notes - springer978-1-349-21473-0/1.pdf · andrew sarris, 'notes on the auteur theory in...

Notes Introduction Creativity: The Theoretical Context 1. Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1965). 2. Williams argues that while Plato and Aristotle shared the conception of art as essentially mimetic they drew different conclusions from it. Plato regarded art as a pale and worthless imitation of reality while Aristotle saw art as reflecting an idealised or higher reality. In The Creativity Question (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1976), Albert Rothenberg and Carl Hausman identify the differences be- tween Plato and Aristotle's conception of creativity. Plato saw creativ- ity as divine inspiration, the intervention of the Gods, while Aristotle tended to regard creativity as a productive activity following natural laws. 3. M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp (London: Oxford University Press, 1953). 4. Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), p. 182. 5. The phrase is borrowed from the seminal work by Mario Praz, The Romantic Agony (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1933). 6. Frank Kermode, Romantic Image (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957). 7. Karl Miller examines numerous literary examples of 'the dynamic metaphor of the second self' in Doubles: Studies in Literary History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985). 8. Williams, p. 44. 9. Warren Steinkraus, 'Artistic Creativity and Pain' in M. Mitias (ed.), Creativity in Art, Religion and Culture (Amsterdam, 1985), talks about various aspects of pain associated with the creative process including the pain of making a selection from limitless material, the pain of personal exposure; of having one's innermost feelings made transpa- rent through the art-work, and the pain of suppressed emotion. 10. Coleridge is presented by Laurence Lockridge in The Ethics of Romanticism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), as an example of the link between the British Romantic movement and the broader discourse of nineteenth-century European philosophy, includ- ing the Idealist tradition of Hegel and Kant. 11. Theodor Adorno, Aesthetic Theory (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984), p. 245. 12. Lionel Trilling, 'Freud and Literature' in The Liberal Imagination (London: Mercury, 1961). 13. Trilling 'Art and Neurosis' in The Liberal Imagination. 212

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Notes Introduction Creativity: The Theoretical Context

1. Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1965).

2. Williams argues that while Plato and Aristotle shared the conception of art as essentially mimetic they drew different conclusions from it. Plato regarded art as a pale and worthless imitation of reality while Aristotle saw art as reflecting an idealised or higher reality. In The Creativity Question (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1976), Albert Rothenberg and Carl Hausman identify the differences be-tween Plato and Aristotle's conception of creativity. Plato saw creativ-ity as divine inspiration, the intervention of the Gods, while Aristotle tended to regard creativity as a productive activity following natural laws.

3. M. H. Abrams, The Mirror and the Lamp (London: Oxford University Press, 1953).

4. Colin Campbell, The Romantic Ethic and the Spirit of Consumerism (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1987), p. 182.

5. The phrase is borrowed from the seminal work by Mario Praz, The Romantic Agony (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1933).

6. Frank Kermode, Romantic Image (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1957).

7. Karl Miller examines numerous literary examples of 'the dynamic metaphor of the second self' in Doubles: Studies in Literary History (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985).

8. Williams, p. 44. 9. Warren Steinkraus, 'Artistic Creativity and Pain' in M. Mitias (ed.),

Creativity in Art, Religion and Culture (Amsterdam, 1985), talks about various aspects of pain associated with the creative process including the pain of making a selection from limitless material, the pain of personal exposure; of having one's innermost feelings made transpa-rent through the art-work, and the pain of suppressed emotion.

10. Coleridge is presented by Laurence Lockridge in The Ethics of Romanticism (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989), as an example of the link between the British Romantic movement and the broader discourse of nineteenth-century European philosophy, includ-ing the Idealist tradition of Hegel and Kant.

11. Theodor Adorno, Aesthetic Theory (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984), p. 245.

12. Lionel Trilling, 'Freud and Literature' in The Liberal Imagination (London: Mercury, 1961).

13. Trilling 'Art and Neurosis' in The Liberal Imagination.


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Notes 213

14. Adorno, p. 12. 15. Herbert Marcuse, One Dimensional Man (London: Sphere, 1968), p.

69. 16. Williams, p. 42. 17. Ibid., p. 51. 18. Ibid., p. 44. 19. See for example, Peter Dews, 'Adorno, Post-Structuralism and the

Critique of Identity', New Left Review, No. 157. 20. Adorno, pp. 238--9. 21. Ibid., p. 475. 22. Ibid., p. 243. 23. Roland Barthes, 'The Death of the Author' in Image/Music/Text

(London: Fontana, 1977). 24. Robert Philip Kolker, The Altering Eye (New York: Oxford Univer-

sity Press, 1983).

1 Creativity and Cinema

1. Edward Buscombe, 'Ideas of Authorship', Screen, Autumn 1973, reproduced in John Caughie (ed.), Theories of Authorship (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul!BFI, 1981), p. 22.

2. See Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1965).

3. Andrew Sarris, 'Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962' in Mast & Cohen (eds), Film Theory and Criticism, 2nd Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979).

4. Andre Bazin, 'La Politique des Auteurs', Cahiers Du Cinema, No. 70, April 1970. Extract in Caughie (ed.).

5. Mast & Cohen (eds), p. 658. 6. Claude Levi-Strauss, Structural Anthropology, Vol. 1 (London: Allen

Lane, 1969). 7. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, extract from Visconti in Caughie (ed.), p.

137. 8. Peter Wollen, Signs and Meaning in the Cinema (London: Seeker and

Warburg, 1972). 9. Brian Henderson, 'Critique of Cine Structuralism' in Caughie (ed.).

10. Wollen, p. 146. 11. Nowell-Smith in Caughie (ed.). 12. John Caughie, 'Auteur Structuralism. Introduction' in Caughie (ed.). 13. Will Wright, Six Guns and Society (Berkeley, California, 1975). 14. Heath, 'Film and System: Terms of Analysis', Screen, Spring 1975

(part I); Summer 1975 (part II). 15. Geoffrey Nowell-Smith, 'Six Authors in Pursuit of The Searchers'

(extract) in Caughie (ed.), p. 223. 16. Pam Cook, 'The auteur debate', in The Cinema Book (London: BFI,

1985). 17. For example, see Roland Barthes, 'The Death of the Author' in

Image/Music/Text (London: Fontana, 1977, and Stephen Heath, 'Comment on the Idea of Authorship' in Caughie (ed.).

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214 Notes

18. The theory of the enunciating subject is developed by Nowell-Smith in 'A Note on History/Discourse' which refers closely to Metz's article 'History/Discourse' on which it builds. Both essays are included in Caughie (ed.).

19. Sandy Flitterman, 'Woman, Desire and the Look: Feminism and the Enunciative Apparatus in Cinema' in Caughie (ed.).

20. Ibid., p. 243. 21. Nick Browne, 'The Rhetoric of the Specular Text With Reference to

Stagecoach' in Caughie (ed.). 22. Derek Jarman, The Last of England (London: Constable, 1987), p.

193. 23. Buscombe in Caughie (ed.), p. 31. 24. For example, Laura Mulvey, 'Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema',

Screen, Autumn 1975. 25. Jarman, p. 194. 26. Frears quoted in James Park, Learning to Dream (London: Faber &

Faber, 1984), p. 22. 27. Paul Coates, The Story of the Lost Reflection (London: Verso, 1985),

p. 80. 28. Ibid., p. 82. 29. Andre Bazin, 'The Ontology of the Photographic Image', 1945,

quoted in Pam Cook (ed.), The Cinema Book (London: BFI, 1985), p. 224.

30. Rudolph Arnheim from Film as Art in Mast & Cohen, 3rd Edition, 1985.

31. Bazin, 'Cinematic Realism and the Italian School of the Liberation', quoted in Cook (ed.), p. 225.

32. Bazin, Le Journal D'un Cure de Campagne and the Stylistics of Robert Bresson' in What is Cinema?, ed. Hugh Gray (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1967).

33. Interview with Bill Douglas, Edinburgh, 24/7/88. 34. Maya Deren, 'Cinematography: The Creative Use of Reality' in Mast

& Cohen, 3rd Edition. 35. Ibid., p. 58. 36. Ibid., p. 61.

2 The Question of Cinema Technology 1. Robert Allen and Douglas Gomery, Film His(ory: Theory and Practice

(New York: Kopt, 1985). They refer to several examples of 'The Great Man Theory' from the 'rather simplistic hero worship of Grau' to the 'painstaking descriptions of the invention of early cinematic apparatus in Gordon Hendricks' work'.

2. Raymond Williams, Television: Technology and Cultural Form (Lon-don: Fontana, 1974), p. 13.

3. Stephen Heath, 'The Cinematic Apparatus: Technology as Historical and Cultural Form' in Questions of Cinema (London: Macmillan, 1981), p. 225.

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Notes 215

4. Raymond Williams, 'British Film History: New Perspectives' in Cur-ran and Porter (eds), British Cinema History (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983).

5. Barry Salt, 'Film Style and Technology in the Thirties: Sound' in Belton and Weiss (eds), Film Sound (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985), p. 37.

6. Barry Salt, Film Style and Technology: History and Analysis (London: Starword, 1983), p. 292.

7. Allen and Gomery. 8. Rick Altman, 'The Evolution of Sound Technology' in Belton and

Weiss (eds). 9. Peter Wollen, 'Cinema and Technology: a Historical Overview' in

Readings and Writings (London: Verso, 1982), p. 169. 10. Altman in Belton and Weiss. 11. Williams, Television. 12. Gomery and Allen. 13. Ibid., pp. 124--5. 14. Wollen, 'Cinema and Technology'. 15. Paul Virilio, War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception (London:

Verso, 1989). 16. Wollen, p. 169. 17. Steve Neale, Cinema and Technology: Image Sound Colour (London:

Macmillan/BFI, 1985), p. 2. 18. Heath, p. 227. 19. Jean Louis Comolli, 'Machines of the Visible' in Mast and Cohen

(eds), Film Theory and Criticism, 3rd Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985), pp. 741-2.

20. Gomery and Allen. 21. Robert Carringer, The Making of Citizen Kane (London: John Mur-

ray, 1985), p. 81. 22. John Ellis, 'Made in Ealing', Screen, Spring 1975. 23. Walter Lassally, Itinerant Cameraman (London: John Murray, 1987). 24. Interview with Michael Coulter, Glasgow, 11/5/88. 25. Interview with Roger Deakins, London, 1817/88. 26. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 1114/88. 27. Roy Armes, On Video (London: Routledge, 1988), p. 1. 28. Stuart Marshall, 'Video: Technology and Practice', Screen, Vol. 20,

no. 1, Spring 1979. 29. Armes, p. 74. 30. Ibid., p. 74. 31. Antonioni in interview with John Francis Lane, Sight & Sound, Winter

1979/80. 32. Lynda Myles, article on One From the Heart in Sight & Sound, Spring

1982. 33. Julian Petley, review article on Out of Order in Monthly Film Bulletin,

August 1988. 34. Interview with Michael Coulter, Glasgow, 11/5/88. 35. Interview with Roger Deakins, London, 18/7/88.

