m'bracing beauty christian magazine 2016 spring/summer edition

HE HAS RISEN JESUS THE CHRIST Christian Magazine Modern Beauty In Christian Living INFORM EDUCATE INSPIRE Put Your trust In God... Not Man 2016 Spring/Summer Edition International Publication MARRIAGE KILLERS... " IS THE GRASS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE? C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor

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Page 1: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition


Has Risen

Jesus THe CHRisT

Christian Magazine

Modern Beauty In Christian Living

infoRm • eduCaTe • inspiRe

Put Your trust In God... Not Man 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

International Publication

maRRiage KilleRs... "is THe gRass gReeneR on THe oTHeR side?”C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor

Page 2: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition




officE: 832.722.2767 or

Email: [email protected]


kEnnEth grissom

STAFF WRITER Darshell Mcalpine

SPONSORS~ InteractIve HaIr StudIo ~ ~ Ferrell’S PHotograPHy~

~double take FaSHIon~ ~MrS. annIe PrIce~

~PaMela SurvIllIon~

Cover Photo by Ferrell Phelps Jr.

Featured Article

8PlateFull clotHIng Written by Teesha Walker

InvItatIon to cHrIStPrayer Of Salvation

FreedMen’S town docuMentary Project and PHoto exHIbItIonWritten by Florita Bell Griffin





06 obedIent cHrIStIanElizabeth Jackson, Publisher

MarrIage kIllerSby C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor04

07 InSPIratIonal MeSSageLady Raychel Bush

For current & PrevIouS PublIcatIonS


Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!11


Christian Magazine


let’S Have tHat talk...Writtrn by Darshell McAlpine


Page 3: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

As I write this, Resurrection (Easter) day has passed. We are now in the time of waiting for Pentecost. As we wait, the effects are still felt of the betrayal, death burial and resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. They cried Hosanna, Hosanna! The translation of this is Save, Rescue, Savior!

How could they betray Jesus with knowledge of who He was? They cried out for the Savior and then traded His life for the sake of going with the popular vote. However, as God would have it; this too was a bad situation that was indeed used for our good. Everything about the betrayal and death of Jesus was purposeful. He saved a nation by giving up the ghost. He solidified His rightful place on the right hand of God with His death. He introduced the Holy Spirit with the loss of His natural life. So as much as I want to dwell on the fact that my Savior was hurt, I can rejoice that through His pain I have the option to live. I’m excited that through His death and resurrection I’m able to sup with my First Love.

For this I am grateful for His obedience to the cause. Thank you Jesus for the ultimate sacrifice. I am forever in debt to you.

Hosanna! Hosanna!

Word from The Editor-In-Chief, Teesha Walker M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine


Page 4: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Marriage Killers!Marriage Killers | C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine

C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor First Church Heights | www.fbcheights.org


There was a big, beautiful, black bull that lived on a 100-acre farm that was covered with flowing lakes and springs of fresh water, lavishly thick and gorgeous green grass. Daily, all this bull had to do was drink water, eat grass, and service the 30 healthy cows that were in his pasture. However, one day he noticed that on the other side of the fence adjacent to him were 8 other cows. For weeks he longed to be with those other 8 cows; he would go up to the fence and sniff the air, savoring the scent of his mysteriously distant neighbors. One day, the bull built up his courage, took 50-steps back from the fence and began the sprint of his life. Once he was close enough to the fence, he leaped into the air with all of his might.

