multi-dimensional transfer function design using sorted...

Volume Graphics (2006) T. Möller, R. Machiraju, T. Ertl, M. Chen (Editors) Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Design Using Sorted Histograms Claes Lundström , Patric Ljung , and Anders Ynnerman Center for Medical Image science and Visualization (CMIV), Linköping University, and Sectra-Imtec AB Division for Visual Information Technology and Applications, Linköping University Abstract Multi-dimensional Transfer Functions (MDTFs) are increasingly used in volume rendering to produce high qual- ity visualizations of complex data sets. A major factor limiting the use of MDTFs is that the available design tools have not been simple enough to reach wide usage outside of the research context, for instance in clinical medical imaging. In this paper we address this problem by defining an MDTF design concept based on improved histogram display and interaction in an exploratory process. To this end we propose sorted histograms, 2D histograms that retain the intuitive appearance of a traditional 1D histogram while conveying a second attribute. We deploy the histograms in medical visualizations using data attributes capturing domain knowledge e.g. in terms of homogene- ity and typical surrounding of tissues. The resulting renderings demonstrate that the proposed concept supports a vast number of visualization possibilities based on multi-dimensional attribute data. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation – Viewing algorithms; I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques – Interaction techniques; I.3.7 [Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism – Color, shading, shadowing, and texture; 1. Introduction Visualization applications are often faced with great chal- lenges in form of advanced user objectives and complex data sets. A good example is medical imaging where the di- agnostic assessments require precise information while the data sets are problematic; they may have uncalibrated scale, noisy features or overlapping tissue value ranges. Moreover, a clear trend is that multi-variate data sets are becoming more common, such as dual source volumes from the com- ing generation of Computed Tomography (CT) modalities. An approach that has been employed to achieve these ad- vanced visualizations is Direct Volume Rendering (DVR) using Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions (MDTFs). Even though MDTFs have been successfully applied in some cases, there are prohibitive drawbacks in other situations. First of all, the complexity of the design tools is a major [email protected] {plg,andyn} obstacle for wide-spread acceptance in non-research envi- ronments. For instance, the requirements from the medical imaging field are extremely demanding: the time available to achieve the visualization is merely a few minutes while the diagnostic question requires far from trivial Transfer Func- tions (TFs). A second drawback is that there are still many visualization tasks that cannot be achieved by the previously proposed methods. The concepts of this paper are based on our experience of clinical DVR usage. A first insight is that the largest potential to both enhance visualization quality and simplify user inter- action lies in fully exploiting the user’s domain knowledge of the data set and the task at hand. Furthermore, there are clear disadvantages with fully automatic methods, e.g. static TF presets. When exploring the data set by changing and re- fining the visualization, more information can be obtained. The first part of our design concept for MDTFs is the sorted histogram, consisting of a traditional 1D histogram where the data values are sorted and colored according to a second attribute. Figure 1 shows an initial example. Com- c The Eurographics Association 2006.

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Page 1: Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Design Using Sorted · Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Design Using

Volume Graphics (2006)T. Möller, R. Machiraju, T. Ertl, M. Chen (Editors)

Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function DesignUsing Sorted Histograms

Claes Lundström†, Patric Ljung‡, and Anders Ynnerman‡

†Center for Medical Image science and Visualization (CMIV), Linköping University, and Sectra-Imtec AB‡Division for Visual Information Technology and Applications, Linköping University


Multi-dimensional Transfer Functions (MDTFs) are increasingly used in volume rendering to produce high qual-ity visualizations of complex data sets. A major factor limiting the use of MDTFs is that the available design toolshave not been simple enough to reach wide usage outside of the research context, for instance in clinical medicalimaging. In this paper we address this problem by defining an MDTF design concept based on improved histogramdisplay and interaction in an exploratory process. To this end we propose sorted histograms, 2D histograms thatretain the intuitive appearance of a traditional 1D histogram while conveying a second attribute. We deploy thehistograms in medical visualizations using data attributes capturing domain knowledge e.g. in terms of homogene-ity and typical surrounding of tissues. The resulting renderings demonstrate that the proposed concept supports avast number of visualization possibilities based on multi-dimensional attribute data.

Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): I.3.3 [Computer Graphics]: Picture/Image Generation– Viewing algorithms; I.3.6 [Computer Graphics]: Methodology and Techniques – Interaction techniques; I.3.7[Computer Graphics]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism – Color, shading, shadowing, and texture;

1. Introduction

Visualization applications are often faced with great chal-lenges in form of advanced user objectives and complexdata sets. A good example is medical imaging where the di-agnostic assessments require precise information while thedata sets are problematic; they may have uncalibrated scale,noisy features or overlapping tissue value ranges. Moreover,a clear trend is that multi-variate data sets are becomingmore common, such as dual source volumes from the com-ing generation of Computed Tomography (CT) modalities.

An approach that has been employed to achieve these ad-vanced visualizations is Direct Volume Rendering (DVR)using Multi-Dimensional Transfer Functions (MDTFs).Even though MDTFs have been successfully applied in somecases, there are prohibitive drawbacks in other situations.First of all, the complexity of the design tools is a major

[email protected]‡ {plg,andyn}

obstacle for wide-spread acceptance in non-research envi-ronments. For instance, the requirements from the medicalimaging field are extremely demanding: the time available toachieve the visualization is merely a few minutes while thediagnostic question requires far from trivial Transfer Func-tions (TFs). A second drawback is that there are still manyvisualization tasks that cannot be achieved by the previouslyproposed methods.

The concepts of this paper are based on our experience ofclinical DVR usage. A first insight is that the largest potentialto both enhance visualization quality and simplify user inter-action lies in fully exploiting the user’s domain knowledgeof the data set and the task at hand. Furthermore, there areclear disadvantages with fully automatic methods, e.g. staticTF presets. When exploring the data set by changing and re-fining the visualization, more information can be obtained.

The first part of our design concept for MDTFs is thesorted histogram, consisting of a traditional 1D histogramwhere the data values are sorted and colored according to asecond attribute. Figure 1 shows an initial example. Com-

c© The Eurographics Association 2006.

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Figure 1: Benefit of sorted histograms. Left: This syntheticdata set consists of two parts with overlapping Gaussian dis-tributions. Middle: An ordinary histogram does not revealthat there are two objects. Right: A sorted histogram, color-mapped to a classifying attribute, can reveal the underlyingstructure: ‘yin’ maps to blue (dark) and ‘yang’ to yellow(light).

pared to other 2D histograms, the occurrence of intensityvalues is always readily visible, enabling an at-a-glanceoverview of this most important dimension. (In the his-togram context we use “1D” and “2D” to describe the num-ber of attributes that are shown in the histogram.) Selectinga region in a sorted histogram is then a straightforward wayof creating a 2D TF. A useful variant is the relative sortedhistogram that displays the relative distribution of second at-tribute values for each intensity value.

The second component of our concept is a set of classi-fying attributes, where we employ several attributes that ef-fectively capture domain knowledge, as complements to thecommon gradient-based measures. These attributes includerange weight and local variance, and we show that they en-able additional visualization possibilities within an MDTF.

Finally, we present a TF design process making use of theabove contributions. Employing an exploratory paradigm welet the user dynamically define attributes, display them insorted histograms, select regions in the histogram that de-fines classification criteria, and iterate this procedure. Theresulting MDTF is continuously refined based on the con-clusions made in the process. A main advantage of this ap-proach is that any type of classifying information can be in-corporated in a uniform way.

2. Related work

This section will briefly review related research on MDTFdesign. Two-dimensional TFs were initially proposed byLevoy [Lev88] in 1988, suggesting that gradient magnitudeis a valuable additional attribute apart from the intensityvalue. Kindlmann and Durkin [KD98] proposed a TF modelby adding the first and second derivative along the gradientdirection as extra attributes. This 3D histogram yields goodseparation of material boundaries and enables a more ad-vanced rendering. Kniss et al. [KKH02] extended this modelwith TF design widgets. Another boundary enhancement isthe 2D lighting TF by Lum and Ma [LM04]. For each sam-ple in the rendering process, a second sample is taken at an

offset determined by the gradient. In recent work Šereda etal. [ŠVSG06] propose the LH-histogram to overcome somelimitations of intensity vs. gradient histograms. The two at-tributes are the low and high extremes around each voxel af-ter applying a gradient based boundary model. Furthermore,curvature-based TFs have been shown to add visualizationpossibilities [HKG00,KWTM03], e.g. separation within iso-surfaces.

