lumbini and its master plan

Lumbini And Its Master Plan Uddhab puri Chief Editor of Ithas Pravah Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha 1 and the Fountain of World Peace 2 is one of the most holy places.The Buddhists or non - Buddhists, Who loves peace want to develop and further promote Lumbini for the world peace and prosperity. Nepal must be proud of it and dedicate for the conservation and completion of it's Master Plan 3 . His Majesty's Government of Nepal and Lumbini Development Trust are fully committed to the development of Lumbini according to the Master Plan. But after 27 years of the implementation of the Master Plan, there are no good conservation, preservation and adequate development work as anticipated. Few works are done by Lumbini Development Trust. The office -bearers of the Trust claim with pride that all development works are going on according to the Master Plan but in reality there is no substantial achievement. Most of the development works of Lumbini are done in haste and rush, so it has not attained anticipated consequence. The major hidden aspect of such drawback is acceptance of commission and employment of the disqualified and involvement of 1

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Page 1: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

Lumbini And Its Master Plan Uddhab puri Chief Editor ofIthas Pravah

Lumbini, the birth place of Lord Buddha1 and the Fountain of World Peace2 is one of the most holy places.The Buddhists or non - Buddhists, Who loves peace want to develop and further promote Lumbini for the world peace and prosperity. Nepal must be proud of it and dedicate for the conservation and completion of it's Master Plan3. His Majesty's Government of Nepal and Lumbini Development Trust are fully committed to the development of Lumbini according to the Master Plan.

But after 27 years of the implementation of the Master Plan, there are no good conservation, preservation and adequate development work as anticipated. Few works are done by Lumbini Development Trust. The office -bearers of the Trust claim with pride that all development works are going on according to the Master Plan but in reality there is no substantial achievement. Most of the development works of Lumbini are done in haste and rush, so it has not attained anticipated consequence. The major hidden aspect of such drawback is acceptance of commission and employment of the disqualified and involvement of the inexperienced technicians. Government, concerned ministry and Trust must have clear vision and commitment for the development of the Master Plan and conservation of birth place of Lord Buddha, but it may not be hyper criticism on the Trust's miss management. The bitter comment is made here for the better future of Lumbini.

Lumbini, the birth place of Buddha is a historically and culturally rich sanctuary. There are ancient and archaeological relics dating back to the third century B.C. and earlier.4 It is one of the world prominent heritages and it is for the future generation. Archaeological relics of the Lumbini relating to the Lord Buddha, representative of the peace and betterment for world society, must be well conserved5. Lumbini is the matter of world concern. United Nations Organization had taken much interest for its development and asked Prof. Kenzo Tange, Japan, to prepare the Master Plan6. Master Plan was finalized in 1978 A.D.


Page 2: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

The Lumbini Master Plan covers 1 3 sq. miles expanding 1 mile east west and 3 miles north-south. Total holding land of Lumbini is 77o(1150 bighas) hectres and Lumbini Development Trust has ownership of

the area. Before, discussing about the Master Plan of Lumbini, we can not forget late king Mahendra and late U Thant,the Secretary General of United Nations, who had made substantial contributions for the development of Lumbini. Late U Thant visited Lumbini and later on met late king Mahendra in 1967. As a result, the United Nations Organization made a decision to get the Master Plan prepared for the development of Lumbini.

According to the Master Plan, Lumbini's tropical landscape is north-south and Lumbini area is divided into three zones like Sacred Garden Zone, Monastic Zone and New Lumbini Village Zone ,which include four elements: the Sacred Garden, Lumbini Center, Cultural Center and the Monastic Enclaves7.

Sacred Garden

Within the Master Plan, the Sacred Garden is in the extreme southern part. It is the most important living historical and archaeological site. Asokan Pillar, Marker Stone and other relics found there are related to Lord Buddha. The Sacred Garden, the focal point of Lumbini Garden circle is 900m. The Asokan Pillar was erected in Lumbini 249 Maurya Emperor Asoka. He was there guided by his preceptor Upagupta. In that stone pillar an inscription stating clearly here Sakyamuni Buddha was born(Hida Budhe Jate Sakyamuniti)8. The Marker Stone pinpoints the exact location of the birth place of Lord Buddha. It was discovered during the excavation of the Maya Devi Temple site in 1996 A. D. Lumbini was discovered on Dec 1,1896 A.D. by Gen Khadga Shamsher, the then governor of Palpa,Nepal and German scholar Dr. Alois Fuhrer, an archaeological surveyor in British India. The Nativity Sculpture, the image of Buddha and Maya Devi is dated back to 4th


Page 3: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

century A.D. The Marker Stone and the Nativity sculpture are well managed inside the Maya Devi Temple. The Puskarani or Sacred Pond is famous as Maya Devi took bath just before giving birth to the Buddha and Buddha was also given his first purification bath there. At the holy complex of Lumbini Garden covered group of Stupas (ancient Lumbini Village) back to the 3rd century B.C9.

The Master Plan designs here to create an atmosphere of Buddha'smessage of spirituality and peace. New construction would be removed. The Sacred Garden area is surrounded by man made pond, a circular levee and forest10. After long time discussion, construction of Maya Devil temple was completed according to UNESCO archaeological norms11. But it is not fully satisfactory so UNESCO has also made a complaint.

