second-class Medina sond-*one • nd pat gutters,, between the northerly curb line of Pennsylvania street and the southerly ourb line oj Connecticut street (except Porter avenue), and tho Engineer be and be it hereby directed to advertise for sealed proposals to do said work In aocojnano* with plan* and specilicalionri on file In ibtl Engineer's office, and the City Clerk be and ho li hereby directed to causo tuch notice of in­tention to be duly published.

H • • W. V. BUBNS. ap27i»-roy4t« city Clerk.

elevator, bank vaults, iron poets 'i light on 4 side*. ."4x130, $40,000.

M-necA, near llydrsullc street—cllx balok and frame dwelllngt, lot Al tf xaOO. t'J.COO.

North bwan, near Bond—Vacant lot, lco bona* on rear, 73x23u. 12,2011.

Village and farm property for exchange. *


320 ProspiBct li venue. Two and a half ttory frame, fajeated by steam,

aod elegantly fitted up throughout; lot, 70x100. I

This property will be told for ranch less than It* actual value if taken within the next few days.

Apply to I


i leal Estate Agent , 10 L e w i s Block .

39& to 4 0 2 Main Street,



Hancock Inspirator. THE



9»4iU.l. — T H E M l A ^ ^ C d r V J E B p U J l I ^ * . —


S P E C I F I C S . In use 31) years.—Each numl.vr the. .pcelal pro-tcrlpllon of an eminent phytlclan. — Ths only Hiraule. r»A fraud Hare 3I.-d ,inm for the pool* utr iniNcrTAi. .sot. cO»x*. — ••-.' rue*.

— T H E


Fi -vrm, Congtvitlon, luflttmAtlooa,.. VVoriu*. WtVIO K#5«l%_ woriiil Colw,

. . 1 5 < V V ! I I « " < : » * J « , orTecthliucotllurjtui* .3iJ IHmrrh«A < *v*itl(irtn or Adu^M. ^ ,'Z "99 D v . p a t a r y On plug. B l l l l o u J C o l t e , . g . * 8 ('bulrr* Mnrbiit. VomlOug,...... . .M .2.1

onel^CoW. lironchltls,.:..!..... ^ ^enralgla. Toothache, haceaehe.

UoaafM. >ruml«U. . - ^ . . - . - , _ Iloadaclie., Mck Headaehnl.lYfniKo

Hnppn ipsia, I'll,lo:-* stortntcbL..

•23 .'23


tt . 2 4 .as . 2 3


ed or Painful Per iod . . . Whi les , too Proruso I'ertodt.] ^ , Itroap. Counh, l>ifflcu!t llrenihin*,...

S e l l I l h e i i u i . Krynlptilat. l.rai.'tlont, ' I theumni l tn i , IdifUinulIc: ,iln.^,.. . Pnver and A s w , rhill, Feveri. Agues Piles. Blind or Weeding, J.. Catarrh, seme or chronic; Influenza Whooping Conch, violentc*««h«„ .«<» Qeaatal DebUlty. Physical u\.ukue.t,3U KtaooT IHtr.t^,. . . . . . . . . . . . nil Nervous DebUlty 1 t.iMI

ary Weaknet*. Wettlnittbobed OO oteof the Heart. }'alplian„n. t.OO

uxgltce, or sent by tbelCaw>, or tin-_.r* of chanre. on receipt i

end for ' VIIumnhreyt'llooU on pit. M> also llloetratea CatalnguC

lenslhl ftfw York.

8: B O . Sit.

b o l d D , i n .

61t Mil fre* of cbanre. on receipt of price, end for OwHanaareiwBoea on pitea*e.eke.

(IStpaeet, sltoliluttraled Calalncuet'ltXlt. Addre.t llnmnbreys* Ifomeojt "

teine Co.. i Of» Vniton a,reel. • I hie >led-


ALLAN'S SOLUBLE MEDICATED BOOGIES Patented October in, ltns. One box

No. 1 will euro anv case In fonr days or lee*. No. 2 will euro the most obstinate case, no mat­

ter of how long standing. No nauseous doses of cnbebs, copaiba or oil of

sandalwood, that are certain to produce, d) spep-sla DJ destroying the coatings of the stomach.

