m. ray, bust over il everyday §trge1 pp^^ iwherfwil · 2017. 12. 18. · mmr t 16 george m. cohan...

mmr t 16 George M. Cohan Decides to Become a London Producer . Expects I'ltiraately to Confine His Tliouti'icnl Activities to England. George M. Cohan, probably the jut- BlcWIUIIlg llgUTU Ul II1C ."WHIM icill 1II»UV, has completed plans, it became known yesterday, to become a London producer, confining his theatrical activities to lingland. lie will arrive on Sunday aboard the steamship Carmanla, after a six weeks' visit to Londan and Taris, and will stay for a short time only, going back to London In a few weeks. In a way, Crina will be starting an .4rr»ri.>a» invasion of London, in exChange for the. advent here of many Knglish actors in the last year or so. At present lie has 1711 American players under a three year contract, and from these he Is picking out actors and actrew>es whom lie wants to associate with him in his ventures abroad, offering them high salaries, it is said. His Initial offering to the British metropolis will bo "Tlve Tavern," ip which he will appear himself. The production Is being prepared here and wilt be shipped at once. ISarly in February, in association with Charles 11. Cochran. London manager, he w ill present1 a big revue. When "The O'Brien Oirl" com-J pletes its engagement at the Liberty Theatre here. Mr. Cohan has arranged J to transport the'entire company to Lon-' don. A new production is now being constructed user there. After its engagement in London. "The O'Brien itirl" will resume Its American tour, playing In Chicago, Philadelphia l-nd a return engagement In Boston. While London will be Mr. Cohan's producing centre, lie will make his home f hero and retain his American citizen- ship. So far as his friends know, he lias not yet fallen a victim to the spell of the monocle. ' a. "DEMI VIRGIN' MUST BE CLOSED TO-NIGHT Woods Warned Theatre Will Lose License Otherwise. To-dav w ill witness the leaf uniform- anees of "The Demi-Virgin" at the El- tinge Theatre, If A. H. Woods, producer of tho farce, bona to the mandate of John Gilchrist, License Commissioner, that Woods must close the play before >*ovember 25 or cause the license of the theatre to be revoked. This Is the play tor which Woods Is awaiting trial in Special Sessions n°xt Monday on the report of Chief Magistrate William Me- Adoo that Avery Hopwuod's piece is; "flagrantly immoral." The play had not been shut down last night, and It was said at the the- atre that It would not be closed "unless they back up the wagon." A large audience appeared to be flowing through the doors. Tho patronage of the play Is eaid to have Jumped considerably since the limelight was turned on it during the judicial procedure. It was said around the Woods office that the manager was ( discussing with hla lawyers whether to j start action for an Injunction to re- t strain the License Commissioner, or to ( fctop his production pending the determication of its moral status by the trial. TP.. -11.... el 1- .i "* * * uai iici mi uic wccn, wiirn aiag miraic ZdeAdoo announced his findings, he de- clared that the matter had pnssed beyond lila purview, and it remained for the Liecnac Commissioner, the Police Department or District Attorney Swann to take action that would prevent the farther performance of the play. s 3o far the Police Department has i made no move, except to serve as wit- I (leases of the play and report to the Chief Magistrate. .Ttidgo Swann de- clared that by keeping his show open Woods was courting a much more severe penalty in case of conviction than t he might receive if lie stopped the pre- < sentatlon. He declared that sentence. on conviction, might run as high as three years In prison. ; t In some quarters among the managers (he action of the I.lcense Com-: mlssloner has led to a curious paradox.! in that some producers are actually ad-; vocating now a stage censorship, an of-' flelal whom they viewed with dread pre- vlously. They point out that a censor would be an authority to whom a man-j sger could submit his manuscripts be-, fore production and learn whether they would be permissible, thus saving him- self thousands of dollars before a pro- duction, instead of running the risk of having a new show cancelled. KXTRA NIGHT FOIt AUTHORS. * The fourth of a series of five authors' rights, held In connection with the sixteenth annual exhibition of books of the year in the galleries of the National Arts Club last night, brought forth a last minute crnwa tnat taxed me capacity of the club, and caused the com- liilttee to arrange fop another final "showing of authors in person" next Wednesday, November 30. Harold Howland, chairman of the committee, "exposed four modest modern authors" to the public last night.Robert Nathan, author of "Autumn"; Harriet Comstock,' author of "The .Shield of Silence"; Sydney Greenbie, author of "The Pa- clflc Triangle," and Shaw Desmond, author of "Gods." KOTKI Oft 1IIK THl.ATRK*. " (J To commemorate the 300th performance j r>f "The Green Goddess," with George Arllss. t,t the Booth, the cast has presented to Wlnthrop Atnrs, the producer, a bronze etat»<tte by Edmond Qulnn of Edwin Booth, after whom th" theatre was named. "Nile-. ),llllsn tloss, Glenn Hunter, Miss Miriam listtlata. Tom Powers and other aiaysi'i of SI'reeii and stage will take part jn the r ajs hud pantomimes which Vmi Albert 1. dlrertor of the Young People's Th<*stre C't.mpany, will present for Juvenile patrons *t the Cort to-morrow afternoon and Saturday morning. As a trlbrte t.. H.t" Davenport, leading player of "Thank t U the Ixn.gacre, who will puss his fiftieth nrnlverssry on the stage at the spe. lal matinee to-morrow. John Golden has Invited all the players under hfs mm lenient no" .n '.mater New York. The Yiddish Art Theatre will present n raw Play. "Countryman," a comedy by I. P. Berkowltg. son In Inw of flhotcm Alelchem. . on the serond bill of the season to be given ta-morri w evening. The Peeehwood Players will present their naxt production at the Jleechwood Theatre. isesrP'.rougii, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday evenings, November .10. December 1 and December 1', under the direction of Henry gllllman it will be "The Eighth Day," a drama by Stephen Austin. Al Jolaon smiouneed yesterday that Im- mediately af'er the holidays ho will give s matlneo of Shakespeare's "Othello" for the benefit of me of the charities In which ho Is specially Interested To-nlght "Huaette," a musical comedy, will ' l»a presented at the Princess with a oast heeded by Frank I.alor. , The role of frmerol Popnff In 'The Chnco- late Soldier'' will be sung In thu forthcoming Ubuhnrt revival by John Dunsmurc. Mlaa Ilutli Page, rlasalc Unncor, and Carlos tlaedo. harpist, will appear at the Ciolwyn <B»4tre the nftemoon of [Htfmbtf tl fur the New York Home for llomolesa lloya and children's libraries to be established hi France by the Hook Committee on Chtl- dmn's Libraries. J 1 The total attendance for "Good Morning. Dearie." In Its fourth week at the Globe Theatre, will pass the jib.OOH mark at to- day's matinee. K apectal Thanksgiving feature at the 1 Wlppndr» me *'"1 bo a nee dance dlvertlas- reset, written by Dr. AnSelm thytrl and tat.odueed Into the Foltlne ballet of "Get To- St iter by Mile Hansen, premiere daneeuse Mrs. Caruso Gives Bust of Husband m [ in A/f aimnnli-fn n jS^ pP^^ ' | By Onorlo Huotolo. Bust of Enrico Caruso. To He Formally Accepted by Otto II. Kahn at Next Sun- day's Memorial Concert. A bust of Enrico Caruso has been presented to the Metropolitan Opera House by the widow of the tenor and wiH be accepted by Mr. Otto H. Kahn 6n behalf of the opera house as chairman of the board of directors of the Metropolitan Opera Company at the concert to be given there nVxt Sunday afternoon for the benefit, of the Verdi j Home for Aged Musicians, an Institu- tion in which Caruso was much Inter- ested and to which lie had contributed ( liberally. , The presentation address will be made i K«. Me T^:«»^lu xT I rt..o.dln n.r1 Mf 1 Kahn will reply in accepting: the . sculptured memorial which Mgr. G. Mittaga, a long time friend of Caruso, will bless. The bust Is the work of Onorio Ru- otolo, who recently completed it In his studio at 1S3 West Fourth street, and presented it to Mrs. Caruso. The sculptor had known Caruso many years. His life size and lifelike, study of the tenor was made from Mrs. Caruso's favorite photograph of her husband and from the sculptor's intimato knowledge of the singer's personal characteristics. The marble memorial will And a permanent place in the Metropolitan. The Verdi Home for Aged Musicians n Milan, Italy, to which all the proceeds from the Sunday afternoon con- pert are to be devoted, was founded py the composer for which it was named md at present gives shelter to eighty 'ormer artists, some of whom in their prime were distinguished. Because of 1 lepreciation of values in Italy the in- rome from the endowment has been educed about one-quarter of what it was a few years ago. | a p (EVACUATION 138 YEARS AGO. 1 The Sons of tlie Revolution will ob- ^ <crve me room anniversary or ine evaclatlon of the city of N-sw York by Brttsli troops to-morrow night at the Motel ° Pluzn. Commander Myron McCandlesa, i". 