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36. BFI Dossier on The Boys From the Blackstuff, edited by Richard Paterson, 1984.

37. Armes, p. 195. 38. Wollen, p. 174. Article was originally written in 1978. 39. Interview with Tony Lawson, London, 4/6/88. 40. Interview with James Mackay, London, 9/4/88. 41. Interview with Alan Fountain, London, 6/6/88.

3 The Financing and Production of British Films: Historical Background 1. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 2. Michael Chanan, 'The Emergence of an Industry' in Curran and

Porter (eds), British Cinema History (London: Weidenfeld and Nicholson, 1983), p. 50.

3. This issue is discussed by Annette Kuhn in Cinema, Censorship and Sexuality 1909-25 (London: Routledge, 1988).

4. A comprehensive breakdown of these categories is provided by James C. Robertson in the appendix to The British Board of Film Censors: Film Censorship in Britain 1896-1950 (Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1985).

5. The case of Saturday Night and Sunday Morning is examined in Jeffrey Richards and Anthony Aldgate, Best of British: Cinema and Society 1930-1970 (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983).

6. Percentages calculated from figures given in Margaret Dickinson and Sarah Street, Cinema and State (London: BFI, 1985), p. 11.

7. Simon Hartog, 'State Protection of a Beleagured Industry' in Curran and Porter (eds).

8. Dickinson and Street, p. 76. 9. George Perry in The Great British Picture Show (London: Pavilion,

1985), points out that the exhibition duopoly also constrained film-makers in relation to changing censorship. The introduction of the 'X' category in 1951 was designed to allow more adult treatments of subjects to be shown. However, the ABC circuit decided to show only outstanding 'X' -rated films - usually European art films - while Rank banned all 'X' films on the grounds that they broke up family cinemagoing. This had an obvious effect on British production by promoting self-censorship.

10. Robert Murphy: 'Rank's Attempt on the American Market, 1944-9', in Curran and Porter (eds).

11. Julian Petley, 'Cinema and State' in Charles Barr (ed.), All Our Yesterdays (London: BFIIRKP, 1986), pp. 37-8.

12. Dickinson and Street, p. 238. 13. See Matthew Silverstone, 'Finding the Money' in Auty and Roddick

(eds), British Cinema Now (London: BFI, 1985). 14. Interview with AI Clark, London, 30/5/85. 15. Dickinson and Street, p. 248. 16. Simon Relph: Article on Film Finance in the UK, Screen International,

May 13-16, 1989.

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Notes 217

4 British Feature Film Production 1. Guy Phelps, 'A Degree of Freedom' in Sight & Sound, Autumn 1987. 2. Philipa Bloom, survey of British production in Screen International,

January 1989. 3. Simon Perry, 'UK Financing' in Screen International, 9-16 May 1987. 4. Ibid. 5. Shelly Bancroft (ed.), Raising Production Finance, AlP Information

Pack, 1986. 6. Interview with Margaret Matheson, London, 20/7/87. 7. Interview with AI Clark, London, 17/7/87. 8. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 22/7/88. 9. Relph, 'Producing a New Deal' Screen International, 14/5/88.

10. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 11. Shelly Bancroft (ed.), Development, AlP Information Pack, 1986. 12. A. Harcourt et a!., The Independent Producer: Film and Television

(London: Faber & Faber, 1986), pp. 100-101. 13. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 14. Interview with Graham Bradstreet, London, 7/4/88. 15. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 16. Mary Davies, 'Seedy Business' AlP & Co., December 1985. 17. Alan Stanbrook, article on Budgeting in Stills, 1986, MIFED edition. 18. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 19. Raymond Williams, Culture (London: Fontana 1981), pp. 105-6. 20. Interview with David Rose, London, 22/7/87. 21. Simon Relph interviewed by Nicolas Kent, Sight & Sound, Autumn

1987. 22. Interview with David Rose, London, 22/7/87. 23. Ibid. 24. Georgina Henry, 'Sales of the Unexpected', Producer, May 1987. 25. Interview with David Rose, London, 22/7/87. 26. Interview with Alan Fountain, London, 6/6/88. 27. Ibid. 28. Ibid. 29. Ibid. 30. Ibid. 31. Ibid. 32. Interview with Charles Gormley, Glasgow, 1115/88. 33. Ibid. 34. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 17/8/87. 35. Interview with James Mackay, London, 9/4/88. 36. Information from British Screen handout to producers. 37. Article in Producer, Spring 1988. 38. Phelps, 'A Degree of Freedom', Sight & Sound, Summer 1987. 39. British Screen, Information for Producers, Company Information

Handout, 1987. 40. Phelps, 'A Degree of Freedom'. 41. Interview with Simon Relph, London, 22/7/87. 42. Ibid.

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43. Ibid. 44. Interview with Margaret Matheson, London, 20/7/87. 45. Ibid. 46. Ibid. 47. Ibid. 48. Ibid. 49. Graham Wade, Film, Video and Television: Market Forces, Fragmen-

tation and Technological Advance (London, 1985), pp. 11-12. 50. Interview with Margot Gavan Duffy, London, 22/7/88. 51. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 22/7/88. 52. Ibid. 53. Ibid. 54. Ibid. 55. Ibid. 56. Interview in Screen International, 13-20 June, 1987. 57. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 22/7/88. 58. See Sheila Whittaker, 'Declarations of Independence' in Auty &

Roddick (eds), British Cinema Now (London: BFI/RKP, 1985) for an analysis of the Code of Practice and the Workshop Declaration.

59. Interview with Colin MacCabe, London, 15/7/87. 60. Ibid. 61. Ibid. 62. Quoted by James Park, 'The Nervous Summer of the British Film

Industry', Sight & Sound, Winter 1985/6. 63. Julian Petley, 'All Blast and no Balls', Producer, May 1987. 64. James Park, 'Tarnished Goldcrest', AlP & Co., Summer 1985. 65. Ibid. 66. Interview with AI Clark, London, 17/9/87. 67. Ibid. 68. Interview with Steve Woolley, 7/11/88. 69. Ibid. 70. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 71. Interview with David Rose, London, 22/7/87. 72. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 11/4/88. 73. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 17/8/87. 74. Ibid. 75. Interview with Julien Temple, London, 20/7/88. 76. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 22/7/88.

5 The Film-Making Process: Sales, Distribution and Marketing 1. See Chapter 4. 2. Interview with Marc Samuelson, London, 20/7/87. 3. Richard Kahn, 'Motion Picture Marketing' in J. Squire (ed.), The

Movie Business Book (London: Columbus, 1986), p. 264. 4. Raymond Williams, Culture (London: Fontana, 1981), p. 53. 5. Ibid., p. 105. 6. John Ellis, Visible Fictions (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982).

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7. Sight & Sound, Winter 1983/4. 8. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11188. 9. Ibid.

10. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 2217/88. 11. James Park, 'Film Sales Agents: Floggers or Financiers', AlP & Co.,

November 1985. 12. Interview with Gareth Jones, London, 2217/88. 13. Interview with Simon Relph in Sight & Sound, Autumn 1987. 14. Interview with John Durie, London, 7/4/88. 15. Interview with Steve Woolley, London 7/11188. 16. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 17. Ibid. 18. Interview with John Durie, London, 7/4/88. 19. Ibid. 20. Archie Tait, 'Distributing the Product' in Auty and Roddick (eds),

British Cinema Now (London: BFI, 1985). 21. Interview with Patrick Cassavetti, London, 2117/87. 22. B. J. Franklin in Pirie (ed.), Anatomy of the Movies (London:

Windward, 1981). 23. Interview withAl Clark, London, 1717/87. 24. Interview with Margaret Matheson, London, 2017/87. 25. Kahn in Squire (ed.), p. 265. 26. Paul Webster: 'Pictures of Pictures', Producer, May 1987. 27. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 28. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 29. Ibid. 30. Ellis, Visible Fictions. 31. Kahn in Squire (ed.), p. 271. 32. Ibid. 33. Interview with John Durie, London, 7/4/88. 34. Figure quoted by Kahn in Squire (ed.). 35. Shelly Bancroft, 'Hard Hype, Hard Sell, Hard Cash', AlP & Co.,

Summer 1985. 36. Interview with John Durie, London, 7/4/88. 37. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7111188. 38. Franklin in Pirie (ed.). 39. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 40. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 41. Information from Julian Senior, Vice-President, European Advertis-

ing and Publicity, Warner Brothers, lecturing at an AlP Seminar: 'Marketing the Movie' at BAFTA, Piccadilly, London on 28/5/85.

42. Information from Paul Webster, lecturing at the above seminar. 43. Interview with Neil Jordan, Shepperton, 2/6/88. 44. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88.

6 Genre, Aesthetics and Criticism

1. Raymond Williams, The Long Revolution (Harmondsworth: Pelican, 1965), Chapter 1: 'The Creative Mind'.

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2. Christine Gledhill, 'History of Genre Criticism' in Pam Cook (ed.), The Cinema Book (London: BFI, 1985), p. 58.

3. The first critical study to use the term film nair was Raymond Borde and Etienne Chaumerton's Panorame du Film Nair Americain (Paris) 1955.

4. Leo Braudy, 'Genre. The Conventions of Connection' in Gerald Mast and Marshall Cohen (eds), Film Theory and Criticism, 3rd Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1984), p. 415.

5. Edward Buscombe, 'The Idea of Genre in American Cinema', in Barry K. Grant (ed.) Film Genre: Theory and Criticism, (Metuchen, N J: Scarecrow Press, 1977), p. 34.

6. Tom Ryall, Alfred Hitchcock and the British Cinema (London: Croom Helm, 1986), p. 73.

7. See John Hill, Sex, Class and Realism (London: BFI, 1986). 8. Andy Medhurst, 'Music Hall and British Cinema' in Charles Barr

(ed.), All Our Yesterdays, (London: BFI, 1986). 9. Andrew Higson, 'Britain's Outstanding Contribution to the Film' in

Barr (ed.), All Our Yesterdays. 10. See Charles Barr, Eating Studios (London: Cameron & Tayleur,

1977). 11. John Ellis, 'Art, Culture and Quality: Terms for a Cinema in the

Forties and Seventies', Screen, Autumn 1978. 12. Ian Christie, 'The Scandal of Peeping Tom' in Powell, Pressburger and

Others (London: BFI, 1978). 13. Alexander Walker, Hollywood England (London: Harrap, 1986). 14. Andrew Higson, 'Britain's Outstanding Contribution to the Film', in

All Our Yesterdays, p. 95. 15. Alexander Walker, Hollywood England, p. 60. 16. Raymond Williams, 'A Lecture on Realism', Screen, Spring 1977, p.

