michelangelo powerpoint

Michelangelo By MWL and LPH

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Post on 12-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Michelangelo Powerpoint


By MWL and LPH

Page 2: Michelangelo Powerpoint

Biographical Information • Born on March 6th, 1475 in

Caprese, Italy; and died on February 18th, 1564 in Rome, Italy

• When Michelangelo was born his mother was unable to care for him so lived with a family of stonecutters

• As a boy Michelangelo was taught by his master, Ghirlandaio (popular artist in Florence)

• Ghirlandaio taught Michelangelo the skill of fresco painting

• At the age of 16 Michelangelo attended a special school for the study of sculpture founded by Lorenzo de’ Medici

Page 3: Michelangelo Powerpoint

Detailed Information for David and The Sistine Chapel

• The statue of David was created from 1501-1504 and was made for the Florentines

• Michelangelo represented David before the fight with Goliath

• Michelangelo took 4 years to paint the Sistine chapel

• Pope Julius II commissioned Michelangelo to paint the Sistine chapel

• Was originally supposed to only paint the 12 disciples, but then went forward and painted greater meanings, such as humankind's need for a promise with God

Page 4: Michelangelo Powerpoint

Unique Techniques used in David

• Michelangelo used proportion in David from his knowledge of anatomy

• As shown in David the muscular body, veins, ribs, and even the texture of the kneecap are visible because Michelangelo was educated on anatomy (study of the structure of organisms)

• Michelangelo also shows contrast in David

• David’s hair is wavy and his skin is smooth, as well as David’s wrinkles on his face and the veins in his hands contrast against David’s smooth body

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Page 5: Michelangelo Powerpoint

Unique Techniques used in The Sistine Chapel

• Michelangelo used shading shown through the muscles on the people of The Sistine Chapel

• Michelangelo used atmospheric perspective-

• He used depth in the backgrounds of the scenes he painted for the walls


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Michelangelo’s contribution to the Renaissance

• Michelangelo’s main contribution to the Renaissance was through his work of humanism and nature he introduced new techniques of proportion, contrast, shading, and atmospheric perspective

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