Scraping his belly on the barbed wire on top of the fence, he landed on the other side. After he got up and dusted himself off, he eagerly approached the 8 cows he craved to be close to, only to discover that they were bulls too. The moral of the story is sometimes in the pursuit for what we want, we consequently lose that which God had blessed us with. When it comes to marriage, just like the bull, far too many people long for what’s on the other side of the fence verses being thankful for who they currently have. Looking at the book of Galatians for a springboard, we observe the Apostle Paul saying, “You foolish Galatians, who has bewitched you…Are you so foolish? Having begun by the Spirit, are you now being perfected by the flesh?”1 The concept that I am trying to get us to see is that within the heart of all Spirit-filled believers is the desire and thirst for what is on the other side of the fence. There is an insatiable yearning in the heart of man for that which satisfies the flesh. This is one reason why Paul states that believers should crucify the flesh and its desires.2 It must be clearly understood that there 1 Galatians 3:1-3. NASB version of the Bible used throughout unless otherwise noted.2 Galatians 5:24.

are no perfect marriages, rather there are perfectible marriages! Marriage was created by God,3 is ordained by God, and is good. For the careful student of the Bible, it must be observed that the institution of marriage was operative before the fall of mankind,4 which means that it can be sustained in an environment of bliss as well as chaos. There is an old adage that asserts, “if you fail to plan, you have a plan to fail.” In my years of marriage and ministry, I have discovered that most couples who are married or who plan to marry never develop a strategy to succeed in their union. This is often over looked because most people who get married “fall in love,” and never work through the process of biblical dating and marriage. For the record, I am not sure about any of you, but “falling” has never been fun, because it always leaves one with bruises and sometimes unsightly scars that last forever. Here are a few things that my years of experience have shown me are marriage killers:• Spiritual disobedience• Immaturity• Selfishness• Pettiness• Pride3 Genesis 1:26,27; 2:18-254 Genesis 3:14-19

Page 5: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Marriage Killers| C. David Harrison, Senior Pastor M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine


• The Inability to Enjoy Life• Over Commitment Outside the Home• Unrealistic Expectations• Financial Conflict• Lack of Intimacy Outside of Sex. If these things are ignored in a relationship, it is a matter of time before your “Little House on the Prairie” is transformed to a “Nightmare on Elm Street.” Going back to Galatians without being to technical, Paul gives a dual prescription to all Christians and to married couples as well, “…walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh.”1 The idea of “walking in the flesh” is that within the marriage relationship we must take marriage as each individual step that equals the entire journey. This translates into a daily dose of doing your individual best to meet the needs of your role as a spouse, who is a Christian, understanding that Christ is the model which you are striving to emulate. Yes, that is huge! Many couples have a way of becoming “historians” in their relationships, always remembering what the other did, and when I see this happen I often say to that historical mate, “it is good to meet you Jesus Christ!” Of course I am being facetious, but we must remember that the only standard is Christ and not one another. 1 Galatians 5:16.

In the next article that will be in the following issue of the magazine, I will touch on biblical dating and a few other topics that were raised in this article. Before I go, let me leave you with a few realistic action steps you can use to derail your potential marriage killers:1. When there are problems, each person must be willing to admit their part in the problem.2. View and use money according to biblical perspectives.3. Refrain form having “re-runs” on old arguments. 4. Hang a ‘NO FISHING’ sign over the past unless it will HELP you solve your present problems. 5. Put a Bible in ‘open view’ in every room of your home to remind you both of the principles you desire to follow. If you exercise these five easy to apply principles until the next issue, I guarantee you that with prayer, you will see marketable improvements in your relationship, and you will realize that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

Page 6: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Word from The Publisher: Elizabeth Jackson M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine


Obedience is the bottom line in the Christian life. This means compliance to God’s plan and pattern, observance of His commands, adherence to His standard, and submission to His will. If we want to obey the Lord, we need to know what action God wants us to take, what attitude would most please Him, and what He requires of us. So how do we get ourselves

to that point of obedience? First, we have to know what God’s commands are. We cannot obey what we do not know or understand— and we begin to understand God’s perspective by becoming familiar with His Word.

“Obedience always brings blessing.”

How can I become a more obedient Christian?

