ohio’s state tests parcc & air

Ohio’s State Tests PARCC & AIR http ://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/Ohio-s-State- Tests November 2014

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Page 2: Ohio’s State Tests PARCC & AIR

What’s Changing with Ohio’s Assessments?- The new state tests measure student progress toward Ohio’s New Learning

Standards. The results show whether students have the knowledge and skills necessary to move successfully to their next steps in education or a career.

- Each new state test has two parts. The first is called performance-based (PBA) and the second is called end-of-year (EOY). Each part is further broken down into a series of sessions required to complete the assessment.

-Starting this year, the state tests will include online assessments for grades 3-8 and new online high school exams, which are required for the first time for the class of 2018 – students starting grade 9 after July 1, 2014.

- The OGT (paper format) will continue for students who entered ninth grade before July 1, 2014.

-All information located in this presentation is subject to change.

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Who Takes the Online Assessments?ELA & MATH (PARCC, administered by Pearson Access)

SCIENCE & SOCIAL STUDIES(Ohio Computer Based Assessments, or “OCBA,” administered by AIR)

Grade 3 ELA ONLY if a student scores a 394 or higher on the Fall OAA (this is subject to change, bill pending)

Grades 4 & 6 Social Studies

Grade 3 Math Grades 5 & 8 Science

Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ELA & Math Grade 9 Physical Science

Grade 9 students taking English I, English II, Algebra I, Geometry

American History (all enrolled students)

Speaking and Listening Tests are optional for now

American Government (all enrolled students)

*Students in Grades 7 or 8 taking Algebra I, Geometry, or Physical Science will take Algebra I, Geometry, or Physical Science end of course (PBA & EOY) exams instead of Grade 7 or 8 Math or Science PARCC/AIR assessments. ELA info to come.

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What is PARCC?• Partnership for Assessment and Readiness for College and Careers• A consortium of 13 states which developed Ohio’s new grades 3-12

English Language Arts and Mathematics state tests• The 13 states are: Arkansas, Colorado, District of Columbia, Illinois,

Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Rhode Island

• The testing procedures in these states must be the same

What is AIR?• American Institute for Research• The assessment company hired by the Ohio Department of

Education to create and administer Ohio’s Computer Based Assessments (Science and Social Studies)

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Performance Based vs. End of Year

PART 1 (PBA) PART 2 (EOY)Administered in February, March Administered April, May

Computer based, includes extended response items

Computer based, with more multiple choice items

ELA/Literacy will be administered in 3 sessions and will include writing essays that draw evidence from sources, including multi-media. Some comprehension.

ELA/Literacy will be administered in one session (for grades 3-5) and two sessions (for grades 6-9), and will include comprehension of literary and informational texts.

Math will be administered in two sessions and will include application of skills, concepts, and understandings to solve multi-step problems requiring abstract reasoning, precision, perseverance, and strategic use of tools.

Math will be administered in two sessions and will include concepts, procedures, and carrying out short applications.

Science and Social Studies will be administered in one session each

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UNIT TESTING TIME is the amount of time any student who needs it must be provided to complete the unit (or test

session.)PARCC PBA Unit 1 PBA Unit 2 PBA Unit 3 EOY Unit 1 EOY Unit 2

GR. 3 ELA 75 minutes 75 minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes -

GR. 3 MATH 75 minutes 75 minutes - 75 minutes 75 minutes

GR. 4-5 ELA 75 minutes 90 minutes 60 minutes 75 minutes -

GR. 4-5 MATH 80 minutes 70 minutes - 75 minutes 75 minutes

GR. 6-8 ELA 75 minutes 90 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes

GR. 6-8 MATH 80 minutes 70 minutes - 80 minutes 75 minutes

GR.9 ENGLISH I 75 minutes 90 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes 60 minutes


90 minutes 75 minutes - 80 minutes 75 minutes

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UNIT TESTING TIME is the amount of time any student who needs it must be provided to complete the unit (or test

session.)AIR PBA Unit 1 EOY Unit 1

GR. 4 SOCIAL STUDIES 75 minutes 75 minutes

GR. 5 SCIENCE 75 minutes 75 minutes

GR. 6 SOCIAL STUDIES 75 minutes 75 minutes

GR. 8 SCIENCE 75 minutes 75 minutes


90 minutes 90 minutes

AMERICAN HISTORY 90 minutes 90 minutes

PHYSICAL SCIENCE 90 minutes 90 minutes

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• PARCC will report the results of summative assessments using five levels (Advanced, Accelerated, Proficient, Basic, Limited.)

