newsletter - marymount convent...

NEWSLETTER Issue 1, May 2017 “Good Morning, Mrs Lim!” I turned around and saw a sweet Primary Three girl. “Good Morning, sweetie!” I greeted her back with a wide smile. “Why aren’t you in your office?” she asked. “I wanted to see you all and chit-chat with you while you are enjoying your recess.” “Oh, but I am sure there are girls who would be looking for you and Mr Bear. If you are not in your office, they can’t find you and they can’t meet Mr Bear. Then they can’t show you the good deeds that they have done!” she explained, with sincere concern in her voice. For our parents who might not already know, I introduced, “Mr Bear” to all our girls. Mr Bear is a mascot that encourages our girls to be good learners with grateful hearts. Whenever a student MESSAGE FROM THE PRINCIPAL Marymount Convent School 20 Marymount Road Singapore 297754 performs a kind deed or makes progress or shows improvement in her work, she can come and take a photo with Mr Bear. “How kind of you to be thinking of others! I will walk about for a short while and then I will return to wait for girls to see Mr Bear!” “Thank you, Mrs Lim!” she responded as she skipped away with a smile! What a sweet encounter! How right she is to say that there will be someone coming to see me and Mr Bear on a daily basis. This goes to show that she believes MCS girls are “Good learners with a Grateful Heart”. A semester has passed and we have finished half of 2017. The following is the poem I shared with the girls on the final day of the first term to mark the end of Term 1.

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER - Marymount Convent Programme, P1 and 2 picnics and WELL week. These are just some examples that

NEWSLETTERIssue 1, May 2017

“Good Morning, Mrs Lim!” I turned around and saw a sweet Primary Three girl.

“Good Morning, sweetie!” I greeted her back with a wide smile.

“Why aren’t you in your office?” she asked.

“I wanted to see you all and chit-chat with you while you are enjoying your recess.”

“Oh, but I am sure there are girls who would be looking for you and Mr Bear. If you are not in your office, they can’t find you and they can’t meet Mr Bear. Then they can’t show you the good deeds that they have done!” she explained, with sincere concern in her voice.

For our parents who might not already know, I introduced, “Mr Bear” to all our girls. Mr Bear is a mascot that encourages our girls to be good learners with grateful hearts. Whenever a student


Marymount Convent School 20 Marymount Road Singapore 297754

performs a kind deed or makes progress or shows improvement in her work, she can come and

take a photo with Mr Bear.

“How kind of you to be thinking of others! I will

walk about for a short while and then I will return to wait for

girls to see Mr Bear!”

“Thank you, Mrs Lim!” she responded as she skipped away with a smile!

What a sweet encounter! How right she is to say that there will be someone coming to see me and Mr Bear on a daily basis. This goes to show that she believes MCS girls are “Good learners with a Grateful Heart”.

A semester has passed and we have finished half of 2017. The following is the poem I shared with the girls on the final day of the first term to mark the end of Term 1.

Page 2: NEWSLETTER - Marymount Convent Programme, P1 and 2 picnics and WELL week. These are just some examples that


Today was the absolute worse day ever

And don’t you try to convince me that

There’s something good in every day

Because, when you take a closer look,

This world is a pretty evil place.Even if

Some goodness does shine through once in a while

Satisfaction and happiness don’t last.

And it’s not true thatIt’s all in the mind and heart

BecauseTrue happiness can be attained

Only if on’e suroundings are goodIt’s not true that good existsI’m sure you can agree that

The realityCreates

My attitudeIt’s all beyond my control

And you’ll never in a million years hear me say

Today was a very good day


We have the


to make the decision

and choice.

Issue 1, May 2017

My dear girls, I would like us to consider how we can take a step, sometimes simple, other times bold, to change our mind-sets and therefore perspectives, which will inevitably determine our actions. It can prove to be very powerful.

As “Good Learners”

1. We can approach any given situation from a different perspective. Even though at times we do not have the means to control what happens to us, but I would like to remind us that we are the ones in charge of how we feel within, and thus we can choose to respond appropriately to the situation. We have the power to make the decision and choice. So how does that help with being a “Good learner”? Many of you shared with me that you are worried about examinations and PSLE. Instead of worrying, I perceived this not to be a bad thing because it means that you are concerned about your studies. If you are not too bothered about your studies, you probably would not be worried at all. As such, the better question to ask would be, how to channel the same energy you spend on “worrying” into clarifying doubts you might have in your studies.