3. Tfs-. will lecture on "Origin of the 1 Early United States Flags." j a In Praunces Tavern on December .> the organization will hold its annual 1 (lection. ' 1 WHERE TO DINE. ienriallCo.. TSPiitb ,iv..42d St. Tel. Hrvant V Exquisite Thanksgiv NOON TIL Jfamous m 4 ORCHESTRAS.S RESERVE TABLES C o m m u n i t j 548 Weit_113 St. Thanksgiving Dinnei Tl'KKKYi MINCE PIE-AA Thanksgiving Tnrl I TO 9 P.M. keen's ngltsf) n-74-76 W. 38TH ST., NEAR SIXTH AV. I4TH ST.. NEXT TO BECAHCO THEATRE. gSSSHftatok SCHUYLER 6359 ^ Form iy m.iJ HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. Motet Bfetton MaJl Broadway, 85th to 86tk St, NEW YORK Wiwnj StHllon ht Mlh Street Car. I'lfvatfd Stnllon -! llloeke (With HI. I.argrnt Mini Attractive Xlidtnvm HoM Furnished and Unfurnished Suite* For Transient or Permanent ResidenceAll the Comforts and Advantages of the Best New York City Hotels at Evcentlonnl Hates. Within Ten Minutes of All Shop* and Theatre*. Rests nrant *f Richest Standard. kVuCl70U)S 1/ famous Restaurant 14tb£t..l)ear fourth J?uc. HoteL sidne y West With Ht.. Cor. Broadway. I Block from Central Park. Hohway .1- r, Station. Phone Col. .I82G. V Mew Hotel.Splendid Itrstanrnnf. Transients Arrmnmntlaleil. Moderate tYrrkly nnd Monthly Rates, fcotel jWanbflttan ftquarr 50 Waat 77th Stroat. 1 Permanen' or transient. Suites of any rIV.e. N \ lr decorated thruout. _____ Tnmlsheo or t*T'fi<rnl*t:rd.______ *otef jletfjerUmbs , 6TH AVE. AT »TH ST. Great Northern Hotel 111 W 07th St. and 10* to ttl W. 8«th St THE NEW Charles Ray, Film 1 Star, //er£ to Look New York Over > w ai K Philosopher in Spats Wei- 01 to coined at City Hall and Sub- is mits to Iutorview. The philosopher in spats arrived here yesterday. He is bettor known to the motion picture public as Charles Ray and he got in from Los Angeles immao ulately clad in cutaway and gray striped trousers. For exact details get any the- atre programme and turn to "What the Man Will Wear." This young man did Indeed look like a movie star of purest ray serene. And he demonstrated the philosophical strain In him as he answered patiently endless foolish questions by interviewers all day, despite the fact that this was his first time In New York and he was naturally yearning to cut loose from the office of hifl manager, Arthur S. Kane, j at 25 West Forty-third street, and see how the big city shaped up against Charles Ray. But before he was put on the reportorlal rack he received an offl- r-tal welcome from Mayor Hylan at City Hall, for as soma, one remarked, Ray Is "quite democratic." lie would have been given the key to the city, but gath- ered that so many of them had been Riven away inieiy mai nono were lert. Ray would like to produce pictures here, although he was a trifle vague as to tfce date when New Yorkers might expect to welcome him as a fellow citizen. However, he is going to take scenes along the waterfront here and In Boston for new pictures. He may do character parts some days, but hopes to continue his present juvenile Incarnation for a long time, and Judging by his youthful, slightly chubby face, he will probably remain America's boy till he begins to shave.for he looks as though he doesn't now. He confessed to having been born In 1891. Probably the next generation will still be regarding him as a younger brother, for he makes no swift. Impulsive moves that gray the locks. There Is a thoughtful aspect to his face, as one who iias weighed tho movies and found them aot wanting. Hts smiles flash like soli- taires. but they seem carefully husbanded when no camera Is near. He is mild mannered and extremely soft spoken, and If he carries out his Intention of some day appearing on the speak- tng stage some director will have to tell iim to speak up In meeting. "I played before the footlights out West," said Ray, "doing small juvenile parts In vaudeville and stock, and they jertafnly were hlnky-dink shows." He expressed the yearnings bf so many big stars when they get In the RollsRoyce class.fewer pictures. Time was when he did a new picture every nine lays, Ray said, and from there he got to twelve a year, then eight, then six.and low he has hopes of getting some real ciouic. viicji iiw TvurKH Miieen nours i day, but, he said, "I suppose I oughtn't ;o kick, having It so easy." Then young Ray revealed his true rhllosophical depths when an Interviewer isked If Mrs. Ray was busy shopping. "Well,** he remarked, "how would you rxpect a yound woman to spend her time >n her first trip to New York?" RARE BOOKS BRING $15,473. Thomas Rowlandann's The Microcosm of London' Fetches flOO. The final session yesterday afternoon it the American Art Galleries in the dis- __ >ersal of the largo collection of books, ncludlng the private libraries of the late Charles F. Libby of Portland, Me., presllent of the American Bar Association and offlcier de ['Academle Krancalse, and f the late Edward B. Camp of Millburn, J. J., together with selections from the lbraries of Miss Susan Minns of Boston nd the late ,Judd Stewart of Plainfleld. J. J., brought in a total of 12,638. ...C -lint Wiimwn 01 1,00a 10I8 totalled 15.473. | WHERE TO DINE. Ct ivlall Co 72!*Uh Hv.. 43d St. TV1.237P Bryant ing Dinner $2.50 L CLOSE hf »tt JANSSEN'S UlttU B'way & 30th St. NAPPY DANCING TEL. LONGACRE 4924 II 1| t> f abern Phone: Cath. 6864 . _ "5.301«7.30 $1.50 EVERYTHING. M key Dinner *2*00 MUSIC. Cfjop gouges a PHONE 1SOO FITZROT i. PHONE 1400 BRYANT * Su Pf THANKSGIVING (| CA C TURKEY $ I .DU 5}; B DINNER 1 irto, n OnrfK SERVER AM. BAY ! ffi * 1, : .-i . j thi HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. fl pjONTICELio J 115-37 WEST «4XH ST. J Between Broadway and Central Park. < Subway and "L" at tkSUi St. I A CIJBAN HOTKI. ' Tranolmt or Keaann j Catering far Quiet Fnmilles. f Room. I <C9_0 CO .... j- I «r of Until, \ ' | , "n.V "*,hi $4.#« » I; ! Room ttnlto, t ee aa L for Two i fw-W '* " * SPECIAL ;i Rooan Suit,, for Fimilln, . RESTAURANT TABLE D'HOTE, CLUB. > a Corte at Moilorutf Trlrr*. PHONE COLUMBUS UiftO. J. A. JEI'SON. " Hotel ABERDEENl "The Home Hotel" 17 to 21 W. 32nd St., nr. B'wty.N. YCONVENIENT TO ALL TRANS. 