martin institute 2012 conference program


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The Martin Insitute 2012 Conference, Teaching for Tomorrow


Page 1: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

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T H E M A RT I N I N S T I T U T E 2 0 1 2 C O N F E R E NC E



Page 2: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

2 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

Now that all the advance work and planning are finished, I am excited to welcome you to the best professional development opportunity of the year. The 2012 Martin

Institute Conference brings together outstanding classroom teachers, administrators, university faculty, educational consultants, and business leaders from around the world to exchange ideas, all in support of promoting 21st century skills in the classroom. I hope this experience enables you to return to the classroom reinvigorated with innovative ideas, strategies, and projects to help all students learn and inspire them for future success.

If this is your first event at the Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence, you are in for a real treat, though you may need to prepare yourself for a dose of professional overload. You will have opportunities to connect with new colleagues and identify ways to enhance teaching and learning in your classroom. This year’s theme is Teaching for Tomorrow, and topics will include: higher-order thinking skills, assessment, evaluation, life skills, critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, learning environments, and more.

The Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence, its partners, the conference steering committee, sponsors, exhibitors, and the numerous volunteers who help make this conference a reality, welcome you to the 2012 Conference!

Clif Mims, Ph.D.Executive DirectorMartin Institute for Teaching Excellence

On behalf of the faculty and staff of Presbyterian Day School, I am delighted to welcome you to the 2012 Summer Conference of The Martin Institute for Teaching

Excellence. PDS is proud to partner with the University of Memphis in supporting the institute as it offers world class professional development to public and private school educators.

Please let a member of the PDS staff or team of volunteers know if there are ways that we can assist you during the conference. We want your time and experience on the PDS campus to be comfortable and friendly. I wish you a stimulating and productive conference, and I look forward to learning with and from you as we seek to provide an outstanding education to the students entrusted to us at our many schools.


Lee BurnsHeadmasterPresbyterian Day School

W E L C O M E T O T H E 2 0 1 2 S U M M E R C O N F E R E N C E !

Page 3: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

2 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 3

KEyNOTE SpEaKER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

FEaTUREd SpEaKERS/SESSIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7

OvERaLL SCHEdULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

SESSION 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

SESSION 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

SESSION 1+2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11

SESSION 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

SESSION 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13

SESSION 3+4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

SESSION 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15

SESSION 6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

SESSION 5+6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

SESSION 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

SESSION 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

SESSION 7+8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20

dESCRIpTIONS OF WORKSHOpS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21-31

FaCILITaTOR dIRECTORy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33

GENERaL INFORMaTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34-35

MapS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36-38

T a B L E O F


Page 4: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

John HunterJohn Hunter is a 4th grade teacher with

Albemarle County Schools in Charlottesville, Virginia. Much attention has been brought to John Hunter’s teaching because of his 2011 TEDtalk, which was named by TED and the Huffington Post as the most influential idea of 2011.

John Hunter believes that his fourth grade students can solve world peace, as well as develop strategies for solving nuclear disasters, oil spills, global warming, endangered species issues, mineral rights, water rights—a total of about 30 interlocking, real world problems. John sets The World Peace Game in motion and then guides his students through the critical and strategic thinking, collaboration, and negotiation processes needed to understand and develop solutions for these global issues. Hunter explains, “The World Peace Game is about learning to live and work comfortably in the unknown.”

Over the course of the last 25 years, John has developed The World Peace Game, a multi-dimensional strategic board game that requires his fourth graders to solve world dilemmas that are environmental, geopolitical, financial, military, and every other layer he can think of combined. He uses his large scale game grounded in real world problems to teach his students critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, coordination, communication, research, negotiation skills, and the skill of synthesis, among other vital 21st century skills. His approach is to create a stimulating learning environment that excites, inspires, challenges, and supports students in their learning. Students learn to observe, connect, think, and construct meaning through inquiry, collaboration, and experimentation.

John’s teaching approach is completely student-centered and aligned with an emphasis on 21st century thinking skills. The learning environment that he structures is dynamic, fast-paced, and intense which results in highly motivated and engaged students who take real ownership and interest in their learning.

4 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

K E y N O T E

S p E a K E R

FedEx is the sponsor of John Hunter’s Keynote Address as well as the screening of the documentary, World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements.

Page 5: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

Dr . Katie Wood RayBetween her passion for

elementary writing instruction and a love of children’s literature, Katie Wood Ray found herself asking, “What if children were introduced to key qualities of good writing in the context of illustrations?” This question led to the research behind In Pictures and In Words. The answer was simple yet powerful: “The thinking students do while reading picture books can help them see the connection between what words and illustrations do to make meaning.” As an author of bestselling Heinemann books such as Already Ready, Study Driven, About the Authors, and What You Know By Heart and as a member of Heinemann Professional Development Services, Katie has always given teachers resources and PD that transform writing instruction and help children discover a lifelong love of writing.

A former Associate Professor at Western Carolina University, Katie is now a full time writer and researcher of the teaching of writing. With a particular focus on the study of writing craft, she leads teacher workshops and summer institutes across the nation related to the teaching of writing. Her professional background includes both elementary and middle school teaching experience and two years as a staff developer at The Reading and Writing Project, Teachers College, Columbia University. She was also the co-editor of the journal Primary Voices K–6, a publication of the National Council of Teachers of English.

Katie is also the author or co-author of Spelling in Use: Looking Closely at Spelling in the Whole Language Classrooms (1996, NCTE), Wondrous Words: Writers and Writing in the Elementary Classroom (1999, NCTE), and The Writing Workshop: Working Through the Hard Parts (And They’re All Hard Parts) (2001, NCTE). A frequent speaker at conferences and summer institutes around the country, Katie also has extensive experience teaching teachers in workshop and demonstration settings.

Mrs . Sande DawesSande comes to the Martin

Institute excited about further exploring the notion that students have different abilities and experiences and, therefore, learn in diverse ways.

Sande has been teaching and growing with a wide variety of learners since 1985. She is an on-line instructor/coach-facilitator with the Multiple Intelligence Institute out of Beijing, China and an instructor/coach/consultant for Harvard University’s WIDE World online professional development program. At Harvard University’s Project Zero Classroom and Future of Learning Institutes, she is a member of the faculty as a study group leader and a mini-course instructor.

Sande is however, most importantly, a classroom teacher in Berlin, Connecticut. It is in this setting that she takes the key ideas of differentiated instruction, teaching for understanding along with Howard Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, and crafts experiences that guide learners to construct meaning and seek genuine understanding.

Dr . Alfred HallDr. Alfred Hall serves

as an Assistant Professor of Science Education at The University of Memphis. Prior to becoming a faculty member at the university, Dr. Hall served as Director of Mathematics and Science, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction, Chief Academic Officer, and Chief of Staff for the Memphis City Schools system from 2001 - 2011.

Dr. Hall also serves as a member of the Integrated STEM Education Committee with the National Research Council and National Academy of Engineering, as well as an Advisory Board Member with the Appalachian Regional Comprehensive Center at Edvantia, Inc.

The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 5

F E a T U R E d

S p E a K E R S

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6 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

Mr . Bo AdamsBo Adams considers

himself first and foremost to be a learner. He treasures being a son, a husband, and a dad. Bo identifies as a lifelong runner, and he experiences regular bouts of obsession with triathlon, mountain biking, and kayaking. Bo loves to read, write, draw, design, tinker, and think. Bo believes any boundaries between school and life should be blurred and semi-permeable at least.

Professionally, Bo proudly serves and leads in education. From 1995 until 2012, Bo worked at The Westminster Schools in Atlanta, Georgia, where he fulfilled a number of roles during his tenure there. In Bo’s last nine years at Westminster, he served as the principal of the Junior High School. In 2006, Bo co-founded The Center for Teaching at The Westminster Schools. Bo’s primary points of focus throughout his principalship were faculty development, professional learning communities, assessment literacy, project-based learning, change management, and educational innovation. In 2010, Bo and Jill Gough launched “Synergy” – a community-issues, project-based, problem-identification-and-solutions course for eighth graders. Prior to coming to Westminster, Bo worked at Darlington School in Rome, Georgia; Loudoun Country Day School in Leesburg, Virginia; and Camp Sea Gull in Arapahoe, North Carolina.

Beginning in July 2012, Bo works as the Director of Educational Innovation at Unboundary, a strategic design studio in Atlanta, Georgia, specializing in transformational change processes, communications, and brand significance. Bo remains active as an edu-blogger at It’s About Learning ( and @boadams1 on Twitter.

Dr . David HillDavid Hill is the Director

of Academic Operations for the Diocese of Memphis Catholic Schools. In this role, he provides leadership for the Jubilee Schools, which are unprecedented examples of previously closed Catholic schools re-opening to serve a predominantly low-income student population via significant need-based scholarships. Previously, Dr. Hill served as Executive Director of Teacher Effectiveness for Memphis City Schools. He was the architect and lead writer of the Teacher Effectiveness Initiative, which earned a $90 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, garnered tremendous local philanthropic support, and significantly informed Tennessee’s winning “Race to the Top” application. Additionally, he served as teacher and coach at South Side High School and the founding principal of The Soulsville Charter School in Memphis, TN. Dr. Hill earned his A.B., cum laude, in History and teaching certificate from Princeton University, his M.S. in Educational Leadership from Christian Brothers University, and his Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from Peabody College, Vanderbilt University. His noteworthy published writings include The Stained Glass Window Theory and the award-winning The Self-Defined African American Community of Jim Crow Memphis. Dr. Hill is married with three young sons.

