old fulton ny post cards by tom tryniski 7/fredonia ny...mary lou zeiser, carrie...

tftF"f?"-'i?*J "»DTiiri-rj,--v HJI n.i i i U \ THE FREDONIA CENSOR T h u r x . M a r . 22. 10.5.1 Sponsors Citing Village, Sehool Section 'Abuse; : . .1 } ! . - . - raber o! n iiure on. we • » r • • - . : •''•:; q • ed, so far . i be !r. ." .' the sponsors will turr; t • :n- .'. . .-••• Ekterd for such act i Is macnmes. a lu^e Board w '! uiremer.;, : uld "<• - n o! tne v u- the only re- LEADERS OF FREOONIA'S RED CROSS CAMPAIGN :- " : ; >C1. Red Cross Raises I fje B03rd for ch actios (^1 f Aft t f\ ' K. , I v take - r J s M,bUG of Uuotd I „' if tne demand appears ;|uf- Y " f . >^.** v, -»* g atly strong for the petition ! •., . . . - -of the- wishes fair •. the (con uca from page 11 "said, refer- icaticn of •• P ..'. re .•• villag to establish their percentage of, the; voters.! g i f t s e x p e cted to come from purees board wilt au,nor»ze p fe- whibh thus far have mad ^ cnly a r t:ce stating; gen- prel . m:narv . re . >or ;r.a; registration-of voters 8 ' T"*! quota to swell the total jota. Divisional >.• a r e ne.ar ' expected he $4,36-1 cnairmen P^f-ypKarrv F. Saihoff, industrial; Al t wl Y i Woodcock, business; Harold ;hi i el ct •- - The spoke-- \ Lity at fut >• :. - . re wasi-schoo*. board elections. Any •?> that any. unqualified : son* opposed to the action violated,the have-30 days in which to register, Du -a^oras :• -lions, sug-i their objections and if such »bjec l -j John £; Kitz^erala. lawyers: How- ;onal regis- tians are filed within that time the j a r c | ^ .Bradley .school; E C Blcm far to prevent its; b'oard'wil} call for a referendum OQijiredonia StatJ Teachers College. •urrence. the question. ••..-. ; s ctory? To institute the use of. voting fw Q y the perfect remembrance\Q CUT FLOWERS POTTED PLANTS CORSAGES DISH GARDENS Easter lilies in all"their white! loveliness, beautifully potted, ; .and.beribboned to carry the 'beauty of Easter into every home. ORDER EASTER LILIES 1 EARLY ] S? 1 HvniRE l\[ RIAN'S FLOWER SHOP ;, 114 E. Fourth St.- Phone 6444 - Dunkirk, N. Y. 11. fV Flowers for all occasions Vf") Harper, Rud Green", Franl •««• Genuine Factory Made Parts Tor Al! ., * MERCURY CARS LARGE STOCK. We Service All Wakes oi Cars Factory Trained Mechanics Fast jServcte - Rea$jQ#$ihle Rates NORM i i A ^ " " has joined our service- organisa- tion and he invites all of his friends and customers to bring their car repair work to him at lib HARMON L. SCHWERT, Ine: BAncohz-Mercury Sales and Service 87 Lake Shore Dr. E. Dunkirk - PhC<e 6772 OPEN EVENINGS Gs>od Used Cars - Mere for Your Money t . .i :&nvcss Captain*: Workers Captains of thVeanvass a-i-c Mrs. : nicy M. Sessions, Mr:;. Roland] Burton, Mrs. Howard Young. Mrs. Theron Lane. Mrs. Cprl John- son, Mrs Donald V- Hbgan. Mrs,; Alfred Willsey, Mrs. Ellen Bundy, Mrs. Russell Rulvino. Mrs. Stan-! ford Stearns.• Mrs. Victor Desso I ~ T s. Vincent Gugino, Mrs. Robert Die'.zen, Mrs. Lester M. Straight, Mrs. Vernon Middaugh, Miss Ruby! Guest and Miss Dorothy Winchest-j er. . i Their canvassers include Me."-.