67. 17. Martyn Auty, 'But is it Cinema?' in Auty and Nick Roddick (eds),

British Cinema Now (London: BFI, 1985). 18. Interview with Tony Lawson, London, 4/6/88. 19. John Ellis, 'Made in Ealing', Screen, Summer 1975. 20. Roy Armes, A Critical History of British Cinema (London: Seeker &

Warburg, 1978), p. 333. 21. John Hill, Sex, Class and Realism, p. 57. 22. Ibid., p. 59. 23. Raymond Williams, 'A Lecture on Realism'. 24. Robert Philip Kolker, The Altering Eye (New York: Oxford Univer-

sity Press, 1983), p. 6. 25. Christine Gledhill, 'The Melodramatic Field: An Investigation' in

Gledhill (ed.), Home Is Where the Heart Is: Studies in Melodrama and the Woman's Film (London: BFI, 1987).

26. Interview with Christopher Hobbs, London, 7/4/88. 27. James Park, Learning to Dream: The New British Cinema (London:

Faber & Faber, 1984). 28. Important texts include Sue Aspinall and Robert Murphy ( eds),

Gainsborough Melodrama (London: BFI Dossier, 1983); several of

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the essays in Barr ( ed.), All Our Yesterdays, particularly Charles Barr: 'Schizophrenia and Amnesia' and Julien Petley: 'The Lost Continent'; Ian Christie, Powell, Pressburger and Others (London: BFI, 1978); David Pirie: A Heritage of Horror (London: Gordon Fraser, 1973).

29. Interview with Patrick Cassavetti, London 21/7/87. 30. Interview with Marc Samuelson, London 20/7/88. 31. Interview with Christopher Hobbs, London, 7/4/88. 32. George Orwell, 'Charles Dickens' in Collected Essays (London:

Seeker & Warburg, 1961), p. 75. 33. Ibid., p. 86. 34. Andy Medhurst, Presentation on British Comedy, BFI Summer

School, Stirling Unviersity 26/7/89. 35. Ken Annakin, article in Film 15, Jan-Feb. 1958. 36. Interview with Charles Gormley, Glasgow, 1115/88. 37. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 1114/88. 38. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 12/8/87. 39. Interview with Charles Gormley, Glasgow, 1115/88. 40. Interview with Tony Lawson, London 4/6/88. 41. Julian Petley, 'The Lost Continent' in Barr (ed.), All Our Yesterdays,

p. 102. 42. Brian McFarlane, 'A Literary Cinema' in Barr (ed.), All Our Yester-

days. 43. Ibid., p. 120. 44. Interview with Roger Deakins, London, 18/7/88. 45. Armes, A Critical History of British Cinema. 46. Norman Marshall, 'Reflections on the English Film', The Bookman,

October 1931, p. 71. 47. Julian Petley, 'The Lost Continent' in Barr (ed.), p. 102. 48. See Geoff Brown, "'Sister of the Stage": British Film and British

Theatre' in Barr (ed.), All Our Yesterdays. 49. John Ellis, Visible Fictions (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982),

p. 24. 50. Charles Barr, 'A Conundrum for England', Monthly Film Bulletin,

August 1984. 51. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 52. Interview with Michael Coulter, Glasgow, 11/5/88. 53. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 54. Ibid. 55. Interview with Julien Temple, London, 20/7/88. 56. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 21/7/87. 57. Interview with James Mackay, London, 9/4/88.

7 Creative Collaboration and the Production Process

1. Paul Coates, The Story of the Lost Reflection (London: Verso, 1985), Chapter 2.

2. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 3. Alexander Walker, Hollywood England (London: Harrap, 1986), p.


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4. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 2117/87. 5. Interview with Mike Radford, London, 2117/87. 6. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 7. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 2117/87. 8. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 11/4/88. 9. Interview with Colin MacCabe, London, 1517/87.

10. James Brabazon, 'Writer's Block' in AlP & Co., June 1986. 11. Hanif Kureishi, 'The Diary. "Some Time With Stephen" 'in Sammy

and Rosie Get Laid (London: Faber & Faber, 1988), p. 62. 12. Ibid., p. 95. 13. Interview with Neil Jordan, Shepperton, 2/6/88. 14. Ibid. 15. Interview with Mike Radford, London, 2117/87. 16. James Park, Learning to Dream: The New British Cinema (London:

Faber & Faber, 1984), p. 118. 17. Interview with Patrick Cassavetti, London, 2117/87. 18. Alexander Walker, National Heroes (London: Harrap, 1985). 19. Park, Learning to Dream. 20. Interview with Sarah Radclyffe, London, 7/4/88. 21. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 22. Interview with James Mackay, London, 9/4/88. 23. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 24. Interview with Marc Samuelson, London, 2017/87. 25. Interview with Mike Radford, London, 2117/87. 26. Interview with Steve Woolley, London, 7/11/88. 27. Interview with AI Clark, London, 1717/87. 28. Ibid. 29. John Caughie: 'Television and Cinema: Converging Histories', in Barr

(ed.), All Our Yesterdays (London: BFI, 1986). 30. Ibid. p. 200. 31. Interview with Mark Shivas, London, 1617/87. 32. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 17/8/87. 33. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 2117/87. 34. Interview with Julien Temple, London, 2017/88. 35. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 36. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 17/8187. 37. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88. 38. Nestor Almendros: 'Some Thoughts On My Profession' in Mast and

Cohen (eds), Film Theory and Criticism, Third Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985).

39. Dennis Schaeffer and Larry Salvato, Masters of Light: Conversations with Contemporary Cinematographers (London: University of Califor-nia Press, 1984), p. 1.

40. Interview with Michael Coulter, Glasgow, 11/5/88. 41. Ibid. 42. Interview with Roger Deakins, London, 1817/88. 43. Ibid. 44. Ibid. 45. Interview with Rita McGurn, Glasgow, 20/6/88.

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Notes 223

46. Interview with Christopher Hobbs, London, 7/4/88. 47. Ibid. 48. Interview with Christopher Hobbs, London, 4/6/88. 49. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 11/4/88. 50. Ibid. 51. Ibid. 52. Interview with Nestor Alemendros in Schaeffer and Salvato, Masters

of Light. 53. Interview with Tony Lawson, London, 4/6/88. 54. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 11/4/88. 55. Ibid. 56. John Ellis, Visible Fictions (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1982),

p. 91. 57. Interview with Bill Douglas, Edinburgh, 24/7/88. 58. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 21/7/87. 59. Interview with Bill Douglas, Edinburgh, 24/7/88. 60. Interview with Bill Forsyth, London, 21/7/87. 61. Interview with Michael Coulter, Glasgow, 11/5/88. 62. Interview with Mike Radford, London, 21/7/87. 63. Ibid. 64. Interview with Tom Priestley, London, 11/4/88. 65. Interview with Tony Lawson, London, 4/6/88. 66. Interview with Neil Jordan, Shepperton, 2/6/88. 67. Ibid. 68. Interview with Derek Jarman, Edinburgh, 17/8/87. 69. Ibid. 70. Ibid. 71. Interview with Ron Peck, London, 8/4/88.

Conclusion Critical Assessment of Current British Cinema

1. Figures from a survey by Philipa Bloom in Screen International, 6-12 January 1990.

2. Interview with Roger Deakins, London, 18/7/88.

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Appendix 1 List of Films Mentioned in the Text

The following list comprises only feature films mentioned in the text. (It does not include television dramas, films made for TV, documentaries or short films.) They are listed alphabetically by title, followed by director and year of release.

Absolute Beginners, Julien Temple, 1986 Acceptable Levels, John Davies, 1983 Accident, Joseph Losey, 1967 The Adventures of Baron Munchhausen, Terry Gilliam, 1989 Angel, Neil Jordan, 1982 The Alf Garnett Saga, Bob Kellet, 1972 Alfie, Lewis Gilbert, 1966 Alien, Ridley Scott, 1979 Another Time, Another Place, Mike Radford, 1983 Aria, Various, 1987 Ascendancy, Edward Bennett, 1983 The Assam Garden, Mary McMurray, 1985

The Bad Sister, Peter Wollen/Laura Mulvey, 1983 Bad Timing, Nicolas Roeg, 1980 Barry Lyndon, Stanley Kubrick, 1975 Batman, Tim Burton, 1989 The Battle of Britain, Guy Hamilton, 1969 The Bed Sitting Room, Richard Lester, 1969 Bellman and True, Richard Loncraine, 1987 Belly of an Architect, Peter Greenaway, 1987 The Big Man, David Leland, 1990 The Bill Douglas Trilogy, Bill Douglas, 1972-79 Billy the Kid and the Green Baize Vampire, Alan Clarke, 1986 Black Narcissus, Michael PowelUEmeric Pressburger, 1947 Blade Runner, Ridley Scott, 1982 Blazing Saddles, Mel Brooks, 1974 Blood Red Roses, John McGrath, 1986 Blood Simple, Joel and Ethan Coen, 1983 Bonnie and Clyde, Arthur Penn, 1967 Boy Soldier, Karl Francis, 1987 Brazil, Terry Gilliam, 1985


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List of Films Mentioned in the Text

Bridge On the River Kwai, David Lean, 1957 Bronco Bullfrog, Barney Platts-Mills, 1970 Bullshot, Dick Clement, 1983 Burning an Illusion, Menelik Shabazz, 1981 Business as Usual, Lezli-An Barrett, 1987 Buster, David Green, 1988

Can't Stop the Music, Nancy Walker, 1980 Captive, Paul Mayersberg, 1986 Caravaggio, Derek Jarman, 1986 Carry on Sergeant, Gerald Thomas, 1958 Castaway, Nicolas Roeg, 1987 Chariots of Fire, Hugh Hudson, 1981 Charlie Bubbles, Albert Finney, 1966 Chinese Boxes, Chris Petit, 1985 Citizen Kane, Orson Welles, 1941 Comfort and Joy, Bill Forsyth, 1984 Company of Wolves, Neil Jordan, 1984 Comrades, Bill Douglas, 1987 Consuming Passions, Giles Foster, 1988 The Courier, Joe Lee/Frank Deasey, 1988 Crocodile Dundee, Peter Faiman, 1986 Cry Freedom, Richard Attenborough, 1987 The Curse of Frankenstein, Terence Fisher, 1957

Dance With a Stranger, Mike Newell, 1985 Dancing Thru the Dark, Mike Ockrent, 1990 Dangerous Liaisons, Stephen Frears, 1989 Danny the Champion of the World, Gavin Millar, 1989 Dark Passage, Delmer Daves, 1947 The Dead, John Huston, 1987 Dealers, Colin Bucksey, 1989 The Deer Hunter, Michael Cimino, 1978 Defence of the Realm, David Drury, 1985 Diamond Skulls, Nick Broomfield, 1990 Distant Voices, Still Lives, Terence Davies, 1988 Diva, Jean Jaques Beineix, 1982 Doctor Zhivago, David Lean, 1965 The Draughtsman's Contract, Peter Greenaway, 1982 Dreamchild, Gavin Millar, 1986 The Dream Demon, Harley Cokliss, 1988 The Dresser, Peter Yates, 1984 The Dressmaker, Jim O'Brien, 1988 Drowning by Numbers, Peter Greenaway, 1988.

