m'bracing beauty christian magazine 2013 fall/winter edition

MANY MEMBERs FOR MORE INFO ON PREVIOUS M’BRACING BEAUTY MAGAZINES GO TO WWW.ISSUU.COM/MBRACINGBEAUTYMAGAZINE in ONE BODY Professor Phillip Luke Sinitiere, PhD Modern Beauty In Christian Living Put Your Trust In God... Not Man 2013 Fall/Winter Edition pg.12 Christian Magazine

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Page 1: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


For more inFo on previous m’Bracing Beauty magazines go to www.issuu.com/mBracingBeautymagazine

in ONE BODYProfessor Phillip Luke Sinitiere, PhD

Modern Beauty In Christian Living

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


Christian Magazine

Page 2: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

CONTENTSFrom The Editor Teesha Walker

Following The Leader Pastor Earl Wilbert

Invitation To ChristPrayer Of Salvation

Celebrating 50 YearsElizabeth Jackson

Many Members In One BodyProf. Phillip Luke Sinitiere, Ph.D.







CO-FOuNdEr/PubLiShErElizabEth Jackson

EdiTOrbyron Jackson Jr.

ChiEF EdiTOr ASSiST. EdiTOr tEEsha WalkEr MElvin kirks

AdvErTiSEmENT dirECTOrElizabEth Jackson

officE: 281-886-6599

PhOTOgrAPhEr fErrEll PhElPs Jr.

WriTEr SALESPErSON alfrEd thoMPson PaM survillion

Contributing WritersProf. PhiliP luke Sinitiere

PaStor earl Wilbert

Dr. Dorothy flake

sponsors~ interactive Hair studio ~

ismm~ Ferrell’s pHotograpHy mrs. annie price ~ pamela survillion

BREAKING THE SILENCEdr. dorothy Flake14




Seed Sown

Page 3: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


imagine you are Ezekiel. You have been taken by god to a place where the land is filled with dry, brittle bones. The only atmosphere that surrounds you is darkness, chilly air and the voice of god. As you stare at the valley, god asks you one simple question, “Can these bones live?” For our benefit, these bones serve as a metaphor for the past goals, ambitions and vows we made to ourselves. Some have aged by months while others by years. No matter the age, these bones have one thing in common; they were once part of a dream, vision or desire. As life progressed and changed, these organisms lost hope, faith and any vitality.

Can These bones Live? They currently lay broken, brittle and dry. Now, imagine that as your eyes scan this vast val-ley you begin to remember the excitement and anxiousness you felt at the fruition of what is now considered dead and forgotten. Can these bones live? but of course they can. Sometimes you achieve the best results by doing the most simple things. in this case, all you must do is speak life to what has been declared as dead. Just as god told Ezekiel, prophesy to the valley and watch your bones take form and begin to live again.

Teesha WalkerChief Editor

Teesha Walker, Chief Editor

Page 4: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

The key element in true, lasting peace is the presence of god. isaiah says to god, “The steadfast of mind You will keep in perfect peace, because he trusts in You” (26: 3). Christ is our peace— his presence is the presence of peace within us (Eph. 2: 14). And so Jesus declares, “in me you may have peace” (John 16: 33). What is this peace? it is an inner sense of contentment and quietness, regardless of life’s circumstances. it is steadfast confidence in our ever-faithful, immutable heavenly Father. it is the presence of joy in the midst of unhappiness. True peace does not merely dull our pain. A person who has genuine, godly peace can endure an avalanche of hardship and difficulty and still enjoy an inner peace that surpasses all human understanding. Why? because it does not come from pleasant circumstances, nice events, or good things others may do for us. instead, it is based on the fact that the Spirit of our holy, omnipotent,

and never-changing god lives within us. does enjoying god’s perfect peace mean that you’ll never feel the effects of the storms raging around you? hardly. but his peace is complete, adequate, and sufficient or anything you face.

Keep in mind three keys to experiencing sustained peace: 1. Focus on god. Perfect peace comes when you fix your mind on god. You must discipline yourself to meditate on god’s presence and work. When you spend time concentrating on a problem, does it not seem to grow bigger? in the same way, you will have a greater sense of god’s presence and provision as you fix your mind on him.

2. Trust him. You never have to worry about god acting too late or providing insufficient help. his timing and purposes are perfect; in fact, he uses your tribulations to reveal more of

himself to you. his Word is full of rock-solid promises, many of which involve granting you peace. Know that he will always honor them!

3. meditate on his Word. Psalm 119: 165 emphasizes that those who love god’s Word have great peace. Your most precious material possession is your bible. Every believer should love god’s Word and feast on it daily. if you love it, you’re going to believe what it says— and then it will guide and anchor your life.

