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Page 1: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of
Page 2: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People



Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

Stress: Let’s Talk About It ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

Sleep: You’re Short On It… I Can’t Imagine Why?! ........................................................................................................ 5

You Skip Breakfast: I Just Don’t Have Time In The Morning ....................................................................................... 6

Cravings: Are You Eating Your Kids’ Leftovers? .............................................................................................................. 7

Busy People's Blueprint ........................................................................................................................................................... 8

Nutritional Cleansing: I’m Not Talking About A Colon Cleanse ................................................................................ 8

Protein: Not All Protein Is Equal ......................................................................................................................................... 10

Burning Pounds: Ways To Be Active With Your Kids .................................................................................................. 11

You Have The Blue Print: Now Take Action! .................................................................................................................. 12

Page 3: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People



I have helped 100’s of people lose weight and gain energy for many years It’s not your fault we all live crazy, busy lives and it doesn’t get easier!

We all say it: “I don’t have the body I want”, “I don’t have the time to eat right”, ”there’s rarely anytime to hit the gym.”

You are not alone!

Most people stress about being able to “get it all done” in a day. So, the question we ask ~ “How do I burn pounds without burning myself out?”

Well, Everyone makes mistakes that stop us from reaching our “ideal body” goals.

This blueprint outlines some common mistakes people make with regards to weight gain and illustrates strategies for losing body fat, gaining muscle and feeling more energetic.

Page 4: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Stress: Let’s Talk About It

Here’s how it works: You body doesn’t know the difference between physical or mental stress. Stress is stress! Stress elevates your cortisol levels, signaling your body to hold onto toxins, which may cause you to feel tired and depressed, this leads to weight gain and unhealthy lifestyle choices.

What is cortisol? Cortisol is a hormone that signals your body to replenish energy. Consequently, this also controls your appetite. Higher cortisol levels will lead to hunger cues which lead to snacking.

“Instead, we crave sweet, salty, and high-fat foods because they stimulate the brain to release pleasure chemicals that reduce tension,” explains Elissa Epel, PhD, a researcher on stress eating at the University of California, San Fancisco.

This soothing effect becomes an addiction. Meaning, every time you’re anxious or stressed, you want fattening foods! Cortisol also encourages your body to store visceral fat or “belly fat”. This dangerous fat surrounds vital organs and releases fatty acids into your blood, raising cholesterol and insulin levels, thus leading to accelerated aging and weight gain.

Sounds awful, right? It gets worse. Cortisol also affects your sleep.

Page 5: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Sleep: You’re short on it… I Can’t Imagine Why?!

A recent study found that people who slept FIVE hours or fewer per night are 32 percent more likely to experience major weight gain over a 16-year period, according to the American Journal of Epidemiology. We’re willing to bet that a good percentage of those people are reading this right now!

While I can’t offer you the magic cure-all for getting your kids to sleep, calming your crazy work week or slowing your day down I do want to emphasize the importance of catching up on your zzz’s whenever you get the opportunity.

Sleep is nutrition for the brain. Most people need between 7 and 9 hours each night. Get less than that, and your body will react in ways that lead even the most determined dieter straight to that Ben & Jerry’s.

Plus, when you’re overtired, your brain's reward centers rev up, looking for something that feels good. So while you might be able to squash comfort food cravings when you’re well-rested, your sleep-deprived brain may have trouble saying no to a second slice of birthday cake.

We all seem to adjust to the suffering and the sleepless nights as “normal”. Don’t fall into that trap! Everyone needs to remember that if they want to be productive, feel good and have the stamina for 16 hours a day, they need to sleep the other EIGHT.

Page 6: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


You Skip Breakfast: I just don’t have time in the morning

No one knows the stress of the morning rush quite like parents. Although you’d never send your kids to school without a healthy, nutritious start to their days, the likelihood of YOU skipping breakfast yourself (or calling your coffee “breakfast”) is pretty high. You are actually doing yourself a disservice because your body needs protein in the morning to jumpstart your metabolism.

The desire to lose weight is frequently cited as a reason for skipping breakfast. However, studies have found that people who skip breakfast are more likely to be overweight. Unfortunately, those who skip breakfast make-up for the missed calories in the morning by eating more at lunch or snacking all day long. Your body NEEDS protein to jumpstart your metabolism…especially in the morning.

Half the dry weight of your body is protein in some form or other. All of these proteins have to be made from the proteins you eat. If you eat inferior proteins you will grow an inferior body, no matter what else you do to guard your weight and your health. You have to eat the right protein everyday. Why? Because the human body does not produce protein, it does not store protein, but it does store fats and carbohydrates.

