new world birth rates and standards of living

rates and standards of living Paul R Earl Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León San Nicolás, NL 66451,

Post on 21-Oct-2014



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Page 1: New World Birth Rates And Standards Of Living

New World birth rates and standards of living

Paul R Earl Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas

Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo LeónSan Nicolás, NL 66451, Mexico

Page 2: New World Birth Rates And Standards Of Living

A change in life style and so much more

Such a large set of factors from birth rate, migration, education, employment to longevity emerge from such a wide topic. By 1800, or if you like, during the most impressive Napoleonic era and the promotion of science including Darwinism, much human thinking changed. Of course, agriculture fell and industry rose. What happened to the people who could not make the transition ?

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Written first in prose in 1770, The Deserted Village by Irish-English poet Oliver Goldsmith has the theme that the old rural days of the village were better than the new industrial ones, the poem portraying a sense of loss. The Industrial revolution is ongoing in Latin America, although over 100 years late. Places, people, things and especially concepts are far far from what they were, although elements like nostalgia seem to last forever.

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Just one more vision that died long ago. A distantly related theme is, “Give Me the Simple Life.” Nonetheless, we cannot indulge in romantic themes when we are hungry.Some say, “Don’t leave the country campesino to make another slum in my city.” Salting a countryside with microindustries is just bad. It keeps the problem people a way from the city. Integrate these victims of their own soil erosion into the city.This integration is the price our society pays migrants as welfare.

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Superpopulation and axiomatic miseryThe planet's population continues to explode from 1 billion in 1820, to 2 in 1930, 3 in 1960, 4 in 1974, 5 in 1988 with 6 billion in 2000.As the rural Latin human populations BOOM, soil erosion and deforestation continue to some final end. Biodiversity has the same end. The word sustainable is so bad it can only generate laughter from people in the know. Perhaps the amateur Cactus Clubs can save something. Some soft people like Evangilists remote from daily life in imperiled countries really think that their way of life provides the applicible solution ! Where has application X been successful ?

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Migrations, revolutions and wars as solutions to superpopulations seem antique, and efficient industrialization is the cure. But time is running out ! Extreme birth-rate reduction in the Chinese style seems imperative, yet often most unpopular. These repressed countries that seem DOOMED TO CIVIL WAR are 1/ Haiti, 2/ Guatamala, 3/ Paraguay, 4/ Honduras and 5/ Belize. The 6 poorest countries are 1/Haiti, 2/ Nicaragua, 3/ Bolivia, 4/ Cuba, 5/ Ecuador and 6/ Honduras.

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Demographic correlations The purpose of this lecture is to draw various explanatory correlations among demographic factors (variables) that are given in the CIA World Factbook 2004. Its data are close to or at 2004. The variables are population (Pop), Area, percents of Youth (Yth), Adult & Elderly populations, Longevity Male, Longevity Female, Total Fertility Rate (TFR), Grouped 2-5 TFR (F is TFR rounded off to 1), Gross Domestic Product per Capita (GDP), percents of larbor force in

Agricultural (Agr), Industry (Ind) & Services (Serv).

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The worstThe living conditions in 1/ Haiti, 2/ Bahamas, 3/ Bolivia, 4/ Guatemala and 5/ Honduras are the poorest in NA as judged by longevity. These years of life are 1/ 50.5, 2/ 62.2, 3/ 64.2, 4/ 64.3 and 5/ 65.5. Infected migrants from Haiti to the beautiful Bahamas have long spread AIDS. The best is for millionaires ony. Bermudan men reach 80!

The victims of their high birth rates caused their own poverty.

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country pop area yth adlt eld lgm lgf tfr gdp agr ind serv