2. When you receive feedback from teachers on your exam papers, instead of feeling discouraged that you didn’t score the marks you hoped for, why don’t you channel the energy into fully understanding the concepts or formulae instead? You can learn

from it and not just lament about it.

3. While wondering and fretting over why the time you spent on revision is not fruitful, why don’t you ask yourself, what other methods you can try that might be more effective?

A change of perspective often renders us the opportunity to discover creative solutions and more opportunities.

As persons with “Grateful Hearts”

There is so much you can be grateful for as a student! You have had 20 weeks of learning and lessons in the classes, within the classrooms and beyond. Our teachers have endeavoured to teach you patiently and faithfully. We have new learning spaces around the school which can further enhance your learning opportunities. The introduction of a full suite of CCAs for all students to choose from, offers you more platforms to discover your strengths and talents.

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I am grateful for the safety of all our girls who went through the P3 to P6 camps, Sports Day, P3 Swimming Programme, P1 and 2 picnics and WELL week.

These are just some examples that I have named and I am sure you will agree with me that there are many more blessings!

If you choose to think that these are extra activities that take away time from your studies, then you would be too narrow-minded in limiting your learning and growth to only the academic domain. But If you choose to think that these are additional avenues for us to learn and grow in, you will enjoy the learning and put in the effort to explore with an inquisitive mind, the positive energy will help you discover more. You will also likely be filled with with joy and gratitude.

Let me close with the story I shared at the start. The Primary Three girl, after taking a few steps, turned around and said, “Mrs Lim, I often see many girls going to see you. I hope you have time to eat too. Thank you for everything you have done for us, including me!” My heart was so warmed and encouraged!

Let us emulate this Primary Three girl, who may be young, but she is one that is wise to be counting her blessings. She is one who believed that our MCS family is one, who would choose to be Good Learners with Grateful Hearts. Let us continue to be open-minded and always take the chance to see things from a different perspective, gratefully and positively!

- Mrs Allison Lim

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Issue 1, May 2017

On 22 February 2017, two teams of eight Primary Six students, led by Mrs Dulcia Tan, took part in the B-Trail Competition organised by Beatty Secondary School.

The trail is a fun and educational event designed for P5 and P6 students. It takes the students through an experiential learning journey in mathematics and science and create opportunities for them to apply creative problem-solving strategies in real life situations. They also get to practise role-playing and build teamwork.

Claire Tan and Connie Goh (6 Perseverance), Tiffany Lim and Ashuntha Rani D/O Elvin Nathan (6 Zeal), Wei Xin and Adelle Yung (6 Gratitude), Clarisse Chuang and Megan Lee (6 Integrity) were selected to participate in this competition.

They found the B-Trail interesting, challenging and fun as they were exposed to new concepts. Although they were a little nervous at first as they did not know what was in store for them, they were eager to find out more

B-Trail Competition

Students engaged in solving the questions at the trail

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in the course of the competition.

Our friends learnt to work as a team and that they should persevere in all that they do. They were able to relate what they have learnt in class and apply their learning to the questions posed in the trail. They did the school proud – one team won the ‘Top


Listening attentively to the secondary school student’s explanation

We have done MCS


3’ category while the other team received a consolation prize.

Reported by:Maryse Lim Yan Qi (6 Compassion) & Tanisha Mei Murugesh (6 Compassion)

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Issue 1, May 2017


















事,同学们听得津津有味。 原來“

















庆祝会过后, 休息时间到了,我跟






杨雯心Yeo Wen Xin Clarice(6 Compassion)





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Issue 1, May 2017


The Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) is an event organised by MOE to commend the achievements of youths in the arts. Our school’s Art Club students created three brilliant masterpieces based on the theme ‘Artist and Space’.

My Robot DollsCategory A (P1 & P2)

Jigsaw My SpaceCategory 3 (P3 & P4)

Preparing for Singapore Youth Festival

Page 8: NEWSLETTER - Marymount Convent Programme, P1 and 2 picnics and WELL week. These are just some examples that

We interviewed a few Art Club members and these are their reflections:

“I enjoy the creation of this artwork. I wish I could have more

preparation time so that everyone would not be so stressed.”

Cheyenne Low Kai Qi (6 Humility)

“I have learnt many new techniques and skills. I learn how to work

better in a team and under pressure as well.”