“However, simply knowing God’s Word isn’t enough. We must also tap into His power by submitting to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who helps us relate His commands to our own situation and who assists us in determining the wisest course of action. Once we decide to obey, we can expect a challenge to compromise. Since Satan doesn’t want us to follow God,

he will offer temptation after temptation to divert us or to weaken our devotion to the Lord through small steps of disobedience. Yet remember, partial obedience is disobedience. It takes commitment and courage to obey God in the face of these challenges: courage to give up what we like in order to do what He asks; courage to do things that may bring unwelcome results; courage to rearrange our schedule to match His plan; courage to love the unlovely, to forgive the seemingly unforgivable, and to give when we want to keep. How can we counter his challenge to compromise? By renewing our resolve to obey.” 1

1Charles Stanley

Page 7: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

As we began to see the Spring season unveiling its self, by the color change of Tree leaves’ from rustic browns, shades of reds and yellow, to vibrant shades of green; by the lesser days of donning our cozy warm attire during the harsh Winter and Fall seasons; by the faint fragrances of flowers that breeze across the nozzle of our nose as they bloom, we reflect and bask in the wonderful and marvelous creation of God’s work that He framed into seasons for HIS Purpose and HIS Glory. For I know that mere man and all of his discoveries cannot redirect what God has put into place, His creation.

Therefore, as a Child of God I also know that ALL things work together for good to those who LOVE GOD and to those who are called according to HIS (design) and purpose. (Romans 8:28, KJV-AMP). In knowing and/or being reminded of this scripture, it has caused me to idle and ponder the very thought of God creating situations, in my life, to reveal His revelation of Himself to me. Because I love God, all things work together for my good.

Even though I, and some of you, may have heard Romans 8:28 many times and know God’s word, when situations arises in our lives that are fully out of our control, sometime we dwindle downward losing hope, even in God. Situations that cause my daily routine (lifestyle) fashioned by my controllable experiences turn into turbulence. The turbulence that you feel when taking an Airplane flight. The dips, the dives, and the world winds are uncontrollable causing the word of God to fade far from my very present mental condition. Yes, trying to look like I am in full control because I have perfected the image of looking like I have it all together – not a hair out of place. Surely one would question, why is this happening to me? Why a loving God would allow such devastating turmoil as dysfunctional family and work relationships, business ideas crashing, loss of job and income, death, sickness to include long-term illnesses, and marital issues that seesaw into divorce to enter in my controllable looking life? How does His glory emerge (come forth) from these situations? The answer is, BUT GOD...

Inspirational Message : Lady Raychel G. Bush M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine

Creation. Situation. His Revelation.

You see it was truly the turmoil (situations) that drew me back, intimately, to an all knowing God who created me (us) for His Purpose and His Glory in the first place. As I began spending time with God in his holy presence, pausing long enough to hear His voice translated by the Holy Spirit, God began to unveil his purpose for my life to me in the mist of changing seasons. I began to maximize my seasons by reducing my attention to the situation(s) that were working to choke my Christ-life success. When God called me according to His Purpose He foreknew me and had already predestine (predetermine) my outcome. (Romans 8:29, KJV-AMP)

The revelation that I now know, is that Satan was trying to block me from spreading the Good News of our almighty God and His wonderful Son, Jesus the Christ, who is the Son of the living God and the precious Holy Spirit. My ministry is to echo the magnificent word of God and BE the light for others who dwell in a gloomy and dark place, where their hope has diminish through life challenges and overwhelming situations and draw them to the Light – Jesus. For God created his Son Jesus, allowed the situation of his death, burial, and resurrection to reveal to us HIS revelation of Himself. I now know that we glory in Jesus the Christ Image.

Lady Raychel G. BushFresh Manna Ministries Stafford, Virginia


Page 8: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition


Romans 10: 9,10

You Can Receive Jesus Christ Right Now by Faith - Through Prayer:

Can you think of anything more wonderful that could happen to you than receiving Christ?

“As soon as you can find a Bible believing and Bible teaching Church so that you can begin to hear and study the Word of God. Remember, Faith comes by hearing the

Word of God.” Paul D. Landrew


Dear God in heaven, I come to you in the name of Jesus. I acknowledge to You that I am a sinner, and I am sorry for my sins and the life that I have lived; I need your forgiveness.

I believe that your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ shed His precious blood on the cross at Calvary and died for my sins, and I am now willing to turn from my sin.