E. T., Steven Speilberg, 1982 Earth Girls are Easy, Julien Temple, 1990 Easy Rider, Dennis Hopper, 1969 Eat the Rich, Peter Richardson, 1987


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226 List of Films Mentioned in the Text

Educating Rita, Lewis Gilbert, 1984 Electric Dreams, Steve Barron, 1984 Empire State, Ron Peck, 1987 The Endless Game, Bryan Forbes, 1990 Eureka, Nicolas Roeg, 1983 The Evil Dead, Sam Raimi, 1982

Fellow Traveller, Philip Saville, 1990 Fires Were Started, Humphrey Jennings, 1942 A Fish Called Wanda, Charles Chrichton, 1988 Five Corners, Tony Bill, 1988 For Queen and Country, Martin Stellman, 1989 Friday the Thirteenth, Sean S. Cunningham, 1980 The Fruit Machine, Philip Saville, 1988

Gandhi, Richard Attenborough, 1982 The Garden, Derek Jarman, 1990 Ghostbusters, Ivan Reitman, 1984 Ghost Dance, Ken McMullen, 1984 Giro City, Karl Francis, 1982 The Go-Between, Joseph Losey, 1970 The Gold Diggers, Sally Potter, 1984 The Good Father; Mike Newell, 1986 Gothic, Ken Russell, 1987 The Graduate, Mike Nichols, 1967 Gregory's Girl, Bill Forsyth, 1980 Gremlins, George Millar, 1984 Guns in the Afternoon, Sam Peckinpah, 1962

Halloween, John Carpenter, 1978 A Handful of Dust, Charles Sturridge, 1988 A Hard Day's Night, Richard Lester, 1964 Heat and Dust, James Ivory, 1983 Heavenly Pursuits, Charles Gormley, 1987 Hellraiser, Clive Barker, 1987 Help!, Richard Lester, 1965 Hidden City, Steven Poliakoff, 1988 High Anxiety, Mel Brooks, 1977 High Hopes, Mike Leigh, 1989 Highlander, Russell Mulcahy, 1986 High Season, Clare Peploe, 1987 High Spirits, Neil Jordan, 1988 The Hit, Stephen Frears, 1984 The Holcroft Covenant, John Frankenheimer, 1985 Hanky Tonk Freeway, John Schlesinger, 1981 Hope and Glory, John Boorman, 1987 Hotel du Paradis, Jana Bokova, 1989 Housekeeping, Bill Forsyth, 1988 How I Won the War, Richard Lester, 1967

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List of Films Mentioned in the Text

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, Steven Speilberg, 1989 The Innocent, John Mackenzie, 1985 Insignificance, Nicolas Roeg, 1985 It Always Rains on Sunday, Robert Hamer, 1947 It Couldn't Happen Here, Jack Bond, 1988

Jabberwocky, Terry Gilliam, 1977 The Jazz Singer, Richard Fleischer, 1980 Joyriders, Aisling Walsh, 1989 Jubilee, Derek Jarman, 1977

Kes, Ken Loach, 1969 Killing Dad, Michael Austin, 1989 The Killing Fields, Roland Joffe, 1984 Kind Hearts and Coronets, Robert Hamer, 1949 A Kind of Loving, John Schlesinger, 1962 The Kitchen Toto, Harry Hook, 1987 The Knack, Richard Lester, 1965 Kramer versus Kramer, Robert Benton, 1979 The Krays, Peter Medak, 1990

The Ladykillers, Alexander Mackendrick, 1955 The Lair of the White Worm, Ken Russell, 1989 The Last Emperor, Bernardo Bertolucci, 1987 The Last of England, Derek Jarman, 1987 Lawrence of Arabia, David Lean, 1962 A Letter to Brezhnev, Chris Bernard, 1985 The Life and Death of Colonel Blimp, Powell/Pressburger, 1943 Little Dorrit, Christine Edzard, 1987 Local Hero, Bill Forsyth, 1983 The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, Jack Clayton, 1988 The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner, Tony Richardson, 1962 The Long Good Friday, John Mackenzie, 1980 Look Back in Anger, Tony Richardson, 1959 Looks and Smiles, Ken Loach, 1983 Loose Connections, Richard Eyre, 1984 Loser Takes All, James Scott, 1990 The Love Child, Robert Smith, 1987

The Magic Toyshop, David Wheatley, 1987 The Man Who Fell to Earth, Nicolas Roeg, 1976 Mamie, Alfred Hitchcock, 1964 A Matter of Life and Death, Powell/Pressburger, 1946 Maurice, James Ivory, 1987 Melancholia, Andi Engel, 1989 Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence, Nagisa Oshima, 1983 The Mission, Roland Joffe, 1986 The Missionary, Richard Loncraine, 1983 Mona Lisa, Neil Jordan, 1986


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228 List of Films Mentioned in the Text

A Month in the Country, Pat O'Connor, 1987 Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Terry Gilliamfferry Jones, 1975 Monty Python's Life, of Brian, Terry Jones, 1979 Moonlighting, Jerzy Skolimowski, 1982 Morons from Outer Space, Mike Hodges, 1985 My Beautiful Laundrette, Stephen Frears, 1985

The Name of the Rose, Jean Jaques Annaud, 1986 Nanou, Connie Templeman, 1986 Nineteen Eighty Four, Mike Radford, 1984 Nighthawks, Ron Peck/Paul Hallam, 1979 A Nightmare on Elm Street, Wes Craven, 1985 No Surrender, Peter Smith, 1986 Number One, Les Blair, 1985

The Oberwald Mystery, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1980 Odd Man Out, Carol Reed, 1946 On the Buses, Harry Booth, 1971 One From the Heart, Francis Coppola, 1981 Out of Order, Jonnie Turpie, 1988

Paperhouse, Bernard Rose, 1989 Paris by Night, David Hare, 1989 Parker, Jim Goddard, 1985 Pascali's Island, James Dearden, 1989 A Passage to India, David Lean, 1985 Passport to Pimlico, Henry Cornelius, 1949 Patty Hearst, Paul Schrader, 1989 Peeping Tom, Michael Powell, 1960 Personal Services, Terry Jones, 1987 Ping Pong, Po Chih Leong, 1986 The Ploughman's Lunch, Richard Eyre, 1983 Police Academy, Hugh Wilson, 1984 The Pow Wow Highway, Jonathan Wacks, 1990 Prick Up Your Ears, Stephen Frears, 1987 A Private Function, Malcolm Mowbray, 1984 The Private Life of Henry VIII, Alexander Korda, 1933 Privates on Parade, Michael Blakemore, 1983 Private Road, Barney Platts Mills, 1971 A Prayer for the Dying, Mike Hodges, 1988

Radio On, Chris Petit, 1980 The Raggedy Rawney, Bob Hoskins, 1989 The Rainbow, Ken Russell, 1989 Raise the Titanic, Jerry Jameson, 1980 The Red Desert, Michelangelo Antonioni, 1964 The Red Shoes, Michael Poweii/Emeric Pressburger, 1948 Restless Natives, Michael Hoffman, 1985 The Return of the Soldier, Alan Bridges, 1982

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List of Films Mentioned in the Text

Revolution, Hugh Hudson, 1986 Rita, Sue and Bob Too, Alan Clarke, 1987 The Robe, Henry Koster, 1953 Rocky, John G. Avildsen, 1976 A Room With a View, James Ivory, 1986

Sammy and Rosie Get Laid, Stephen Frears, 1988 Saturday Night and Sunday Morning, Karel Reisz, 1960. Scandal, Michael Caton Jones, 1989 Sebastianne, Derek Jarman, 1975 Secret Places, Zelda Barron, 1984 The Servant, Joseph Losey, 1963 Shadey, Philip Saville, 1986 Shag, Zelda Barron, 1988 Shanghai Surprise, Jim Goddard, 1986 The Shooting Party, Alan Bridges, 1985 Sid and Nancy, Alex Cox, 1986 Siesta, Mary Lambert, 1988 The Simon Wiesenthal Story, Brian Gibson, 1990 Slam Dance, Wayne Wang, 1987 Slayground, Terry Bedford, 1984 Sour Sweet, Mike Newell, 1989 Stagecoach, John Ford, 1939 Star Wars, George Lucas, 1987 Steptoe and Son, Cliff Owen, 1972 Stormy Monday, Mike Figgis, 1989 Strapless, David Hare, 1990 The Supergrass, Tony Richardson, 1985 Sweeney, David Wickes, 1976

The Tall Guy, Mel Smith, 1989 A Taste of Honey, Tony Richardson, 1961 The Tempest, Derek Jarman, 1980 The Terence Davies Trilogy, Terence Davies, 1976-83 That Sinking Feeling, Bill Forsyth, 1981 The Third Man, Carol Reed, 1949 This Sporting Life, Lindsay Anderson, 1963 Time Bandits, Terry Gilliam, 1981 Tom Jones, Peter Richardson, 1963 Touch of Evil, Orson Welles, 1958 Track 29, Nicolas Roeg, 1988 Tree of Hands, Giles Foster, 1989

The War Game, Peter Watkins, 1965 War Requiem, Derek Jarman, 1989 Water, Dick Clement, 1985 Wetherby, David Hare, 1985 Whiskey Galore, Alexander Mackendrick, 1949 White Mischief, Mike Radford, 1988


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230 List of Films Mentioned in the Text

Wild Geese II, Peter Hunt, 1985 Wish You Were Here, David Leland, 1987 The Witches, Nicolas Roeg, 1990 Withnail and I, Bruce Robinson, 1988 The Wolves of Willoughby Chase, Stuart Orme, 1989 A World Apart, Chris Menges, 1988 Written on the Wind, Douglas Sirk, 1956

Young Frankenstein, Mel Brooks, 1974

A Zed and Two Noughts, Peter Greenaway, 1985 Zina, Ken McMullen, 1986

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Appendix 2 Interviews

The following interviews were conducted during the course of my research and these are extensively referenced in the main text.