F E a T U R E d S p E a K E R S

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On Thursday at 2:15 pm, attendees will choose from one of three featured sessions to attend:

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Teaching the Qualities of Good Writing Through Illustration

RooM: EC Commons


DeScRIPTIon: A demonstration on how students can be taught about essential qualities of good writing — ideas and content, precision and detail, tone, wholeness of text, and layout and design — in the context of a study of picture book illustrations.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Katie Wood Ray Heinemann, NC

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Taking our next Steps: Using a “Study Group” Setting to Reflect and Plan

RooM: E1111


DeScRIPTIon: Join us in a “study group” setting as we anticipate our next steps beyond the Martin Institute! Study Group is a great opportunity to synthesize and personalize the information introduced in the exciting and informative sessions during our two-days here at the Martin Institute. Let’s think strategically and connect these new ideas and understandings by exploring how they might look in our personal practices

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Sande DawesBerlin Public Schools, Berlin, CT

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

What’s Hot in Memphis

RooM: Fellowship Hall


DeScRIPTIon: Statistics prove that all children, regardless of where they live, can become successful learners. The key is high-quality education and teachers that are committed to meeting the needs of the students whom they serve. Come hear Dr. David Hill of the Jubilee Schools, David Montague with Memphis Teacher Residency, and Trent Williamson of Harding Academy as they discuss how they are helping to provide outstanding educational environments in Memphis.

PReSenTeR:Dr. David HillCatholic Diocese, Jubilee Schools, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. David MontagueMemphis Teacher Residency, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. Trent WilliamsonHarding Academy, Memphis, TN

F E a T U R E d S E S S I O N S

The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 7

Mr . David MontagueDavid Montague serves as

the Director of the Memphis Teacher Residency (MTR). Prior to the MTR, David served for two years (2005-2007) with Campus Crusade with Christ in East Asia. From 2000-2005, David was the Director of Service Over Self, an urban home-repair ministry in the Binghampton neighborhood of Memphis. From 1987-2000, David was a Managing Director with Morgan Keegan, an investment brokerage firm. David, a lifetime Memphian, graduated in 1986 from Southern Methodist University (Dallas, TX) with a degree in Finance. David has been married to his wife Kelli for 19 years and they have four daughters: May, Annie, Ruthie, and Mary Van. David enjoys time with his family and outdoor activities like biking, running, and swimming.

Mr . Trent WilliamsonTrent Williamson is

President at Harding Academy of Memphis. He is a native of Rifle, Colorado. He received his B.A. from Harding University and has a M.A. in History from the University of Memphis. From 1990-1995, Trent was a coach and History teacher at Harding Academy. He spent 5 years as Upper School Head at New Hope Christian Academy and then served as Headmaster at New Hope for 6 years. He returned to Harding as President in March 2012. Trent is the founding Director and a Board Member of Memphis Opportunity Scholarship Trust (MOST). He is married to Kristen Williamson and they have four children: Abayomi, Karli, Cole, and Kennedy.

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8 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

W E d N E S d a y , J U N E 1 3


8:00 am - 3:30 pm Registration C310

8:30 am - 8:50 am Welcome, Throughlines Fellowship Hall

8:50 am - 10:10 am Screening | Sponsored by World Peace and Other 4th Grade Achievements

Fellowship Hall

10:00 am - 10:30 am Exhibit Hall Opens/Break and Snacks Exhibit Hall

10:30 am - 11:20 am Session 1 - 50 min workshops See Pages 9-11

11:30 am - 12:20 pm Session 2 - 50 min workshops See Pages 9-11

11:00 am - 1:00 pm Lunch Delivered by Exhibit Hall

12:30 pm - 1:20 pm Session 3 - 50 min workshops See Pages 12-14

1:30 pm - 2:20 pm Session 4 - 50 min workshops See Pages 12-14

2:20 pm - 2:45 pm Break/Snack Exhibit Hall

2:45 pm - 3:30 pm Keynote: John Hunter | Sponsored by Fellowship Hall

3:30 pm - 3:50 pm Q&A: John Hunter Fellowship Hall

3:50 pm - 4:00 pm Door Prizes Fellowship Hall

T H U R S d a y , J U N E 1 4


8:00 am - 3:30 pm Registration C310

8:00 am - 8:30 am Exhibit Hall Opens/Snacks and Coffee Exhibit Hall

8:30 am - 8:45 am Welcome Fellowship Hall

8:45 am - 9:15 am Panel Discussion - Current Trends and the Future of Education Fellowship Hall

9:15 am - 9:30 am Q&A Fellowship Hall

9:30 am - 10:00 am Break/Snack Exhibit Hall

10:00 am - 10:50 am Session 5 - 50 min workshops See Pages 15-17

11:00 am - 11:50 am Session 6 - 50 min workshops See Pages 15-17

11:00 am - 1:00 am Lunch Available Exhibit Hall

12:00 pm - 12:50 pm Session 7 - 50 min workshops See Pages 18-20

1:00 pm - 1:50 pm Session 8 - 50 min workshops See Pages 18-20

1:50 pm - 2:15 pm Break/Exhibit Hall Prize Drawings Exhibit Hall

2:15 pm - 3:00 pm Featured Sessions - Choose one

Dr. Katie Wood Ray - Teaching the Qualities of Good Writing Through Illustration

EC Commons

Mrs. Sande Dawes - Taking Our Next Steps: Using a “Study Group” Setting to Reflect and Plan


Hill, Montague, Williamson - What’s Hot in Memphis Fellowship Hall

3:15 pm - 4:00 pm Finale: Throughlines, Prizes Fellowship Hall

Session 1+2 - 100 min workshops

Session 5+6 - 100 min workshops

Session 7+8 - 100 min workshops

Session 3+4 - 100 min workshops

O v E R a L L

S C H E d U L E

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8 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 9

W E d N E S d a y , 10:30 am - 11:20 am

S E S S I O N 1You may choose both a workshop from Session 1 and a workshop from Session 2, or you may

choose a workshop from the combined Session 1+2. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q Active Learning Learning with the iPod Touch EC1130 21

q Am I Seeing Signs of Dyslexia? EC1101 21

q Asking Our Customers D104 21

q Bring Engineering to the Classroom and Beyond D100 22

q Creating Content for the iPad EC1125 22

q Data Driven Inclusion D103 22

q Differentiation, Creativity, Collaboraion, Critical Thinking, and Communication

D102 22

q Driving Students Through Teamwork EC1106 23

q Going Google Chrome EC1107 24

q Informative, Formative Assessments EC1108 24

q Integrating Value Dilemmas to Teach Cold War Content D108 25

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Leading Learners to Level Up D117 25

q Pink Palace Suitcase Exhibits and Passport Kits D112 26

q SMART Notebook for Windows: An Introduction EC1129 27

q Talking Vocabulary D110 29

q Free K-12 Educational Videos EC1127 31

q Weaving STEM Into the Classroom D107 31

q Working Without the Internet D101 31

q Worth a Thousand Words: Credit Where Credit is Due EC1109 31

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10 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow


q Active Learning Learning with the iPod Touch EC1130 21

q Am I Seeing Signs of Dyslexia? EC1101 21

q Asking Our Customers D104 21

q Bring Engineering to the Classroom and Beyond D100 22

q Data Driven Inclusion D103 22

q Differentiation, Creativity, Collaboraion, Critical Thinking, and Communication

D102 22

q Driving Students Through Teamwork EC1106 23

q Going Google Chrome EC1107 24

q iBooks Author EC1125 24

q Informative, Formative Assessments EC1108 24

q Integrating Value Dilemmas to Teach Cold War Content D108 25

q Pink Palace Suitcase Exhibits and Passport Kits D112 26

q SMART Notebook for Windows: An Introduction EC1129 27

q Talking Vocabulary D110 29

q Teaching Writing With Sports D117 29

q Free K-12 Educational Videos EC1127 31

q Weaving STEM Into the Classroom D107 31

q Working Without the Internet D101 31

q Worth a Thousand Words: Credit Where Credit is Due EC1109 31

S E S S I O N 2W E d N E S d a y , 11:30 am - 12:20 pm

You may choose both a workshop from Session 1 and a workshop from Session 2, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 1+2. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

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10 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 11

W E d N E S d a y , 10:30 am - 12:20 pm

S E S S I O N 1+2You may choose both a workshop from Session 1 and a workshop from Session 2, or you may

choose a workshop from the Combined Session 1+2. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Making Thinking Center Stage with Literacy and Language Arts EC1121 26

q Psychoeducational Testing EC1126 27

q Tell a Story in Six Words D105 29

q Tigers Teach: Constructivism to Teach Math and Science EC1103 30

q Twitter 101 EC1132 30

C o n f e r e n c e T h r o u g h l i n e

How can you best inspire

and nurture creative

thinking and problem solving

in your students and yourself?