His Majesty's Government has done archaeological excavation and conservation in the Maya Devi Temple complex, pond and circular levee to be completed. Lack of trained manpower and dedicate archaeologists, the work of archaeological conservation process is progressing in the tortoise speed.

The Monastic Zone

The Monastic Zone has covered one mile sq. of the Master Plan. It is in North of the Sacred Garden or the center of the forest area. Monastic Zone is divided by main canal in two plots, for the Theravada and Mahayana Monasteries. Forty two plots, 13 in east and 29 in west are there 12. On the eastern side of the Zone, Theravadi monasteries are built by Myanmar, Thailand, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and in the western side, Mahayani monasteries are built by China, Korea, Japan, Nepal, Vietnam, France, Germany, Austria, and others. The current state of allocation of monastery is 8 in east and 20 in west and remaining plots are 5 in east and 9 in west13 . There will be research center, library, auditorium, museum and cultural center for the study of Buddhism. But most of the constructions are not in accordance with the Master Plan. There is lack of co-ordination between Trust and Monastry. Because of poor supervision, some monastery holders and some L.T.D. persons are making undue monetary benefit.


Page 4: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

New Lumbini Village

The northern part(1mile.) of the holy place is called New LumbinVillage. According to Master Plan, there will be administrative officebuilding, post- office, telephone office, bank, police station, school, restroom, staff quarters and other necessary offices14. It is a gateway for the tourists to visit Lumbini.

According to Master Plan, after the development of the New Lumbini Village, all kind of visitors will be enjoying and have comfortable time there. But there is no remarkable visible development.

Lastly, we must accept the reality of the Master Plan. One can not but criticize the slow and incorrect implementation of the Master Plan. We must complete Master Plan of the Lumbini following its norms. Then only we will be appreciated by the world. We must not forget ,Lumbini is not only tourism product it is the birth place of the Lord Buddha the glorious pride of Nepal and Fountain of World Peace.


1, Asokan Pillars inscription situated at the Lumbini - Sacred Garden 2,Theme paper of the First World Buddhist Summit, held on Nov 30 toDec2,1998 3, Towards completing the Lumbini Master Plan , Lumbini Development Trust,

2004(no page number)4, Bhuwan Lal Pardhan, Lumbini- Kapilwastu-Dewadaha,CNAS T.U.,1979, pp 16-185, Dr. Young Hoon Kwaak, Report for the Vision and Scoping Mission,Lumbini The

Fountain of World Peace, 19996,Lumbini The birthplace of Buddha, United Nations, Newyork- 1983,(no page no)7, Help to Develop Lumbini(all profiles), Lumbini Development Trust, 2003,(all page)8,f.n.No1, Asokan Pillar.....9, Archaelogical Research at Maya Devi Temple, Lumbini, Japan Buddhist Federation,



Page 5: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

10, The Lumbini Master Plan(A compilation of twenty construction components), Lumbini Development Trust, 2004, P. 2

11, Restoration of Mayadevi Temple at Lumbini,Nepal, Institute of Engineering Consultancy Services,200312, s.n.10, The Lumbini Master Plan........13, Brief Note of Lumbini, Lumbini Development Trust, 14, Introducing Lumbini The Fountain of World Peace, Lumbini Development Trust,2004, pp, 11to13.

[email protected]

ko{6gdf n'lDagL If]q


Page 6: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

—p4j k'/L

kqsf/ Pj+ pkk|fWofkskl/ro (Introduction)

g]kfnsf] slknj:t'sf] uf}6Lxjf, lglUnxjf / ?kGb]xLsf] n'lDagL tLg dfgja'4x? qms'R5Gb, sgsd'gL / l;4fy{uf}tdsf] hGd:ynx? x'g\ . To;dWo] kl5Nnf uf}td a'4sf] ;Gb]zn] dfgjlxt, sNof0f / zflGt ljZje/ km}nfpg ;kmn eof] . pgsf] bz{g clxn] klg TolQs} ;fGble{s 5 hlt klxn] lyof] . ljz]ifu/L l;4fy{ uf}tda'4sf] kljq hGd:yn n'lDagL / pgL;+u ;DalGwt slkna:t', ?kGb]xL / gjnk/f;L If]qsf ljleGg :ynx?n] O;fk"j{ ;ftf}+ ztfAbL b]lv ;g\ !#!@ ;Ddsf k|frLg / dWosfnLg k'/ftflTjs kl/ro af]s]sf 5g\ . o; ;Gbe{df uf}tda'4sf] hGd:yn n'lDagL If]q cfkm}+df cg';Gwfg / vf]hsf] nflu cWoog s]Gb|, ljZje/sf af}4 wdf{nDaLx?sf] clt kljq tLy{:ynsf ;fy} ;f+:s[lts ko{6gsf nflu klg dxTjk"0f{ 5 .