Price, $1.30. Sold by all drngglsl* or mailed on receipt of price. For further particulars send for circular*. P .O. Box 1,633. J. C. ALJLAN CO., S3 John street. New York.


BUFFALO, April 27, l&Hi. )

N OTICE OF XNTENTION.-Nottco It hereby given that at a act ion of the Common Conn-

ell of the Citv of Boffialo held Monday, April 21, 1882,- a resolution of which the following is a cor­rect copy was duly adopted by,aaid Council, viz.:

Beeolved, Thai tho Common Council of the City of Buffalo Intend to order Fremont place paved, twenty-tlx feet wide, with second quality Medina sandstone and Hat gutters, wllh one foot of tend under the tajuc, from the north curb line of Allen ttrcct to tho south curb lino of North ttroct, and that the Engineer be directed to advertise lor sealed proposals to do **ld work in accordance with plan* and apeolflcatlona on file In the Engi­neer's office, aad that the City-Clerk be and be la hereby directed tooiuse notice ot tuch intention to bo duly published.

A . W. P. BUBNS, apTfttynytm City Clerk.


BOOM No. 4, CITY AHtr C'OUWTT HALL BUFFALO, April 10. lrjrjf.

VtOTICEOF INTENriON.-Notlco is hereby A a given that at a session of tbe Common Coun­cil of the City of Buffalo, held Monday, Nov. 2x, 1881, a resolution, of which Uie following it a correct copy, waa duly adopted, via.:

Besolvad, .That the City of Bnff.Vo intend lo take tho land and property necessary to extend Ha water mains from Bodalo Blver 10 Ganton street, the centre line of sold land to be 131 feet touth-easterly from and parallel lo tbe northwesterly line ot lot No. 47, tbe northwesterly aad southeast­erly line* ot said land to 0c parallel to sold centra lino and Of teen feet apart: said land to be taken for the special purpose erf laying and maintaining a water main thereia, and tho City Clerk is hereby

Iv pubiithccf. P. BG'BNH,

directed to causo this notice to bcdulv publithc W.

apircj'-Wtiot, City Clerk. CITY CLbtBE'ii OFFICE. )

• BOOM No. t, CITT A K B COUNTY • B A L I . , S BUFFALO, April 26, l«8i )

VTOTICE OF INTENTION.-Notice Unert-by 1> given that at a session of tho Common Coun­cil of the City of Buffalo, held Monday, April lo, ltS2, a resolution, of which the following m a correct copy, waa duly adopted by said Council,

Bctolvcd, That ibe Common Council of the City of Buffalo Intend to take and approprlaio the land and property necessary to extend Kim wood avenue on its procntl lncs northerly to ibe south­erly lineot Forest avenue, and southerly to Uie northerly line of Bryant street, and that the City Clerk be and he is directed lo causo due notice of iueh Intention to be published.

W P. HUBN9. M27-myft4 city Clerk.



At wholesa le and retaU. A g e a t tor CtotrSa ld Coal Compaayr* Coal and C o t t .

J. LAJSH& I00EE, iiMcestor to Briggt A Moore.

2 8 9 M a i n S t r e e t 2 8 9 My torrpry of ICE .or tamn> trade Wat taken

Trom the u i e a l ' a new .breakwater. Best quali. y Anthraolte and WtnalaiHuCoal

for domestto use at lowest prinoa, oatattuly sorconed and promptly delivered.

IV C SPBINGEB, Bala* Agent

f&EhZZ^ZSSm** Exprea. 1 . m——•—CJ^i** Falls Aeoomraodaiiou 'A?&~~rs2£Lyrx*s7** MlAAara f - IU

it>*it0oxro»i. 7.10 aad IMO A. MMMM aad eJ» i r . »«-•

^ r a t a f a r r y r a ^ - t a . m * « l « A * 2 » it • l i i o i BA 7 20 aad 7^0 T. M» Txaia iea»c*

ft.?*a*«»?l^W»»^*7^sAi ,F' i t * » i n ^ « aad 7 20 P. M. Sonday* at *.'»' P. X-^raStorVifumSm terJfatAlo l l j i A. *•

At Is Ex-laa'tiTXxpTaat, oatlrr AX> P . a t , » t J

P L a b o r 4 « ' i n J A k » T a i A n a t t » o e » *>* BttaTala

^'TleAatl to'au potata, aad Wa*aaT Sieaplng and

General Pasoonicer A.t«'-' 1 A. TOUCH Y,

4j«a*ral SuperintendonL B. H. NOBLE, Atrent, fluff* '. M i m h t g . l g S 2 .