You said in Your Holy Word, Romans 10:9 that if we confess the Lord our God and believe in our hearts that God raised Jesus from the dead, we shall be saved.

Right now I confess Jesus as the Lord of my soul. With my heart, I believe that God raised Jesus from the dead. This very moment I accept Jesus Christ as my own personal Savior and according to His Word, right now I am saved.

Thank you Jesus, for your unlimited grace which has saved me from my sins. I thank you Jesus that your grace never leads to license, but rather it always leads to repentance. Therefore Lord Jesus, transform my life so that I may bring glory and honor to you alone and not to myself.

Thank you Jesus for dying for me and giving me eternal life! Amen.

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

Page 9: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition


Pastor Raynard HillisDouble Rock Baptist Church

1595 Shafter Ave San Francisco, California 94124

Pastor Roland BookerJust Church Ministry

13547 Bammel North HoustonHouston, TX 77066

Pastor Bennett T. CortezGreater Faith Baptist Church

9235 West Montgomery rd.Houston, TX 77088

Pastor John AdolphAntioch Missionary Baptist Church

3920 West Cardinal Drive Beaumont, TX 77705

Pastor Demetrius Moffett First Church of God

911 Main StreetOrange, TX 77630

Pastor Ralph Douglas WestThe Church Without Walls

5725 Queenston Houston, TX 77084

What The Bible Says AboutOur Greatest Salvation

“Christ took our punishment and died in our place. Since our attempts at righteousness will not satisfy God, Christ clothed us in His righteousness in such away that when God, the Father, looks upon us, He does not see our sin; He sees only the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.” L. Moyer

Hebrews 2:1-4 -“What has been the greatest moment of your life? For some people, the answer might be their wedding day, the birth of a child, or an important promotion. But for believers, the best experience is salvation, when their eternal destiny was changed. New Christians often have a fervor to share their faith. In time, however, many find their hearts cooling as they focus less on their relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Hebrews 2:1 instructs, “Therefore we must give the most earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Salvation is God’s amazing solution to man’s sinful condition: it is His gift of rescue - through the death of Jesus- from the penalty of our transgressions.” Charles Stanley

Pastor Henry ThomasTrue Fellowship Baptist Church

3115 N. FryKaty, TX 77449

Dr. Paul D. Landrew, Senior Pastor/TeacherLoving Word Fellowship Church

170 Rittenhouse Houston, TX 77076


Pastor Charles TompkinsNew Prairie View Baptist Church

4303 Sealy Rd.San Felipe, TX 77473

Pastor Andy WoodsSugar Land Bible Church

401 Matlage Way Sugar Land TX, 77478

Pastor Charles Carter Jr.First St. Mark Baptist Church

2934 BrackenridgeHouston, TX 77016

Senior Pastor C. David HarrisonFirst Baptist Church Heights

201 East 9th Street Houston, TX 77007

Read current & previous editions Online @ www.issuu.com/elizabethjackson9

Page 10: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

The Freedmen’s Town Documentary Project and Photo Exhibition (the project) by Ferrell E. Phelps, Jr., will help the general public to understand the history and historical value of the Freedmen’s Town story.

Presently, more than ever, the art of visual storytelling is needed to document the progression of events, emotions and concepts surrounding the rise and fall of one of Houston’s historical African American communities. The area formally known as Fourth Ward, and frequently referred to as Freedmen’s Town, is located on the western edge of downtown Houston. The project will tell the community’s story as it has never been told.

To communicate true emotions, the photographer went beyond merely representing historical events surrounding the rise and fall of Freedmen’s Town, and even beyond commonly accepted examples of realism. Ferrell’s photographic eye captures and communicates the Freedmen’s Town’s story in a manner that honors the community’s former inhabitants. The project inspires universal support for a part of Houston’s cultural heritage, whose memory is threatened with extinction.