Page 12: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

12 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow


q The 21st Century Inclusion Classroom D100 21

q The Back Channel EC1109 21

q Beyond Our Walls: Video-conferencing EC1127 21

q Digital Pedagogy for the 21st Century D102 23

q Globalize Your Curriculum with the Model United Nations D107 23

q Learn Here, Lead Anywhere D117 25

q Letter of the Week EC1107 25

q RAP with Urban Males EC1101 27

q Stanford University’s EPGY Web-Based Programs EC1106 28

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

STEM Education and Next Generation Science Standards D105 28

q The “Strategic” Strategic Plan EC1129 28

q Supporting Students in Developing Scientific Explanations D101 28

q Technology as Diverse as Our Community D108 29

q Tired of the Same Old Assessments EC1129 30

q Utilizing Peer Tutoring within the Multi-Ability Classroom D103 30

S E S S I O N 3W E d N E S d a y , 12:30 pm - 1:20 pm

You may choose both a workshop from Session 3 and a workshop from Session 4, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 3+4. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

Page 13: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

12 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 13


q The 21st Century Inclusion Classroom D100 21

q The Back Channel EC1109 21

q Beyond Our Walls: Video-conferencing EC1127 21

q Digital Pedagogy for the 21st Century D102 23

q Globalize Your Curriculum with the Model United Nations D107 23

q Learn Here, Lead Anywhere D117 25

q Letter of the Week EC1107 25

q RAP with Urban Males EC1101 27

q Stanford University’s EPGY Web-Based Programs EC1106 28

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

STEM Education and Next Generation Science Standards D105 28

q Supporting Students in Developing Scientific Explanations D101 28

q Technology as Diverse as Our Community D108 29

q Tired of the Same Old Assessments EC1129 30

q Utilizing Peer Tutoring within the Multi-Ability Classroom D103 30

W E d N E S d a y , 1:30 pm - 2:20 pm

S E S S I O N 4You may choose both a workshop from Session 3 and a workshop from Session 4, or you may

choose a workshop from the combined Session 3+4. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

Page 14: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

14 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow


qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Making Thinking Center Stage with Literacy and Language Arts EC1121 26

q Managing iOS Devices in the Classroom EC1125 26

q Practical Strategies for Classroom Management D104 27

q Reflective Journaling and Literature in the Classroom D114 27

q SMART Notebook 11 and All Things SMART! EC1132 28

q Somersaulting the Classroom EC1126 28

q Using Technology to Share Students’ Writing EC1103 30

q Where Are We Headed and How Do We Get There? EC1128 31

S E S S I O N 3+4W E d N E S d a y , 12:30 pm - 2:20 pm

You may choose both a workshop from Session 3 and a workshop from Session 4, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 3+4. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

C o n f e r e n c e T h r o u g h l i n e

How will you continue pursuing

and sharing your understanding

of the ideas from this conference?

Page 15: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

14 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow 15

T H U R S d a y , 10:00 am - 10:50 am

S E S S I O N 5You may choose both a workshop from Session 5 and a workshop from Session 6, or you may

choose a workshop from the combined Session 5+6. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q Boosting the Brain with Humor D101 22

q Getting “HOT” in Science Instruction D110 23

q Handy and Helpful Websites for the 7-12 Classroom EC1109 24

q Hotwired To Inquire D102 24

q How Images Impact the Momentum of Change EC1130 24

q The Influence of Culture within the Social Studies Classroom D108 24

q Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works EC1108 25

q Make Digital Books EC1125 26

q QR Code Activated! D107 27

q Reseach and Writing by a Humanities Team EC1107 27

q St. Jude Presents: Cure4Kids for Teachers D114 28

q Top Ten Cool Things You Can Do with Google Search EC1103 30

q Touchable Technology: Tech at your Fingertips EC1128 30

q Working Smarter, Not Harder EC1106 31 C o n f e r e n c e T h r o u g h l i n e

How will you continue pursuing

and sharing your understanding

of the ideas from this conference?

Page 16: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

16 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow


q Boosting the Brain with Humor D101 22

q Getting “HOT” in Science Instruction D110 23

q Handy and Helpful Websites for the 7-12 Classroom EC1109 24

q Hotwired To Inquire D102 24

q How Images Impact the Momentum of Change EC1130 24

q The Influence of Culture within the Social Studies Classroom D108 24

q Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works EC1108 25

q Make Digital Books EC1125 26

q QR Code Activated! D107 27

q Reseach and Writing by a Humanities Team EC1107 27

q St. Jude Presents: Cure4Kids for Teachers D114 28

q Top Ten Cool Things You Can Do with Google Search EC1103 30

q Touchable Technology: Tech at your Fingertips EC1128 30

q Working Smarter, Not Harder EC1106 31

S E S S I O N 6T H U R S d a y , 11:00 am - 11:50 am

You may choose both a workshop from Session 5 and a workshop from Session 6, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 5+6. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

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T H U R S d a y , 10:00 am - 11:50 am

S E S S I O N 5+6You may choose both a workshop from Session 5 and a workshop from Session 6, or you may

choose a workshop from the combined Session 5+6. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q Blended Learning D104 22

q Collaboration General Education and Special Education Teachers EC1127 22

q Differentiated Instruction D105 22

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

The Essentials of a Primary Writing Workshop EC Commons 23

q Flip Your Classroom EC1126 23

q Integration is the Key to Meeting the Standards D103 25

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Making Thinking Center Stage with STEM EC1121 26

q Objects in SMART Notebook Software D100 26

q So, You Wanna Be A Board Certified Teacher? D117 28

q Teaching 2.0: Rethink, Reimagine, Reinvent EC1132 29

q Transformative Innovation: iPads for PK-8 EC1101 30

C o n f e r e n c e T h r o u g h l i n e

What is understanding

and how does it develop?

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18 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow


q 21st Century Skills and the Dyslexic Mind EC1109 21

q 25 ways to Integrate Technology D103 21

q All’s Well That Ends Well EC1103 21

q Creating a Classroom for ALL Students D100 22

q Creating Courses with iTunes U Course Manager EC1125 22

q Fun, Free, Fantastic Technology Tools D110 23

q How Google Apps Saved My Life! EC1121 24

q Increase Parent Involvement Through Play EC1126 24

q The Jubilee Schools EC1108 25

q Lapbooks for Science and Social Studies D101 25

q LiveBinders: The Virtual Three-Ring Binder EC1101 25

q The Power of Volunteers in the Classroom D104 27

q SMART Notebook Lessons D107 28

q Supporting Teachers with Reflective Practice D114 28

q Technology By Association D108 29

q There’s an App for That! EC1107 30

S E S S I O N 7T H U R S d a y , 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm

You may choose both a workshop from Session 7 and a workshop from Session 8, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 7+8. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.

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T H U R S d a y , 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

S E S S I O N 8You may choose both a workshop from Session 7 and a workshop from Session 8, or you may

choose a workshop from the combined Session 7+8. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q 21st Century Skills and the Dyslexic Mind EC1109 21

q 25 ways to Integrate Technology D103 21

q All’s Well That Ends Well EC1103 21

q Creating a Classroom for ALL Students D100 22

q Fun, Free, Fantastic Technology Tools D110 23

q How Google Apps Saved My Life! EC1121 24

q Increase Parent Involvement Through Play EC1126 24

q Lapbooks for Science and Social Studies D101 25

q LiveBinders: The Virtual Three-Ring Binder EC1101 25

q The Power of Volunteers in the Classroom D104 27

q Presenting with the iPad EC1125 27

q SMART Notebook Lessons D107 28

q Supporting Teachers with Reflective Practice D114 28

q Technology By Association D108 29

q There’s an App for That! EC1107 30

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20 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

S E S S I O N 7+8T H U R S d a y , 12:00 pm - 1:50 pm

You may choose both a workshop from Session 7 and a workshop from Session 8, or you may choose a workshop from the combined Session 7+8. Descriptions of ALL workshops can be found on pages 21-31. A mobile version of the schedule is available on the Martin Institute website at The

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

symbol indicates that this is a featured workshop.


q The Changing Landscape of Professional Development D102 22

q Edmodo & Other Free and Easy Ways to Inegrate Technology EC1127 23

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

The Essentials of a Primary Writing Workshop EC Commons 23

q Rewiring the Reading/Language Arts Block EC1130 27

q So, You Wanna Be A Board Certified Teacher? D117 28

qThe Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Synergy: Questions are the Waypoints on the Path of Wisdom EC1128 29

q What Does Math Look Like in the 21st Century? EC1132 31

C o n f e r e n c e T h r o u g h l i n e

If you are serious about

excellence in your classroom

and in your school, then what

questions should you be asking?

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The 21st century Inclusion classroom

RooM: D100 SeSSIon: 3,4


DeScRIPTIon: A how-to session for the successful inclusion of students with multiple disabilities (i.e. Non-verbal, Physical limitations, Autism, etc.) into the general education classroom.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Melanie Moss Department of Exceptional Children-SCS Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Miss Tamela Box Department of Exceptional Children-SCS Memphis, TN

21st century Skills and the Dyslexic Mind

RooM: EC1109 SeSSIon: 7,8


DeScRIPTIon: Participants will come to understand how the unique structure and funcationality of the dyslexic brain is ideal for the changing expectations of the 21st century. We will discuss how brain science and a globalized world are colliding, and in doing so, transforming a disability into a unique advantage.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Josh ClarkThe Bodine School, Germantown, TN

25 Ways to Integrate Technology

RooM: D103 SeSSIon: 7,8


DeScRIPTIon: Find out more than 25 ways to integrate technology in your classroom tomorrow.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Terilyn McChristonMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

Active Learning with the iPod Touch

RooM: EC1130 SeSSIon: 1,2


DeScRIPTIon: “There’s An App For That.” Come see example iPod lessons that can be adapted for any classroom.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Mason GraceHouston HS/MS, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Kitty Hiltenbrand Houston HS/MS, Memphis, TN

All’s Well That ends Well

RooM: EC1103 SeSSIon: 7,8


DeScRIPTIon: Evaluation protocols in use by local school systems value a strong opening, middle, and ending in a lesson. This presentation offers a variety of strategies to re-energize lessons and capitalize on the learning that occurred.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Mary RansdellUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Am I Seeing Signs of Dyslexia?