A drawback of MDTFs is the high complexity that makethem too cumbersome for most usage outside the researchcontext. One way to simplify the TF construction is to avoidspecification in the data domain and let the user implicitlydefine the TF through more intuitive types of interaction.One example is iterative selection in a gallery of automati-cally generated TF variations [HHKP96, MAB∗97, KG01].Further examples include high-dimensional TFs createdthrough data probing [TLM03] and interaction with a clus-tering algorithm [TM04b]. Moreover, efficient tissue clas-sification has been achieved through creation of additionalattributes based on straight-forward user knowledge of thedata set [LLY05].

Explicit design of MDTFs guided by 2D histograms isemployed in some of the above approaches. A typical im-plementation displays intensity and gradient axes, wherethe occurrence is color-coded [KKH02]. The LH-histogram[ŠVSG06] has a similar 2D display. In 2D histograms thevariations in occurrence are not intuitive to perceive com-pared to 1D histograms, where the occurrence maps toheight. Recently, Lundström et al. [LYL∗06] introduced theα-histogram that further increases the usefulness of 1D-histograms by amplifying spatially coherent value ranges.

Several types of attributes have been proposed for ad-ditional TF dimensions. Gradients and second derivativesare common [KKH02], and other boundary measures ex-ist [ŠVSG06]. These approaches are less suitable for morenoisy data such as Magnetic Resonance (MR) images[PBSK00] and they do not capture interior characteristicsof materials. These drawbacks are a major motivation forthe alternative attributes proposed in this paper. For multi-variate data, MDTFs are a natural choice, both for the datadimensions themselves as well as derived tensor measures[KKH02].

3. Exploratory visualization

Several researchers underline the value of carrying out vi-sualizations in an exploratory process. Tory and Möller[TM04a] acknowledge that efforts to reduce user input maybe counterproductive. Rheingans [Rhe02] points out that theexploration is not only useful as a way to find the best finalvisualization, it also creates additional understanding duringthe process. In line with these ideas, the objective for our vi-sualization scheme is to harness the great human ability foradvanced and creative analysis, as opposed to replacing it.

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Figure 2: Static presets can lead to incorrect conclusions,even for calibrated intensities as in this CT angiography.Left: The rendering using the standard TF indicates a steno-sis, pointed out by the arrow. Right: Exploring other TF set-tings clearly shows that there is no stenosis.

In medical imaging, the problems for automated schemesare particularly challenging since the data sets vary consider-ably from patient to patient due to the variations in anatomyand examination parameters. The uncalibrated scale of MRimages is another complication, hindering preset visualiza-tion parameters. CT images have a calibrated scale, but thereare slight variations also in this case. One example is givenin figure 2, where the standard TF for this CT angiographyimplied a stenosis. This diagnosis lead to an angioplastic in-tervention, which turned out to be pointless since no stenosiswas found. When the data set was reviewed again by manu-ally adjusting the TF back and forth, i.e. a rudimentary ex-ploratory visualization, it became evident that the stenosisindication was false.

We have identified four requirements that are essential forefficient exploratory visualization schemes:

a) Effective classification featuresb) Input in the domain ‘language’ of the userc) Simple user interactiond) Uniform framework for all types of data sets

Existing MDTF design approaches does not fully meet theabove requirements: there are many cases when intensity andboundary measures are not sufficient as discriminators (a),gradients and second order derivatives are not intuitive in anon-technical context (b) and complex interaction is oftenrequired to construct the MDTFs (c). Explicit classificationand segmentation can also be seen as a type of exploratoryvisualization. They typically provide better discriminationthan general TFs (a), but commonly have limitations in inter-activity (c) and for more difficult problems they often needto be very specialized, i.e. there is no uniform framework(d). It is clear that exploratory visualization still poses manyresearch challenges.

4. MDTF design concept

The major contributions of this paper is described in this sec-tion. We will show that the concept presented in this paper

reduces the drawbacks of previous TF approaches and bettercomplies with the requirements of exploratory visualizationdiscussed in section 3. First, novel types of 2D histogramsare presented that can replace or act as complement to ex-isting techniques. The following part describes attributes forMDTFs that efficiently increase the classifying capabilities.Then a usage work flow is presented that can accomplishcomplex visualizations through simple means and finallyhigh-performing simplifications are described.

