mr. kallusingh world history topic 11. absolutism is a system in which a ruler has total power,...

Mr. Kallusingh World History Topic 11

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Mr. Kallusingh World History Topic 11

Absolutism is a system in which a ruler has total power, ties in with divine rights of a king

The best example of an absolute Monarch was Louis XIV

Constitutional Monarchy- is when the monarch has powers that are outlined in a constitution, which is what England had even though the monarchs wanted different

Henry VII started the Tudors Henry the VIII started the Anglican church Mary I tried to bring back Catholicism Elizabeth I strengthened Protestantism and persecuted non-Anglicans

Constant religious arguments led to civil war in England, due to the persecution of people like the Puritans

Civil war broke out between the Cavaliers (supporters of the king) and the Roundheads (supporters of parliament); Roundheads won due to Oliver Cromwell; Cromwell setup a commonwealth

The Glorious Revolution was started by British nobles to ensure that England did not have another Catholic ruler and that Parliament gained power over the king

Declaration of Rights/English Bill of Rights gave parliament control over laws, taxes, and the army; This gave parliament control of the country and destroyed the idea of divine right

The Thirty years war was prolonged by France so it could become more powerful and bring down other countries like Germany, the Hapsburg family, and the Holy Roman Empire

Louis XIV was an absolute monarch; he made the Palace of Versailles to help control the nobles; Did away with religious freedom

War of Spanish Succession Louis made his Grandson the king of Spain but France and Spain had to be separate and France lost land in North America to England

Phillip II wanted to spread Catholicism in the world and he did this with force, militant Catholicism

When Phillip II was done many people thought Spain was the major power in the world because it controlled most of South America and parts of Asia and Africa, but it was bankrupt

Peter the Great wanted to make Russia more like Western Europe, so he visited them

Peter moved the Capital to St Petersburg and made it look more like an European city

Peter was an absolutist and was able to control Russia's highly centralized government

Peter made the nobles dependent on his will and this made the serfs dependent on the nobles

Like Louis XIV Peter made the nobles move to St Petersburg so he could keep an eye on them

He was not liked by all Russian, some were angry that he was changing the Orthodox Church

Catherine the Great took over after Peter’s grandson was murdered and she continued to expand Russia by conquering like in Poland

Catherine the Great also helped build the gap between rich and poor in Russia

The Hapsburg family controlled the Austrian empire and had Europe sign the Pragmatic Sanction

In the Seven Years War Prussia and England joined forces against Austria, France, and Russia; there was no clear winner but England took most of France’s North American colonies in the Treaty of Paris

The Enlightenment was about questioning traditional institutions, customs, and morals not all of the philosophers agreed with each other

Baron Montesquieu wrote The Spirit of Laws which stated the British idea of division in government is the best as it provides checks and balances– executive, legislative, and judicial

Voltaire was known for his outspoken work against the injustices he observed in society, he was even jailed twice, he is credited with the idea of religious freedom and freedom of thought

Mary Wollstonecraft wanted the ideas of equality that were being expressed during the Enlightenment to be extended to women as well

John Locke argues that people have certain natural rights like life, liberty, and property; he also came up with the idea that government should protect people’s natural rights and if they did not then the people had the right to a new government