;g\ !*(^ l8;]Da/ ! df h= v8\u zdz]/ /f0ff / lj|l6«; Ol08ofsf k'/ftTjljb\ 8f=Pnf]O;\ P06f]gL km'xf//n] g]kfnsf] n'lDagL uf}tda'4sf] kljq hGd:yn xf] eGg] cflwsfl/stf lbnfP . To;kl5 ;g\ !(&* df n'lDagL ljsf;sf] u'? of]hgfsf] lgdf{0f / sfo{fGjogdf ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ;d]t ljz]if ;xof]u k|fKt e} n'lDagL cGt//fli6«o rf;f] / dxTjsf] If]q aGof] .

ko{6sLo b[li6«sf]0fn] g]kfn laZjd} ;af{lws dxTj /fVg] b]zx?dWo]df kb{5 . laz]ifu/L g]kfndf /x]sf ct'ngLo k|s[lts / ;f+:s[lts ;Dkbfx?n] ko{6sx?nfO{ ;w} cfs{lift kfg]{ u/]sf5g\ . t/ laut s]xL aif{ b]lv g]kfndf rNb} cfPsf] hgo'4sf sf/0f ko{6sLo ultlalwdf gs/fTds k|efj k/] klg xfn}sf lbgx?df ePsf] /fhg}lts kl/jt{g kl5 ko{6s cfudgdf pT;fxhgs a[l4 x'g yfln;s]sf] 5 . o; ;Gb{edf yk ko{6sLo cfsif{0fsf nflu gofF ;f]r larf/sf ;fy laleGg gofF pkfox? ;dodf g} canDag ug{ To:tf ko{6sLo a:t'x?sf] Jofks k|rf/ k|;f/ x'g' h?/L 5 . d'Vo?kdf g]kfndf /x]sf k|fs[lts tyf ;fF:s[lts ;Dkbfx?sf] klxrfg / vf]hL tyf ltgsf] plrt k|rf/ k|;f/ ePdf laZje/sf ko{6sx?nfO{ g]kfn k|lt ;w} nfnflot u/fpg ;lsG5 . h;af6 g]kfnsf] cfGtl/s / afx\o


Page 7: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

ko{6gnfO{ a[l4 u/fO{ To;af6 ;DalGwt ko{6g Joa;foL / /fHon] ;d]t k|r'/ kmfObf p7fpg ;Sb5 . n'lDagLIf]q g]kfnsf] cfGtl/s / afXo ko{6gsf] To:t} ko{6sLo a:t' xf] . t/ o;sfnflu g]kfnsf] k|rlnt k;Dk/fut k|rf/ k|;f/sf] z}nLnfO{ eg] ko{6gsf] ;}4flGts cfwf/df kl/jt{g u/L cGt{/fli6«o jf pRr lalw jf gofF ;f]r, larf/ / cawf/0ffsf] k|of]u x'g' lgtfGt cfaZjs e} ;s]sf]5 .

ko{6sLo b[li6sf]0fdf n'lDagL If]qsf] e|d0f xfnsf lbgx?df klg Kofs]hdf tLg lbg b]lv kfFr lbg;Ddsf nflu ;lhn} to ug{ ;lsG5 . x'gt g]kfn ;/sf/, n'lDagL lasf; sf]if / :yfgLo ;/sf/ tyf :yfgLo :t/sf ko{6g Joa;foLx?n] o;sf]] plrt Joa:yfkgnfO{ Wofg lbPsf] kfOb}g . t/ klg n'lDagL u'?of]hgfsf] sfo{s|dn] n'lDagLnfO{ s]Gb|dfgL uf}tda'4 nufot cGo a'4x? / pgLx?;+u ;DalGwt If]qx?df ko{6sLo ultlalw u/fpg ;lsg] cjwf/0ff eg] agfPsf] 5 . clxn]t n'lDagL If]q ;f+:s[lts ko{6gsf nfludfq geP/ k|fs[lts ko{6gsf gLnufO{, ;f/; nufotsf s'/fx?df klg w]/} dxTj af]Sg yfln;s]sf] 5 . oxfF n'lDagL If]qsf] s]xL d'Vo ko{6sLo dxTj / ltgsf af/]df ;fdfGo rrf{ ul/b}5 .

:yfg (Location)

g]kfnsf] klZrd If]qsf] r'/Lof kj{tsf] km]bL xfnsf] ?kGb]xL lhNnf ef/tLo ;Ldf ss/xjf;+u} n'lDagL cal:yt 5 . t/fO{ ePsfn] oxf udL{ x'G5 . oxf g]kfnsf] h'g;'s} efuaf6 klg hfg ;lsG5 . laz]if u/L sf7df08f}+af6 a; / xafOhxfhaf6 n'lDagL k'Ug ;lsG5 . /fhwfgL sf7df08f}af6 s/La #)) ls=ld= b'/Ldf /x]sf] n'lDagL k'Ug a;af6 em08} cf7 b]lv bz 306f / xafOhxfhaf6 n'lDagL glhssf] e}/xjf ladfg :yn k'Ug $% ldg]6 hlt nfUb5 . e}/xjfaf6 sl/a @) lsnf]ld6/ df]6/ af6f] eP/ n'lDagL hfg ;lsG5 .