1 PORTATION LINES. IN THE _ HEART OK THE THEATRICAL AMI SHOPPING DISTRICT. ~" MODERATE RATES A Phone.Pennavfvania 1600 HOTEL NEWTON ; 2528 Broadway, bet 94th & 15th tkwar Eiprrio SU.ion U NU H, I . W. KivaraMo ttlt. U Hotel marie Antoinette n Rroodwor.Mth and «7th Ai». iriTKM HRADV FOB PALI. ONTAL < HOTEL TMKukHA, 124Til TO 125TH PT A 7TM AV. NC YORK HERALD, Tfl VAUDEVILLE FOR PRISONERS. I miual Entertalnwvnt to He Given To-day at Blackwell'e lalaud. Blackwell's Island will be visited by a :orc oi vaudeville artists this morning hen the Keith Troubadors give their nnual entertainment for the prisons. . F. Albee has for twenty-four years -ganized a merry party of entertainers give a Thanksgtving party on the land. Two halls will be used and two Il iWherfwil THANKS! I expect a lot of company 111 tell you why.hundreds c the Bristol dining rooms the that can be obtained. Clean. < dellclously cooked food, sim served. The finest meats, t! richest butter, cream and mill Our dinner on Thanksgl' elaborate than our dally $1 di Hons will prevail, and the sam is reproduced below. Should you prefer a la c; from a richly varied menu, a which is our Blue Plate Dim $1.00 to $1.60. * 4 Special Thank*; Served from 5:30 P. $1.1 HOTEL 1 129 wes |[ MEN LBlue Points on Half Celery Olives Chol< Cream of Fresh Spl Consomme V Cholc Filet of Sole. U Freeh Mushrooms Virginia Cholc Stuffed Boast SyCRT Sirloin Steak, Be; Roast Vermont Turk) Dressing and Cre Candled Sweet Potat Cauliflower Mashed Pi Lettuce Salad, Roquefort Cholc Pumpkin Pie Hot c English Plum Puddl French Vanilla 1 Fancy C Cholc Deml-Tasse or Ql AMUSEMENTS. GREATER THAN) MACK SENNi T7h>efa with MABELNO SMILES .CHUCKLES" TEAR, STke, mos( Humw sforu The Huge Charity Ballwith £7he. Thrilling Fight in 0 in Lhe Clouds/ ETTil Inimitable Ma The Perfect C<zst. There ue d Million IHd/q 6 .TTkrtly (fmaybcthe story CENTRALS I F T D A P A I I T A II orKHA I V » I nn Hot SK I da; Mat.at 2.(SI to to), Butterfly. Karrar. I rnla; Ma rtlnelll,Seoul. Mornnzonl. To-niithl 8:ir>. Hie Tote Mndt. Jerltza, Telva: llnrId, Leonhardt, Diaz, Laurent!. Bodanzky. I. at M. Mrflitnfrle. Alda, Koaton, Howard, rtnl; Glgll, Mardonea. Moranzonl, t. at 3, Kljtolelto. Onlll-Curcl, Telva; orolcc. Ho Luca, Rothler. Papl. L.8. Kxtra l'op.Price.Aida. Ponsalle.Perlnl. 111; MartlneUI. Paniae, Iddur. Moranzonl. n Eve. (7.V. to Verill-l'arrlnl t'oncrrt. asc, Daloaay, l'eralta, Perlnl; Harrold, nder.Laurentl,Marline. Orch. Damboachek. zt Mnn. at 7: IS. Trtatan. Mutzenaucr, Genii; 8embach, Whltahlll, 111a**. IJodnnzky. rd., 8:13, Navarralae. Parrar: Crlml. Jto#r, Wolff. Cainllrrta KiMlrumi Ponaelle, rlnl: *HgH, Chalmers. Moranzonl. 'hnnt. Kxtra Mat. at :i(|1 to $.* ), llolienie, | Vlda, IVArlo (dabutl; Crlml. Pe Luca. )l<lur. Mnrdonc*. Ananinn. Pajil. iinoT* slB, ToocaT Jerltia; Fertile (debut): att 1. Ananlan, Malnteeta, llailn. Mornnzonl 1 JUNDAYAFrNrNOV^7ri>nr I Caruso Memorial Concert! Proceeds to Verdi' Hoine Aged Ifwiicid'ia. lololm.x: Alda. Parrar, Galll-Curcl, Oorlon, Ponaelle; Glgll, MartlneUI, Ilo l.ura. j,l uf HnnrlM 11a t'o.U«-' . II ifnranzonl, Pant. Rottl, Wolff. Entire li 0, )rchMtr* nnd Clior.w. Prtem f 1.50 to >8. II HARDMAN PIANO USED. 'HILHARMONIC Concerto.80th Sraion STRANSKY Conducting. Cirnnlf Hall, To-morrow Aft., 3:36 Brahms, Hkllton, Slbrlliw, Trhiilkovakr. Saturday Eve., Noy. "Jfl, 8:30 TCHAIKOVSKY PIUM.RAMMK KI.UV >K,T, AaaUtlnK Artl»t Aaturdny Aft., Nov. "7, SlttO ' BKAHMS-WAtiNKH-HTIIALSS C !"«llx F. L>*lfcl*, Mftr. Sttlnway Piano. STANIELSENS-'.-,! :-;; j I "HAMLET" s r.roitrai photo play ov»r prodticod ppclat Mualc.(.arao Hvmphony Orrhca'm. Twit* t»»lly: tilO.Ri.TO. 1KINGTON THKA. Mat*.: «Br. #0p at Ht. A l.n. Ava, Evo». :15c, (Mr. "Sc. ft Cubwaj at Door, Utah Rrten td. I AN HAT T AH HOUSr. « lis Aft. at 2:30; To-night, 8:25 r.EKMAN rOMff OPERA fKAttON*. 'BRUDER STRAUBINGER." PrteAA 7f»c t'o | :t Man. ttrt'Jis's Operetta | C [URSDAY, NOVEMBER shows run off simultaneously in order that every one on the island may be . present. Each artist will play both halls. Nat TThmeron's orchestra "'from the Royal Theatre and Owen Jones's Palace Theatre band will accompany the acts. Lee Morrison will be general stage manaeer. The artists include Harrv Cooper.tills being his twenty-fourth visit to tho island to entertain on Thanksgiving Day.Anatolo Frledland and company of llfteen, with Miss Violet Wellcr, In "Music Land . I You Dine I JIVING? for Thanksgiving dinner and if New Yorkers bave found nearest equivalent to home lulet, restful surroun<tthf:$*-» ply flavored and perfectly be freshest vegetables, the t that the market affords, ring Day at $1.50 Is more nner. The same liberal pore "home" flavor. Our menu arte service you can choose very attractive feature of lers, ranging in price from 7£d&# I giving Dinner B M. to 8:30 P. M. J 8 BRISTOL 148 th ST. m Shell Casaba Melon Radishes :e nach, Florcntlna 'erinlcelll :e >bster Sauce In Cream, with »f.* ,| I lug Pig, . Apple Sauoe arnalse Sauce »y. with Chestnut mborry Sauce oea I Saute in Butter >tatoes Cheese Dressing e ir Cold Mince Pie ng. Hard Sauce » taltan Spumonl ^ lake e lass of Cider SSSSBSSSmmSmM AMUSEMENTS. PMAND UMil cm PictuiiudL! ,( cist of200O bp] Normand W,| 1 1\ %'mlfe* |i|P i. Y. SYMPHONY WALTER DAMROSCH Conrtnrtnr 11 I AEOI.IAN HAIJ., NEXT HAT. AT JI Hymphooy Concert for Cliilttrru. AEOLIAN MALL. Next Snn. Aft. ut 3 sou.iM KOCHANSKI Symphony No. 1, KALINNIKOW; Fan- talsle EspiiKiiole, imkv noanniis mr»i time); Violin Concerto. K.Vi;M)t\ ICA (first time). Carnegie Hall 8E I Only New York Appenrnnrf of M. VINCENT D'INDY GUEST.COMJ>OSETl-CONDUOTOR Tickets at box offices. George Knglcs.Mgr. ( AilNKtiTk hall" hnrs. Keg.. ft: 1 ; Rnf, Aft.. 8:30, Dee. 1 ft 3 JOSTON SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA PIERRE MONTEUX f'nniliirtor 1 PROGRAMMES: THURS., Sibelius, Sytnhony No. 2; Weber-Welngnrtner, "InVitaon to the Dance"; Hchoenbertr, "Transccuilr>f Night"; Beethoven, "Leonore" No. :i. co l.. Franca. nymnnnnj, mimic*. ir.lBlC| vertura; Liadoff Suite: Havel, Suite from iJapbnia and Chloe." Tlflirti ut ( nrnftlf TInll llov Office. HKKl ACADEMY 218 w-67 stnvnw ni 10 A M ,0 . p M OF DESIGN WINTER ( OF PAINTING EXHIBITION^ A SCULPTURE IaRNEGIE HALL, Sat. Aft. at 2:30 LASHANSKA ON'O RKCtTAL. (Maeon & llamlln piano.) TOWN HALL. FBI. EVO., Nov. 85. at BllSSecond Hecltnl of the acaaon by FKANCIH MACMILLEN VIOLINIST BW Ticket* M)c to *8. plua tax. (Knabc piano.) Mfft. International Concert Direction. Inc. CARNF.OIK IIAI.I nff-j! L'NDAV AFT. AT 3 UEC. 4 Rachmaninoff TICKETS NOW AT BOX OKPlf'K 'Irertlon C. J. Foley. Stelnwav I'lano. # 24, 1921. AMUSEMENTS. J ^AilKRICA'a FOREMOST 1 SH«»BERTVAUDEVILLE S^T J# WINrER GARDEN I 44TH ST. THEA. ~f 10.STAUACTS TWIC'K DAILY 2 :1 ~>A H I 1 AMRlRRinitf « viv. V flmDU)4UJKM lls TO-DAY it Sat. msmm i* Of W jr\f T TlttA . IMh. W.oi D.J Kl J (J II Evoniiig* «30. PJ *-***' v Mats. TO-PAY A Sat. fs. 8PKCIAL HOLIDAY MtTIM K TO-DAT la KACIIEL CBOTHKKS' Now Vlay. EVERYDAY B llnri Riuqp W. Uth. Kvtw. K:30. W nora tsayes Mats, to-day a sat. n Bl DCDIIDI II* W. 42d St. Eves. 8:43. KtrUOl'UMat3 To-day A Hal.2:45. rWtilNtit- »VEST42dST. Kvc9,s:3«."l 1/ CHlWMfc Mato To-day & Hat. 2:30. | W Ii'Uild IVIIT#1I M «C| U/VN THEATRE. W.42 Btat«:30 "It " MaU.Today. Jat. oc \\el. S:J0 ®.'S » John Halllday GR Robert Rendel -DAY. .. EXTRA POP. PRICE £ MAT.TOMOR'W 50c to $2 i| iPfll I ft THEATRE,West 12 St. Nights B? HI ULLU (exCCnt Sat.) REST SEATS. S2 HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY. .. 'Much Hearty Laughter.'.Ev.'Maii. ij LOUIS MANN * Sn1iard..,m,ll»tiire's Nobleman * /®\ ALLAH POLLOCK! » [ \«mrun kit hay ~ V iU/ /AIMofDivoraiwrf ~ I I t 1,1 fJ 42nd&B WAY I n III 15 CONTINUOUS mAUM H1AM. a Lois Weber's greatest picture I What Do Men Want f and Ballat of B«aut!«a £ in "TMB DANCB OF LlFt" P" """"Arthur Hopkins Present*^"""^^^X"Anna Christie" \M With PAULINE LORD It Vnndcrbllt Th.. \V. 4Btb St. Kv*. MATtXEIM WK1>. AMI SAT. " IIIDIICII OARRIOK. 05 W. 3."». Ill AmuUufl S:30' M|ts- To-day I I 11 nitlUUUII 4 Sat List f. Times. I tiuvi NEW YORK'S LEA PTNO THEA1 rupipr B'way A 40 St. Eves. 830." L KHIrlnt Mats. Tn-dny A Sat. 2:20. t FIRST MAT. TO-DAT (ThankHg.Diiy). « E ALA MATINEES. HKSTSKATS ** % I I "More thrilling than 'The Bat.' HI * * * Blends the melodrama of D 'Hherloeli Holmes' and the remedy ol 'The I'rlvale Secretary.' " - * .Olobo. I William Gillette In bis new success fc'P{ TbeDream Maker J'"Don't nilss this opportunity of NEi seeing William tlllletfe.".Sun. BJI j hrftnvkirh VILLAGE |Evs. 8:30. Mats. wj unttnn H»n TIlEATRE|To-day AHat. 2:30 w THE STRAW &R* co FIRS' RFI ACTA West44tb8t.Evenings at 8:15 TIXI1 DLUUVV Mats. To-day A Sat. 2.10. HOL1BAY MATINEE TO-DAY. EAST fl TIMES. M II 14AVID BEI.ASCO Present? " # II .WARFIELDk" « II illil IJJUJLJ PFTFnr.RIM\r with Next Tun. at 8:13.SKATS TO-WAY ' .. DAVID BELASCO will present R. H, LENORE ULRIC KIKi :: S^^JOHN c'(m'Trl,ri-1'^ ON ASSOCIATION WtTN4. AM -IN ENGLI< The a JT Musicat II Sensation cfSjnm HMwcipeiau Bllll HI uuam tftraoa rv mm I B Elm fllfTW A HMIEaSCKMOCK KB B '(MM KAWONGREtN SflM ASH iSS NOV 26 PARI liwSEffiQ SEAT sale no MM H. HARRIS' AT EXTRA HOLIDAY MATINEE* TO-DA1 ^HS^'ONLY 38" r MUSIC BOX TRYING"TV* IK ~w«rt 45th Strwt BERLIN'S ATAV*Tel. Brvant H70. willlmn Collier. Sam Uwn: laves. SJ., KidM .loM-ph Rant ley, Ivy Sawyai Tonlny *v Hat. by lfa.K«^iryl Short.''Best nun HARRIS W.421 at. "A HUGE <<OIV P) nHKKI) EVRS. 8:30. cirffpcc" d|A 111 Mats. To-day Ac Hat. aUU-tiS Wlfl Ul Punch m THE GREAT BROXOPP David By the aiitbor of "Mr. Pirn l'a«s«i By", jQ "<iorKcotwcoinooy.acteaexcellently."