- dafmes Howard Bradley, A. K. Dickson, Marvin Rose. Frank Pat-', ten, Lewis Crocker, Stanley Clark,; George Croninger, Ray KenyonJ C. H. Homer. James Weiss, Frank Hansen. . Andrew Pinkerton jr., W. A. Case. George Williams, Nix- on Hurd, Gardner Freling. S. L. Drayo, Robert Kerrick. Ix>uis Long, H. G: Walker,'Robert Marvel. J.: N. Keyser, Leo O'Sullivan. John | Walker. Arwood Quist, Willard ; Cpnaway, Waiter.Rathbun. Clinton j dolph Sahle sr., Louis'! k Roberts, Guy Tadt, Harold Covey. William Vander Goot. .Ethel Reed. Wallace Cave, | Harold Rupp,, William Dickinson, Joseph Gugino, E. G. Kroen'ke, Everett Johnson. Also Mesdames Albert Johnson, { Mathew Kocek. Fanny Martin, L. ; '.David Johnson. Everett Drew, JKirby Hay ward, Florian Spoden, Samuel G.ervaise, Harry Gilbert, Stephen Strychalski.i Joseph Cop- iglio. Edward James, Milton Luce, Robert Oakes. George Smiih, Vio- let Coil, William Genske, Florence Herbst, Douglas Gormley, R. : R. Shephard, Glenn Kent. Milton > Scbafer. Harry Peters. Kenneth Stokes, William Currie, T. C. Fran- cis. 'Charles Baressi. Patrick O'Hara, Anthony Manuel, Rose Trusso.. Russell Joy, Otis Swift, Gerald Dengler, Howard Raymond. Arthur . Baldensperger, Everett Potter. Also Mesdames Francis Geiben, Harry Hayward,' Stanley Miller, F. H. Darling, Louis Skelly, Jose- ohihe Calarco, Angeline Gugino, Horace Civilette, C. Melville Ev- arts, Louis Heyl, Clara Hassett, George Apthorpe, Louis Apthorpe. Arthur Morse, Donald Towne, Florence Boiling. Loda Metzler, Edward Miller, Laura Stonefoot, Clara Ehmke, Dorothy Bouquin and Kenneth Austin. D.-F., \ew Vonk. I addhu»na'l trunk lines from each : ' terminal c^mminlty. Phone Companies The result is that the bdsv ^^^ 4t2rf 'i'tAtt- TJVCT—ir^'nal.Whtchso £n •quentl v i- w ^ heara .-%«MO.^V» irttHIU * .whdn Freac-mais dialed DimktrK. :—-— ' ,'• or \lice versa, is nc^c hea,r<i much The Dunkirk and Fredopia; tej.e-; lessjoften. » \ phone Ccmpany'ind the New'Y«jitjk;| With the sis. new lines; added Telephone Company have recently: within tht.^ past month there are raker, steps to'expedite 'the hM#4**4'*° ^™™~hz *n(J 20 dtttgoioi ling of calls between Fredonia anc^i truntes. bet weed the'tw<j CQ Dunkirk bv *.he installation .of thre^' " u ^ s \ . \ BUICK PONTIAC -. GOOD USED CARS FREDONIA MOTOR CORP Phone 2^2178 80 West Main Street' Leaders of the current campaign of the Fredonia Red greatest mother of them all" are headed by Dona It*. C. R. Watson, branch chairman, and Mrs. E., C. Blom, ca divisional chairmen of the drive, including Howard R. Cross branch to raise $4,361 here for "the Srandt, chairman, seated center, with Robert Tipai^n secretary. Standing, left to right, are Bradley, schools; Alfred C. Gerit, publicity; Mbert Wocdccck, business: John G. Fitzgerald, lawy ers;: and Harold S. Duncan, clubs and organizations. 640 Cases 0f Eggs Scrambled as Truck Crashes] in Route 5 Fredonia Master's'Lose in-Finals Six hundred and forty cases ojf eggs—that's 1230.400 eggs, bro- ther—bound for New York Citv and eventual hard-boiling .for Easter, were scrambled on Palm Sunday when the tractor-trail- er in which they were loaded was vvre.ckeel) on Route. 5, five miles east off Barcelona. State^Police, at Westfield said the tractor, he: ded east and driv- airmen ,'Y' ISasketbaM 1 ouraey mm& For Annual Gala ^Mhf The Fredonia Maxtor's, connect- ing'on only four of 17 foul shots. j lost a ding-dong battle and tho. Westfield Y.M.C.A. Gold Medal Tournament to the en by Walter trailer which bankment, sp/ T. Killing, 28, of* 1 Orion,,111., "br6ke loose from the went over an em- villing despite ef- forts of the Westfield Fire De- partment which sent volunteers to the scene. \ The driver