RooM: EC1101 SeSSIon: 1,2


DeScRIPTIon: This session will focus on the fundamental facts known about dyslexia, signs of dyslexia, and intervention ideas.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Diane WoodJ.L. Boren Elementary, Mansfield, TX

Asking our customers

RooM: D104 SeSSIon: 1,2


DeScRIPTIon: Understand the research on student surveys of teacher practice and how schools are using them as a tool for teacher evaluation and professional development. Plus, a discussion of the results from a recent pilot in Georgia through the state’s Race to the Top initiative involving over 15,000 students and 900 teachers.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Ryan BalchVanderbilt University, Nashville, TN

The Back channel

RooM: EC1109 SeSSIon: 3,4


DeScRIPTIon: What is a back channel? What are some of the ways I might be able to use that for collaboration and to promote a better understanding among my students, the faculty, and parents in meeting situations? See how tools such as Chatzy, Twitter, Titanpad and others can help bring about additional discussion of topics in a school.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Paul WoodBishop Dunne Catholic School, Dallas, TX

Beyond our Walls: Videoconferencing

RooM: EC1127 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Join us as we explore the many types of distance learning that teachers can use to extend learning beyond their four walls by connecting their classrooms to the outside world.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Amy MoodySt. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School Memphis, TN

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Online notes/blogging allowed

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22 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

Blended Learning

RooM: D104 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: Want to flip your classroom? Blended learning incorporates the best of face-to-face and online instruction. Teachers who use a blended method believe their students are more engaged and learn more than in a traditional classroom. We will discuss blended environments, teaching strategies, and free tools to help you get started! BYOL

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Angela ChristopherTipton County Schools, Covington, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Carmen WeaverUniversity of Memphis, Memphis,, TN

Boosting the Brain with Humor

RooM: D101 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: An on-your-feet, experiential, laughter-laden look at how a ready sense of humor can give you an advantage in working with students, adults, or even little green men in space suits. Learn ways to incorporate humor into the classroom as well as into everyday communications. Laughter and humor can provide an advantage in the game of life and learning.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Linda MitchellMississippi State University, Mississippi State, MS

Bringing engineering to the classroom and Beyond

RooM: D100 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: An overview of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) educational resources available online. Developed by the IEEE professional engineering society, is an online portal about engineering and engineering careers, developed to help young people understand what engineering means.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Yuri QuintanaSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

The changing Landscape of Professional Development

RooM: D102 SeSSIon: 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: If you want to learn about professional development in the 21st Century, this workshop will fulfill that need. We will explore the changing landscape of professional learning in a networked world. In addition, we will discuss what schools should do to fulfill their promise to support the growth of their teachers.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Robert RyshkeThe Westminster Schools, Atlanta, GA

collaboration Between General education and Special education Teachers

RooM: EC1127 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: What are the essentials needed to construct and build an inclusive co-taught environment?

PReSenTeR:Mr. Kendale WhiteMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

creating A classroom for ALL Students

RooM: D100 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Do you have a hard time creating a classroom full of learning that meets the needs of all students? Come and hear how you can expound on the Common Core Standards in your daily lessons, utilize group learning for all subjects, and assess student’s achievements in unique ways.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Elizabeth LovelaceHaywood Elementary School, Brownsville, TN

creating content for the iPad

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 1


DeScRIPTIon: This is an overview of multiple ways to create and deliver digital content for the iPad, through books, apps, and the web.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

creating courses with iTunes U course Manager

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 7


DeScRIPTIon: U is the largest repository of digital media for education. Now you can use all of that content, and your own as well, to create meaningful courses for students. Come learn how in this session.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

Data Driven Inclusion

RooM: D103 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: This presentation will focus on how instructional technology has changed our teaching methodology and how data driven instruction can be done much more effectively and frequently with the use of particular technologies. We will share a model of how we collect, analyze, and use standard driven assessments to drive instruction and corrective teaching in the inclusion classroom.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Michael DemsterBellevue MIddle School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Rashida KingBellevue MIddle School, Memphis, TN

Differentiated Instruction

RooM: D105 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: How do we as educators meet the diverse needs of our students? Where do we begin? How can formative assessment help? This workshop will discuss valuable ways that educators can lay the foundation for differentiated instruction.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Janet Grammer East Side Elementary School, Brownsville, TN

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Differentiation, creativity, collaboration, critical Thinking, and communication

RooM: D102 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Teachers have been using Differentiation and 21st Century skills for a while. Many of these ideas date back to ancient times. These skills are not new or fads but represent good teaching.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Akevy GreenblattMargolin Hebrew Academy, Memphis, TN

Digital Pedagogy for the 21st century

RooM: D102 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: We will discuss the use of technology to elicit higher order thinking and how to measure and showcase student achievement via online tools.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Stacy JonesMcNairy Central High School, Selmer, TN

Driving Students Through Teamwork

RooM: EC1106 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: We will discuss the use of teamwork in a classroom setting and how it can affect student achievment.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Annetra PeeteSherwood Middle School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. Charles Seaton, Jr.Sherwood Middle School, Memphis, TN

edmodo & other Free and easy Ways to Integrate Technology

RooM: EC1127 SeSSIon: 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: Not sure how to bring your classroom into the 21st century? We will show you how easy it is to create a paperless classroom as well as using a wealth of internet and software resources to create dynamic and interactive projects.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Elizabeth FrankSaint Agnes Academy-Saint Dominic School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Becky Hobson St. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

The essentials of a Primary Writing Workshop

RooM: EC Commons SeSSIon: 5+6, 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: Since there are no developmental prerequisites for book making, writing workshop can start on day one. Using video, photographs, and children’s work samples, Katie will explain the structures and routines that help children understand the work of writing workshop and become independent in that work across the year.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Katie Wood Ray Heinemann Publishing, Waynesville, NC

FLIP Your classroom!

RooM: EC1126 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: This workshop will focus on Paper Slide Videos and how they are a quick, creative way to differentiate, assess, and challenge ALL students. No editing needed! Participants will create, shoot, rehearse, and present videos all within the two-hour time frame! Additional resources and further quick video productions will also be explored.

PReSenTeR:Miss Tamela BoxDepartment of Exceptional Children-SCS, Memphis, TN

Fun, Free, Fantastic Technology Tools!

RooM: D110 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: This Booker T. Washington High School teacher shares tools to engage and motivate students by turning technology use into educational gains. These wonderful projects and assignments even gained the attention of the White House during the 2011 Commencement Challenge. The tech tools introduced in this session can be implemented right away and enhance your tech toolkit.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Jaclyn BoydBooker T. Washington High School, Memphis, TN

Getting “HoT” in Science Instruction

RooM: D110 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Participants will use Bloom’s higher order thinking skills to solve problems through inquiry-based science. These hands-on experiences will guide students’ abilities to think in more than one way.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Kemmashela SmithMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

Globalize Your curriculum with the Model United nations

RooM: D107 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Looking for a curriculum that provides global awareness, public speaking, research skills, critical thinking, and creative problem solving? The answer is Model UN. John Reynolds and John Stephany walk you through step-by-step teaching methods and strategies that make preparing for Model UN a valuable tool that supports numerous curriculum goals.

PReSenTeR:Mr. John ReynoldsHutchison School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. John StephanyHutchison School, Memphis, TN

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Online notes/blogging allowed

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Going Google chrome

RooM: EC1107 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: From Chrome to Gmail, Google offers many classroom resources. There is so much information on the web, and you don’t have the time to go find it all. Google Chrome will bring it to you! The Chrome web browser allows you to search, chat, email, shop, bank, read the news, and watch videos online. All customized for you—by you!

PReSenTeR:Ms. Whitney MillerHutchison School, Memphis, TN

Handy and Helpful Websites for the 7-12 classroom

RooM: EC1109 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: This presentation will showcase some of the best (and mostly FREE) websites available for teachers to use in their classrooms. There will be some content-specific websites demonstrated, along with general education websites that can be adapted to most any content area.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Jennifer CreecyFreed-Hardeman University, Henderson, TN

Hotwired to Inquire

RooM: D102 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Asking questions empowers students to become independent, lifelong learners. Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders struggle with certain communication and thinking skills involved in the question asking process. Embedding strategy instruction in structured games is an effective way to foster skills needed to ask productive questions.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Melissa Miller BensonThe Bodine School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Dr. Clinton Smith University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, TN

How Google Apps Saved My Life!

RooM: EC1121 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Learn ways to use Google Docs and Google Calendar to streamline your life. Examples for using Google Docs, Google Forms, Google Spreadsheets, Google Calendar will be presented. Use for self-grading tests, lesson plans, collaborative notes and documents, and so much more.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Wanda TerralMillington Central High School, Memphis, TN

How Images Impact the Momentum of change

RooM: EC1130 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: The visual image is a powerful tool for change. Without compelling images of the future of education; everyone will be relegated to using the images of the past. Sharing these remarkable things requires leaders as digital storytellers to show how innovation is shifting the hopes and dreams of students toward greatness.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Robert DillonMaplewood Richmond Heights Middle School, Maplewood, MO

iBooks Author

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 2


DeScRIPTIon: Learn from an Apple Systems Engineer about a free MAC application that creates phenomenal multi-touch books like the new textbooks in Apple’s iBookstore.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

Increase Parent Involvement Through Play

RooM: EC1126 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Play-Based Parenting is a short, educational course teachers and schools use to enhance community involvement and lifelong learning during family time. This workshop engages educators in play-based education to demonstrate basic life skills that can be enhanced through home environments optimized for learning.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Matthew AndrewsFamplay LLC, Palo Alto, CA

The Influence of culture within the Social Studies classroom

RooM: D108 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: In the 1960’s, the MACOS project was introduced in social studies classrooms. A firestorm of controversy began. The fear of students being influenced by other cultures that included ethically unacceptable practices was rampant. The question is still relevant today. Is there a limit to what should be taught in the social studies classrooms today?