-Tiro. t. jtK "Agreeable, \dv»cU)u*,in«plrlnn comedy. "-Post f ^rnUAkl TMBATRR m. LvnAn Bvuay^s^i EDWYNN I) THE PERFECT FOOU' ftl| MATS. TO-PAY & SAT, SUNSHINE B=aSrt where Ceo. M. Cohan'* Comedian* 1 inti and "THE O'BRIEN GIRL" acintil- UUH late. Mat*. To-day and Sat. A ,,|>l /4J UUDOFTIII flSa^Sr vi Seat* Helling fl Weeks In Advance GOLDEN GAIETf iSt'itS: i <»?" « «« M*U. To-d«y * Sat.l lO, CUII DAYS with HELEN HAYES e"H Town Hall. To-night at Itlli. AEOl CASELLA c Tn Secoml I-ano Recital. (Ualdnio I'igno, > Mall orders. Loudon Charlton, Carnegie Hall "A Aeolian Hall, Mon. Gvg., Nov. M, at #:15 *' HUTCHESOHd In rinno Rrrltal. j ® " Mft. I-nndnn rnnrlfon. (Stclnwnv Piano.> iMgl. 1 AMUSEMENTS. niEATHES & HITS, DIRECTION OF a«n| 1r I I At lo-l> V1' ^ M VIIVKK TO-DAY. IVHniKF West 48th 81. Bryant 2024 linUUjL Evo9.8:30. MatiTo-da.vAc Sa RACE GEORGI MARIE ANTOINETTE by KIIYMAB iTinilM A 1 Then., 4Ut. W. of B'way. 1.1 IVtl^l AL Vhone Bry. 1564. Evs.8 3' (atlnees: TO-DAY A Hut. '1:30. IAIN §TRGE1 AMERICAN COMEDY HIT. PflATU West 4fith Rt. Eves. 8:31 DUUIn Mu. TO-DAY A Mat. /3<J4tli A ,133th TIMER TO-DAY Irmw h IHE BREEN AHUM" fiODJESS A PLAY OK ADVENTURE INA CLAIRE^ in the Ony Karco BLUEBEARD S l\h, WIFI RIT7 THEATRE. W.,4sth Mi 4. Mia. Ma TO-DAY A Sal IIRFflT Thea..44lh.W.of M'iny. K vs.8:3 UDCIt I MatS- To-day i Sat. 2:30. EENWICH VILLAGE FOLUES 192 SEATS AT BOX OFFICE. line Elliott's ffi- ft?® jvSv" :av»(uhm Se SILVg&FdSc* JOHN GOLUK: IMGAPRr THEATRE. West 4Mb St. JnuAtnC Mats.To-day.To-m. &. Krt. lats.To-day andTo-*ncr'w 'Thank-U" ie SMIT'i-C USli INO Comedy Success by t \ST0R5S GOLDWYN taclenth THF.fl " 7TH WEEK.STILL I POP. PRICKS: 400 GOOD SK m coon MAT. SKATS EVER If jou don't sec "THEODORA" d .Arthur Hopkins Presents Lionel Barrymore In "The Claw" with IRF.NE FENWIC1 Droudiiurst Tli.. \V. tttli St. Kvs. H :3i MAI'S. TO-DAV AM) SAT. tlKATBK GUILD PRODUCTIONS. mil FULTON. W. 40. Matlneei III M TO-DAY. Saturday & WmI lUlfl schildkraut & Le Oalllenoe. ttSOI VINO DAT MATINEES TO-IL V 'RES AND SUCCESSES IBNRY^MILLEWmvIvS ves8?o matinees tmuhs a s/rsio ILLIE BURKE BOOTH TARKINGTONS Cr.oNjt HE IMTIMATg STPANGEBi' AMSTERDAM. W. 42d St.. Eves. S.15 i.Tpda.v A Hut. SOe to 82..to. No likihor K»*rom V AMSTERDAM ROOf« df 11 &W~dtFROII< I'll.!, KOCKKS. I.KON F.HKOI,. RT THEATRE, ,^. \ MONDAY, NQV. 28 a new comedy !ER SALARY MAN" RUTH SHEPLEY Van Beuren Adelaide Prince e Carlisle Will Denting. and NOTABLE CAST. ITS NOW AT BOX OFFICE. apppBS VyjSOMMinFfarl 2700 N iT//T,mes M I H IN SMIN g I Company 100 Pfl CAtvvj 50 l.j Orchestra SO HJI DOROTHY SOUTH Ml U THEATR.E 5K52W& « N COLUMBUS CI8CII »ie?'o'5V» TRACTIONS , r AT THESE 3 THKATKKS HARYRYAN I Performance.' J riCBOXREVUE^ ird. Florence Moore, Wild a ilennrlt, Irvlnr? Berlin, many others Started dc show ever made In America. "Ulohe (UNDER LOVE" SS CKERBOCKER liners 'Co-day A Saturday, "J:3o. Meiasco A A. L. Krlangor'a Production MANDERINC JEW illTIKHT DRAMA OF Till': auk. I'm aK"uAZi7KrWesl Vid St. r s i-:< - .1 « mia.i oday. II _ W Sat. A Wed. 2.10 tpfcw lynn fontflnhe >EUM Watf 46 at. Evcn!n*»atR:30. *"vl" Mats. To-ilny ft Hat. 2:30 OI.IDAY MATINKK ITO-OAY if entertainment in town." .Charlra Onrn'.on, Km. WtnlA DAVID IIKL A SCO Prmnf el atwill grandduke*' Asian Comedy by SACHA (il'ITKV. fakcood mornmc hw dearie ifw pi f pr Ev«. r i" A'r T. Music Hall. bet.B y ft 'Jent. P. W. rni along Midnight, Porrorm-UK-v IVei. at 11:30 JAN* HALL, Tnes Aft., Nov. "!!>. ft f.hneht CHELLINC merica'a Own Matter Pianist" Pantel Mayer. Ptelnway I'lati II.IAN IIA It.. TO-NIGHT AT AiM Hong HwltnKRKIIURI ADAMSKY Daniel Mayer. Mason ft llamllu Plan AMUSEMENTS. L8E 4 j. j. pui r Ki:y. v 50 rCUTUDV The«.£C2dSt 4 ( cnt. I'ark W. ulnlllll Kves. at S. On!/ M»». Hat. at 2. \ SOTHERN - MARLOWE 1 This Week: Mer«-hant of Venh-e, Mou.. I Twelfth N'ljih I, Tuna.; Hamlet, Wed.; 1'aio I inu of the Shrew, l'burs.: Merchant of I Venire. .50-2.50. PRIMTPCC Then.. K. 39tb St. lives. K;30I nllltCgS Matinees We<l. & Hat. 2:30UlI'EMXf I'lJ-XK.HT AT 8:30. felSUZETTE^t JOTU CT Theatre, nr. U'way Kvs. S:3'J. OS 1 n .3 1 ..MaH. TO-IIAY 4 Sat. , HODGE . 3 Inthe UreatcKtlavuKhloir Novelty I" Vi* Yora I B_EWAR? ill' I OGS_ .finuuwii j u-u.l) iV | AlMiSSS' ; M&JOk I UBwi«iC4i coww I Next * M p B| C || Theatre Guild Week *» Iwl B W 3 Production 48th St. The. Eva. 8:80. Mts. To-day A Sat. : WE filRlS The HrilUimt Comedy Success' With Mary TounK&JultotteUftv. "LotsofGlnger.".Sun i Mnnncrn w ir.ihst.kvos.S.SO. ,1 ilIUftUai/U Mats 'X'o-day, Sat. A Wed. HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY " J ' F SKATS NOW SELLING WEEKS AHEAD. V'8 ATTRACTION-!. < I ITT I F THEATRE. W. 44 St. at 8:30. L I I I L t Mis. To-iay lc Sat. 2:30. Mats. To-day and Saturday "Twistyear>> BY AND WITH FRANK CRAVEN. UNdlKLI. "Mlr" RE I* TO-NIGHT AT 8:30. i 45th St. MAT. TO-DAY 2:30. THE GREATEST SCREEN 8PECE WORLD HAS EVER KNOWN. DORA 'LAYING TO CAPACITY. A Tfl AT «1 OTUlTDu =A so if iur^NLT »r* OTHiSr«e. on't ever sec a Motion Picture again. Arthur Hopkins Presents XMarjorie Rambeau I in "Daddy's Gone A-Huntins'' I Plymouth Th.. W. 45tb St. Ess. 9:30. I MATS. TO-l)AY AND SAT. 1 WIFE T SM HE sa^sisa ' Oarrlck Nov. 28. 1 |j laillAI I '" <> l.uanr Tucker's 1^1 VOLI 'Ladies Must Live' 13'wm at 10 St. Rlvoll Concert Oreh. SKS, VICTORIA KRIGHER PRIMA UA1.1.KR1NA . gia|~g I *S| Triple Pent lire Week. I ft I 111 "PtkhtliT Mad." Pauline HlnL I U Frederick In "L.l» Tnsca" B und "Itnttlc of .lutland." Time* Square, Famous lUalto tnflioetra jrmm I VlMES SQUARE All SEATS PESEIMO B 1 ADOLPM Z UK'QQ/&999rftir~ M I n F»T v""* |* ff ff ^TUBE ra.ris T J F9VMK wis & Pody, A Proas lie. kg]Ij||lVi) luraul. Francis Kennedy, Mary lUiiMUr larblu S Co., A Modern Cocktail. |BYl28MfttJ torley * Cheel' lKli. Vera Hnblna Co.. 1 -Cil 'Jtennel1, Tw'i Lad' lie « CT¥Til POLA NEGRI in CUCU ONE ARABIAN NIGHT' jWEAP 6lhAVU d SI'I'KKMK. VAI PKVI1.I.I. SmaaBiaS lui tuv Klssen & Co.. Latto 4 U'13\13 'nrner. McPoUghlin & Kvuna. pMllllll 'rancea Pougherty, otliera. ImcaO *,A«/rl ( HAKI.K-t RAi in IPtW )dAVtl "TWO MIXUTF.S TO llHirlri* Ahyarn Troup*, l<ewta rilliiVIl Roger*, T,llllan C.onnr, K ran keif 4*J 11PJ i ;n Four. DOoloy, other*. S»ad?1, "vl <IIARi» RAV in ftWHKauXJ "TWO MINI TKS TO GO." Hippodrome, Next SUN. Night. Nov. a J. at 8 :t.".Third Concurt liy JOHN X? Cormacfe. Tirkets! $1, M.M. »*. »2.o0. Heata Naw. HIPPODROME'S s uEATl»| (^CETTOCETHEB VaaPttROnIMIIOMAT T0"AV VUI Every Day #fcftDITAI OOLI'WVN Preaeuta (JAr11UL "Poverty of Richee." H'way at 1 St. Capitol Urn nil Orchestra. ttiaTJOHN BARRYMORE Ta'J#'1' /V rxnuoll.u Directed by Ma, shall tfrAlan. r^MAPWR HOUSE iviav [Vt frxCtPTA^ONDAylA-ariNEt ON bAT» JUNIOR CIN EMA CLUBPRESENTS "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieve*." P| A "7 A Hurt. Av<. Hnlurdny L. J\ £* M il MKJi St. A. M. 10:!W "THE SHEIK." a I H I C .15(1, Qulivtta A .Hughe*, Con.lt A.M.to 12 P.M. llurim A Kl«ln, Caeler Aft. :tf>r..Night 50c. * D.anh-y Twlna.oth*. Kywrw^ BIGGEST VAUDEVILLE IJyWji 3 SHOW IN TOWN iMaSTtiaW 10 ALL STAR ACTS A ni IIMRIi B'waylTwtaA DallylBurleaqua pULUmDIA & ^17th|2 .13 A 8 .15il'op.Prlci« 1 u Bowefy Bur|esqijers srg Sto aIi n D"*'* Falrbaiks .. * " * |J"Thn Tlirne Muaketarra." B'wayA47St. Strand Sympl'ony Orcli. Feature at »2.03. 2.1S. 4.3.*. T.IO and 0.33 I*. M. BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS, ' '^BIG HOLIDAY SHOr* i TO-NIGHT AT 8:30 9 B. F. KEITH FEATURE ACTS EMMA CARLS A CO. 2i| MOSCONI FAMILY HARRY, LESTER A NASON - VAL A ERNIE STANTON f And 5 Others. Santa at Fto* Offloa now. .Vic to SI.30. No Hiithpr. ° ' }

