making natural paints

Ученицы 7 класса «Б» школы №444 г. Москвы Семешкиной Дарьи Руководители: Педагог доп. Образования Мальцева А. В. Учитель английского языка Свиридова Т. Б.

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Page 1: Making natural paints

Ученицы 7 класса «Б» школы №444 г. Москвы

Семешкиной Дарьи


Педагог доп. Образования Мальцева А. В.

Учитель английского языка Свиридова Т. Б.

Page 2: Making natural paints

Familiar to us paints consist of various chemical modifications. It can br dangerous for small children or people who have allergy. I decided to create paints based on food products and their compounds. From books I have learned that in ancient times people used natural dyes for dyeing of fabrics. They were made from the bark of trees, young or fallen leaves, needles, which are exactly hard to get, especially in large quantity, and the proposed acid, which was offered to use for changing colour, are inaccessible and also dangerous. I began to think, than they can be replaced. Instead of bark, leaves and so on, I decided to use fruit and vegetables, as well as alkalis and acids like lemon juice and baking soda. This topic is without doubt important and actual in our everyday life. It is important because we should take care of our health and health of all children. That’s why we need to know some important information about them and know how to use it.

To create from food environmentally friendly paints which are harmless when injected into the human body.

It is possible to create from food additives for harmless paints.

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1. To find and to read sources of information on the topic including different journals, online resources, books and etc.;2. To analyse the data;3. To choose fruit and vegetables and to find out if the col-our of juice or decoction will be changed when I change its pH or it will be persistent and bright;4. To find harmless additives that can change the acidity of juice and broth;5. To work out the algorithm of experiments for research of changing of the colour of different kinds of juice, to conduct these experiments, to fix and to analyze the results;6. To choose the most available and cheap colouring fruits and vegetables from which you can make a paint of different colours;7. To work out the methods of storage of paints.

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Many of them did not suit me, and then I decided to use other


NATURAL DYES (information from books and the Internet)

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To change the acidity of the solution it is necessary to add alkali or acid. I read that a solution of baking soda is

alkaline, and the juice of some fruits, such as lemon or cranberry is sour.

Page 6: Making natural paints

I invented a clear and beautiful table for recording the results.The best table looks like this:


1 -







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1. Preparation of alkali and acid

Alkali - SSBS (a saturated solution of bicarbonate of soda).Acid - I often took the lemon juice, sometimes cranberry.

2. Pouring juiceThe sap (solution of the powder,

decoction) pour equal parts (5-10 ml) in the same bowls, label them. Sign labels.

3. Changing in the acidityI added alkali and acid to the juice,

changing its colour

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In my experiments I used the kind of juice and decoctions of various products. Here I will tell how to prepare:

JUICE FROM BERRIES1.Take a piece of cloth and put it in a flat container so that the fabric covered the bottom.2.Put berries into a bowl (on cloth).3.Take the pestle and pound berries. .4.Take the fabric for the corners and fold in "the bag”.5.Squeeze out the juice in a container.

JUICE ИЗ VEGETABLES1. Grate the vegetable using a grater.2. Take a piece of cloth and put it in a flat container so that the fabric covered the bottom.3. Put the grated vegetable into the bowl on the cloth.4. Take the pestle, push and squeeze the grated vegetable.5. Take the fabric for the corners and fold in "the bag".6. Squeeze out the juice in a container.

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DECOCTIONS1. Boil water.2. Brew substance (dry leaves, tea, powder, etc) in boiling water.3. Filter through a sieve, colander, etc.4. Pour into a container.

JUICE FROM FRUITS1. Cut into pieces.2. Pass through the juicer.

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Blackberries (frozen) Light purple, grey-purple, grey-yellow, yellow, pale-orange

Cranberries (fresh) Pale orange, pale pink, pink Red cabbage (freshly squeezed) Purple, yellow-green, yellow, sea green, light blue,

light green Purple, beige Purple, beige Turmeric (broth) Bright yellow, brick red Red onion (broth deluhi) Chocolate brownSea-buckthorn (freshly squeezed) Bright yellow, orange Black rowan (freshly squeezed) Beige, purple, grey-yellow, yellow Beets Light yellow, burgundy, brown Black currants (pulp, soaked in water) Pale purple, grey-green, light beige Red currants (fresh) Beige-pink, beige, yellow, grey-green Spinach (fresh) Yellow-green Saffron (broth) Bright yellow

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Red-pink Orange-yellow Brown Green Blue-purple

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RED BeetsORANGE Turmeric, carrots YELLOW Turmeric GREEN Red cabbage, Hibiscus (karkade) BLUE Red cabbage

PURPLE Red cabbage, Hibiscus (karkade)

BROWN Peel of Red onion, Beets, karkade

Page 13: Making natural paints

The paint that I got cannot be stored for a long time and it’s very hard to prepare them every day. I decided to try if it is possible to somehow to save paints and started the first experiments.

DRYING OF THE JUICE OR DECOCTION1.Put on a small pallet piece of polyethylene (preferably transparent) or kitchen film having an area greater than the area of the pallet;2.Pour the paint in a thin layer on the polyethylene.;3.Keep in a warm, dry place for 3 to 5 days (until all the moisture evaporates);4.Put the paint in the bag.

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Page 15: Making natural paints


Dangerous when get in the body (-)

Harmless when getin the body (+)

Durable (+) Short-lived (-)Long process of preparation (-) Fast cooking (+)

A large number ingredients (-) A minimum of ingredients (+)

May not become moldy (+) Can become moldy(-) The presence of preservatives(-) No preservatives(+) Does not require special conditions of transportation and storage (+)

Requires special conditions of transportation and storage (-)

Do not evaporate (+) Evaporate (-) Cannot be used as food colorants (-) Can be used as food colorants (+)

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1. Choose a set of colours (using the "colour palette"), you (your child) would like to do.2. Prepare (with a child or without a child) juice, broth or solutions that are needed to prepare the selected shades.3. Offer a child to add to the juice (or other) in this palette number NRPS or L according to my technique and to draw a table of results or draw a picture.

DRAWING(>3 years)

1. Prepare the paint (see PREPARATION of PAINTS).2. Offer the child to draw a picture.

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Page 18: Making natural paints

• Adding certain chemical substances in juice and decoction of a number of coloured natural food changing in the acidity leads to changes in their colour, which confirms put forward my hypothesis.

• It is easy to make available, not expensive and harmless to humans paints for drawing, based on the investigated products. You can make them yourselves at home. Small children can draw using them.

• For preparation of paints it’s better to use coloured fluids and broths from vegetable products (berries, fruits, vegetables, herbs, flowers) and to add soda and lemon or cranberry juice and food thickeners.

• The results of my project can be used for entertaining lessons with children and their inclusion in chemistry: the children will see that the most common edible products become various colours, which they can use to draw something, after simple transformations.

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• Golovkin B. N. Based on his grandfather's recipes M.: Agropromizdat, 1990.

• Baturitskaya N.V, Fenchuk T.D. Amazing experiments with plants. The book for pupils. – M.: Nar. asveta, 1991.

• Wikipedia. Paints.


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