newsletter issue: 12 - westwoodwithiford.orgnewsletter issue: 12 29th february 2016 boswell road...

Newsletter ISSUE: 12 29 th February 2016 Boswell Road Lower Westwood Bradford on Avon BA15 2BY Clover Class enjoying their Woodland Trip A very warm welcome back to another brand new term. It is so lovely to see everyone again and to be back enjoying our learning and being part of our school community. Already we are at the end of our first week of this VERY short term, but the children have settled straight back in and we have had a very exciting week both in and out of the classroom. Tuesday evening saw another spectacular performance by Orchid Class at the West Wilts Dance Festival at the Bath Forum. Having been expertly trained by Karen Hobson, who had put together a superb and exciting routine, the children took to the stage second in proceedings. That on its own is a good reason to be both proud and appreciative of the children’s confidence as the Bath Forum is a venue that regularly hosts major events and seats an audience of hundreds. Yet here were the children dominating the stage and dancing to Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy, all dressed in authentic American military costume of the period and not missing a beat. The performance was both spellbinding and electric, drawing an enormous cheer from the audience, which was so very well deserved. My sincere thanks go to Karen for organising, resourcing, planning and choreographing a spectacular routine that brought the house down and to the children for entertaining, showing such confidence and for representing our school so brilliantly. I was proud of every one of you. Thank you for a great evening out! I have posted the rehearsal video to my blog and Orchid Class blog if you would like to see their performance. On Wednesday afternoon I had the pleasure of working with Clover and Thistle Class in the classroom, but just before home time we all got together with Lotus and Orchid class in the hall to talk to some of our friends in the USA as part of our International learning. Asking questions that the children had suggested in Monday’s assembly, we learnt a lot about life in the USA and how school and leisure time is really quite different in some ways but in many ways the same. The children were so sensible and, I hope, got a lot from it. Then yesterday Clover Class went on a learning visit to Woodland Adventurers at Box and had a thoroughly enjoyable day enhancing their learning outside of the classroom. With beautiful weather and so many things to see and do it was a super experience that will really engage them in the classroom and provide happy memories and opportunities. We now have so much to look forward to in a short space of time - this is a busy and exciting term! Please don’t forget to sign up for Parent Consultations this week - lists are with each class teacher. We also have Mother’s Monday on 7th March, which is an opportunity for significant females in children’s lives to spend time with their children in school - always a special occasion. We also have Orchid Class in the heats of the Great Big Dance Off, so watch this space for an update! All dates will be on the school website,, which is updated very regularly.

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Newsletter ISSUE: 12

29th February 2016

Boswell Road Lower Westwood

Bradford on Avon BA15 2BY

Clover Class enjoying their Woodland Trip

A very warm welcome back to another brand new

term. It is so lovely to see everyone again and to be

back enjoying our learning and being part of our

school community. Already we are at the end of our

first week of this VERY short term, but the children

have settled straight back in and we have had a very

exciting week both in and out of the classroom.

Tuesday evening saw another spectacular

performance by Orchid Class at the West Wilts Dance

Festival at the Bath Forum. Having been expertly

trained by Karen Hobson, who had put together a

superb and exciting routine, the children took to the

stage second in proceedings. That on its own is a good

reason to be both proud and appreciative of the

children’s confidence as the Bath Forum is a venue

that regularly hosts major events and seats an

audience of hundreds. Yet here were the children

dominating the stage and dancing to Boogie Woogie

Bugle Boy, all dressed in authentic American military

costume of the period and not missing a beat. The

performance was both spellbinding and electric,

drawing an enormous cheer from the audience, which

was so very well deserved. My sincere thanks go to

Karen for organising, resourcing, planning and

choreographing a spectacular routine that brought the

house down and to the children for entertaining,

showing such confidence and for representing our

school so brilliantly. I was proud of every one of you.

Thank you for a great evening out! I have posted the

rehearsal video to my blog

and Orchid Class blog if

you would like to see their performance.

On Wednesday afternoon I had the pleasure of

working with Clover and Thistle Class in the classroom,

but just before home time we all got together with

Lotus and Orchid class in the hall to talk to some of

our friends in the USA as part of our International

learning. Asking questions that the children had

suggested in Monday’s assembly, we learnt a lot

about life in the USA and how school and leisure time

is really quite different in some ways but in many

ways the same. The children were so sensible and, I

hope, got a lot from it.

