market leader - unit 1

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Page 1: Market Leader - Unit 1

11/04/23 1

Page 2: Market Leader - Unit 1

Vocabulary - GreetingsHow do you do?Hello!Hi!Good morning!Good afternoon!Good evening!Good bye!/ Bye!Good night!See you soon!See you later!See you again!I hope to see you again.

How are you?I am great! well! fine! good! OK! Thank you/ thanks. And


Practice:Work in pairs and greet

your partner.

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Page 3: Market Leader - Unit 1

Vocabulary - IntroductionsExcuse me, are you Lain?Yes, I amI am Hoa.This is Ms Hang.Pleased to meet you.Nice to meet you.Good to meet you.Welcome to Vietnam.Thank you.

Practice:Work in a group of three

and introduce your friend to a partner.

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Page 4: Market Leader - Unit 1

Vocabulary – Find the meaning of these words



CEOChief Executive












Jobs in accounting

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Page 5: Market Leader - Unit 1

Vocabulary - Find the meaning of these words




Public relations


Human resources



Customer service


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Page 6: Market Leader - Unit 1

The verb “TO BE”

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The verb “TOBE”


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Work in pairs.Make 10 sentences using the verb “TOBE”

1. ………………………………………………………………2. ………………………………………………………………3. ………………………………………………………………4. ………………………………………………………………5. ………………………………………………………………6. ………………………………………………………………7. ………………………………………………………………8. ………………………………………………………………9. ………………………………………………………………10.………………………………………………………………


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Page 12: Market Leader - Unit 1

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Supplier /sə'plaiə/ - a company or a person that provides a particular type of product - (N.) người cung cấp

Competitor /kəm'petitə/ - a person, team or company that is competing against others - (N.) người cạnh tranh, đối thủ

To place (= make) an order – (V.) đặt hàng

To offer a discount /'diskaunt/ – (V.) giảm giáE.g. Can you offer me a discount?

To pay a deposit /di'pɔzit/ – (V.) đặt cọc tiền, trả tiền ký gửi. E.g. If you don’t mind, could you pay a deposit of VND 100000 in advance?

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After-sales service – help, advice or free repairs that you get after you buy a product – (N.) dịch vụ hậu mãiE.g. If you have a problem with the machine, just contact our after-sales service department

Receipt /ri'si:t/ – a piece of paper that proves that money or goods have been received - (N.) giấy biên nhận, biên laiE.g. When you bring the car back, we e-mail you a detailed receipt.

Deal /di:l/ - an agreement or arrangement, especially in business – (N.) sự thỏa thuận mua bán, sự giao dịchE.g. At Company X, the buyer can get some deals for half prices.

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Guarantee period /,gærən'ti:/ /'piəriəd/ – time when the seller repairs or replaces a product free of charge – (N.) thời hạn bảo hiểme.g. Ten percent discount and two-year guarantee period. That’s a very good offer.

To quote /kwout/ – to give a price – (V.) báo giá, định giá. E.g. The architect has quoted VND 100 million to build an extra floor.

To launch a new product – ra mắt sản phẩm mớiE.g. We’ll launch a new product into the market next week.

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Promotion /prə'məʊʃn/ – activities to advertise something – (N.) sự quảng cáo, khuyến mại hàng hóaE.g. a sales promotion

To pay in/by instalments /in'stɔ:lmənt/ – trả góp, trả làm nhiều lần. E.g. We agreed to pay for the car in/by instalments.

sales force /seils/ /fɔ:s/ - lực lượng bán hàng

Sales representative /,repri'zentətiv/ - đại diện thương mại, đại diện bán hàng

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A discount

Cross out the word that has no partner

To offer

To give

To get

To place

A deposit

To pay

To fax

To ask for

To lose


To pay

To orderTo deliver

To returnA guarantee

To give

To provide

To ask for

To say

An orderTo receive

To promote To place

To cancel






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Page 18: Market Leader - Unit 1

Reading and translate it into Vietnamese

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Last year’s overall sales figures were excellent for Nielsens Electronics. In January, they introduced the RU20 CD player, and sales went up from 2000 to 2500 the next month.In March, sales reached 3500. Sales then stayed at the same level through the next quarter, but they continued to go up in July and August, when they increased to 4000.Nielsen wanted to launch their digital camcorder, the DCC-N300, in September, but production problems delayed their introduction of this new model.So Nielsen launched it at the end of October. Overall sales went down after August, and at the end of October they were at 3500.However, the DCC-N300 was very popular, and the overall volume of sales grew until the end of the year, when it reached 4500.

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Page 20: Market Leader - Unit 1

Complete the card with information about yourself.1. Name:……………………………………………………..

2. Age:…………………………………………………………

3. Nationality:…………………………………………………

4. Job:…………………………………………………………

5. Marital status: ………………………………………………

6. Address:…………………………………………………….

7. Email address:………………………………………………

8. Telephone number:…………………………………………

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Page 22: Market Leader - Unit 1

Section I: Fill in the gaps with a suitable word from the next slide. 1.When buyers …….1 ….an order with a seller for the first time,

they usually have a lot of questions.

2. First, they want to ……….2…. prices, of course, and they also

want to know what kind of ………….3…. the seller can offer.