• ELA/Literacy Constructed Response Scoring Rubrics can be found at http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1518177#anchor .

Click on “ELA Toolkit,” your grade band, and “Writing Rubric.”

Scoring: PARCC Scores will include both PBA andEOY results

ELA will report … Math will report …Overall ELA/Literacy Scores (a composite of Reading and Writing Results)

Overall Math Score

Reading and Comprehending a Range of Complex Texts

Data on Priority Standards for each Grade Level or Course

Writing, While Using and/or Analyzing Sources

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Time Students Spend on Questions

• The assessments, like the Common Core State Standards, focus on depth, not breadth

• Meaning – students will be asked to answer fewer questions than typically seen on state assessments

• Students must understand that they should spend more time on questions and answers, as the assessments are looking for depth of answer

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Blueprints and Test Specs

• Blueprints are a series of documents that together describe the content and structure of an assessment. These documents define the total number of tasks and/or items for any given assessment component, the standards measured, the item types, and the point values for each.

• Test specifications for the PARCC assessments in English Language Arts and Mathematics provide information on the standards tested on the PBA and EOY assessments, as well as task types, numbers of particular items, point values, and number of reading passages. http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1518177#anchor

-ELA Toolkit > choose your grade band > Common Form Specifications -Math Toolkit > Grade Level Test Blueprints

• You can download test specs for AIR tests (Science and SS) here: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/Ohio-s-State-Tests/State-Developed-Assessments-%E2%80%93-Science-and-Social-S

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Evidence TablesEvidence statement tables and evidence statements describe the knowledge and skills that an assessment item or a task elicits from students. These are aligned directly to Ohio’s New Learning Standards (Common Core), and highlight their advances around the coherent nature of the standards.

Evidence Tables Guidance: EvidenceTablesPPTcondensedversion.pptx

Gr. 3-11 Evidence Tables:http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1518177#anchorELA Toolkit > choose your grade band > Evidence Tables

An ELA-specific PowerPoint has been developed to provide overviews of Passage Selection Guidelines and Evidence Tables.


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Accessibility Features for All Students

• Audio Amplification, Blank Paper, Eliminate Answer Choices, Flag Items for Review, Directions Clarified, Highlighter, Headphones, Magnification Tool, NotePad, Pop-Up Glossary, Redirection, External Spell Checker, Writing Tools (bold, italic, underline), Line Reader Tool

• These accessibility features will be embedded into test platform and do not need to be identified in advance (except spell checker)

• School Based Teams may continue to determine if any student requires considerations such as small group, breaks, time of day adjustment, alternate location, special seating, special equipment, etc.

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Accessibility Features to be Identified in Advance

• Answer Masking, Background/Font Color and Color Contrast, General Masking, Text to Speech for Math, Science, and Social Studies

• Text to Speech for ELA is allowable, however, this is extremely rare. District protocol to come.

• Available for all students, but will be selected and “turned on” by school officials via a Personal Needs Profile (PNP). Students can have a voice in selecting their accessibility features.

• Students should be exposed to these features prior to testing and have used them consistently in the classroom.

• Every student will have a Personal Needs Profile (PNP) to determine which accessibility features are accessible to them. The district will provide

guidance on PNP’s.