E m RAILWAY. V»:2S Hotel a id Sleeping Oeaeb,. tbroeje-S ^ i i a a r * ralto, Baotattar. BoSak, »:*.

* Tr r a i M ^ i » i O - . i ^ ««-

7J30A.M. Buadays exoepte . a an<< I i. aVaaaataat, Avon an«V Coit isg

g S J T S a g ^ S - ^ ^ tor all etaaeav

Dally. XlcCi lo Dlvtaloe


M.; arrlv* a

ItiSHia-H V A U A L E T .

Goal C o m p a n y , M.'natt t i l fjfllppart Of tnt tr a t l t a T M t d

* i l i i , Earn u d ietftfo U M l f - Coal, A M D

i'.llia Fdliey Enilrond CoEpany. / fn'.r.n: ahlpped to aU points In

PcnasriTania ami N e w Jersey. TEIBB, 0 . DOTLB. A*wat .

Comer Main a n d Seneca Ota.

. q Gv R. W I L S O N & GO.

ieiTTSTOH. LEHIGH, BLOSSBITLKJ andSOFT Q0AL W Loicea'.e aad retaU at l o w e a f m a r x e t pr lota , for

I -:.••• C e o * .

O^IHCE, No. 285|rMJtlii street. BrtneA oacc, No, 667 Exea$age street.


E-ioBLSIOii and *?EIA11LINQ,

BIossbiirK and Soft CctsJ.

^alt'Wholes'aie ktxd *Hst».D. O r r i C I - e Pearl stratt.

TABU—Kagle stroet. corner ol EriBlln.

i G O JLJLt. IE, L . H E D S T R O M a


Anthracite and Blossburg Goal "14 and 16 White Buildirie, l t t Floor.

aa£ pytt-J.ltBrJUBJILf J H ^

' i , • L00MIS & LYMAN ask an in­spection of their nevr Mantel De­signs, Brass Goods and English Tile, Rare Pdroelains and Bronz­es, Hammered Brasses, Old Chi­nese Embroideries and Costumes, Rich Paper Hangings and Vel­vets, Tapestries, Velours, Plush­es, Chintzes, Laces for Window Hangings, Rare Potteries, An­tique Furniture copies in Chairs, De&b, Dressers, eto,, Flemish Leather and Gobelin Tapestry Chair'Patterns, at their* store, 304 MAIN STREET.'


Marine A M D

Lo to mot ire


0VEE 35,000 HOW. IN


Simple, Sellable tvifd Always ..in Order. |! SPECIAL BATES TO STBAMriTTEBr.

l?£ll lBAffKS, & CO., 1 2 1 6 M a i n 8 t „ B t i f l i i l o . 1ST. Y .


r o i i

ramping Purposes.


Less Steam Than

A n y Otner

B oUer ; Feeder* U8E.

Engravings, Paintings, Fanov, Gilt and Velvet Frames.

ODDICK'SAETSTOBE, 3 3 1 JVInirt S t r e e t .

Tto oldatUetoibllacol sp-.cialict,

179 E a s t S w a n S t r e e t , also a tide eitt'auooi, t in- i l i , N. | i , a reffU-{fitrat'i Of &i»!tc'ii, treats aaaosbstnlly all 1 •ae*. of a I ' .

- PliTTATF. »rtJ STSBV.O'J? .Saturs, i l - -^pyn' , :«r !•• I r,'enifl;.*lr. .-«.-;;, ',» Inal wnrKiisHs. .;•*.;-.i.tto-TjCea, ••• ;••••-.;••.•:•, r aiaiiLr'tKl ao,1 a:; 'i--/>t,ic;> tiM.. , ;t ct. L-V-,*O \bvzv or exe."B»M,' rrliteb u,-\itt tij« ••v.at-_ «or ',"ii 'aeasor raairia^a. !;iaeri30s 61 itm i'.r,«», •• KHi VM:CS ac, l 'ilC .-C-ul'. '.* OSV-MDIV i-lt'lr-it.