Stanley, Charles F. (2009-03-17). The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible, NASB (Kindle Locations 50788-50805). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

Answers To Life’s Questions How Can I have God’s Peace? Is. 26:3

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Page 5: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


After all this, when Josiah had set the temple in order, Neco king of Egypt went up to fight at Carchemish on the Euphrates, and Josiah marched out to meet him in battle.

But Neco sent messengers to him, saying, “What quarrel is there between you and me, O king of Judah? It is not you I am attacking at this time but the house with which I am at war. God has told me to hurry; so stop opposing God, who is with me, or he will destroy you.”

Josiah, however, would not turn away from him, but disguised himself to engage him in battle. He would not listen to what Neco had said at God’s command but went to fight him on the plain of Megiddo.

Archers shot King Josiah, and he told his officers, “Take me away; I am badly wounded.” So they took him out of his chariot, put him in the other chariot he had, and brought him to Jerusalem, where he died.

He was buried in the tombs of his fathers, and all Judah and Jerusalem mourned for him. Jeremiah composed laments for Josiah, and to this day all the men and women singers commemorate Josiah in the laments. These became a tradition in Israel and are written in the Laments. 2 Chronicles 35:20-25

Josiah was at the peak of his power. With his kingdom in revival, he felt that there was nothing in the world that could stop him. Therefore, when Neco, king of Egypt, allied himself with the king of Assyria, Josiah declared war on him.

Although the king of Egypt warned Josiah that he would be opposing God by attacking him, Josiah would not listen. Instead of consulting Jeremiah as he should have, Josiah disguised himself in the armor of another person. Tragically, Neco had been prophesying, for Josiah was killed in the ensuing battle. When Jeremiah heard of the king’s demise, he was so heartbroken that he composed a lament to mourn his death. As for the nation, she would never recover from the death of her king.

What lessons can we learn from Josiah’s needless death?

First, Josiah, like many men in their late thirties, had probably become very insecure. Although he had experienced remarkable success, he may have still felt a need to prove himself.

It is possible that being a great king and tremendous reformer were no longer enough to satisfy him. Therefore, he decided to become a warrior king. This rash act cost him his life.

Sadly, Josiah’s foolishness is being repeated by many men in our culture today. For some of them, their insecurities will only cost them time and money. Other men, however, will

lose even their marriages or businesses.

Like Josiah, their attempts to satisfy the needs of their soul through accomplishments are doomed to failure, for only God Himself can touch and meet the ultimate longings of the human heart.

Second, Josiah disguised himself in the armor of another man. I cannot count the number of men that I have watched do the same thing today. Whether it is the pastor who tries to become a businessman or the couch-potato who tries to once again prove his manhood by running a marathon in his forties, even when they accomplish these feats, their souls remain unsatisfied.

Worse yet is the fact that some of these attempts can result in unexpected pain and heartbreak.

Third, Josiah was in such a hurry to go to war that he missed the divine warning that Neco gave him. It is clear in scripture that God Himself was speaking to Josiah. Whether it was his own insecurity or some unwise political alliance he had made, the state of Josiah’s soul caused him to miss the warnings he normally would have discerned.

In my own experience, I have found that when a man is being driven by his own pride and insecurities, he can easily miss the warnings that God has sent to save him instead of being led by the Spirit.

May God give us the grace to negotiate the traps that come as we grow older.

Lessons from the Life of Josiah: The Death of Josiah July 27, 2009 by jimlaffoon

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Page 6: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

Together we are saving one soul at a time!

Half MaratHon at 53Beverly Myles

Read How She Did It

Put Your trust In God...

not Man!

Modern BeautY In CHrIstIan lIvInG

Looking For Help!

by Sharnelle Jones

InfoRM • EDucatE • InSpIRE

over & under


How It can affect Your Business

Dr. paul D. Landrew

2011 Fall Issue

Special Edition


Inspirational Message:

CHrIstIan MaGazIne

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man!

2012 Fall/Winter Edition

“God Has

A PlanFor Your

Life”Discovering Your Purpose!

by Ronald Dupree

Inform •

EducatE •


Special EditionModern Beauty In Christian Living

Christian Magazine






Jesus Is a Healer!

Breast Cancer



For more inFo on previous m’Bracing Beauty magazines go to www.issuu.com/mBracingBeautymagazinein ONE BODYProfessor Phillip Luke Sinitiere, Phd

Modern Beauty In Christian Living

Put Your Trust In God... Not Man 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


Christian Magazine

Trust In God...Not Man!

281.886.6599 www.issuu.com/mbracingbeautymagazine

TrusTing god

in EvEry ArEA of My LifE

Elizabeth Jackson: Publisher

Threshold of faithby Pastor Bennett T. Cortez

Inform EduCaTE InsPIrEWomen Ministering

The Word of god

2011 First Issue

“Put Your Trust In God...