3. Very often, the buyer wants to ask if the seller has the goods in

……… 4…., and if he or she can deliver on ………. 5…

4. Sometimes buyers will ask if it is possible to pay in………. 6…

If the seller agrees, he or she will often expect buyers to pay a…..7…/.

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Page 23: Market Leader - Unit 1

I. Complete the text with the best words1. a) put b) take c) place

2. a) compare b) offer c) say

3. a) commission b) discount c) feature

4. a) shop b) stock c) delivery

5. a) delay b) speed c) time

6. a) installments b) parts c) shares

7. a) deposit b) cheque c) guarantee

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Page 24: Market Leader - Unit 1

Section II: Match the items to its definitions and complete the following sentences with the word 1-5

1. guarantee period a. a company or a person that provides a particular type of product

2. retail b. a person who tries to be more successful than you

3. wholesale c. the selling of goods to businesses, usually in large quantities

4. supplier d. time when the seller repairs or replaces a product free of charge

5. competitor e. the selling of goods to the public, usually through shops

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Page 25: Market Leader - Unit 1

Complete the following sentences with the word 1-51. Lantex never delivers on time. We have to look

for another _____________

2. Our products are available in department stores and other ____________outlets.

3. Sales are very good, but our main _____________’s sales are also going up very quickly.

4. Ten percent discount and a two-year _______________! That’s really a very good offer.

5. We are in the _______________ trade and sell our clothes to retailers and fashion houses.

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Page 26: Market Leader - Unit 1

Section III: Read the article adapted from the Financial Times and answer the questionsWord-of-mouth marketing is the best strategy for Master foods

As part of its launch for a new variety of cat food, UK pet food

maker Master food last year used a strategy designed by a company

called Wildfire, which is based in London. They are specialists in

word-of-mouth marketing. The company identified 10,000 customers

likely to give positive word-of-mouth reports to others if they liked

the product, Whiskas Oh So. These people were then mailed free

samples and coupons to pass on to family and friends.

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To test the success of the strategy, Wildfire contracted Dunnhumby, a

company which analyses data. They studied the responses of three

groups: people who received the free samples and coupons, people who

were then sent the coupons by satisfied users and a special group who

did not receive the mails hot.

According to Iva Palmer of Wildfire, the results were dramatic. ‘Sales


the product among people who received word-of-mouth

recommendations plus coupons from their friends were 11 times


than among the special group.’


Page 28: Market Leader - Unit 1

A. Complete the sentences with words from the article1. When you put a product on the market for the first time, you _ _ _ _ _ _ it.

2. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is a formal plan.3. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is someone who has a lot of

experience in one area.4. _ _ _ _ _ _ is another word for ‘sent’.5. Companies send you a _ _ _ _ _ _ of their

product so you can try it.6. A _ _ _ _ _ _ is a printed form giving you a

discount on a product.7. A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is when you send product

information to a lot of people by post.8. If the results are _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, then they are


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Page 29: Market Leader - Unit 1

B. Match the statements below (a-e ) with the three companiesMasterfoods Wildfire


It is located in London. Wildfire

It found 10,000 potential customers. ___________

It makes food for pets. ___________

It checked how successful the advertising was


It thought the results were amazing. ___________

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Page 30: Market Leader - Unit 1

Section IV: Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D 1. …………..responsible for processing the records of a

business’s financial activities.A. Back-office managers B. Tax accountantsC. Bookkeepers D. Trainee accountants2. External auditors are the people employed by an outside

firm of accountants and hired by a company ……..A. giving administrative support B. for inspecting its

accountsC. to inspect its accounts D. processing the records 3. …..who are studying for professional examinations.A. Trainee accountants B. tax accountantsC. Internal auditors D. external auditors

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Section IV: Choose the best answer by circling A, B, C or D4……of a company who are responsible for

inspecting its account. A. Manager B. CEOC. Internal auditors D. tax

accountants5. ……….is an agreement between two or more

parties, often written.A. transaction B. contractC. financial reporting D. shareholder6. Can you check that the figures have been

entered correctly in the bank ……………..?A. account B. accountsC. accountant D. accounting

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Page 32: Market Leader - Unit 1

Section V: Rewrite these sentences using the given words and phrases

1. Many/ burdened/ developing countries/ by/ heavy debt/ are/

…………………………………………………………………….2. will/ paid/ his/ off/ He/ debts/ next year/ by/ have/.…………………………………………………………………….3. do/ need/ the problem/ Why/ a solution/ to/ soon/?/ they/…………………………………………………………………....4. profits/ paying/ tax/ Big/ mean/ less/.…………………………………………………………………....5. like/ start/ about/ by/ a little/ your experience/ me/

Would you/ to/ telling/ ?/.…………………………………………………………………....

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Page 33: Market Leader - Unit 1

Key SECTION I2. A 3. B4. B5. C6. A7. A

Slide 91. To place2. To fax3. To pay4. To say5. To promote

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KeySECTION II1 – d2 – e3 – c4 – a5 – b

SECTION III1. Launch2. Strategy3. Specialist4. Mailed5. Sample6. Coupon7. Mails hot8. dramatic

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KeySECTION 41. C2. C3. A4. C5. B6. A

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Key – SECTION V1. Many developing countries are burdened by

heavy dept.

2. He will have paid his debts off by next year.

3. Why do they need a solution to the problem soon?

4. Big profits mean paying less tax.

5. Would you like to start by telling me a little about your experience?

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