PReSenTeR:Dr. Eddie Thompson University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Informative, Formative Assessements

RooM: EC1108 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Teachers will see, experience, and partake in a collaborative, professional learning community whose sole purpose is to assemble the most informative, formative assessment to use in the first ten minutes of class.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Timothy Jones Shelby County Schools, Memphis, TN

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Online notes/blogging allowed

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Integrating Value Dilemmas to Teach cold War content

RooM: D108 SeSSIon: 1,2


DeScRIPTIon: This presentation will explore the many uses and characteristics of implementing value dilemmas and teaching Cold War curriculum. Participants will receive materials.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Jeffrey Byford University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Integration is the Key to Meeting the Standards

RooM: D103 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: Participate in hands-on activities which integrate math, science, social studies, and literacy in the elementary classroom.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Bonnie Cummings University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Dr. Cathy MeredithUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

The Jubilee Schools

RooM: EC1108 SeSSIon: 7


DeScRIPTIon: Dr. McDonald is responsible for ensuring the viability of the Catholic schools. This includes the existing schools, as well as the expansion of these schools, the building of new schools needed to accommodate a growing demand for Catholic education, and the reopening of inner-city Catholic schools needed to serve a population in poverty.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Michel AllenCatholice Diocese Jubilee Schools, Memphis, TN

Lapbooks for Science and Social Studies

RooM: D101 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Come learn how to use Lapbooks in science and social studies! Help your students with organizational skills while they are in total control of their learning as they use lapbooks to store all of the materials for a unit of study. Assessment is a breeze because all of their materials are right there in their lapbooks.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Regina BodifordHarding Academy, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Leading Learners to Level Up

RooM: D117 SeSSIon: 1


DeScRIPTIon: Leveled formative assessment that offers learners the ability to calibrate understanding with expectations and, at the same time, shows the path to the next level will improve learning and teaching. Use assessment to inform learners where they are on the learning spectrum, where the targets are, and how to level up.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Jill GoughThe Westminster Schools Center for Teaching Atlanta, GA

PReSenTeR:Mr. Bo AdamsThe Westminster Schools, Unboundary, Center for Teaching, Atlanta, GA

Learn Here, Lead Anywhere

RooM: D117 SeSSIon: 3,4 PeRMISSIonS:

DeScRIPTIon: Organic leadership opportunities already benefit your school, and now you are ready to design and implement a 21st century program. Hutchison Leads is changing the dialogue about leadership within our communities. Find out more about these benefits at this interactive session.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Elizabeth MillerHutchison School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Katy NairHutchison School, Memphis, TN

Letter of the Week

RooM: EC1107 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Come sneak a peek at our letter of the week ideas across the Early Childhood curriculum. Our experienced teachers will share many creative ideas for you to implement in your classroom!

PReSenTeR:Ms. Traci StewartPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Merideth ArnoldPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Teresa ScottPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works

RooM: EC1108 SeSSIon: 5,6

PeRMISSIonS: DeScRIPTIon: This session is designed to assist teachers in making instructional decisions that will support the achievement of their students. Each research-based strategy is strongly supported by educators.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Crystal CookMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Shawneice MaloneUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Dr. J. Helen PerkinsUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

LiveBinders: The Virtual Three-Ring Binder

RooM: EC1101 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Bring Your Own Laptop! LiveBinders are virtual three-ring binders that can hold a number of resources such as PDFs, webpages, images, videos, texts, and much more. In this session you will learn how to use LiveBinders as a class/student portfolio, a place to hold class websites and documents to share, and a bookmarking site. Let’s get organized.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. LaToya Pugh Tara Oaks Elementary / Mt.Pisgah Middle Collierville/Cordova, TN

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Making Digital Books

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Learn how to use tools to make books in the ePub, PDF, and Multi-touch eBook formats - hands-on!

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Making Thinking center Stage with Language Arts and Literacy

RooM: EC1121 SeSSIon: 1+2, 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: Discover the power of thinking routines in classroom practice. Dig deeper into ideas that efficiently and effectively move student learning forward via a wide range of levels.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Sande DawesBerlin Public Schools, Berlin, CT

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Making Thinking center Stage with STeM

RooM: EC1121 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: Join our STEM community of educators as we discover the power of thinking routines in classroom practice, which efficiently and effectively move student learning forward via a wide range of levels.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Sande DawesBerlin Public Schools, Berlin, CT

Managing ioS Devices in the classroom

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: Schools are using iOS devices in many different ways. Some have only a few iPads in carts; others have students bringing their own devices; still others have implemented some form of 1:1. Technologies built into iOS allow management solutions for teachers and IT for any of these environments - explore them with an Apple Systems Engineer.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

objects in SMART notebook Software

RooM: D100 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: So now that you know your way around SMART Notebook, let us take it a step farther. Learn to create, manipulate, and edit objects in Notebook. You will find out how to use reveal techniques, work with fonts, images, and drawing tools. This session will take you to the next level by lighting a fire within you to elevate your children.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Andi Jo WhiteWhitney Elementary, Memphis, TN

Pink Palace Suitcase exhibits and Passport Kits

RooM: D112 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Explore FREE community resources available through the Pink Palace Museum. We’ll demonstrate “hands-on” science and social studies teaching materials from our Suitcase Exhibits and Passport Kits that benefit 50,000 Memphis area students each year.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Kate DixonPink Palace Museum, Memphis, TN

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The Power of Volunteers in the classroom

RooM: D104 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Volunteers can provide wonderful support for your daily math and reading activities! For a smooth path to a successful teacher/volunteer experience, get the insider’s scoop on how to best use volunteers in your classroom. Learn tips for catching and keeping them, how to work with them effectively, and ways to keep them returning year after year.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Mairlyn RabinowitzLiteracy Mid South, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Barbara DawsonMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

Practical Strategies for classroom Management

RooM: D104 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: This workshop will share effective strategies that will work for any grade or subject. These strategies work to create an environment conducive to learning and are very realistic and practical. Teachers will spend less time on discipline when applying these strategies.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Felisa ScottCrestview Middle School, Covington, TN

Presenting with the iPad

RooM: EC1125 SeSSIon: 8


DeScRIPTIon: The iPad offers many choices for teachers and students to deliver group presentations. Explore software and hardware solutions that help you make an impact in new and exciting ways.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim MathenyApple Distinguished Education, Memphis, TN

Psychoeducational Testing

RooM: EC1126 SeSSIon: 1+2


DeScRIPTIon: Learn how to interpret and use psychoeducational testing and implementation of recommendations for parents, teachers, administers, and tutors

PReSenTeR:Ms. Anne ThompsonChristian Psychological Center, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Jill GraflundPrivate Practice, Germantown, TN

QR code Activated!

RooM: D107 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: QR codes are being used more and more for marketing tools to draw in people of all ages. This presentation will help educators focus on ways to incorporate the use QR codes in instruction and embrace the technology as supportive tool to facilitate learning.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Kim CaiseSan Antonio, TX

RAP with Urban Males

RooM: EC1101 SeSSIon: 3,4 PeRMISSIonS:

DeScRIPTIon: Participants will be able to enhance the way students perceive them using the Tripod Survey model. Participants will be able to help students learn to lead conversations using higher order questions. Participants will learn to use RAP to build lasting relationships with all stakeholders while increasing student achievement.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Otis ClaytonRaleigh Egypt High School, Memphis, TN

Reflective Journaling and Literature in the classroom

RooM: D114 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: Reflective journaling is a way to make your students’ thinking visible while also incorporating writing and art into the classroom.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Anna MooreSt. John Catholic Diocese of Memphis Memphis, Tn

Research and Writing by a Humanities Team

RooM: EC1107 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: This workshop will sharing methods that make teaching the steps of research/writing simple and memorable.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Amy LawrenceHutchison School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. John Stephany, Jr.Hutchison School, Memphis, TN

Rewiring the Reading/Language Arts Block

RooM: EC1130 SeSSIon: 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: Improve the critical and creative thinking skills, comprehension, and achievement of digital natives in your Reading/Language Arts class by implementing simple, instructional techniques and using inexpensive and easy-to-learn technologies.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Lori CarterNew Hope Christian Academy, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Dr. Megan SalemiNew Hope Christian Academy, Memphis, TN

SMART notebook for Windows: An Introduction

RooM: EC1129 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Are you ready to inspire children? Let’s get started with SMART Notebook. You will learn the basic functions and tools you need to make your interactive whiteboard the device that gets children to sit up and take notice. This session is designed to be your starting point for using your SMART Board effectively.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Andi Jo WhiteWhitney Elementary, Memphis, TN

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SMART notebook Lessons

RooM: D107 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: This session will give teachers tips for creating SMART Notebook lessons. We will review the Lesson Activity Toolkit as well as Hide and Reveal, use of pen tools, labeling activities, moving, sorting, ordering, and matching activities, attaching sounds, and animating objects.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Jane ManessHarding Academy, Memphis, TN

SMART notebook 11 and All Things SMART!

RooM: EC1132 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: Join us and explore this new version of our award winning SMART software and all of its extremely cool features.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Julie SanfordSmarterEd Consulting, Memphis, TN

So, You Wanna Be A national Board certified Teacher?

RooM: D117 SeSSIon: 5+6, 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: The NBPTS certification process is a rigorous endeavor and as beneficial and validating as it may be, obtaining National Board Certificate is challenging, and time-consuming. This workshop is designed to offer successfully proven strategies.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Clara CarrollHarding University, Searcy, AR

Somersaulting the classroom

RooM: EC1126 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: If you are intimidated by all the talk about Flipping the Classroom, this session is for you. Somersaulting the classroom is for those teachers who want to put instructional videos online, but are not sure they want to totally “flip” instruction. We will look at various ways to create video tutorials. There will be one right for you!