was taken lo Brooks Memorial Hospital, Dunkirk, and was checkup. discharged after ' a ^©il Conservatioai feironp Has Eleetion t ' 'At its March meeting held on the 15th in Jamestown, the board of directors of the Chautauqua Coun- r\ i \ ni*nt by a score iays a^tkktonl^f^vj; e chairmen jys at Stock- re appointed at Mayville of the Chau- nteer- Fire- Additional commit! for the annual Gala D ton July 21 arid 22 we last Thursday night by the full committee tauqua County Volv men's Association. Albert Brinkerhoff vice-chairman, said the session represent ber fire departments enrollment of more th The Gala Days wi the Firemen's Fraterit including on the program baseball games both afternoons, fireworks on' both nights'and la parade on the afternoon of July] 22. Members of the Firemen's Frjatdrnity this" year are working with the com- mittee. Mr. Brinkerhpff said. Pro- of Sheridan 50 attended ng 55 mem-i- and a total an 2,600 men. be held at ity Grounds. Conservation District, re-' ceeds from the Gala Days will Also the Misses Bertha Piehl, Mary Lou Zeiser, Carrie Andolina..j-Rf-^CramerrcoUnVrgrkuitur Evelyn SembeUa Antoinette. agent of Jamestown, secretar Chimera. Frances Trippi, Peggy Fenner, Beverly" Salhoff. Arline Arcoraci, Mabelle. Pemberton, Dor- othy Grant and Ruth Johnson. Mr. Brandt extended the com- mittee's thanks to three members of Boy Scout Troop 67—John Sw;ft, Roger Ver Hage and Rieharc Marsh—who assisted in the distri- bution of advertising and publicity in connection with the-campaign. used to improve the grounds, which are maintained! for free use of the public. -v hr&x&t 2?SJ"*"S22» treasurer: of Mayville, Fredonia, in charge of fireworks', and Harry Salisbury of Mayvijle,' chairman Committee Set U] OnReorganizatioi? Of the Girl Scouts elected Edward Beckerink of Cly- mer, board chairman for 1951 and al y. , Willis Wilson of Westfield, was Other members making up the j appointed parade chairman; O. V board of directors for 1951 as- ap-J Sharp of Portland, pointed by the Board of Supervisy-i-Gharles L. Anderson r-- in-i-u!^ T5 -olr' POWIP:, A eh- I a nd Walter Burr of ville; Lee White, Sherman; Ray- mohu Loiouni. Kcii'uj.v. dim Jt\. JJ. Borthwick, Sherida-n. j of amusements, assisted by Clar- Ivlr. Borthwick was appointed ence Kircher of Mayville. and John delegate from this county to the ! Coe of Sherman. Mrs.; Salibury was state conference of Soil Cons'erva- ! appointed tq head ithe program tion District directors in Elmira. 1 committee. | Fentons last Saturday of 54 to,52 on court. the Mastor's had ? chance to tie up the ball game with 45 seconds to play but missed a iset shot. 1 and the Fredonians' drive fell just shnri n( victory. Forward Bob Kelly sparked, the winners in the second half, tossing in, 18 of his 22-ooint total to edge Neil Postman of Fredonia for the top scoring honors. Postman h"d 20, 16 of them' in the la& half. Fredonia wjas a point 1 behind, at 20-21, at intermission time after pulling up from an 8-15 deficit at the first quarter. The Mastor's; entered the final after beating the Westfield Jets in the semi-finals Friday night, 00 to 59. The Fentons beat out the Fredonia Henry's, 84-55, the same night. •Cherry Creek topped Cassadaga. 