newsletter issue 4 - june 2015 - shabaan...

NEWSLETTER ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2015 - SHABAAN NEWSLETTER ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2015 - SHABAAN 1436 1436 From the Editor Mrs Fazela Amod As Salaamu Alaikum, Ramadhaan The Blessed Guest is about to visit us once again. Let us honour this special guest and know what it brings: Ramadhaan: The Month of blessing Ramadhaan: The Month of Quran Ramadhaan: The Month of comforting other (sharing and caring) Ramadhaan: The Month of forgiveness Ramadhaan: The Month of Sabr (patience) May Allah accept all our efforts in this blessed month. In South Africa we will have short days and long nights during Ramadhaan. Spare a thought for our fellow Muslims in the Northern Hemisphere. Take a look at the graphic below for fasting hours around the world. From The Principal's Desk Our value for the month of May/June is RESPECT As Salaamu Alaikum, One of the most important things you can teach your child is respect. The best way to teach respect is to show respect. When a child experiences respect, they know what it feels like and begins to understand how important it is. The value of self-respect may be something we take for granted. We may discover how very important it is when our self-respect is threatened, or we lose it and have to work to regain it, or struggle to develop or maintain it in a very difficult environment. Some people find that finally being able to respect themselves is what matters most by kicking a disgusting habit, or defending something that they value. It is part of everyday wisdom that respect and self-respect are deeply connected. It is difficult, if not impossible to respect others if we don’t respect ourselves and to respect ourselves if others don’t respect us. Respect is an attitude. If children don’t have respect for peers, authority, or themselves, it is almost impossible for them to succeed. Lead by example. For children, it’s easier to fully embrace an idea if they see someone else utilizing that idea positively. If you respect the people around you and children see that, it will inspire them. It gives them actual examples of a respectful give-and-take that happens between people. Live by the Golden Rule. Treat others the way you want to be treated. When communicating with each other, parents and teens need to avoid signs of disrespect like yelling, using a nasty tone of voice and demonstrating defensive body language. Listening is vital. Parents and children need to be free to share their thoughts and feelings and feel like they’re being heard. To disagree is acceptable; to demean is not. Teens need their space. Privacy is important to teens. Parents should respect their teen’s privacy, but they do have the authority to check their child’s cell phone, computer or room if they think their teen is in danger or is involved in immoral, illegal or dangerous activities. Parents must look out for the well - being of their child or children at all times, that is their responsibility. Learning self-respect is guided by how we see ourselves. The people in our lives act as a mirror in this process. When people who are important to us give us attention and encouragement, we see positive images of ourselves. At other times, our interactions with others may make us feel unattractive, incompetent, or even invisible. Young children build their sense of self- respect from their interactions with others. When they are made to feel special and valued, children grow to respect themselves. A positive sense of one’s self allows the maturing child to respect others. Self-respect is at the heart of respecting others. When you can identify and appreciate your strengths and accept your vulnerabilities, it’s easier to truly respect the value in others. On Wednesday 10 June 2015 the entire school will dismiss at 1pm (no after care at Foundation Phase) 15 June school holiday DISMISSAL T IMES - JUNE EXAMS FOUNDAT ION PHASE 11 June to end of term will dismiss at 12h30 (Mon to Thurs) Normal dismissal on Fridays (11h45) KIDDIES CHEF ON THURS 11 JUNE AND WED 17 JUNE FROM 12H30 TO 13H00. NO LESSONS IN RAMADHAAN MMA AND ART TEACHERS WILL CONTACT PARENTS DIRECTLY School will dismiss at 10h30 on Fri 26th June CAMPUS 2 (GRADES 4 TO 10) 11th – 24th School dismisses at 12h30 Learners writing one paper will dismiss at 11h00 Normal dismissal times for Fridays. School will dismiss at 10h30 on 26th June TUCKSHOPS The school tuckshops will be closed during the month of Ramadaan JUNE EXAMINAT IONS Our Mid-year examinations are scheduled from the 10 th to the 24 th June. A timetable as well as study guidelines have been issued to all learners. This year, exams will be written until the last day of term – this is largely due to the large numbers of learners who stay away after the test or exam cycle. Intermediate, Senior and FET reports will be issued in the first week of Term 3. Foundation Phase Assessment tasks will be sent home for perusal on 22 nd June Reports for term 2 will be issued on 25 th June WINT ER UNIFORM DRESS AND APPEARANCE: Learners are expected to abide by the compulsory dress regulations determined by the school. Learners are expected to adhere to the standard of general appearance, neatness and personal hygiene. All learners must be clad in their winter uniforms with effect from 1st June. GIRLS The Uniform, burqah, grey/black socks, black school shoes and blazer must be worn. The school scarf, school jersey, black beanie, black gloves and only black undershirts must be worn. BOYS This consists of the grey pants, school golf T-shirt or white long sleeve shirt , school topi, grey/black socks, black school shoes and blazer. The school scarf, school jersey , black gloves and only black under-shirts must be worn. APAX BURSARY FUND There are many children who would love to have the opportunity to study at APAX but are restricted because of finances. To this end we have established a bursary fund that currently assists learners at our school. Our hope is to extend this to others who wish to as well. Should you wish to contribute to this fund please contact Mohammed Gangat ([email protected]) or Aslam Monia ([email protected]). The PTA warmly invites all parents to attend our APAX mass Iftaar on Friday, 26 th June at Nana Memorial Hall. More details to follow. CONDOLENCES Our sincere condolences go to Muallimah Rashida who lost her sister in law, the Manjra family who lost a dear father/grandfather and to Mr Schuster and his family for the loss of his wife. May Almighty Allah grant all the deceased Jannatul Firdaus…In Sha Allah. SOCCER/NET BALL T OURNAMENT We are proud of our U15 soccer team who recently made it to the finals of the Benoni Netball/Soccer Tournament on 9th May. Our netball teams did equally well. Special mention needs to be made of our learners’ excellent behaviour and neat appearance. Netball practice will continue at the Hunters Sports Club with weekly netball matches schedules every Tuesday. We would like to thank Mrs Fatima Wadee for assisting with netball coaching. BECOMING A T ECHNO SAVVY PARENT Mualim Akhtar presented an informative talk to parents on 7th May. The need