KX't, I ' X f p l t t ' C l t t v ; aur*<l, bit, Comuliti'! an i pri.-at* In.-. eer.i *-",!;."; * r v v M„ 0 f i l . ^ 0.« l.t. n, wit1.

*rr* an r - f o r thr i - . ' t^ la t - -^*.ce ro'.T.-n, i' ' . : Hiin. ' i?

/!.;. t.

Men;.-: as u.

ni.ii r.:~: »-. .'.: OCJTOii t . . i

(viMt rti.1, ri rt'^i'jil

•r.t:.. SPKCSAlt'11.

K E ' i i O F F I C J - . ol Cuntnort-i.ii tai < TUXKTfl. HaCaio, :.'. r.c-lin :•--... Ane.-.peri'Vie

;if li > 'jura in iSc t i a « u enl r,f 'IP i.-j»eaf a r e i V A T - ' . nature ens die* ln..ljiAc >.o prssorlue cuco«j tuUyforallSpcolal disease* In anj and all of their tone*. In races* case* a car* warrantoa In a fea

ay*. Vonnor nan oau beaafatyaiul pormanontlj aatorad to EaaltA by oaUlnc on Dr. U onic*

rionrs from 7 A. M. to 10 1". M, Strlot oonllcronot and loortuy may ba relied anoa. Cnarcaa la* on."t .

sTOR B X H I B l T I N G

Mantels of Our Own Mannfactnre, Grates, lire Places, Tiles,

Biohmoud Eanges, Barstow Purnaces, Fisher Bafrigerators.


B B A D Y ' 8 B B N D , G O A L , Tor ira* and'eteaai porpoaa*.

1JL-]f--JiAt:TWKJLL. eopt^ -fast Brarly, g e a a t


First-class Steajnsliips. <CANSAS(now).%SM tons I MISSOUEI.. A l t * ton* IOWA *^S» toes VICTOBIA..S^B8 too* 1'ALESTINE . . . . . ! : . . i 3 o 9 t o n »

8Ati.i-Ma r t tox


^ - & 1 0 « O A X . i » . T . . X t > ^

A^mAU at a w . • I £ * j * l * £ * ' * ~ * • * - —

2^0P.M. ^^W";** Arrtt lM at K«w f o r t at IS* A. At.; f -U»i*i .

pnla At UJB A . at. _

3 * 2 5 X \ M . vt* Roela*»tarjrMvi«ea

5^0 PsM, A® 9J30P.M.,

Train, lasva Boftalo tor H-* trar**p£ j*>*™ *k,n Brld-r*aad t*o Wtatat ULlaaad ww A . M,, an-l li.lfl,i.3e and »M P. M. ^

Bat-imia* leave a T a w i f a U * At iM, 1M aae 1 1 3 A, M., Xifl ABU 7.W J*. M. "^rAda>»»»»a t o » l a « r a nXtM and a ^ t a a t o ; BrtdAal*«v*lAatia*Joliia, AW A. a U asd U.1'

*^t*rarx£ij?leav* Klagiwi r*B* at AJt and Jjt

aadUAO A. M.. aad 11AS. *.*« At* «J> V.-fe , -Train* leave for Loekport, 9AB A, Jt., 1X.M. U i

^ i J r ^ ^ ' L o o k p o r t at fc» A. U . IMO. XV

• o a - S y ^ ' & r t j . M f t i e ' « M j : f y j g ^ J ln*atI>oeliportat»UOr.>t. • ^ T ^ I f 0 » ? a " * ,

t % A. M., Arrtvlnit at Bnffalo at UUX> A. H.


Baortatt, oolokeet aad beat root* Vo Bradford, nttttmrjrn, TlturrlUe and aU pointyla the nupo fuut iuxacr oil ooaBtry. Sore OOCJ*»>CIIOIIB for C-J;* e taaaaVM.^Ilsaorl Chleairo.aad all n o u u w o t v

TriiSa wlU leave Bnffalo a. follow. S o a H. V.

4 . 4 5 a t -Bradfor t «.oo r. »*. „ ouaoay IWtn. oonaeot for Bradford. »aa4av

u i t o X r r l T e B t t t a l o M t l O A O C , " 4 * 4 6 P . at. Mo okaaaa ot c a n between BnAato wad Brad.

lord. Tratnaarrtvc at Ml A. M. fcSd tja B M. All trains run dally.