Oltxf; (History)

O{=k"= ^@# df l;4fy{ uf}tdsf] hGd n'lDagLdf ePsf] lyof] . l;4fy{ uf}td slkna:t'sf /fhf z'4f]wg / /fgL dfofb]aLsf klxnf] ;Gtfg x'g\ . dfofb]aLnfO{ cfkm\gf] dfOtL b]abx hfgnfUbf af6f]df kg]{ n'lDagLdf k'Ubf k|;j a]bgf eof] . ;fn jf czf]s a[I / laleGg /+uL


Page 8: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

r+uL km"nx?sf] 3gf h+unsf]] dfu{df a}zfv k"0fL{dfsf lbg hGd]sf /fhs'df/ l;4fy{n] #% aif{sf] pd]/df a'4Tj k|fKt u/]kl5 zflGtsf b"t Pjd\ eujfg uf}td a'4sf gfdn] ljZje/ km}lnP / uf}td a'4sf] hGd:ynsf sf/0f n'lDagLsf] dxTj a9\g uof] . af}4 wdf{anDaLx?sf nflu rf/ dWo] Ps clt dxTjk"0f{ klaq tLy{ :ynsf ?kdf o;sf] u0fgf ePsf] 5 . oxf a'4 hGdbfsf kf]v/L / a'4 hGd :df/ssf] ;+/If0f eof] . laleGg r}To / laxf/x? ag] . df}o{ ;d|f6 czf]s cfkm\gf u'? pku'Kt;+u O{=k"= @$( df n'lDagL cfP / uf}tda'4sf] hGd:yndf lxba'w]hft] ;Sod'gLlt egL pNn]v ePsf] czf]s:tDe :yfkgf u/] .

;g\ $)# df k|Voft lrgLof ofqL kmf—lxofg n'lDagL k'u]sf] s'/f pgsf] ofqf a[tfGtdf pNn]v 5 . To; ;dodf pgn] TofFxf a'4 hGdbf dfofb]aLn] ;dft]sf] a[If, a'4nfO{ :gfg u/fOPsf] klaq kf]v/L nufotsf laifodf pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . To:t} ;g\ ^#^ df csf{ lrgLof ofqL x'og ;fªn]] klg t]nf/ gbL, n'lDagL, czf]s:tDe nufotsf af/]df pNn]v u/]sf 5g\ . ;g\ !#!@ df klZrd g]kfnsf /fhf l/k" dNn TofxfF k'u]sf] s'/f pgn] czf]s :tDesf] dflyNnf] efudf lnvf]6 agfO lbPsf]af6 k|i6 x'G5 . To;kl5 k|frLg wfld{s, ;fF:s[lts / k|fs[lts ;Dkbfn] ;DkGg n'lDagL pGgfO;f} ztfJbLsf] cGTo lt/;Dd x/fO g} /Xof] .

;g\ !*(^ df lal6«z Ol08ofsf sfo{/t k'/ftTjlab\ 8f=cnf]O;\ km'x//n] tTsfnLg kfNkfsf a8fxflsd v8\u zdz]/sf] ;xof]udf k8]l/of ufpFl:yt n'lDagL h+unsf] leq v8f/x]sf] pSt 9'Ëf czf]s :tDe xf] egL k|dfl0ft u/] kl5 uf}td a'4sf] klaq hGd:yn n'lDagL g]kfnsf] ?kGb]xL lhNnfdf kb{5 eGg] s'/f laZjJofkL km}lnof] . To;kl5 n'lDagL laZj ;Dkbfs} Ps lx:;fsf] ?kdf dxTjk"0f{ tLy{:ynsf] ?kdf laZjkl/lrt x'g yfNof] .

;g\ !(^& df ;+o'St /fi6« dxf;+3sf tTsfnLg dxf;lra p yfGt\ n'lDaglsf] e|d0fdf cfP / g]kfnsf tTsfnLg /fhf dx]Gb|;+u ePsf] ;xdlt / ;xof]usf] aftfj/0fn] n'lDagLn] gofF hLjgk|fKt u¥of] . h;fg';f/ ;g\ !(&) df n'lDagLsf nflu cGt/f{i6«o ;xof]u ;ldlt aGof] . hfkfgsf af:t'lab\ :j=k|f]= s]Ghf] 6fFu]n] tof/ kf/]sf] xfnsf] :j?ksf] n'lDagLsf] u'?of]hgf ;g\ !(&* df :jLs[t e} sfo{Gjog x'g yfNof] h'g clxn];Dd klg k"0f{ x'g ;ls/x]sf] 5}g . n'lDagL ;g\ !((& b]lv laZj ;Dkbf ;"rLdf k/]sf] 5 .


Page 9: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

u'?of]hgf (Master Plan)

n'lDagL lasf;sf] u'?of]hgf -Master Plan_ cg';f/ o;nfO{ tLg If]qdf laefhg ul/Psf] 5 . u'?of]hgf tLg au{dfOn jf !!%% ljufx-&&)x]S6/_ e"efudf km}lnPsf] 5 .

