midterm philosophy reflection paper

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  • 7/26/2019 Midterm Philosophy reflection paper


    Jamica Romaine B. Ambion Dr. Jing Reyes

    HUB22 August 12, 2014

    Man and his i!e

    "# must do $hate%er # can to increase my o$n &!reedom.' (reedom means doing $hat #$ant to do. )o he $ith other *eo*e. +hat is good is that $hich !urthers my interests. )his is a

    *hioso*hy that is aso caed atheistic e-istentiaism. #t is a %ery indi%iduaistic $ay o! ooing at

    man/$oman. Jean au artre is an e-istentiaist $hose *hioso*hy in i!e is this, he beie%es that

    i!e has no utimate meaning, that each *erson i%ing in this $ord is aone and se*arated !rom aother *eo*e. He beie%es that there is no od because the indi%idua itse! is the master o!

    his/her o$n i!e that he/she maes his/her o$n i!e and !uture. (urthermore, man is a i%ing being

    that is thro$n into this $ord and he must !ind a $ay !or him to sur%i%e and mae his/her o$n

    !ate. #n the artice, Jean 3au artre em*hasies the e-istence o! man and the reaity o! i!e. Hesays that "e-istentiaism's !irst mo%e is to mae e%ery man a$are o! $hat he is and to mae the

    !u res*onsibiity o! his e-istence rest on him. #t means that he is not ony res*onsibe !orhimse! but !or e%eryone ese. He aso incuded the de!inition i! anguish and des*air. #n anguish,

    he de!ines that $e must mae some choices no$ing that its conse5uences $i ha%e e!!ect on

    others. 6n the other hand, des*air means that "+e imit ourse%es to a reiance on that $hich is$ithin our *o$er, our ca*abiity to in!uence. )here are other things %ery im*ortant to us o%er

    $hich $e ha%e no contro. Here, $e can see the conce*t o! "Meron o +aa that is discussed in

    the !irst meeting o! our midterm cass. )he doctrine that is *resented by Jean7 au artre $hich

    says, "Man is nothing ese than his *an8 he e-ists ony to the e-tent that he !u!is himse!8 he isthere!ore nothing ese than the ensembe o! his acts, nothing ese than his i!e. #s the %ery

    o**osite o! John Donne's !amous $riting "9o man is an isand $hich e%erybody's cinging at.#n John Donne, there is od and each man cannot sur%i%e by himse! aone in this $ord $ithoutthe he* o! others. od is the one $ho is our utimate goa in i!e because is the A*ha and

    6mega. +ith regards to this artice that # ha%e read !or this re!ection *a*er, this artice that is

    *resented by Jean 3 au artre aims to he*, contribute and gi%e in!ormation about the bene!it o!humanism. #t's u* to us to :udge and criti5ue to $hom sha $e beie%e and cing at $hether to

    Jean7 au artre or John Donne. As ong as in e%erything that $e' do, $e shoud a$ays ee*

    in our minds the right o! res*onsibiity that $e shoud do and that $e shoud a$ays oo

    !or$ard to the *ositi%e outoo o! i!e.

  • 7/26/2019 Midterm Philosophy reflection paper


    Jamica Romaine B. Ambion Dr. Jing Reyes

    HUB22 August 20, 2014

    Human e-*eriences %s Demands o! the +ord

    #n the mo%ie adiator, #t tas about the society and in the society it in%o%es *oitics. At*resent ma:ority o! the *eo*e $hen they hear the $ord *oitics they can easiy associate it $ith

    corru*tion. +e can see in the mo%ie that Rome is corru*t in the time $hen Marcus Aureius is

    sti ai%e because there $as a $ar bet$een erman barbarians and Rome. Be!ore Marcus

    Aureius dies he ga%e Ma-imus, the great sodier, the *o$er to become the ne-t ;m*eror o!Rome. Because Marcus Aureius is aready dying and he $ants to bring bac the enate and ha%e

    the Re*ubic so that corru*tion in Rome $oud end. And Ma-imus *ossess a character $ithin

    himse! $hich is moray u*right. But e%en i! Marcus Aureius dies, corru*tion sti *ersisted

    because o! the e%i $i o!