4.1. Histogram types

Regardless of additional attributes, the most important char-acteristic for a voxel is always the intensity value. There-fore, all 2D histogram variants in this paper have intensity asthe x-axis. Consider the traditional 2D histograms in figure3. The occurrence of each combination of first and seconddimension values is mapped to a color. It is hard to do aquick assessment to find the main characteristics of the dataset by comparing voxel clusters in terms of occurrence andvalue ranges. A 1D histogram provides such an assessmentat a glance, thanks to the apparent peak structure. Moreover,peaks in the intensity scale may be difficult to spot altogetherin the 2D case since they are smeared across the second di-mension. Finally, many data sets have a fairly smooth dis-tribution that makes the 2D histogram cluttered, such as theangiography in figure 3.

Our first suggested 2D histogram type, the sorted his-togram (fig. 4, left), is based on the idea of keeping the 1Dhistogram shape, which ensures a direct understanding of theintensity characteristics. The voxels are then sorted accord-ing to the value of their second attribute, making high at-tribute values end up near the top of the histogram curve.Furthermore, the voxels are color-coded according to thesecond attribute. We use a blue-green-yellow-white colormapping, where white is the maximum value, and blackbackground for all examples in this paper. This paper doesnot address the issue of finding the perceptually optimalcolor map. The sorted histogram combines the simplicity ofthe 1D histogram with the additional information of the tra-ditional 2D histogram.

A limitation of the sorted histogram is that the 1D his-togram curve often has very different scale across the inten-sity value range. A logarithmic scale can help, but it maystill be hard to see changes in the distribution of second di-mension values, which may be a sign that there is a distinctmaterial hidden in that range. Therefore, we also proposea Relative sorted histogram (fig. 4, right). The histogramalways fills a rectangular space, and for each intensity (x-axis) value, the sorted relative distribution of second attributevalues is shown. An appealing possibility is to display the1D histogram overlayed on or above the relative sorted his-togram to give a frame of reference.

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Figure 3: Limitation of traditional 2D histograms. Top row:The CT tooth from [PBSK00], often used to demonstrateboundary visualizations. Left: A data set slice. Right: Thetraditional gradient-intensity histogram shows clear arcsrepresenting material boundaries. Bottom row: A CT an-giography representing a typical medical data set. Left: Adata set slice. Right: The traditional 2D histogram is verycluttered. This comparison demonstrates that traditional 2Dhistograms have limited usage and that the homogeneousmaterials and sharp boundaries of the CT tooth is not repre-sentative for medical images in general.














0 Grad. magn. 100

Figure 4: Proposed 2D histograms of the CT angiography offigure 3. Left: Sorted histogram, a 1D intensity histogram issorted and colored (blue-green-yellow-white) according toa second attribute (here: gradient magnitude). Right: Rela-tive sorted histogram, a sorted histogram where the relativedistribution of the second attribute is shown.

4.2. Classifying attributes

Many types of attributes have been used for MDTFs in pre-vious work: gradients, second derivatives, tensors, multi-variate data, etc. We will extend this set with a number ofattributes derived from intensity values and/or spatial rela-tions. Whereas gradients are good to classify boundaries,they cannot add information on the interior of fairly mas-sive objects such as human organs. Results from recent re-search [LLY05, LLY] show that range weight (wr) is an ef-fective discriminator for materials with overlapping inten-sity ranges. The range weight stems from a simple statisticalneighborhood analysis and describes the neighborhood foot-print in a given partial intensity range Φ:

wr(Φ,N) =|N ∩VΦ|

|N| , (1)

where N is an arbitrary voxel neighborhood, VΦ is the set ofvoxels within range Φ and |V | is the cardinality of a set V .Range weights can act as proxies for material characteristicsthat are readily available from domain knowledge: homo-geneity, size and shape of materials, as well as proximity toother materials.