Taroart and Looal T!ex*ta, aad Cleerin* tod DrawlaaBoom Car aooommoilaUojieani. ba«fac* r ios la , may be obtained at toe 'ieneral o a e a ,

JSOIBABBOT*. jr. a. BABTt-rrr, " « U « a a v - A i t «*« . Kortall raa*. A r t


A N D L E A S E D L I N E S . T H * fcHOKT I t a W TO

F x a i l a d e l p h i a B a l t i m o r e .

TrVashiiigrtoa AsCaU Points So utfc.



A M * tma '"' isrortherix O i l F i e l d s .

Trams leave a c p*t, core cr Excbange aad Loo> lalana ttraeu, dally txoeptrHtaaay, l iufalo tun*

8 . 0 0 A t JWL B r a d f o r d , Emponua. aaietbpprt and roints wart, oa to* P . * f~ i>lv

2 . 0 0 P . l a X . 01»aaT 1 toad*wt l I Btae«I port. Emporium. W lUlamsport, PhlLadelphla, Baa Umora, Waanlna-toa, and potata aoatk. Taroog)) slocptn* oar trom Emporium. P, Hn 1 3 "KK o la ta Aocommodatlon-0 . < S U if. lVLt stopplM* at all statioos.

Trains arrive at U t A. M.. l a i s and AM P. M. Througb and local tickets, time table*aad Sleep.

InaCar aocommodaUons at the Company's office. t l Excbanx* street, at Miller'. tteAet omoe, a t !

exo.aToATCBJci . i t , *¥>%. a. B A L O W I K , OaanSanerlnteadaat, _ cienM Paaa. Ag'

M ^ & O

lirinir steeraite pi points in tiltKAT BR owest rates. AJUKXABDEB MABTIN, Agent! *J Main atreot. . .

paAtenjrers from tl'f A l k and IUE

principal LANDat


ball W e e k l v to and from N K W Y O K K t a i ] , ! U L A S V i O W , V i a L O S I D O K D X B J J T . Cabin Passage, 160 lo tto. Belurns, 1110 totHO.

Second Cabin. tlO. tteturn Tiokel*. »76. Steamers sail every Saturday to and from

_ w , N « w Yosjcsrul IXIKDOK D I K E C T . Cabin Passaic tv> and tea. ltetoraa Ron aod tUO

Steerage paescn*-ers booked at low rates. 1'aaavnKer acootamodatloa* aaexoelled.

ALLSTAtKBOOafaOK MAIW ItSOK. Passengers booked at lowest rate* to or from

Germany, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Ac, Kor book afTTuurs In Seoiland,"a»tas, rlans, 4 o _ apply toireNDKESOM BHOTllkae, rtewTork; or JOHN E. W A W U , , 1 « Kxclianfio ti.roct, Bul-falo.

IMl 'EKUi e i B J U f l fttAla.

The Nor th Q«rnian laord'* Steainsiiip.

Carrying tha Unlted States Mat) will sail trom Bromnn Pier, foot of Third street, Hobokaa, t V E K k

L &C0. I set .'and 3S1 WaahinEton street, and 13 to

It East Eaxlo street.


S W . 0 - E M A K E R S ; -^MAKING






LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OP MEAT. An InvAlaibls t s d ps l s t s i l e

t«cio In all r» J < 4 n ( w c a K ojgutt,,, , ^y j deb.lity. " U % »ni!ceM anil A fcooa for

.«birh aai ioai rhveld feci arntifui " ~ M V 0 " Mtdleal X^wi,'- « Laactt," " British Mc-rtical Journal," A*.

CAUTION. -Oenuin . only with ths fae. jirnlleof Ilsroa Utbiij-* Signalareia Elao ink serats ih» Labtl.

LIEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRAJDT ° ^ L ? E A T - . T O *> aaa of all Strnkeefert.

OrwrersanilChemltU. Sols Agem» for t!,o l.nitsd.gtatet (shuletalt oalrlTc. I>»vU •• Co., 411, Mark Lane. Londen, En»!ani1.