Muthu Dharana (6 Humility)

“For the SYF competition, we cut out a whale

using a cardboard. I help to paint it. I enjoy the process and feel great working

with friends. The final product is incredible! I am ecstatic!”

Nethra (6 Compassion)

We wish our friends all the best for the festival. We are certain that it has been an enriching journey for them as they not only created beautiful art pieces with their peers but also developed their characters as well.

On 9 May, we were overjoyed to learn that the categories A and C artworks had been selected for the on site art exhibition.

Reported by: Howra Manasawala (6 Humility) & Isabel Sivanesan (6 Humility)

Splash Out My SpaceCategory C (P5 & P6)


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Issue 1, May 2017


P6 Camp 2017

“Oh! Oh! I think our raft is sinking!”

Homecoming must have been the sweetest for our current batch of P6s. We had the good fortune of being the first cohort to camp overnight at our Indoor Sports Hall (ISH), located on the sixth floor of our newly-built Block G. The P6s also had the opportunity to use the spanking new showers in Block G (previous batches of students had to shower at CHIJ Toa Payoh). The camp held from 8 to 10 March to mark the end of Term 1 was well attended. The students experienced a range of activities that included outdoor cooking, rafting and travelling down a zip-line.

Our teachers were heartened by the perseverance and gratitude that our P6s showed at the camp. It was indeed wonderful to wit-ness our MCS students sponta-neously cheering a student who was close to tears for she was overcome with fear as she was stuck while doing a high element. We recorded yet another instance of a student picking up discarded pamphlets along the trek at Sento-sa despite her weariness from the day’s activities. Well done, P6s! We are proud of you!

Here are some of the highlights taken at the camp.

Reported by: Mrs Ng Soh LanHOD PE / CCA

Our teachers were heartened by the perseverance and

gratitude that our P6s showed at the camp.

Page 10: NEWSLETTER - Marymount Convent Programme, P1 and 2 picnics and WELL week. These are just some examples that

“Look! My buddy and I are travelling tandem!”

“Orange egg, anyone?”

“Primary 6 Perseverance doing the dab in the heart of Chinatown!”

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Issue 1, May 2017


Prefects’ Investiture 2017

As we walked down the aisle towards the stage with confidence, our parents and fellow schoolmates watched us closely. The day we have all been waiting had arrived.

It was indeed a memorable moment for all of us, in our prefect’s uniform, to be invested as a prefect of Marymount Convent School.

As our names were called out, we walked to our Principal, together with our parents, and received our badges with pride. After everyone had received their badges, our Head Prefect, Yuen Jia-Ling, led the prefects in reciting the prefects’ oath.

It was a fulfilling moment for us to receive the recognition from the school and it was definitely a day that we will hold dearly to our hearts.

We, the prefects of Marymount Convent School, are ready to serve and care to the best of our ability.

Reported by: Yuen Jia-Ling (6 Zeal)

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...the School Awards

for Good Character,

Achievement, Good Leadership

and Service affirmed the

school’s efforts in developing

our students holistically.

Issue 1, May 2017


On 17 November 2016, Marymount Convent School celebrated the achievements of our girls. We were honoured to have Mdm Neo Kee Joon to be the guest of honour for this event. Family members of the prize recipients were in attendance as well, to show their support and recognise their daughters’ achievements. The guests were warmly welcomed by the prelude put up by our very own MCS instrumentalists, delighting the audience through their playing on the piano, flute & recorders.

Our Principal, Ms Cecilia Lim, delivered the annual school report and high points for the school in 2016.

Amongst the awards that were presented to students, the School Awards for Good Character, Achievement, Good Leadership and Service affirmed the school’s efforts in developing our students holistically.

At the end of the prize-giving ceremony, the girls from Modern Dance, choir, Chinese Dance and Artistic Gymnastics put up a fantastic performance.

This event concluded the school year for 2016. With continued blessings from God, the school looked forward to our newly renovated premise in 2017.

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Issue 1, May 2017


Blessing of School

Finally, after two years, we returned to spanking new facilities at 20 Marymount Road after functioning at the holding site in Toa Payoh Lorong 1.

On 13th January 2017, we had the honour of Archbishop William Goh, as the main celebrant, and five Catholic priests concelebrating Mass. It was a special Mass to mark the opening of the school year. After the Mass, Archbishop and the priests went around to bless the school grounds.