-s_ klaq pBfg If]q (Sacred Garden Zone)

uf}td a'4sf] hGd:yn If]qnfO{ klaq pBfg If]q elgPsf] 5 . u'?of]hgfsf] blIf0f efudf /x]sf] o; If]q ()) ld6/ Jof; cfsf/df km}lnPsf] 5 . u'?of]hgfsf] Project Component cg';f/ @=* ls=ld= sf] Circular Levee leqsf] kf]v/L kl5sf] If]q k'/ftlTjs :yn x'g\ . o; If]q leq a'4sf] hGd:df/s lznf (Marker Stone), dfofb]jL dlGb/ klaq s'08, czf]s :tDe / n'lDagL ufpF /x]sf] 5 . Toxf pTvgg x'g afFsL y'k|]} 7fpFx? 5g\ . klaq pBfg If]qsf d'Vo d'Vo ko{6sLo dxTj ;d]tsf wfld{s :ynx? lgDgfg';f/ 5g\ —

dfofb]aL dlGb/ (Maya Devi Temple)

dfofFb]aLsf] d"lt{ (Nativity Sculpture) nfO{ dfofb]aL dlGb/ leq /flvPsf] 5 . dfofb]aLsf] d"lt{sf sf/0f To;nfO{ dfofFb]aL dlGb/ elgPsf] xf] . k'/ftTjlab\ kL=;L= d'vhL{n] ;g\ !*(( df u/]sf] pTvgg\af6 xfnsf] dfofb]aLsf] d"lt{ k|dfl0ft ul/Psf] xf] . o; clw To; d"lt{nfO{ agb]aL,?kfb]aL, ?kGb]aL nufotsf laleGg gfdn] k"hfug]{ rng lyof] eg] uf}tda'4 hGd k|s[ofsf af/]df lrqf+lst ul/Psf] k|dfl0ft ul/Pkl5 ToxfF k|rlnt anL k|yfnfO{ /f]lsPsf] lyof] . dfofb]aLsf] d"lt{ rf}yf] ;tfJbL lt/ lgdf0f{ ul/Psf] dflgG5 . h;df uf}tda'4nfO{ hGd lbbf dfofb]aLn] ?vsf] xfFuf ;dft]sf], ;fydf uf}tda'4sL ;fgLcfdf uf}tdL k|hfkltn] k|;jsfndf lbbLnfO{ ;xof]u ub}{ u/]sf] / l;4fy{ uf}td hGdgf;fy lx8\g yfn]sf] lrqf+lst ul/Psf] 5 . dfofb]aL d"lt{sf] xfnsf] hL0f{ ca:yf x'g'df tLg sf/0fx? x'g ;Sb5g\— !, d';ndfgx?sf] cfs|d0fsf] a]nf tfl;lbPsf], @, dWosfndf w]/} k6s 7"nf 7"nf e'sDkx? uPsfn] To:tf] ePsf] klg x'g ;S5, #, sof}+ ;o aif{ laTbf sfns|ddf To:tf] ePsf] klg x'g ;S5


Page 10: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

hg/n v8\u zdDz]/ / To;kl5 s]z/ zDz]/n] ;+/If0f / pTvgg\sf] sfo{x? u/] . k6s k6s ul/Psf To:tf sfo{x? a}1flgs Pj+ k'/ftTjsf] lalw cg';f/ gePsfn] sltko s'/fx? ;xL klxrfg / ;+/If0f x'g g;s]sf] klg b]lvG5 . s]xL aif{ cufl8sf] dfofb]aL d+lGb/sf] :j?k jf cfsf/ s]z/ zDz]/n] ;g\ !(#@ b]lv !(#( sf] ;dodf lgdf0f{ u/fPsf x'g\ . dlGb/ slt k'/fgf] xf] eGg] k|dfl0ft geP klg s]z/ zdz]/n] k'/fg} hu dfly O{6f yk]sf]n] / Toxf t];|f] b]lv ;ftf}+ ;tfJbL;Ddsf] O{6f e]l6Psfn] dlGb/ klg k'/fg} dfGg'kb{5 . k|frLg eUgfjz]ifx? ;+/If0fsf]nflu agfOPsf] xfnsf] dlGb/ @%$& cf}+ a'4hoGtL Pjd\ n'lDagL lbj; @)^) a}zfv k"l0f{dfsf lbg lgdf0f{ k"/f e} ;j{;fwf/0fsf nflu v'nf ul/Psf] xf] . of] dlGb/ g]kfn ;/sf/sf]dfq sl/j ;ft s/f]8 nufgLdf ag]sf] xf] eg] To;sf] l8hfOg klg g]kfnL af:t'lab\x?af6} ePsf] xf] . o;sf] nDafO{ @&=!) dL= / @# dL= rf}8fO{df km}lnPsf] 5 . of] dlGb/ :t'k lagf (=!) dL= cUnf] 5 eg] :t'k ;lxt !# dL= cUnf] 5 .

hGd:df/s lznf (Marker Stone)

uf}td a'4n] klxnf] kfOnf sxfF 6]s] eGg] laifodf laleGg dtdtfGt/ b]vfP klg xfn dfofFb]aL dlGb/ leq hd{gaf6 lemsfOPsf] a'n]6 k|'km lzzfn] ;'/lIft /flvPsf] &)×$)×!) ;L=Pd\= sf] k|rLg 9'ËfnfO{ dflgPsf] 5 . ;g\ !((@ b]lv !((^ ;Dd ePsf dfofb]aL dlGb/sf] pTvgg\ sfo{sf] s|ddf klxrfg ul/Psf] pSt hGd:df/s lznf /x]sf] :yfgdf g} a'4 hGd]sf] :jb]zL tyf lab]zL k'/ftTj lab\x?sf] ;xdlt ePkl5 g]kfn ;/sf/n] To;sf]] 3f]if0ff u/]sf] xf] .