Another type of attribute that combines intensity valueswith spatial relations is local variance (σ2

n), i.e. the variancein the neighborhood of the voxel:

σ2n(N) =

1|N| ∑


(I(v)2 −






where I(v) is the value of voxel v. Minor materials are of-ten invisible in the intensity histogram since the backgrounddistribution completely covers them. The spatial coherencelevel, however, may clearly distinguish them, a fact that isexploited in the α-histogram enhancement [LYL∗06]. Thus,tissues of interest can be defined by low variance. The oppo-site may also be true, thin tissues like skin have higher localvariance than other elements of similar intensity.

Finally, a natural type of diversifying information is thespatial location of materials. This has typically not been seenas a part of TF models, whereas it is essential for many seg-mentation schemes, for instance when users set seed points.By incorporating geometric measures in our MDTF concept,the power of these criteria can be utilized in the same way asany other attribute. We use a weighted spatial distance ρ:

ρ(x) =( 3


(ki(xi − ci)



where x = (x1,x2,x3) is the voxel position. The refer-ence point (c1,c2,c3) is typically defined by the user and(k1,k2,k3) are optional dimension-specific weighting fac-tors. These measures can easily be turned into static geo-metric models connected to data set types, e.g. body parts inmedical imaging.

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4.3. Work flow for MDTF design

For many visualization tasks the optimal rendering can onlybe achieved by complex criteria in several attribute dimen-sions, i.e. by an advanced MDTF. Attempts to directly inter-act with all the dimensions at once is far beyond the capabil-ities of most users. We propose a work flow where the userworks with a sequence of 2D histograms, studying one addi-tional attribute at a time. The MDTF design process is then amatter of switching between second attributes while keepingthe frame of reference given by the intensity x-axis. Con-clusions made during the process will guide the choice ofupcoming attributes to study, resulting in a true explorationof the data. The sorted histograms are particularly suitablefor this work flow, since their shape does not change whenchanging second attribute. Materials are defined by directrange selections (fig. 5) and the process can be summarizedas:

1. Define a second attribute of the 2D histogram and selecta suitable histogram type.

2. Refine the MDTF by selecting an area in the histogram,creating a material definition criterion

3. If needed, conclude which attribute to study next andrestart from step 1.

The area selection in the histogram could be performedwith one click to set the range center and mouse move-ments to set the range size in the two dimensions. As theuser switches the second attribute, the voxel selection willhave a new distribution for the y-axis and the user can refinethe selection (fig. 5). The selected set of voxels are clearlymarked in the histogram, as well as the boundary of thecriterion in the current dimensions. The color and opacityfor the material would typically be set in a separate control.Our approach can be generalized into a range selection func-tion Θ(x) (eq. 4) defined as a product of threshold functionsθi(si(x)) with value range [0.0,1.0], typically consisting oftrapezoids and ramps. si(x) is the value of variate i at posi-tion x.

Θ(x) = ∏i

θi(si(x)) (4)

4.4. Simplifications for high performance

A prerequisite of exploratory visualization is that the neededsecond attributes are not fully known in advance. Most at-tributes must thus be calculated dynamically. Histogram in-teraction does not have as high demands on performance asrendering interaction does. Nevertheless, many of the aboveoperations are so time-consuming that they may cause bot-tlenecks in the work flow. To achieve reasonably accurateapproximations very fast, we derive meta-data in form ofsimplified histograms for non-overlapping cubical block re-gions in the volume. We employ the straight-forward simpli-fication scheme in [LLYM04] to represent histograms as 12piece-wise constant segments.

Figure 5: Transfer Function design through voxel selectionin the histogram demonstrated by a synthetic data set. Theselected voxels are shown in red (shaded), the criterion inthe currently displayed dimensions is shown by dark redcurves. Top left: Sorted histogram with a range weight assecond attribute. Top right: The user sets a criterion, se-lecting voxels in an intensity and a range weight interval.Bottom left: The user switches to another second attribute,a spatial distance to a reference point. The selected voxelsform two clusters in this dimension. Bottom right: The usersets a criterion selecting the top cluster, i.e. voxels far fromthe reference point.

Using the simplified histograms, range weight and localvariance attributes can be calculated at block level. The full2D histograms and the set of selected voxels within themcan then efficiently be computed. One possibility is to deriveindividual attribute values for each voxel as a linear inter-polation of values of the nearest blocks. Another solution isto let all voxels in a block be approximated by the attributevalue of the corresponding block and assign voxel intensi-ties according to the simplified histogram. Such a solution isshown in figure 6.