Not Man”


Christian Magazine

Modern Beauty In Christian Living

Put Your Trust In God...

Not Man!

Are You SAved?ChriSt died for our SinS, And

roSe from the deAd!

2012 Spring | Summer edition

the GoSpel

Inspirational Message

Tarsha Jackson, MinisTer

Christian Magazine

inform - eduCAte - inSpire

Free Your Mind!

Page 7: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

censor which will stand guard at the portals of your mind, checking the ethical and moral credentials of the ideas that could disrupt, disturb, and possibly destroy your attitude of faith while following your leader. But in reality, we all need to follow someone who can see, hear, and touch what we can’t. The leader is a blessing from God; a gift from God’s heart to us, His children. Jeremiah 3:15 says “And I will give you Pastors according to

mine heart which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” Being overly concerned about positions and titles will ultimately get

the follower off track. If one sheep is concerned about the other sheep around him, they become the objective instead of the shepherd. Think about the traits of a leader like this: covering, counselor, intercessor, and mediator. I could go even further but I hope the benefits of a Godly leader are clear.

I believe that the way the leader does things will affect your life in a real and relevant way. My leader is Pastor Paul D. Landrew and what keeps me out of trouble is following his wisdom on honoring my assignment and carrying it out. Also, in private I follow in prayer, in public I follow in my performance. I believe if you associate yourself with those who are in compliance; those who are always complaining won’t have power to affect your ability and desire to follow the leader.

In closing, I challenge us all to reflect on Romans 8:28, reminding us that following a Godly leader will work together for the good of the ministry. Do everything as unto the Lord and following your leader will become a easy Amen. I pray that someone will be helped by these words of enlightenment.

ne of the basic functions of Christian living is following the leader that God has sent to you in a pastor. Following the leader means to be actively committed regardless of cost. I am reminded of Luke 9:23, wherein God instructs us to deny self and seek Him. Following the leader means the follower has to voluntarily accept the responsibilities associated with the instructions given by the leader. It is imperative not to get distracted questioning the instructions that God is giving your leader; instead, learn to trust what God is doing through your leader and follow. Be mindful that a true Godly leader has no choice but to go in the direction of the cross. The correct relationship model between a pastor (leader) and the congregation (followers) is often referred to as shepherd and sheep.

In John 10:14-27, Jesus presents the unique relationship held between a shepherd and his flock. “I Am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep, And Am known by My own. My sheep hear My voice, And I know them and they follow Me.” You must not only hear the voice of the one you are following; you must follow with humility and obedience. Your leader has enough responsibility for hearing the voice of God, and should not have to constantly focus on the distractions of those who hear no one but themselves. This brings chaos and disrupts order. We must remember that a leader that is led by God is bound with the mutuality of knowledge and affection that characterizes the relationship between the leader and those who are following. The job of the follower is to trust the leader and receive instruction. Be careful not to make the leader’s job hard; in modern terms “stay in your lane.” Hebrews 13:17 warns us to love our leader and respect his decisions. However, as humans there will be often times where we will not fully understand our leader’s choice, which is when Proverbs 3:5-6 must be applied. It will give you peace and keep your mind stayed on Him.

One obstacle that we must overcome, especially within the church, is not getting involved with gossip or those who exploit it. Make sure that your faith becomes a


OFollowing the Leader:

A Sheep, Shepherd Evaluation

“I Am the good shepherd; and I know My

sheep, And Am known by My own.”



Page 8: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

ThE PraYEr Of SalvaTiONromans 10:9,10

You Can Receive Jesus Christ Right Now by Faith - Through Prayer:

“Lord Jesus, I need You to come into my life. I thank You for dying on the cross for my sins, and arose from the dead. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving me of my sins and giving me

eternal life. Make me the kind of person You want me to be.” In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Now That You Have Received Christ!

The moment that you received Christ by faith, as an act of will, many things happened, including the following:

1. Christ came into your life. Rev. 3:20 and Colossians 1:27 2. Your sins were forgiven. Colossians 1:14 3. You become a child of God. John 1:12 4. You received eternal life. John 5:24 5. You begin the great adventure for which God created you. John 10:10; II Corinthians 5:17; I Thessalonians 5:18

Can you think of anything more wonderful that could happen to you than receiving Christ?