Canada 32507874 9984670 18.2 68.7 13 78.8 83.5 1.6 29800 2.2 29.2 68.6

VirginBr 22187 153 21.5 73.5 5 75.2 77.3 1.7 16000 1.8 6.2 92

Cuba 11308764 110860 20 69.8 10.1 74.8 79.4 1.7 2900 5.5 26.9 67.6

Barbados 278289 431 21 70.3 8.8 69.5 73.8 1.7 15700 6 16 78

Aruba 71218 193 20.3 68.2 11.4 75.6 82.5 1.8 28000 2 3 95

TrinidadTab 1096585 5128 21.4 70.6 8.4 66.9 71 1.8 9500 2.6 49 48.4

Puerto Rico 3897960 9104 22.4 65.4 12.2 73.5 81.7 1.9 16800 1 45 54

Bermuda 64935 53 19.1 69.3 11.7 79.5 79.7 1.9 36000 1 10 89

Caymen Isla 43103 262 21.4 76.8 8 77.2 82.5 1.9 35000 1.4 3.2 95.4

NetherlandA 218126 960 24.5 67.2 8.3 73.4 78 2 11400 1 15 84

Jamaica 2713130 10991 28.2 65 6.9 74 78.2 2 3900 6.7 37.2 56.2

Uruguay 3399237 176220 23.5 63.4 13.3 72.1 79.2 2 12800 7.4 26.6 66

Brazil 184101109 8511965 26.6 67.6 5.8 67.5 75.8 2 7600 10.2 38.7 51.2

USA 293027571 9631418 20.8 66.9 12.4 74.6 84 2.1 37800 1.4 26.2 72.5

VirginIUS 108775 352 23.8 66 10.2 74.9 82.8 2.2 17200 1 19 20

Bahamas 299697 299697 28.3 67.7 6 62.2 69.1 2.2 16700 3 7 90

Argentina 39144753 2766890 29.2 28.3 10.5 72 79.7 2.2 11200 11.1 34.8 54.1

Venezuela 25017387 912050 30.5 64.5 5 71 77.3 2.3 4800 5 50 45

Costa Rica 3956507 51100 29.5 65 5.5 74 79.3 2.3 9100 8.5 29.4 62.1

Suriname 436935 163270 30.2 63.7 6.1 69.1 71.6 2.4 4000 13 22 65

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Mexico 104959594 1972550 31.6 62.9 5.5 72.2 77.8 2.5 9000 4 26.4 62.9

Panama 3000463 78200 30.2 63.6 6.2 68.9 74.6 2.5 6300 8.3 14.7 77.1

Antigua & B 68320 443 28.1 67.7 4.3 69.3 74.1 2.6 11000 3.9 19.2 75.8

Chile 15825957 756950 25.8 66.3 7.8 73.1 79.8 2.6 9900 6.4 38.6 35.1

Peru 27544305 1285220 32.1 62.8 5.1 67.5 71 2.6 5100 8 27 35

Colombia 42310775 1138910 31 63.9 5 67.8 75.4 2.6 6300 13.7 32.1 54.2

Ecuador 13212742 283560 33.9 61.2 4.9 73.2 79 2.8 3300 8.7 29.7 61.6

DominicanR 8833634 48730 33.3 61.4 5.3 66 69.4 2.9 6000 10.7 31.5 57.8

Nicaragua 5359759 129494 38.1 58.9 3 67.3 74.7 2.9 2300 28.9 25.4 45.7

Fr Guinea 191309 91000 26.9 64.5 5.9 73.6 84 3.1 8300 13 22 65

Guayana 191309 91000 29.6 64.5 5.9 76.9 84 3.1 8300 13 25 65

Bolivia 8724156 1098580 36.4 59.1 4.5 62.5 67.9 3.1 2400 15 33.2 51.9

El Salvador 6587541 21040 36.8 58.1 5.1 67.3 74.7 3.2 4800 9.4 31.2 59.3

Belize 2729545 22966 40.6 55.8 3.5 65.1 69.9 3.8 4900 22.7 24.5 52.8

Honduras 6823568 112090 41.2 55.1 3.7 65 67.4 4 2600 12.8 31.9 55.3

Paraguay 6191368 406750 38.2 57 4.8 72.1 77.3 4 4700 24.8 23.7 51.4

Guatemala 14280596 108890 42.6 54 3.3 64.3 66.1 4.6 4100 22.5 18.9 58.5

Haiti 7656166 27750 42.2 54.1 3.7 50.5 53.1 4.8 1600 30 20 50

country pop area yth adlt eld lgm lgf tfr gdp agr ind serv

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High birth rates associate with high proportions of agricultural workers.The TFR is not sensitive, although dropping with increased wealth in the Yth-TFR-AGR-GPD set. It can have 1000 $ on the X axis. This means that as the birth rate drops, the proportion of workers in agriculture also drops, or it could read: Fewer babies are cubically associated with fewer farm workers. Cubic subsistuting for linear improves the fit. Average Yth is 28.3 ± 6.98 % with 2.6 ± 0.81 TFD %. Agr averages 9.1 ± 7.8 %.Variables as seen in OneWay are given in 3 groups: 1/ 2/, 3/, 4 TFR.The OneWay table has 2 TFR N = 20, 3 TFR = 13 and 4 TFR = 5. Except that a Haitian AIDS effect is obvious, these rates are expected ones.

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“Not till the fire is dying in the grate look we for any kinship with the stars.”

What the 19th century English poet George Meredith said was that older not younger people philosophize. But the fire might be HUNGER, and satisfaction could be complacency. Guatemala and its gorilla neighbors will make, as they have since before 1954, more revolutions of course.

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DEFORESTATION and biodiversity reduction have been at full speed ahead for many years. Example: Malaysian-led multinational loggers have been bribing Belize for many years. Industrialization can save the forests and wild life currently being slaughtered in southern Mexico & CA by indigenous nomads, many from Guatemala.

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The misapplication of native agricultural production to solve the Latin overpopulation problem is causing zapatan civil strife. Eroded soils cannot compete The idea that investors will be attracted to disaster areas has some difficulties ! Still, the idea is to convert disasters into successes ! This—again—goes to life style.

The intuitive backgrounds of the many victims of soil erosion is limited such that they understand little of the logic in their lives, though they know they’re hungry. Military repression is ALWAYS the answer.

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The life style has to changeWhat they need is education for life—industrial skills. Education delays births. This is an expensive longterm rescue operation. For instance, the wiring for computers is very costly and the distances are very great.

The finality is simply that: The small family lives better.