We all know the feeling of an afternoon crash: eyes dropping, our concentration is drifting to thoughts of a quick nap and our energy feels drained. Well, a new study suggests that protein is not only an excellent start to your day, but that we should also eat it at lunch to help you stay awake and burn calories for the rest of the afternoon.

Page 7: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Cravings: Are you eating your kids’ leftovers, overeating at night?

It’s 9 p.m. and you find yourself eating your son or daughters’ leftover mac n’ cheese…Why?!

Many parents cook differently because their child is a “picky eater”. If healthy options are apart of your child’s menu, then taking a few extra bites of their left overs won’t have you feeling so guilty.

Try a mantra – a simple phrase you repeat to help support an action you would like to take. Here are a few examples:

◉ It’s not my personal responsibility to rid the world of macaroni and cheese

◉ Cookies will exist tommorrow

◉ I do not need to eat this PB& J, it’s better off in the trash then around my waist

And my personal favorite:

◉ Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

Everyone needs to carve out their own time to eat. It might be quick but getting the nutrition you need is one lesson to master.

So, what’s the blueprint?

Page 8: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Every Busy Person’s Blueprint:

Nutritional Cleansing: I’m not talking about a colon cleanse

Toxic Chemicals are the real reason you are gaining weight.

Imagine taking a shower, but for the inside of your body.


◉ We change the oil in our cars and trucks so they don’t break down. We also change the filters in our furnaces and air conditioning units to keep them running at maximum efficiency.

◉ We brush our teeth to prevent decay - can you even imagine skipping a day? Don’t ignore the importance of protecting your body! It’s the only one you get.

◉ When we clear out the junk in our systems and put in good nutrition, we get healthy cells, a healthy attitude and a beautiful body!

Nutritional Cleansing has been practiced throughout human history. It builds upon the health routine of cleansing and intermittent fasting. It supports your body’s natural detoxification system while providing nourishment with vital nutrients.

Page 9: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Remember, your body is holding onto toxins, which are stored in your fat cells. That’s your body’s clever way of protecting your vital organs from the overload of contaminated air, water and food we are subjected to each day.

According to Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton, one of the world’s leading authorities on toxic chemicals and effects on our health believes the following: “What appears to be happening is that out natural slimming system is being poisoned by the toxic chemicals we encounter in our everyday lives; and this damage is making it increasingly difficult or our bodies to control their weight. The end result is that we gain weight in the form of fat and not muscle, as chemicals tend to cause muscles to shrink and body fat to accumulate”.

Everyone – even people who are fit and lean-need to detox!

Page 10: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Protein: Not all protein is equal

Not all protein is created equal! While we might think a protein shake is a protein shake – think again.

Quality undenatured whey protein is the best protein to start your day. Whey protein contains an ideal amino acid profile and comes from dairy cows that are pasture-fed on small farms, milked according to season, and not treated with hormones or antibiotics. Healthy diets require high-quality, low-fat protein.

Getting enough protein in your diet is vital to overcoming stubborn weight loss plateaus. As you build lean tissue, your metabolic rate increases and you naturally burn more calories each day.

Whey protein also works as an antioxidant to support the body’s immune system. Scientific studies have shown that regular use of whey protein promotes a strong immune system.

Page 11: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


Burning Pounds: Ways to be active

“ I am too tired to go to the gym in the morning and by the end of the day too tired to go at night.” Getting busy with the kids can help burn those pounds!

More and more people are using technology to track their every step. Start walking, get out and move. Walk some stairs. It really is all about your nutrition!

We all know that we live in a toxic, stressful world. We need to becoproactive about our health and the health of our families. So why not take control now?

Page 12: Nutritional Coach to Busy Coach to Busy People Busy People's Blueprint 3 Introduction I have helped 100’s of

Busy People's Blueprint

Nutritional Coach to Busy People


You have the Blue Print: Now take action!

Over the years I’ve come to realize that the physical and emotional states must have synergy. This is the blueprint that I am referring to.

It’s the perfect balance of less stress, more sleep, more high quality protein, releasing toxins, turning off the cravings and moving more throughout your day.

What I teach and train has helped hundreds of people like you take control of their health, get in peak shape and lose and maintain weight.

You DESERVE a free 30 minute Wellness Plan That Works for YOU! To schedule your consultation simply follow the link or copy and past the link below into your browser and tell me a little bit more about yourself.

In addition to this terrific offer, I will follow up with you with some quick and easy ways to boost your metabolism immediately! I would also like to add you to my Private Facebook coahing page. Just send me a friend request. I look forward to talking with you soon and helping you start living the life every person deserves!!

To Your Health!

Debbie Hallock Nutrition Coach to Busy People Everywhere

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