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  • 8/11/2019 Martirium Nis G Milosevic


    Ni{ i Vizantija II 121

    h Naissus. . , , . (Moesia Superior), (Dacia Mediterranea).1


    , , . , , , . 230 30 , IV VI (. 1).2

    XIX . ..3 1933. 1934.

    1 . , , 1976; idem,Inscriptions de la Mesie Suprieure, Naissus - Remisiana- Horreum - Margi, vol. IV, Beograd 1979 (= IMS, IV); , Naissus , : , (. . ),

    . 73, 1993, 57 81.2 .

    . . , . , Ka ( ), 1968 (=Ka ); Lj. Zotovi, N. Petrovi, P. Petrovi,Ni, Jagodin Mala - kasnoantika nekropola,Arh. pregled9 (1967), 115 116; . , M, , 1995, 119 (= )

    3. , ( ), , 5 (1888), 118 119; . , . XIX , . 1, 1985, 167 168.

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    122 Gordana Milo{evi}

    , e , -. 17 , .4 , , . -, 1952 53., .5 () 1962. o . , . ..6


    4. -, A , 8 9 (1933 1934, . 1934), 303 310.

    5. -, . , n T M , ,IV 2 (1952), 365 367.

    6. , . , Ka ; Lj. Zotovi, N. Petrovi,P. Petrovi, nav. delo, 115 116, Tb. 39; Lj. Zotovi, Izvetaj sa iskopavanja kasnoantikenekropole u Niu,Limes u Jugoslaviji I, Beograd 1961, 171 175; , , 1 (1974), 46 51; . , , 74 88.

    . 1 : 1) ; 2) ; 2)

    Figure 1 Naissus: 1) The Fortress; 2) Presumed area of the ancient necropolis

    in Jagodin Mala; 2a) The martyry and the basilica

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 123

    . , .

    1933. . . - . o .7

    . ,, 1937. . .8

    , 7,44 x 3,13 m, , . 3,38 m. , , ,

    7A. -, . , 304, 307, . 5.8. O. , , E 5 6,

    1937, 182 183.

    . 2 , : 1) ;2) (a ,).

    Figure 2 Martyry, the west side:

    1) Remains of the pedestal;2) Window (documentation ofthe National Museum in Ni,unpublished)

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    124 Gordana Milo{evi}

    (1,57 x 1,61 x 2,82 m), , . 10 ( 3,30 m). u , , . , , , . ; (306

    327) II ? (337 361).

    .9 10 ( ?) (. 2). ( 3,00 3,5 x 2,00 m),

    . , , . , . , , , . , . .

    e 1952. 1953. , , . -.11 (. 3). z . .

    (15,50 x 21,60 m) . . . . .

    9 a , -

    , .10 (3,5 x 3,5 cm) .

    11 . . - (= ), ,IV 2 (1952). . . -, . ,. ,365 367. , , M.

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 125

    . , , .

    ( ), 1962. . . . . . 1962.

    . , .12

    . 3 , 1952. 53. .

    ( , . , )

    Fig. 3Axonometric presentation of the martyry and basilica, the research of 1952 1953(documentation of the National Museum in Belgrade,

    the drawing of the architect V. Tomaevi, unpublished)

    12 . . - ,

    . , ima m . 2 6 , : . -, b , 1971, 28 29, . IX.

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    126 Gordana Milo{evi}

    , .

    () (. 4/2). m . ,

    . , 4,20 m . . , 6,20 x 7,15 m. , . su , .

    . 4 : 1) ;2) ; 3) ; 4 9) ; I V

    ( . )

    Fig. 4 The martyry and basilica base:1) The previous enclosing wall;2) The crypt - martyry; 3) Remains of the pedestal; 4 - 9) Graves; I - V The basilica

    (drawn by G. Miloevi)

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 127

    ,13 , , IV .14

    , , 1,80 m, ( 0,60 m) (. 5). . , . , .

    , , ,

    13 , M . , , .

    14 , , . . , () .

    . 5 , , 2003. ( . , Geo Sistem Ni{).

    Fig. 5The martyry, general photograph of the east part, the state of 2003(photographed by B. Bogdanovi, Geo System Ni)

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    128 Gordana Milo{evi}

    , i (Sopiane) (. 6 9).15 , C ( ) , .16

    (. 4/I V) , . , , . (I) ().

    (II) (III) (0,80 m). (IV), 12,30 x 3,50 m, . , (V), 3,40 3,50 m, . (15,60 m).

    ().n -

    3,00 m. g

    (. 10), i, , , .

    . .17 . () . , , . X, .

    Crux coronta. .18

    , . , V , , . (), () ().