“As soon as you can, find a Bible believing and Bible teaching Church so that you can begin to hear and study the Word of God. Remember, Faith comes by

hearing the Word of God.” Paul D. Landrew

Page 9: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition


Pastor roland Booker

Just ChurCh Ministry

13547 BaMMel north houston

houston, tx 77066

Pastor Bennett t. Cortez

Greater Faith Baptist ChurCh

9235 West MontGoMery rd.houston, tx 77088

Pastor John aldoPh

antioCh Missionary Baptist ChurCh

3920 West Cardinal drive BeauMont, tx 77705

Pastor demetrius moffett First ChurCh oF God

911 Main street

oranGe, tx 77630

Pastor mauriCe Johnson

Mount Calvary Baptist ChurCh

1018 herkiMer st. houston, tx 77008

Pastor melvin h. kirks Jr.BridGe Crossroad ChurCh

12515 Fondren ste. Fhouston, tx. 77035

What The Bible Says AboutOur Greatest Salvation

“Christ took our punishment and died in our place. Since our attempts at righteousness will not satisfy God, Christ clothed us in His righteousness in such away that when God, the Father, looks upon us, He does not see our sin; He sees only the righteousness of His Son, Jesus Christ.” L. Moyer

Hebrews 2:1-4 -“What has been the greatest moment of your life? For some people, the answer might be their wedding day, the birth of a child, or an important promotion. But for believers, the best experience is salvation, when their eternal destiny was changed. New Christians often have a fervor to share their faith. In time, however, many find their hearts cooling as they focus less on their relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Hebrews 2:1 instructs, “Therefore we must give the most earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away.” Salvation is God’s amazing solution to man’s sinful condition: it is His gift of rescue - through the death of Jesus- from the penalty of our transgressions.” Charles Stanley

Pastor henry thomas

true FelloWship Baptist ChurCh

3115 n. Fry

katy, tx 77449

Pastor Paul d. landrew

lovinG Word FelloWship ChurCh

170 rittenhouse / 609 littleyork

houston, tx 77076

Pastor Paul d. landrew

lovinG Word FelloWship ChurCh

11040 houston, tx 77074

Pastor andy woods

suGar land BiBle ChurCh 401 MatlaGe Way

suGar land tx, 77478

Page 10: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

Elizabeth Jackson

Celebrating 50 years!


Page 11: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

Celebrating 50 years! She is a Wife, Mother, Grandmother, student, encourager, Woman of God, Three-times Entrepreneur: Publisher, Photographer, Owner & Operator of a hair Salon...

Elizabeth Jackson

We all hope to make a difference in the lives of others during our time on earth, Elizabeth is certainly one that has done just that.

Over the course of 50 years, Elizabeth has pursued and accomplished many goals, but not without challenges and obstacles. The road to the “gold” has not always been easy; but god who is rich in his compassion, has multiplied her not only Spiritually, he has blessed her with a loving husband, six children, sixteen grandchildren, ‘god-grandchildren’, family and friends. in celebrating 50 years on earth and allowing to be used as a vessel of Christ it seems no stone has not been uncovered in her life. Liz, has certainly been a great example of how we should all live our lives. When i think of Liz, i’m reminded of the virtuous woman as described in Proverbs 31; she not only talks the talk but she walks the walk. i’ve seen tremendous growth take place in her life as she strives to educate herself, not only career wise but also in spiritual knowledge. Liz is currently attending the College of biblical Studies where she will be graduating in 2014 with her Associates degree in biblical Studies.

shows “ Let”s Talk About it “ Last but certainly not least, Elizabeth is a friend, motivator, entrepreneur, woman of god and an inspiration. She is a woman that has made her life count and has shown others that their lives count as well. i could go on all day, but by now you should have an idea of who this beautiful woman of god is, “Elizabeth Jackson”, whose name means, “my god is bountiful, god of plenty” and in hebrew elīsheba’ means (god is my oath). She is certainly one who has lived up to her name!

The Road to Gold! A Woman of Integrity!

Liz obtained her cosmetology license 28 years ago where she began practicing the art of hair styling, she felt that her gift would be best utilized not only in promoting healthy hair first, but to also help increase the esteem of women; her nurturing hands and creative mind propelled her in the direction of opening up a hair salon over fifteen years ago, where she has had the opportunity to bless so many people as they sat in her chair, not only giving them advice on total hair care but also blessing them with the Word of god. While being in the presence of Liz, it is not far-fetched to hear Scriptures that will bless the life of her listeners. Liz will not put her hands to anything without having a mind-set of achieving it with excellence from the smallest task to the largest. her mind is always eager to gain knowledge and venture into unknown territory which was evident when she had the vision of creating a magazine called “m’bracing beauty” a Christian magazine designed to encourage the saved and offer salvation to the unbelievers. Liz has not only accomplished and maintained that goal, but she also recently obtained the title of producer,director, videographer and editor forone of houston’s up and coming talk


Written by Ferrell Phelps Jr.