“Grateful people are happy people,” I quote from Archbishop’s homily. He told us to be grateful for what we have received from our teachers. He also emphasised that whatever our teachers have given us, we must give to others with love, service and charity.

After the Mass, we saw the unveiling of a new school plaque. This was followed by a ‘Thank

You’ speech by our principal, Mrs Allison Lim. She said that it was truly a blessing from God to have been able to hold the event and she was grateful to all those who are continuously supporting the school.

After the principal’s speech, the celebrants walked around the school to bless every corner of the school. The celebration ended with a light reception for the invited guests.

After the celebration,

I reflected on what the Archbishop had told us in his homily. Gratitude is really a very important value for me. We should be grateful and appreciative for all that we have, even for the

Mass for the Opening of the School Year and Blessing of the Upgraded School

smallest things like having a pen to write. God has given us many things and we should be grateful and cherish them dearly.

Reported by: Daniela Kaylee Arif (6 Humility)

Archbishop sprinkles holy water as pupils look on curiously

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Light Ceremony

Head Prefect leading the pupils in the Pupils’ Creed

Staff and pupils singing the song, ‘Pass It On!’

The Light Ceremony is a unique event for Marymount Convent School. It symbolises the passing on of responsibility and values from each member of the school to another.

The ceremony is held at the beginning of the school year, within the first week of school. This year, it was held on 5th January 2017, immediately after our morning assembly.

Sr Delphine Kang, our school supervisor led us in the ceremony. She lighted a big candle which stood on a table in the centre of the stage. Thereafter, she passed the flame to our principal, Mrs Lim, who accepted to keep God’s light burning as she leads the school. She then lighted the candles that our three vice-principals were holding on to who then lighted the candles of the HODs. This was followed by the lighting of candles of all teachers and finally the flame was passed on to our head prefect, Jia Ling, who received the light of Christ on behalf of us, students. As she received the light from a teacher representative, she agreed that all of us, students, of Marymount Convent School would learn and exhibit the values of the school in our daily lives. Our head prefect then led the school in the Pupils’ Creed. The ceremony ended with Sr Delphine leading us in a closing prayer and a final hymn.

This symbolic ceremony will never be erased from Marymount

Convent School’s history. I am proud to have been able to experience the ceremony since P1 and having understood the significance of the passing of light, values and good deeds, I will ensure I carry on this tradition in my own life as I move on to secondary school next year. I will ensure I pass on the wonderful values I have attained in Marymount as well as give a

helping hand to all whom I will meet in the future.

Reported by:Harishiga Ilangovan(6 Humility)

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Issue 1, May 2017


My Chingay Experience

We went to the F1 Pit Building to celebrate Chingay on 21st January 2017. It was pouring cats and dogs! We had to wear our ponchos and enjoyed the spectacular performances that were lined up. The performances were praiseworthy as they were mesmerizing and caught everyone’s attention. The float parade was really awesome! My personal favourite was the colourful ‘Love and Concern Singapore’. It had big golden stars popping from its sides. I wish I were sitting on the float and waving to the spectators.

The Dragon Dance performance was eye-catching. The performers

were flexible and worked together as a team to create a heart dropping performance. The stunts they did were out of the ordinary. Mr Woo reminded us that we should not try them at home! That was hilarious! I must also mention about the “rivers” at the sides of the track. At one point of the performance, the dancers stepped into the water and danced gracefully. It looked magical!

This year’s theme “Singapore’s Unity being its Strength” was echoed by the hosts throughout the event. Singapore’s strength not only lies in its defence force but also on each of us. It was a

good learning point. Well! The rain continued to pelt. Despite this, my friends and I had loads of fun.

Reported by: Howra Manasawala (6 Humility)

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Issue 1, May 2017


Welcome to MCS!

From left: Mr Jeremy KohMs Adeline Gwee Mdm Zhang HuiMs Durgha Devi SubramaniamMs Patricia JamesMr Tan Jian Liang

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Issue 1, May 2017


Editorial Team


Mrs Allison Lim (Principal)

Ms Lynette Fernandez (Vice Principal)

Ms Cheryl Lee(Vice Principal)

Mrs Christina Tan(Vice Principal, Administration)


Corporate Communication Committee

HODs, LH/SHs and Subject Coordinators

Newsletter design:

Ms Adeline Gwee