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Page 1: M. Ray, Bust Over Il EVERYDAY §TRGE1 pP^^ iWherfwil · 2017. 12. 18. · mmr t 16 George M. Cohan Decides to Become aLondonProducer Expects I'ltiraately to Confine His Tliouti'icnl

mmr t


George M. CohanDecides to Becomea London Producer


Expects I'ltiraately to ConfineHis Tliouti'icnl Activities

to England.

George M. Cohan, probably the jut-

BlcWIUIIlg llgUTU Ul II1C ."WHIM icill 1II»UV,

has completed plans, it became knownyesterday, to become a London producer,confining his theatrical activities to

lingland. lie will arrive on Sundayaboard the steamship Carmanla, aftera six weeks' visit to Londan and Taris,and will stay for a short time only,going back to London In a few weeks.

In a way, Crina will be starting an

.4rr»ri.>a» invasion of London, in exChangefor the. advent here of manyKnglish actors in the last year or so.

At present lie has 1711 American playersunder a three year contract, and fromthese he Is picking out actors and actrew>eswhom lie wants to associate withhim in his ventures abroad, offeringthem high salaries, it is said.His Initial offering to the British

metropolis will bo "Tlve Tavern," ipwhich he will appear himself. The productionIs being prepared here and wiltbe shipped at once. ISarly in February,in association with Charles 11. Cochran.London manager, he w ill present1 a bigrevue. When "The O'Brien Oirl" com-Jpletes its engagement at the LibertyTheatre here. Mr. Cohan has arranged Jto transport the'entire company to Lon-'don. A new production is now beingconstructed user there.

After its engagement in London. "TheO'Brien itirl" will resume Its Americantour, playing In Chicago, Philadelphial-nd a return engagement In Boston.

While London will be Mr. Cohan'sproducing centre, lie will make his home fhero and retain his American citizen-ship. So far as his friends know, helias not yet fallen a victim to the spellof the monocle.




Woods Warned Theatre WillLose License Otherwise.

To-dav w ill witness the leaf uniform-

anees of "The Demi-Virgin" at the El-tinge Theatre, If A. H. Woods, producerof tho farce, bona to the mandate ofJohn Gilchrist, License Commissioner,that Woods must close the play before>*ovember 25 or cause the license of thetheatre to be revoked. This Is the playtor which Woods Is awaiting trial inSpecial Sessions n°xt Monday on thereport of Chief Magistrate William Me-Adoo that Avery Hopwuod's piece is;"flagrantly immoral."The play had not been shut down

last night, and It was said at the the-atre that It would not be closed "unlessthey back up the wagon." A large audienceappeared to be flowing through thedoors. Tho patronage of the play Iseaid to have Jumped considerably sincethe limelight was turned on it during thejudicial procedure. It was said aroundthe Woods office that the manager was (discussing with hla lawyers whether to jstart action for an Injunction to re- tstrain the License Commissioner, or to (fctop his production pending the determicationof its moral status by the trial.

TP.. -11.... el 1- .i "* * *uai iici mi uic wccn, wiirn aiagmiraic

ZdeAdoo announced his findings, he de-clared that the matter had pnssed beyondlila purview, and it remained forthe Liecnac Commissioner, the PoliceDepartment or District Attorney Swannto take action that would prevent thefarther performance of the play. s

3o far the Police Department has imade no move, except to serve as wit- I(leases of the play and report to theChief Magistrate. .Ttidgo Swann de-clared that by keeping his show openWoods was courting a much more severepenalty in case of conviction than the might receive if lie stopped the pre- <

sentatlon. He declared that sentence.onconviction, might run as high as

three years In prison. ; tIn some quarters among the managers(he action of the I.lcense Com-:

mlssloner has led to a curious paradox.!in that some producers are actually ad-;vocating now a stage censorship, an of-'flelal whom they viewed with dread pre-vlously. They point out that a censorwould be an authority to whom a man-jsger could submit his manuscripts be-,fore production and learn whether theywould be permissible, thus saving him-self thousands of dollars before a pro-duction, instead of running the risk ofhaving a new show cancelled.

KXTRA NIGHT FOIt AUTHORS. *The fourth of a series of five authors'

rights, held In connection with the sixteenthannual exhibition of books of theyear in the galleries of the NationalArts Club last night, brought forth alast minute crnwa tnat taxed me capacityof the club, and caused the com-liilttee to arrange fop another final"showing of authors in person" nextWednesday, November 30. HaroldHowland, chairman of the committee,"exposed four modest modern authors"to the public last night.Robert Nathan,author of "Autumn"; Harriet Comstock,'author of "The .Shield of Silence";

SydneyGreenbie, author of "The Pa-clflc Triangle," and Shaw Desmond,author of "Gods."

KOTKI Oft 1IIK THl.ATRK*. " (JTo commemorate the 300th performance jr>f "The Green Goddess," with George Arllss.

t,t the Booth, the cast has presented toWlnthrop Atnrs, the producer, a bronze etat»<tteby Edmond Qulnn of Edwin Booth,after whom th" theatre was named.

"Nile-. ),llllsn tloss, Glenn Hunter, MissMiriam listtlata. Tom Powers and otheraiaysi'i of SI'reeii and stage will take partjn the r ajs hud pantomimes which VmiAlbert 1. dlrertor of the Young People's Th<*streC't.mpany, will present for Juvenile patrons*t the Cort to-morrow afternoon andSaturday morning.As a trlbrte t.. H.t" Davenport, leading

player of "Thank t U the Ixn.gacre, whowill puss his fiftieth nrnlverssry on thestage at the spe. lal matinee to-morrow. JohnGolden has Invited all the players underhfs mm lenient no" .n '.mater New York.The Yiddish Art Theatre will present n

raw Play. "Countryman," a comedy by I.P. Berkowltg. son In Inw of flhotcm Alelchem. .

on the serond bill of the season to be giventa-morri w evening.The Peeehwood Players will present their

naxt production at the Jleechwood Theatre.isesrP'.rougii, on Wednesday, Thursday andFriday evenings, November .10. December 1and December 1', under the direction of Henrygllllman it will be "The Eighth Day," adrama by Stephen Austin.Al Jolaon smiouneed yesterday that Im-

mediatelyaf'er the holidays ho will give smatlneo of Shakespeare's "Othello" for thebenefit of me of the charities In which ho Isspecially InterestedTo-nlght "Huaette," a musical comedy, will' l»a presented at the Princess with a oast

heeded by Frank I.alor. ,The role of frmerol Popnff In 'The Chnco-

late Soldier'' will be sung In thu forthcomingUbuhnrt revival by John Dunsmurc.Mlaa Ilutli Page, rlasalc Unncor, and Carlostlaedo. harpist, will appear at the Ciolwyn<B»4tre the nftemoon of [Htfmbtf tl fur the

New York Home for llomolesa lloya andchildren's libraries to be established hiFrance by the Hook Committee on Chtl-dmn's Libraries. J 1The total attendance for "Good Morning.

Dearie." In Its fourth week at the GlobeTheatre, will pass the jib.OOH mark at to-day's matinee.K apectal Thanksgiving feature at the 1

Wlppndr» me *'"1 bo a nee dance dlvertlas-reset, written by Dr. AnSelm thytrl andtat.odueed Into the Foltlne ballet of "Get To-St iter by Mile Hansen, premiere daneeuse

Mrs. Caruso GivesBust of Husbandm [

in A/faimnnli-fn n


pP^^ ' |

By Onorlo Huotolo.Bust of Enrico Caruso.

To He Formally Accepted byOtto II. Kahn at Next Sun-day's Memorial Concert.