Capturing the raw emotions of pain, hurt, anger, joy, and excitement, the eye opening photographic art connects the spirit of Freedmen’s Town’s ancestors to the viewing audience. This groundbreaking work tells the story of the original red clay bricks being made, fired, cured, and laid by the hands of former slaves. These former slaves, now freed men, chose to leave an enduring mark by using their talents, skills and hard earned money to positively impact the collective life of their community.

The photographer’s objective was to digitally capture carefully designed reenactments of Freedmen’s Town residents on the red brick streets, as well as in some of the remaining historic structures. Next, inspiring narratives were created to illustrate the community’s story and convey historical messages. The results of this visionary effort provides the City of Houston, the country and world with a priceless gift that makes this rich history assessable to all.

Written by Dr. Florita Bell Griffin M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine

Freedmen’s Town Documentary Project & Photo Exhibition by Ferrell Phelps Jr.


Page 11: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Platefull Clothing | Written by Teesha Walker M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine

Whether it is with food, goals, dreams, family or aspirations; we all have a plate full. Christon Russell, Kwame Jackson, Terrance Smalls and Sam Williams also added entrepreneur to their plates. The young men were inspired by many including a stranger passing by to create PlateFull Clothing line.

PlateFull Clothing was founded on April 13, 2013 with the intent to use clothing to inspire anyone from any walk of life to keep their plate full with goals, dreams and all forms of positivity. PlateFull Clothing creators pride themselves on letting everyday life be the model for the designs of their shirts. “MAKE A STATEMENT” is the purpose behind the drive of PlateFull Clothing. Along with the clothing line, these young entrepreneurs in training also help contribute to the community with neighborhood events and giving to the homeless. Please support this wonderful, goal-driven group of men by purchasing from their organization. They are currently accepting orders via email @ [email protected].


Page 12: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

I spend a great deal of time talking to people about their health. The conversations can be difficult. People are generally private about their health, particularly if they are not taking the necessary steps to be healthier. It can be challenging to change patterns and habits that you have had for decades. In addition, many chronic conditions like diabetes and hypertension tend to manifest with symptoms that are not easily recognizable, meaning they go unreported and therefore untreated. Then there is the common assertion, “I feel fine”, that may keep some from taking health challenges seriously. One health related conversation began about five years ago when I met a woman in her late thirties who we will call Angela. She had been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) and her doctor gave her a list of things that she could do to prolong her kidney function and hopefully keep her from progressing to End Stage Renal Disease (ESRD). The doctor suggested that losing weight by exercising and following a precise diet would keep her healthier longer. Fast forward to three years later and not only did Angela not follow the doctor’s advice, she

gained a substantial amount of weight. When she and I spoke about her condition, she informed me that she was urinating normally and that she did not believe the doctor knew what he was talking about. Shortly after this conversation, and after a bout of what she thought was the flu, Angela was told that she had ESRD and had to begin dialysis right away. Kidney disease is on the rise in the US. It is estimated that more than 26 million people in this country, about 3 in 10, suffer from CKD which means that these individuals have reduced kidney function. There are several causes for renal disease but diabetes is the leading cause, responsible for 44% of people with renal failure. Hypertension is the second leading cause and it is common for those with ESRD to suffer with both diabetes and hypertension. Many of those who have CKD are not aware of it and do not seek treatment until they develop ESRD when the kidneys cease to function at all and require intervention for survival. CKD can be improved with treatment and can help people to avoid ESRD which can only be treated with dialysis or kidney transplant. Kidneys are normally associated

Let’s Have That Talk…About Your


Article by Darshell McAlpine M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine


with urine. Yes, the kidneys produce urine but this is just the waste left over from the rest of the work the kidneys perform. Kidneys rid the body of its excess phosphorus, calcium, potassium and vitamins like A, D, and K. The kidneys also help make red blood cells, which in turn strengthen bones and support the immune system. If the kidneys are not functioning, waste builds up in the blood stream. The only way to remedy this is with dialysis, an artificial way of eliminating waste from the body by removing blood from the body and running it through a machine designed to clean the blood and then return the blood back to the body. Dialysis tries to accomplish in 12-15 hours a week what your kidneys are designed to do 24/7. Even with dialysis, those with ESRD are at increased risk for infection and even something like the common cold can be a significant event. Increased minerals in the kidneys can also lead to life-threatening or life-altering problems and even death.So why I am telling you all of this? Because I want you to be healthy and free to live your best life, the one you envision for yourself. I want you

Page 13: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Any time is a great time to whip your finances into shape. In a time where the prices are constantly rising and the fact that there are people fighting for the increase of minimum wage; we can all reconstruct our spending habits to prepare for our future.