PReSenTeR:Mr. Tim ChildersBradley County Schools, Cleveland, TN

St . Jude Presents: cure4Kids for Teachers

RooM: D114 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Cure4Kids for Teachers is a website with FREE materials such as lessons and videos, professional development seminars, and other resources. Come get a brief tour of the new website and learn about the school-based program, Cure4Kids for Kids, which teaches about cell and cancer biology and healthy living for reducing the risk of cancer.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Aubrey Van Kirk VillalobosSt. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Memphis, TN

Stanford University’s ePGY Web-Based Programs

RooM: EC1106 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Stanford University’s Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) develops innovative web-based technologies for students and teachers in grade kindergarten through advanced undergraduate levels. Learn about these courses as well as technology and data integration strategies and highly customized teacher professional development programs from Stanford.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Nicholas StutzmanStanford University, Stanford, CA

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

STeM education and next Generation Science Standards

RooM: D105 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: This presentation will center around the latest developments in STEM education and the growth and development of STEM-related jobs in current and future workforce. The presentation will also include an overview of the Next Generation Science Education Standards and the process in which the standards are being developed.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Alfred HallThe University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

The “Strategic” Strategic Plan

RooM: EC1129 SeSSIon: 3


DeScRIPTIon: Developing the “strategic” strategic plan that “keeps the main things the main things” is difficult and challenging in an operating environment that is ever-changing. This session will discuss how to develop the “strategic” strategic plan that inspires change, and will not discuss how to improve planning like you’ve done it before.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Jamie BakerThe Martin Institute for Teaching Excellence Memphis, TN

Supporting Students in Developing Scientific explanations

RooM: D101 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Participants in this session will explore ways to teach students to construct scientific explanations that include appropriate claims, relevant evidence, and logical reasoning. A general rubric will guide the assessment of student writing samples. How to adapt the general rubric to a particular task will be demonstrated.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Shirley CoxMemphis City Schools, Memphis, TN

Supporting Teachers with Reflective Practice

RooM: D114 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Reflective practice requires effective communication and positive collaboration, and the result is improved teacher effectiveness in a shorter period of time. In this session, you will learn what defines reflective practice and find out how Memphis City Schools is enhancing teacher support with the use of cameras in the classroom.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Jennifer ChandlerDepartment of Teacher Talent and Effectiveness-MCS, Memphis, TN

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The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Synergy: Questions are the Waypoints on the Path of Wisdom

RooM: EC1128 SeSSIon: 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: Like a tribe around the fire, let’s discuss how we implement PBL as an entire course or as an input to a class. The conversation starters will describe Synergy – an 8th grade community-issues course. Then, through story exchange, we will share a variety of PBL ideas and implementation methods.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Jill GoughThe Westminster Schools Center for Teaching, Atlanta, GA

PReSenTeR:Mr. Bo AdamsThe Westminster Schools/Center for Teaching/Unboundary, Atlanta, GA

Talking Vocabulary

RooM: D110 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: This class will demonstrate how to create “Talking Vocabulary” by using iMovie. With so much emphasis on teaching vocabulary today, why not make it creative, exciting, and memorable for the students? This is one strategy that will lead to greater retention of your curricular vocabulary.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Janie YorkShelby County Schools, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Taking our next Steps: Using a “Study Group” Setting to Reflect and Plan

RooM: EC1111 SeSSIon: Featured


DeScRIPTIon: Join us in a “study group” setting as we anticipate our next steps beyond the Martin Institute! Study Group is a great opportunity to synthesize and personalize the information introduced in the exciting and informative sessions during our two-days here at the Martin Institute. Let’s think strategically and connect these new ideas and understandings by exploring how they might look in our personal practices

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Sande DawesBerlin Public Schools, Berlin, CT

Teaching 2 .0: Rethink, Reimagine, Reinvent

RooM: EC1132 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: A conversation about what it means to be an innovative educator and how teachers can lead efforts to reinvent learning and school. Participants will discuss how teachers can rethink, reimagine and reinvent their classroom and create a wiki to continue the conversation beyond the workshop.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Philip CummingsPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

Teaching the Qualities of Good Writing Through Illustration

RooM: EC Commons SeSSIon: Featured


DeScRIPTIon: A demonstration on how students can be taught about essential qualities of good writing — ideas and content, precision and detail, tone, wholeness of text, and layout and design — in the context of a study of picture book illustrations.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Katie Wood Ray Heinemann Publishing, Waynesville, NC

Teaching Writing with Sports

RooM: D117 SeSSIon: 2


DeScRIPTIon: Geoff Calkins knows that good sports writing is like any other sort of good writing. He’s been writing lively sports and metro columns for The Commercial Appeal for years. But Geoff also knows this: Some kids don’t like to write. But they love anything having to do with sports. So why not use sports to engage the reluctant writer? Or to further inspire the workmanlike writer? Geoff will talk about his own experiences writing about sports, identify a few things that separate good sports writing from bad, and suggest some ways in which sports can become less a distraction than a useful tool.

PReSenTeR:Geoff CalkinsThe Commercial Appeal, Memphis, TN

Technology As Diverse As our community

RooM: D108 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: What happens when you allow your students to bring “whatever they want” for technology in the classroom? This session will explore the possibilities of becoming more diverse with our technology while still meeting the needs of students and teachers.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Bryan BerrettaLausanne Collegiate School, Memphis, TN

Technology By Association

RooM: D108 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: Tools for teaching 21st Century skills by incorporating technology into everyday lesson plans.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Rosalind Hardin Department of Instructional Technology-SCS, Memphis, TN

Tell a Story in Six Words

RooM: D105 SeSSIon: 1+2


DeScRIPTIon: Can the Twitter generation boil their lives down to six words? Yes—with a lot of brainstorming and collaborating. Students learn the art of revision and the importance of word choice when challenged to write concisely. In this hands-on workshop, participants will design their own six-word memoirs and see how to create a video of the collection.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Linda RicciSt. Agnes Academy-St. Dominic School, Memphis, TN

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There’s an App for That!

RooM: EC1107 SeSSIon: 7, 8


DeScRIPTIon: This workshop will provide the attendees the opportunity to see the latest and greatest apps available for educators. The apps covered will address video conferencing, screen casting, productivity tools, and curriculum resources.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Elizabeth LockhartTipton County Schools, Brighton, TN

PReSenTeR:Marla PhillipsTipton County Schools, Brighton, TN

Tigers Teach: constructivism to Teach Math and Science

RooM: EC1103 SeSSIon: 1+2


DeScRIPTIon: Constructivism states that people generate knowledge and meaning through experiences. This workshop will allow educators the opportunity to conduct explorations in math and science. Participants will explore 5E lessons, conduct hands-on experiments, connect mathematical and scientific concepts, and develop formative assessments.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Harry BarberUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Angeline PowellUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Andrea ReederUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Tired of the Same old Assessments

RooM: EC1129 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: Are your students falling asleep in class and simply memorizing the content for the test? Come to our session where you will hear exciting ways to wake up your students with engaging activities. Our project ideas include technology, research, creativity, collaboration, and critical thinking. You will leave with great ideas for your classroom.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Elizabeth FrankSt. Agnes Academy - St. Dominic School Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Becky HobsonSt. Agnes Academy - St. Dominic School Memphis, TN

Top Ten cool Things You can Do with Google Search

RooM: EC1103 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Everyone knows Google Search is great for finding information on the Internet. Did you know that Google Search can do basic arithmetic and complicated math? It’s true. Come to this session and learn at least the top 10 Cool Google Search tips and tricks!

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Gail BraddockGermantown, TN

Touchable Technology: Tech At Your Fingertips

RooM: EC1128 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Explore the vast world of educational technology available at your fingertips! From the iPad, Document Cameras, Web 2.0 and more, come experience how they work and how you can easily integrate them into your classroom instruction.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Allison YoungDepartment of Exceptional Children-SCS Memphis, TN

Transformative Innovation: iPads for PK-8

RooM: EC1101 SeSSIon: 5+6


DeScRIPTIon: We will discuss the practical learning initiatives that serve as the focal points of our progressive iPad initiative. We will also discuss the nuts and bolts of issues like teacher buy-in and training, active and social learning; connection, collaboration, and creativity; as well as what the future holds for our hopes and dreams.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Mark CarletonPresbyterian School, Houston, TX

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Janet FoxPresbyterian School, Houston, TX

Twitter 101

RooM: EC1132 SeSSIon: 1+2


DeScRIPTIon: Tweets, hash tags, followers, re-tweets…you may have heard these terms mentioned when people talk about Twitter. But, what does it all mean? This session is designed to introduce you to the world of Twitter. We will start by creating Twitter accounts and move on to the basics of communicating within the Twitterverse.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Kristy CongerUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Mary MarrUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Using Technology to Share Students’ Writing

RooM: EC1103 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: This session provides the opportunity for teachers from elementary through high school to publish student work in three different formats: e-book publishing, blogging, and key-pals.

PReSenTeR:Ms. Gretchen GoodeThe University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Ms. Rachel ThompsonThe University of Memphis, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Dr. Rebecca S. AndersonUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Utilizing Peer Tutoring within the Multi-Ability classroom

RooM: D103 SeSSIon: 3, 4


DeScRIPTIon: In today’s classroom, we see standards fluctuate from state to state or from region to region regardless of what type of national standards that seem to be in place. With a more mobile society, we are seeing students that move from different schools to other schools, where there seems to be a growing discrepancy within a given classroom or subject.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Eddie ThompsonUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

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watchknowlearn .org: Free K-12 educational Videos

RooM: EC1127 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Imagine ... a directory of tens of thousands of short, K-12, educational videos that have been found, rated, and organized by teachers into a single, easy-to-navigate directory. Now imagine that this resource is FREE. That’s what we’ve done! Come learn about how teachers are creatively using our website in their classrooms to motivate students.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Joe ThomasUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Weaving STeM Into the classroom

RooM: D107 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Envision a STEM classroom appropriate for ages 5-12. Combining hands-on activities with technology creates a rich, collaborative program that integrates all four disciplines into the existing curriculum. Teachers assume a facilitator role as students explore projects promoting higher-order thinking and problem solving in a creative environment.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Jessica LancasterSt. Mary’s Episcopal School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Carrie RuhlandSt. Mary’s Episcopal School, Memphis, TN

What Does Math Look Like In The 21st century?