Graham Bradstreet Patrick Cassavetti AI Clark Michael Coulter Roger Deakins Bill Douglas John Durie Bill Forsyth Alan Fountain Margot Gavan-Duffy Charles Gormley Christopher Hobbs Derek Jarman Gareth Jones Neil Jordan Tony Lawson Margaret Matheson Colin MacCabe Rita McGurn James Mackay Ron Peck Tom Priestley Sarah Radclyffe Mike Radford Simon Relph Mary Jane Reyner David Rose Mark Samuelson Mark Shivas Julien Temple Steve Woolley Colin Young

Where interviewed London London London Glasgow London Edinburgh London London London London Glasgow London Edinburgh London Shepperton London London London Glasgow London London London London London London Glasgow London London London London London Edinburgh


Date 07/04/88 21/07/87 17/07/87 11/05/88 18/07/88 24/07/88 07/04/88 21/07/87 06/06/88 22/07/88 11105/88 07/04/88 17108/87 22/07/88 02/06/88 04/06/88 20/07/87 15/07/87 20/06/88 09/04/88 08/04/88 11/04/88 07/04/88 21/07/87 22/07/87 20/06/88 22/07/87 20/07/87 16/07/87 20/07/88 07111/88 17/08/88

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Autumn 1975. MURPHY, ROBERT, 'Rank's Attempt on the American Market', in

Curran and Porter (eds), British Cinema History (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983).

NEALE, STEVE, Cinema and Technology: Image, Sound, Colour (London: Macmillan/British Film Institute, 1985).

NICHOLS, BILL (ed.), Movies and Methods (Berkeley: University of California Press, Vol. I, 1976; Vol. II, 1985).

NOWELL-SMITH, GEOFFREY, extract from Visconti; 'A Note on History/Discourse'; 'Six Authors in Pursuit of The Searchers', all in Caughie (ed.), Theories of Authorship (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul/British Film Institute, 1981).

ORWELL, GEORGE, Collected Essays (London: Seeker & Warburg, 1961).

PARK, JAMES, 'Film Sales Agents: Floggers or Financiers' A.I.P. & Co., November 1985.

PARK, JAMES, Learning to Dream: The New British Cinema (London: Faber & Faber, 1985).

PARK, JAMES, 'The Nervous Summer of the British Film Industry', Sight & Sound, Winter 1985/86.

PARK, JAMES, 'Tarnished Goldcrest', A.I.P. & Co., Summer 1985. PATERSON, RICHARD (ed.), Boys From the Blackstuff, BFI Dossier

(London: British Film Institute, 1984). PERRY, GEORGE, The Great British Picture Show, 2nd Edition (London:

Pavilion, 1985). PETLEY, JULIAN, 'All Blast and No Balls', Producer, May 1987. PETLEY, JULIAN, 'The Lost Continent', in Barr (ed.), All Our Yesterdays

(London: British Film Institute/Routledge & Kegan Paul 1986). PIRIE, DAVID, Anatomy of the Movies (London: Windward, 1981). PIRIE, DAVID, A Heritage of Horror (London: Gordon Fraser, 1973). PORTER, VINCENT, On Cinema (London: Pluto Press, 1985). PRAZ, MARIO, The Romantic Agony (Oxford University Press, 1933). RICHARDS, JEFFREY and ANTHONY ALDGATE, Best of British:

Cinema and Society, 1930-I970 (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1983). ROBERTSON, JAMES C., The British Board of Film Censors: Film

Censorship in Britain, 1896-1950 (Beckenham: Croom Helm, 1985). ROSE, GILLIAN, The Melancholy Science: An Introduction to the Thought

of Theodor W. Adorno (London: Macmillan, 1978). ROTHENBERG, ALBERT and CARL HAUSMAN (eds), The Creativity

Question (Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1976). RYALL, TOM, Alfred Hitchcock and the British Cinema (London: Croom

Helm, 1986). SALT, BARRY, Film Style and Technology: History and Analysis (London:

Starword, 1983). SALT, BARRY, 'Film Style and Technology in the Thirties: Sound' in

Belton and Weiss (eds), Film Sound (New York: Columbia University Press, 1985).

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Bibliography 237

SAMUELSON, DAVID, Motion Picture Camera and Lighting Equipment, 2nd Edition, Media Manuals (London: Focal Press, 1986).

SARRIS, ANDREW, 'Notes on the Auteur Theory in 1962', in Mast and Cohen (eds), Film Theory and Criticism, 2nd Edition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1979).

SCHAEFFER, DENNIS AND SALVATO, LARRY, Masters of Light: Conversations with Contemporary Cinematographers (Berkeley: Univer-sity of California Press, 1984).

SILVERSTONE, MATTHEW, 'Finding the Money' in Auty and Roddick (eds), British Cinema Now (London: British Film Institute, 1985).

SQUIRE, J., The Movie Business Book (London: Columbus, 1986). STENKRAUS, WARREN, 'Artistic Creativity and Pain' in Mitias (ed.),

Creativity in Art, Religion and Culture (Amsterdam: Wurzburg Konigshau-sen & Neuman, distributed in the USA by the Humanities Press, 1985).

STONE, NORMAN, 'Through a Glass Darkly', The Sunday Times, 10 January 1988.

TAIT, ARCHIE, 'Distributing the Product', in Auty and Roddick (eds), British Cinema Now (London: British Film Institute, 1985).

TRILLING, LIONEL, The Liberal Imagination (London: Mercury, 1961). VIRILIO, PAUL, War and Cinema: The Logistics of Perception (London:

Verso, 1989). WADE, GRAHAM, Film, Video and Television: Market Forces, Fragmen-

tation and Technological Advance (London: Comedia, 1985). WALKER, ALEXANDER, Hollywood England (London: Harrap, 1986). WALKER, ALEXANDER, National Heroes (London: Harrap, 1985). WEBSTER, PAUL, 'Pictures of Pictures', Producer, May 1987. WHITAKER, SHEILA, 'Declarations of Independence', in Auty and

Roddick (eds), British Cinema Now (London: British Film Institute, 1985).

WILLIAMS, CHRISTOPHER (ed.), Realism and the Cinema (London: British Film Institute/Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1980).

WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, 'British Film History: New Perspectives', in Curran and Porter (eds), British Cinema History (London: Weidenfeld & Nicholson, 1983).

WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, Culture (London: Fontana, 1981). WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, 'A Lecture on Realism', Screen, Spring 1977. WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, The Long Revolution (Harmondsworth: Pelican,

1965). WILLIAMS, RAYMOND, Television: Technology and Cultural Form (Lon-

don: Fontana, 1974). WRIGHT, WILL, Six-Guns and Society (Berkeley: University of California

Press, 1975). WOLLEN, PETER, Readings and Writings (London: Verso, 1982). WOLLEN, PETER, Signs and Meaning in the Cinema, Revised Edition

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Periodicals Consulted

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Abrams, M. H. 2 Absolute Beginners 101, 102, 103, 120,

142, 176, 182, 200 Acceptable Levels 81 Accident 170 Acting 194-8, 202 Adorno, Theodor 4, 5, 6, 8-11, 17,

22, 205 Adventures of Baron Munchausen,

The 28, 142 AGFA 32 AlP & Co 127, 173 Alf Garnett Saga, The 156 Alfie 156 Alien 137 Allen, Jim 147 Allen, Robert 29, 32, 34, 36 Almendros, Nestor 186, 193 Althusser, Louis 14 Altman, Rick 33 Amber Films 81 American Film Market (AFM) 118 Ampex 42 Anderson, Lindsay 71, 183 Angel 139, 180, 189, 201 Angelic Conversation, The 47 Anger, Kenneth 106 Anglia Television 85 Annakin, Ken 157 Another Time, Another Place 39, 64,

163, 175, 180, 188, 197, 199 Antonioni, Michaelangelo 7, 21, 44,

46, 150 Archers, The 169 Aria 102, 120 Armes, Roy 41, 43, 44, 46, 47, 148,

161 Arnheim, Rudolph 24 Aristotle 2, 3 Arriflex camera 31-2, 38, 39 Arts Council, The (of Great

Britain) 56 Ascendancy 81, 97 Assam Garden, The 93 Associated British Picture Corporation

(ABPC) 54, 55, 58, 182-3

Associated Communications Corporation (ACC} 58, 59

Associated Film Distributors (AFD) 59

Association of Cinema and Television Technicians (ACTT) 59, 97

Association of Independent Producers (AlP) 59, 63, 65

Atlantic 92, 117 Attenborough, Richard 124, 141, 183 Audsley, Mick 200 Auteur structuralism 16--18 Auteur theory 14-16, 170, 173 Auty, Martyn 147 Ayres, Mark 203

Bad Sister, The 44, 49 Bad Timing 192, 200 Balcon, Michael 54, 97, 145, 183 Bamborough, Karin 73, 78 Bancroft, Shelley 71, 127 Barr, Charles 153, 162-3 Barrett, Lezli-An 100, 172 Barry Lyndon 38 Barthes, Roland 10, 14 BASF 42 Batman 64, 184 Battle of Britain, The 146 Battleship Potemkin, The 52 Bazin, Andre 14, 15, 23-4, 35 Beatles, The 156 Beckett, Samuel 7 Bed Sitting Room, The 156 Bedford, Richard 200 Beeson, Paul 191 Beineix, Jean-Jacques 122 Bellman and True 85, 139 Bellour, Raymond 20 Belly of an Architect, The 87 Bennett, Alan 170 Bennett, Edward 81, 97 Benton, Robert 130 Bergman, Ingmar 14, 150 Beristain, Gabriel 184, 186, 189, 191 Berlin Film Festival 118 Bernard, Chris 171


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240 Index

Bertolucci, Bernardo 7 Bevan, Tim 174 Big Flame, The 147 Big Man, The 104 Bill Douglas Trilogy, The 24 Billy Liar 156 Billy the Kid and the Green Baize

Vampire 92, 142 Biopics 124, 141-2, 210 Birmingham Film and Video

Workshop 45 Birth of a Nation 209 Biziou, Peter 189 Black Audio Film Collective 81 Black Narcissus 37-8, 169 Blade Runner 106, 137 Blazing Saddles 137 Bleasdale, Alan 46, 171 Blitz 127 Blood Red Roses 139 Blood Simple 161 Blue Dolphin 120 Board of Trade 53, 56 Boetticher, Budd 14 Bogart, Humphrey 32, 123 Bonnie and Clyde 57 Bond, Alan 100 Bond, James 120, 124 Boorman, John 66, 124 Bowie, David 129, 195 Boy Soldier 139 Boyd, Don 71 Boys From The Blackstuff 46 Brabazon, James 173--4 Bradbourne, John 100 Bradstreet, Graham 73 Branson, Richard 103 'Brat Pack' 136 Braudy, Leo 136 Brazil 28, 66, 74, 108, 115, 120, 142,

157, 177, 181, 197 'Breakfast Time' 128 Breillat, Catherine 209 Bresson, Robert 24 Brewster, Ben 16 Brideshead Revisited 140 Bridge on the River Kwai, 141, 146 British Academy of Film and Television

Arts (BAFTA) 132 British Board of Film Censors

(BBFC) 52, 133 British Broadcasting Corporation

(BBC) 46, 49, 56, 85, 113, 175, 179

British Cinema Now 119 British Film Institute (BFI) 71, 97 BFI Distribution 120 BFI Production Board 45, 49, 60, 61,