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Page 12: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

“If we neglect to mark . . . history, it may be distorted or forgotten.” W. E. B. Du Bois (1957)1

here’s a Swahili proverb from

East Africa that says, “Knowledge is

like a garden. If it is not cultivated it

cannot be harvested.” This proverb

powerfully teaches that the attainment

of knowledge takes hard work and that

it should be ongoing or perpetual. The

proverb also teaches that knowledge 1 W. E. B. Du Bois,

“Negro History Centenaries,” Nation-al Guardian (January 14, 1957), in W. E. B. Du Bois, Newspaper Columns by W. E. B. Du Bois, Volume 2: 1945-1961, ed. Herbert Aptheker (New York: Kraus-Thomson, 1986), 2: 982.

many members in One body, Part i:

itself is important and that it

should be shared and dispensed

widely. Finally, the agricultural

imagery suggests that knowledge

has a nourishing component as

well—it can satisfy the longings

in our souls and minds to answer

some of life’s most important

and most pressing questions.

In this article, which will

come through several installments in

future issues of M’Bracing Beauty

Christian Magazine, I’d like to

slightly tweak the Swahili proverb in

order to prompt critical reflection on

history: “[Historical] knowledge is

like a garden. If it is not cultivated it

cannot be harvested.” In what follows

I will discuss what the Bible has to

say about the importance of history.

To explain how and why the study of

history is important to the life of faith,

I will discuss the significance of two

twentieth-century Christians: Dietrich

dietrich bonhoeffer, martin Luther King, and the Living reality of Christian history

by Phillip Luke Sinitiere, Ph.D.

Bonhoeffer and Martin Luther King.

I will show through their witness and

through their writings how historical

knowledge can enhance personal faith

in Christ as well as draw Christians

closer together communally as the

Body of Christ. To put it another way,

I will explain how we can cultivate

a deeper appreciation for the past in

order to harvest historical knowledge

that is useful and encouraging for

our lives and our communities today.

God wishes for his people

to take history as a matter of serious

consideration for three reasons:

1. The biblical mandate to


2. God’s call for thinking Christians

to develop a perpetual historical

awareness and cultivate a

critical cultural competence.

3. The “living reality” of Christian


The Bible is full of commands 12


o by


ri D




Page 13: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

to “remember.” In Deuteronomy

32, for example, Moses addresses

God’s people with a particular

command: don’t forget the past and

how I’ve preserved you. In verse 7

it reads: “Remember the days of

old; consider the years of many

generations; ask your father, and he

will show you, your elders, and they

will tell you.” Another translation

renders it quite vividly: “Read

up on what happened before

you were born; dig into the

past, understand your roots. Ask

your parents what it was like

before you were born; ask the

old-ones, they’ll tell you a thing or

two.” In context, Moses is calling

God’s people to remember how He

has preserved them over the years,

despite many acts of disobedience

and rebellion. This means that the

call to remember helps to preserve

the memories of redemption, but it

also leaves room for lament: grief

over injustice, sinful actions, and

broken human relationships (Psalm

137). From this passage, Christians

can draw the principle that God

takes history seriously. Do Christians

devote time to “consider the years of

many generations” that comprise the

history of God’s people? How many

Christians spend time “reading up on

what happened before [they] were

born?” How often do Christians “dig

into the past” to “understand [the] roots”

of their faith? In Deuteronomy 32:7

God is asking Christians to understand

not only what happened in history but

also why what happened is important.

However, since God’s commands are

not simply propositions to recite, the

call to remember in Deuteronomy 32

is not intended merely as a cerebral

exercise of intellectual thought. The

call to remember demands a response.

The call to remember is a call to

action. Knowledge should not remain

dormant and static. As the saying goes,

“Learning is a verb.” If God calls

his people to remember history—to

reflect on this past in order to inform

and shape the present—then the actual

practice of remembering requires

study, reflection, and analysis. My

second point, therefore, is that God

demands that Christians take thinking

seriously. In other words, God calls

his people to develop a perpetual

historical awareness and cultivate a

critical cultural competence. To be

historically aware is to seek

to understand history; to do

this perpetually is to embrace

learning continuously as a

life-long goal. Cultivating a

critical cultural competence is

to pursue learning something

about cultures not your own (such

as another culture’s history, a new

language, culinary customs, etc.).

I would add that this is especially

important for Christians in Houston—

not only is Houston the fourth largest

city in the nation, according to the

latest U. S. Census data from 2010,

Houston is the most ethnically diverse

and fasting growing metropolitan

area in the nation! As a cosmopolitan

city, Houston reflects global culture.

“The call to remember

helps to preserve the

memories of redemption.”