Another approach for calculating range weights and localvariance with intermediate quality and performance is to re-place the full spherical neighborhood operators by 3D crossneighborhoods instead, see [LLY] for details.

5. Results

This section will present histogram displays and result-ing renderings that exemplify some benefits of sorted his-tograms. The DVR images have been created by a single-pass, GPU-based raycaster [SSKE05] working on multivari-

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Figure 6: Histogram approximation. Left: Part of a sortedhistogram of the angiography in figure 4 with selected voxelset (red/shaded). Right: An approximation where both thesorted histogram and the voxel selection are estimated fromblock-level meta data.

ate data represented as separate volumes. The resulting colorc of each sample is given by the range selection functionsΘm(x) (eq. 4) and transfer functions τm(s0) defined for eachmaterial m, where s0 is the intensity sample:

c(x) = ∑m

τm(s0) ·Θm(x) (5)

In the examples below the materials have non-overlappingranges, i.e. only one Θm function is non-zero at each posi-tion. Within overlapping ranges, c should instead be set asthe average of the non-transparent materials for the sample.

In order to demonstrate the work flow of section 4.3 wedescribe a potential usage scenario for the MR bile ductexamination in figure 7 and color plate figure C1. An ex-ploratory visualization session is started by displaying an α-histogram enhancement of the data set (fig. 7a). An unex-pected secondary peak appears. To investigate this further,a sorted histogram is created with the range weight (spher-ical neighborhood, radius 3.0 voxels) for the peak intervalas second attribute (fig. 7b). The top part of the histogrampeak is then selected in order to visualize the correspondingvoxels. This makes a liver tumor appear, but also a signifi-cant amount of non-relevant tissues such as the spleen (topright) and other disturbing fragments (fig. 7d). Therefore,the second attribute is changed into a spatial radius mea-sure through a mouse click at the center of the liver tumor.Then the tumor region can be easily selected in the sortedhistogram (fig. 7c), making the tumor clearly rendered with-out cluttering (fig. 7e).

An important part of forensic visualizations is the studyof metal fragments since they can indicate the path of bul-lets and if the bullet was deflected before entering the body.Results from a virtual autopsy, usually a DVR visualizationof a CT scan of the human cadaver, is crucial to the crimi-nal investigation. A problem is that minor metal fragmentscan be overlooked since their location may be unexpected.Using the proposed techniques in form of a range weight at-tribute (spherical neighborhood, radius 6.0 voxels) makes it

Table 1: Error vs. performance of simplified attributes, top:range weight, bottom: local variance. Neighborhoods – Ex-act measures: sphere of radius 5.0 = 514 voxels, 3D cross:radius 5 = 30 voxels, block: 83 = 512 voxels. “Block” refersto calculation at block level, “Block & interp.” further in-clude deriving voxel-specific values. CT tooth: 256x256x160voxels (last slice ignored to make even blocks), MR bile:256x256x112 voxels. Times in seconds, SNR in dB.

Range weight CT tooth MR bileTime SNR Time SNR

Exact 97.3 ∞ 65.3 ∞3D cross 1.83 18.3 1.39 18.0Block 0.007 - 0.005 -Block & interp. 0.49 12.9 0.37 15.1

Local variance CT tooth MR bileTime SNR Time SNR

Exact 98.6 ∞ 65.4 ∞3D cross 2.40 25.6 1.69 19.8Block 0.007 - 0.006 -Block & interp. 0.49 18.2 0.37 16.5

possible to highlight not only the fragments, but also a neigh-borhood of the fragments as in color plate figure C2, makingthe visual localization much more simple.

An annoying problem of CT scans is that metal regionscause severe streaking artefacts such as those originatingfrom the dental work in figure 8. One effect is that a render-ing of the skin will be very incorrect around these metallicregions. The proposed framework provides a possibility toseparate these artefacts from real skin by studying the vari-ance: since real skin is close to both air and other soft tissueit has higher variance than the slowly varying surroundingof streaking metal artefacts. Selecting high-variance voxels(spherical neighborhood, radius 2.0 voxels) effectively re-moves the artefacts, as seen in figure 8. Other ‘false skin’voxels such as the bed in the background are also removed.