Itcturaln^ tho rftoamshlps loave Bremen eTerv Sunday, t"lrst Cabin, « & , seoond WMn. « Steorar-c, *17. S T E E K A O E T A C K E T D T O A J J , POI.NUS Ut T H E SOUTH OrMSQl^AAli.mr

rorliroi^uiBadpaasare apmy to OEUUCHI "ii?Ut,Hi"L1in?>,'«'-a''Jew xork.or tr.

P1I U P S T E L L W A O K N , over MS Main 8 t . Bursvto; OKUMAS HANK, OornOTof atain anti


ffoatlTieenotownfAadLlvarpool. Xteartt«riai

£ iD«i l7Btl i i«sh l I i lutviI l« & Euffalo | W M T B B TIME TABLE, NOVEMBBB, V Train* Havre trom Exx**n*r« *tra*t d*pot, f t * t»lo.elty tlxaa,TUA^Aka»>or* « aticuijcxa aouv*»-

. A A P. ft., WIGHT EIPEESA. (Pnllmaa l . U U Sleeping; Car OU City to Plttaborrh.' AjTlvo* Mayvuio Tltcsvllle M 7 P . TUl*,7JBr, "

M.. Corry I Ml City BJO P. M., Mead-

KnnateOU City 0*1/ SAUP.M- corry AulP

^ i % a U T ^ BoAaloLat ] , U » r , M

l e O O i i r f e r M., TltaawlUa e

Tralas a n l v e

eusp. at Sun lay train arrives I J S r . M, Taroaghaad local UoAatt, time tat-ie*. aa«

aaaaalaa; Car AcoommodaUoa. st to* Coa]aaay*i oflloe, tl Exchange ttree., at th* l*Xe eaora at-e o e . l l Exrhanx* rtr.-. t. »t Miller". Tlcievoflo* 468 naia street, and a " e depot.

WM. R. BA.I.D VtlN. Ota. Past, j / i , _ , . _ _ - ^ « Kscbanjraatraat, KuAalo, R ;

O. VfATSON. Jiu, G e a l Sept.. Oil Ciry. Pa

lEupn/flEaMDl 1

,SS S. B., toot ot K W .troct. WYOMING.., AB1ZONA.. . . ABYSSINIA.. W A B C O N S I N . AhffPf4?"—.i—Tmadajr,' May so; A 0 0 P . M

Thfa*atateaar* aro bniltot Iron, in

. . 1.00P.M . Tnaaday, May t, IOM A. U

.....Tueaday. May 1«. too P, M . . . .Tuesday, May 13, ».30 A. M

G r r a t e l r x l — C o m i o r t l n c

B i l P ^ S ' S C O < 3 0 J ^ BBEAKFAST.

"By a thorough knowledge of the naioral laws which govern the operation* of digestion asd nu­trition, and by a caret al application of ihe fin* properUeaot well-selected cocoa, Mr. Eppshaa provided our breakfast table* with a delicately, flavored beverage which may save a* many heavy doctor bill*. l t l * by a ladlcioo* aae of .och arX clcsof diet thai a constitution may be gradaallv built up until strong enough to resist every tend­ency to disease. Hundred, of subtle maladies are floating around n* ready to attack wherever there HJ»r i*5 J!0.laiu W o m ? 7 ««"R° to»ny » fatal shaft by keeping ourselves well fortified with

Cirtl ^ c a " t e * t t r , p C r i 7 - B O t t r i ' 1 > e d t W - n -Made (Imply with boiling water or milk.- Sold

la tin* only (half pound and pound), labeled J1JIK8 BPP» at CO., Homoiopalhlo Chemlsf,



IRON FOUNDERS And Machinists-




PDWEB ABO HAND ELEVATOBS, f' CUTTEB8, Paper Cutters aad Book-binder.'

Starting aad Pnlleya> epocialty. Job Work a id ordered.

{Dissolution of Copartnership. The copartnership heretofore existing under

the Arm name, of Morrow A J a m s la thl* day .iassolved by mutual oootent, H. C. K. Morrow retirlBjr. The business will be eonttnaed by too subscriber, wfcoasaumet ail tbe Uabillueeof the flnn and to whom all dobu doe the Arm moat be paid,

B . r . J A U V I S

A L L A N fr S T E E L E ' S S T K A M

Carpet-beating aid Renovating Works, 1<A8, I C O , 1 C 2 Nirtsraru S t ^

Near Mohawk. Up-town omoe, 5 Niagaraat l>aylng and re-fitting earpets at moderate ratea,

Hair and feathers renova ed ny .team. «" Plve kinds of all-metal roll-up. fold-nn and *ee-

tlonal SPUING BKD& Hair, husk and *e*-graa* mattreasea. .Por aale at retail at wholesale price* tor ea«h or on Instalment*, M our factory.