Page 14: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

Educator: Dr. Dorothy flake, Phd

other studies:dillard universityPast institute Chancellor, Texas State Association and beauty Culturist League #47Past Educator - Namste’ Laboratories (Organic root Stimulator)Past Educator - design Essentials, hands-On hair Weeving ClassPast Educator - New Concepts hair goods, inc. (largest hair manufacturer in the world)Texas Women impowerment FoundationAhLC Church Afffilation - The Church Without Walls, Pastor ralph douglas WestAwards:Who’s Who black houstonTexas State Cosmetologist Woman Of The YearCity Of houston, City Wide beauticians, inc.Congressional Award - Outstanding Community Service

dr. dorothy Flake has been in the beauty industry for 38-Plus years. her specialty is “hair Prosthetics”, which is the largest technological advancement in replacing lost hair due to medical conditions. Theyare expertly made and custom fitted to meet the special needs of the hair loss patient. This service affords dr. Flake the opportunity to work with leading dermatologist. insured patients are given detailed information for reimbursement.

Credentials are as follows:Cosmetology License - Franklin beauty Schoolhair Weev License-Pan American Academy of beauty Cosmetology instructor License - royal beauty Careershair replacement/restoration - New Concepts hair goods, inc.doctorate of the Art of beauty Culture, National institute of Cosmetology, Washington, dC

dr. dorothy Flake, Phd

Certified: NoN-SurgiCal Hair replaCemeNt SpeCialiSt aNd maSter Hair Weever 30 pluS YearS iN Hair reStoratioN iNduStrY


Page 15: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

Solutions To Women’s hair Loss and Thinning



* hair Extensions, through which length, fullness, and texture are added to natural growing hair strand by strand bonding, and weeving.

* hair integration, where a small hair system combines with the natural growing hair to fill in areas.

* Wigs and Full Cranial Prosthetics, a complete, full head prosthesis for women with ex-treme hair loss.

* Topical and nutritional hair care treatments can be applied to nourish and strengthen the hair. Laser-light therapy accelerate the effects of treatment by stimulating the blood to the scalp.

* Camouflage make-up, colored creams and powders to conceal areas where hair is thinning.

* Surgical hair restoration is a technique where micro and mini grafts are attached to the scalp for permanent hair growth.

* hair Additions are made out of new hair that can be worn with hair to simulate fullness and growth.


"Creating unique illusions" for our clients!


Solutions to women's hair loss and thinning include options ranging from non-invasive preventive treatments to hair replacement and surgery. depending upon pattern stages, diffusion grades, lifestyles, preferences and needs, guidance can be detailed in a consultation with the hair restoration/replacement Specialist.

For More Information Contact DOROTHY S. FLAKE, PhD.email: [email protected]

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Page 16: M'Bracing Beauty Christian Magazine 2013 Fall/Winter Edition

HOUSTON, TX –– In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Janice Workcuff, President of Angels Surviving Cancer and 25 year Breast Cancer Survivor would like to share her testimony as a survivor and where she is now. Janice hope’s her story will encourage other women to not take it lightly in getting their mammograms and performing their breast self exams.

had just celebrated my 32nd birthday, and things seemed to be going well. It was a Friday evening, about the middle of February, and I was wrestling with my 5-year-old son, William, Jr. I was trying to grab his hand and it slipped and he accidentally hit my left breast, sending a very painful blow. As I grabbed my breast with the palm of my hand, it rested on a lump. I always performed my monthly breast examination, and I had never noticed this before. The doctor examined me and scheduled me for a mammogram, which he explained was a low level x-ray of the breasts. He then proceeded to read my report: “An ill-defined, somewhat lobulated density, approximately 2.5 cm in the outer left quadrant of the left breast, close to the chest wall. Biopsy may be appropriate. If biopsy is not appropriate, repeat mammogram in six months.” I was not comfortable waiting six months. The physician stated in that the only sure way of ruling out malignancy was to perform an open incision

biopsy surgical removal with the microscopic examination of the suspicious tissue. He continued to slowly and thoroughly explain to me what an incision biopsy was. The doctor gave me a sense of comfort. He made all of the necessary arrangements for day surgery for that Friday. The biopsy was positive for malignancy (cancer) infiltrating ductal cell breast cancer.

He carefully explained our next options would be a Modified Radical Mastectomy, which is a surgical removal of the breast with the muscles left intact, or a lumpectomy, where only the tumor mass and its surrounding tissue are removed. The physician called informing us of the results from the ERA and PRA were negative. I told him of my decision to have the modified radical mastectomy. About three months after the


surgery, I woke up with a feeling of fullness in my chest. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that the area on my chest where the mastectomy had been was red and slightly protruding. It frightened me so much that I didn’t want to go to work. I immediately called my physician and made an appointment to see him that same morning. I began to undergo an extensive series of tests, including a bone scan, MRI, blood work, chest x-ray, to rule out the possibility that there may be other places in my body where cancer was growing. The physician stated that when a recurrence happens that fast, it could indicate that I have another type of cancer, an aggressive, deadly cell and my life would be short. It was recommended that I undergo toxic chemotherapy, (the use of drugs to kill cancer cells) and my physician wanted me start immediately.