k'is/0fL jf klaq kf]v/L (Sacred Pond)

klaq kf]v/Ldf dfofb]aLn] uf}tda'4nfO{ hGd lbg' cl3 cfkm"n] :gfg u/]sf] / l;bfy{ uf}td hGd] kl5 klxnf] :gfg u/fOPsf] lyof] eGg] pNn]v 5 . of] dfofFb]aL dlGb/ / czf]s:tDesf] blIf0f tkm{ /x]sf] 5 . h;sf] kfgL Hofb} klaq hnsf] ?kdf dflgPsf] 5 . la=;+= @)^) ;fndf hfkfgaf6 /]o'sfOsf cGt/f{li6«o cWoIf n'lDagL e|d0fdf cfpbf pgLx?n] @# aif{ b]lv lg;Gtfg /x]sf Ps hfkflgh bDklQn] k':sl/gLsf] hn ;]jg u/]kl5 ;Gtfgsf] d'v b]Vg kfPsf] / ;f] s'/f hfkfgsf kqklqsfx?df rrf{sf] laifo ePsfn] pgLx?n] klg Tofxfsf] hnnfg dfu]sf lyP .


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czf]s:tDe (Asokan Pillar)

O{=k"= @$( df cfkm\gf] /fHofleif]ssf] @) cf}+ aif{df czf]s n'lDagL cfPsf lyP . pgn] n'lDagL / slkna:t'df tLg lznf:tDex? klg /fv]sf lyP . n'lDagLsf] czf]]s:tDe klg pgn] g} :yfkgf u/]sf x'g\ . pgL cfkm\gf] hLjgsf] kl5Nnf] ;dodf a'4sf cg'ofoL ePsfn] a'4wd{ km}nfpg] sfd klg u/]sf lyP . t/ sfnv08df pSt :tDe klg df6f]n] 5f]lkPsf] ca:yfdf lyof] . h;nfO{ k8]l/ofdf cfOk'u]sf km'x//n] lrg] . pg}n] :tDesf] a||DXL lnlkdf n]lvPsf] kfnL efiffnfO{ cg'jfb u/L k|rf/ k|;f/df NofP kl5 g} n'lDagLsf] Plsg ePsf] xf] . g]kfndf n'lDagL ePsf] dfGg grfxg]x?nfO{ n'lDagLdf ePsf] pTvgg\n] czf]s:tDesf] k|frLg hu km]nfkf/L ToxL k|lt:yflkt u/]kl5 bfaLsf s'g} cf}lrTo ePg . czf]s:tDedf o;f] n]lvPsf] 5— b]jtfx?sf lk|o lk|obzL{ -czf]s_ /fhf /fHoleif]ssf] @) jL jif{df cfkm} cfP . oxfF a'4 zfSod'lgsf] hGd ePsf]n] 9'Fufsf] Pp6f k|frL/ agfpg nufP / Pp6f lznf:tDe :yfkgf agfP . oxfF eujfgsf] hGd ePsf]n] n'+ldlg u|fd anL d'Qm ul/of] / ci6efuLo klg .

;g\ !*(# df d]h/ h;s0f{l;+xn] czf]s:tDe lrg] kl5 ;g\ !*(^ df kfNkfsf a8fxflsd v8\u zDz]/sf] ;xof]udf 8f= Pnf]O; P06f]g km"x//n] To;nfO{ k|dfl0ft u/] . To;kl5 ;tflJbof} b]lv x/fO/x]sf] n'lDagLsf]] klxrfg eof] / ljZj;fd" of] kl/lrt x'gkfof] . pTvgg\ kl5 czf]s:tDenfO{ oyf:yfgdf g} ;'/lIft /flvPsf] 5 eg] lrlgof ofqL x'ofg;fËn] ;ftf}+ ;tfJbLdf g} pNn]v u/] cg';f/ s'g} ;dodf r6\ofËaf6 s]xL efu rls{g uPsf]n] xfn T;nfO{ :6Ln k]6Ln] awL /flvPsf] 5 .

klaq pBfg If]qdf xfn pTvgg\ e} ;s]sf k|df0fx?sf] cfwf/df ToxfF df}o{, z'u+, s'zfg / u'Ktsfnsf] lgdf0f{a:t'x? e]l6Psf 5g\ . dfofb]aL d+lGb/ kl/;/df laleGg sfndf lgdf0f{ ePsf r}To, laxf/, Ogf/ nufotsf eUgfaZf]ifx? klg b]Vg ;lsG5 . of] If]qdf k'/fgf] ufpF klg /x]sf]n] dfofb]aL d+lGb/sf] blIf0f / k"a{ klZrddf klg pTvgg\ ug{ ;s] c? yk gofF s'/fx? klg kfpg ;lsG5 .

n'lDagLsf] klxrfgsf] a]nf b]lv xfn;Dd hfkg, ef/t, g]kfn nufotsf b]zx?sf laleGg ;+3 ;:yfx? / k'/ftTjljb\x?n] a]nfa]nfdf pTvgg\


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ul//x]sf 5g\ . g]kfnLsf] uf}/j dflgg] n'lDagLdf Joal:yt / lg:jfy{ pTvgg\ sfo{ ce}m ug{ afFsL 5 .