The approximations of range weight and local variancebased on simplified block histograms (section 4.4) have beenevaluated, see table 1. The calculation times are dramaticallyreduced and the introduced error in the attribute volume ismoderate. A natural approach is to use the approximationsduring histogram interaction and retrieve the exact valueswhen interaction stops. Figure 6 shows that the error dueto these approximations in a sorted histogram is minor.

6. Conclusions

We have presented a design concept for MDTF design, intro-ducing sorted histograms as a convenient way of defining amaterial through criteria in multiple dimensions. Even in thecase when the color mapping of the second attribute does notreveal new information, the sorting enables efficient materialdefinitions through direct selection in the sorted histogram.

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0.0 wr 1.0 247mm ρ 0mm

a b c

d e

Figure 7: Work flow of creating a MDTF that highlights the liver tumor, see text for details. The histograms do not showmaterial definitions for liver (large triangular object) or bile duct (‘tree’ at the liver center). a) An α-histogram reveals a minorpeak. b) A sorted histogram highlighting coherent tissue in the range of the peak is the first classification step. c) Non-relevanttissue fragments are removed through another sorted histogram showing spatial distance from the tumor center. d) Renderingusing the coherence criterion only. e) Rendering with both criteria, a clear view of the tumor (low left part of the liver).

Although preliminary user reactions are positive, we needto conduct a thorough user study in order to draw reliableconclusions about the benefits and limitations of sorted his-tograms as a TF construction tool.

The range weight and local variance attributes proposedin this paper have been put to successful use as additionalvariates of the data set. They have proven to accomplish vi-sualization objectives that were not possible with previous1D TF or MDTF approaches. The range weight is especiallyuseful since it can be adapted to the conclusions drawn dur-ing the exploration. We have also shown that the measurescan be efficiently calculated using block-level meta data. Alimitation is that it is impractical to store meta data for allblock sizes, making the neighborhood-based measures lessflexible. Furthermore, we have demonstrated that geomet-ric criteria can be treated as additional attributes, enabling auniform handling of all user input to the MDTF.


This work has been conducted at the Center for Medical Image Sci-ence and Visualization (CMIV) at Linköping University, Sweden.CMIV is acknowledged for provision of financial support and accessto leading edge research infrastructure. The work was funded by theSwedish Research Council, grants 621-2003-6582 and 621-2001-2778, and the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research, grant A302:116.


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0 σ2n 1275000

a b c

Figure 8: Removing false skin, e.g. artefacts from metal in the teeth, in the Chapel Hill CT Head. By selectively showingvoxels with high variance the true skin voxels are shown but not the artefacts from metallic regions or the bed surface in thebackground. a) A relative sorted histogram showing local variance where high variance voxels are selected (red) in the skinvalue range. b) Rendering with a 1D TF where the streak artefacts from the tooth fillings falsely appear as skin. c) Renderingwith the 2D TF based on variance.

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Page 9: Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Design Using Sorted · Multi-Dimensional Transfer Function Design Using

C. Lundström, P. Ljung and A. Ynnerman / Multi-Dimensional TF Design Using Sorted Histograms




















0.0 wr 1.0 247mm ρ 0mm

a b c

d e

Figure C1: Work flow of creating a MDTF that highlights the liver tumor, see text for details. The material definitions for liver(brown) and bile duct (light blue) are not shown in the histograms. a) An α-histogram reveals a minor peak. b) A sorted his-togram highlighting coherent tissue in the range of the peak is the first classification step. c) Non-relevant tissue fragments areremoved through another sorted histogram showing spatial distance from the tumor center. d) Rendering using the coherencecriterion only. e) Rendering with both criteria, a clear view of the tumor (yellowish).








0.0 wr 0.1

a b cFigure C2: Finding the bullet path in a forensic virtual autopsy case. Left: Selection (red) of fragment neighborhoods in asorted histogram showing range weight of the metal value range. Middle: Rendering with a 1D TF, the small metal fragmentsare hard to detect. Right: Rendering with the MDTF where metal is shown in blue and metal neighborhoods in violet. The metalfragments are easily detectable.

c© The Eurographics Association 2006.