myriad – (mir ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

MYRIAD – (MIR ee ud) – an extremely large number 1 1. Steve said she had a MYRIAD of things to do to get ready for the party. 2. On a clear night in Alaska the sky is filled with a MYRIAD of stars.

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Post on 25-Jan-2016




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MYRIAD – (MIR ee ud ) – an extremely large number1. Steve said she had a MYRIAD of things to do to get ready for the party. 2. On a clear night in Alaska the sky is filled with a MYRIAD of stars. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

MYRIAD – (MIR ee ud) – an extremely large number 1

1. Steve said she had a MYRIAD of things to do to get ready for the party.

2. On a clear night in Alaska the sky is filled with a MYRIAD of stars.

Page 2: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

ACCOLADE (AK uh layd) – An award, praise 2

1. The ACCOLADES she received for making the Olympic Swim Team quickly went to her head, and she thought she was grand madam of the swimming pool.

Page 3: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

GRANDILOQUENT (gran DIL uh kwunt) – Attempting to impress with big words 3

1. They may be eloquent, but there is nothing grand about pompous GRANDILOQUENT speakers.

Page 4: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

CAUCUS (KAW kus) – A meeting or and assembly of a political party to make decisions 4

1. Delegates to political conventions are selected in CAUCUS, while others are appointed.

Page 5: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

DROMEDARY (DRO me dary) – A one humped domesticated camel 5

1. The DROMEDARY is widely used as a beast of burden in Northern Africa and Western Asia.

2. A DROMEDARY is also known as an Arabian camel.

Page 6: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

DEMONIC (dee MON ik) – one who works devilishly (a demon for work) 6

1. Walter had a DEMONIC approach to business, he was only out there for himself and the money.

2. To have a DEMONIC attitude in attempting to achieve your goals will sooner or later pay off.

Page 7: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

NOXIOUS (KNOCKS ee us) – Harmful 7

1. The NOXIOUS pollutants discharged into the bay by the paper mill killed all the marine life.

2. It is NOXIOUS to live in a big city surroundings if you love spacious, outdoor country living.

Page 8: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

PROFICIENT (pruh FISH unt) –Skillful; to be very good at something 8

1. Wally was the most competent, PROFICIENT ice skater in our league, but he wasn’t good enough to make the Olympic team.

Page 9: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

HARANGUE (huh RANG) – To lecture, berate; a long speech 9

1. Our sergeant HARANGUED the recruits for not keeping in step as the platoon practiced marching.

Page 10: MYRIAD –  (MIR  ee ud ) – an extremely large number1

ATROPHY (AT ruh fee) – To wither away 10

1. The author’s interest in writing ATROPHIED after he won the Pulitzer Prize for literature.

2. The ATROPHIC condition of the mummy was apparent as soon as the tomb was opened.