A bust of Enrico Caruso has beenpresented to the Metropolitan OperaHouse by the widow of the tenor andwiH be accepted by Mr. Otto H. Kahn6n behalf of the opera house as chairmanof the board of directors of theMetropolitan Opera Company at theconcert to be given there nVxt Sundayafternoon for the benefit, of the Verdi jHome for Aged Musicians, an Institu-tion in which Caruso was much Inter-ested and to which lie had contributed (liberally. ,The presentation address will be made i

K«. Me T^:«»^lu xT I rt..o.dln n.r1 Mf 1

Kahn will reply in accepting: the .

sculptured memorial which Mgr. G.Mittaga, a long time friend of Caruso,will bless.The bust Is the work of Onorio Ru-

otolo, who recently completed it In hisstudio at 1S3 West Fourth street, andpresented it to Mrs. Caruso. The sculptorhad known Caruso many years. Hislife size and lifelike, study of the tenorwas made from Mrs. Caruso's favoritephotograph of her husband and from thesculptor's intimato knowledge of thesinger's personal characteristics. Themarble memorial will And a permanentplace in the Metropolitan.The Verdi Home for Aged Musiciansn Milan, Italy, to which all the proceedsfrom the Sunday afternoon con-pert are to be devoted, was foundedpy the composer for which it was namedmd at present gives shelter to eighty'ormer artists, some of whom in theirprime were distinguished. Because of 1lepreciation of values in Italy the in-rome from the endowment has beeneduced about one-quarter of what itwas a few years ago. | a

p(EVACUATION 138 YEARS AGO. 1The Sons of tlie Revolution will ob- ^

<crve me room anniversary or ine evaclatlonof the city of N-sw York by Brttslitroops to-morrow night at the Motel °

Pluzn. Commander Myron McCandlesa,i".3. Tfs-. will lecture on "Origin of the 1

Early United States Flags." j aIn Praunces Tavern on December .>

theorganization will hold its annual 1(lection. ' 1

WHERE TO DINE.ienriallCo.. TSPiitb ,iv..42d St. Tel. Hrvant V

Exquisite ThanksgivNOON TIL


C o m m u n i t j548 Weit_113 St.

Thanksgiving DinneiTl'KKKYi MINCE PIE-AA

Thanksgiving TnrlI TO 9 P.M.

keen's ngltsf)n-74-76 W. 38TH ST., NEAR SIXTH AV.I4TH ST.. NEXT TO BECAHCO THEATRE.

gSSSHftatokSCHUYLER 6359 ^ Form iy m.iJ


MotetBfetton MaJlBroadway, 85th to 86tk St,

NEW YORKWiwnj StHllon ht Mlh Street Car.I'lfvatfd Stnllon -! llloeke (With HI.

I.argrnt Mini Attractive Xlidtnvm HoMFurnished and Unfurnished Suite*For Transient or Permanent ResidenceAllthe Comforts and Advantages of

the Best New York City Hotels atEvcentlonnl Hates.

Within Ten Minutes of All Shop* andTheatre*.

Rests nrant *f Richest Standard.

kVuCl70U)S1/ famous Restaurant14tb£t..l)ear fourth J?uc.

HoteL sidne y>» West With Ht.. Cor. Broadway.

I Block from Central Park. Hohway.1- r, Station. Phone Col. .I82G.

V Mew Hotel.Splendid Itrstanrnnf.Transients Arrmnmntlaleil.

Moderate tYrrkly nnd Monthly Rates,

fcoteljWanbflttan ftquarr

50 Waat 77th Stroat. 1Permanen' or transient. Suites ofany rIV.e. N \ lr decorated thruout.

_____ Tnmlsheo or t*T'fi<rnl*t:rd.______

*otef jletfjerUmbs ,6TH AVE. AT »TH ST.

Great Northern Hotel111 W 07th St. and 10* to ttl W. 8«th St


Charles Ray, Film 1

Star, //er£ to LookNew York Over>


Philosopher in Spats Wei- 01to

coined at City Hall and Sub- is

mits to Iutorview.

The philosopher in spats arrived hereyesterday. He is bettor known to themotion picture public as Charles Rayand he got in from Los Angeles immaoulately clad in cutaway and gray stripedtrousers. For exact details get any the-atre programme and turn to "What theMan Will Wear." This young man didIndeed look like a movie star of purestray serene.And he demonstrated the philosophical

strain In him as he answered patientlyendless foolish questions by interviewersall day, despite the fact that this washis first time In New York and he was

naturally yearning to cut loose from theoffice of hifl manager, Arthur S. Kane, jat 25 West Forty-third street, and seehow the big city shaped up againstCharles Ray. But before he was put onthe reportorlal rack he received an offl-r-tal welcome from Mayor Hylan at CityHall, for as soma, one remarked, Ray Is"quite democratic." lie would havebeen given the key to the city, but gath-ered that so many of them had beenRiven away inieiy mai nono were lert.Ray would like to produce pictures

here, although he was a trifle vague asto tfce date when New Yorkers mightexpect to welcome him as a fellow citizen.However, he is going to takescenes along the waterfront here and InBoston for new pictures. He may docharacter parts some days, but hopes tocontinue his present juvenile Incarnationfor a long time, and Judging by hisyouthful, slightly chubby face, he willprobably remain America's boy till hebegins to shave.for he looks as thoughhe doesn't now.He confessed to having been born In

1891. Probably the next generation willstill be regarding him as a youngerbrother, for he makes no swift. Impulsivemoves that gray the locks. There Is athoughtful aspect to his face, as one whoiias weighed tho movies and found themaot wanting. Hts smiles flash like soli-taires. but they seem carefully husbandedwhen no camera Is near. He ismild mannered and extremely softspoken, and If he carries out his Intentionof some day appearing on the speak-tng stage some director will have to telliim to speak up In meeting.

"I played before the footlights outWest," said Ray, "doing small juvenileparts In vaudeville and stock, and theyjertafnly were hlnky-dink shows."He expressed the yearnings bf so many

big stars when they get In the RollsRoyceclass.fewer pictures. Time waswhen he did a new picture every ninelays, Ray said, and from there he got totwelve a year, then eight, then six.andlow he has hopes of getting some realciouic. viicji iiw TvurKH Miieen noursi day, but, he said, "I suppose I oughtn't;o kick, having It so easy."Then young Ray revealed his true

rhllosophical depths when an Interviewerisked If Mrs. Ray was busy shopping."Well,** he remarked, "how would you

rxpect a yound woman to spend her time>n her first trip to New York?"

RARE BOOKS BRING $15,473.Thomas Rowlandann's The Microcosmof London' Fetches flOO.The final session yesterday afternoon

it the American Art Galleries in the dis-__>ersal of the largo collection of books,

ncludlng the private libraries of the lateCharles F. Libby of Portland, Me., presllentof the American Bar Associationand offlcier de ['Academle Krancalse, andf the late Edward B. Camp of Millburn,J. J., together with selections from thelbraries of Miss Susan Minns of Bostonnd the late ,Judd Stewart of Plainfleld.J. J., brought in a total of 12,638....C -lint Wiimwn 01 1,00a 10I8 totalled15.473. |

WHERE TO DINE.Ct ivlall Co 72!*Uh Hv.. 43d St. TV1.237P Bryant

ing Dinner $2.50L CLOSE

hf»tt JANSSEN'SUlttU B'way & 30th St.NAPPY DANCING


t> f abernPhone: Cath. 6864 ._

"5.301«7.30 $1.50I» EVERYTHING. Mkey Dinner *2*00


Cfjop gouges aPHONE 1SOO FITZROT i.PHONE 1400 BRYANT *


Pf THANKSGIVING (| CAC TURKEY $ I .DU 5};B DINNER 1 irto,n OnrfK SERVER AM. BAY ! ffi* 1, : .-i . j thi


pjONTICELio J115-37 WEST «4XH ST. JBetween Broadway and Central Park. <Subway and "L" at tkSUi St. IA CIJBAN HOTKI. 'Tranolmt or Keaann jCatering far Quiet Fnmilles. fRoom. I <C9_0 CO .... j-

I «r of Until, \' | ,

"n.V "*,hi $4.#« » I;! Room ttnlto, t ee aaLfor Two i fw-W '* " *

SPECIAL;i Rooan Suit,, for Fimilln, .

RESTAURANT TABLE D'HOTE, CLUB. >a 1« Corte at Moilorutf Trlrr*.


Hotel ABERDEENl"The Home Hotel"



MODERATE RATES APhone.Pennavfvania 1600

HOTEL NEWTON ;2528 Broadway, bet 94th & 15thtkwar Eiprrio SU.ion U NU H, I.

W. KivaraMo ttlt. U

Hotel marie Antoinette nRroodwor.Mth and «7th Ai».




VAUDEVILLE FOR PRISONERS. Imiual Entertalnwvnt to He GivenTo-day at Blackwell'e lalaud.Blackwell's Island will be visited by a

:orc oi vaudeville artists this morninghen the Keith Troubadors give theirnnual entertainment for the prisons.. F. Albee has for twenty-four years-ganized a merry party of entertainersgive a Thanksgtving party on the

land. Two halls will be used and two



I expect a lot of company111 tell you why.hundreds cthe Bristol dining rooms thethat can be obtained. Clean. <dellclously cooked food, simserved. The finest meats, t!richest butter, cream and mill

Our dinner on Thanksgl'elaborate than our dally $1 diHons will prevail, and the samis reproduced below.

Should you prefer a la c;from a richly varied menu, awhich is our Blue Plate Dim$1.00 to $1.60.

* 4

Special Thank*;Served from 5:30 P.

$1.1HOTEL 1129wes

|[ MENLBlue Points on Half

Celery OlivesChol<

Cream of Fresh SplConsomme V

CholcFilet of Sole. U

Freeh MushroomsVirginiaCholc

Stuffed Boast SyCRTSirloin Steak, Be;

Roast Vermont Turk)Dressing and Cre

Candled Sweet PotatCauliflowerMashed Pi

Lettuce Salad,Roquefort

CholcPumpkin Pie Hot cEnglish Plum PuddlFrench Vanilla 1

Fancy CCholc

Deml-Tasse or Ql




STke, mos(Humw sforuThe Huge CharityBallwith

£7he. ThrillingFight in 0

in Lhe Clouds/

ETTil Inimitable MaThe Perfect C<zst.

