nazism national socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century german nazi party...

Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State • Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates scientific racism & Anti- Semitic propaganda • National Socialist Program calls for united Germany

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Page 2: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

National Socialism• Nationalist redefinition of socialism as alternative to both Marxist socialism & free market capitalism

• Promoting subordination of individuals & groups to needs of German nation

Page 4: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Adolf Hitler• Denies citizenship to Jews & other undesirables

• Supports land reform & nationalization of industries

• Mein Kampf claims Anti-Semitism, Anti-Communism as well as distrust of parliamentary democracy

Page 5: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Religious Anti-Judaism- (Regards to Jews based on religious identity). Part of Europe for thousands of years.

Racial Anti-Semitism- (Based on error definition of Jews as racial group). Form of prejudice regards Jews as inferior race, gained popularity in 19th century.

Page 6: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Nazi Germany (1933-1945) Hitler’s view of reincarnation of the Third


Government controlled by Hitler (Chancellor and Prime Minister) and the Nazi Party (S.A. Troopers)

National Enabling Act of 1934 confirmed Hitler as sole Führer (leader) of Germany.

Page 7: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Totalitarian State Transformation into a fascist state

controlling nearly all aspects of life

Power centralized into Hitler's hands & placed in Berlin on premise of efficiency & Communist threat

Gov controlled artistic expression, promoted art, and banned any other kind of opposition or thought

Page 8: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates
Page 9: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Reunification of German Reich • Goal of re-establishing Germany’s position

in world affairs

• Ending humiliation of Treaty of Versailles

• Conquest for Lebensraum (expanding breadbasket)

• German racial superiority over the Slavic peoples

Page 10: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

Propaganda Effective use of films, rallies, and public

speeches to manipulate public opinion

Gleichschaltung rapidly brought together all parts of German life under Party leadership: youth, sports,

agriculture, & volunteering

Page 11: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates
Page 12: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

The Final Solution• Nazis used euphemistic language to

disguise the true nature of their intents … Ex: "Final Solution“

• Nazi's plan to eradicate the Jewish “influence” from upon Germany during the Third Reich period

• Racial purification & subjugation of “unfit” people

Page 13: Nazism National Socialism = ideology & practice linked to the 20th-century German Nazi Party & State Characterized as form of fascism that incorporates

The Holocaust• Most destructive phase … destruction of

Jewish communities (Ghetto) & placement in work camps (Concentration) as labor for the war effort

• Genocide of Jewish peoples during World War II - systematic state-sponsored mass murder by Nazis