69, 71, 72, 76, 80, 82, 97-8, 99, 172, 181, 205

British Lion 56, 58 British Satellite Broadcasting

(BSB) 105 British Screen Finance Consortium

(British Screen) ix, 59, 61, 65, 68, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 80, 82, 86-90, 99, 102, 103, 105, 115, 116, 207

Bronco Bullfrog 147 Brooks, Mel 137 Brown, Christy 196 Browne, Nick 20--21 Budgets 28, 74, 106-7 Bullshot 94 Burning an Illusion 81 Burton, Richard 146 Buscombe, Edward 14, 15, 21, 136-7 Business as Usual 81, 100, 139 Buster 142

Cage, John 7 Cagney, James 123 Cahiers du Cinema 14--16, 35, 124 Caine, Michael 195 Cameras 26, 28, 31-2, 38, 39, 40, 41,

43, 45, 134 Cameron, Ian 15 Campbell, Colin 3 Cannes Film Festival 79, 118-9, 128 Cannon 70, 87, 89, 100, 120, 130, 133 Can't Stop the Music 58 Capital Allowances 59-60 Capitalism 11, 15 Captive 102, 139, 182 Caravaggio 47, 84, 86, 97, 98, 151,

154, 158, 159, 184, 190, 191 Cardiff, Jack 169 Carlton Communications 93 Carr, J. L. 78 Carringer, Robert 37 'Carry On' films 124, 156 Carry On Sergeant 156 Carter, Angela 174--5 Cassavetti, Patrick 74, 120, 153, 177,

181, 197 Castaway 120, 192 Cathy Come Home 147 Caton-Jones, Michael 178 Caughie, John 18, 182, 183

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Index 241

Cavalcanti, Alberto 144 Central Television 90--91, 93, 209 Chabrol, Claude 14 Channel 4, ix, 44, 45, 49, 61, 62, 65, 67,

70, 71, 73, 74, 76--86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 97, 98, 99, 103, 113, 140, 147, 162, 163, 206, 207

Channon, Michael 51 Chariots of Fire 64, 131, 140, 141 Charlie Bubbles 161 Chicago Joe and the Showgirl 104 Chinese Boxes 158--9 Christie, Ian 145, 153 Cinecom 117 Cineguild 54, 169 Cinematograph Exhibitors Association

(CEA) 77 Cinematography 26, 38, 186--189,

190--91 Cineplex Odeon 70 Citizen Kane 37 Clark, AI 60, 67, 102, 103, 121, 163,

181, 182 Clark, Frank 171 Clarke, Alan 91 Clement, Dick 94 Coates, Paul 22-3, 168, 189 Cobweb, The 164 Cocteau, Jean 14 Code of Practice (BFI) 97 Coen, Joel and Ethan 161 Cole, Nat King 129 Collins, Phil 129, 195 Coltrane, Robbie 158--9 Columbia 67, 70, 102, 130, 183 Columbia-Cannon-Warners

(CCW) 120 Comedy 124, 138, 139, 144, 154-9, 166 Comfort and Joy 99, 157 Comic Strip, The 89, 137, 159, 189,

198 Comolli, Jean-Louis 35 Company of Wolves 64, 103, 104, 120,

131-3, 142, 166, 174-5, 184, 201 Completion guarantee 74 Composers 197 Comrades 24, 56, 87, 120, 131, 196 Connery, Sean 195 Consuming Passions 85 Cook, Pam 19 Coppola, Francis Ford 44-5, 124 Costume design 192 Coulter, Michael 39, 45, 163, 187-8,

189, 197, 200

Courier, The 85, 103 Courtenay, Tom 146 Coutard, Raoul 32 Coward, Noel 162 Cox, Alex 91, 172, 177, 189 Crawford, Joan 123 Crime films 138 Crocodile Dundee 109 Crown Film Unit 144 Cruickshank, Donald 101 Cry Freedom 108, 115, 120, 123, 124,

141, 196 Culture 111 Curse of Frankenstein, The 15 Curtis, Tony 128 Curzon 103, 120, 131

Dalton, Hugh 55, 56 Dance With a Stranger 120, 141 Dancing Thru the Dark 85 Dangerous Liaisons 200 Daniels, Melanie 196 Daniels, William 187 Danny the Champion of the World 85 Dark Passage 32 Dartnall, Gary 99, 100 Daves, Delmer 32 Davies, Terence 40, 61, 97, 152, 172,

210 Davis, Bette 123 Davis, Carl 129 Davis, Mary 71 Day Lewis, Daniel 195, 196 De Niro, Robert 197 Dead, The 92 Deakins, Roger 39, 46, 159, 161, 173,

188--9, 199, 200, 209 Dealers 85 Dean, Basil 183 Deeley, Michael 58 Deer Hunter, The 58 Defence of the Realm 39, 85, 120, 124,

139, 140, 188 Delaney, Shelagh 161 Delfont, Bernard 58, 59 Denham Studios 54 Deren, Maya 25-6 Derrida, Jacques 14 Development 71-3, 85 Diamond Skulls 39, 187 Dickens, Charles 144, 154-5, 156, 161 Dickinson, Margaret 55, 57, 60, 61 Distant Voices, Still Lives 40, 61, 97,

108, 140

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242 Index

Diva 122 'Doctor' films 155 Doctor Zhivago 141 Documentaries 43, 143, 144, 145, 146,

149 Dolby 33,40 Dollies 31, 40 Douglas, Bill 24--5, 172, 196, 197 Draughtsman's Contract, The 97, 98 Dreamchild 99 Dream Demon 103, 142 Dresser, The 162 Dressmaker, The 39, 187 Dreyer, Carl 141 Drowning by Numbers 120 Durie, John 116, 117, 118, 119, 126--7

ET 129 Eady Levy 56--7, 59 Ealing Studios 38, 54, 145, 147, 148,

149, 151, 155, 156 Earth Girls are Easy 200 Easdale, Brian 169 Eastman Colour 32 Eastwood, Clint 123, 195 Easy Rider 57 Eat the Rich 120, 159 Eberts, Jake 100, 101 Echoes 104 Edinburgh Film Festival 132 Editing 25, 40, 44, 47, 134, 148, 192-4 Educating Rita 157 Edwards, Buster 142 Eisenstein, S. M. 52 Electric DreamJ 102 'Eleventh Hour', The 80, 81, 83, 97 Ellis, John 38, 124, 145, 146, 148, 153,

162, 195 Ellis, Ruth 141 Elstree Studios 64 EMI 58, 59, 93, 96 Empire State 81, 82, 83, 86, 87, 120,

123, 130, 139, 140, 176, 186, 197, 202, 203

Engel, Andi 62 Enigma Films 76, 184 Enterprise Pictures 120 Epics 124, 136, 141 Eureka 183, 192 European Script Fund 73 Euston Films 72, 85, 86, 207 Evil Dead, The 122 Experimental Film Fund 97 Eyre, Richard 183

Face, The 127 Famous Lasky Film Service 52 Fassbinder, Rainer Werner 84 Fatherland 189 Federation of British Industry

(FBI) 53 Fellow Traveller 85 Fenton, George 197 Fields, Gracie 155 Figgis, Mike 172 Figgis, Suzy 196 Film Four International 76, 79-80, 88,

115, 116 Film nair 135, 137 'Film on Four' 78, 80, 83, 98, 152 Film stock 26, 32, 33, 34, 38, 40, 41,

134 Finney, Albert 146, 147, 161 Fires Were Started 144 First Love 76, 138 Fish Called Wanda, A 120, 157, 196 Fisher, Terence 15 Five Corners 96 Flitterman, Sandy 20, 21 Flying into the Wind 209 Fonda, Brigit 196 For Queen and Country 92, 140, 196 Ford, John 14, 17, 18, 19, 20 Formby, George 155 Forster, E. M. 140, 141, 209 Forsyth, Bill 70, 124, 155, 157-8,

164-5, 171, 172, 185, 188, 192, 197-8, 200, 206, 208

Foucault, Michel 14 Fountain, Alan 49, 80, 81, 82, 83, 97 Four Corners Films 71 Fox 52, 54 Francis, Freddie 189 Francis, Karl 172 Frankfurt School, The 5-6 Franklin, B. J. 121, 129 Frears, Stephen 22, 76, 77, 91, 174,

200, 208 'Free Cinema' 38 Freud, Sigmund 4-5, 9 Friday the Thirteenth 136 Frontroom Films 81 Fruit Machine, The 85 Fuller, Samuel 14 Furst, Anton 201

Gainsborough 54, 138, 140, 145, 151, 153

Gandhi 69, 131, 140, 141, 146

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Index 243

Garden, The 48, 49 Garnett, Tony 71, 147 Gaumont-British Picture

Corporation 54 Gavan-Duffy, Margot 94, 96 Gavin, Bill 101, 115 Gavin Film 115 Geldof, Bob 195 Gems, Jonathan 175 General Film Distributors (GFD) 54 General Film Film Finance Corporation

(GFFC) 54 German Expressionism 16, 143 Ghostbusters 131 Ghost Dance 81 Gilliam, Terry 28, 66, 152, 172, 177,

181, 206 Gilliat, Sidney 54, 169 Ginger Tree, The 49 Giro City 139 Gledhill, Christine 135, 151, 153 Glinwood 128 Go-Between, The 170 Godard, Jean-Luc 7, 14, 23, 32, 143,

150 Goddard, Renee 73 Gold Diggers, The 81 Goldblum, Jeff 196 Goldcrest Films ix, 51, 65, 99, 100,

101, 102, 103, 115, 131, 138 Gomery, Douglas 29, 32, 34, 36 Good Father, The 39, 76, 139, 163, 187 Goodwin, Richard 100 Gormley, Charles 83, 84, 158, 159,

172, 196 Gothic 102, 120, 142, 182, 190, 191 GPO Film Unit 143, 144 Grade, Lew 58-59, 96 Graduate, The 57 Granada International 72, 85, 90 Gray, Simon 78 Greenaway, Peter 61, 97, 142, 152,

158, 165, 172, 195, 200, 206, 210 Gregory's Girl 56, 157, 158, 198 Gremlins 131 Grierson, John 143, 144, 182, 183 Griffiths, Trevor 147 Group 3 Film Unit 144 Guidice, Filipo del 54 Guinness, Alec 141 Guns in the Afternoon 137 Guttenberg, Steve 123

Hall, Willis 161

Hallam, Paul 71, 209 Halloween 136 Hamer, Robert 148 Hammer Films 15, 124, 138, 142, 145,