70 to 68, in the consolation game Saturday night just prior to the Mastors-Fenton set-to. " Two Fredonia players made ths all-tourney team, announced after the playoffs. Postman of the Mas-; j tor's quint, and Carl Saglimben, of i the Henry's were honored, togeth- er with .Nick Alonge and Harry} Perdue of the Fentons and Hank ! Canale of the. Jets. , i MLE! *) FBHE SESSIONS AGENCY, W COR. MAIN AND EAGLE STREETS FREDONIA, NEW YOftK & r N P/cys Any Size Record Anywhere / Nmm 3-SFEBII MAiATOLA PORTABLE PHONOGRAPH O A compUto phonogrcph nor an attachment . © Smart to carry fun to •. * The steering committee .which will guide the ' reorganization of t"he Northern Chautaluqua Giri Scout Council has been secured, it is announced by Miss Viola Cox, chairman. Members of the commit- 'tee representing different sections of the council area are: The Rev. Paul L Denise, Westfield; Roy C. Hooper, Lamberton; Mrs. John Leo Sullivan, Stockton; Nelson C. Ho- m?n, Forestville; Melvin Hall, Irv- ing; Louis F. Long, Fredonia; Rob- ert Palmer and Samuel Moreeno, Dunkirk. . . . This steering committee wil draw up the by-laws for the as- .^ciation council, to be voted up- i on at the first, meeting of the en- tu'e membership. It will plan for decentralizing the work of the board for the most efficient oper- ation of the council, and recom- mend which functions can be dele- gated to town committees. © Compact —t but "big' in par forma nco Just plug it in — works .anywhere—takes all type record.*. Case is luggage 'ypo with smart white pip- ing. Lucite handle. , ' THOR LADiRON u> AS LOW AS i S25-00 $|.75 DOWN WEEKLY © Knee lever star ts and stops e Stores in 7 3 4 square feet You may never again have the opportunity to buy this famous ironer at such a i sav- ing. Come in now and con- vince yourself before this of- Gifts & Greetings for You through WELCOME WAGON from Your Friendly Ltus 1 n;'s.> N e i g h b o r s and Civic and S -cial Welfare Leaders On the occasion of: The Birth of a Baby Sixteenth Birthdays Engagement Announcements Change of residence! Arrivals of Newcomers to City PHONE 2-5039 or 2-79,17 (No cost or obligation) * . :;;~:;^ Questions Murk the Hanger Spots roofing loosened or rioccd Hos vovr worse for winter wecr? Do windows stick or rott'e enough cir and sunliclht? Does your kitchen now !oc shabby? Repair winter damage NOW, before co->:sj mount. sena man to check your roof aive esrimd on otner repairs season. suppiy too-grade •aterial'', MONTHLY ARRANGED KK ru IS Cos! & KsiiSdihg Swpply Co. ,15 PARK AVE. DUNKIRK, PKOXE NY. 2258 I V V t x >\ \ ! . * I © Never before ijiave we offered such a big washer value at such a sensationally icw price. Quality built throughout by America's Oldest Washer Manufacturer... tne Blackstcne is today's BEST washer buy. Dlackstone's Hi-Vane eirculcCor provides fast but gentle washing action that cleanses thor-f C'jghiy but never tears garments: T 2, 8 pound, family-capacity-seamless tub, -orceloin-finished inside and out; Lovell Safety Wringer with "Econo-Gcuge" pressure selector; •silent, trouble-free mechanism that never needs oiling; heavy-duty, lifetime-lubricated motor; Automatic Drain Pump that empties tub in two minutes. Come in for a demonstration and leti us show you WHY it's impossible to duplicate this value anywhere else «'n town. . , Listen, Monday through Saturday to the 'Euros Coc! Weathermen, WKBW, 7:00 Burns' 'i i /' IfW ELECTRIC CO. Inc. *Russo Bldg. ( Facing the Park) Phone 2-2166 Fredonia, N. Y. V : • . I • • '4 % V Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