    V .19

    15Cf. E. Dyggve, R. Egger, Der Altchristliche Friedhof Marusinac, Forschungen inSalona, Driter band, Wien 1939; P. de Palol,Arqueologia cristiana de la Espana Romana,siglosIV-VI, Madrid 1967, 107 116; F. Flep,Roman cemetries on the teritory of Pcs (SOPIANAE),(Fontes Archaeologici Hungariae) Budapest 1977, 36 41; W. Sulser, H. Claussen, SanktStephan un Chur, Frhchristliche Grabkammer und Friedhofskirche, Zrich 1978.

    16J. Kovaevi, Bela Crkva u Metohiji - Arhitektonski objekti VI i nekropola sa krajaXII veka,Arh. pregled8 (1966), 150 151, T. XXXII XXXIV

    17. , - M , 1(1952), 170, 172 174, . 1 2.

    18172.19, 173 174.

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 129

    V V VI , (491 518), - . , .20

    ( 55) . . - 35 . VI , .21.

    20 . .

    . 6 , ()( E. Dyggve, R. Egger, DerAltchristliche Friedhof Marusinac,Forschungen in Salona, III, Wien 1939,16, Abb. 23; 85, Abb. 113.

    Fig. 6Salona, Marusinac (Croatia)(according to E. Dyggve, R. Egger,Der Altchristliche Friedhof Marusinac,Forschungen in Salona, III, Vienna1939, 16, Abb. 23; 85, Abb. 113)

    20 ,

    M, . I (491 518). A. M. Ma, , E 5, 1933, 90 91; . , . , 183 184.

    21. -, . ,. , 367.

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    130 Gordana Milo{evi}

    IV . V VI .

    , i . .22

    1) 2) .

    .23 - . . . .24

    . 7 , () E. Dyggve,R. Egger, Der Altchristliche

    Friedhof Marusinac,Forschungen in Salona, III,

    Wien 1939, 122, Abb. 138.

    Fig.7Salona, Kaplju(Croatia) (according to

    E. Dyggve, R. Egger, DerAltchristliche Friedhof

    Marusinac, Forschungen inSalona, III, Vienna 1939, 122,

    Abb. 138)


    . , , 20.23 .24 . -

    , . . . -, . , 305, . 3. z Extra muros , , (Iustiniana Prima). Cf. I.Nikolajevi, Necropoles et tombes Chrtiennes en Illyricum Oriental, Actes du Xe congrsinternational darchologie chretienne,Thessalonique 28 septembre 4 octobre 1980, vol. I,Sitt del Vaticano Thessalonique 1984, 525, Fig. 4.

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 131

    . .

    . () . , , . . ( V/1952),




    5 u , 1,20 m .

    , . 0,70 m. 1,10 m, 0,40 m 0,50 m. (0, 40 x 0,30 x 0,05 m) . . . . . , . .

    . 8 ,M () P. dePalol, Arqueologia cristiana de laEspana Romana, siglos IV-VI, Madrid1967, 111, Fig. 34.

    Fig. 8Martyry de La Alberca, Maruciain Spain according to P. de Palol,

    Arqueologia cristiana de la EspanaRomana, siglos IV-VI, Madrid 1967,111, Fig. 34

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    132 Gordana Milo{evi}

    , , e . . (. 4/5).25

    6 IVa, 0,80 m 5. (0,40 x 0,30 x 0,05 m). . , 0,35 x 1,00 x 0,40 m. . . .26 , 337 341.27 - .

    (. 4/6). 4 ,

    IV IV. . . 1,10 m.

    25 (. . V/1952). ( , . 51/). . .-, . ,. , 367 .

    26 (. . VI/1952). . . -, . ,., 367.

    27 . -, .

    . 9 , (W.Sulser, H. Claussen, SanktStephan un Chur, Frhchristliche

    Grabkammer und Friedhofskirche,Zrich 1978, 139, bb. 134).

    Fig. 9Pecs, a crypt (W. Sulser, H.Claussen, Sankt Stephan un Chur,Frhchristliche Grabkammer und

    Friedhofskirche, Zurich 1978,139, Abb. 134)

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 133

    2,76 m. . , 0,40 m - 0,85 m. . 1,90 m, 0,54 m, 0,50 m. 0,60 m. . . , , . . . i, , , , , . , . , (. 4/4).28

    8 (II), 4,00 m 1,00 m , 1,40 m. , 1,90 x 0,50 x0,40 m, ` . , ,

    28 (. . VII/1952). . . -, . ,., 367.

    . 10 , , . , - , 1 (1952), . 2.

    Fig. 10 Ni, Ionic impost capital, according to I. Nikolajevi, Ionic Impost-Capitals fromMacedonia and Serbia, Proceedings of RVZM 1 (1952), Fig. 2

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    134 Gordana Milo{evi}

    . claves- . (. 4/8).29

    7, (. . ). 1962. . (IV), (. 4/7; 11 12).