Thereued Million IHd/q6.TTkrtly(fmaybcthe storyCENTRALS

I F T D A P A I I T A II orKHA IV » I n n Hot SK I

da; Mat.at 2.(SI to to), Butterfly. Karrar. Irnla; Ma rtlnelll,Seoul. Mornnzonl. To-niithl8:ir>. Hie Tote Mndt. Jerltza, Telva: llnrId,Leonhardt, Diaz, Laurent!. Bodanzky.I. at M. Mrflitnfrle. Alda, Koaton, Howard,rtnl; Glgll, Mardonea. Moranzonl,t. at 3, Kljtolelto. Onlll-Curcl, Telva;orolcc. Ho Luca, Rothler. Papl.L.8. Kxtra l'op.Price.Aida. Ponsalle.Perlnl.111; MartlneUI. Paniae, Iddur. Moranzonl.n Eve. (7.V. to Verill-l'arrlnl t'oncrrt.asc, Daloaay, l'eralta, Perlnl; Harrold,nder.Laurentl,Marline. Orch. Damboachek.zt Mnn. at 7: IS. Trtatan. Mutzenaucr, Genii;8embach, Whltahlll, 111a**. IJodnnzky.rd., 8:13, Navarralae. Parrar: Crlml. Jto#r,Wolff. Cainllrrta KiMlrumi Ponaelle,rlnl: *HgH, Chalmers. Moranzonl.'hnnt. Kxtra Mat. at :i(|1 to $.* ), llolienie, |Vlda, IVArlo (dabutl; Crlml. Pe Luca.)l<lur. Mnrdonc*. Ananinn. Pajil.iinoT* slB, ToocaT Jerltia; Fertile (debut):att 1. Ananlan, Malnteeta, llailn. Mornnzonl 1

JUNDAYAFrNrNOV^7ri>nr ICaruso Memorial Concert!Proceeds to Verdi' Hoine Aged Ifwiicid'ia.lololm.x: Alda. Parrar, Galll-Curcl, Oorlon,Ponaelle; Glgll, MartlneUI, Ilo l.ura. j,lufHnnrlM 11a t'o.U«-'

. IIifnranzonl, Pant. Rottl, Wolff. Entire li 0,)rchMtr* nnd Clior.w. Prtem f 1.50 to >8. IIHARDMAN PIANO USED.

'HILHARMONICConcerto.80th Sraion

STRANSKY Conducting.Cirnnlf Hall, To-morrow Aft., 3:36Brahms, Hkllton, Slbrlliw, Trhiilkovakr.

Saturday Eve., Noy. "Jfl, 8:30TCHAIKOVSKY PIUM.RAMMKKI.UV >K,T, AaaUtlnK Artl»tAaturdny Aft., Nov. "7,SlttO'

BKAHMS-WAtiNKH-HTIIALSS C!"«llx F. L>*lfcl*, Mftr. Sttlnway Piano.

STANIELSENS-'.-,! :-;; j I"HAMLET" s

r.roitrai photo play ov»r prodticodppclat Mualc.(.arao Hvmphony Orrhca'm.Twit* t»»lly: tilO.Ri.TO.1KINGTON THKA. Mat*.: «Br. #0pat Ht. A l.n. Ava, Evo». :15c, (Mr. "Sc. ftCubwaj at Door, Utah Rrten td.


lis Aft. at 2:30; To-night, 8:25r.EKMAN rOMff OPERA fKAttON*.'BRUDER STRAUBINGER."

PrteAA 7f»c t'o |:t Man. ttrt'Jis's Operetta | C

[URSDAY, NOVEMBERshows run off simultaneously in orderthat every one on the island may be .

present. Each artist will play bothhalls. Nat TThmeron's orchestra "'fromthe Royal Theatre and Owen Jones'sPalace Theatre band will accompany theacts.Lee Morrison will be general stage

manaeer. The artists include HarrvCooper.tills being his twenty-fourthvisit to tho island to entertain onThanksgiving Day.Anatolo Frledlandand company of llfteen, with Miss VioletWellcr, In "Music Land .

I You Dine IJIVING?for Thanksgiving dinner andif New Yorkers bave foundnearest equivalent to homelulet, restful surroun<tthf:$*-»ply flavored and perfectlybe freshest vegetables, thet that the market affords,ring Day at $1.50 Is morenner. The same liberal pore"home" flavor. Our menu

arte service you can choosevery attractive feature of

lers, ranging in price from

7£d&# Igiving Dinner BM. to 8:30 P. M. J5° 8BRISTOL148th ST.mShell

Casaba MelonRadishes

:enach, Florcntlna'erinlcelll

:e>bster SauceIn Cream, with »f.*,|

Ilug Pig, .

Apple Sauoearnalse Sauce»y. with Chestnutmborry Sauceoea ISaute in Butter>tatoes

Cheese Dressingeir Cold Mince Pieng. Hard Sauce »taltan Spumonl ^lakeelass of Cider



PMAND UMilcmPictuiiudL! ,(cistof200O

bp]Normand W,| 1 1\%'mlfe* |i|Pi. Y. SYMPHONYWALTER DAMROSCH Conrtnrtnr 11 IAEOI.IAN HAIJ., NEXT HAT. AT JI

Hymphooy Concert for Cliilttrru.

AEOLIAN MALL. Next Snn. Aft. ut 3sou.iM KOCHANSKISymphony No. 1, KALINNIKOW; Fan-

talsle EspiiKiiole, imkv noanniis mr»itime); Violin Concerto. K.Vi;M)t\ ICA(first time).

Carnegie Hall 8E IOnly New York Appenrnnrf ofM. VINCENT D'INDY

GUEST.COMJ>OSETl-CONDUOTORTickets at box offices. George Knglcs.Mgr.

( AilNKtiTk hall"hnrs. Keg.. ft: 1 ; Rnf, Aft.. 8:30, Dee. 1 ft 3


PIERRE MONTEUX f'nniliirtor 1PROGRAMMES: THURS., Sibelius, SytnhonyNo. 2; Weber-Welngnrtner, "InVitaonto the Dance"; Hchoenbertr, "Transccuilr>fNight"; Beethoven, "Leonore" No. :i.co l.. Franca. nymnnnnj, mimic*. ir.lBlC|vertura; Liadoff Suite: Havel, Suite fromiJapbnia and Chloe."

Tlflirti ut ( nrnftlf TInll llov Office.

HKKlACADEMY 218 w-67 stnvnwni 10 A M ,0 . p M


IaRNEGIE HALL, Sat. Aft. at 2:30

LASHANSKAON'O RKCtTAL. (Maeon & llamlln piano.)TOWN HALL. FBI. EVO., Nov. 85. at BllSSecondHecltnl of the acaaon by FKANCIH


Ticket* M)c to *8. plua tax. (Knabc piano.)Mfft. International Concert Direction. Inc.CARNF.OIK IIAI.I nff-j!L'NDAV AFT. AT 3 UEC. 4


'Irertlon C. J. Foley. Stelnwav I'lano.


24, 1921.




AMRlRRinitf « viv. VflmDU)4UJKM lls TO-DAY it Sat.

msmm i*Of Wjr\f T TlttA . IMh. W.oi D.JKlJ(JII Evoniiig* «30. PJ*-***' v Mats. TO-PAY A Sat. fs.8PKCIAL HOLIDAY MtTIM K TO-DAT la


EVERYDAY Bllnri Riuqp W. Uth. Kvtw. K:30. Wnora tsayes Mats, to-day a sat. n Bl

DCDIIDI II* W. 42d St. Eves. 8:43.KtrUOl'UMat3 To-day A Hal.2:45.

rWtilNtit- »VEST42dST. Kvc9,s:3«."l 1/CHlWMfc Mato To-day & Hat. 2:30. | W

Ii'Uild IVIIT#1I M«C| U/VN THEATRE. W.42 Btat«:30"It " MaU.Today. Jat. oc \\el. S:J0

®.'S »John

Halllday GRRobertRendel

-DAY. ..


'Much Hearty Laughter.'.Ev.'Maii. ij

LOUIS MANN *Sn1iard..,m,ll»tiire's Nobleman *

/®\ALLAH POLLOCK! »[ \«mrun kit hay ~

V iU/ /AIMofDivoraiwrf ~

I I t 1,1 fJ 42nd&B WAYI n III 15 CONTINUOUSmAUM H1AM. a

Lois Weber's greatest picture IWhat Do Men Want f

and Ballat of B«aut!«a £in "TMB DANCB OF LlFt"

P" """"Arthur Hopkins Present*^"""^^^X"AnnaChristie" \MWith PAULINE LORD It

Vnndcrbllt Th.. \V. 4Btb St. Kv*.MATtXEIM WK1>. AMI SAT. "

IIIDIICII OARRIOK. 05 W. 3."». IllAmuUufl S:30' M|ts- To-day I I 11nitlUUUII 4 Sat List f. Times. I



rupipr B'way A 40 St. Eves. 830." LKHIrlnt Mats. Tn-dny A Sat. 2:20. tFIRST MAT. TO-DAT (ThankHg.Diiy). « EALA MATINEES. HKSTSKATS ** % I

I "More thrilling than 'The Bat.' HI* * * Blends the melodrama of D'Hherloeli Holmes' and the remedyol 'The I'rlvale Secretary.' " - *

.Olobo. I

William GilletteIn bis new success fc'P{TbeDreamMaker

J'"Don't nilss this opportunity of NEiseeing William tlllletfe.".Sun. BJI j

hrftnvkirh VILLAGE |Evs. 8:30. Mats. wjunttnn H»n TIlEATRE|To-day AHat. 2:30 w


RFI ACTA West44tb8t.Evenings at 8:15 TIXI1DLUUVV Mats. To-day A Sat. 2.10.HOL1BAY MATINEE TO-DAY.