Below are a few tips to help:

1. Develop a plan that works for YOUR household. Any plan should include a budget for groceries, bills and savings. Budgeting is the same as dieting, choose what is best for you.2. Purchase toiletries in bulk if possible. Personally, it’s against my religion to pay $10.00 for 12 rolls of toilet paper of poor quality. After some price matching and comparison I found it cheaper for me to purchase toilet paper and paper towels in bulk. I ultimately save money monthly by making my purchase in bulk. You can either join a membership club or order Online from companies like Boxed.com3. Grow your own garden. I love fresh fruit and veggies and sometimes these can be more on the pricey side in grocery stores. I suggest growing your own herbs and veggies. You can use as much as you want and your only cost is to purchase the seed.4. Lastly, THINK AHEAD. Save for a rainy day. This is where you have to challenge your spending habits. You must sincerely ask yourself if that purse or pair of shoes is needed. Even small amounts add up. If you save $5.00 a day that equals $35.00 a week, $140.00 a month and ultimately $1,680.00 a year. It may be small but it’s yours. Saving is very challenging because society somewhat teases and pressure us in to making purchases we really can live without. You must discipline yourself and look at the big picture. You can either choose to buy what you don’t need now or have the money saved for a financial emergency later. Weigh your options and decide what is more effective for you.

Financial FitnessArticle by Darshell McAlpine


to have the daily strength to take a cruise or travel around the world. I want to see you play in the park with your children and then your grandchildren. I want to hear about how you made the difference in this world that you were destined to make. We are having this conversation about your health so you can be sure to manage your diabetes by routinely checking your sugar and being conscious to eat things that support healthy living. I know you may cheat every now and then but let it be the exception and not the norm. Take your blood pressure medicine and insulin if necessary just as the doctor prescribed. Exercise and lose some weight so you can help your kidneys do their job.Angela and I still keep in touch. She has been doing dialysis for several years now and has become very vocal about staying healthy. She encourages me to responsibly manage my own health challenges, and though it is a struggle, I take the necessary steps that I can be present to enjoy my family, my friends, my life. I want to encourage you to do the same.

Sources: Fadem SZ, et al. Satisfaction with Renal Replacement Therapy and Education: The American Association of Kidney Patients Survey. The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases

Page 14: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Alfred Moody, Owner

D O U B L E T A K E F A S H I O N S S T U D I O F O R M E N & W O M E N


7628 Magna - Houston, Texas 77093832.643.1486

Blessed is the Mother...

“Who can hold onto her children while letting them go;

Who puts a tranquil home ahead of an immaculate house;

Who knows a kind act will be remembered longer than an easy word; Who really believes that prayer changes


Whose faith in the future sweetens the present;

Whose Bible never needs dusting; and

Whose sense of humor is alive and well.”

The Promoter

A Father’s Love

A father is respected because

He gives his children leadership...

Appreciated because He gives his children care...

Valued because He gives his children time...

Loved because He gives his children the one thing

They treasure most - himself.