for parents to become aware of the dangers of social media was discussed. This interactive session left many parents with food for thought – this is definitely a topic that we would like to explore further. ST AFFING We would like to officially welcome Ms Ameerah Dawood( Natural Science) ,Ms Aneesa Kathrada (Sports Coach) and Mr Haroon Patel (English) to our APAX staff. We wish Mr Naicker a speedy recovery. Congratulations to Mrs Aamena Mia who has been appointed as head of our School Based Support Team HOOKED ON BOOKS One of our key areas of focus this year is to encourage independent reading. Our learners were entertained on May 4th by the Hooked on Books team. The presentation left our learners wanting to read each of the books presented. We have purchased copies of these which will be placed in the school library. OTHELLO Our Grade 10’s thoroughly enjoyed the live theatre production of Othello. Special thanks go out to our PTA for making Teacher Appreciation week memorable for our teachers 5 PILLARS ISLAMIC CHALLENGE Our Grade 8 and 9 learners are hard at work preparing for the 5 Pillars Islamic Challenge. This is a television game show that will be aired during Ramadaan. The game show tests the learners knowledge about the 5 Pillars of Islam. We wish our APAX team all the best and will keep you posted on their progress. SPELLING BEE The National Spelling Bee gets underway on 4th June. We wish Zaid Dollie , Halima Williams, Ilhaam Mohammed and Burhaan Bhana all the best as they take on the challenge of representing APAX at Cluster level. T EA WIT H MUALLIMA NADIA Rowah Essack and Nabiha Amod enjoyed tea with Muallimah Nadia. They each attained 30 merits..Well done, Girls! CHARIT Y CLUB MADRESSAH IHSAN Jazakallah to all parents who supported the drive to raise funds for Ihsan Madressah. Through our efforts, we have managed to raise an amount of R94 530. Ramadaan is fast approaching and it is at this time that we especially remember those that are less fortunate than ourselves. Our charity club is embarking on the following initiatives Abaya Drive It’s time to spring clean your cupboards! Send us your abayas that you no longer use. Giftwrap them and make sure to write the size on the top. These will be distributed by our Charity Club just before Eid. Adopt a Granny On 3rd June APAX hosted twenty granny’s – they were officially welcomed to our family by the learners who put together a moving assembly. This was followed by a scrumptious breakfast prepared by our PTA. The highlight was definitely their trip to The Glen Shopping Centre. Our Grade 6-9 girls accompanied the grannies and assisted them to shop. Each granny received a gift voucher to the value of R1000 from Fashion World. Special thanks go to SANZAF for giving us the opportunity to be part of their programme Eid Hampers We are planning to put together 20 Eid hampers. We appeal to all parents to kindly send cash contributions (sadaqah or lillah) in an envelope to the class teacher. Our Charity Club will purchase items for hampers. Monies to be handed in by Friday 19 JUne 2015 APAX STANDS UP AGAINST XENOPHOBIA A group of parents and learners braced the chilly autumn weather to join fellow South Africans in their stand against xenophobia. We are proud of our parents and learners who showed such deep patriotism. Our children need to realise that, as youth, they have a big role to play in the future of our country. APAX ASSISTS THE GIFT OF THE GIVERS Our parents and learners generously contributed to assist refugees affected by xenophobia. Our Grade 10’s assisted in distributing the many clothing items at the Christ Church Refugee Camp. Jazakallah to all our learners and parents! ANT I BULLYING CAMPAIGN Alhumdullilah our anti bullying campaigns over the last two years have assisted in drastically reducing the number of bullying incidents at school. Our anti bullying campaign this year was held from 26 th – 29 th May. Our slogan “ DON’T BLURT WHAT CAN HURT” was highlighted throughout the week. Bullying happens everywhere…in homes too! We appeal to parents to extend anti bullying discussions into the home! T RAFFIC Alhumdullilah our traffic problems in the vicinity of Campus 2 on Richmond Avenue seems to be sorted out. Traffic flow is much easier both in the mornings and afternoons. However, it is very disappointing to note that there are one or two parents who deliberately disobey the rules- this threatens the safety of all road users. We appeal to parents to observe the “one-way” rule. Construction and Roadworks near Campus 1 is still in progress. We appeal to parents to drop off and move on as quickly as possble so as not to inconvenience other road users. Foundation Phase parents who are picking up siblings on campus 2 are urged to keep their children with them. No learners will be allowed to play games on campus 2 while school is still in session. Congratulations We are proud of Yaseen Motara in Grade 5. He is not only an exceptional tennis player – Yaseen recently captained an U9 Cricket team at the Wanderers to victory. Well done, Yaseen – we are very proud of you! Masha Allah Special congratulations also go out to Hamzah Patel. Hamzah travelled with his parents and Moulana Shamsoodien to Cape Town to participate in the National Quraan Competition hosted by the Muslim Judicial Council. He performed exceptionally well – Hamzah gets the opportunity to read at the International Competition on 8 th August at Nizamiye Mosque. Congratulations Asma Paruk continues to excel at show jumping – she recently received honours at the SANESA competition. Well done, Asma! CAKE AND CANDY Our Grade 4’s need to be complimented on their sterling Cake and Candy effort. Their creativity and enthusiasm was reflected in their efforts to decorate their stalls and market their products. Money raised will be used to purchase much needed sports equipment. Our Grade 7-10 learners attended the SABC Careers Indaba held at the Sandton Convention Centre on 18/19 th May. This event gave learners the opportunity to explore various career opportunities. We would like to thank Muallimah Sophia for organising this! WINT ER WARMER FUN DAY Our first APAX winter warmer proved to be a huge success. Parents and learners came out in their numbers to enjoy an event that gave both parties the opportunity to play netball, soccer, volleyball, table tennis and action cricket. Our PTA ensured that there was enough food and drinks available for all. We would like to thank our parents for supporting events such as these. The benefits include: Getting to know your child’s friends Meeting other parents Getting to know your child’s teachers Becoming involved in the growth and development of APAX PHYSICAL EDUCAT ION Our learners are thoroughly enjoying the formal, structured physical education lessons. The new balance beam on the Foundation Phase playground is proving to be a big hit! Unsubscribe | Update Profile | View PDF | Pause Subscription | View Online Email Powered By This email was sent to [email protected] on 15-08-2015 Auckland Park Academy of Excellence is intended for opt in communication only. If you feel this email is unsolicited please report it to us.