    .30 , . 78,8 cm, 83,5 cm. 34,5 cm 26,4 cm. 19 21 cm. 21 22cm. , . . , . .31

    29 (. . I/1952). . . -, . ,.

    , 367.30. , . , ; . ,

    , 19 20.Lj. Zotovi, Jagodin Mala, Ni - kasnoantika nekropola, Arh. pregled 4(1962), 230 233. (. . ; . . ).

    31Heide i Helmut Buschhausen, Der Imperiale bleisarkophag aus dem martyrium zuNi,Rmisches sterreich17 18 (1989 1990), Wien 1991, 48.

    . 11 ,.





    Fig. 11Basilica, thenarthex. The findingplace of the Early-

    Christian sarcophagus

    (documentation ofthe ArchaeologicalInstitute in Belgrade,


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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 135

    .32 . .33 : II, I II. 337 340. .34 . i (), II, II I.35

    , , -.36

    , , .

    o (abula ansata) (. 12). A . n . , , , , . . II (375

    392). . . . ~ o. . o . , .37


    32 IV , :. , . , ; . , ,19 20; . , , 87, . 37. , , . 51/. (?) 1953. e. 410.. . (. . ), 343, . 155.(. ).

    33 I. Nikolajevi, Necropoles et tombes Chrtiennes en Illyricum Oriental, Actesdu Xe congrs international darchologie chretienne, Thessalonique 28 septembre 4octobre 1980, vol. I, Sitt del Vaticano - Thessalonique 1984, 526, Fig. 5 7, 1953. . adem, Recherches nouvelles surles monuments chrtiens de Serbie et du Montngro, Actes du XIe congres internationaldarchologie chrtienne, volume III, Lyion, Vienne, Grenoble, Geneve, Aoste 21 28septembre 1986, Rome 1989, 244 2448.

    34I. Nikolajevi, Recherches nouvelles sur les monuments chrtiens de Serbie et duMontngro, 2446.

    35Ibid, 2447, n. 10.36Heide i Helmut Buschhausen, op. cit,45 59 ( 47.

    1952 53).37Ibid, 51, 55.

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    136 Gordana Milo{evi}

    . , . .

    , , m 379. 408. .38 , , (). , , , o, I (367 383) II (375 392) I (379 395).

    379. .39 .

    . 12 , ( ).

    Fig. 12The imperial triad, a detail of the Early-Christian sarcophagus(documentation of the Archaeological Institute)

    38Valentinianus I, Valens, Gratianus II (367 375); Valens, Gratianus, Valentinianus

    II (375 378): Gratianus II, Valentinianus II, Theodosius I (379 383); Valentinianus II,Theodosius I, Arcadius (383 392); Theodosius I, Arcadius, Honorius (393 395); Arcadius,Honorius, Theodosius II (402 408),Ibid, 52 53.

    39 I (-) 379. , . . Cf. Heide i Helmut Buschhausen, op. cit, 53; P. Petrovi,IMSIV, 135 136, .133; . , 1983, 15. . 1.

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 137

    i ? , , . . , , . , , , ( 387, 450) (395 423) - . , , . . 385. 395. ,

    I .40 ,

    , , . .41 , , .


    (. 4/1). , , , .

    i . , , . a (. 4/2 3).

    . II, IV , II (337 361).

    , :


    40Heide i Helmut Buschhausen, op.cit, 60. H , 250 . : . , , 5 6 (1954 1955, 1956), 57 58.

    41 , . . , . , 57 58.

  • 8/11/2019 Martirium Nis G Milosevic


    138 Gordana Milo{evi}

    , . IV. V , . a . i XI XII 500 m, . .42

    : ? ,

    . V, (IV ) De laude sanctorum, (P. L., XX, 453) .43, , o (284 305) (308 324), , .

    .44 1072.

    42. , , , , , , .XCIV, , 26, 2000, 163 169; , S. , 39 (2001-2002), 103 145.

    43 H. Delehaye, Saints de Thrace et de Msie, Analecta Bolondiana 31 (1912),257; Idem,Les Origines du culte des Martyrs, Bruxelles 1933, 246; J. Zeiler, Les origineschrtiens des provinces danubiennes de lEmpire romain, Paris 1918, 108. Cf. Victricius,Delaude sanctorum 11(edd. I. Mulders-R. Demeule Naere, Corpus Christianorum, Ser. Latina64, 1985, 86: citirano prema R. Barto, Die Entwicklung der Kirhen Organisation in denWestabalkan-Provinzen (4. bis 6. Jahrhundert),Miscellanea Bulgarica5 (Das Christentumin Bulgarien und auf der brigen Balkanhalbinsel in der Sptantike und im FrMittelalter,.V.Gjuzelev und R, Pillinger, II Internationalen Symposium Haskovo, Bulgarien, 10 13. Jun1986), Wien 1987, 168, n. 21.