-v_ laxf/ If]q (Monastic Zone)

klaq pBfg If]qsf] pQ/ tkm{ Ps lsnf]ld6/ If]qdf km}lnPsf] laxf/ If]q n'lDagLdf cGt/fli6«o ;Dks{ / ;dGjosf] cfwf/ xf] . o; If]qnfO{ k"a{ / klZrd u/L b'O{ If]qdf laefhg ul/Psf] 5 . k"j{ efudf y]/afb laxf/ lgdf0f{sf] nflu !# j6f rSnfx? 5'6\ofOPsf] 5 . h;dWo] cf7 rSnfx? laleGg b]zx?nfO{ lat/0f e};s]sf] 5 . klZrd efudf dxfofg af}4 laxf/ lgdf0f{sf] nflu @( j6f rSnfx?sf] Joa:yf ul/Psf] 5 . tL dWo] @) rSnfx? lat/0f e} ;s]sf 5g\ . o:tf rSnfx? af}4 wd{ canDag ug]{ b]z / ;+3 ;+:yfx?sf] ;s[otfdf laxf/ jf u'Dafx? lgdf0f{ ePsf 5g\ eg] s]xL lgdf{0fsf] s|ddf 5g\ . rLg, Dofgdf/, >Ln+sf, yfONof08, e'6fg / d+uf]lnofn] ;/sf/L :t/af6} laxf/ lgdf0f{sf] nflu ;Demf}tf u/]sf 5g\ . oxf k"j{tkm{ g]kfn ljk:;gf s]Gb| / klZrd tkm{ Dofgdf/sf] kl08tf/fdfsf] Wofg s]Gb| klg ;+rfng x'b} cfPsf 5g\ .

o; If]qsf] pQ/L efudf ;f+:s[lts s]Gb|sf] :yfg tf]lsPsf] 5 . xfn ToxFf ;+u|xfno, n'lDagL cGt/f{li6«o cg';Gwfg s]Gb|, la4fgx?sf] nflu cfaZos u[x, k':tsfno / cl86f]l/Pd nufotsf :yfgx? lgwf{/0f ul/Psf] 5 .

sltko u'Dafx? n'lDagL lasf;sf] u'?of]hgfn] lgb]{zg u/] cg';f/ ag]sf 5}gg\ eg] leIf"x?sf] k|of]hgfy{dfq lgdf0f{ x'g'kg]{ cfjf;u[x xf]6]n em} lgdf0f{ e} Joa;foL ?kdf ;+rfng e} /x]sf 5g\ . a'4sf] af:tlas lzIff cWoog tyf k|rf/ / pgsf] cg'ofoLx?sf] laz]if :ynsf] ?kdf Joa:yf ul/Psf] laxf/ If]qnfO{ lgoGq0f / Joal:yt ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/n] ;ls/x]sf] b]lvb}g .

-u_ gofF n'lDagL ufpF (New Lumbini Village)


Page 13: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

n'lDagL u'?of]hgfsf] pQ/ tkm{sf] clGtd Ps dfOn If]qnfO{ gofF n'lDagL ufpF elgG5 . n'lDagL If]qsf] Joa:yfkg nufot Toxf k'u]sf ko{6s jf tLy{ofqLx?sf] ;Dk"0f ;'lawf / To;sf] ;+rfngsf] ;Dk"0f{ sfo{x? o; If]qaf6 ul/g] p2]Zo u'?of]hgfdf pNn]v 5 . o;df u'?of]hgfn] lglb{i6 u/] cg';f/ tLy{ofqL cfjf; u[x, xfO{:s"n, k|zf;lgs s]Gb|, b"/ ;+rf/, ljB't s]Gb|, a}+s, x'nfs, k;n, /]i6'/]G6, kfls{Ë, k|x/L rf}sL nufotsf cfaZos laifox? ;dfa]z ul/Psf] eP klg To;/L Joal:yt ul/Psf] eg] 5}g . rfn" xfntsf] Ps cGt/fli6«o xf]6]n, laB'tsf] / b"/;+rf/sf] sfof{no, n'lDagL lasf; sf]ifsf sd{rf/Lx?sf] cfjf;u[x /x]sf5g\ . o;} If]qdf u'?of]hgfdf ;dfj]z gePsf] zflGt:t'kf hfkfgsf] g]kf]hg dfof]hL (Nipponzan Myohoji) n] lgdf0f{ u/]sf] 5 . To:t} u'?of]hgfdf gePsf] zflGt bLk laxf/If]qsf] blIf0f ;Ldfdf aflnPsf] 5 . s]xL If]q ;f/; ;+/If0fsf] nflu Joa:yfkg ul/Psf] 5 .

uf}tda4sf] hGd:yn n'lDagL Ps klaq / rlr{t tLy{:yn lgdf0f{df u'?of]hgfn] Hofb} dxTj /fVb5 . u'?of]hgfsf sf/0f Toxf lgdf0f{ ul/Psf] k|fs[lts aftfj/0fsf sf/0f kof{—ko{6gsf nflu klg cfsif{s s]Gb| aGg k'u]sf] 5 . Toxfsf] ag / ;Ld;f/ If]qdf b'n{j dflgPsf] ;f/; nufot @%) k|hfltsf r/fx? b]Vg ;lsG5 . s]xL h+unL hgfj/x?sf] cltl/St gLn ufO{ jf :yfgLo egfOdf 3f]8ubf klg b]Vg ;lsG5 . of] hgfj/ g]kfnsf] cGo If]qdf kfOb}g . s]xL aif{ cufl8 ToxLaf6 alb{ofdf :yfgfGt/ klg ul/Psf] lyof] .

