nic install

Wireless NIC installation Mathew Jewett First, you need to install the NIC and once it is done this will show up, then you will need to click ‘Repair’ and ‘Next’.

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Post on 27-Jul-2015




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Wireless NIC installation

Mathew Jewett

First, you need to install the NIC and once it is done this will show up, then you will need to click ‘Repair’ and ‘Next’.

This will tell you when it has finished the install/download on the green bar has reached the end.

Now you have to wait and it doesn’t take long to finish…

Once it is complete, you will be able to access the internet and to know this you have installed it corerectly

Another way to know that the Wireless NIC is working is by pinging someone else, for example, ping


To see that the NIC is working by going to the device manger and it will have a error sign next to it if it doesn’t work.

This will show that the drivers are work.