HOUSE, IS and n West Seneca street, fur-nlshc.anya.Hclc required In the printing busl nest, to any extant desired, on as reasonable term* a*anvfoiindrylnlrreUnit*.18late*. Also ELKC-A'KOTV I'ING in all its variety. Alto typo ndant-ed for Uiok's mailtag maohlnu. ~ w *•» F» ~ t » j ^

5 ^ 1 f f ^ ^ » » d a r e f o j r B M 4 a y « t A atary 1 qiuyi.c to make, the paaaaire aoroe* the Aliintl* bout sale an 1 a j r r o * a l i l e T n ^ n r b a ^ r ^ e x S * > »»ajoott), drawlngVooS, planoiia^torarTJTSat JX|*rlenoedf.ur«»A, stewardaa* aad Mrtarerea ^ f i ^ H . ' . A » « « « « - « » m . a r o A H o n d a S

W W J J l No .«J i l WEDi(i

-tlantio UompaDT. OalT WUtXCT J M » * io P B A N O E T

only oe» «i£ZadfrSrict'".IlSi'

la*tU**(WtaaClV OOrrra;x.Ij.: *" <W tit*

— J i OaUxat* A OOfF n>« vnmmm I m a m l l a l a t ;

> m p e r f e c t t h s * M ' l a a t w U y 11- -i _ of t a * teasrae wban .

to t h . riljrbl.JScil'c^orL. braai. nteratwe raaOac J. impo-oi.lt

•»a*owaya*t. "

tt^ttlaiv**, JjaAtot aiat. The ptd whaa m M K u .

la the last arvtsi rsars tasaosd or ttstunw' • carinut hold w»? Improved. A asw

the lavsator. osty lbs rapturt 1

— IrsttnuMatt, i»«ri peratvs (or atnaraieBlncCIiib orpAln. tv-ndi ot, ttAaip (.<•

WMMiunaB Praas* (rtwUerae,

_ t oo AL0,X.Y.

Mr. Charles Outlic will bo at i« omec, corner Of Itoron and Main street*. Buffalo, the last Thursday and Friday of each month tor four month, from March; next vlsit^Aprir'-Tlh and 10th; Roraheater, Whitoomb lioiiac. Hay 1st and Id, with full aapply. CHARItBS CI.UTBE, Sur • gleal MaehlnUL

^>&5$2S^SS&?JBi from plei

KSDAY. Travc^c«bythl. l lne7vtrdDot«

r, Ii..loucia, Wwlneadav Mav 17 A p 5

0 1 , • £ - l ? " i a * * i S e a B d n * * o l a ,

Wells! ( Bn.Taie.

M. E. B E E B E ,

A R C H I T E C T H. E . Oorcor Main t a i Eagle Streots

.traat, t a d tt» Main aatta asaata tot

JB. WALBE1D&E, Sole A g e n t for

Lawn lower. ALIO

O K E Y E . D A I S Y , And other style, of Mowers.


[and 319 Waahintyton_gt. 8PSMG MIIAIAIHEIIY.

The p i s s e s B . & E . HAAXIAXIA Of 4.6? Main s t a W '

DAZ.Z.AI, T e x a s , A p r i l » , lest, Buffalo UcaU Company, Buffalo, AV. T.t

G K N T U - O u r Boston Platform 1. on oar eouo ter aad we are very mooh plateed with It; think it «un>assce auytlilng we ever saw In the way of a counter scale. I tUootoal jr a model of boauly la design, bat for accuracy asd ooavonlenoe it eanaot be excelled. We have beeaualng It about a-weck, aad think U is only to be aecn and tried to be appreciated, eaecati to the Botioa Plai-fonn, and wo can but exclaim, • Euraka!"

Your, truly,

U U E Y A P 1 1 I L P .

A TAAMITAE OF HAAAAAIW. - , _ .„ * M » P A M O 0 *

MAGITETig gOBE, Uomellsvllle, K . T .

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