men of influence john locke thomas hobbes jean jacques rousseau baron de montesquieu michael...

Men of Influence Men of Influence John Locke John Locke Thomas Hobbes Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT m

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Page 1: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Men of InfluenceMen of Influence

John LockeJohn Locke

Thomas HobbesThomas Hobbes

Jean Jacques RousseauJean Jacques Rousseau

Baron de MontesquieuBaron de Montesquieu

Michael Quinones,

Page 2: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Enlightenment Philosophers

• Enlightenment: illuminating or acquiring new ideas.

• The Enlightenment period from the 1500s-1700s was a time in world history when advanced, new ideas about science, literature and civil rights surfaced to “enlighten” people of the world.

• Enlightenment philosophers challenged conventions of the Church and Monarchies.

Page 3: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Thomas Hobbes• Hobbes was an Englishman who

lived from 1588-1679

• Hobbes was born to a wealthy English family.

• Hobbes was university educated.

• Hobbes believed man was greatly affected by his senses, passions and desires as published in his well known book the (Leviathan).

• Hobbes also believed man was very flawed.

Page 4: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Thomas Hobbes• Jobs: worked as a tutor for children of English nobles (wealthy, important people).

•Hobbes was also a mathematician, historian and writer.

•After writing a history of Ancient Greece he decided democracy was too unstable and that a strong monarchy was more effective to maintain order.

Page 5: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

John Locke: English philosopher Locke was an

Englishman who lived from 1632-1704

Jobs: soldier, country lawyer and writer.

Locke was highly educated a different universities and earned degrees in philosophy and medicine.

Page 6: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

John Locke: English philosopher

Locke was greatly influenced by his experiences [empiricist].

Locke was well known for writing about the Social Contract theory that explained that the only legal government was one with consent of the people.

Page 7: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

John Locke’s influence on American Thinkers

Many of Locke’s ideas can be seen in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights.

Locke believed and wrote that people were born with three main natural rights: Life, Liberty and Property.

Page 8: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Jean Jacques Rousseau

Rousseau was a Frenchman who lived from 1712-1778

Rousseau was born to a watch maker had no formal college/university education.

Jobs: writer, secretary One of Rousseau’s beliefs

was that men were “noble savages.”

Rousseau believed that governments tended to corrupt (ruin/mess up) men.

Page 9: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Jean Jacques Rousseau• Rousseau agreed with Locke’s Social Contract theory.

• Rousseau believed that sovereignty (government power) must be held by the people.

• Why?

• Rousseau believed that government should only exist for the benefit of the people.

• Rousseau’s writings greatly influenced the overthrow of French monarchy.

Page 10: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

The Baron de Montesquieu

Montesquieu was a Frenchman who lived from 1689-1755.

Montesquieu was born into a French noble family.

Montesquieu eventually became a powerful judge and government official.

Page 11: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

The Baron de Montesquieu

• Montesquieu is most well known for his suspicions about government (especially the monarchy).

• Perhaps Montesquieu’s most important and influential achievement was his writings about separation of powers.

• Montesquieu believed separation governments into three parts or branches so no individual or branch would hold all of the power and become despotic (all powerful).

Page 12: Men of Influence John Locke Thomas Hobbes Jean Jacques Rousseau Baron de Montesquieu Michael Quinones, NBCT

Assignment: Cartoon Strip

Directions: Based on all of the information provided about each of the Enlightenment philosophers (Locke, Hobbes, Rousseau, and Montesquieu) students will create a 6-panel cartoon strip.

Minimum expectations:

• All six panels must have related text and images.

• All six Enlightenment philosophers must interact with each other by talking and/or engaging in actions with or against each other.

• Students’ names and date of submission must be on the cartoon strip.

• Cartoon strip may be created using paper and a writing instrument or using a computer program.

• The cartoon must be an original work and not copied from an outside source.