    44 . (. , , VIII II, 1971, 74).

    45 . . Cf. H. Delehaye, Saints de Thrace et de Msie, 257; idem, LesOrigines du culte des Martyrs, 246, J. Zeiler, p. cit. 108, n. 2. . : . , . , . , 38 (1987, .1988), 83 109.

    46 (Cyriacus a Naiso), s 343. . (Gaudentius, 343, ), . V VI (Bonosus), (Martianus episcopus Naissitanus, 409 411. ) (Gaianus, posle 516. ). (Proiectus, 553. ., , J. Zeiler,op. cit, 158 159, 599; P. Petrovi,IMS IV, 43.

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    Ni{ i Vizantija II 139

    . . ( ) 1169. . 1374. . .45

    IV u .46 , s s. , 344. , .47 . V . , 448. , ,

    . , (), .48 ,

    ,i e . () , , .

    Gordana Milosevic


    Through many years of archaeological excavations and reconnaissance, as well asby accidental findings, it has been established that the greatest urban necropolis of ancientNaissus was located on the right bank of the Niava River, to the east of the town itself, onthe road to Ratiaria. The first data on the necropolis in Jagodin Mala were registered at theend of the 19th century in the researches of M. Valtrovi and F. Kanitz.

    With the assistance of the Royal Administration of the Bannat in Ni, archaeologicalexcavations, managed by Adam Ori-Slaveti, were undertaken in the years of 1933 and1934. The research included 17 vaulted crypts, several walled-in and freely dug-in gravesand four Christian churches. On that occasion, a larger sepulchral structure was investigatedin the west part of the necropolis, near the present-day Bridge of the Youth. In 1952-1953,

    Dj. Mano-Zisi carried out some minor archaeological research of the same site and foundthe remains of an Early-Christian basilica and a number of crypts and graves. The researchin the west part of the basilica and the immediate neighborhood of the sepulchral structure

    47P. Petrovi, op. cit,43, n. 31.48. , , VIIII, 1955, 13. M.

    e : . . , M , 1998, 15.

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    140 Gordana Milo{evi}

    (the martyry) was continued in 1962 under the management of M. Grbi and in collabora-tion with N. Petrovi and Lj. Zotovi. The most significant finding of this excavation was anEarly-Christian childs leaden sarcophagus with a figural presentation of the cross and three-member busts of the imperial triad (Gratian, Valentinian II and Theodosius I).

    Former researches of this complex have not been published in full, but it has beenestablished that the monumental crypt - martyry, the Early-Christian basilica and the gravesbelong to different chronological layers. The first interment level is older than the basilicaand dated back to the second half of the 4th century. The second level contains the graves thatwere synchronous with the basilica, having dated from the 6th century. The graves of the last,the third level were dug in after the destruction of the basilica and the above-ground part ofthe martyry, and they belong to the medieval layer.

    Regarding the available archaeological and historical data, we may suggest the fol-lowing chronology of building and using the complex of the grand crypt - martyry and thecemetery basilica.

    The remains of the enclosing wall (Figure 4/1) belong to the first and the oldest phase.

    This, supposedly enclosing area was divided in two parts, the south and the north one. Thethickness and the founding depth of the uncovered wall parts indicate that this was a boundarywall, which bordered two or more open areas. This used to be a cultic area in the middle ofwhich there was most probably a grave - memorial. After some time, a structure with a cryptand a pedestal was added (Figure 4/2-3). According to the finding of a coin of ConstantiusII, the monumental crypt might have been built in the middle of the 4th century and it mightbe indirectly dated to the ruling period of Constantines sons, in particular to Constantius II(337-361).

    Concurrently with the construction of a memorial dedicated to a perished martyr, a ne-cropolis of the privileged was formed in its immediate vicinity for burying prelates, membersof the establishment and their families who wished to be taken to resurrection by the saintsthemselves. The positions of the leaden sarcophagus and the other four graves mentionedabove imply that a cult related to the martyrs grave had already been established in the sec-ond half of the 4th century. Near the end of the 5th century, a cemetery basilica was erectedover the necropolis, at the east side of the martyry. Interment in the basilica and around it

    continued all the way to the fall of the town into the hands of Avarians and Slavs. Buryingcarried on in the ruins of the basilica and the martyry during the 11th and 12th centuries. Thisperiod should be related to the restoration of life in the demolished Naissus in the MiddleAges and to the construction of a Byzantine church located 500 m to the northeast, nowadaysin the churchyard of St Panteleimon.