Many days of chemotherapy and radiation followed. My Days have turned into months and my months have turned into 25 yrs survivorship. God is so faithful! Glory to God for the great things he has done. God has allowed me to meet people I would not have met if it had not been for the diagnosis of breast cancer.

Janice E. Workcuff, wife, mother (William Jr) God daughter (Grace Wiggins/son Chance) and grandmother (Imani) a 25-year survivor of breast cancer, is a native of Kansas City, Missouri who moved to Houston, Texas in

IJanice Workcuff


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Angels Surviving Cancer is a non profit organization that support individuals with breast cancer. Contact Janice Butler Workcuff,

President of ASC.

1980. Janice lives a very productive life employed as Registered Cardiac Sonographer at University Health Science Center-Internal Medicine/cardiology department in Houston Texas. She is also a Peer Counselor, motivational speaker, and advocate for breast cancer survivors. She stands in the gap for breast cancer survivors as a role model. She is involved with many major organizations, including the American Cancer Society, MD Anderson Cancer Center Network program, Celebrating Life Foundation and the Susan Komen Foundation whose goal is to raise funds and wage war against this disease. Janice participates in the “Race for the Cure walk” each year.

Workcuff has been featured in the Houston Chronicle, various television and radio shows, and has received numerous awards for her work in making a difference in the healthcare community. She currently serves as President for Angels Surviving Cancer Incorporated which is non-profit breast cancer support organization that provides support and assistance to breast cancer survivors and their families.Janice spends tireless moments at the bedside of women who are experiencing breast cancer for guidance and direction to help them have a quality of life and productive living. She offers comfort by praying with them and ministering to their families. Has a 25 year survivor, she advocates for needs of her fellow sisters through making phone calls and spreading the word for better health care, improved healthcare and more clinical trials. It has become her mission to raise women’s awareness to this silent killer through speaking engagements and resources of education. Her motto is that she is on a

“Mission not Remission” She says if she closes her eyes each night and knows that she has honored God and done her best then all her living is not in vain. Janice currently resides in Missouri City, Texas with her husband William, Sr.She is the Author of: “Road to Restoration through the Diagnosis of Breast Cancer and Walking on by Faith” written in 2003 provides hope, new perspective and insight into ways of overcoming the many challenges of living with cancer. It touches mind, body, spirit and soul of everyone who reads it. Road to Restoration also includes an effective reference guide containing informative resources and educational information. As a learning tool, it gives powerful information to enlighten and educate women regarding a cancer diagnosis.

Road to Restoration is one woman’s testimony of determination and perseverance. It provides inspiration by offering personal reflections from a 25-year breast cancer survivor and 14 other courageous survivors and their families and courageous survivors and their families and friends about how the cancer diagnosis affected their lives. It is surely to be a blessing to all those who read it.

If you would like her to share her personal story in person, contact her at Janice Workcuff is available for interviews 713.405.9178 or her email: [email protected].



Family and Friend Day

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hat makes a man great is not his accomplishments, his titles, or his riches. What makes a man great is the people that have shaped and molded his character. I know through past experience, that bad company can corrupt good character, but on the opposite end of the spectrum, as one surrounds themselves with positive and powerful people, they are the true beneficiaries. Looking at the example of King David, one can observe that his greatness came as a result of the people he surrounded himself by. By no means are any of these individuals without fault, but they embody character traits that added to what David already possessed. David was great, because of his royal lineage, because of his divine appointment, because he slayed giants, and because he was a man after God’s own heart.

Although David played a tremendous role in his God-given success, it was the support and strength of three key individuals (Gibborim 2

Samuel 23:8-39) that assisted David to the pinnacle of his potential: Adino, Eleazar, and Shammah. Neither of the great men in my life have slain eight hundred men by themselves (Adino 2 Samuel 23:8), fought until their weapons clung to their hands (Eleazar 2 Samuel 23:10), nor took a stand against the Philistines (Shammah 2 Samuel 23:11-12), but they have helped mold me into the man that I am today. I contend that every person, especially men, need to be mentored by another in order to become

who God has designed him or her to be. I say Lofton, Lionel, and RD are the mighty men in my life, not because of their personal victories, but because of the battles they have helped me to win.

First, my brother Lofton, I liken to Adino, because of all of the personal victories I have witnessed him win. My brother Lofton is not my eldest brother, but he has “always” been the most respectable, intelligent, honest, and has always done what was best for his family. I’m not sure of how many battles I have witnessed him win, but I have never saw him get so absorbed with one victory that he failed to realize he had to fight again another day. Lofton is a man that I see as a “product” of making consistent wise decisions. He has taught me that life is choice driven! When our dad passed, I was a young man; however it was Lofton that took the reigns of responsibility and molded me into a real man. We had fights, we have disagreed, but never have we fallen out!

