news letter - october - 2017

NEWS LETTER ICDE - INDIA 4th Edition - 2017 Articles ICDE - INDIA new logo We are proud to announce the launch of ICDE - India's new logo and website Our programs has grown and evolved over the last 11 years, and we felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our logo and website to reflect who we are today and to symbolize our aims, This wasn't a decision we made lightly. We are proud of our rich history. Henceforth our new logo and website retains core elements. New Logo Announcement OUR EXPERIENCE IN INDIA Announcement of New logo and website 01 02 03 if you work with kids Ms. Ambar Kurniawati, Ms. Ristiana and Mr. Bangkit Trilaksino STePs volunteers from Indonasia Ms. Camila Patricia Amoroso Garcia Volunteer from Ecuador we hope you like our new look ICDE - india team We hope you like this new look !

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4th Edition - 2017

ArticlesICDE - INDIA

new logo

We are proud to announce the launch of ICDE - India's new

logo and website

Our programs has grown and evolved over the last 11 years,

and we felt it was time for a change. We have refreshed our

logo and website to reflect who we are today and to

symbolize our aims, This wasn't a decision we made lightly.

We are proud of our rich history. Henceforth our new logo

and website retains core elements.


Announcement of New logo and website



03 if you work with kids

Ms. Ambar Kurniawati,

Ms. Ristiana and

Mr. Bangkit Trilaksino

STePs volunteers from Indonasia

Ms. Camila Patricia Amoroso Garcia

Volunteer from Ecuador

we hope you like our new look

ICDE - india team

We hope you like this new look !

Since we're in here, Mysore. We have changed in mindsthat we never imagine after we can meet all students.We are from Indonesia and never hope before that wecan meet all of you.

Experienced first time to be a teacher its not easy, really.But its a great one. We've a good day, new experience.Ya we've project in here, Mysore Public School (M.P.S). 3members of us doing train to be a teacher in M.P.S tocompleting our degree. Its like our final big projectbeside reseach about education which will we do.

When we first came to India, we were terrified about many

things. Because we dont know everyone. We dont

understand anything. But all people in here are very very

kindly and warm. We're exited to see what our challange

will be coming for us. Our first month was so fulled of



memories, experienced, happiness, both big and small.

We added a list of firsts, first time shopping gifts for all the

teacher who teach in Mysore Public School that will be

given on Teachers day, first Indian Celebration about Gauri

Ganesha Festival, first day cooking for principal and his

family to introduce our food, indonesian food for indian

tongue, teaching some our traditional games, songs, and

words in our language, exploring town with city bus,

enjoying view of mysore, going mysore zoo for the first

time, among many others. Since our time here, we have

picked up a little bit of Kannada (a local language in here)

and Hindi. We learned to read and write (only basic for

elemantary level).

We have made life long friends, learned some songs

(indian anthem, school anthem, and school song), we also

participate in service project like helped to cook for

students lunch, makes cake for tea break, helped students

to prepare independent day and teachers day celebration,

and learned about Indian religions

India has become our second home. This exchange

experience has given our the opportunity to learn deeply

about india. We have also had the opportunity to share

some information about our country, culture and

languange with students, teachers and friends here. We

cant wait see what other experiences and adventures will

be coming again from us!...............................................

Ms. Ambar Kurniawati,

Ms. Ristiana and

Mr. Bangkit Trilaksino

Indonasia STePs volunteers

4th Edition - 2017


03 if you work with kids

The vacations are over, and you can get lazy for comingback. Back to your routine, back to you project, but notall is bad, you can be so happy for see your kids again (ifyou work with kids), see how much they have grown inthe summer, look at their happy faces and how muchenergy and enthusiasm they have for come back andlearn more. It's also trying to find one of your kids in themorning and don't find him or her because they chanceschools.

June is my last month living in India, and that make mesad because I think that I need a little more time to knowthe whole India. This moth have been different from theother months that I have been here. I have the luck to

spend my birthday here and it was different that how Iused to have my birthday but it was amazing also, Ispend my day with the kids and they were really happy

also for being with them, some of the kids gave somegifts and it was really kind of them. When the school wasover I went to one of my kid's house that was amazing Ispend a really good time, we play, we had delicious foodand the most important was that we were happy.

It is really difficult to say good bye to India, to all thepeople that you met, to the kids that you know.

4th Edition - 2017

Thank you for Reading

by : Ms. Camila Patricia Amoroso Garcia

Volunteer from Ecuador