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This is a book about Michelangelo


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Page 3: Michelangelo 1

ContentsI Early Life

II Sculptural Work

a) David

b) Pieta

III The Ceiling of St. Sistine


IV Architectural Work


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Early Life

Michelangelo's portrait

Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni was born in March 6th 1475 in

Carprese and passed away in January 18th 1564 in Rome as he reached the age of

88. His father was Lodovico di Leonardo di Buonarroti di Simoni, the Judicial

administrator of Carprese and local administrator of Chiusi. His mother died when

he was 7 years old.His father was His father sent him to Satiggnano, at here


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Michelangelo lived with a stone cutter and his wife. He became friend with stone.

This early life's experience helped him in his future career.

Although, his mother passed away when he was very young but Michelangelo

was still educated . His father sent him to Francesco da Urbino, a Humanist to

study grammar. But the young boy did not seem to interested in schooling, he

preferred to repaint the paintings from churches and seek for his leagues. At the

age of thirteen, Michelangelo was apprenticed to Domenico Ghrilandaio. From

1490-1492, He attended to the Humanist academy. His teacher was Bertoldo di

Giovanni. He sculpted his first works, Madonna of the Stair (1490-1492) and

Battle of the Centaurs (1491-1492)


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Madonna of the Stairs

Battle of the Centaurs


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Bertoldo di Giovanni, Michelangelo's first teacher.

Sculptural WorkApril 8th 1492, After the death of Lorenzo de' Medici, Michelangelo left Medici

court and return to his father's house. From 1493 to 1494, he bought a huge blog of

marble and carved the statue of Hercules with the size much larger than a human

size. The statue was sent to France and had vanished since 1700s. In 1494, after a

serious snowfall, the new heir of Medici, Peiro de' Medici wanted a snow statue so

he invited Michelangelo come back to the court.

Piero de' Medici

In the same year, Savonarola rose and ruled Florence. The Medici was expelled.


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Michelangelo left Florence went to Venice and Bologna. He only recieve a small

commission from the church of Shrine of St.Dominic. In the late 1494, the political

situation in Florence was calmer as Charles VIII was defeated. Mcihelanelo came

back to Florence but he did not receive any commission from the new city

government, the Savonarola. So he return to work for the Medici. Lorenzo di

Peirfrancesco de' Medici sent his sculpture, a child St. John the Baptist to the

cardinal Raffaele Riario. The cardinal was impressed by Michelangelo's talent and

invited him to Rome.

When Michelangelo first went to Rome. He sculpted the statue of

Bachuus for the cardinal. But his statue was rejected . Later it was brought

by a banker name Jacopo Galli. Jacopo placed the statue in his garden.



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The statue of Bachuus

Michelangelo's two most famous art works were the statue of David and Pieta.



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The Ceiling of St. Sistine ChapelIn 1505, Michelangelo came back to Rome and painted the ceiling of Sistine

Chapel. In the fresco of the Last Judgment, ichelangelo painted himself being fay

skin by Saint Bartholornew. At the right bottom of the fresco, there was a man who

being surrounded by a snake, this man was recognized as the treasurer of the

church, Michelangelo revenged the treasurer for paying too little for his work. The

ceiling took him for 4 years.


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The Sistine Chapel

The Last Judgment

The Creation of Adam


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The Creation of Eve

The Fall of Man and the Expulsion from the Garden of Eden.


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The Creation of Sun and Moon

The Separation of Land and Water


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The Separation of Light and Darkness

The Flood


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The Sacrifice of Noah

Lybian Sibyl


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Architectural Work


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The Launrentian Library

The Launrentian Library


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The Tomb of Pope Julius II


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The Sketch of the Tom of Pope Julius II

Medici Chapel


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The Detail of Medici Chapel

The Design of St. Peter's Basilica's Dome