slkna:t' (Kapilavastu) slkna:t' uf}tda'4;+u hf]l8Psf] gfd xf] . To; If]qdf a'4sf lktf ;'4f]wgsf] /fhwfgL ltnf}/fsf]6 b]lv lnP/ uf}td a'4;+u ;DalGwt laleGg :yfgx? /x]sf 5g\ eg] cGo k|rLg b'O{ a'4 ss'5Gb / sgsd'gL a'4 ;d]tsf] k|frLg Oltxf; /x]sf] 5 . n'lDagLaf6 sl/a @& lsnf]ld6/ pQ/ klZrddf /x]sf] slkna:t' slkn dxlif{sf] tkf]e"ld klg xf] . ;fdfGotof of] lhNnf v'nf k'/ftlTjs ;+u|xfno klg xf] . k|frLg gbL jf0fu+uf b]lv k"j{, sf]7L b]lv klZrd, ef/tLo ;Ldf b]lv pQ/ dx]Gb|/fhdfu{b]lv blIf0fsf] rf}lsNnf


Page 14: Lumbini and Its Master Plan

leqdfq !#* eGbf a9L :yfg a'4;+u ;DjlGwt P]ltxfl;s :ynx? /x]sf 5g\ . d'Vo?kdf wfld{s, Pltxfl;s Pj{ ko{6sLo b[li6sf]0fdf k|frLg ltnf}/fsf]6, s'bfg, ;u/xjf, c8f}/fsf]6, lglUnxjf, l;;xlgofsf]6, z/s"k nufot slkna:t' ;+u|xfno, tfn cflb dxTjsf :ynx? x'g\ .

/fdu|fd (Ramagrama)

g]kfn / ef/tdf u/L uf}tda'4sf] c:t'wft' ;lxtsf] cf7 j6f :t'kx? lgdf0f{ ePsf] s'/f laleGg wfld{s u|Gyx/df pNn]v ePsf] kfOG5 . To;dWo xfnsf]] gjnk/f;L lhNnfdf /x]sf] a'4sf] dfjfnL ufpF, sf]lno /fHosf] /fdu|fddf a'4sf] lgaf{0f kl5 of] :t'k ag]sf] xf] . df}o{ ;d|f6 czf]sn] cGo ;ft :t'kx?af6 c:t' wft' lems] . t/ /fdu|fd l:yt :t'k :yfgLo afl;Gbfsf] cg'/f]wdf vf]lnPg . a'4sf] af:tlas c:t'wft' /x]sf] / pTvgg\ gul/Psf] Psdfq df}lns :t'k oxL g} xf] . g]kfnsf] k'/ftTj laefun] s]xL aif{ cufl8 ;f] :t'ksf] ;+/If0f sfo{ u/]sf] lyof] .

b]jbx (Devadaha)

n'lDagLsf] sl/j #% lsnf]ld6/ pQ/ k"j{ tkm{ /x]sf] b]jbx sf7df08f}af6 @$% ls=ld= 6f9fF kb{5 . uf}tda'4sf] dfjnL / ;;'/fnL vns sf]nLo hfltsf] /fHo b]jbx g]kfnsf] gjnk/f;L lhNnfdf /x]sf] 5 . zfSox?sf] slkna:t' /fHo / sf]nLox?sf] b]jbx /fHosf] jLrdf /f]lx0fL gbL ax]sf] 5 . b]jbxsf] pTvgg\ sfo{ pko'St ?kdf xfn;Dd gePsf]n] o; If]qsf] cflwsfl/s 1fg xfl;n ug{ / b]jbxsf af/]df Plsg ug{ ;lsPsf] 5}g . t/ b]jbx If]q ToxL xf] eGg] laleGg cflwsfl/s k|df0fx? ePsfn] To;df eg]] s'g} laafb 5}g .

uf}tda'4sf] hGd, /fHo, dfjfnL, ;;'/fnL / pgn] a'4Tj k|fKt ul/;s]kl5 / lgjf{0f kl5 laz]if sf/0f ag]sf :yfgx? k|frLg Oltxf;, k'/ftTj / wfld{s b[li6sf]0fn] cGt/f{li6«o rf;f] / ;+/lIft If]q e} ko{6sLo dxTjdf klg lglb{i6 ugtJo:yn aGg k'u]sf] xf] . tL 7fpFx?df laljw ef}}uf]lns ca:yf, hfthflt / xfjfkfgL ePsfn] cfw'lgs ko{6g k|j4{gsf nflu klg Tolts} dxTj /fVb5g\ . d'Vo?kdf s]xL lbgsf] ;d"xut wfld{s jf ;f+:s[lts ko{6gsf] nflu oL If]qx?sf]


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Joa:yfkg x'g' cfjZjs e} ;]s]sf] 5 . h;af6 n'lDagL If]q cfGtl/s / afXo ko{6gsf] ;bfaxf/ ugtJo aGg] 5 .

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