151, 153, 156 Hancock, Tony 156 Handmade Films 65, 68, 71, 72, 73,

74, 76, 93--6, 99, 103, 104, 106, 113, 114, 115, 138, 157' 181

Handful of Dust, A 85, 124, 140 Hannah, Daryl 123, 196 Hannah, Peter 189 Hard Days' Night, A 156 Hare, David 61, 74, 172, 183 Harrison, George 93, 94, 95, 181 Hartog, Simon 53 Hassan, Mamoun 87 Havelock-Allan, Anthony 169 Hawks, Howard 14, 17, 18 Hay, Josslyn 142 Hay, Will 155 Hays Code 52 Heat and Dust 140 Heath, Stephen 19, 30, 34-5 Heavenly Pursuits 39, 83, 120, 158,

187, 190 Heckroth, Hein 169 Hegel, F. W. 4 Hellraiser 142 Help! 156 Henderson, Brian 17, 18 Henry, Georgina 79 Henry, Lenny 105 Hershey, Barbara 123 Herzog, Werner 84 Hidden City 139-40 High Anxiety 137 High Definition Television

(HDTV) 49 High Hopes 140, 158 Highlander 120 High Season 87 High Spirits 104, 108, 123, 142, 184,

196, 201 Higson, Andrew 144, 146 Hill, John 149 Hit, The 90, 92, 120 139, 183, 200 Hitchcock, Alfred 14, 18, 19, 20, 21,

23, 160--61, 171, 194, 208 Hobbs, Christopher 151-2, 153-4, 184,

190-91 Hoffman, E.T.A. 3 Hogg, James 3 Holcroft Covenant, The 99

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244 Index

Hollywood 11, 14, 18, 19, 31, 32, 33, 40, 51, 52, 53, 55, 57, 75, 112, 121, 123, 135, 136, 138, 143, 144, 145, 150, 160, 182, 187, 190, 195, 203, 205, 208, 210

Hanky Tonk Freeway 58 Hook, Harry 100, 172, 173 Hope and Glory 67 Horror films 136, 138, 142 Hotel du Paradis 64 Housekeeping 39, 70, 157, 185, 187-8,

192, 198 How I Won the War 156 How To Get Ahead in Advertising 158 Howard, Trevor 197 HTY 85 Hudson, Hugh 101 Hughes, Chris 186, 202 Hughes, Robert 11 Hurt, John 195

I D magazine 127 Imagining October 47 Imi, Tony 186, 202 Independent Broadcasting Authority

(IBA) 45 Indiana Jones and the Last

Crusade 64, 184 Innocent, The 39, 85 Insignificance 92, 120, 127-8, 183, 192 Inspector Morse 207 Isaacs, Jeremy 82 It Always Rains on Sunday 148, 156 It Couldn't Happen Here 142

Jabberwocky 155 Jagger, Mick 129 Jarman, Derek 21, 22, 47-8, 61, 81,

82, 83, 84-5, 86, 88-9, 97, 106, 118, 142, 151, 152, 153, 158, 159, 165, 172, 176, 179, 184, 186, 190, 197, 201-2, 206, 209, 210

Jazz Singer, The 58 Jennings, Humphrey 143, 144 Joffe, Roland 101, 131, 208 Jones, Gareth 68, 71, 94, 95, 96, 106,

114, 115 Jordan, Neil 72, 94, 132, 152, 153,

158, 165, 172, 174-5, 180, 184, 200-201, 206, 208, 209

Joyriders 85 Jubilee 84 Junge, Alfred 169

Kafka, Franz 7 Kahn, Richard 110, 122, 125-6, 127,

128, 129 Kamen, Michael 197 Kant, Immanuel 4, 5 Keaton, Diane 70 Keeler, Christine 142 Kennedy 90 Kermode, Frank 3 Kes 147 Kesson, Jessie 175 Killing Dad 85 Killing Fields, The 69, 101, 120, 124,

131-3, 141, 189 Kind Hearts and Coronets 155 Kind of Loving, A 146 King, Stephen 142 Kitchen-sink films (British 'New

Wave') 138, 139, 146, 149, 169 Kitchen Toto, The 39, 87, 100, 173 Kitses, Jim 16 Klee, Paul 7 Kline, Kevin 123, 195 Knack, The 156 Kolker, Robert Philip 150-51 Korda, Alexander 53-4, 56, 57, 138,

183 Kracauer, Siegfried 24 Kramer versus Kramer 130 Krasker, Robert 38 Krays, The 142 Kubrick, Stanley 38 Kureishi, Hanif 77, 174, 210

Lacan, Jacques 13, 14 Lady Killers, The 155 Lair of the White Worm, The 142 Lambert, Verity 99, 100 Lassally, Walter 38, 169 Last Emperor, The 183 Last of England, The 21, 47-8, 49, 61,

81, 82, 83, 86, 88, 118, 176, 197, 201 Launder, Frank 54, 169 Lawrence of Arabia 141, 146 Lawson, Tony 47, 147-8, 160, 192,

193-4, 200 Laye, Mike 123 Lean, David 54, 141, 169, 183 Lee, James 100, 101 Le Frenais, Ian 94 Leigh, Mike 172, 195, 206 Leigh, Spencer 202 Lejeune, C. A. 145 Leland, David 76, 91, 147, 172, 175, 209

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Index 245

Lenny: Live and Unleashed 105 Lenses 26, 33, 40, 41, 134 Lester, Richard 156 Letter to Brezhnev 69, 103, 124, 157,

171 Leventhal, Colin 79 Levi-Strauss, Claude 16, 18 Lieberson, Sandy 101 Life and Death of Colonel Blimp,

The 169 Lighting 26, 33, 134 Literary tradition in British

cinema 124, 159---67 Little Dorrit 120, 124, 151, 161 Living Apart Together 83-4, 158, 190 Lloyd, Emily 196 Lloyd, Euan 100 Loach, Ken 147 Local Hero 155, 157, 189, 198 London International Film School 172 London Weekend Television

(LWT) 85 Loneliness of the Long Distance

Runner, The 169 Long Good Friday, The 139 Long Revolution, The 2 Look Back in Anger 146--7, 162 Looks and Smiles 139, 147 Loose Connections 64, 102 Loser Takes All 85, 190 Losey, Joseph 170 Love Child, The 81 Lovell, Alan 16 Lucas, George 124 Lumiere, Louis 24, 30 Lyne, Adrian 208

'Machines of the Visible' 35 MacCabe, Colin 97-8, 172, 177, 181 Mackay, James 47, 48, 86, 165, 179 MacKendrick, Alexander 148 Made In Britain 209 Madonna 95 Magic Toyshop, The 85, 142 Magnetic tape 32, 33, 42 Mainline 120 Man Who Fell to Earth, The 38 Manvell, Roger 145 Marcuse, Herbert 5, 9 Market research 125-6 Mamie 20, 21 Marshall, Norman 161, 162 Marshall, Stuart 42 Marxism 2, 4, 6, 50

Mate, Rudolph 187 Matheson, Margaret 67, 71, 90, 91,

92, 93, 107, 120 Matter of Life and Death, A 37, 169 Maurice 124, 140, 209 Mayersberg, Paul 172, 182 McAnally, Ray 195 McFarlane, Brian 160 McGrath, John 147 McGurn, Rita 190, 191 McMullen, Ken 61, 83, 172, 210 Medhurst, Andy 144, 156 Melancholia 62, 139 Melies, Georges 24, 30 Melodrama 11, 140, 143, 150--51, 166 Menges, Chris 189, 198 Merchant Ivory 140, 209 Merry Christmas, Mr Lawrence 122,

183 Metz, Christian 14, 16 MGM/UA 110, 118, 138 MIFED 118 Milchan, Arnon 181 Mills, Reginald 169 Mimesis 2, 24 Minnelli, Vincente 164 Mission, The 101, 120, 141, 189 Missionary, The 94, 157 Mitchell cameras 32, 39 Modernism 4, 5, 7, 11-12, 24, 142,

143, 149-50, 152, 205 Mona Lisa 72, 74, 94, 95, 103, 120,

124, 130, 139, 158, 175, 180, 209 Mondrian, Piet 7 Month in the Country, A 78, 79, 85,

120, 124, 140 Monty Python 93, 94, 137, 138, 155,

156, 159 Monty Python and the Holy Grail 155 Monty Python's Life of Brian 93, 157 Moonlighting 179 Morons from Outer Space 99 Movie 15-16 Moving Picture Company, The 93 Moviola 40 Mowbray, Malcolm 170 Mulvey, Laura 21, 44 Murnau, F. W. 52 Murphy, Robert 55 Musicals 138, 142, 164 My Beautiful Laundrette ix, 64, 69, 76,

104, 105, 108, 124, 130, 139, 157, 158, 164, 173, 174, 200, 208, 210

Myer, Carole 88, 116

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246 Index

My Left Foot 86, 196 Myles, Lynda 85

Name of the Rose, The 101 Nanou 64, 120 National Film Development Fund

(NFDF) 71, 73 National Film Finance Corporation

(NFFC) ix, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 71, 87-8, 183

National Film and Television School (NFTS) 61, 172

National Heroes 177 Neale, Steve 34, 35 Neame, Ronald 169 Nelson Entertainment 67, 70 Neo-realism 16, 145, 148, 149 Newell, Mike 163 Newman, G.F. 147 Newman, Paul 195 Nighthawks 71, 83, 85, 197, 202, 209 Nightmare on Elm Street, A 123-4,

136, 142 Nineteen Eighty Four 39, 40, 64, 102,

175, 180, 182, 188, 194 Nosferatu 52 No Surrender 39, 120, 170, 187 Nouvelle Vague 14, 32, 146, 152, 170,

205 Noweii-Smith, Geoffrey 16-18, 19 Number One 203 Nyman, Michael 206

Oberwald Mystery, The 44 O'Brien, Dennis 93, 94, 95, 96, 107,

181 O'Connor, Pat 78 Odd Man Out 148 Odeon Cinemas 54, 120 Oldman, Gary 195 On the Buses 156 One Dimensional Man 5 One from the Heart 44 'Ontology of the Photographic Image,

The' 23 Orion Classics 117 Orton, Joe 91, 142 Orwell, George 154-5 Osborne, John 161, 162, 169 O'Sullivan, Thaddeus 189 Out of Order 45, 49, 81, 82

Pacific International 126-7 Palace ix, 60, 72, 76, 88, 96, 103, 104.

