magazine adverts in the same genre as mine

Magazine adverts from the Pop-Rock genre

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Post on 15-Apr-2017




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Page 1: Magazine adverts in the same genre as mine

Magazine adverts from the Pop-Rock genre

Page 2: Magazine adverts in the same genre as mine

Magazine advertArtist’s name:The artist's name is in gold, and is in a large font size. The placement of her name looks like she could be wearing a necklace. The colour gold connotes wealth and luxury, possibly could suggest it's a luxury to have Jessie J's album. The colours black, gold and white work well with one another because they contrast with each other, which gives a professional look to the magazine.

Album title:The title of the album is included. The fact that it says debut album tells us this is her first album. The font colours are gold and white, these colours connote two different things, gold connotes luxury, where as white connotes innocence. This could suggest since this is her first album, Jessie J might not do something too risky.

Central image:There is a central image of the artist in the magazine. There is a direct mode of address, this could give the impression that she's trying to welcome the audience, which could suggest she's trying to be appealing enough for the reader to buy her album. The colours black and white juxtapose one another because the colour white connotes innocence, where as the colour black connotes mystery and power. This can be backed up because since she's a new artist, she will be a mystery to the public because this the first time she's ever released an album.

Featured songs:The album includes her most popular song on the album 'Price Tag'. Since the magazine included this, readers will most likely know this song since it's " The #1 International Smash", if the reader likes this song, it will encourage them to listen to the rest of her album.

Artist’s website:Although it doesn't feature a release date for the album, this magazine advert includes the artist's website. By doing this, it allows the reader to find out more information about the artist and her new album.

Page 3: Magazine adverts in the same genre as mine

Magazine advert

Group’s name:The band’s name is in white, which connotes innocence and purity. However this juxtaposes with the overall theme of magazine. Since the magazine is quite dark in itself, gives the impression that this album will be quite eerie and mysterious.

Magazine:Kerrang! Is known to be a rock magazine. It wouldn’t be surprising to see Fall Out Boy on Kerrang! because this magazine is known to feature bands that aren’t typically mainstream artists.

Overall design:The two skeletons could link back to the title of the album ‘Believers never die’, it could mean they might not have believed in the band or their music, and because of that, they ended up dead. Since the magazine includes two skeletons, could suggest to the reader, the theme of death could be a theme on the album. The two colours blue and black can give two different connotations. The colour blue can connote peace, possibly suggesting the two skeletons are finally at peace since they’re no longer alive, which then could link to the colour black which can connote death

Featured songs:This magazine features some of the songs that will be on this album. By doing this it could be recongnisable to reader, as well as the titles of the song could encourage the reader to listen to the songs.

Page 4: Magazine adverts in the same genre as mine

Magazine advert

Group’s name:The groups name ‘Paramore’ is on the top left corner. The font colour is black, this colour connotes mystery, as well as power. This could be an overall theme for their album, or it could also suggest they’re powerful in the music industry.

Album title:The album title is “Brand New Eyes”. The title of the album could suggest, overtime their music could’ve matured, and that their music has a different perspective.

The record label is placed on the bottom right corner, by doing this, the reader might recognise the record

Release date: Since the magazine features the album being out now, the people who are reading the magazine could possibly be more encouraged to buy it, rather then having to wait for it.

Overall design: On this magazine (as well as the album) butterflies are used repeatedly. Butterflies are known to be a symbol of change. This could suggest that the band has changed their style, and because of this it has resulted in a change of music.