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Page 1: Old Fulton NY Post Cards By Tom Tryniski 7/Fredonia NY...Mary Lou Zeiser, Carrie Andolina..j-Rf-^CramerrcoUnVrgrkuitur Evelyn SembeUa Antoinette. agent of Jamestown, secretar Chimera

tftF"f?"-'i?*J "»DTiiri-rj,--v HJI • n.i i i U


— THE FREDONIA CENSOR Thurx . Mar. 22. 10.5.1

Sponsors Citing Vil lage, Sehool

Section 'Abuse; • : . .1 }

! . -. • -

raber o! n iiure on. we • • » r • • - . : • ' ' • : ;

q • ed, so far . i be !r. ." .' the sponsors will turr; t • :n-

.'. . .-••• Ekterd for such act i Is

macnmes. a lu^e Board w '! uiremer.;, :

uld "<• - •

n o! tne v u -the only re-


Red Cross Raises I fje B03rd for ch actios ( ^ 1 f A f t t f\ ' K. , I

v take-r Js M,bUG of Uuotd I „ ' if tne demand appears ;|uf- Y " f . > ^ . * * v , - » * g atly strong for t he petition !

•., . . . - -of the- wishes fair •. the

(con uca from page 11

• "said, refer- icaticn of • •• • P

..'. re .•• v i l lag to establish their

percentage of, the; voters.! g i f t s e x p e c t e d to come from p u r e e s board wilt au,nor»ze p fe- w h i b h t h u s f a r h a v e m a d ^ c n l y

a r t:ce stating; gen- p r e l . m : n a r v . re.>or ;r.a; registration-of voters8 '

T"*! quota to swell the total

jota. Divisional

>.• are ne.ar '

expected he $4,36-1

cnairmen P^f-ypKarrv F. Saihoff, industrial; Al twlY i Woodcock, business; Harold

;hi i el ct •- - The spoke-- \ Lity at fut >• :. - . re wasi-schoo*. board elections. Any

•?> that any. unqualif ied : son* opposed to the action v io la ted , the have-30 days in which to register, D u -a^oras

:• -lions, sug- i their objections and if such »bjecl-j J o h n £ ; Kitz^erala. lawyers: How-;onal regis- tians a r e filed within that time the j a r c | ^ .Bradley . s c h o o l ; E C Blcm

far to prevent its; b'oard'wil} call for a referendum OQijiredonia StatJ Teachers College. •urrence. the question.

••..-. ;s ctory? To institute the use of. voting f w

Q y the perfect remembrance\Q


• Easter lilies in all"their white! loveliness, beautifully potted, ;

.and.beribboned to carry the 'beauty of Easter into every home.


] S?1

HvniRE l\[

RIAN'S FLOWER SHOP ;, 114 E. Fourth St.- Phone 6444 - Dunkirk, N. Y.


f V Flowers for all occasions Vf")

Harper, Rud Green", Franl

• « « •

Genuine Factory Made Parts Tor Al!

., *


We Service All Wakes oi Cars Factory Trained Mechanics

Fast jServcte - Rea$jQ#$ihle Rates

NORM i i

A ^ " " has joined our service- organisa­tion and he invites all of his

friends and customers to bring their car repair work to him at lib

HARMON L. SCHWERT, Ine: • BAncohz-Mercury Sales and Service

87 Lake Shore Dr. E. Dunkirk - PhC<e 6772 OPEN EVENINGS

Gs>od Used Cars - Mere for Your Money

t . .i

:&nvcss Captain*: Workers Captains of thVeanvass a-i-c Mrs. :

nicy M. Sessions, Mr:;. Roland] Burton, Mrs. Howard Young.

Mrs. Theron Lane. Mrs. Cprl John­son, Mrs Donald V- Hbgan. Mrs,; Alfred Willsey, Mrs. Ellen Bundy, Mrs. Russell Rulvino. Mrs. S tan- ! ford Stearns.• Mrs. Victor Desso I ~T s. Vincent Gugino, Mrs. Robert Die'.zen, Mrs. Lester M. Straight, Mrs. Vernon Middaugh, Miss Ruby! Guest and Miss Dorothy Winchest-j er. . i

Their canvassers include Me."-.-dafmes Howard Bradley, A. K. Dickson, Marvin Rose. Frank Pat-' , ten, Lewis Crocker, Stanley Clark,; George Croninger, Ray KenyonJ C. H. Homer. James Weiss, Frank Hansen. . Andrew Pinkerton jr., W. A. Case. George Williams, Nix­on Hurd, Gardner Freling. S. L. Drayo, Robert Kerrick. Ix>uis Long, H. G: Walker , 'Rober t Marvel. J . : N. Keyser, Leo O'Sullivan. John | Walker. Arwood Quist, Willard ; Cpnaway, Waiter .Rathbun. Clinton j

dolph Sahle sr., Louis'! k Roberts, Guy Tadt,

Harold Covey. William Vander Goot. .Ethel Reed. Wallace Cave, | Harold Rupp,, William Dickinson, Joseph Gugino, E. G. • Kroen'ke, Everett Johnson.