RooM: EC1132 SeSSIon: 7+8


DeScRIPTIon: Do you find yourself asking, “How can I find a way to relate math to the real word and get my students excited about learning?” Come and learn the answer to this question. We are going to show you how.

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Susan LovePresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mrs. Windy MayPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

Connect. Educate. Innovate.

What’s Hot in Memphis

RooM: Fellowship Hall SeSSIon: Featured


DeScRIPTIon: Statistics prove that all children, regardless of where they live, can become successful learners. The key is high-quality education and teachers that are committed to meeting the needs of the students whom they serve. Come hear Dr. David Hill of the Jubilee Schools, David Montague with Memphis Teacher Residency, and Trent Williamson of Harding Academy as they discuss how they are helping to provide outstanding educational environments in Memphis.

PReSenTeR:Dr. David HillCatholic Diocese, Jubilee Schools, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. David MontagueMemphis Teacher Residency, Memphis, TN

PReSenTeR:Mr. Trent WilliamsonHarding Academy, Memphis, TN

Where Are We Headed and How Do We Get There?

RooM: EC1128 SeSSIon: 3+4


DeScRIPTIon: This highly energized session will share the predictions of the 2012 Horizon Report and discuss the impact of the identified technologies with participants. Attendees will be encouraged to discuss their roles as change agents and the barriers that we all face when trying to implement new ideas.

PReSenTeR:Dr. Ana DonaldsonAssociation for Educational Communications and Technology, Cedar Falls, IA

Working Smarter, not Harder

RooM: EC1106 SeSSIon: 5, 6


DeScRIPTIon: Every learner uses strategies or shortcuts to solve problems. Presenters will share strategies for students to use to solve problems. A small group format will follow for sharing ideas and collaborating to generate a list of strategies to take back to the classroom.

PReSenTeR:Miss Renee Lambert Meeting Street Academy, Charleston, SC

PReSenTeR:Mr. Dave SmithMeeting Street Academy, Charleston, SC

Working Without the Internet

RooM: D101 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: Is your school’s network often down? Is it slow? Do you want to integrate technology into your lessons, but get frustrated when network issues prevent you and your students from getting anything done? If so, then this is the presentation for you. I plan on covering various non-network technology tools that you can use for project-based learning.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Joe SweeneyUniversity of Memphis, Memphis, TN

Worth a Thousand Words: credit Where credit Is Due

RooM: EC1109 SeSSIon: 1, 2


DeScRIPTIon: The internet has become the primary source for learners to find images for presentations and projects. This presentation will explore the importance of modeling the ethical use of digital images, how to teach proper image usage, and tools to cite image sources correctly.

PReSenTeR:Mr. Philip CummingsPresbyterian Day School, Memphis, TN

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ADAMS, MR . Bo• Leading Learners to Level Up • Synergy: Questions are the Waypoints

on the Path of Wisdom

ALLen, MS . MIcHeL• The Jubilee Schools

AnDeRSon, DR . ReBeccA S .• Using Technology to Share

Students’ Writing

AnDReWS, DR . MATTHeW • Increase Parent Involvement Through Play

ARnoLD, MRS . MeRIDeTH • Letter of the Week

BAKeR, MS . JAMIe• The “Strategic” Strategic Plan

BALcH, DR . RYAn• Asking Our Customers

BARBeR, MR . HARRY• Tigers Teach: Constructivism

to Teach Math and Science

BenSon, MS . MeLISSA MILLeR• Hotwired to Inquire

BeRReTTA, MR . BRYAn• Technology As Diverse As Our Community

BRADDocK, MRS . GAIL• Top Ten Cool Things You Can

Do with Google Search

BoDIFoRD, MS . ReGInA • Lapbooks for Science and Social Studies

Box, MISS TAMeLA• The 21st Century Inclusion Classroom• FLIP Your Classroom!

BoYD, MRS . JAcLYn • Fun, Free, Fantastic Technology Tools!

BYFoRD, DR . JeFFReY• Integrating Value Dilemmas to

Teach Cold War Content

cAISe, MRS . KIM• QR Code Activated!

cALKInS, MR . GeoFF •Teaching Writing With Sports

cARLeTon, DR . MARK• Transformative Innovation: iPads for PK-8

cARRoLL, DR . cLARA• So, You Wanna Be A National

Board Certified Teacher?

cARTeR, MRS . LoRI• Rewiring the Reading/Language Arts Block

cHAnDLeR, MRS . JennIFeR• Supporting Teachers with

Reflective Practice

cHILDeRS, MR . TIM• Somersaulting the Classroom

cHRISToPHeR, MRS . AnGeLA• Blended Learning

cLARK, MR . JoSH• 21st Century Skills and the Dyslexic Mind

cLAYTon, MR . oTIS • RAP with Urban Males

conGeR, MS . KRISTY• Twitter 101

cooK, MS . cRYSTAL• Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works

cox, MS . SHIRLeY• Supporting Students in Developing

Scientific Explanations

cReecY, MRS . JennIFeR • Handy and Helpful Websites

for the 7-12 Classroom

cUMMInGS, MS . BonnIe • Integration is the Key to

Meeting the Standards

cUMMInGS, MR . PHILIP• Teaching 2.0: Rethink, Reimagine, Reinvent• Worth a Thousand Words:

Credit Where Credit Is Due

DAWeS, MRS . SAnDY• Making Thinking Center Stage with

Language Arts and Literacy• Making Thinking Center Stage with STEM• Taking Our Next Steps: Using a “Study

Group” Setting to Reflect and Plan

DAWSon, MRS . BARBARA• The Power of Volunteers in the Classroom

DeMSTeR, MR . MIcHAeL • Data Driven Inclusion

DILLon, DR . RoBeRT • How Images Impact the

Momentum of Change

DIxon, MS . KATe• Pink Palace Suitcase Exhibits

and Passport Kits

DonALDSon, DR . AnA• Where Are We Headed and

How Do We Get There?

Fox, MRS . JAneT• Transformative Innovation: iPads for PK-8

FRAnK, MRS . eLIzABeTH • Edmodo & Other Free and Easy

Ways to Integrate Technology • Tired of the Same Old Assessments

GooDe, MS . GReTcHen• Using Technology to Share

Students’ Writing

GoUGH, MS . JILL • Leading Learners to Level Up • Synergy: Questions are the Waypoints

on the Path of Wisdom

GRAce, MR . MASon• Active Learning with the iPod Touch

GRAFLUnD, MS . JILL• Psychoeducational Testing

GRAMMeR, MS . JAneT • Differentiated Instruction

GReenBLATT, MR . AKeVY • Differentiation, Creativity, Collaboration,

Critical Thinking, and Communication

HALL, DR . ALFReD• STEM Education and Next

Generation Science Standards

HARDIn, MS . RoSALInD • Technology By Association

HILL, DR . DAVID• What’s Hot in Memphis

HILTenBRAnD, MRS . KITTY• Active Learning with the iPod Touch

HoBSon, MS . BecKY • Edmodo & Other Free and Easy

Ways to Integrate Technology • Tired of the Same Old Assessments

JoneS, MS . STAcY• Digital Pedagogy for the 21st Century

JoneS, MR . TIMoTHY• Informative, Formative Assessements

KInG, MS . RASHIDA• Data Driven Inclusion

LAMBeRT, MS . Renee• Working Smarter, Not Harder

LAncASTeR, MRS . JeSSIcA• Weaving STEM Into the Classroom

LAWRence, MS . AMY• Research and Writing by a

Humanities Team

LocKHART, MRS . eLIzABeTH• There’s an App for That!

LoVe, MRS . SUSAn• What Does Math Look Like

In The 21st Century?

LoVeLAce, MRS . eLIzABeTH • Creating A Classroom for ALL Students

MALone, MS . SHAWneIce• Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works

MAneSS, MRS . JAne• SMART Notebook Lessons

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MATHenY, MR . TIM • Creating Content for the iPad• Creating Courses with iTunes

U Course Manager• iBooks Author • Making Digital Books • Managing iOS Devices in the

Classroom • Presenting with the iPad

MARR, MS . MARY• Twitter 101

MAY, MRS . WInDY• What Does Math Look Like

In The 21st Century?

MccHRISTon, MS . TeRILYn• 25 Ways to Integrate Technology

MeReDITH, DR . cATHY • Integration is the Key to

Meeting the Standards

MILLeR, MRS . eLIzABeTH • Learn Here, Lead Anywhere

MILLeR, MS . WHITneY • Going Google Chrome

MITcHeLL, DR . LInDA • Boosting the Brain with Humor

MonTAGUe, MR . DAVID• What’s Hot in Memphis

MooDY, MS . AMY• Beyond Our Walls: Videoconferencing

MooRe, MS . AnnA• Reflective Journaling and

Literature in the Classroom

MoSS, MS . MeLAnIe • The 21st Century Inclusion Classroom

nAIR, MRS . KATY• Learn Here, Lead Anywhere

PeeTe, MS . AnneTRA• Driving Students Through Teamwork

PeRKInS, DR . J . HeLen• Literacy & Science: A Marriage That Works

PHILLIPS, MARLA• There’s an App for That!

