media q1 - part 2

Star rating with colour so it stands out Critic comment rather than caption Clear heading Clear film info, plot, time, director etc Large image taken from film of protagoni st

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Post on 20-Aug-2015




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Star rating with colour so it stands out

Critic comment rather than caption

Clear heading

Clear film info, plot, time, director etc

Large image taken from film of protagonist

The typical convention of all teasers is to have the date of the release and a foreshadowing slogan which is what our own teaser has conformed to.

A shocking image is usually presented which often foreshadows a major plot of the film

We challenged traditional teaser posters by creating a line up similar to the one from Quentin Tarantino’s Reservoir Dogs where all the main characters face’s are on display and a foreshadowing show of the protagonist running in the centre

This is a common convention when there are well known big name actors in the film, we decided against it as we are

all amateur actors.

large central image and elaborate font style

Great deal of emphasis on the main characters and actors

The poster is set upon a black background, meaning the title will stand out, making the title more visible from a distance. The title for the film uses an elaborate, bright font, which stands out against the black background of the rest of the poster.