An example of his great leadership came when I was in desperate need of a vehicle. I was out of work due to a “self-inflicted” injury (suicide attempt), I had been off work for twelve weeks, my wife had left me, I was broke, and living back at home with our mother.

It was time to go back to work, but I had no transportation because my car had been repossessed! Lofton knew I needed transportation and he had a Chevy Blazer, that he wanted to give me, but God did not allow him to do so. I had always been a spoiled brat, so Lofton knew if I was ever going to be broken, now was the time. I was working nights, so I used my mom’s car at night, while she went to work in the daytime. After nine weeks or so of struggle, sacrifice, and sweat I saved up and got my own transportation. Because of that lesson from Lofton, I now know that if I’m not willing to help myself, no one else is obligated to do so.

Second, is my former Pastor Lionel, I see as a type of Eleazar because of the Spiritual battles I have saw him win through his sincere faith and upright character. Just as Eleazar clung to the sword even when his hand was weary, I have watched Lionel do the same thing until victories were won in the lives of others and God got the victory. What sticks out most to me about Lionel is his stubbornness to see others become what God intends for them to be! This is an awesome trait, and has proven vital for me!

THE LOVE OF BROTHERSby Prof. C. David Harrison , M.A.C.E.



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encouragement might have been the simplest thing to do at the time.

The occasion that RD proved his loyalty to God and his love for me was when I was mad at Lionel for sitting me down at the church. I left the church and was doing great things at another ministry, but I had not healed from past church hurt and pain. I made the mistake of telling RD, and he let me have it with both guns! What he said and I quote is, “Go back to the church, swallow your pride, apologize for your past behavior, sit down and listen, let God use you, and be who God made you to be. After these things are done, then if you choose to leave then do so!” That was cool, but what stung was his next words, “If you can’t do what God has instructed you to do, loose my number and never call me again!” He was willing to loose me as a friend rather than allow me to lean to my own understanding. From this episode I see friendship as the ability to love someone only as Christ loves them (Jn. 15:12).

In conclusion, I am a better man, husband, father, and Christian because of the influence of those within my circle. From Lofton, I have received the ability to have a tough mind, with a tender heart; from Lionel, I enjoy the peace of God through righteous living and regular thanksgiving and repentance; and from RD, I now hold on to the baton until the race is finished, and not drop it when its convenient or when times get tough. These three mighty men have proven time and time again that

Several years back, I can remember like it was yesterday, when I was living below God’s standard as a leader in our church. Lionel with tears in his eyes, shut me down, silenced me to the people, and even separated himself from any personal association with me. Not only was Lionel my Pastor, but he is also my brother-in-law! At family functions if I would sit near him to eat, he would even go as far as moving to another table (1 Cor. 5:11)! I thought it was harsh, I thought it was mean, and at times I wanted to go off! But through God’s divine will, Lionel’s non-acceptance of the sin in my life, God’s chastisement, and Lionel’s continuous example of Godly character, I have become, “A Man of the Book (Ezra 7:10)!” If it had not been for this “mighty-man,” I would not have been restored at the church after a period of chastisement and cleansing, appointed as a leader, living in God’s favor, and begin to pursue an undergraduate degree in Christian Studies.

Third is my friend RD. Not only is RD a symbol of Shammah, but also we are as close as David and Jonathon. This brother is so awesome because of his calm temperament, his consistent witness, and his ability to rebuke and encourage me at the same time! Just as Shammah was one that risked his own life to quench David’s thirst, RD has on occasion blessed me beyond words. Not with things, but with the sacrifice of our friendship! He just as Lionel and Lofton knew that if I would get up off the soft side of my back, that I could in turn bless a lot of people. RD never encouraged where rebuke was needed, even though

their love for God supersedes their willingness to see loved ones function below God’s standard. Once with no car, now we have a car, a suv, and a truck; once sat down, now encouraged and supported in doing more for the global body of Christ; once ready to quit at the drop of a dime, now a true soldier of Christ with an advanced degree in Christian Education! I have learned that character is never built during tuff times, but it is revealed.

It is true that all leaders are born, however the experiences they go through and the people that groom them shape their lives. I know that it is God who is behind the scenes controlling the events of our lives. I thank God daily for all of the mighty men in my life, but these three men of character and integrity are not special, they are simply authentic. Authenticity is the distinct ability to be who you are designed to be all to the glory of God. Get close to God and encircle yourself with people that are edificatory, and most of all embrace your beauty (Psalm 8:5)!

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