media q1 part 2

When creating both our short film cover and magazine review page (double spread) I looked at a total 6 different case studies to understand how a professional cover and magazine should look and adopt some of the conventions that might work well for our short film.

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Post on 15-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Media q1 part 2

When creating both our short film cover and magazine review page (double spread) I looked at a total 6 different case studies to understand how a professional cover and magazine should look and adopt some of the conventions that might work well for our short film.

Page 2: Media q1 part 2

The three case studies are some how related to our short film whether if that is the storyline, the a similarities in characters or similar genre. Analysing the three posters I had gathered that all three had there title name in fonts that was larger than the rest of the text, however posters often don’t use much text and when they do its found at the bottom in very small text. What they try to sell is the characters in the movie, the first thing you find is the images of the main characters that the movie is biased on. All movie posters work around 2-4 colour scheme that reflect the movie or characters best. The fonts that are used for the title stands out from the rest of the text, its like the brand of the movie for example ‘Iron Man’ font is only used for the title making it stand out and memorable. The poster includes details such the cast, and the date the movie would be releasing. Also like all professional posters they use focal point for their layout, this is to make the poster look well presented and applies to audiences better that a layout of images positioned at random.

Page 3: Media q1 part 2

This is our final design for the movie poster. As you can see we used the basic media convections found in movie posters. We had adopted the typical layout design, where the small text are included at the bottom of the poster in small text. We have important elements that are found in all conventional movie posters such as a title, date, images, extra text and cast names. However we edited the images by cutting the image up but the image of the characters still appears. The cutting up effect gives the poster an unsteady feel, and the genre of the movie is portrayed through the edits as the cut ups hints that the film is action/thriller based. We used the simple colour scheme of red, black and white. The simple colour text gives the effect of seriousness. The font for the title used is smaller than usual but still appears and stands out. the movie posters images are only of two main characters, the boss does not appear in the front cover, this is because the we did not want to give away too much from out movie.

Page 4: Media q1 part 2

Looking at the third media conventions I had analysed that all movie reviews have an image of the movie, this allows the audience to get feel of what the movie may be about, the layout is usually columns of text including title, cast members, sometimes ratings. The design could often vary based on the film and the magazine it self, all of them have a different style. Images that are found on the review page are often shots from the movie an action scene that best sums up the movie.

Page 5: Media q1 part 2

Our film review consents of many media conventions such as the use of images, text, ratings etc. the use of language used in our media product reflects or correlates well with the theme that the movie itself goes for. The images used are the most effective ones, they sum up the film leave the audience to find out what is about to happen to the two characters. The font for the text used is different to the case studies I analysed, the text may seem playful, but it fits the storyline. We have added reviews of the movie and included information on the movie but with out giving away too much. The layout of the magazine is conventional, as text and images are separated from each other for example of each page there is something else making the page look more exciting then having text on both sides. We have also included the basic magazine features like title and page numbers so it may look completed.

Page 6: Media q1 part 2

Our film review consents of many media conventions such as the use of images, text, ratings etc. the use of language used in our media product reflects or correlates well with the theme that the movie itself goes for. The images used are the most effective ones, they sum up the film leave the audience to find out what is about to happen to the two characters. The font for the text used is different to the case studies I analysed, the text may seem playful, but it fits the storyline. We have added reviews of the movie and included information on the movie but with out giving away too much. The layout of the magazine is conventional, as text and images are separated from each other for example of each page there is something else making the page look more exciting then having text on both sides. We have also included the basic magazine features like title and page numbers so it may look completed.