Next Tun. at 8:13.SKATS TO-WAY'


DAVID BELASCO will present R. H,




The a JTMusicat IISensationcfSjnmHMwcipeiau Bllll HIuuam tftraoa rv mm I B Elm fllfTW AHMIEaSCKMOCK KB B '(MM


iSS NOV26 PARIliwSEffiQ SEAT sale no


^HS^'ONLY 38" rMUSIC BOX TRYING"TV*IK~w«rt 45th Strwt BERLIN'S ATAV*Tel.Brvant H70. willlmn Collier. Sam Uwn:laves. SJ., KidM .loM-ph Rant ley, Ivy SawyaiTonlny *v Hat. by lfa.K«^iryl Short.''Best nun

HARRIS W.421 at. "A HUGE <<OIV P)nHKKI) EVRS. 8:30. cirffpcc" d|A 111Mats. To-day Ac Hat. aUU-tiS Wlfl Ul

Punch mTHE GREAT BROXOPP DavidBy the aiitbor of "Mr. Pirn l'a«s«i By", jQ"<iorKcotwcoinooy.acteaexcellently."-Tiro. t. jtK

"Agreeable,\dv»cU)u*,in«plrlnn comedy."-Post


SUNSHINE B=aSrtwhere Ceo. M. Cohan'* Comedian* 1 intiand "THE O'BRIEN GIRL" acintil- UUHlate. Mat*. To-day and Sat. A ,,|>l

/4JUUDOFTIIIflSa^Sr viSeat* Helling fl Weeks In Advance

GOLDEN GAIETf iSt'itS: i <»?"« «« M*U. To-d«y * Sat.l lO, CUII

DAYS with HELEN HAYES e"HTown Hall. To-night at Itlli. AEOl

CASELLA cTn Secoml I-ano Recital. (Ualdnio I'igno, >

Mall orders. Loudon Charlton, Carnegie Hall "AAeolian Hall, Mon. Gvg., Nov. M, at #:15 *'

HUTCHESOHdIn rinno Rrrltal. j ® "

Mft. I-nndnn rnnrlfon. (Stclnwnv Piano.> iMgl. 1


a«n| 1r I I Atlo-l> V1' ^

M VIIVKK TO-DAY.IVHniKF West 48th 81.Bryant 2024linUUjL Evo9.8:30. MatiTo-da.vAc Sa



iTinilM A 1 Then., 4Ut. W. of B'way.1.1 IVtl^lAL Vhone Bry. 1564. Evs.8 3'(atlnees: TO-DAY A Hut. '1:30.


PflATU West 4fith Rt. Eves. 8:31DUUIn Mu. TO-DAY A Mat./3<J4tli A ,133th TIMER TO-DAY


INA CLAIRE^in the Ony Karco


4. Mia. Ma TO-DAY A Sal

IIRFflT Thea..44lh.W.of M'iny. K vs.8:3UDCIt I MatS- To-day i Sat. 2:30.


line Elliott's ffi-ft?® jvSv":av»(uhmSeSILVg&FdSc*

JOHN GOLUK:IMGAPRr THEATRE. West 4Mb St.JnuAtnC Mats.To-day.To-m. &. Krt.

lats.To-day andTo-*ncr'w

'Thank-U"ie SMIT'i-C USliINO Comedy Success

by t

\ST0R5SGOLDWYN taclenth



If jou don't sec "THEODORA" d

.Arthur Hopkins PresentsLionel Barrymore

In "The Claw" with IRF.NE FENWIC1Droudiiurst Tli.. \V. tttli St. Kvs. H :3i



mil FULTON. W. 40. MatlneeiIIIM TO-DAY. Saturday & WmIlUlfl schildkraut & Le Oalllenoe.



IBNRY^MILLEWmvIvSves8?o matinees tmuhs a s/rsio

ILLIE BURKEBOOTH TARKINGTONS Cr.oNjtHE IMTIMATg STPANGEBi'AMSTERDAM. W. 42d St.. Eves. S.15i.Tpda.v A Hut. SOe to 82..to. No likihor

K»*romV AMSTERDAM ROOf« df 11



a new comedy

!ER SALARY MAN"RUTH SHEPLEYVan Beuren Adelaide Prince

e Carlisle Will Denting.and NOTABLE CAST.



2700 NiT//T,mes MI H IN SMIN gI Company 100 Pfl

CAtvvj 50 l.jOrchestra SOHJI



HARYRYAN I Performance.' JriCBOXREVUE^ird. Florence Moore, Wilda ilennrlt,Irvlnr? Berlin, many others Starteddc show ever made In America. "Ulohe

(UNDER LOVE"SSCKERBOCKERliners 'Co-day A Saturday, "J:3o.Meiasco A A. L. Krlangor'a Production


I'm aK"uAZi7KrWesl Vid St.r s i-:< - .1 « mia.i oday.II _W Sat. A Wed. 2.10

tpfcw lynn fontflnhe>EUM Watf 46 at. Evcn!n*»atR:30.*"vl" Mats. To-ilny ft Hat. 2:30OI.IDAY MATINKK ITO-OAYif entertainment in town."

.Charlra Onrn'.on, Km. WtnlADAVID IIKLASCO Prmnf

el atwill grandduke*'Asian Comedy by SACHA (il'ITKV.

fakcood mornmchw dearieifw pi f pr Ev«. r i" A'r («

T. Music Hall. bet.B y ft 'Jent. P. W.rni alongMidnight, Porrorm-UK-v IVei. at 11:30

JAN* HALL, Tnes Aft., Nov. "!!>. ftf.hneht

CHELLINCmerica'a Own Matter Pianist"Pantel Mayer. Ptelnway I'latiII.IAN IIA It.. TO-NIGHT AT AiM


ADAMSKYDaniel Mayer. Mason ft llamllu Plan

AMUSEMENTS.L8E 4 j. j. pui r Ki:y. v

50 rCUTUDV The«.£C2dSt 4 ( cnt. I'ark W.ulnlllll Kves. at S. On!/ M»». Hat. at 2.

\ SOTHERN - MARLOWE1 This Week: Mer«-hant of Venh-e, Mou..I Twelfth N'ljih I, Tuna.; Hamlet, Wed.; 1'aioI inu of the Shrew, l'burs.: Merchant of

I Venire. .50-2.50.

PRIMTPCC Then.. K. 39tb St. lives. K;30InllltCgS Matinees We<l. & Hat. 2:30UlI'EMXf.I'lJ-XK.HT AT 8:30.

felSUZETTE^tJOTU CT Theatre, nr. U'way Kvs. S:3'J.OS 1 n .3 1 ..MaH. TO-IIAY 4 Sat. ,

HODGE .3 Inthe UreatcKtlavuKhloir Novelty I" Vi* YoraI B_EWAR? ill' I OGS_

.finuuwii j u-u.l) iV |

AlMiSSS'; M&JOk I UBwi«iC4i coww INext * M p B| C || Theatre GuildWeek *» Iwl B W 3 Production48th St. The. Eva. 8:80. Mts. To-day A Sat.

: WE filRlSThe HrilUimt Comedy Success' With MaryTounK&JultotteUftv. "LotsofGlnger.".Sun

i Mnnncrn w ir.ihst.kvos.S.SO.,1 ilIUftUai/U Mats 'X'o-day, Sat. A Wed.HOLIDAY MATINEE TO-DAY


V'8 ATTRACTION-!. <I ITT I F THEATRE. W. 44 St. at 8:30.L I I I L t Mis. To-iay lc Sat. 2:30.Mats. To-day and Saturday"Twistyear>>BY AND WITH FRANK CRAVEN.

UNdlKLI. "Mlr"



ifiur^NLT »r* OTHiSr«e.on't ever sec a Motion Picture again.

Arthur Hopkins Presents

XMarjorie Rambeau Iin "Daddy's Gone A-Huntins'' IPlymouth Th.. W. 45tb St. Ess. 9:30. IMATS. TO-l)AY AND SAT. 1

WIFET SMHE sa^sisa' Oarrlck Nov. 28.

1 |jlaillAI I '" <> l.uanr Tucker's1^1VOLI 'Ladies Must Live'13'wm at 10 St. Rlvoll Concert Oreh.SKS, VICTORIA KRIGHER


gia|~g I *S| Triple Pent lire Week.I ft I 111 "PtkhtliT Mad." PaulineHlnL I U Frederick In "L.l» Tnsca"B und "Itnttlc of .lutland."

Time* Square, Famous lUalto tnflioetra


I n F»T v""* |* ff ff ^TUBE ra.ris T JF9VMK wis & Pody, A Proas lie.kg]Ij||lVi) luraul. Francis Kennedy, MarylUiiMUr larblu S Co., A Modern Cocktail.|BYl28MfttJ torley * Cheel' lKli. Vera Hnblna

Co.. 1 -Cil 'Jtennel1, Tw'i Lad' lie «

CT¥Til POLA NEGRI inCUCU ONE ARABIAN NIGHT'jWEAP 6lhAVU d SI'I'KKMK. VAI PKVI1.I.I.SmaaBiaS lui tuv Klssen & Co.. Latto 4U'13\13 'nrner. McPoUghlin & Kvuna.pMllllll 'rancea Pougherty, otliera.ImcaO *,A«/rl ( HAKI.K-t RAi inIPtW )dAVtl "TWO MIXUTF.S TO

llHirlri* Ahyarn Troup*, l<ewtarilliiVIl Roger*, T,llllan C.onnr, Krankeif4*J 11PJ i ;n Four. DOoloy, other*.S»ad?1, "vl <IIARi» RAV inftWHKauXJ "TWO MINI TKS TO GO."

Hippodrome, Next SUN. Night.Nov. a J. at 8 :t.".Third Concurt liy JOHN

X? Cormacfe.Tirkets! $1, M.M. »*. »2.o0. Heata Naw.


#fcftDITAI OOLI'WVN Preaeuta(JAr11UL "Poverty of Richee."H'way at r» 1 St. Capitol Urn nil Orchestra.

ttiaTJOHN BARRYMORE Ta'J#'1'/V rxnuoll.u Directed by Ma, shall tfrAlan.

r^MAPWRHOUSEiviav [Vt frxCtPTA^ONDAylA-ariNEt ON bAT»

JUNIOR CINEMA CLUBPRESENTS"Ali Baba and the Forty Thieve*."P| A "7 A Hurt. Av<. HnlurdnyL. J\ £* M il MKJi St. A. M. 10:!W

"THE SHEIK."a I H I C .15(1, Qulivtta A .Hughe*,Con.lt A.M.to 12 P.M. llurim A Kl«ln, CaelerAft. :tf>r..Night 50c. * D.anh-y Twlna.oth*.

Kywrw^ BIGGEST VAUDEVILLEIJyWji 3 SHOW IN TOWNiMaSTtiaW 10 ALL STAR ACTSA ni IIMRIi B'waylTwtaA DallylBurleaquapULUmDIA & ^17th|2 .13 A 8 .15il'op.Prlci«

1 u Bowefy Bur|esqijers srg

Sto aIi n D"*'* Falrbaiks ..* " * |J"Thn Tlirne Muaketarra."

B'wayA47St. Strand Sympl'ony Orcli.Feature at »2.03. 2.1S. 4.3.*. T.IO and 0.33 I*. M.





- VAL A ERNIE STANTONf And 5 Others.

Santa at Fto* Offloa now..Vic to SI.30. No Hiithpr.

° '}