Also Mesdames Albert Johnson, { Mathew Kocek. Fanny Martin, L. ;

'.David Johnson. Everett Drew, JKirby Hay ward, Florian Spoden, Samuel G.ervaise, Harry Gilbert, Stephen Strychalski.i Joseph Cop-iglio. Edward James, Milton Luce, Robert Oakes. George Smiih, Vio­let Coil, William Genske, Florence Herbst, Douglas Gormley, R.: R. Shephard, Glenn Kent. Milton

> Scbafer. Harry Peters. Kenneth Stokes, William Currie, T. C. F r an ­cis. 'Charles Baressi. Patrick O'Hara, Anthony Manuel, Rose Trusso.. Russell Joy, Otis Swift, Gerald Dengler, Howard Raymond. Arthur . Baldensperger, Everett Potter.

Also Mesdames Francis Geiben, Harry Hayward, ' Stanley Miller, F. H. Darling, Louis Skelly, Jose-ohihe Calarco, Angeline Gugino, Horace Civilette, C. Melville Ev-arts, Louis Heyl, Clara Hassett, George Apthorpe, Louis Apthorpe. Arthur Morse, Donald Towne, Florence Boiling. Loda Metzler, Edward Miller, Laura Stonefoot, Clara Ehmke, Dorothy Bouquin and Kenneth Austin.

D . - F . , \ e w V o n k . I addhu»na'l t runk lines from each • :' terminal c^mminl ty .

Phone Companies The result is that the bdsv ^ ^ ^ 4t2r f ' i ' t A t t - TJVCT—ir^ 'na l .Whtchso £n •quentlvi- w ^ heara . - % « M O . ^ V » i r t t H I U * .whdn Freac-mais dialed DimktrK.

:—-— ' ,'• or \lice versa, is nc^c hea,r<i much The Dunkirk and Fredopia; tej .e- ; lessjoften. » \

phone Ccmpany ' i nd the New'Y«jitjk;| With the sis. new lines; added Telephone Company have recently: within tht.^ past month there are raker, steps to 'expedi te 'the h M # 4 * * 4 ' * ° ^™™~hz *n(J 20 dtttgoioi ling of calls between Fredonia anc^i truntes. bet weed the'tw<j CQ Dunkirk bv *.he installation .of thre^ ' "u^s\ .






80 West Main Street'

Leaders of the current campaign of the Fredonia Red greatest mother of them al l" are headed by Dona It*. C. R. Watson, branch chairman, and Mrs. E., C. Blom, ca divisional chairmen of the drive, including Howard R.

Cross branch to raise $4,361 here for "the Srandt, chairman, seated center, with Robert Tipai^n secretary. Standing, left to right, are Bradley, schools; Alfred C. Gerit, publicity;

Mbert Wocdccck, business: John G. Fitzgerald, lawy ers;: and Harold S. Duncan, clubs and organizations.

6 4 0 Cases 0f Eggs Scrambled as Truck

Crashes] in Route 5

Fredonia Master's'Lose in-Finals

Six hundred and forty cases ojf eggs—that's 1230.400 eggs, bro­ther—bound for New York Citv and eventual hard-boiling .for Easter, were scrambled on Palm Sunday when the t ractor- t rai l ­er in which they were loaded was vvre.ckeel) on Route. 5, five miles east off Barcelona.

State^Police, at Westfield said the tractor, he: ded east and dr iv-


,'Y' ISasketbaM 1 ouraey

mm& For Annual Gala ^Mhf

The Fredonia Maxtor's, connect­ing'on only four of 17 foul shots.

j lost a ding-dong battle and tho. Westfield Y.M.C.A. Gold Medal

Tournament to the

en by Walter

trailer which bankment, sp/

T. Killing, 28, of*1

Orion,,111., "br6ke loose from the went over an em-

villing despite ef­forts of the Westfield Fire De­partment which sent volunteers to the scene. \

The driver was taken lo Brooks Memorial Hospital, Dunkirk, and was checkup.

discharged after ' a

^©il Conserva t ioa i feironp H a s E l ee t i on

t ' ' A t its March meeting held on the

15th in Jamestown, the board of directors of the Chautauqua Coun-

r\ i \ ni*nt by a score

iays a^tkktonl^f^vj; e chairmen

jys at Stock-re appointed at Mayville

of the Chau-nteer- Fi re-

Additional commit! for the annual Gala D ton July 21 arid 22 we last Thursday night by the full committee tauqua County Volv men's Association.