Page 15: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Obedience is the bottom line in the Christian life. This means compliance to God’s plan and pattern, observance of His commands, adherence to His standard, and submission to His will. If we want to obey the Lord, we need to know what action God wants us to take, what attitude would most please Him, and what He requires of us. So how do we get ourselves to that point of obedience? First, we have to know what God’s commands are. We cannot obey what we do not know or understand— and we begin to understand God’s perspective by becoming familiar with His Word. However, simply knowing God’s Word isn’t enough. We must also tap into His power by submitting to the promptings of the Holy Spirit, who helps us relate His commands to our own situation and who assists us in determining the wisest course of action. Once we decide to obey, we can expect a challenge to compromise. Since Satan doesn’t want us to follow God, he will offer temptation after temptation to divert us or to weaken our devotion to the Lord through small steps of disobedience. Yet remember, partial obedience is disobedience. It takes commitment and courage to obey God in the face of these challenges:

courage to give up what we like in order to do what He asks; courage to do things that may bring unwelcome results; courage to rearrange our schedule to match His plan; courage to love the unlovely, to forgive the seemingly unforgivable, and to give when we want to keep. How can we counter his challenge to

compromise? By renewing our resolve to obey. When Jesus

neared the end of forty days of fasting and prayer following

His baptism, Satan tempted Him to compromise His

calling (Matt. 4: 1– 11). But Jesus stood up to

Satan with courage, answering temptation after

temptation with the Word of God. If we desire to have such resolute

commitment to Him, we must love God above all else, be obedient in our actions, have a determined attitude, and be willing to suffer any consequences that result. Whenever you feel tempted to disobey God, remember that your faithfulness and devotion to Christ are at stake. Ask yourself: “Is my understanding of Scripture increasing? Am I able to hold to God’s plan without compromise? How committed am I to obeying God? If I love Him, I’ll obey Him— so how much do I really love Him?”

Charles Stanley

Answers to Life’s Questions How can I become a more

Obedient Christian? Dan. 1

“...it takes courage to

give up what we like

in order to do what He



Page 16: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

As a Pastor, I speak and share with many Believers from all over the world and have often times heard them talk about their struggles in life as they search for meaning of their new life In Christ. So may I strongly suggest to you my Beloved, as the Body of Christ, to search the scriptures on rediscovering our new identity, “In Christ”. I believe the answer to this dilemma of identity for the Believer is in having a lack of knowledge and teachings on the subject of “identity” as it pertains to the new creature relationship we now enjoy, “In Christ”. There is so much more things in life available to you who walk in the revelation of Life in Christ. Heavens vast resources are a start. We read in 2 Corinthians 5:17, “if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things have passed away and behold all things have become new.” Another translation reads, “he/she - the new creature - is a new species that never existed before on earth until now.” So

if you and I were to begin having discussions with other fellow Believers, about the “In Christ” relationship we have with God through and by Jesus the Christ, we all would begin to come into a realization that would just blow our carnal minds. And you know we need to get rid of our fleshly mindsets any way. Amen!!! So, if you have ever spent any amount of time listening or speaking with Believers. You will discover that many struggle with their new identity “In Christ”. Because of sin, Satan makes it hard for us to see ourselves as always being in right standing with Almighty God. This is so critical my Beloved. Having faith that pleases God is paramount in the life of a Son of God. Hebrews 11:6 affirms this truth. For instance, when we first accepted Jesus as our personal Savior and Lord, we had no earthly idea what we signed up for. Am I right! Sure, I’m right! The truth of the matter is, Matthew 6:33 says, “seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all of these things shall be added unto you.”

Let the truth be told, many Believers had never heard a direct teaching on the Kingdom of God nor on His righteousness as a result of this passage; therefore, many in the Body of Christ have no idea who they are “In Christ”. So what conversation you mostly hear from the average Believer who lives in deliberate disobedience and sin is: “Brother no body is perfect; Why are you judging me? I’m just a sinner, saved by grace!” They all have taken out of context Romans 3:23 which says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” That is so true, but! Here is where “but” becomes anointed by the power of God. Now, get this truth! The new man is now spiritually alive, godly and already possesses the mind of Christ. Did you hear that? Can you see that? That is why “Identity in Christ” must be preached, because this is the truth. This is where rightly dividing the word of truth comes into play. As a new creature “in

The Believers New Identity Have you ever heard a Believer say this statement before? “I once was lost

but now I’m found; I once was blind but now I see!” In case you haven’t heard this before, I would like to share a short message with you about God’s amazing grace. I too was once lost but now found; I was once blind but now I can see (spiritually speaking). We all live and move and have our being in two realms, the spiritual and the physical realm. We all must realize this truth, that is, the spirit world existed way before the physical world came into existence. So remember this, we all are spiritual beings having physical experiences.