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Page 1: NEWSLETTER ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2015 - SHABAAN · 2015-08-15 · NEWSLETTER ISSUE 4 - JUNE 2015 - SHABAAN 1436 From the Editor



















FOUNDAT IONPHASE11Junetoendoftermwilldismissat12h30(MontoThurs)NormaldismissalonFridays(11h45)









JUNEEXAMINAT IONSOurMid-yearexaminationsarescheduledfromthe10thtothe24thJune.Atimetableaswellasstudyguidelineshavebeenissuedtoalllearners.Thisyear,examswillbewrittenuntilthelastdayofterm–thisislargelyduetothelargenumbersoflearnerswhostayawayafterthetestorexamcycle.Intermediate,SeniorandFETreportswillbeissuedinthefirstweekofTerm3.








APAXBURSARYFUNDTherearemanychildrenwhowouldlovetohavetheopportunitytostudyatAPAXbutarerestrictedbecauseoffinances.Tothisendwehaveestablishedabursaryfundthatcurrentlyassistslearnersatourschool.Ourhopeistoextendthistootherswhowishtoaswell.ShouldyouwishtocontributetothisfundpleasecontactMohammedGangat([email protected])orAslamMonia([email protected]).




















Alhumdullilahourantibullyingcampaignsoverthelasttwoyearshaveassistedindrasticallyreducingthenumberofbullyingincidentsatschool.Ourantibullyingcampaignthisyearwasheldfrom26th–29thMay.Ourslogan“DON’T BLURT WHAT CANHURT”washighlightedthroughouttheweek.Bullyinghappenseverywhere…inhomestoo!Weappealtoparentstoextendantibullyingdiscussionsintothehome!














PHYSICALEDUCAT IONOurlearnersarethoroughlyenjoyingtheformal,structuredphysicaleducationlessons.ThenewbalancebeamontheFoundationPhaseplaygroundisprovingtobeabighit!



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