105, 113, 114, 115, 117, 120, 122,

127' 128, 132-3 Palache Report, The 55, 56 Panaglide 49 Panavision Panaflex 39 Paperhouse 104, 142 Paradise Club, The 207 Paramount 52, 93, 118 Paris by Night 61, 74, 92, 120 Park, James 99, 101-2, 115, 152, 177 Parker 93, 199 Parker, Alan 208 Pascali's Island 39 Passage to India, A 69, 100, 120, 124,

140, 146 Passport to Pimlico 155 Patty Hearst 92 Payne, Cynthia 91, 141 Peck, Ron 71, 82, 83, 85, 123, 130,

163, 164, 165, 171, 172, 176, 185, 186, 197, 202-3, 209

Peckinpah, Sam 137 Peeping Tom 145 Penn, Arthur 152 Penn, Sean 95 People to People 80 Pereths, Joy 80 Perkins, Victor 15 Perry, Simon 64-65, 70, 100, 180 Personal Services 39, 69, 87, 92, 104,

120, 124, 141, 157, 209 Pet Shop Boys 48, 129, 142 Petit, Chris 97, 158 Petley, Julian 45, 56, 100, 151, 153,

160, 162 Pfleumer, Fritz 42 Phelps, Guy 81, 88 Pickard, Therese 78--9 Pinewood Studios 38, 54, 64 Ping Pong 76 Pinter, Harold 162, 170 Pirie, David 153 Plato 2, 3 Platts-Mills, Barney 84, 147 'Play For Today' 139, 147 Ploughman's Lunch, The 86, 139, 183 Poison Candy 85 Poliakoff, Stephen 172 Police Academy 123 Post-structuralism 14, 18--20 Potter, Dennis, 147, 164 Potter, Sally 81 Pow Wow Highway, The 96 Powell, Michael 37, 54, 145, 151, 153,

166, 169, 170, 183 Powell, Nik 103, 122

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Index 247

Pratt, Roger 189 Prayer for the Dying, A 139 Preminger, Otto 14 Pressburger, Emeric 37, 54, 151, 169,

170, 183 Prick up your Ears 87, 92, 120, 124,

131, 142, 200, 209, 210 Priestley, Tom 40, 105, 159, 165, 172,

192-3, 194, 199, 200 Private Function, A 94, 157, 170, 179 Private Life of Henry VIII, The 53 Privates on Parade 86, 94, 157 Private Road 147 Producer 79 Production design 25, 190--2, 201 Prominent Features 157 Pryce, Jonathan 197 PSA 127 Psychoanalysis 4, 13 Puttnam, David 76, 101, 102, 124,

131, 141, 177-8, 181, 183, 184

Quality 145-6, 153-4 Queen is Dead, The 47-8 Quota quickies 53

Radclyffe, Sarah 69, 73, 74, 104, 107, 116--17, 163, 178

Radford, Mike 70, 163, 171, 172, 175, 180, 185, 194, 197, 199, 200, 201

Radio On 97 Rage in Harlem, A 104 Rainbow, The 140 Raise the Titanic 59 'Raising Production Finance' 65 Rank, J. Arthur 54 Rank Organisation, The 37, 54-6, 57,

87, 89, 103, 120, 130, 132, 169, 182 Realism 2, 11, 23-7, 35, 143, 144-54,

166 Recorded Picture Company, The 120,

184 Recorded Releasing 115, 120 Red Desert, The 44 Red Shoes, The 37, 169 Redford, Robert 195, 196 Redgrave, Vanessa 195 Rediffusion 182 Reed, Carol 38, 148 Reisz, Karel 52, 183 Relph, Simon 61, 68, 86, 87, 88, 89,

90, 107, 131, 183 Renaissance, The 2 Renoir, Jean 14 Resnais, Alain 21

Restless Natives 99 Return of the Soldier, The 86 Revolution 101, 120 Reyner, Mary Jane 192 R.H.I.N.O. 209 Richardson, Miranda 195 Richardson, Peter 104 Richardson, Tony 38, 169, 183 Rita, Sue & Bob Too 79, 87 Rivette, Jacques 14 Robe, The 136 Robinson, Bruce 172 Rocky 123 Roeg, Luke 128 Roeg, Nicolas 58, 91, 94, 106, 124,

127, 128, 152, 194, 200, 206 Rohmer, Eric 14, 149 Romanticism 2, 3, 4, 15, 16, 17, 29 Room With a View, A ix, 61, 69, 101,

120, 124, 140, 151, 158, 208, 209 Rose, David 73, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81,

82, 83, 89, 105, 107, 140 Ross, Carl 203 Russell, Ken 106, 152, 182, 191, 206 Russell, Theresa 128 Ryall, Tom 138

Sales Company, The 88, 91, 92, 115, 116--19, 121, 126

Salt, Barry 31, 32 Salvato, Larry 187 Sammy and Rosie Get Laid 69, 77,

104, 120, 140, 164, 173, 200 Samuelson, Marc 109, 153, 180 Sarris, Andrew 15-16 Saturday Night and Sunday

Morning 52, 56, 146, 147 Savage Mind, The 18 Saville, Philip 46 Scandal 104, 129, 142, 178, 196 Schaefer, Dennis 187 Schlesinger, John 71 Schoenberg, Arnold 7 Science fiction 136, 137 Scorpio Rising 106 Scorsese, Martin 124 Scott, Ridley 137, 208 Scott, Tony 208 Scottish Television (STV) 85 Screen 13, 16 Screen International 61, 64, 69 'Screen Two' 138 Screenwriting 75, 163 Sebastianne 84, 209 Secret Places 86, 102, 182

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248 Index

Sellers, Peter 128 Semiotics 10, 13 Servant, The 56, 170 Shabazz, Melenik 81 Shadey 39 Shag 104 Shakespeare, William 162 Shanghai Surprise 95 Shepperton Studios 95 Shivas, Mark 85, 179, 183 Shooting Party, The 140 Sid and Nancy 39, 92, 101, 120, 124,

142, 188-9 Siesta 104 Signs and Meaning in the Cinema 17 Sillitoe, Alan 161 Simon Wiesenthal Story, The 85 Sinatra, Frank 128 Singing Detective, The 164 Sirk, Douglas 151, 203 Slam Dance 92 Slayground 99 Slocombe, Douglas 189 Smith, Peter 171 Smiths, The 47-8 Sony 42-3 Sound technology 32, 33, 40, 44 Soundtracks 26, 128, 197 Sour Sweet 139 Southon, Mike 189, 191 Spielberg, Steven 124 Spikings, Barry 58 Springfield, Dusty 129 Spry, Caroline 80 Spungen, Nancy 142 Stafford-Clark, Nigel 93 Stagecoach 20, 21 Stallone, Sylvester 123, 195 Stanbrook, Alan 73-4 Stapleton, Oliver 189, 200 Star Wars 129 Steadicam 40 Steenbeck editing table 40 Stellman, Martin 172 Stephens, Bill 79 Stevenson, R. L. 3 Steptoe and Son 156 Sting 129, 195 Stoneman, Rod 80 Storey, David 161 Stormy Monday 39, 93, 139, 140, 188,

196 Storyboards 184-5 Strapless 85

Streep, Meryl 123, 195 Street, Sarah 55, 57, 60, 61 Structuralism 14, 22 Super-S 47-8, 49, 82, 165, 201, 202 Supergrass, The 159 Sweeney, The 85, 139 Swinton, Tilda 195

Tait, Archie 119 Tall Guy, The 104, 157, 196 Tannen, Ned 108, 113 Taste of Honey, A 38, 169 Team Pictures 203 Technological determinism 29 Television 42, 44, 45, 162, 164 Tempest, The 84 Temple, Julien 101, 106, 153, 164,

165--6, 176, 185, 200, 203, 208 Templeman, Connie 172 Terence Davies Trilogy, The 81 Terry Committee, The 58 Thames Television 77, 85, 207 That Sinking Feeling 157, 158, 198 Third Man, The 38, 56 This Sporting Life 146 Thomas, Jeremy 100, 102, 120, 183,

184 Thomson, Alex 189 Thompson, David 15 Thorn/EM! Screen Entertainment

(TESE) ix, 99, 100, 102, 120 Thrillers 124, 137, 139 Time Bandits 94, 157 Time Out 128, 132 Toland, Gregg 37, 148, 187 Tom Jones 38, 156, 169 Touch of Evil 19 Track 29 94, 120, 192 Tree of Hands 85 Trilling, Lionel 4-5 Truffaut, Fran~ois 14, 32 Turpie, lonnie 45, 116 TV South (TVS) 85 Twentieth Century-Fox 66, 120, 181 Two Cities Films 54

UFA 33 Umbrella Films 180 Unit publicist 128 United Artists 53, 54 United British Artists 100 United International Pictures

(UIP) 118, 120 Universal Studios 54, 66, 118, 138, 181

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Index 249

Venice Film Festival 118 Vicious, Sid 91, 142 Video 29, 41-9, 50, 165 Vierny, Sacha 200, 206 Virgin 209 Virgin Vision 60, 65, 67, 99, 102-3,

120, 121, 123, 130, 182 Virilio, Paul 34 Visconti, Luchino 18 Vitagraph 52

Wade, Graham 93 Walker, Alexander 145, 147, 170, 177 Walsh, Raoul 14 Walter 76 War Game, The 147 War Requiem 85 Ward, Stephen 142 Warner Brothers 33, 52, 54, 75, 131,

138 Washington, Denzil 123, 196 Water 94 Waterhouse, Keith 161 Watkins, Peter 147 Watt, Harry 144 Waugh, Evelyn 140 Webster, Paul 122, 132. 133 Weimar Republic 143 Welles, Orson 14, 19, 23, 37, 148-9 Westerns 18, 136 Wetherby 87. 92. 139, 183 Whiskey Galore 155 White Bird Passes, The 175 White Mischief 39, 64, 70, 85, 142,

175, 180, 188, 197 Who Framed Roger Rabbit? 106 Wild Geese II 99, 100 Wilde, Oscar 3 Williams, Billy 189

Williams, Raymond 1, 2, 3, 4, 6--11, 22, 29-30, 33, 35, 75, 111-12, 113, 126, 134, 147, 149, 205, 207

Wilson, Harold 56, 58 Winnington, Richard 145 Wisdom, Norman 156 Wish You Were Here 69, 76--7, 79, 92,

104, 108, 117, 120, 141, 157, 166, 196, 209

Witches, The 179 Withnail and I 120, 157 'Wogan' 128 Wollen, Peter 16--17, 18, 21, 33, 34,

44, 46, 47, 106, 172 Wolves of Willoughby Chase, The 92,

190, 191 World Apart, A 69, 104, 117, 120, 123 Wood, Robin 15 Woodfall Films 138, 151, 169 Woolley, Steve 50, 72, 103, 104, 107,

114, 116, 122, 128, 130, 133, 168, 178, 179, 180, 196

Working Title ix, 69, 73, 76, 85, 103, 104, 105, 115, 116, 117

Workshop Agreement, The (BFI) 97 Wright, Will 18 Written On the Wind 203 Wyler, William 148-9

Young Frankenstein 137

Z Cars 139 ZDF Television 71, 83 Zed and Two Noughts, A 61 Zenith ix, 65, 67, 71, 73, 74,76--7, 88,

89, 90-93, 96, 99, 102, 103, 104, 105, 113, 115, 116, 117,207

Zina 61, 81, 82, 83