Then yesterday Clover Class went on a learning visit to

Woodland Adventurers at Box and had a thoroughly

enjoyable day enhancing their learning outside of the

classroom. With beautiful weather and so many things

to see and do it was a super experience that will really

engage them in the classroom and provide happy

memories and opportunities.

We now have so much to look forward to in a short

space of time - this is a busy and exciting term! Please

don’t forget to sign up for Parent Consultations this

week - lists are with each class teacher. We also have

Mother’s Monday on 7th March, which is an

opportunity for significant females in children’s lives

to spend time with their children in school - always a

special occasion. We also have Orchid Class in the

heats of the Great Big Dance Off, so watch this space

for an update! All dates will be on the school website,, which is updated very


Finally, I would like to say such a big thank you to

everyone who gave their time so generously to put

together the mud kitchen next to our playground. My

sincere thanks to Clare Brown who initiated and

masterminded the project and also to Jeff, who gave

his skills and his time, along with Lindsey Millen and

Debbie Augusztinyi who were among those who

worked so hard to create a beautiful resource for our

school. Thank you to you all.

Ian Rockey


After the success of our amazing Mud Kitchen, Miss

Brown is aiming use the wooden pallets near the car

park to build a Bug Hotel! Watch this space and let

Miss Brown know if you are able to help her create

the Bug Hotel. Any assistance would be greatly



Please help us to collect as many Sainsbury’s school

vouchers as possible. Each year, we are able to

acquire a lot of valuable resources through this

scheme and the more we collect, the more materials

we can order. There is a collection box at the school

entrance just waiting for your vouchers! Thank you.


Happy Birthday to these children who have celebrated their

birthdays recently.


Well done Orchid Class for a fantastic performance at

the West Wilts Dance Festival last Tuesday Evening.

A huge thank you to all the parents who supported

the event and bought the wonderful costumes. DVDs

of the evening can now be ordered for £5. Order

forms can be picked up from outside the school office.


We are delighted to let you know

that Mrs Rosier safely delivered a

beautiful baby boy last week.

We all send our best wishes to Mr

and Mrs Rosier, big sister Elsa and

their new son, Stanley.


Mon 29th

February – Parent Consultations 3:30-5pm

Wed 2nd

March – Lotus & Orchid Class Trip

Wed 2nd

March – Parents Consultations (Thistle Class only) 3:30-5pm

Thursday 3rd

March – Parent Consultations 3:30-5pm

Thursday 3rd

March- World Book Day

Monday 7th

March – Mother’s Monday

Monday 7th

March – The Great Big Dance Off

Wednesday 9th

March – Bikeability Sessions – Yr 6

Saturday 12th

March – FoWS Quiz Night 7pm

Wednesday 23rd


Easter Assembly, Egg Rolling & Bonnet Parade 9:15am

Tea with the Head 3:15pm



100 Club

February Monthly Draw Winner: Irene Hill, winning £31

Mid Term Bonus Draw winner: Jacqui Hulin, winning £54


Quiz Night

Don’t forget to get your tickets – for our 7th Annual

‘Pudding Themed’ Quiz Night, here at Westwood

School on Saturday 12th March at 7:30pm.

This event is open to all (adults only), so get your team

together and join us for an evening of slightly

competitive fun!

Tickets are available from the school office, priced at

£7.50. This includes a ‘Trio of Puddings’ or ‘Cheese &

Biscuits’ during the interval. Bring your own drinks

(and a glass).

FoWS Events:

Quiz Night – Saturday 12th March

Westwood’s Got Talent Show – Friday 22nd April

Westwood Scarecrow Trail – May Half Term week

Kid’s Disco Nights – 28th April & 23rd June

Summer Fair – Saturday 2nd July

Children’s Summer Activity - July

Please support us in raising money for our school.

Ann Windo, FoWS Chair, Tel: 07804 598449

email: [email protected]


Our Piano Teacher, Dave King, only has spaces left for

three more pupils for the rest of the academic year. If

you would like your child to have piano lessons, please

call Dave on 01225 863822 or email him at

[email protected]

Westwood Nursery Annual Easter Egg Hunt

Monday 21st March @3.30pm in Westwood Park

Start at the nursery, hunting in the park

£2 paid on the day to enter

Raffle and refreshments too.

Come rain or shine this event will be held, so see you there!