Albert Brinkerhoff vice-chairman, said the session represent ber fire departments enrollment of more th

The Gala Days wi the Firemen's Fraterit including on the program baseball games both afternoons, fireworks on' both n igh t s ' and la parade on the afternoon of July] 22. Members of the Firemen's Frjatdrnity this" year are working with the com­mittee. Mr. Brinkerhpff said. Pro­

of Sheridan 50 attended ng 55 mem-i-and a total

an 2,600 men. be held at

ity Grounds.

Conservation District, r e - ' ceeds from the Gala Days will

Also the Misses Bertha Piehl, Mary Lou Zeiser, Carrie A n d o l i n a . . j - R f - ^ C r a m e r r c o U n V r g r k u i t u r Evelyn SembeUa Antoinette. a g e n t o f Jamestown, secretar Chimera. Frances Trippi, Peggy Fenner, Beverly" Salhoff. Arline Arcoraci, Mabelle. Pemberton, Dor­othy Grant and Ruth Johnson.

Mr. Brandt extended the com­mittee's thanks to three members of Boy Scout Troop 67—John Sw;ft, Roger Ver Hage and Rieharc Marsh—who assisted in the distri­bution of advertising and publicity in connection with the-campaign.

used to improve the grounds, which are maintained! for free use of the public.

- v hr&x&t 2?SJ"*"S22»

t reasurer: of Mayville, Fredonia, in

charge of fireworks', and Harry Salisbury of Mayvijle, ' chairman

Committee Set U] OnReorganizatioi? Of the Girl Scouts

elected Edward Beckerink of Cly-mer, board chairman for 1951 and

al y. , Willis Wilson of Westfield, was

Other members making up the j appointed parade chairman; O. V board of directors for 1951 as- ap-J Sharp of Portland, pointed by the Board of Supervisy-i-Gharles L. Anderson r-- in-i-u!^ T 5 -o l r ' POWIP: , A eh- I a n d Walter Burr of ville; Lee White, Sherman; Ray-mohu Loiouni. Kcii 'uj.v. dim Jt\. JJ. Borthwick, Sherida-n. j of amusements, assisted by Clar-

Ivlr. Borthwick was appointed ence Kircher of Mayville. and John delegate from this county to the ! Coe of Sherman. Mrs.; Salibury was state conference of Soil Cons'erva- ! appointed tq head ithe program tion District directors in Elmira. 1 committee. |

Fentons last Saturday of 54 to ,52 on court.

the Mastor's had ? chance to tie up the ball game with 45 seconds to play but missed a iset shot.1 and the Fredonians' drive fell jus t shnri n( victory.

Forward Bob Kelly sparked, the winners in the second half, tossing in, 18 of his 22-ooint total to edge Neil Postman of Fredonia for the top scoring honors. Postman h"d 20, 16 of them' in the la& half. •

Fredonia wjas a point1 behind, at 20-21, at intermission time after pulling up from an 8-15 deficit at the first quarter .

The Mastor's; entered the final after beating the Westfield Jets in the semi-finals Friday night, 00 to 59. The Fentons beat out the Fredonia Henry's, 84-55, the same night. •Cherry Creek topped Cassadaga.

70 to 68, in the consolation game Saturday night just prior to the Mastors-Fenton set-to. "

Two Fredonia players made ths all-tourney team, announced after the playoffs. Postman of the Mas-; j tor's quint, and Carl Saglimben, of i the Henry's were honored, togeth­er with .Nick Alonge and Harry} Perdue of the Fentons and Hank ! Canale of the. Jets . ,







r N P/cys Any Size Record Anywhere /


O A compUto phonogrcph — nor an attachment .

© Smart to carry — fun to •. *

The steering committee .which will guide the ' reorganization of t"he Northern Chautaluqua Giri Scout Council has been secured, it is announced by Miss Viola Cox, chairman. Members of the commit-

'tee representing different sections of the council area are: The Rev. Paul L Denise, Westfield; Roy C. Hooper, Lamberton; Mrs. John Leo Sullivan, Stockton; Nelson C. Ho-m?n, Forestville; Melvin Hall, I rv­ing; Louis F. Long, Fredonia; Rob­ert Palmer and Samuel Moreeno, Dunkirk. . . .

This steering committee wil draw up the by-laws for the as-

.^ciation council, to be voted u p -i on at the first, meeting of the en-

tu'e membership. It will plan for decentralizing the work of the board for the most efficient oper­ation of the council, and recom­mend which functions can be dele­gated to town committees.

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