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Accommodations for Students with IEP’s or 504’s

(must be documented via a Personal Needs Profile, PNP)

PRESENTATION ACCOMMODATIONS ELA MATHAdditional Assistive Technology ✓ ✓Braille Addition ✓ ✓Closed Captioning of Multimedia passages on ELA ✓ ✗Descriptive Video (for blind students or visually impaired) ✓ ✓Paper and Pencil Edition ✓ ✓Tactile Graphics (for blind or VI who read Braille) ✓ ✓Text to Speech, Video of Human Interpreter, Human Reader (circle option) for ELA, including terms, response options, & passages

✓ ✗

ASL Video for Math for Hard of Hearing Students ✗ ✓ASL Video of Test Directions for Hard of Hearing Students ✓ ✓

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Additional Assistive Technology ✓ ✓Braille Note Taker ✓ ✓Calculation Device & Mathematics Tools on non-calculator sessions ✗ ✓Scribing or Speech to Text (i.e. Dictation/Transcription or signing) for math and selected responses (not constructed response) items on ELA

✓ ✓

Scribing or Speech to Text (i.e. Dictation/Transcription or signing) for constructed responses for ELA

✓ ✗

Word Prediction (PBA only) ✓ ✗


Extended Time ✓ ✓

Click http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/parcc-accessibility-features-accommodations-manual-11-14_final.pdf

to access the Accessibility/Accommodations Administration Manual

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Technology Infrastructure• Allowable Devices

– 3-5:• PC/Desktop Computer Labs • MacBook Air Mobile Carts• MacBook Air Centers/Stations

– 6-8:• iMac Computer Labs• MacBook Air Mobile Carts

– 9-12:• PC/Desktop Computer Labs

• Supported Browsers (at this time)– Firefox, Safari, Internet Explorer

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Testing Environment– Allowable Supplies for 3-5

• Paper, Pencil, Spare Headphones, Spare Computer• No Calculator unless specified in approved IEP or 504 Plan. • Regular education students will only use a calculator when needed, and the

calculator feature will be active for students online (no external calculator)– Allowable Supplies for 6-8:

• Paper, Pencil, Spare Headphones, Spare Computer• Four-Function with Square Root and Percentage Calculator (Gr. 6-7)• Scientific Calculator (Gr. 8)

– Allowable Supplies for 9-12• Paper, Pencil, Spare Headphones, Spare Computer• Graphing Calculator with functionality similar to T148 Calculator (Algebra I and

Geometry)• Log-In Cards and any PARCC-Generated Protocols• PARCC Calculator Policy: http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCApprovedCalculatorPolicy-July%202012.pdf

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What Technology Skills are Needed?• Click/Tab• Scroll• Plot points• Drag and drop• Type with text editor• Keyboarding skills• Select objects• Select text• Select area• Select and drag• Unselect• Use text highlighter

• Use online calculator• Use online protractor• Use online ruler• Line Tool• Use video player• Manipulate graphics• Change size, font, and background

color• Equation editor• Know the difference between a

multiple answer item and a single answer item

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Keyboarding Practice

How much are our students expected to be able to type? According to PARCC:

• BY GRADE 4, students should be able to type a minimum of 1 page in a testing period.

• BY GRADE 5, students should be able to type a minimum of 2 pages in a testing period.

• BY GRADE 6, students should be able to type a minimum of 3 pages in a testing period.

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Keyboarding Resources

Title Website Address Description

Typing Web

http://www.typingweb.com Beginner, intermediate, and advanced courses and specialty lessons.

Typing Challenge

http://www.learninggamesforkids.com Computer-based and multi-media lessons. Includes topics for basic, intermediate, and advanced skill levels with practice and assessment.

e-Learning for Kids


Computer skills curriculum and and consists of 13 e-lessons.

Typing Master

http://www.typingmaster.com Digital typing tutor. User-friendly design, complete keyboarding curriculum, and teacher tools for monitoring progress and customizing courses.

Nitro Type http://www.nitrotype.com Improve typing skills while competing in fast-paced environment with typists from around the world.

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Items to Remember for Daily Instruction• Practice keyboarding skills and allow students to type whenever possible!

• Use weekly writing prompts that compare two or more passages, or incorporate multimedia sources (short videos, etc.) in all content areas. The common writing rubric can be found at http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1518177 > ELA Toolkit > choose your grade band > choose Writing Rubric.