PoWeLL, AnGeLIne • Tigers Teach: Constructivism

to Teach Math and Science

PUGH, MRS . LAToYA• LiveBinders: The Virtual Three-Ring Binder

QUInTAnA, DR . YURI • Bringing Engineering to the

Classroom and Beyond

RABInoWITz, MRS . MAIRLYn• The Power of Volunteers in the Classroom

RAnSDeLL, DR . MARY• All’s Well That Ends Well

RAY, DR . KATIe WooD • The Essentials of a Primary

Writing Workshop• Teaching the Qualities of Good

Writing Through Illustration

ReeDeR, MS . AnDReA• Tigers Teach: Constructivism

to Teach Math and Science

ReYnoLDS, MR . JoHn • Globalize Your Curriculum with

the Model United Nations

RIccI, MRS . LInDA• Tell a Story in Six Words

RUHLAnD, MRS . cARRIe• Weaving STEM Into the Classroom

RYSHKe, MR . RoBeRT • The Changing Landscape of

Professional Development

SALeMI, DR . MeGAn• Rewiring the Reading/Language Arts Block

SAnFoRD, MS . JULIe• SMART Notebook 11 and

All Things SMART!

ScoTT, MRS . FeLISA• Practical Strategies for

Classroom Management

ScoTT, MRS . TeReSA • Letter of the Week

SeATon, MR . cHARLeS, JR .• Driving Students Through Teamwork

SMITH, DR . cLInTon • Hotwired to Inquire

SMITH, MR . DAVe• Working Smarter, Not Harder

SMITH, MS . KeMMASHeLA • Getting “HOT” in Science Instruction

STePHAnY, MR . JoHn, JR .• Globaloze your Curriculum with

the Model United Nations• Research and Writing by a

Humanities Team

STeWART, MS . TRAcI• Letter of the Week

STUTzMAn, MR . nIcHoLAS• Stanford University’s EPGY

Web-Based Programs

SWeeneY, MR . Joe• Working Without the Internet

TeRRAL, MS . WAnDA• How Google Apps Saved My Life!

THoMAS, DR . Joe• Free

K-12 Educational Videos

THoMPSon, MS . Anne• Psychoeducational Testing

THoMPSon, DR . eDDIe • The Influence of Culture within

the Social Studies Classroom • Utilizing Peer Tutoring within

the Multi-Ability Classroom

THoMPSon, MS . RAcHeL• Using Technology to Share

Students’ Writing

VILLALoBoS, MS . AUBReY VAn KIRK• St. Jude Presents: Cure4Kids for Teachers

WeAVeR, MS . cARMen• Blended Learning

WHITe, MRS . AnDI Jo• Objects in SMART Notebook Software • SMART Notebook for Windows:

An Introduction

WHITe, MR . KenDALe • Collaboration Between General Education

and Special Education Teachers

WILLIAMSon, MR . TRenT• What’s Hot in Memphis

WooD, MRS . DIAne• Am I Seeing Signs of Dyslexia?

WooD, MR . PAUL• The Back Channel

YoRK, MS . JAnIe• Talking Vocabulary

YoUnG, MRS . ALLISon• Touchable Technology: Tech

At Your Fingertips

F a C I L I T a T O R d I R E C T O R y

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34 The Martin Insitute for Teaching Excellence 2012 Conference: Teaching for Tomorrow

RegistrationThe conference registration is located in room C310 on the North side of the Fellowship Hall. To find it from the main parking lot, look for the “Registration” sign under the awning that says “West Entrance.” See the map on pages 36-37 for reference.

Information DesksIf you have questions or concerns, please visit the information desks in the lobbies of the EC building, D building, and E building marked on the map on pages 36-37.

name BadgesYour conference name badge is your personal identification and official pass to all sessions and exhibits. Please wear it at all times during the conference.

ParkingParking is available in the lot in front of the EC building. Overflow parking is available on the south side of the campus across Central Avenue. For an overview of the campus, consult the map on page 30.

ceU creditCertificates of participation will be available for pick up on the final afternoon of the conference in the Fellowship Hall.

TASL creditDirections for receiving TASL credit will be announced during conference keynote sessions.

Speaker Hospitality RoomPresenters may stop by to relax and request assistance related to their session. The hospitality room is located in the Elementary Conference Room located in the PDS lobby, marked on the map on pages 36-37.

conference WikiPresenters are encouraged to consider uploading and sharing their presentation resources on the conference wiki ( Assistance is available in the Speaker Hospitality Room.

Bring Your TechnologyAttendees are encouraged to bring their laptops, iPads, and other mobile technologies to use throughout the conference. Please consider bringing a power strip with you due to limited outlets in the classrooms.

Wireless Info .Wi-Fi is available throughout the conference facilities for your laptop, iPad, etc.

AttireAttire for the conference is casual. Be warned – the air conditioning on site is stellar; you may want to bring a sweater!

cell PhonesAs a professional courtesy, attendees should silence or turn off cell phones, pagers, etc., during workshops and presentations.

I N F O R M a T I O NG E N E R a L

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Sharing, Social Media, and RecordingPresenters have indicated the permission levels they grant for recording and sharing information from their sessions. Attendees should adhere to the permission levels as indicated in the program and on the website.

Permissions Key: Photos Allowed No Photos Allowed Online notes/blogging allowed Online notes/blogging not allowed Video recording/rebroadcasting allowed Video recording/rebroadcasting not allowed

The conference event tag is #micon12. Please include this in all your corresponding tweets, plurks, Facebook updates, blog posts, wiki pages, photos, podcasts, etc., so that they will be accessible through search/aggregation.

choosing and Attending SessionsThere are eight sessions offered over the two-day conference. Sessions are either 50-minutes or 100-minutes long. Many of the 50-minute sessions are available more than once. All sessions are first-come, first served.

Consult the catalog or website for a listing of workshops available during each session. All session listings on the website are tagged, making it easier for you to find sessions by target audience or topic. A mobile version of the site will be up and running during the conference to provide quick access to the session listings and tags.

exhibit HallThe exhibit hall is located in the North Gymnasium (the larger, double gymnasium) and provides a great opportunity for you to learn about products and services that can be used inside and outside the classroom.

SnacksAll snacks and drinks will be located in the Exhibit Hall.

LunchesLunches are included in the price of your registration. Lunch will be served form 11:00-1:00 in the Exhibit Hall, located in the North Gymnasium. You may choose to skip a session and collaborate over lunch or grab your lunch on the way to a session. Please plan accordingly. For directions, consult the map on pages 36-37.

Door PrizesDon’t miss out on our door prizes! The Martin Institute will provide the opportunity for a number of teachers to return to school with an iPad, iPod Touch, AppleTV, and more. You must be present to win.

Media/PressThe 2012 Martin Institute Summer Conference welcomes members of the media. Please check-in with the Media Office (located on the map on pages 36-37) to get information on scheduled media events and to learn more about the Martin Institute. For additional information, contact Lee Rantzow at [email protected] or (901) 842-4613.

Special needsAny special requirements you may need should be relayed at registration or to one of the Information Booths.

G E N E R a L I N F O R M a T I O N

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Parking Lot

Poplar Avenue







EC EC ECSpeaker


Life Time Fitness

South Gym

North Gym


LobbyRecreation Storage




Elementary Conference Room

PDSDay Care

PDS Day Care












D Building

E Building

Early Childhood

M a p S

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Parking Lot

Poplar Avenue







EC EC ECSpeaker


Life Time Fitness

South Gym

North Gym


LobbyRecreation Storage




Elementary Conference Room

PDSDay Care

PDS Day Care












D Building

E Building

Early Childhood

Rest RoomsInformation Desk




Rest Rooms Elevator


Buildings A&B C Building





















Library Bookmark















LOBBYC Building



Historical Hall

Information Desk

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T E a C H E R R E S I d E N C yThe Institute provides a year of development and mentoring for a group of talented individuals beginning their careers in education.

Each resident will participate in the following:• 30 hrs of seminar /workshop training• 200 hrs of teacher observation at PDS• 200 hrs of teacher observation at a Memphis area

public school • 100 hours of teaching at PDS• 100 hours of teaching at a public school • 20 hrs of providing one-to-one instruction• Mentoring program with a PDS teacher• Discussion of educational books, articles & videos• Service on teacher committees /task forces• Development of a thesis or independent project• Planning and execution of the Institute’s seminars

and conferences• Feedback and job placement assistance from PDS

p R O J E C T Z E R OIn addition to the residency program and providing outstanding seminars and workshops on-site, the Institute awards full tuition and travel scholarships to a large number of teachers to attend Harvard’s Project Zero and other professional development opportunities of equal quality. Teachers selected will come from schools or programs located in the greater Memphis and Shelby County metropolitan region.

Apply for tuition to Project Zero for the summer of 2013 via the

M O R E I N F O R M a T I O NThe Martin Institute is currently accepting applications for the 2012-2013 school year. Contact Dr. Clif Mims, Executive Director, for more information or submit your application online at

a E R I a L v I E W O F C a M p U S

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Page 40: Martin Institute 2012 Conference Program

Master class with John Hunter Atlanta . . . . . . . . . . . June 20-21

charlottesville . . . . . June 25-29

new York . . . . . . . . . . . July 10-11

Memphis . . . . . . . . . . July 23-27

Philadelphia . . . . . . . .August 1-2

Milwaukee . . . . . . . . August 6-7

San Francisco . . . . . August 14-15

Seattle . . . . . . . . . . August 22-23

Apply online:

Martin InstituteTeacher Residency now accepting applicationsfor the 2012-2013 school year

Apply online:

Harvard’s Project zeroTuition & Travel Scholarships for Summer 2013

Apply online:

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The Martin Institutefor teaching excellence

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Connect. Educate. Innovate.

College of Education, Health and Human Sciences