Article by Darshell McAlpine M’Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine

Micheal E. Bush, Pastor


Page 17: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2016 Spring/Summer Edition

Christ”. Galatians 2:20 tells us about our new “position” as a result of our new “condition” of being in Christ - “in” right standing with God. Our former condition was “In Adam” but our new position is now “In Christ”. Check this out! – we read in 2 Corinthians 5:21 says, “For he (God) hath made him (Jesus) to be sin for us (you and me), who knew no sin; that we (New Creatures) might be made the righteousness (being in right standing and relationship) of God in him (in Christ). What an awesome plan of redemption. You are anointed and liberated from sins power. Amen!!! You now sit in the seat of spiritual authority over the power of the enemy.Beloved, these passages of scripture tell us of our new found hope, love and freedom from the power of sin and death because of what God the Holy Ghost is doing in our hearts and minds today as the process of regeneration continues to work-out our soul salvation. We are being transformed (changed) by the renewing of our minds with the Word of God. This operation is supernatural, powerful and very effective. See Beloved, until we get the revelation that we are “In Christ” and no longer on our own (in Adam) (in trespasses and sins or spiritually dead and blind as a result of disobedience), we will never fully graph or conceive God’s amazing grace and the finish work which Christ did on the cross for us. Yes, we all came from the same background, “In

Adam” but it’s now time to awake to righteousness and authority, “In Christ” and sin no more. Adam sinned and we all died because of His sin. But now “in Christ” all were made alive. This must be proclaimed, as Ephesians 2: 2 tells us, “And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins.”Notice this, “And you had he quickened.” The “you” refers to you and me” and the “He” refers to “God in Christ” and “quickened” is translated as “made alive, afresh, and anew”. And get this, God quickened you and made you and I alive, afresh and anew for what purpose? To show case the true meaning of eternal life that is only accomplished through having a personal relationship and fellowship with Jesus the Christ. Once a person is born again (born from above), he or she is spiritually freed and liberated to be, to do and to have all the Heavenly Father has prepared and ordained for us to be, to do and to have “in Christ”. You just missed a great place to Shout Glory! Glory!!! This is why the good news story must be preached, told and correctly taught to all mankind. That God is in Christ reconciling the world back to Himself, not imputing (accounting) any sins against us. As far as God is concerned, all of our sins have already been forgiven, Jesus paid the price in full and now all sins (past, present and future) have been washed completely away by the blood of Jesus which made each one of us complete in Christ Jesus. So Beloved you can now see that we all were lost and why the truth about Almighty God being so in love with us that He was willing to

give His own Son’s life to seek out and find you and me. I pray you now can see the real reason for His amazing grace and Christ love for you! We read in Colossians 1:27, …this mystery of God has been hidden all this time until now, hidden from ages and generations, but now is made manifest or revealed or known which is, Christ in you, the hope of glory!!! The Gospel of Jesus the Christ is the most amazing story ever told and once grasped will reveal the true meaning of real life. I believe as you read this story, God the Holy Spirit has shed new light on you and brighten up your new day to begin freely fellowshipping with your Heavenly Father. In conclusion, keep the Second Coming of Christ near and dear to your heart. Jesus is coming again. We are reminded, as Jesus neared the end of His earthly ministry He commanded His disciples to “Go Tell Somebody!” What you have seen and heard about God’s amazing grace that is at work in you.My prayer for you is that you will be able to hear and see your new life in Christ. May you read this article and be set free and liberated in your heart and mind as you enter into God’s rest for your life. To God, you are His amazing grace. Now (Today) are we the Sons of God; so let the Sons of God be manifested for the glory of God. In Jesus mighty name. Amen!!!


Pastor Michael E BushFresh Manna MinistriesP.O. Box 757Stafford, Virginia 22555


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