• Use reading passages that match the length of projected PARCC passages:

For further information on Passage Selection Guidelines:http://www.parcconline.org/sites/parcc/files/PARCCCombinedPassageSelectionGuidelinesandWorksheets.pdf

Grade Band Minimum/Maximum Passage Length for Texts

3-5 200 – 800 words

6-8 400 – 1,000 words

9-12 500 – 1,500 words

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WritingSample Writing Tasks for Grade Bands: Students may be asked to produce the following written forms on Ohio’s State Tests (this is not an inclusive list): 3 - 5 Adventures, autobiographies, biographies, book reviews, brochures,

character sketches, descriptions, diaries, encyclopedia/wiki entries, endings, essays, explanations, fables, fantasies, fiction, how to’s, humorous stories, legends, letters, magazine articles, myths, news articles, pamphlets, persuasive letters, reports, reviews, play scenes, short stories, science articles, science fiction, sequels, speeches

6 - 8 All of the above, plus anecdotes, apologies, complaints, editorials, interviews

9 - 12 All of the above, plus satires, spoofs, testimonials

• To read detailed information on task types that will require a written response, visit http://partnerinedu.com/2013/11/05/help-parcc-testing-acronyms-ebsrtecr/

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Additional Online Resources

The following links provides online resources for ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies: Next Generation Assessments: http://nextgen.apps.sparcc.org/home

Old Bridge: http://www.oldbridgeadmin.org/webpages/obparcc

PARCC Interactive Sample Items: http://www.parcconline.org/samples/item-task-prototypes(with rubrics attached)

ODE’s Guide to Ohio’s State Tests:http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Testing/Next-Generation-Assessments

Use these Question Formats when asking questions and creating classroom assessments for students: http://www.livebinders.com/play/play?id=1518177#anchor

ELA Toolkit > Question Formats

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SST9’s LiveBinder• SST9 has compiled resources from PARCC, AIR, and ODE into one convenient LiveBinder. • Access this information by going to www.sst9.org > School Improvement > PARCC Live Binder.• Take the time to explore this resource. Take special note of: -ELA: Common Core Key Terms, Question Formats, Model Content Framework, PLD’s, Passage Selection Guidelines, Common Form Specifications, Evidence Tables, and Rubrics -Math: Blueprints, Tips for Entering Math Answers, Rubrics for Sample Items, Progression Documents, Common Core Math Vocabulary, new trapezoid definition, current calculator policy, and math practices posters• Other: Accessibility Features

SCESC’s LiveBinders• http://www.starkcountyesc.org/ContentAreas.aspx > Click on a content area, then the Live

Binder link • Contents include Lead Teacher meeting notes and resources, and content-specific resources

for online assessments

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Next Steps: Released Practice Items for Immediate Student and Teacher Use in the Classroom

• PARCC: http://parcc.pearson.com

Select Test Preparation, and choose from the Sample Items, Practice Tests, or TestNav 8 Tutorial (to allow students to practice the online testing platform and accessibility tools)

• AIR PRACTICE TESTS: http://oh.portal.airast.org/ocba/

Select Practice Tests from right column

• AIR TUTORIALS: http://oh.portal.airast.org/ocba/resources/

Under Student Practice Resources, select Student Tutorials and Tools to view tutorials on all item types that may appear on an online test (constructed response, equation editor, matching items, multi-select, multiple choice, objects and lines, simulation, table entry, text selection, two part selected response, & scientific calculator)

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Staff Intranet – Ohio’s State Tests

• Go to www.ccsdistrict.org• Sign into the intranet• Click “Ohio’s State Tests”• Here, you will find: this presentation, news and updates,

PARCC and AIR links, online resources for students and teachers, as well as information that can be sent to parents

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Please View…http://www.parcconline.org/professional-learning-modules-parcc-assessments

Click “PARCC Assessments Overview” > Standard Version > choose your role > Click “Go to Menu” > Choose and watch an

Assessment Walkthrough


If time permits, view the Test Nav 8 tutorial above.

*This presentation will be updated as information is released.It can be located on the Staff Intranet’s

“Ohio’s State Tests” page.